Our French Cookery Book Bon Appétit Desserts

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Our French Cookery Book Bon appĂŠtit ! Desserts

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Table of contents Crêpes “Suzette” ..................................................................................... 7 Orange-filled pancakes flambéed with Cointreau .................................................................. 7 Fondant au chocolat ........................................................................... 8 Warm chocolate-puddle pudding............................................................................................ 8 Gâteau au yaourt ................................................................................. 9 Yoghurt cake ........................................................................................................................... 9 Meringues ............................................................................................ 10 Meringues ............................................................................................................................. 10 Tarte au citron meringuée................................................................ 11 Lemon meringue pie ............................................................................................................. 11 Tarte aux fraises ................................................................................. 12 Strawberry tart ...................................................................................................................... 12 Cake aux pépites de chocolat ............................................................ 13 Chocolat chip cake ............................................................................................................... 13 Canelés de Bordeaux:......................................................................... 14 Vanilla and caramel flavoured ribbed cakes from Bordeaux ............................................... 14 Truffes au chocolat ............................................................................. 15 Chocolate truffles ................................................................................................................. 15 Gougères au fromage ....................................................................... 16 Cheese Gougères ................................................................................................................. 16 Mousse au chocolat ............................................................................ 17 Chocolate mousse ................................................................................................................. 17 Pain perdu .......................................................................................... 18 Orange flavoured French toast ............................................................................................. 18 Gâteau au citron ................................................................................ 19 Lemon cake ......................................................................................................................... 19 Choux à la crème................................................................................ 20 Cream puffs .......................................................................................................................... 20


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts Crème brulées ...................................................................................... 21 Rich egg-custard with caramel burnt top ............................................................................. 21 Profiteroles .......................................................................................... 22 Vanilla ice-cream filled choux puffs topped with chocolate ................................................ 22 Eclair au chocolat .............................................................................. 23 Chocolate eclair .................................................................................................................... 23 Mousse au chocolat ............................................................................ 24 Chocolate mousse ................................................................................................................. 24 Tarte au chocolate et à la compote de banane .............................. 25 Chocolate and banana tart .................................................................................................... 25 Charlotte aux fraises .......................................................................... 26 Strawberry charlotte ............................................................................................................. 26 Crème dessert aux biscuits ................................................................. 27 Dairy dessert with biscuits ................................................................................................... 27 Bananes flambées ............................................................................... 28 Rhum-flambéed bananas ...................................................................................................... 28 Gâteau au chocolat et aux framboises ............................................. 29 Raspberry and chocolate cake .............................................................................................. 29 Tarte aux pommes .............................................................................. 30 Apple tart .............................................................................................................................. 30 Verrine de mousse de mangue caramélisée..................................... 31 Shot-glass dessert of caramelized mango mousse ................................................................ 31 Éclair au café ...................................................................................... 32 Coffee eclair ......................................................................................................................... 32 Verrine de fraises aux Speculos ......................................................... 33 Shot-glass strawberry & Speculos biscuit dessert ................................................................ 33 Meringue-framboise ........................................................................... 34 Raspberry meringue dessert ................................................................................................. 34 Sorbet au cassis ................................................................................... 35 Blackcurrant sorbet .............................................................................................................. 35


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts Gâteau au chocolat ............................................................................ 36 Chocolate cake ..................................................................................................................... 36 Tartelette aux fraises ......................................................................... 37 Strawberry mini-tarts ............................................................................................................ 37 Gâteau au yaourt ............................................................................... 38 Yoghurt cake ......................................................................................................................... 38 Échaudé à l'anis ................................................................................. 39 Aniseed cake from the Aveyron ........................................................................................... 39 Tarte aux pommes .............................................................................. 40 Apple pie .............................................................................................................................. 40 Gâteau au chocolat ............................................................................ 41 Chocolate cake ..................................................................................................................... 41 Tarte au citron meringuée ................................................................ 42 Lemon meringue pie ............................................................................................................. 42 Tarte aux myrtilles ............................................................................. 43 Blueberry tart ........................................................................................................................ 43 Financiers aux amandes ................................................................... 44 Soft almond biscuits ............................................................................................................. 44 Tarte à l'anis....................................................................................... 45 Aniseed tart .......................................................................................................................... 45 Tarte aux carambars ......................................................................... 46 Carambar - French caramel sweets - tart .............................................................................. 46 Paris-Brest ........................................................................................... 47 Praline-flavoured cream-filled chou pastry .......................................................................... 47 Gâteau à la pomme ............................................................................ 48 Apple cake ............................................................................................................................ 48 Religieuse au chocolat....................................................................... 49 Chocolate-filled double chou pastry..................................................................................... 49 Macarons au chocolat ....................................................................... 50 Chocolate macaroons ........................................................................................................... 50


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts Tarte aux framboises.......................................................................... 51 Raspberry tart ....................................................................................................................... 51 Croustade aux pommes de ma Mémé ............................................... 52 My Grandma’s apple pie ...................................................................................................... 52 Pommes au four .................................................................................. 53 Baked apples ........................................................................................................................ 53 Moelleux au chocolat et chocolat blanc .......................................... 54 Moist, warm chocolate-pudding cake with white chocolate ................................................ 54 Tarte au citron ................................................................................... 55 Lemon pie ............................................................................................................................. 55


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Crêpes “Suzette” Orange-filled pancakes flambéed with Cointreau

Ingredients (for 6-8 pancakes): For the batter :  1 large glass of flour  1 egg  ¼ teaspoon of salt  1 large glass of water  25 g melted butter  1 teaspoon sugar

For the filling  100g soft butter  80g sugar  1 or 2 glasses of Cointreau liqueur  50g ground almonds  Grated zest of orange or clementine  To flambé : Cointreau or rhum

Preparation: For the pancakes: put the flour in a bowl and form a well. Put the eggs , sugar , oil and butter. Stir gently with a whisk by adding milk progressively. The resulting dough should have the consistency of a slightly thick liquid . Heat a non-stick frying pan and add a few drops of oil. Cook the pancakes on low heat. Place on a plate above a saucepan with boiling water to keep warm. For the filing: using an electric whisk, mix all the ingredients together to obtain a slightly frothy mixture. Put some of this mixture on each pancake before rolling them up or folding them over on a hot plate. Heat the alcohol in a saucepan, pour the boiling liquid over the pancakes and set fire to them in front of your guests. Enjoy!

Gabriel Beauchamp


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Fondant au chocolat Warm chocolate-puddle pudding

Ingredients (for 6 people):  600 gr dark cooking chocolate  200 gr sugar  8 eggs

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (210°C). Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie (a saucepan put over a larger saucepan of boiling water). Mix the eggs and sugar, beating well. When the chocolate is melted, mix carefully with the eggs and sugar. Butter the cake dish or the individual ramekins, pour the mixture in it/them and cook (210°C / Th 7) for 10 mn. Serve warm with cream or thin custard. Enjoy!

Inès Boussemart


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Gâteau au yaourt Yoghurt cake

Ingredients:       

3 eggs 1 plain yoghurt (use the pot as a measure) 4 pots flour 2 pots sugar 1 yoghurt pot of oil. 1 packet baking powder (10 gr) 1 packet vanilla sugar (10 gr)

Preparation: Put 1 pot plain yoghurt, 4 pots of flour ; 2 pots of sugar ; the vanilla sugar together in the bowl and mix. Add the the 3 eggs and mix again Put the pot of oil, mix and add the baking powder. Mix again until the mixture is smooth. Butter a baking tin and pour the mixture into it. Put in the oven for 30 minutes at 180°C (Th 6) but check regularly so it doesn’t overcook. It is cooked when a knife comes out clean. Take out of the oven, leave to cool. Serve slightly warm or cold. You can decorate it by sprinkling icing sugar on top or using jam. You can also add fruit or chocolate chips to it before cooking, it is a good basic cake to use your imagination… Enjoy!

Emma Bucki


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Meringues Meringues

Ingredients:  150 gr white eggs  150 gr sugar  A pinch of salt

Preparation: In the mixing bowl, whisk the egg whites with the sugar and the salt. Cover the mixing bowl and put it in the fridge for 48h. Pre-heat the oven 120°C. Take the bowl out of the fridge and use a piping bag to form meringues on a (greased) baking sheet. Put in the oven (120°C / thermostat 4) and cook for 30min. Enjoy your dessert!

Alexi Caristan


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Tarte au citron meringuée Lemon meringue pie

Ingredients (for 6 people):       

1 circle of rolled-out shortcrust pastry 3 lemons, juiced (3) and zested (1) 2 eggs yolks 20 cl thick crème fraîche / double cream 220 gr white sugar 3 egg whites 150 gr icing sugar

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven 180°C for 10 minutes then pre-cook the shortcrust in a pie dish for 10 min at the same temperature (don’t forget to line the pastry with beans). Grate the lemon zest of one lemon then squeeze it for juice with the other two. Mix the zest, the lemon juice, the crème fraîche, the sugar and the egg yolks. Take out the pie dish and pour the mixing onto the shortcrust pastry. Cook in the oven for 20 min. During this time, whisk the egg whites until firm then add the icing sugar. Put this mixture on the pie and put back in the oven for 5 minutes, turn off the oven and leave the pie inside for another 15 mn. Check regularly to prevent burning, take it out when perfectly golden. Enjoy!

Loïc Castillon


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Tarte aux fraises Strawberry tart

Ingredients: For the custard:  340ml of milk  110 gr fine sugar  4 egg yolks  28 gr of plain flour  Dash of vanilla essence

For the tart:  1 circle of rolled-out shortcrust pastry  A nice punnet of strawberries  Custard / crème pâtissière

Preparation: If you want, you can prepare the custard yourself. Otherwise, you can buy a packet of ready-mix Prepare the custard: heat the milk in the saucepan over a medium heat, bring it up to a simmer stirring now and again. Don't let it burn. Crack the eggs and put the yolks in the bowl. Add the sugar and use a hand whisk to combine. Add the flour and vanilla essence, mix again. When the milk has come up to temperature, add to the mixing bowl bit by bit, whisking together with the egg mix. Don't tip it in in one go or else you'll get lumps. Once combined, tip the crème pâtissière into the saucepan and bring to a simmer, stirring all the time. Once at simmer, continue until it begins to thicken. When it has thickened, remove from heat and continue to stir (the bottom of the pan will still be hotter than the crème pâtissière) for a minute, put the lid on the saucepan and allow too cool before refrigerating.

Pre-heat the oven (180°C) for 10 minutes. Line a pie dish with the shortcrust pastry, cover with cooking (greaseproof) paper, add cooking beans or beads and cook for 30 minutes. When cooled, put the cooled custard on the pastry. Cut the strawberries and place them delicately on the custard. Serve cooled. Enjoy!

Margo Cordier


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Cake aux pépites de chocolat Chocolat chip cake

Ingredients:       

150 gr flour 125 gr sugar 3 eggs 60 ml oil 80 ml condensed milk 6 gr baking powder (or 1 packet) 150 gr chocolat chips

Preparation: Preheat the oven at180°C. Separate the whites from the yolks. To the yolks, add the oil, the milk, the flour and the baking powder then mix well. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt until stiff. Add the beaten egg whites to the mixture, mixing very carefully and at the same time, incorporate the chocolate chips. Put the dough into the buttered cake tin and put in the oven. Cook for 45 minutes or until nicely golden. It is cooked when a knife comes out clean. Serve slightly warm or cold. Enjoy!

Anthony Dedieu


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Canelés de Bordeaux: Vanilla and caramel flavoured ribbed cakes from Bordeaux

Ingredients (for 16 people):         

50 cl of milk 1 pinch of salt 2 whole eggs 2 egg yolks 1/2 vanilla bean 1 tablespoon rum 100 gr flour 250 gr caster sugar 50 gr butter (+ 50 gr butter for ribbed baking tins)

Preparation: Boil the milk with the vanilla and butter. Meanwhile, combine the flour and the sugar then add the eggs in one go, then pour in the boiling milk. Mix gently to obtain a smooth paste, like a batter, let it cool, then add the rum. Refrigerate for one hour. Preheat the oven (thermostat 10 - 270 ° C) for 15 mn with the shelf on which the canelés will cook. Pour the well-cooled batter in the buttered individual ribbed cake tins but only half-fill the tins; then quickly place have the tins on the hot baking shelf. Cook in very hot oven for 5 minute (th 10 / 2701°C), then lower the thermostat to 6 (180 ° C) and continue baking for 1 hour: The Canelé must have a brown crust and be fluffy inside.Turn out of the tins while still hot.Leave to cool… if you can!  Enjoy!

Jade Descamps and Gabin Lasservarie


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Truffes au chocolat Chocolate truffles

Ingredients:     

300 gr of dark cooking chocolate 200 ml of crème fraîche (double cream) 1 egg yolk 20 gr sugar Unsweetened cocoa powder

Preparation: Put the crème fraîche in a saucepan on medium hea, at the first bubble, take off the heat and reserve. Whiten the egg yolk with the sugar, beating well then add to the cream and put back on low heat. Add the chocolate and keep on low heat until the chocolate has entirely melted, take off the heat and leave to cool. Form some ball with this ganache: take a teaspoonful into your hand, roll the ganache in your hands to form a ball shap, then drop this ball into the bitter cocoa powder and place on a decorative plate sprinkled with cocoa powder. Cool in the fridge and serve cold. Enjoy!

Carla Djellouli


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Gougères au fromage Cheese Gougères

Ingredients (for 6 people):     

4 eggs 150 gr grated cheese (gruyère) 150 gr plain flour 80 gr butter 25 cl water

Preparation: Provide a pan, a spatula and a buttered plate. Make choux pastry by melting the butter in a saucepan and adding the water and the salt. Bring to the boil. Remove from heat and add flour all at once by working quickly with a spatula. Return to heat and dry out the dough until it comes away from the pan. Remove from heat, let cool. Stir in 4 eggs, one at a time, mixing well with a spatula. Add this paste to the grated cheese. Make little balls and put them on a greased baking sheet. Bake in hot oven (7/210°C) until the Gougères are well-risen and pale golden (about 25 min). Enjoy!

Antoine Druot


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Mousse au chocolat Chocolate mousse

Ingredients:  160 gr of dark cooking chocolate (70% cocoa)  4 eggs (3 yolks and 4 whites)  1 pinch of salt

Preparation: Break the chocolate into pieces. Put them in a bowl placed over a saucepan of simmering water (bottom of bowl should touch the water). Stir with a wooden spatula until the chocolate is melted. Remove pan from heat and let cool for 5 minutes. Beat egg whites until stiff with a pinch of salt. Add the egg yolks to the melted chocolate and mix. Then stir the egg whites gently and carefully into the chocolate mixture. Pour the mousse in a bowl or individual ramekins. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Enjoy!

Alice Dumons


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Pain perdu Orange flavoured French toast

Cooking time:

5 mn

Ingredients:     

Stale bread 2 eggs 50 cl of milk The peel of 1 orange Butter

Preparation: Cut the bread into slices 2 cm thick. Break your eggs in a large bowl and mix. Add the milk progressively and carry-on mixing. Grate the peel (zest) of an orange and add to your preparation. Dip the slice of bread in your preparation, then drop them into a hot non-stick frying pan with melted butter. Cook them for a few minutes on each side until they are nice and golden. Serve hot. Enjoy!

Yanis Fedou


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Gâteau au citron Lemon cake

Ingredients:       

250 gr of sugar 250 gr of butter 350 gr of flour 4 eggs 1 lemon + the juice of another lemon 1 teaspoon of baking powder 100 gr icing sugar

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (180°C – Th 6). Mix the sugar and the softened butter well until they are creamy. Then add the whole eggs, the lemon peel (zest) and juice. Mix and finally add the flour, the baking powder and a little milk. Pour into a buttered and floured loaf pan. Cook in the oven for about 1 hour (check it: it is cooked when a knife comes out clean) Turn the cake out as soon as you take it out of the oven. Leave to cool. Ice it with the the juice of the second lemon mixed with some icing sugar. It must be rather thick paste: it is necessary to warm this icing very slightlyto spread it more easily. Enjoy!

Vincent Fernandez


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Choux à la crème Cream puffs

Ingredients:  1 cup of water  6 tablespoons of butter  1 teaspoon of sugar  1 cup of all-purpose flour  4 eggs  Pinch of salt

For custard / crème pâtissière, go to page 6.

Preparation: Start by preparing the custard (see p 6) then cool it and keep in the fridge. Put the water, butter, salt, and sugar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring until the butter has melted. Take the saucepan off of the heat and leave to cool slightly for 2-3 minutes. Add the flour to the butter mixture and whisk until everything comes together. Put the saucepan back on the heat and beat vigorously until everything is off the sides of the saucepan. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl or the bowl of a mixer. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well with a wooden spoon or electric mixer after each addition, keep beating. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, then transfer the warm mixture into a piping bag. Pipe approximately 18-22 drops of pastry onto the baking sheet, about 2,5 cm apart. The pastry drops should be about 3,2 cm wide and 2,5 cm high. If you do not have a pastry bag, you can use a spoon to place drops of pastry on the baking sheet. Brush the pastries with beaten egg yolk if you would like them to be shiny after baking. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 220°C. Bake for 15-20 minutes until they are puffed and golden brown.. Cool the puffs on a sheet of baking paper on a wire rack. Slice each pastry puff in half, lengthwise, using a bread knife (like a hamburger). Use the piping bag to "inject" the cooled custard directly into the center of a pastry puff. Add a dusting of icing sugar Enjoy!

Roxane Gomez


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Crème brulées Rich egg-custard with caramel burnt top

Ingredients (for 9 creams):     

8 egg yolks (use the whites for making meringues or a Pavlova) 200 gr brown sugar ¾ l single cream ¼ l milk A few drops of vanilla essence

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (100°C). Whisk the egg yolks and the sugar together Whisk the cream and the milk, add a few drops of vanilla essence. Mix the cream and the milk with the eggs and sugar gently, whisking all the time. Pour into individual ramekins and put in the oven for 45min (100°C). Leave to cool well (you can put them in the fridge if you want). Then add brown sugar and caramelize with a blowtorch before serving. Enjoy!

Léna Gueu


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Profiteroles Vanilla ice-cream filled choux puffs topped with chocolate

Ingredients :       

150 gr wheat flour 25 cl water 100 gr unsalted butter 4 eggs 0.5 l vanilla ice cream 150 gr dark chocolate 15 cl semi-skimmed milk:

Preparation: Preheat oven to 200 ° C (gas mark 6-7). For the choux pastry, boil the water and butter, then remove from heat. Add the flour and mix, then put on a low heat to dry out the dough slightly. Remove from the heat again and add the eggs one by one, mixing continually. Spread greaseproof paper on a baking sheet and place 18 perfectly round balls of dough on the paper (you can use a piping bag or a table spoon) and bake for 25 minutes (the choux/pastry puffs should be golden brown and dry). Leave to cool. Cut choux into 2, stuff them with vanilla ice-cream, then put them in the freezer. Melt the chocolate with the milk in a bain marie (a saucepan on top of another larger saucepan with boiling water). Arrange 3 choux per person on a plate and pour the warm chocolate on top. Serve immediately and enjoy! .

Lise Lafon / Arthur Cartier


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Eclair au chocolat Chocolate eclair

Ingredients: For the cream:  2 tablespoons flour  30 cl milk  50 gr butter  210 gr dark chocolate  1 egg  3 tablespoons sugar  2 egg yolks

For the choux pastry  150 gr flour  25 cl water  75 gr butter  1 tablespoon of sugar  4 eggs  1 pinch of salt  1 egg yolk  Oil to grease the baking sheet

Preparation: For the choux pastry: preheat oven to 210 ° C ( thermostat 7). Mix salt, sugar, butter and water in a saucepan and boil. Incorporate the flour and stir until a compact dough forms. Work it until it is firm enough. Integrate 4 eggs , one at a time , making sure to mix between each egg. Knead the dough to make it firm. On a greased baking sheet, with a piping bag, pipe a dozen strips of dough about 15 cm long. Brush with egg yolk so dough will be golden brown when cooked. Bake for 25 minutes in a hot oven and let stand for 10 min, oven off, to prevent éclair from deflating. For the cream : melt 60g chocolate broken into pieces in milk over low heat. In a bowl , whisk egg yolks and sugar until mixture is frothy.Add the flour and pour in the chocolate milk. Thicken the mixture by stirring constantly. Remove from heat and incorporate 20 g of butter. Cool. Cut the eclair in 2 lengthwise and fill with the cream. Melt remaining chocolate and butter in a bain- marie. Coat the top of the eclair. Allow the icing to harden before servingwell-cooled. Enjoy!

Clément Laurencery/Anis Benkaddour


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Mousse au chocolat Chocolate mousse

Preparation time: 10 mn Cooling time: 2 hours Ingredients:    

3 eggs 100 gr cooking chocolate (70 % cocoa) 1 packet vanilla sugar (10 gr) A pinch of salt

Preparation: Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie (a saucepan over a larger saucepan with boiling water in it) or in the microwave (add a tablespoon of water if you use the microwave). Separate the eggs, add the yolks to the chocolate, mix well. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until very firm. Incorporate them very gently into the chocolate mix. Put in individual ramekins or in a serving bowl and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Serve well-chilled. Enjoy!

Mathieu Miral


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Tarte au chocolate et à la compote de banane Chocolate and banana tart

Ingredients:    

1 circle of sweet shortcrust pastry 5 ripe bananas 200 gr dark cooking chocolate 2 tablespoons water


Homemade chocolate Pastry: *  225 gr flour  20 gr bitter cocoa powder  125 gr soft butter  4 to 5 cl water  A pinch of salt  A heaped tablespoon sugar

Preheat your oven (180°C - Th 6). [If you wish, make your own chocolate pastry by mixing all the above ingredients * together. Cover with wrapping film and leave in the fridge for an hour. Roll it out].Spread the pastry in a pie plate.Prick it with a fork. Spread the mashed bananas evenly over the pastry. Add 2 tablespoons of water to the chocolate broken in small pieces and heat in the microwave for 1 to 2 mn. Leave it to cool then pour it over the mashed bananas. Cook for 30 mn (180°C). Leave to cool and served well chilled. Enjoy!

Fanny Mirtain


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Charlotte aux fraises Strawberry charlotte

Ingredients:     

1 kg fresh strawberries 165 gr sugar 8 egg yolks 375 ml whipping cream (single cream) 1 or 2 packets Ladyfinger biscuits (sponge fingers or boudoirs)

Preparation: Keep aside 85 gr of strawberries to decorate the cake at the end of the recipe. Make a strawberrry purée using a blender. Chill the purée. Mix sugar and egg yolks and beat them until pale yellow. Chill the mixture. Whip the cream. Line the sides of a round trifle/charlotte dish with ladyfingers. Fold the chilled strawberry purée into the chilled mixture, then into the cream. Put the mixture in the charlotte dish. Add lady fingers over the cream. Cover with waxed paper and refrigerate for 8 hours. Turn out your dessert into a serving dish. Decorate with fresh strawberries. Enjoy!

Victor Moquet


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Crème dessert aux biscuits Dairy dessert with biscuits

Preparation time: 15 minutes Ingredients (for 8 people):    

75 g of granulated sugar 1 packet of vanilla or chocolate dairy dessert (according to taste) 2 packets of biscuits (according to taste) Some chocolate chips or some cocoa powder

Preparation : Prepare your dairy dessert. In a flat dish, put one layer of biscuits. Pour some of the dairy dessert over them. Sprinkle with cocoa powder or chocolate chips and begin the operation again until you obtain the thickness you want. Over the last layer, put a little more cocoa powder or a few more chocolate chips and put it to cool in the fridge. Serve well-chilled. Enjoy!

Enzo Orlando


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Bananes flambées Rhum-flambéed bananas

Ingredients:    

2 ripe bananas 1 packet of vanilla sugar 1 small glass of rum (or Grand Marnier) Butter

Preparation: Take a frying pan and melt some butter. Brown the bananas on each side. Dust with vanilla sugar and flambée with rum. Enjoy!

Kenzo Ruffato


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Gâteau au chocolat et aux framboises Raspberry and chocolate cake

Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time of: 35 minutes Ingredients:        

5 eggs 150g of sugar 200g of butter 2 tablespoons of flour 200g of dark cooking chocolate 1 teaspoon of cinnamon 1 teaspoon of ginger Raspberries

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (180°C). Mix the eggs, the sugar and the flour. Melt the butter with the chocolate in a bain-marie at low heat. Once melted, add the chocolate to the previous mixture. Mix in the cinnamon and the ginger. Pour half of the mixture in a buttered cake tin, add the raspberries and pour the rest of the mixture. Cook in the oven at 180°C for 35min. Enjoy!

Anaëlle Scribe and Guilhem Leroux


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Tarte aux pommes Apple tart

Ingredients:      

3 or 4 apples (depending on size) 1 rolled-out flaky pastry 2 eggs 25 cl of cream 100 g caster sugar 1 sachet of vanilla sugar

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (200°C) Place the pastry in a pie dish and prick it with a fork. Peel and cut the apples into thin slices and place them on the pastry. In a bowl, mix the sugar, cream, eggs and vanilla sugar; then pour it over the apples. Bake in the oven (200 ° C / gas mark 6-7) until the pie is a nice golden colour (about 30 mn). Enjoy!

Paul Sen


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Verrine de mangue caramélisée à la crème Cocktail-glass dessert of caramelized mango and cream

Ingredients (for 4 people):      

200 g sugar 3 mangoes 4 egg yolks 10 cl single cream (full fat whipping cream) 150 gr mascarpone Decoration (a ground cherry / a leaf of mint / biscuit crumbs...)

Preparation: In a bowl, whisk the egg yolks and 80 gr sugar until the volume is multiplied by 3, nice and foamy. Whip the cream up and mix carefully with the first preparation. Add the mascarpon very carefully. Reserve in the fridge. Peel the mangoes and cut in very small cubes. In a frying pan, put the rest of the sugar (120 gr) and let it caramelize. Add the mango until it becomes nicely coloured. Be careful not to burn it. Let it cool then chill. To serve: put the mango in the bottom of 4 cocktail glasses and cover with the cream preparation. Decorate with a ground cherry (physalis), a leaf of mint or biscuit crumbs or whatever you wish. Serve well chilled. Enjoy!

Lina Senhadji


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Éclair au café Coffee eclair

Ingredients: For the choux pastry:  1/4 l of water  12 gr of sugar  65 gr butter  125 gr of flour  4 eggs  1 pinch of salt For icing:  200 gr icing sugar  4 tablespoons strong coffee

For the custard:  3/4 l milk  4 egg yolks  150 gr sugar  60 gr cornflour  1 tablespoon coffe extract

Preparation: For the chou pastry: boil water, butter, sugar and salt. Remove from heat and pour all the flour in at once, then add 3 eggs one by one, whisking briskly on low heat, until the dough no longer sticks to the bottom of the pan. Use a piping bag to pipe strips 5 cm long and 1 cm wide on a baking sheet covered with greaseproof paper. Brush with beaten with egg and 1 tablespoon water mixed together then streak the top with a fork. Cook for about 20 minutes and let them cool. For the custard: boil the milk. Meanwhile, combine the egg yolks, sugar and cornstarch; then pour the boiling milk over the mixture. Return to low heat and stir until thickened. Add the coffee extract. Leave to cool before garnish the eclair with the cream with a piping bag. For the icing: sift the icing sugar into a bowl and gradually whisk the coffee into the sugar. When smooth and glossy, glaze over the eclairs. Serve well cooled. Enjoy!

Corentin Solignac


Page 32

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Verrine de fraises aux Speculos Shot-glass strawberry & Speculos biscuit dessert

Ingredients (for 4 people):  300 to 400 gr strawberries  300 to 400 fromage frais/fromage blanc (a sort of quark but you can use

thick Greek yoghurt)  A packet of speculos biscuits (crumbly, cinnamon biscuits) Preparation:

Crush half the speculos biscuits (or mix in a blender) and put them in the bottom of the decorative shot-glasses. Cover with a 3 cm layer of fromage blanc. Keep 2 pretty strawberries for decoration, mix the other together in a blender and pour this mixture over the fromage blanc. Cover with the rest of the crushed biscuits and decorate with half a strawberry. Chill before serving. Enjoy!

Sylvain Yenicirak


Page 33

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Meringue-framboise Raspberry meringue dessert

Ingredients : For the pastry:  175 gr plain flour  100 gr cold butter, cut in small pieces  1 tbsp icing sugar  1 egg yolk For the meringue:  3 egg whites  200 gr sugar  A drop of lemon juice

For the raspberry cream:  400 gr raspberries  4 egg yolks  2 whole eggs  70 gr sugar  100 gr butter  4 gr gelatine

Preparation: For the pastry, put the flour, butter and icing sugar together and rub it all until it’s like breadcrumbs. Add the egg yolk and mix again, adding a tablespoon of water, until you form a ball of dough. Roll it out, put it in the pie dish and prick it with a fork, cover it with cooking beans and chill for ½ an hour or overnight. Cover with foil and dry beans and cook “blind” for 15 mn (180°C) then take off the beans and foil and cook for a further 5 to 8 mn. This can be done the day before. Cover with a thin layer of melted chocolate and cool the pastry to harden it. Prepare the raspberry filling: put the gelatine in 24 gr of water for 15 mn. Keep some raspberries for decoration then mix the raspberries and strain it carefully. Mix the result with the whole eggs, the egg yolks and the sugar. Put in a saucepan and cook on medium heat until it boils gently, stirring all the while. The mixture must thicken. Then add the gelatine. Leave to cool until 35°C and mix with the butter with a blender. Pour this mixture onto the pastry and put in the fridge or the freezer to set. Pre-heat the oven (180°C). Prepare the meringue: mix the egg whites and lemon juice and whisk (electric) until stiff and shiny. Use a piping bag to put the egg whites onto the set raspberry cream. Cook in the oven (180°C) for 10 minutes to cook the meringue then change the oven to the grill position to make the meringue golden. Decorate with fresh raspberries and chill well (a couple of hours) before serving. Enjoy!

Tamara Vitrac


Page 34

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Sorbet au cassis Blackcurrant sorbet

Ingredients    

500 gr blackcurrants 25 cl water 90 gr sugar The juice of 1 lemon

Preparation Put the sugar, the water and the lemon juice in a saucepan and put them on the heat. When the sugar has melted, add the blackcurrants and leave the preparation to cool. When well cooled, put in the blender, mix well and then put in the freezer for least 4h (if possible, use an ice – cream maker. If not, mix regularly to avoid crystals forming). Enjoy!

Margaux Arpin Bessière


Page 35

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Gâteau au chocolat Chocolate cake

Ingredients:      

100 gr flour 4 eggs 125 gr butter 200 gr sugar A pinch of salt 200 gr cooking chocolate

Preparation Pre-heat the oven 180°C. Separate the eggs (whites/yolks). Mix the egg yolks with the sugar vigourously. Add the flour. Melt the butter and the chocolate and add them to the first preparation. Whisk the egg whites with a little salt until they’re firm and shiny. Add them very slowly and carefully to the other preparation. Pour into a well-greased cake tin and cook in the oven (180°C) for 20/25 mn until the knife comes out clean. Enjoy!

Valentin Bonzom


Page 36

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Tartelette aux fraises Strawberry mini-tarts

Preparation time: 30 minutes Cooking time of: 12 minutes Ingredients (for 6 pies):  1 shortbread pastry  250 gr of strawberries  1 pot of raspberry jelly

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (200°C / thermostat 7). Press the pastry into the buttered tart tins and prick it with a fork. Cook the pastry cases, with cooking beans, in the oven for 12 to 15 minutes. Take out the beans and put a spoonful of raspberry jelly in each tin. Pull the stalks off the strawberries and lay them out, whole or cut them into pieces, on the jelly in the pastry cases. Chill. Serve well-chilled with whipped cream . Enjoy!

Laurent Brenelière


Page 37

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Gâteau au yaourt Yoghurt cake

Ingredients:      

1 x 125 ml pot of yoghurt (the pot serves as measurement) 2 eggs ½ pot of oil 1 ½ pot of sugar 3 pots of flour 1 packet of baking powder

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (180°C). Mix all the ingredients together (in the order of the ingredients’ list) beating well with a whisk. Butter a cake tin and pour the mixture in it. Cook it in the oven for 35 to 40 mn until a knife comes out clean. Cool on a rack. Dust with icing sugar or cover with icing if you wish. This recipe can also be used with fruit (apples, pears…) cut in small cubes and added to the mixture just before putting the cake in the oven. Serve warm or well-cooled. Enjoy!

Axel Cardonne


Page 38

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Échaudé à l'anis Aniseed cake from the Aveyron Ingredients:        

1 kg flour 4 eggs 4 tablespoons of olive oil 20 gr anise (green anise) 2 paquets of yeast 20 cl single cream 2 pinches of salt 1 egg yolk to brush the cakes

Preparation: Mix the flour, the anise, the sugar, the salt and the yeast. Form a well and add the oil, the eggs and the cream. If necessary, add a drop of milk to form the dough, which mustn’t be to sticky. Roll out the dough (0,5 cm thick) and cut circles out with a glass. Fold the edges over on 3 equal sides towards the centre with wet fingertips to form an “échaudé”. Pre-heat the oven (2200C). Cook them in a deep saucepan full of boiling water, take them out as soon as they come back up to the surface. Drain well, put them on a baking sheet covered in greaseproof paper and brush them with egg yolk before putting them in the oven (220°C / Th 7-8)) for 35 mn. Serve warm or well-cooled. Enjoy!

Dorian Courrège


Page 39

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Tarte aux pommes Apple pie

Ingredients:     

1 circle of puff pastry 6 nice apples 50 gr sugar 1 paquet vanilla sugar (10 gr) Butter

Preparation: Roll out the puff pastry in a pie dish and prick it with a fork. Peel and core the apples. Cut 4 of them into cubes and cook with 40 gr sugar in a saucepan until they’re very soft and can be mashed with a fork. Spoon the baked apple compote onto the pastry. Slice the 2 remaining apples finely and spread them over the compote. Sprinkle the apples with the vanilla sugar and the remaining 10 gr sugar and add a few pieces of butter. Place in the oven(210 °C / Th 7) and bake for no more than 30 mn. You can serve it warm with vanilla ice-cream or cream or you can chill it in the fridge before serving. Enjoy!

Raphaël Coves


Page 40

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Gâteau au chocolat Chocolate cake

Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 25 minutes Ingredients:       

200 gr dark cooking chocolate 1 tablespoon hot water 4 eggs 125 gr butter 200 gr caster sugar 100 gr flour -1 packet baking powder

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (180°C / Th 6). Melt the chocolate with the hot water. Add the butter. In a bowl, mix the eggs and the sugar till they whiten, add the bakiing powder then the flour. Pour the melted chocolate into the mixture and stir well to obtain a smooth paste.Pour into a greased cake tin and cook for about 25 minutes (180°C / Th 6) until the knife comes out dry. Leave to cool and serve with thin custard or cream. Enjoy!

Auristelle Druilhe and Lilou Guillochin


Page 41

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Tarte au citron meringuée Lemon meringue pie Ingredients: For the lemon filling:  1 cup of white sugar  2 tablespoons flour  3 tablespoons cornstarch  ¼ teaspoon salt  1 ½ water cup  2 lemons, juiced and zested  2 tablespoons butter  4 eggs yolks, beaten

For the pie crust and meringue:  1 pie crust, baked  4 eggs whites  6 tablespoons of white sugar

Preparation: Preheat oven (175°C). Make the lemon filling: in a medium saucepan, whisk together the sugar, flour, and salt. Stir in the water, lemon juice and lemon zest. Cook on medium-high heat, stirring frequently, until the mixture comes to a boil. Stir in the butter. Place eggs yolks in a small bowl and gradually whisk in ½ cup of the hot sugar mixture. Wisk eggs yolks mixture back into remaining sugar mixture. Bring to a bowl and continue to cook while stirring constantly until thick. Remove from heat. Pour filling into baked pastry shell. Make the meringue: in a large glass or metal bowl, whip the eggs whites until foamy. Add sugar gradually, and continue to whip until stiff peaks form. Spread meringue over pie with a piping bag, sealing the edges on the crust. Bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes, or until meringue is golden brown. Enjoy!

Thomas Faber


Page 42

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Tarte aux myrtilles Blueberry tart

Ingredients:     

1 circle of sweet shortbread pastry 2 eggs 60g sugar 80g crème fraîche (double cream) 300g blueberries

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (150°C). Cook the blueberries for 5 min in a pan with the sugar, drain them and garnish the pre-cooked pastry case with this fruit puree. Mix the cream, eggs and sugar together and pour over the fruit. Put in the oven for 20 mn on low heat (150°C / Th 5). Serve warm with cream or well-chilled with whipped cream. Enjoy!

Hugo Fouray


Page 43

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Financiers aux amandes Soft almond biscuits

Preparation time: 10 min Cooking time: 20min Ingredients(for 6 people):      

50 gr almond powder 50 gr plain flour 150 gr sugar 4 egg whites 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 little pinch of salt

Preparation: Preheat the oven (200°C). Butter the biscuit baking tin. Mix the almond powder, sugar, plain flour and vanilla in a bowl. Whip the egg whites with a little pinch of salt until stiff and add to the previous mixture carefully. Melt the butter in a saucepan and add to the mixture. Pour in the baking tin and cook in the oven for 15 to 20 min. Remove from the tin. Enjoy!

Eve Franchino


Page 44

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Tarte à l'anis Aniseed tart

Preparation time: 5 min Cooking time: 30min Ingredients (for 4 people):          

200 gr flour 80 gr sugar 1 egg 3 tablespoons of olive oil (optional: + 50g of melted butter) 1 glass of milk 1/2 packet of baking powder 1 pinch of salt 2 tablespoons of anise seeds + 2 extra teaspoons 1/2 teaspoon of Pastis 1 tablespoon of orange (blossom) water

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (190°C). Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Reserve the 2 extra teaspoons of anise seeds. Butter a medium-sized pie dish or a springform tin and pour in the dough. Sprinkle with the 2 extra teaspoons of anise seeds. Cook around thirty minutes in the oven at 190°C- (Th 6-7). Enjoy!

Laurie Georgel


Page 45

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Tarte aux carambars Carambar - French caramel sweets - tart

Ingredients:    

20 carambars 25 cl single cream 1 short pastry 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (180°C). Spread the pastry in a pie dish and cook it for about 15 minutes at 180 ° C (Th 6). Melt the 20 carambars in the saucepan with the single cream. Watch and stir regularly. When the carambars are melted in the cream, add the cocoa powder. Pour the mixture into the pie dish. Put in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. Enjoy!

Célina Gervais


Page 46

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Paris-Brest Praline-flavoured cream-filled chou pastry

Preparation time: 30 min Cooking time: 20min Ingredients (for 5 people): For the chou pastry:  60 gr butter  125 gr flour  5 eggs  Salt  25 cl water  50 gr flaked almonds

For the cream:  ¼ L ready-made custard (or see page 6)  125 gr butter  75 gr praline paste  20 gr icing sugar

Preparation: Preheat oven to 180 ° C (Th 6). For the choux pastry, boil the water and butter, then remove from heat. Add the flour and mix, then put on a low heat to dry out the dough slightly. Remove from the heat again and add the eggs one by one, mixing continually. Spread greaseproof paper on a baking sheet and draw a 20cm diameter circle. Using a piping bag, pipe three circles, one on top of the other and sprinkle with flaked almonds. Put in the oven and bake for 20 minutes (until golden brown and dry). Leave to cool. While the pastry is baking, prepare the custard and add 50g of butter. Leave to cool. Then add the rest of the butter and the praline. Cut the pastry in two, horizontally. Stuff the bottom of the pastry with all the cream. Put the top on and sprinkle with icing sugar. Cool to harden. Enjoy!

Léo Humbert


Page 47

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Gâteau à la pomme Apple cake

Ingredients:       

220 gr sugar 1 packet of vanilla sugar 3 eggs 1/2 packet of baking powder 125 gr of flour 1/2 glass of oil 3 at 4 apples

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (160°C). Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, then add the apples cut in little bits. Stir. Pour the mixture in a buttered cake tin. Put in the oven and bake for 40 to 50 mn. Leave to cool. Enjoy!

Alexandre Lledos


Page 48

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Religieuse au chocolat Chocolate-filled double chou pastry

Preparation time: 90 min Cooking time: 40min Ingredients (for 6 people): For the cream:  2 tablespoons flour  30 cl of milk  50 gr butter  210 gr of dark chocolate  1 egg  3 tablespoons sugar  2 egg yolks

For the choux pastry  150 gr of flour  25 cl of water  75 gr butter  1 tablespoon of sugar  4 eggs  1 pinch of salt  1 egg yolk  Oil to grease the baking sheet

For the butter cream:  1 egg yolk  60 gr sugar  60 gr butter Preparation: For the choux pastry: preheat oven to 210 ° C (Th 7). Mix salt, sugar, butter and water in a saucepan and boil. Incorporate the flour and stir until a compact dough forms. Work it until it is firm enough. Integrate 4 eggs, one at a time , making sure to mix between each egg. Knead the dough to make it firm. On a greased baking sheet, with a piping bag, pipe six big disks of dough and six smaller disks. Brush with egg yolk so the dough will be golden brown when cooked. Bake for 25 minutes in a hot oven and let stand for 10 min, oven off, to prevent the choux from deflating. For the cream: melt 60g chocolate broken into pieces in milk over low heat. In a bowl, whisk egg yolks and sugar until mixture is frothy. Add the flour and pour in the chocolate milk. Thicken the mixture by stirring constantly. Remove from heat and incorporate 20 g of butter. Cool. For the buttercream: beat the butter in a large bowl until soft. Add half of the sugar and beat until smooth. Add the remaining sugar and the egg yolk, then beat the mixture until creamy and smooth. Cut the twelve choux in 2 horizontally and fill with the cream. Melt remaining chocolate and butter in a bain- marie. Coat the top of the choux. Using a piping bag, pipe a small circle on top of the six big choux, and pipe a small drop on top of the small circles. Put a small chou on top of a bigger one. Allow the icing to harden before serving well-cooled. Enjoy! Jeanne Morel


Page 49

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Macarons au chocolat Chocolate macaroons

Preparation time: 20 min Cooking time: 12 min Ingredients (for 15 macaroons): For the pastry:  100 gr dark chocolate  120 gr icing sugar  60 gr almond powder  2 egg whites  1 knob of butter  1 pinch of salt

For the filling:  50 gr softened butter  60 gr cacao powder

Preparation: For the pastry: pre-heat the oven (180°C - Th 6). Break the chocolate into pieces and melt it gently in a bain-marie. Mix 80 gr of icing sugar with the almond powder. Add the melted chocolate and stir. In another bowl, whip up the egg whites with salt until firm. Add the rest of the sugar while whipping until smooth and shiny. Incorporate them in the previous mixture (you will obtain a sandy texture).Using teaspoons, deposit small heaps of pastry on a baking tin covered with a cooking (greaseproof) paper. Bake in the oven for 10 to 12 min. Take the macaroons off the baking tin and leave to cool on a grid for 30min. For the filling: in a bowl, work with a fork the butter and the cacao powder to obtain a homogeneous texture. Use some of the filling cream to stick two macaroons together. Repeat the operation. Put in the refrigerator to cool. Enjoy!

Lori Vischi and Shirley Narducci


Page 50

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Tarte aux framboises Raspberry tart

Ingredients (for 6 people): For the tart:  250 gr flour  125 gr butter  70 gr sugar  2 egg yolks  5 cl water  1 pinch of salt  300 gr raspberries

For the custard:  25 cl milk  1 egg  30 gr flour  40 gr sugar  1 packet of vanilla sugar

Preparation: For the tart: pre-heat the oven (180°C) for 10 minutes. In a bowl, whip the egg yolks with the sugar and a pinch of salt, then add the water. In another bowl, mix the flour and the butter cut in small pieces, with your fingers, until the pastry is crumbly and all the butter is incorporated. Pour on top of the crumbly pastry the first mixture. Knead the dough until homogeneous. Line a pie dish with the pastry, cover with cooking (greaseproof) paper, add cooking beans or beads and cook in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes. Leave to cool. For the custard: pour the milk in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Whip the egg with the sugar and the packet of vanilla sugar, add the flour. Get the saucepan out of the heat. Pour the mixture in the boiling milk while stirring energetically. Put the saucepan back on the heat and bring the new mixture to a boil while stirring carefully. Once it is boiling, get it out of the fire and pour the custard on the pastry. Place the raspberries delicately on the custard. Serve cooled. Enjoy!

Antoine Pagès


Page 51

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Croustade aux pommes de ma Mémé My Grandma’s apple pie

Ingredients:     

2 circles of (pure butter) puff pastry 3 big cooking apples 50 to 75 gr brown sugar 1 packet vanilla sugar 5 to 7 cl rum

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (180°C – Th 6). Press the first circle of pastry in a pie dish. Prick with a fork. Peel and cut the apples in large chunks and put them on the pastry. Sprinkle generously with brown sugar and vanilla sugar. Then add the rum. Cover the preparation with the second circle of pastry and stick the edges together with your fingers. Make a hole in the middle of the pie to let the steam come out. Sprinkle the top with more brown sugar and put in the oven for 30 mn (180°).

Louis Pelous


Page 52

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Pommes au four Baked apples

Preparation time: 5 min Cooking time: 30min Ingredients (for 4 people):  4 big apples  Sugar

Preparation: Pre-heat your oven (180 ° C - Th 6). Core the apples. Place in a flat baking dish and prick with a fork (about 3 times). Sprinkle with sugar. Pour a glass of water at the bottom of the dish. Bake in the oven for about 1/2 hour. Serve hot. Enjoy!

Lucile Sierra


Page 53

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Moelleux au chocolat et chocolat blanc Moist, warm chocolate-pudding cake with white chocolate

Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 10 minutes Ingredients (for 8 people):      

100 gr dark chocolate 80 gr sugar 50 gr butter 3 eggs 8-10 white chocolate squares 1 tablespoon of flour

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (230°C). Melt the dark chocolate with the butter (microwave 1 min 10 for a 800 W oven). In another bowl, whisk the sugar with the eggs and add flour. Combine the two mixtures in a single bowl and whisk lightly. In cupcake baking tins (preferably silicone), add half a square of white chocolate each, then pour the preparation on top. Bake in a hot oven (230 ° C for a fan oven) for about 10 minutes. Enjoy!

Carla Stivala


Page 54

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Desserts

Tarte au citron Lemon pie

Ingredients:     

4 lemons 150 gr sugar 3 eggs 1 tablespoon of cornflour 1 circle of rolled-out sweet shortcrust pastry

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (180°C) for 10 minutes. Line a pie dish with the shortcrust pastry, cover with cooking (greaseproof) paper, add cooking beans or beads and cook for 30 minutes. Wash the lemons and put the zest of 2 lemons in a saucepan. Squeeze the lemons and add the lemon juice to the zest in the saucepan. Add in the sugar and cornflour. Stir and cook over low heat. In a bowl, whisk the eggs and add them in the saucepan while stirring with a whisk. Cook over strong heat until the mixture thickens. Be careful to continuously stir once the eggs have been added or else, the cream might burn. Once thickened, take the cream out of the heat and pour it on the cooked pastry. Leave to cool. Enjoy!

Alexandre Tonon


Page 55

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