Our French Cookery Book Bon Appétit Starters

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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Our French Cookery Book Bon appétit ! Starters


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Table of contents Salade de pâtes aux tomates cerises, basilic et parmesan ............... 7 Pasta salad with cherry tomatoes, basil and parmesan ........................................................... 7 Oeufs Mimosa ........................................................................................ 8 Mimosa eggs .......................................................................................................................... 8 Salade César au poulet ........................................................................ 9 Caesar salad with chicken ...................................................................................................... 9 Taboulé exotique ................................................................................ 10 Bulghour wheat exotic salad with ham and bananas............................................................ 10 Tarte à la courgette et au chèvre ..................................................... 11 Courgette and goat’s cheese pie ........................................................................................... 11 Salade de gésiers tiède ....................................................................... 12 Salad with reserved gizzards from the South West of France .............................................. 12 Salade Niçoise ..................................................................................... 13 Salad from Nice, on the Riviera ........................................................................................... 13 Salade chèvre chaud .......................................................................... 14 Toasted goat’s cheese salad with tomato .............................................................................. 14 L'oeuf en gelée ..................................................................................... 15 Jellied egg / Egg in aspic ...................................................................................................... 15 Quiche Lorraine ................................................................................. 16 The famous Quiche Lorraine (savoury tart) ......................................................................... 16 Bricks au chèvre .................................................................................. 17 Goat’s cheese fritters ............................................................................................................ 17 Velouté de brocolis.............................................................................. 18 Creamy broccoli soup........................................................................................................... 18 Verrine de concombre et de tomate .................................................. 19 Cucumber and tomato cocktail-glass appetizer .................................................................... 19 Velouté de légumes et champignons ................................................. 20 Creamy vegetable and mushroom soup ............................................................................... 20


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Demi-avocat crevette ......................................................................... 21 Avocado shrimp cocktail ...................................................................................................... 21 Soupe à l 'oignon ................................................................................ 22 Onion soup with melted cheese on toast .............................................................................. 22 Galette Bretonne ................................................................................. 23 Breton buckwheat pancake................................................................................................... 23 Soufflé au fromage ............................................................................. 24 Cheese soufflé ...................................................................................................................... 24 Salade jambon melon et feta ............................................................ 25 Summer salad with ham, melon and feta cheese .................................................................. 25 Tomates à la provençale .................................................................... 26 Tomatoes cooked à la provençale ......................................................................................... 26 Salade de lentilles au foie gras ........................................................ 27 Lentil salad with foie gras .................................................................................................... 27 Oeuf poché en salade ......................................................................... 28 Salad with poached egg ........................................................................................................ 28 Salade de crudités accompagné de son pain aux noix ................. 29 Walnut bread with its crudités .............................................................................................. 29 Salade de pâtes ................................................................................... 30 Pasta salad ............................................................................................................................ 30 Verrine de carottes et chèvre frais .................................................... 31 Carrot and soft goat’s cheese cocktail-glass appetizer ......................................................... 31 Carottes rapées .................................................................................... 32 Grated carrots with lemon .................................................................................................... 32 Blinis au saumon fumée sous sont lit de neige ............................... 33 Smoked salmon under a bed of snow on blinis .................................................................... 33 Salade de poulet, pamplemousse et avocat ...................................... 34 Salad with chicken, grapefruit and avocado ......................................................................... 34


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters Roulé frais, salade et jambon ........................................................... 35 Soft cheese, salad and ham roll ............................................................................................ 35 Salade de pâtes multicolore .............................................................. 36 Multicoloured pasta salad..................................................................................................... 36 Salade de foie gras ............................................................................. 37 Foie Gras salad ..................................................................................................................... 37 Salade d’été......................................................................................... 38 Summer salad ....................................................................................................................... 38 Céleri Rémoulade Fruité .................................................................... 39 Fruity remoulade celeriac ..................................................................................................... 39 Foie gras poêlé en salade ................................................................... 40 Cooked foie gras with salad ................................................................................................. 40 Salade de laitue et dés de lardons ................................................... 41 Salad with pieces of bacon ................................................................................................... 41 Salade composée ................................................................................. 42 Mixed salad .......................................................................................................................... 42 Salade de saumon au chèvre frais .................................................. 43 Salmon and young goat’s cheese salad ................................................................................ 43 Salade de chèvre chaud au miel ...................................................... 44 Toasted goat’s cheese salad with honey ............................................................................... 44 Acras de morue ................................................................................... 45 Spicy cod and potato dumplings .......................................................................................... 45 Carotte râpées avec sauce à l'orange ............................................... 46 Grated Carrots with orange sauce ........................................................................................ 46 Aumonière au saumon ...................................................................... 47 Salmon spinach and fennel in a filo pastry parcel ............................................................... 47 Terrine de pâté de volaille ................................................................ 48 Chicken pâté ......................................................................................................................... 48 Terrine de porc et foie ........................................................................ 49 Pork and liver pâté ................................................................................................................ 49


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters Tarte au Saumon et chèvre ............................................................... 50 Salmon and goat’s cheese quiche ......................................................................................... 50 Salade de betterave rouge râpée ...................................................... 51 Grated raw beetroot salad ..................................................................................................... 51 Salade aux sardines .......................................................................... 52 Sardines and salad ................................................................................................................ 52 Coquille Saint-Jacques à la bretonne .............................................. 53 Scallops in their shell with creamy sauce ............................................................................. 53 Salade de riz ....................................................................................... 54 Rice salad ............................................................................................................................. 54 Panier du potager .............................................................................. 55 Salad from the vegetable patch ............................................................................................ 55 Assiette des îles du sud ....................................................................... 56 Plate from the Southern islands ............................................................................................ 56 Avocat crevette et mayonnaise .......................................................... 57 Avocado & Shrimp cocktail with mayonnaise ..................................................................... 57 Salade de noix de St Jacques ............................................................ 58 Flambéed scallop salad ......................................................................................................... 58


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade de pâtes aux tomates cerises, basilic et parmesan Pasta salad with cherry tomatoes, basil and parmesan

Preparation time : 10 minutes Cooking time : 8 minutes Ingredients (for 6 people) :       

Pasta (twists for example, about 50 g per person) A punnet of cherry tomatoes Chopped fresh basil (a good bunch) or possibly frozen basil Olive oil A bowl of freshly grated Parmesan cheese (or more to taste) Salt and pepper 2 cloves of garlic

Preparation of the recipe: Cook pasta and drain and rinse under cold water to prevent sticking .Cut the cherry tomatoes in half. Mix in a bowl the cooled pasta, the cherry tomatoes, the basil and the parmesan.Season with olive oil, salt and pepper to taste and two crushed garlic cloves. Enjoy!

Gabriel Beauchamp


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Oeufs Mimosa Mimosa eggs

Ingredients (for 4 people):    

4 eggs 1 little bowl of mayonnaise Parsley or chives Lettuce for decoration

Preparation: Cook the eggs in boiling water till their hard-boiled (10 mn). Cool them in cold water. Prepare the mayonnaise yourself (1 egg yolk, mustard and oil) or use readymade. Shell the eggs, cut them lengthwise and separate whites from yolks. Crumble the egg yolks and mix them with the mayonnaise. Fill the half-egg whites with this mixture, decorate with sprigs of parsley or chopped-up chives. Put them on a plate decorated with lettuce. Enjoy!

Inès Boussemart and Lori Vischi


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade César au poulet Caesar salad with chicken

Ingredients:           

1 egg yolk 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 garlic clove 50 gr parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon of mustard 1 romaine lettuce 4 filet chicken 4 slice of bread 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons lime juice Salt and pepper

Preparation: Cook the chicken with just a bit of olive oil and slice up them. For the croutons: rub bread with the garlic clove and cook with just a bit of olive oil. For the sauce: mix the mustard, the egg yolk, the finely chopped garlic clove, the olive oil and salt pepper in a bowl. Add the lime juice and the Worcestershire sauce. Wash and dry the lettuce and put it in the salad bowl. Add the filet chicken to the lettuce and the sauce. Mix carefully. Add the croutons and dust with parmesan.Enjoy!

Emma Bucki


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Taboulé exotique Bulghour wheat exotic salad with ham and bananas

Ingrdients:         

200g couscous / boulghour 2 little bananas 2slice of ham 1 red onion 10cl olive oil 10cl water Parsley Salt & pepper The juice of 2 lemons

Preparation: Wash the couscous in water, put in a mixing bowl: Add lemons juice, water, olive oil, couscous, red onion, salt and pepper. Mix and put in the fridge for 2h. Cut the ham and bananas and add them to the mixing bowl. Mix well and eat cold. Enjoy!

Alexis Caristan


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Tarte à la courgette et au chèvre Courgette and goat’s cheese pie

Preperation time: 20 min Cooking time: 30-40 min Ingrédients (for 4 people):     

5 normal courgettes / zucchini 1 roll/stick of goat's cheese 50cl cream fresh 3 eggs 1 circle of rolled-out puff pastry

Preparation: Peel the courgette and cut them into 1,5 cm squares. Brown in a greased frying pan. Preheat your oven at 200°(thermostat 6-7). Line the baking tin with the rolled-out pastry and place the squares of courgette tidily on top. Cut the cheese into 1/2 cm thin slices and put them over the courgettes. Mix the cream with the egg with a whisk. Cover the pie with that preparation. Put in the oven and cook for 30-40 min. Let it cool slightly before eating. Enjoy!

Loïc Castillon


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade de gésiers tiède Salad with reserved gizzards from the South West of France

Ingredients (for 2 people):      

150g gizzards preserved in duck fat 4 potatoes 1 onion 1 shallot 1 salad (lettuce, iceberg, escarole, romaine/cos, rocket, mesclun…) Croutons (dices of bread fried in butter or oil with or without herbs and garlic)

Preparation Peel the potatoes, boil them until cooked but still firm. During this time , thinly chop the onion and shallot ,then fry them in a pan until soft. Cut the potatoes into thin slices. Brown them in the pan with the onion and shallot. Cut the gizzards into mouth-size pieces if necessary, add them to the pan and heat them gently. Place salad in each bowl, add the potato, onion, shallot and gizzards , then add croutons. Season to taste and serve with a touch of salad dressing (preferably olive oil and balsamic vinagar). Enjoy!

Margo Cordier


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade Niçoise Salad from Nice, on the Riviera

Ingredients (for 4 people):            

4 tomatoes 4 eggs 2 small onion 1 small sweet ball pepper 200 gr tuna 4 anchovy fillets some black olive some basil leaves 8 to 10 radishes red wine vinegar olive oil salt and pepper

Preparation: Cook eggs (boil for six to eight minutes). Chop the onions and put them at the bottom of the salad dish. Add the finely sliced green pepper and the radish cut in slices. Drain the tuna and crumble it. Mix everything together. Dice the tomatoes, cut the eggs in four and put them on the top, add the anchovy fillets, the black olives and the basil leaves. Then season with salt and pepper, olive oil and the red wine vinegar to taste. Enjoy!

Anthony Dedieu


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade chèvre chaud Toasted goat’s cheese salad with tomato

Ingredients (for 2 people):         

4 slices of bread 2 pélardons (AOC goat’s cheese) 100 g plain bacon 1 salad (lettuce, iceberg, romaine/cos according to taste) 2 tomatoes 1 red bell pepper 1 clove of garlic Olive oil Basil

Preparation: Rub the four slices of bread with the garlic clove. Cut the Pélardons in half (through the middle, keeping a circular shape to each slice). Put a half pélardon on each slice of bread. Put them on the baking tray with baking paper and sprinkle with olive oil and basil. Cook for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, wash the lettuce and place two or three leaves on each plate. Wash the tomatoes , cut them in half and cut each half into thin slices. Place on the salad. Cook bacon to your liking without adding fat. Scatter over the salad. Cut the bell pepper into eight strips and cook in olive oil over very low heat until the pepper is tender . Place four strips of pepper on each plate. Make salad dressing (the one you prefer, there are many recipes but olive oil and balsamic vinegar would be nice) and place the warm goat’s cheese toast on the salad. Sprinkle with chopped basil. Enjoy!

Jade Descamps and Antoine Pagès


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

L'oeuf en gelée Jellied egg / Egg in aspic

Ingredients (for 4 people):    

4 eggs A packet of instant powdered jelly/aspic 2 thick slices of ham ½ red or green bell pepper (or both)

Preparation: Cook 4 boiled eggs (10 mn) and peel them gently. Prepare jelly with 1 packet of instant powdered jelly/aspic and 5 ml water. Pour a thin layer of jelly into ramekins and place the diced peppers on top. Put in the refrigerator to set. Later, cut the ham in 4 pieces and garnish the ramekins with 2 pieces in each one. Add 1 hard boiled egg in each, then gently pour the rest of the jelly after liquefying it on low heat. Finally, put the ramekins to set for two hours in the refrigerator. Finally, turn the ramekins out onto a dish and serve chilled with salad. Enjoy!

Antoine Druot


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Quiche Lorraine The famous Quiche Lorraine (savoury tart)

Ingredients:     

A little milk 3 ggs 3 heaped tablespoons crème fraîche (double cream) 100g bacon bits (or more, if you wish) 1 circle of shortcrust or puff pastry

Preparation: Preheat the oven on 210°C (th.7). Break the eggs in the bowl, beat lightly and add the crème fraîche, a little milk and the bacon bits. (If you prefer, you can brown the bacon bits beforehand and put them on the pastry first with a little grated cheese). Spread the pastry in a pie dish and cover with the mixture then put in the oven for 30 minutes. Serve with a nice salad. Enjoy!

Carla Djellouli and Célina Gervais


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Bricks au chèvre Goat’s cheese fritters

Ingredients:(for 4 fritters)    

4 rolls of goat’s cheese 4 pinches of herbe de provence (thyme, rosemary, oregano and savory) 4 sheets of filo pastry Olive oil

Preparation: Remove some of the cheese crust and cut each roll into 3 equal, not too thick slices (5 mm). Fold filo sheets in two to mark the middle then fold each side into three to form a nice triangle!. Reopen the pastry sheet (six triangles formed) and put 3 cheese slices in three adjacent triangles. Sprinkle a pinch of allspice or herbs on each triangle. Fold the pastry sheet in half and reshape the triangle so that each slice is sandwiched. Fold the edge of the third side of the triangle (rounded) so that the cheese does not run during cooking. In a skillet, heat the olive oil. When really hot, cook the fritters on high heat for one minute on each side (enough for the fritter to be cooked throughout and golden brown and crispy). Drain on kitchen paper and serve with salad. Enjoy!

Alice Dumons


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Velouté de brocolis Creamy broccoli soup

Cooking time:

20 mn

Ingredients:       

1 nice broccoli crown 1 leek 2 potatoes 1 glass of milk 2 tablespoons of double cream 30 g cheddar or parmesan cheese Salt and pepper

Preparation: Cut the vegetables in chunks and put them in a pan of boiling water with 2 teaspoons of salt and 1 of pepper. When the vegetables are cooked, take them out, put in a large bowl, add the milk, the double cream and stir well. Mix it all finely with a blender and serve with shavings of cheddar or parmesan cheese. Enjoy!

Yanis Fedou


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Verrine de concombre et de tomate Cucumber and tomato cocktail-glass appetizer

Ingredients (for 5 people) :      

250 g smoked salmon 1 cucumber 1 tomato or a few cherry tomatoes 50 cl single cream (liquid) Some chives Fleur de sel (top quality salt)

Preparation: Dice the cucumbers and tomatoes thinly and reserve. Cut the slices of salmon in very small, fine strips (about 2cm x 2cm).Salt the tomatoes very slightly with the fleur de sel.With an electric mixer, whip the cream up. When it is very firm, add the chives to it and mix delicately.Present in shot-glasses by placing in each glass some dices of cucumber at the bottom, then the small strips of salmon and a little tomato on top.Add the whipped cream in sufficient amount. Finally add the last dices of cucumber and tomato on top to decorate.Put in the refrigerator for 10 - 15 min. Serve well-chilled. These can also be used for cocktail parties. Enjoy!

Vincent Fernandez


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Velouté de légumes et champignons Creamy vegetable and mushroom soup

Ingredients :        

2 large potatoes 1 big onion 5 small leeks or 2 to 3 large ones 250 gr mushroom 25 cl cream Salt Pepper Herbs, if you wish (chives, parsley…)

Preparation: Peel the potatoes and onion, chop them into small pieces. Wash the leeks carefully and chop into roughly 4 cm pieces. Prepare the mushrooms (cut the bottom of the stem off and wipe them carefully or rinse them quickly in water). Put all the ingredients in a pressure cooker, cover with water (1 cm above the vegetables), salt and pepper to taste before closing the cooker. Cook for 20 mn, open the cooker and mix with a electric blender. When nice and smooth, add the cream, sprinkle herbs if you wish (chives, parsley) and serve immediately. Enjoy!

Roxane Gomez


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Demi-avocat crevette Avocado shrimp cocktail

Ingredients: (for 4 people)      

2 avocados 2 hard-boiled eggs 8 big shrimps 30cl of mayonnaise Salt and pepper Chives or parsley to taste

Preparation: Cut the avocado in half, lengthwise, and take out the stone. Cut the hard-boiled eggs in half, put the egg yolk aside. Chop the egg whites up finely and mix with 4 table spoons of mayonnaise. Put 1 tablespoon of this mixture in each half avocado. Place the shrimps in the mayonnaise mix and sprinkle the crushed egg yolk and herbs over the top. Serve cold. Enjoy!

(NB: you’ll find a similar yet different recipe p 50) Léna Gueu


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Soupe à l 'oignon Onion soup with melted cheese on toast

Cooking time:

1 hour

Ingredients:         

500 g onions Pepper grated 1/4 chicken stock or veal 1 liter water Grated Cheese (gruyère) 30g flour Dry bread, 1 slice per person Butter Salt

To make this recipe for onion soup “au gratin”, first prepare all the ingredients. In a Dutch oven or cast iron cocotte, melt the butter. Add the chopped onion. Sweat until lightly browned. Add the flour and stir with a wooden spatula or rubber spatula. Moisten with water. Bring to a simmer and cook for fifteen minutes. Keep the soup hot. Take the bread and cover it with grated gruyere cheese then put it under the gril for a few minutes for the cheese to melt and brown. Pour the onion mixture into individual soup bowls, put the bread and cheese on top and serve hot. Enjoy!

Lise Lafon


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Galette Bretonne Breton buckwheat pancake

Ingredients: For 30 galettes / pancakes  500 g of buckwheat flour  150 g of wheat flour  1 egg  2 tablespoons oil  2 teaspoons of salt  Water 1.5 liter

For the filling(for 6 pancakes):  3 slices of ham  6 eggs  60 g of cheese

(Make 30 pancakes and freeze the extra ones for next time ) Preparation: Chop the ham and put to one side with the eggs and cheese for the filling. Mix the flour with the oil, egg and salt and then pour the water gradually. The dough should be smooth. Let stand for 1 hour, then pour some mixture in a hot, lightly greased pan. Cook until golden underneath. Flip the pancake over and break an egg on it. Add the equivalent of 1/2 slice of chopped ham and 10 g of cheese. When the egg white is cooked, add salt and pepper to taste and fold the sides of the pancake to the center. Serve hot. Enjoy !

Clément Laurencery


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Soufflé au fromage Cheese soufflé

Preparation time: 15 mn Cooking time: 25 mn Ingredients (for 4 people):       

60 gr butter 50 gr flour 1/2 l milk 4 eggs 125 g grated cheese 1 pinch of nutmeg Salt and pepper

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (180°C) and prepare a soufflé dish (or individual ones) by buttering it well. In a saucepan, bring the milk to a boil with the pinch of nutmeg. In another saucepan, melt the butter, add the flour in one go and mix well to incorporate it with the butter. Add the milk bit by bit and stir until the mixture thickens. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add the egg yolks one by one, stirring all the time and finally add the grated cheese. Whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt until very stiff. Add them to the mixture at the last moment, very slowly and very carefully. Pour the mixture into the soufflé dish (it must be only half-full, no more). Put in the oven and cook for about 25 mn. When the soufflé rises above the edge of the dish, serve immediately. Enjoy!

Mathieu Miral


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade jambon melon et feta Summer salad with ham, melon and feta cheese

Ingredients (for 4 people):        

The heart of a nice lettuce 1 medium-sized melon 200 feta cheese 4 slices cured ham 4 tablespoons lemon juice 4 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon thyme Salt and pepper

Preparation: Wash and dry the lettuce, place the leaves on 4 plates. Peel the melon and cut the flesh in little cubes. Cut the slice of cured ham in thin strips. Cut the feta in cubes. Share the cubes and strips between the 4 plates. Make a salad dressing: pour the lemon juice in a bowl, add salt and pepper, mix well and add the olive oil, mixing energetically, in order to obtain an emulsion. Serve the salad and the dressing separately. Enjoy!

Fanny Mirtain


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Tomates à la provençale Tomatoes cooked à la provençale

Ingredients:         

6 firm ripe fleshy tomatoes (about 2 lb) 1/4 cup olive oil 1/2 cup fresh bread crumbs 2 tbsp minced fresh basil leaves 2 tbsp minced fresh parsley leaves 1 clove garlic, mashed 3 sp minced shallots Salt and pepper Pinch of thyme or Provence herbs (thyme, rosemary, oregano and savory)

Preparation: Preheat your oven to (200ºC). Remove the stems of the tomatoes and cut each one in two halves. Squeeze out seeds and juice. Add salt and pepper. Blend the rest of the ingredients together in a bowl. Fill each of the tomatoes with the mixture. Sprinkle the tomatoes with olive oil. In a baking or gratin dish arrange the tomatoes not too close to each other. Bake the tomatoes in the oven at 200ºC for a maximum of 15 minutes. Serve as a starter or as a side dish. Enjoy!

Victor Moquet


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade de lentilles au foie gras Lentil salad with foie gras

Preparation time: 30 minutes Cooking time: 10 minutes Ingredients (for 4 people):         

120 g of lentils Three times their volume of water (360 ml) A bouquet garni (parsley, bayleaf, thyme) A shallot (or an onion) 1 clove A small piece of smoked bacon Salt, pepper Some leaves of coriander A small jar of “Foie gras”

Preparation: First cook the lentils, with all the other ingredients (except the foie gras) for 10 min in a pressure cooker. Remove the bouquet garni, the onion and the smoked breast. Keep some of the cooking juice of the lentils. Stir lentils, adding some cooking juice until you obtain a creamy texture(rectify the seasoning if necessary). You can mix them with a blender if you wish. Put in pretty presentation glasses and add the foie gras cut in small cubes. Sprinkle with herbs if you wish (parsley, chives). Enjoy!

Enzo Orlando


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Oeuf poché en salade Salad with poached egg

Ingredients:    

4 eggs 2 to 3 teaspoons vinegar Lettuce and crudités Olive oil and balsamic vinegar

Preparation: In a small saucepan, bring water to the boil on medium to high heat. Reduce to medium-low heat. Add 2 or 3 teaspoons vinegar. And reduce to very low heat, the lowest possible. Break 1 egg into a ladle and lower carefully into the water. Do the same for each egg. Cover. Turn off the heat. Wait for 4 minutes. Check if the egg white is soft. Turn the eggs into cold water. Strain immediately. Serve on a bed of lettuce and crudités with an olive oil and balsamic vinegar salad dressing. Enjoy!

Kenzo Ruffato


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade de crudités accompagné de son pain aux noix Walnut bread with its crudités

Ingredients (for 2 people):      

1 cucumber 4 tomatoes Pepper Herbs (basil, chives, parsley...) 2 slice of nut bread Cubes of cheese

Preparation: Peel and dice the cucumber and the tomato. Add the pepper and the herbs. Put the crudités on each plate, cut some cheese into cubes and add to the plates. Toast the 2 slices of nut bread and put them on the side of each plate. Serve immediately. Enjoy!

Anaëlle Scribe


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade de pâtes Pasta salad

Ingredients:      

100/150 gr of pasta 200/250 gr of bacon bits 100 gr emmental cut in cubes 10 cl of fresh cream Vinegar dehydrated garlic

Preparation: Cook the pasta as indicated on the packet. During this time, fry the bacon in a heated frying pan without no added fat. Drain the bacon bits on some kitchen paper. Cut the cheese in small cubes, then put them with the bacon in a salad bowl. Once the pasta is cooked, drain it then cool it immediately under cold water. Let the pasta drain well (it is possible to use a salad dryer to remove the water properly). For the sauce, put a teaspoon of powdered garlic of in a bowl, pour in 1 tablespoon of vinegar, pour the cream, mix (dilute if necessary with one or two tablespoons of water). Finally mix all the ingredients in the bowl, add salt and pepper at the end to taste. Enjoy!

Paul Sen


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Verrine de carottes et chèvre frais Carrot and soft goat’s cheese cocktail-glass appetizer

Preparation time: 30 mn Cooking time: 0 mn Ingredients (for 4 people):          

8 carrots 1 tablespoon crème fraiche (double cream) 200 gr fresh, soft goat’s cheese 2 slices white bread (without the crusts) 1 knob of butter ½ clove of garlic 1 pinch of cumin 1 pinch of salt 1 pinch of pepper Herbs (chives, parsley...) if you wish and/or Espelette chilli powder

Preparation : Wash and peel the carrots, slice them and cook them in salted boiling water for 15 mn. Drain well and mash them (with a potato masher or a blender). Add the butter, the cream, a pinch of cumin, the salt and the pepper. Reserve. Cut the fresh, soft goat’s cheese in small cubes or mash it not too finely and add herbs to taste (chives, parsley…) and / or some Epelette chilli powder. Reserve. Toast 2 slices of white bread without the crusts. Once golden, rub with the garlic.Use a round cookie cutter (2-3 cm diameter)to obtain 8 nice circles (or other shapes if you wish). Put the carrot purée in the glasses with a piping bag or a spoon. Put the cheese on top. Warm slightly in the microwave and put the toast on top before serving. Enjoy!

Lina Senhadji


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Carottes rapées Grated carrots with lemon

Ingredients (for 5 people):      

500 gr grated carrots 500 ml hot water the juice of 2 lemons 100 g caster sugar 2 teaspoons salt 1 tablespoon cidar vinegar

Preparation Grate the carrots. Put the hot water into a bowl, add the sugar, the salt, the lemon, and the vinegar. Adapt the seasoning to your. Mix well. When the sugar and the salt have melted in the warm water, add the grated carrots, mix well and chill for at least two hours in the fridge. Enjoy!

Corentin Solignac


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Blinis au saumon fumée sous sont lit de neige Smoked salmon under a bed of snow on blinis

Ingredients:       

Mini-blinis (or regular sized ones) 10 cl whipping cream 3 small “carré frais” cheese (fresh cow’s milk cheese) 1 jar black or red fish eggs (imitation caviar) Chives Salt and pepper Decoration: lemon and baby/cherry tomatoes

Preparation: Squash the Carrés Frais cheese with a fork and add salt, pepper and chopped chives. Whip the cream into a firm chantilly and gently incorporate with the cheese mix. Heat the blinis in the oven or using the toaster. Take each blini, spread it with the cheese-cream-herb mixture, add a slice of salmon and a few fish eggs. Place the blinis on a plate, decorate with prettily cut lemon slices and baby tomatoes You can enjoy this dish as a starter or as a main dish if served with a nice salad in the evening for example. These blinis can also be used for a cocktail dinner. Enjoy!

Tamara Vitrac


Page 33

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade de poulet, pamplemousse et avocat Salad with chicken, grapefruit and avocado

Ingredients (for 4 people):        

Lambs’ Lettuce (or any other, your favourite kind for example) 2 chicken breast 2 avocadoes 2 pink grapefruit Olive oil Balsamic vinegar Salt and pepper Butter

Preparation: Cut the chicken breast into small cubes, brown them in butter in a frying pan. Leave to cool. In a salad bowl, put the freshly rinced (lambs’) lettuce. Open the avocadoes, take out the stone, cut the flesh into small cubes and add them to the salad. Cut the grapefruits in two, take out the flesh and add it (in small pieces) to the salad too. Cool the salad in the fridge. Make a salad dressing with the oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper to taste and pour it over the salad when you’re ready to serve it (well-chilled). Enjoy!

Sylvain Yenicirak


Page 34

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Roulé frais, salade et jambon Soft cheese, salad and ham roll

Ingredients (for 6 people):    

1 lettuce with big leaves Philadelphia cream cheese (or any other soft cheese) Extra thin slices of tasty hard cheese Little bits of ham

Preparation: Wash the lettuce, dry it well. Mix the fresh cheese with the ham bits. Add the flakes of tasty hard cheese. Taste for seasoning, add salt/pepper if necessary. Take a spoon to put this preparation on the salad leaves, one by one. Roll up the salad leaves and use a toothpick to hold the salad leaves together.

Margaux Arpin Bessiière


Page 35

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade de pâtes multicolore Multicoloured pasta salad

Ingredients:          

Pasta (cooked penne or macaroni) 2 tablespoons feta cheese, diced 1 tomato, diced 1 onion, minced 2 roasted peppers, diced olives, A small bunch of basil, chopped Oil olive Lemon Salt and pepper.

Preparation: Cut tomato and peppers into small bits. Mince the onion. Combine pasta, vegetables, olives, onion and feta. In a bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil with the juice of a lemon. Add salt and pepper. Pour over salad and sprinkle with basil. Refrigerate 30 minutes before serving. Enjoy!

Anis Benkaddour


Page 36

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade de foie gras Foie Gras salad

Ingredients:    

Nice lettuce leaves Slightly stale bread for toast 1 jar of Foie Gras Salad dressing (oil/vinegar/salt/pepper)

Preparation Wash the lettuce, dry it well and set it out on plates. Cut and toast the bread, cut it prettily. Cut the foie gras into slices, put them on the toast. Add the toast with foie gras to the plate of salad, serve with salad dressing on the side. You may add cherry tomatoes if you wish. Enjoy!

Valentin Bonzom


Page 37

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade d’été Summer salad

Cooking time:

10 minutes

Ingredients (for 6 people):         

1 beautiful salad (batavia lettuce) 400 gr bacon bits 3 large red onions 4 eggs 200 G of mozzarella 1 small can of corn 1 red pepper Ham, diced Cherry tomatoes and olives to decorate

Preparation: Wash the salad and put it in a large salad bowl. Cook hard-boiled eggs (you can also poach them and add them, warm, at the end). Cut the sweet red pepper and slice the onion thinly. Cut the mozzarella and the ham into cubes. Drain the corn and rince it well. Add all this to the salad and serve with a nice salad dressing. Decorate with black olives and cherry tomatoes. Enjoy!

Laurent Brenelière


Page 38

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Céleri Rémoulade Fruité Fruity remoulade celeriac

Ingredients     

1 celeriac 5 tablespoons mayonnaise 2 tablespoons fruity vinegar 2 tablespoons orange juice Salt and white pepper

Preparation : Grate the celeriac, mix it with the mayonnaise, the fruity vinegar and the orange juice. Taste and add salt and pepper if required Serve well-chilled but not frozen. Enjoy!

Axel Cardonne


Page 39

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Foie gras poêlé en salade Cooked foie gras with salad

Ingredients:  4 slices of fresh, uncooked foie gras  A nice lettuce of your choice (iceberg, lambs’ lettuce, romaine…)  Salad dressing (olive oil and balsamic vinegar)

Preparation: In a very hot frying pan, brown the 4 slices of foie gras for 1 mn on each side. Set the plates with a circle of lettuce and put the foie gras in the middle of each plate. Serve with a dash of salad dressing (made with olive oil and balsamic vinegar for best results). Enjoy this typical French dish!

Arthur Cartier


Page 40

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade de laitue et dés de lardons Salad with pieces of bacon

Ingredients:     

1 large lettuce 250 gr bacon bits 1 red onion or some shallots Salad dressing (olive oil and balsamic vinegar) Salt and pepper

Preparation: Wash the lettuce, dry it carefully and put in a salad bowl. Fry the bacon bits in a frying pan with the red onion or shallots. Drain on some kitchen paper (absorbent paper) and add to the salad. Serve with a nice salad dressing made with olive oil and balsamic v inegar. Add salt and pepper to taste. You can add small cubes of cheese or cherry tomatoes if you wish. Enjoy!

Damien Courrège


Page 41

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade composée Mixed salad

Ingredients (for 4 people):         

1 nice lettuce 4 tomatoes Croutons (toasted bits of bread with garlic) 100 gr cheese, diced 150 gr ham, diced 2 hard-boiled egg A few olives Fresh herbs Salad dressing (oil, vinegar…)

Preparation: Wash the lettuce and wring it well. Place lettuce on each plate, add slices of tomato, dices of ham and cheese and half a hard-boiled egg per plate. Add croutons, add the olives, sprinkle with fresh herbs (chives, parsley…) and serve with a nice salad dressing. Enjoy!

Raphaël Coves


Page 42

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade de saumon au chèvre frais Salmon and young goat’s cheese salad

Ingredients (for 4 people):    

6 slices of smoked salmon 6 thick slices of young, soft goat’s cheese One lettuce Salad dressing

Preparation: Wash the lettuce and wring it dry. Prepare the plates: put nice lettuce leaves on each plate and prepare the salad dressing. Take the slices of smoked salmon and cut them in 6 or 8. Mash the soft goat’s cheese with a fork and place some on each piece of smoked salmon. Roll the salmon up (if necessary, use a toothpick) and place the 6 or 8 rolls on the lettuce on each plate. Serve with the salad dressing and fresh bread. Your starters is ready to enjoy!

Auristelle Druilhe

Salade de chèvre chaud au miel 5èmes

Page 43

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade de chèvre chaud au miel Toasted goat’s cheese salad with honey

Ingredients:         

1 baguette cut into slices 1 dash of olive oil 65g of grilled walnuts 1 branch of parsley 1 clove of garlic 4 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar 1 log of goat cheese with the crust, sliced 1 net of honey Mixed lettuce leaves

Preparation: In a bowl, put some olive oil. Quickly soak the slices of bread on one side, so that these are oiled well, but too much either. Then, toast these slices of bread in the oven. Meanwhile, mix chopped parsley, garlic, walnuts, oil and balsamic vinegar in a bowl. On the plates, place the mixed lettuce leaves, season with some salad dressing and some walnuts. Brush slightly, on one side, the slices of bread with honey and put them in the plates. Melt the slices of goat cheese in the oven. Once golden, put them on the bread, and serve the salad when goat cheese is still a little bit hot. Enjoy!

Thomas Faber


Page 44

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Acras de morue Spicy cod and potato dumplings

Ingredients:          

400g salted dry cod 4 onions 2 garlic cloves chives and parsley 1 small chilli (+ other spices if you wish) 25g flour 150ml milk 3 eggs Packet baking powder salt and pepper.

Preparations: Soak the cod overnight to get rid of the salt. Crumble the cod in a bowl and add the onions, garlic cloves, parsley, chives and finely chopped chilli. Mix it all and reserve . In another bowl, place the flour and incorporate the eggs. Mix and add the milk to obtain a smooth paste. Add the yeast, place on the cod mixture and stir well. Taste and season (salt, pepper, spice if necessary). Keep at room temperature for 1 hour. Put the oil to boil and form small balls of cod with a teaspoon. Put in the boiling oil until they’re golden and drain on kitchen paper. Serve hot or warm on their own as appetizers or with some salad as a starter. Enjoy!

Hugo Fouray


Page 45

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Carotte râpées avec sauce à l'orange Grated Carrots with orange sauce

Preparation time: 15 min Resting time 10 min Ingredients:     

700 gr carrots 1 lemon 2 tablespoons olive oil salt, pepper 2 oranges

Preparation: Peel and grate the carrots very finely. Press the oranges, sprinkle the carrots with this juice and chill for 10 min. Add the juice of the lemon, the olive oil, the salt and the pepper to taste. Mix and serve very cold. Enjoy!

Eve Franchino


Page 46

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Aumonière au saumon Salmon spinach and fennel in a filo pastry parcel

Preparation time: 30 mn Cooking time: 20 mn Ingredients:       

400 gr fresh salmon, 300 gr spinach, A little dill, 2 teaspoons butter 4 tablespoons (light) fromage frais / fromage blanc Juice of 1 lemon, Fennel seeds

Preparation: Preheat the oven (180°- Th 6). Cut the salmon in 2 cm-sized cubes and cook them for 2 minutes in a pan on very high heat. Drizzle lemon over them. In a frying pan, melt the butter on low fire and add the spinach for 5 minutes. Drain it. For one aumonière : cut one of the sheets of filo pastry in 2. Arrange these halves in the center of a whole sheet to strengthen the base of the aumônière. Cover the centre with a quarter of the spinach and the dices of salmon, 2 sprigs of dill and some fennel seeds. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add 1 teaspoon of fromage frais and close the aumônière, bringing the sides up and tie it with the thread. Prepare the others in the same way and put them in the oven for approximately 10 minutes. Serve hot with some lettuce. Enjoy!

Laurie Georgel


Page 47

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Terrine de pâté de volaille Chicken pâté

Ingredients:           

2 chickens 1 fennel 1 carrot 1 onion 1 turnip 1 garlic clove 1 branch of celery thyme bay cinnamon, salt, pepper 2 eggs

Preparation: Clean the vegetables, cut the chicken in little pieces, put them in a casserole dish with all the ingredients and cover with water. Cook for about 20 mn .Meanwhile cook the eggs in boiling water for 10 mn. Drain and put in cold water to cool. Cover the terrine baking dish with aluminium paper or greaseproof paper. Pull out the pieces of chicken, the garlic, the carrot and the branch of celery and chop them all up finely. Shell the eggs, spread half of the mashed chicken and vegetables in the baking dish and arrange the shelled eggs 1 by 1 (you can leave out the eggs if you wish, see the photo above) then cover them with the other half of mash. Press down with your hand and cover with aluminium paper. Put a weight on top. Keep in the fridge for 1 night before slicing it and serving it with fresh bread and lettuce. Enjoy!

Lilou Guillochin


Page 48

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Terrine de porc et foie Pork and liver pâté

Ingredients:       

1.4 kg pork throat 600 gr pork liver Caul fat 30 g salt (15g salt per kg of meat) 2.8 gr black pepper (1.4 gr per kg) A few dried juniper berries 2 bayleaves

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (150°C – Th 5). Mince the meat and the liver with a knife or a mincer depending on how fine you want the meat to be. Mix in the salt, pepper and juniper berries. Take a terrine (pâté) dish, put the caul fat in the bottom with the edges hanging over the sides. Fill it with the mince, put the 2 bayleaves on top and close the caul fat over the top. Put the terrine dish in a bain-marie (or on a much larger dish half-full of water) and cook in the oven for 3 hours. Check that there’s always enough water in the bain-marie. Take out and leave to cool. You can serve it still slightly warm (yum!) or nicely chilled. A nice slice of crusty bread can be used as a plate. Enjoy!

Léo Humbert


Page 49

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Tarte au Saumon et chèvre Salmon and goat’s cheese quiche

Ingredients:       

1 shortcrust pastry 200 gr salmon fillet without skin 150 gr of chavroux (fresh goat’s cheese) 3 eggs 25 cl crème fraîche (double cream) 1 bunch chervil Salt and pepper

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (210°C). Spread out the shortcrust pastry in a cake pan and prick it with a fork. Cut the salmon into cubes and place them on the pastry case. Beat the eggs, add the crème fraîche and mix well. Incorporate the chavroux cheese and crush it with a fork in order to obtain a smooth mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste. Pour the mixture on the salmon cubes, sprinkle the quiche with chervil and put in the oven for 30 to 35 mn. Serve hot, warm or cooled with a tomato or lettuce. Enjoy!

Gabin Lasservarie


Page 50

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade de betterave rouge râpée Grated raw beetroot salad

Ingredients:        

1 nice raw beetroot 1 little bunch parsley 2 tablespoons mustard, with or without grains 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 4 tablespoons good olive oil 1 pinch fleur de sel (quality salt) 2 or 3 peppercorns or pink peppercorns

Preparation: Peel the beetroot then grate it and put it in a salad bowl. Mix the remaining ingredients to obtain a thin salad dressing. Add to the grated beetroot or serve separately. Sprinkle the beetroot with a few sprigs of parsely. Serve with a slice of toast. Enjoy!

Guilhem Leroux


Page 51

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade aux sardines Sardines and salad

Ingredients:         

2 tins of sardines (in oil) ½ bunch of parsley (reserve a few sprigs for decoration) 1 tomato 1 shallot 3 cloves of garlic Lettuce 2 tablespoons of olive oil 1 tablespoon of vinegar Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation: Wash and dry some lettuce and reserve. In a little salad bow, crush the sardines with a fork. Chop the parsley but not too finely. Slice the garlic and shallot very finely, dice the tomato (in little cubes) and mix them all together. Mix the olive oil and the vinegar with salt and pepper to make a salad dressing. Chop the lettuce and garnish cocktail glasses with it. Add the mashed sardines and top with the tomato mixture. Sprinkle with a few sprigs of parsley for decoration. Serve well-chilled. Enjoy!

Alexandre Lledos


Page 52

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Coquille Saint-Jacques à la bretonne Scallops in their shell with creamy sauce

Preparation time: 1.30 hours Ingredients (for 4 people):        

12 scallops 3 shallots ½ bunch parsley 100gram white bread without crust ½ litre dry white wine 20 cl milk 1kg coarse salt Pepper

       

3 onions 1 garlic clove 3 branches chervil 1 tablespoon flour 150 gr butter 50 gr breadcrumbs Salt A pinch of Espelette Chilli

Preparation: Open scallops, being careful not to hurt the meat (scrape the top of the shell with a knife to detach the scallop). Remove the scallop and reserve. Separate the white part from the coral-coloured part. Cut the white scallops in two and wash and dry them all. Soak the crustless white bread in the cold milk. Peel and chop the onions, the shallot and the garlic. In the frying pan, sweat them with 100 gr butter. Cook on low heat for 40 mn so they are well glazed. Sprinkle the flour over the glazed vegetables, stir and moisten with the white wine. Stir to make it thicken on low heat. Add the scallops and coral-coloured part, then the bread, the chopped parsley and chopped chervil. Season with salt, pepper and a pinch of Espelette chilli and cook for a few minutes. In an large oven dish, place a thick bed of coarse salt. Preheat the oven on grill position (220°C). Clean the shells very well and dry them. Place them on the salt so they are stable. Fill them with the cooked scallops in sauce, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and little knobs of butter and put under the grill for a few minutes until the breadcrumbs are nicely golden. Serve hot. Enjoy!

Jeanne Morel


Page 53

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade de riz Rice salad

Ingredients:         

110 gr (raw) rice 1 red pepper 1 yellow pepper 200 gr brocoli 1 cucumber 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoon oil Salt and pepper

Preparation: Cook the rice in a large pan of saltedboiling water. Rince the broccoli, cut it in little florets and steam for 10 mn (they must remain slightly crunchy). Wash and dice the peppers and the cucumber finely. Prepare the salad dressing with balsamic vinegar, oil, salt, pepper and the garlic. Rince the rice in cold water, drain well then mix it in the salad bowl with the vegetables and the salad dressing. Chill in the fridge for an hour before serving. Enjoy!

Shirley Narducci


Page 54

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Panier du potager Salad from the vegetable patch

Ingredients (for 4 people):        

A nice heart of lettuce 1 raw beetroot ½ cauliflower 1 cucumber 4 carrots 16 radishes 12 baby cherry tomatoes olive oil and balsamic vinegar

Preparation: Wash and dry the lettuce and the vegetables. Cut the cauliflower into florets. Slice the beetroot very thinly. Cut the radishes into flower shapes. Peel and cut the cucumber and carrots into neat sticks. Set nice lettuce leaves in 4 individual dishes. Lie 3 to 5 slices of beetroot in each dish on the lettuce, add cauliflower florets, cucumber and carrot sticks, 4 radishes and 3 baby cherry tomatoes in each dish. Serve with a salad dressing made from olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Enjoy!

Louis Pelou


Page 55

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Assiette des îles du sud Plate from the Southern islands

Preparation time: 5 mn Cooking time: 5 mn Ingredients (for 4 people):         

100 gr shelled prawns 100 gr bean sprouts 4 kiwis 150 gr lamb’s lettuce ½ pineapple 2 red bell peppers 4 tablespoons groundnut oil 4 tablespoons walnut oil 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

Preparation: Prepare the salad dressing: mix the two oils and the vinegar, beating well. Add salt and pepper. Wash and dry the lamb’s lettuce and the vegetables. Peel and slice the kiwis in the shape of a rose (see photo). Peel the pineapple and cut into cubes (you can also use canned pineapple if you wish). Deseed and cut the bell peppers in thin julienne strips. Arrange on each place the lamb’s lettuce with the bean sprouts, add the sliced kiwi in a rose shape with the pineapple and the red pepper. Decorate with the shelled prawns. Season with the salad dressing, adding salt and pepper to taste. Serve well-chilled. Enjoy!

Lucile Sierra


Page 56

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Avocat crevette et mayonnaise Avocado & Shrimp cocktail with mayonnaise

Ingredients (for 8 people):        

8 ripe avocadoes 800 gr fresh prawns (keep 8 whole prawns for decoration) 16 tablespoons mayonnaise (homemade or shop-bought) 8 pinches chopped parsley (+ a few sprigs for decoration 4 lemons Paprika Salt and pepper Chopped chives for decoration

Preparation: Cook prawns in boiling water. Shell them and cut them into small pieces (except 8 small ones for decoration). Reserve . Cut the lemons and the avocados in half. Rub the avocadoes with half a lemon to prevent it from blackening. Then remove the stones and cut into small cubes. Put in a bowl and sprinkle with lemon juice . You can keep the skin to use as a bowl if you wish or you can use cocktail glasses. Add the prawns and stir well. Then add the mayonnaise , salt and pepper. Stir well again. Chop the parsley and add it to the preparation. Chill in the fridge for at least 60 minutes before serving. Put the mixture in the avocado skins or the cocktail glasses. Add 1 whole prawn per serving. Garnish with sprigs of parsley, chopped chives and sprinkle with paprika. Enjoy!

Carla Stivala


Page 57

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Starters

Salade de noix de St Jacques Flambéed scallop salad

Ingredients:         

16 fresh scallops (St Jacques) 1 lettuce 8 sprigs of parsley 4 tablespoons cognac 1 clove garlic 4 tablespoons walnut oil 2 tablespoons raspberry vinegar A little olive oil Salt and pepper

Preparation: Wash and spin dry the lettuce and divide into 4. Prepare the salad dressing with the walnut oil, raspberry vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. Chop the parsley and add to the dressing. Sprinkle the dressing over the salad. You may add colourful crudités if you wish. Brown the scallops in a hot pan with the garlic and a little olive oil. Cook for 4 minutes on each side. Take off the heat and flambé with the cognac. Place 4 scallops on each plate and serve immediately. Enjoy!

Alexandre Tonon


Page 58

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