Our French Cookery Book Bon Appétit Main Dishes

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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Our French Cookery Book Bon appétit ! Main Dishes


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes Table of contents Petit salé aux lentilles .......................................................................... 7 Salt pork with lentils .............................................................................................................. 7 Tartare poêlé ......................................................................................... 8 Lightly grilled tartare ............................................................................................................. 8 Tartiflette .............................................................................................. 9 Ham, potato and cheese oven-cooked dish ............................................................................ 9 Potée ..................................................................................................... 10 Cabbage, sausage and vegetable stew .................................................................................. 10 Gratin dauphinois et côtelette d'agneau ........................................ 11 Dauphinoise potatoes with lamb chops ................................................................................ 11 Roti de porc à la tomate et aux pomme de terre ............................ 12 Roast pork with tomato and potato ...................................................................................... 12 Cassoulet de Toulouse ........................................................................ 13 (Sausage, duck and beans casserole from Toulouse) ........................................................... 13 Fondue savoyarde .............................................................................. 14 Cheese fondue from Savoie.................................................................................................. 14 Boeuf des Gardians ............................................................................ 15 Beef stew from Camargue .................................................................................................... 15 Moules marinières .............................................................................. 16 Mussels in white wine and shallots ...................................................................................... 16 Poulet rôti et pommes de terre au four............................................. 17 Roast chicken and baked potatoes ........................................................................................ 17 Cuisses de grenouilles a la crème et à la ciboulette ....................... 18 Frog’s legs ,cream and chives .............................................................................................. 18 Aligot ................................................................................................... 19 Potato and cheese mash ........................................................................................................ 19 Poulet rôti au miel ............................................................................. 20 Honey-glazed roast chicken ................................................................................................. 20


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes Blanquette de veau ............................................................................ 21 Creamy veal stew with carrots served with rice ................................................................... 21 Flamiche au Maroilles ....................................................................... 22 Savoury Maroilles cheese tart .............................................................................................. 22 Poulet au curry et au noix de cajou................................................. 23 Chicken curry with coconut milk and cashew nuts .............................................................. 23 Rôti de porc aux deux pommes ......................................................... 24 Roast pork with potatoes and apples .................................................................................... 24 Hâchis parmentier ............................................................................. 25 Cottage pie............................................................................................................................ 25 Fricassée de poulet .............................................................................. 26 Chicken cooked in white sauce ............................................................................................ 26 Boeuf Bourguignon ............................................................................ 27 Beef stew with Burgandy wine ............................................................................................ 27 Suprême de volaille ............................................................................ 28 Creamy chicken breast ......................................................................................................... 28 Escalope de dinde pané avec ses patates rissolées ........................... 29 Breaded turkey breast with fried potatoes ............................................................................ 29 Steak frites ........................................................................................... 30 Steak and chips ..................................................................................................................... 30 Ratatouille .......................................................................................... 31 Summer Provence vegetables............................................................................................... 31 Gratin de pâtes aux lardons ............................................................. 32 Macaroni cheese with bacon ................................................................................................ 32 Tarte saumon brocoli ......................................................................... 33 Salmon and broccoli Savoury tart ........................................................................................ 33 Navarin d’agneau ............................................................................. 34 Lamb stew ............................................................................................................................ 34 Bœuf bourguignon aux pommes de terres et carottes. ................... 35 Bourguignon beef stew with potatoes and carrots ................................................................ 35


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes Poulet Rôti Pommes Vapeur ............................................................... 36 Roast turkey with boiled potatoes ........................................................................................ 36 Gratin Dauphinois et rôti de veau en sauce.................................... 37 Dauphinoise potatoes and roast veal with gravy .................................................................. 37 Cassoulet de Castelnaudary .............................................................. 38 (Sausage, duck and bean casserole from Castelnaudary ...................................................... 38 Croziflette ............................................................................................ 39 Ham, pasta squares and cheese gratin from Savoie............................................................. 39 Gigot d'agneau à la moutarde, au thym et gousses d'ail confites 40 Leg of lamb with mustard, thyme and glazed garlic clove .................................................. 40 Poulet à la bière avec des patates ..................................................... 41 Chicken & beer casserole with potatoes............................................................................... 41 Tarte aux courgettes .......................................................................... 42 Savoury zucchini tart ............................................................................................................ 42 Poulet Basquaise ................................................................................. 43 Chicken casserole with summer vegetables from the Pays Basque .................................... 43 Rôti de porc aux pruneaux ............................................................... 44 Roast pork with prunes ......................................................................................................... 44 Magret de canard avec riz ................................................................ 45 Duck breast fillet with rice ................................................................................................... 45 Tourte a la pomme de terre avec du jambon de pays ..................... 46 Creamy potato pie with dry-cured ham ................................................................................ 46 Pommes de terre sautées avec des saucisses de Strasbourg ............. 47 Fried potatoes with Strasbourg sausages .............................................................................. 47 Gratin de chou-fleurs ......................................................................... 48 Cauliflower cheese ............................................................................................................... 48 Œufs Florentine ................................................................................... 49 Florentine eggs ..................................................................................................................... 49 Rôti de boeuf, pommes de terre au four et haricots verts ............... 50 Roast beef with roast potatoes and French beans ................................................................. 50


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes Poulet mitonné aux petits légumes ................................................... 51 Chicken simmered with vegetables ...................................................................................... 51 Saucisse de Toulouse et ses flageolets verts ....................................... 52 Toulouse sausage with flageolet beans ................................................................................. 52 Pot au feu ............................................................................................ 53 Stewed beef with vegetables ................................................................................................ 53 Poulet au Maroilles ............................................................................ 54 Chicken cooked in a creamy Maroilles cheese sauce .......................................................... 54 Poulet aux epices et riz ...................................................................... 55 Spicy Indian chicken with rice ............................................................................................. 55 Tarte au thon et fromage de chèvre ................................................. 56 Savoury tuna and goat’s cheese tart ..................................................................................... 56


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Petit salé aux lentilles Salt pork with lentils

Ingredients (for 8 people) :         

800g salt pork shoulder 300g smoked pork belly 2 thick smoked sausages (morteau sausage if possible) 300g green lentils 2 carrots 1 stalk celery 2 cloves of garlic 1 onion stuck with 1 clove Salt and pepper.

Preparation: Soak the pork shoulder for 2 or 3 hours in water to remove excess salt. Rinse it, place it in a cooking pot and cover with cold water, bring to the boil and simmer for5 min. Rinse meat and place it back into the pan, add the other pieces of meat, cover with cold water, bring it to the boil and skim. Add carrots chopped in two, the onion with the clove, the finely chopped celery and the garlic. Simmer for 1 hour, half covered. Serve hot. Enjoy!

Gabriel Beauchamp


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Tartare poêlé Lightly grilled tartare

Ingredients (for 4 people):         

500 gr minced beef 3 egg yolks 1 onion Chopped parsley and chives 2 teaspoons puréed capers 2 teaspoons mustard 2 teaspoons Tabasco Olive oil Salt and pepper

Preparation: Mix the egg yolks in a bowl then add the onion, the parsley/chives, the capers, the mustard, salt and pepper. Add a dash of oil to the mix, add the Tabasco and check the seasoning. Flatten the mixture into 4 patties and brown in a very hot frying pan (no added fat) 1 mn on each side. Serve immediately with salad and/or fried potatoes or chips. Enjoy!

Inès Boussemart


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Tartiflette Ham, potato and cheese oven-cooked dish

Ingredients:       

1.5 kg potatoes 3 big onions 150 gr bacon bits 1 whole Reblochon cheese 100 gr crème fraîche (double cream) 3 tablespoons oil Salt and pepper

Preparation: Cut the potatoes in 2 and cook them in salted water in their skins. Slice the onions and brown them in the oil, add the bacon bits. Preheat the oven. Cut the Reblochon cheese in slivers. Peel the potatoes and slice them up.Spread the potatoes in an oven dish with butter, add the onions, bacon bits and sprinkle with pepper. Cover with crème fraîche and add the sliced up reblochon cheese. Cook until the cheese is nice and golden.Serve hot. Enjoy!

Emma Bucki and Guilhem Leroux


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Potée Cabbage, sausage and vegetable stew

Ingredients:          

1 cabbage 4 carrots 3 potatoes 3 tomatoes 1 onion 1 clove 4 sausages 500 gr porc shank 400 gr thick-cut smoked streaky bacon Pepper

Preparation: Cut cabbages into 5 pieces. Cook it in boiling water for 15min and drain. Put the cabbage in the pressure cooker, peel the other vegetables and add them, whole, to the cooker. Add the sausages, the pork, the bacon and pepper and cover with water. Close the pressure cook and cook for 30min. Serve hot with mustard. Enjoy!

Alexis Caristan


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Gratin dauphinois et côtelette d'agneau Dauphinoise potatoes with lamb chops

Preparation time: 15 min Cooking time: 45 min Ingredients (for 4 people): For the dauphinoise potatoes:  500 g potato  2 eggs  25 cl milk  30 g grated cheese (gruyere)  1 garlic clove

For the lamb chops:  4 large/8 small lamb chops  herbs

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (210°C). Wash, peel and slice the potatoes then put them in a pie dish scrubbed with garlic. Mix the eggs and milk, beat well with a whisk and pour the mixture on the potato. Dust with the grated gruyere and put in the oven for 45 min(210°). 10 mn before the end, start grilling the lamb chops, to your taste (in a frying pan, on a griddle/plancha or a barbecue or in the oven). Enjoy!

Loïc Castillon


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Roti de porc à la tomate et aux pomme de terre Roast pork with tomato and potato

Ingredients (for 8 people):         

1kg pork loin, ready for roasting 4 tomatoes 1 cube beef stock 1 onion 1 clove of garlic 10 potatoes Salt Pepper Olive oil

Preparation: Brown the meat in a pressure cooker with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste . Chop the onion and tomatoes and add them to the meat. Close the pressure cooker and cook for 30 min. Add potatoes cut in half and cook for 10 more minutes. Cut the roast into slices and present it with the potatoes and the cooking juices. Enjoy!

Margo Cordier


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Cassoulet de Toulouse (Sausage, duck and beans casserole from Toulouse)

Ingredients:          

500g white beans 4 thick slices of smoked streaky bacon 4 thick slices of unsmoked streaky bacon 4 duck legs preserved in duck fat 4 large French Sausages (from Toulouse) 8 cloves garlic, thyme and bayleaf 2 onions 70 gr tomato concentrate Breadcrumbs Salt and pepper

Preparation: Soak the beans overnight. Cook them in cold unsalted water with bayleaf, thyme and 4 cloves of garlic for ¾ hour. Drain them and put them in a large pot, cover with fresh water. Add the tomato concentrate, the smoked bacon slices cut in two or four pieces, 4 fresh cloves of garlic, more thyme and bayleaf. Put on low heat and leave to simmer. Brown the unsmoked bacon and the sausages in a frying pan and transfer into the pot after wiping off the excess fat with kitchen paper. Add salt and pepper and simmer slowly on low heat for an hour, stirring occasionally. Open the tin of duck legs, take off the fat and separate the legs in two. Add them to the pot and cook for a further ½ hour. Pre-heat the oven 110°C. Take two earthenware gratin dishes with high sides, rub them with garlic and delicately transfer the beans and meat to these two dishes, half and half each. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs, put in the oven for at least one hour. Check regularly that there is enough “sauce” to cover the beans and press gently on the meat to put it back in the sauce. If necessary, add a bit of water. Leave it in the oven for a further hour. It’s always better cooked beforehand and just re-heated. Serve hot. Enjoy!

Anthony Dedieu and Valentin Bonzom


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Fondue savoyarde Cheese fondue from Savoie

Ingredients (for 6 people):          

400 g Conté cheese 400 g of Beaufort cheese 200 g Emmental cheese 30 cl dry white wine 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cornstarch 1 glass of kirsch liqueur 1 clove of garlic 1 pinch of pepper 1 egg (yolk)

Preparation: Cut the 3 cheeses into small cubes. Rub the fondue pan with the garlic and leave it. Pour 25 cl of white wine and put it on the heat. In a small bowl, pour the remaining white wine (5 cl), cornstarch and nutmeg. Stir and set aside. When the wine in the pan 'wiggles' with the heat, pour in the cheese (not in one go, bit by bit), stirring with a wooden spatula on medium to low heat. When the cheese is completely melted, add the white wine + cornstarch + nutmeg mixture and continue stirring gently. The mixture begins to be smooth and frothy, still a little liquid. Add pepper to taste and pour in the kirsch. It's ready to serve! The egg yolk is to put in the pan when there is no more liquid, to recuperate the remaining cheese at the bottom of the pan. Enjoy!

Jade Descamps and Gabin Lasservarie


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Boeuf des Gardians Beef stew from Camargue

Ingredients: For the stew:  1.5 kg beef (stewing beef)  Some anchovy fillets  3 tablespoons olive oil  2 big onions  100g olives  The peel (zest) from 3 oranges  1 box of tomato concentrated  Flour  Sherry vinegar (from Xeres wine)  Cumin, thyme, bayleaf and garlic  Salt from the Camargue and pepper

For the marinade:  1 bottle stong red wine  2 onions  1 carrot  fennel  1 branch celery  2 tablespoons olive oil  1 bouquet garni (thyme, + bayleaf & sage/rosemary…)

Preparation: The day before, cut the meat into large chunks and marinade it in the mixture of all the above ingredients. On the day, roll the beef in the flour, brown in the olive oil in a thick-bottomed pan, add the sliced onion and brown for a few minutes. Put the tomato concentrate and the anchovies in. Pour the vinegar and add ¾ of the orange peel (keep the rest for decoration). Filter the marinade to get rid of little bits and add to the pan. Spice to taste with the cumin, thyme,garlic and some bayleaf. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Leave to cook very slowly for 4 hours on very low heat. Decorate with the remaining orange peel and serve very hot with Camargue rice or boiled potatoes. Enjoy!

Carla Djellouli


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Moules marinières Mussels in white wine and shallots

Ingredients (for 4 people):       

4 litres of mussels 2 shallots 15 cl dry white wine 1 tsp plain flour A bunch of parsley Salt and pepper A knob of butter + 1 tsp of butter

Preparation: Scrape and wash the mussels. Put them in a large pan with the butter, the chopped shallots and the white wine. Cover the pan to make them open over high heat for a few minutes. Stir 2 or 3 times during cooking. Once they are open, remove the mussels from the pan but keep (and strain) the cooking juice. Place the mussels in a deep dish and keep them warm. Put the juice on the heat. Knead the teaspoon of flour with the same amount of butter or margarine using a fork. Stir this mixture in with the juice from cooking mussels on the heat using a whisk to avoid lumps. Boil for a minute. Add salt and pepper to taste. Pour this sauce over the mussels. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve very hot. Enjoy!

Antoine Druot


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Poulet rôti et pommes de terre au four Roast chicken and baked potatoes

Ingredients:       

1 chicken (from 1 kg to 1.5 kg) 4 pots of natural yoghurt 1 tablespoon chicken stock Herbs Salt and pepper Olive oil 1 large potato per person

Preparation: For a roast chicken with golden and crispy skin and tender and soft flesh ...In a bowl, mix 4 pots of natural yoghurts with a pinch of salt and pepper. Introduce this mixture inside the chicken: it will allow the flesh of the chicken to keep everything soft! Grease the chicken skin with olive oil, add salt, pepper and a few herbs to taste. Skewer the chicken if you have a rotisserie oven) and place a cooking dish at the bottom of the oven to collect the fat and juice (otherwise just place the chicken in a cooking dish). Roast for 1.15 to 1.5 hours (1 h for a 1 kg chicken). Meanwhile, in a bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of powdered chicken stock with boiling water. During cooking, baste the chicken regularly with this stock: it will bring a delicate fragrance to the chicken and allow the skin to brown and crisp. Bake the potatoes in their jackets in a baking dish at the same time as the chicken: wash the potatoes, dry them and cut them in 8. Put them in a container with 1 tbsp of oil, salt and pepper. Close the container, shake well and then put the potatoes on a baking try lined with greaseproof paper and cook in the oven at the same time as the chicken for a good hour. Enjoy!

Alice Dumons


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Cuisses de grenouilles a la crème et à la ciboulette Frog’s legs ,cream and chives

Cooking time:

10 mn

Ingredients:      

24 frogs’ legs 1 bunch of chives 30 g crème fraîche (double cream) Lemon juice 50 g butter Salt, pepper

Preparation: Chop the chives thinly and sprinkle them with lemon juice. Brown the frogs’ legs in the butter. When the muscles retract, take them off. Cook the frogs’ legs in the frying pan with the double cream and lemony chives. Add salt and pepper to taste. Take off the heat, cover and leave to one side 2 for minutes. Serve with boiled potatoes and parsley or rice. Enjoy!

Yanis Fedou


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Aligot Potato and cheese mash

Ingredients:       

300 gr fresh tomme cheese cheese from Auvergne 500 gr floury potatoes 50 gr butter 20 cl of crème fraiche 1 clove of garlic Salt and pepper 1 Toulouse sausage per person

Preparation: Cook peeled potatoes for 25 - 30 min in a pan of salted water. Drain. Mash them (into a purée) and season with the butter, the cream, the crushed garlic, a little salt and pepper. Cut the cheese in very small, fine strips. On low heat, add the cheese to the mash. For at least 15 min, beat the mass with a wooden serving spoon, making figures of eight and by lifting it until ou obtain a smooth dough which falls of from sides of the pan and doesn’t stick. To serve, lift a big ribbon of aligot and cut it away with a knife. This dish is traditionally served with grilled sausages.

Vincent Fernandez and Célina Gervais


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Poulet rôti au miel Honey-glazed roast chicken

Ingredients:       

1 whole chicken (1,2 to 1,5 kg) 1 tbsp olive oil salt and pepper 2 tbsp honey 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar 1 onion Provence herbs (thyme, rosemary, oregano and savory…)

Preparation: Rub the chicken all over with the olive oil. Generously season with salt and pepper inside and out. Slice the onion and place inside the chicken with the herbs. Cook the chicken for about 20-30 minutes (210°C) until it’s starts to get nicely golden, then turn the heat down to 160°C. Continue to cook for about 45 minutes or an hour longer. 20 to 30 minutes before the end, mix the honey and cider together and baste the chicken with the mixture every 5 mn until beautifully golden and crisp. Serve with baked potatoes and green beans. Enjoy!

Roxane Gomez


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Blanquette de veau Creamy veal stew with carrots served with rice

Ingredients           

1,2k of veal Veal bone Aromatic herbs 2 carrots 1 onion ½ lemon juice 2 table spoons of flour butter 50cl of cream 1 egg yolk Salt

Preparation In a big pan, add the meat, , the bone, the aromatic herbs, the carrots cut in slices, the onion and some salt to taste. Cover with cold water, and bring to the boil. Bring down the heat, cover the pan and let it simmer for 2 hours and a half. On a low heat, melt the butter with the flour, leave to cool. When cooked, take out the onion, keep the filtered stock and set the meat aside. Add the stock to the butter and flour mix with a whip. Put it back on the gas on high setting and bring to the boil for 15 minutes, then add the lemon juice when the mixture is nice and smooth, cook for a further 2 minutes. Mix the cream, egg yolk, salt and pepper, add them to the sauce then pour over the meat and carrots. Serve hot with rice. Enjoy !

Léna Gueu and Alexandre Tonon


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Flamiche au Maroilles Savoury Maroilles cheese tart

Preparation time: 20 mins Cooking time: 15 mins + 20 mins Ingredients:       

2 medium eggs 75 g butter melted 1 packet bakers’ yeast, diluted in 25 ml of lukewarm water 1 pinch of salt 200 g flour 100 ml crème fraîche (double cream) 300 g maroilles

Preparation Preheat oven to 110 °. In a bowl, beat the eggs and melted butter together. Add the yeast dissolved in water, some salt and mix well, gradually incorporating the flour. Roll-out the dough and put it in a silicone or non-stick cake pan (with high edges). Spread the cream over the dough. Cut the Maroilles cheese into thin slices with a knife and place them on the cream. Bake in the bottom of the oven at 110° for 15 mins. Increase the temperature to 210 ° and cook for a further 20 minutes. Serve warm with a nice salad. Enjoy!

Lise Lafon


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Poulet au curry et au noix de cajou Chicken curry with coconut milk and cashew nuts

Ingredients:        

3 chicken breasts or turkey 20 cl coconut milk 1 to 2 teaspoons curry powder to taste 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 handful savory roasted cashews (appetizer-type) 1 tablespoon cornstarch 3 tablespoons oil Salt and pepper

Preparation: Crush the cashews to obtain a coarse powder with small pieces. Cut the chicken breasts into cubes (about 1-2 cm) or trips. Roll them in the cornflour. Heat the curry powder in hot oil until scent exhales. Add chicken and brown for 5 minutes. Then pour the soy sauce and cream. Mix and cook for 10 minutes. Add cashews 5 minutes before end of cooking. Add salt and pepper to taste and serve with rice. Enjoy!

Clément Laurencery


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Rôti de porc aux deux pommes Roast pork with potatoes and apples

Ingredients (for 4 people):       

800 gr pork loin ready to roast 4 cooking apples 400 gr little potatoes 2 onions 50 gr butter 1 glass cider Salt and pepper

Presentation: Pre-heat the oven (280°C /Th 10). Peel and wash the potatoes. Peel the apples, take out the cores and pips and slice thickly. Peel and slice the onions. Put the butter, onions and pork in an oven dish, put in the very hot oven for 8 minutes, turn the pork every 2 minutes. Add the small potatoes (whole) and the cider. Cook for 12 minutes. Baste and turn the pork regularly. Add the apples and cook for a further 6 minutes. Check that the roast is properly cooked by cutting it in two. If it’s too pink, cook for 10 mn more at 220°C (on Th 7). Serve hot. Enjoy!

Mathieu Miral


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Hâchis parmentier Cottage pie

Ingredients:        

1 kg potatoes 400 gr minced beef 100 gr grated cheese 1 onion 1 egg 110 gr butter Parsley A pinch of grated nutmeg

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (220°C – Th 7). Peel the potatoes, wash them and cook in salted water for 30 mn. Peel the onion and chop it up finely. Brown in 10 gr of butter for 5 mn. Wash, dry and chop the parsley. In a bowl, mix the minced beef, the onion, the parley and the egg. Add salt and pepper to taste. Keep to one side. Mash the potatoes with a tiny bit of the water they cooked in. Add salt, pepper and nutmeg. Mix in the butter bit by bit, stir all the time. Put half the mashed potato in an oven dish, put the meat mixture on top with half the grated cheese and cover with the rest of the potato. Sprinkle with the rest of the cheese, cook in hot oven (220°) for 30 mn. Serve hot with a nice salad. Enjoy!

Fanny Mirtain


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Fricassée de poulet Chicken cooked in white sauce

Ingredients:            

1 Onion 3 Carrots 1 oz butter (25 g) 2 tbsp flour 3 cups chicken stock 250 ml dry white wine 1 small bunch of parsley sprigs 250 gr mushrooms 2 egg yolks 125 ml whipping cream (single cream) Lemon juice Salt and black pepper

Preparation: In a casserole or skillet, cook the sliced carrots and onion in butter for 5 minutes over moderate heat. Cut the chicken in about 10 pieces and add it to the skillet. Turn it every minute for 4 minutes until slightly golden. Lower the heat, cover and cook very slowly. Turn the chicken once while cooking. Add salt, pepper and flour on both sides of the chicken. Cover and cook slowly for 4 to 5 minutes. And turn the chicken once during the process. Remove from heat. Boil the stock and pour it over the chicken. Add the wine, parsley and just enough extra stock or water to cover the chicken. Bring to the simmer. Cover and cook for 30 minutes. Cook the mushrooms in butter with a drop of lemon juice. Retrieve the cooking juice of both the mushrooms and chicken. Simmer the cooking juice in a casserole for 3 minutes. Then raise heat and boil, stir it well until the sauce reduces itself, enough to get 2 1/2 cups from it. Blend the egg yolks and cream. While beating them, add the sauce very slowly. Pour the sauce in the casserole again and cook at medium to high heat. Stir the sauce all the time. Boil for 1 minute. Add a drop of lemon juice and salt & pepper. Pour the sauce over the chicken and vegetables. Heat the chicken fricassee if needed. Add butter before serving and sprinkle with herbs (parsley or chives) if you wish. Enjoy! Victor Moquet


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Boeuf Bourguignon Beef stew with Burgandy wine

Ingredients (for 6 people):                

1.8 kg beef shoulder (stewing beef) 170 gr bacon 4 carrots, peeled and sliced 1 onion, chopped 500 gr mushrooms, sliced 2 stalks celery, chopped 1 bottle red burgundy wine (young wine) 2 cups of beef bouillon (beef stock) 30 gr flour 4 tb olive oil 30 gr butter 1 small bunch parsley 1 sprig thyme 1 clove garlic, mashed 18 small white onions Salt and black pepper

Preparation: Cut bacon into small strips. Simmer bacon for 10 minutes in water. Dry bacon. Cook bacon in a large heavy-bottomed saucepan with the olive oil at moderate heat for 2 or 3 minutes. Remove bacon. Cut the beef in 2-inch cubes. Using the same saucepan, cook the beef in the bacon's fat until browned. Remove the beef. Still in the same pan, put the onion, carrots, celery and cook for 2 or 3 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Remove the fat from the saucepan. Mix the butter and the flour to make a paste. Put the beef and bacon back in the pan again with the vegetables. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stir to cover the beef cubes with the butter and flour mixture. Cook for 3 or 4 minutes, uncovered, and turn the beef cubes. Pour in the wine and enough bouillon so that it covers the ingredients. Add small white onions, garlic and herbs. Bring to a boil. Cover the pan and simmer for 3 hours on a low heat. Boeuf Bourguignon must cook very slowly. The meat is done when the fork slides out easily from a beef cube. Remove from heat. Sauté mushrooms in butter. Add mushrooms to Boeuf Bourguignon. Garnish with parsley. Boeuf Bourguignon is traditionally served with boiled potatoes. Enjoy! Enzo Orlando


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Suprême de volaille Creamy chicken breast

Ingredients:       

4 chicken breasts 300 ml chicken broth 100 ml port (wine from Porto) 2 tablespoons crème fraîche (double cream) Juice of 1 lemon Parsley A few mushrooms if you wish

Preparation: Preheat the oven (200° C). Rub the chicken breast with lemon juice and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Heat up butter in an oven dish and put the chicken in it. Brown the chicken quickly on the 2 sides. Place dish in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes. Remove the chicken. Prepare sauce: (if you wish a few mushrooms, brown them in butter for a few minutes and add to the sauce) pour broth and port in the dish and boil on high heat for 2 minutes. Stir in the cream and boil again on high heat for 1 or 2 more minutes to thicken the cream. Add salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste. Pour the sauce on the chicken and sprinkle with parsley. Serve with rice or mashed potato and cooked tomatoes. Enjoy!

Kenzo Ruffato


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Escalope de dinde pané avec ses patates rissolées Breaded turkey breast with fried potatoes

Ingredients:        

4 turkey breasts 1 egg white 1 tablespoon oil 25g butter 1 lemon 2 pinches of salt 100 gr breadcrumbs potatoes

Preparation: Wash and peel the potatoes. Wash the potatoes then slice them. In the saucepan, pour 3 glasses of water with a pinch of salt and 10 gr butter. When the water boils, add the potatoes. Cook for 10 mn. In the meantime, salt each side of the turkey breast. Beat the egg white in a soup plate, add the oil and whisk briskly. In another soup plate, put the breadcrumbs. Dip each turkey breast in the egg-oil mixture and then in the breadcrumbs. Make sure both sides are well covered. In a big frying pan, melt the butter on medium-low heat. Put each breast in the frying pan and cook for 5-6 mn on each side. At the same time, check the potatoes are frying nicely, if necessary, add butter. Cut the lemon into 8. Serve the turkey breasts on a dish with a sprig of parsley and slices of lemon accompanied by the fried potatoes. Enjoy!

Anaëlle Scribe


Page 29

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Steak frites Steak and chips

Ingredients (for 4 people):     

4 beef steaks (fillet), about 200 g each 1 kg potatoes (bintje kind) Oil for frying Salt Black pepper

Preparation: For the chips: peel the potatoes and then cut them in the shape you wish for chips. Wash in cold water several times, then dry with a clean cloth. Keep to one side. Heat the frying oil in the fryer, thermostat 180 ° c. Fry according to the instructions of the fryer. Meanwhile, grill the steaks in a hot non-stick pan for 2-3 minutes on each side. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve the steak on a plate with some chips. Enjoy this typical French dish!

Paul Sen


Page 30

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Ratatouille Summer Provence vegetables

Ingredients:            

4 tomatoes 2 courgettes (zucchini) 1 aubergine (eggplant) 2 onions 1 green bell pepper 1 red bell pepper 2 cloves of garlic 3 branches of parsley A pinch of provence herbs (thyme, rosemary, oregano, savory…) ½ glass water Salt and pepper A drizzle of olive oil

Preparation: Wash the vegetables, peel them if you want and dice them. Heat the olive oil in a casserole dish, add the onions, sweat them for a few minutes then add the tomatoes. Cook them for a few minutes, stirring all the time. Add the other vegetables, the garlic, the chopped parsley and the provence herbs. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Lower the heat, add the water, cover and simmer for at least 1 hour. Serve with any meat, cold cuts or ham. You can also choose it as a dish for vegetarians. Enjoy!

This is Rémy’s Ratatouille, from the Disney film



Lina Senhadji

Page 31

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Gratin de pâtes aux lardons Macaroni cheese with bacon

Ingredients:     

Pasta Grated cheese (gruyère) Diced tomatoes Thinly sliced mushrooms Bacon bits

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (210°C - Th 7) Cook the macaroni in salted water. Meanwhile, fry the bacon. Dice the tomatoes and slice the mushrooms. In an oven dish, mix the tomatoes, the mushrooms, bacon and pasta. Add the cream and mix well. Season to taste.. Finish with a generous layer of grated cheese. Bake in hot oven (210°C - Th7) and cook until the cheese takes a nice golden color (about 20 mn). Enjoy!

Corentin Solignac


Page 32

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Tarte saumon brocoli Salmon and broccoli Savoury tart

Ingredients:       

1 circle of tolled-out puff pastry 4 slices of smoked salmon or cooked salmon fillet 500 gr broccoli 20 cl crème fraîche (double cream) 3 eggs Dill Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation: Place the pastry in a tart/pie dish and prick it. Pre-heat the oven (180°C). Put the salmon on the pastry (if using salmon fillet, crush it into small pieces). Meanwhile, break the broccoli up into florets and steam cook it. When cooked (if a knife goes in easily), put the florets on the salmon. Mix the cream, the eggs, the dill and add salt and pepper to taste. Cover the broccoli and salmon with this mixture, put in the pre-heated oven and cook for 30 mn. Serve hot or warm with a salad. Enjoy!

Tamara Vitrac


Page 33

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Navarin d’agneau Lamb stew

Ingredients:              

1 kg lamb (a mix of lamb shank, collar and ribs) 8 young carrots 8 young turnips 12 baby onions 10 medium-sized potatoes 8 fresh garlic cloves 75 gr tomato concentrate (or paste) 3 teaspoons sesa salt 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 bunch of parsley Couscous spices 500 cl strong stock (vegetable stock + degreased beef stock) A bouquet garni (bayleaf, thyme + sage/rosemary/coriander if you wish…) 1 tablespoon flour (wholemeal/wholegrain if possible)

Preparation: Brown the lamb in a pan with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, add the couscous spice and some salt. When nicely browned, add the crushed garlic and the tomato concentrate/paste. Take out the meat and keep it to one side. Brown the flour in the cooking juice and add the hot stock, stirring well all the while. Put the meat in this sauce (that mustn’t be too liquid) and add the bouquet garni. Cook on low heat in the oven or on the stove in a casserole dish. After ¾ hour, cut the carrots and turnips in two, brown them with the onions and the 3rd tablespoon of olive oil with couscous spices and some salt. When they’re nicely coloured, add them to the meat and use a ladle of the cooking juice to deglaze the pan. Add this to the meat. The sauce mustn’t be too liquid and must only just cover the meat and vegetables. Cook on low heat for another ½ hour. Add the potatoes (cut in 2 if necessary) and check the seassoning. After ¾ hour, degrease the sauce and serve with freshly cut parsley. Enjoy!

Sylvain Yenicirac


Page 34

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Bœuf bourguignon aux pommes de terres et carottes. Bourguignon beef stew with potatoes and carrots

Ingredients (for six people):         

1 kg stewing beef, cut in chunks 8 carrots, sliced 8 medium potatoes, cut in 2 3 shallots, thinly sliced 1 tin mushrooms or 125 gr small fresh button mushrooms, kept whole Green olives 2 glasses of good red wine (Burgandy if possible) 1 tablespoon oil Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Put the oil in a cooking pot and put it on high heat. Brown the meat for a few minutes then add the wine and thinly sliced shallot and cook for 5 mn. Add the olives, the mushrooms, the carrots and the potatoes, check the seasoning, add salt and pepper if you wish then bring down the heat and cook slowly on low heat for one hour and a half. Sprinkle with fresh parsley when serving. Enjoy!

Margaux Arpin Bessière


Page 35

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Poulet Rôti Pommes Vapeur Roast turkey with boiled potatoes

Ingredients:    

1 kilo of potatoes 1 chicken stock cube salt-pepper thyme and olive oil

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven 180°C (Th 6) for 10-15 mn, prepare the stock (with ½ litre boiling water) and peel the potatoes. Put the turkey legs in the roasting dish, mix the thyme, salt and pepper with the oil and rub the legs with this mixture. Pour the stock in the dish and put in the oven for 1 hour and a half at 180°, basting the turkey every 15 mn to help it get nice and golden. Half an hour before the end, put salted water in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Add the potatoes, cut in half (or 4 if big), cook until a knife goes in easily (about 15 mn). Drain the potatoes, add a little butter and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Serve hot with the turkey. Enjoy!

Anis Benkaddour


Page 36

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Gratin Dauphinois et rôti de veau en sauce Dauphinoise potatoes and roast veal with gravy

Preparation time: 25 minutes Cooking time: 60 minutes Ingredients (for 6 people):            

1,2 kg veal roast Provence herbs (thyme, rosemary, oregano, savory) and basil 2 tomatoes Olive oil A few cloves of garlic (or powdered garlic) and shallots 500 gr potatoes 30 cl cream Salt and pepper Nutmeg 100 gr butter 1 litre milk Grated cheese

Preparation: Peel, wash and cut potatoes in thin slices (but don’t wash them after having cut them, because starch is necessary for a correct consistency). Place the slices in a gratin oven dish. Put the milk, the garlic, salt pepper and nutmeg in a pan. Bring to a boil, pour over the potatoes and cook in the oven (180°C / Th 6) for 50 mn to 1 hour. 10 mn before the end, sprinkle with grated cheese. Meanwhile, prepare the veal: salt and pepper the roast and pour some olive oil in a casserole dish. Brown the meat. Chop the garlic and shallot and add to the pan. Dice the tomatoes. When the roast is a nice golden colour, add the tomatoes and a ¼ litre veal stock. Cover and cook in the pot for 25 mn. Turn and baste the roast 3 or 4 times. Keep it hot until the potatoes are ready (they should be nice and golden on top). Enjoy!

Laurent Brenelière


Page 37

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Cassoulet de Castelnaudary (Sausage, duck and bean casserole from Castelnaudary

Ingredients:  350 to 400 gr dry white beans  2 duck or goose legs preserved in   

 

duck fat, cut in two 4 x 80 to 100 g pure pork sausages, known as “Toulouse” sausages 4 x 50g pork fillet 250 gr pork rinds, half of which will be used after cooking for the assembly of the cassoulet Some smoked bacon bits. Chicken bones or pork bones + onions and carrots for stock

Preparation: The day before: soak dry beans overnight in cold water. On the day: empty this water, put the beans in a pan with three litres cold water and bring to a boil for 5 minutes. Drain and reserve. Prepare the stock with 3 more litres of water, pork rinds cut in broad thin straps, the hcicken or pork bones with the onions and carrots. Add salt and pepper (liberally). Cook this stock for an hour then filter it and recover the pork rinds. Use this filtered stock to cook the beans until they are soft but remain quite whole (about an hour of boiling. In a large frying pan, degrease the pieces of preserved duck and reserve them on low heat. In the remaining grease, brown the Toulouse sausages and reserve them. Brown the pieces of pork and reserve them with the others meats. Drain the beans and keep the stock on the heat. Add some cloves of garlic and bacon bits to the beans. Take a deep earthenware casserole dish (which gave its name to the cassoulet. Line the bottom of the dish with pieces of pork rind. Add approximately a third of the beans. Lay out the meats on top and pour the rest of the beans. Add the sausages and press them down in the beans but keeping them apparent. Add hot stock over the casserole dish to cover the beans. Sprinkle with pepper and add a spoonful of duck fat used to brown the meats. Put in the oven (150/160°C / Th 5 or 6) and leave to cook for 2 to 3 hours. During the cooking, a crust will form on top: it should be broken 7 times, according to the old recipes. If it gets dry, add stock. You can prepare the cassoulet on the previous day and re-heat it for an hour and a half at 150°C (adding stock or water if necessary). This is a dish which will carry you to the paradise of the popular French gastronomy!! Enjoy! Axel Cardonne


Page 38

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Croziflette Ham, pasta squares and cheese gratin from Savoie

Ingredients:      

150g of crozets (special Savoie flat pasta squares – you can cut tagliatelles) 200g of bacon bits 1 onion 1 whole reblochon cheese Crème fraîche (double cream) Salt and pepper

Preparation: Cook the “crozets” in salted boiling water for 15 minutes. Cut the ham in thin slices and the reblochon in cubes. Sweat the onions for a few minutes. Drain and rince the “crozets” copiously with cool water. Deposit the crozets in a big gratin oven dish, cover them with some crème fraîche, add the ham and the onions. Spread the reblochon cut in cubes over the pasta and ham. Cook for 5 minutes in a hot oven (180°C). Enjoy !

Arthur Cartier


Page 39

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Gigot d'agneau à la moutarde, au thym et gousses d'ail confites Leg of lamb with mustard, thyme and glazed garlic clove

Ingredients:      

1.8 kg leg of lamb 3 tablespoons mustard with seeds 1 tablespoon dried thyme Garlic cloves (as many as you wish) 1 tablespoon olive oil Salt and pepper

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (180°C). Wipe the leg of lamb and salt it. Mix the mustard, the thyme, the oil and baste the lamb with this mixture. Place the lamb in an oven dish, add the garlic cloves (still in their skin) at the bottom of the dish and cook in the oven for 30 to 50 mn. For very pink meat, count 12 mn per pound (43 mn for 1.8 kg), for slightly pink meat, count 15 mn per pound (54 mn for 1.8 kg). Don’t forget to baste and turn the leg of lamb every 10 mn. For the sauce, deglaze the oven dish with a glass of white wine, scrape the bottom of the dish and put it back in the oven while you cut the lamb. Serve with potatoes and green beans. Enjoy!

Dorian Courrège


Page 40

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Poulet à la bière avec des patates Chicken & beer casserole with potatoes

Ingredients:        

A chicken (1.2 to 1.5 kg 20 gr butter An onion 600 to 800 gr potatoes 1 large carrots A tin of button mushrooms A few olives 75 cl beer / pale ale or more if necessary (it must cover the meat)

Preparation: Cut the chicken in large pieces. Melt the butter in a pan and brown the chicken. Add salt and pepper. When it’s nice and golden, take it out and reserve. Brown the onion, carrot and mushrooms ; when they’re nicely browned, add the chicken and cook for 3 mn, stirring all the while. Add the beer: be careful, it bubbles up! Add the olives, cover and cook on medium heat for 45 mn. After 25 mn, add the peeled potatoes cut in 4 and cover again. After 20 more minutes, check if the chicken is cooked through and taste the sauce, add salt and pepper if necessary. Sprinkle with freshly cut parsley and serve. Enjoy!

Raphaël Coves


Page 41

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Tarte aux courgettes Savoury zucchini tart

Ingredients (for 4 people):       

1 circle puff pastry 2 big onions 3 medium-sized zucchini (courgettes) 10 cl crème fraîche (double cream) 50 gr grated cheese+ 6 slices of goat’s cheese Salt and pepper Butter

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (210° / Th 7). Peel the zucchini and cut them in thin strips. Slice the onions and brown them in butter with the zucchini. Add the cream, cover and cook on slow heat for 10 mn. Add salt and pepper. Spread the pastry in a pie dish, prick it with a fork. Pour the mixture over the pastry, sprinkle the grated cheese over it, add the goat’s cheese to decorate, put in the oven and cook for about 25 m. Serve hot or warm with a salad. Enjoy!

Auristelle Druilhe


Page 42

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Poulet Basquaise Chicken casserole with summer vegetables from the Pays Basque

Ingredients:        

1 chicken 1 thick slice of Bayonne ham (cured) ½ cup of olive oil 3 or 4 diced tomatoes 5 green peppers 4 cloves of garlic 2 onions Salt and pepper

Preparation: Cut the chicken into 10 or 12 pieces. Season with salt and pepper. Heat ¼ cup of olive oil in a casserole dish. Put the chicken pieces and brown all sides over high heat. Cover and cook over moderate heat for 15 minutes. Peel and take the seeds out of the green peppers. Cut into large strips. Place the green peppers, ham and garlic cloves in the casserole dish with the chicken. Cook for 20 minutes. Peel and take the seeds out of the tomatoes. Heat ¼ cup of olive oil in a pan. Put the onions in and cook over moderate heat for 15 minutes. Add the tomatoes and cook for 15 minutes more. Adjust the seasoning and serve hot. Enjoy!

Thomas Faber


Page 43

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Rôti de porc aux pruneaux Roast pork with prunes

Ingredients:        

1 kg pork (loin, for roasting) 40 prunes 4 cloves of garlic The peel of 1 orange 20cl white wine Margarine or butter Salt and pepper Some cream

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (210°).Take the stones out of the prunes. Open the roast lengthwise, sprinkle with salt and pepper and stuff it with as many prunes as you can (reserve the others). Close it up and tie it up again. Put the margarine or butter in a pan and brown the roast on all sides, even the ends. Add the garlic, white wine and veal stock .Put in the oven for 1 hour, checking the cooking by turning the roast regularaly. Add the remaining prunes all around in the roast with the orange peel and pursue the cooking for a further 30 min. Add some cream and reduce the sauce before serving with mashed potato. Enjoy!

Hugo Fouray


Page 44

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Magret de canard avec riz Duck breast fillet with rice

Preparation time : 25 min Ingredients (for 4 people):     

2 fillets of duck breast 200 gr rice (raw) 2 onions Salt Pepper

Preparation: Cook the rice (usually 10 mn in boiling water – check your rice packet). During this time, use a sharp knife to incise the duck fat lightly sideways, one way and the other (crisscross), forming little diamonds. Put your 2 fillets of duck breast skin side down in a hot frying pan. Empty the duck fat regularly and reserve a little quantity of fat for the rice (in place of butter or oil). Let them cook on their skins for 10 at 15 min then turn them over. Let them cook for 2 more minutes. Add the chopped onions and brown in the frying pan while the duck is cooking. The duck is eaten slightly pink so cut your fillets in little slices, cover and reserve. Mix your rice with the reserved duck fat and the onions and make brown it all in the frying pan for a few seconds. Add salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!

Eve Franchino


Page 45

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Tourte a la pomme de terre avec du jambon de pays Creamy potato pie with dry-cured ham

Preparation time: 30 mn Cooking time: 40 mn Ingredients (for 6 people):    

2 circles puff pastry 800 g potatoes 1 egg yolk 1 jar of Boursin garlic and herbs cooking cream cheese

Preparation: Peel potatoes and cut them in very thin slices. Put one circle of pastry in a deep, buttered pie dish. Mix the potatoes and the Boursin cheese together in a bowl. Cover with the second circle of pastry. Pull the internal edge of the lower pastry around this lid and pinch them together with your fingers. Beat the egg yolk and brush it over the pastry. Put in the oven for 40 minutes. Serve hot with cured ham and lettuce. Enjoy!

Laurie Georgel


Page 46

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Pommes de terre sautées avec des saucisses de Strasbourg Fried potatoes with Strasbourg sausages

Ingredients (for 4 people):      

800 gr to 1 kg potatoes 1 onion 1 clove of garlic Sprigs of parsley Butter and oil 8 Strasbourg sausages (a bit like Frankfurters)

Preparation: Wash and peel the potatoes. Cut them in chunks or slices. Slice the onion and chop the clove of garlic. Put butter and some oil in a frying pan and put the potatoes in. Cook on medium to high heat for 15 mn, stirring regularly. Add the onion and the garlic after 8 mn. Meanwhile, put some water on the boil. Put the sausages in the boiling water and cook for 2 or 3 minutes. Cut them in slices and add to the potatoes. When the potatoes are nicely golden, take off the heat, turn into a dish and sprinkle with parsley. Serve immediately with mustard and/or ketchup. Enjoy!

Lilou Guillochin


Page 47

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Gratin de chou-fleurs Cauliflower cheese

Ingredients:     

Cauliflower florets 250 ml of single cream or soya single alternative to cream Grated cheese Salt and pepper A pinch or 2 of nutmeg

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (220°C) Cut and wash the cauliflower florets, cook them for 5 mn in a pressure cooker or 10 mn in boiling water. Once cooked, drain well and put in a well-buttered gratin dish (oven dish). Cover with the cream or the soya alternative, add salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste and sprinkle with grated cheese (instead of the cream, you can choose to use béchamel sauce, it’s very good too!). Cook in the oven for 10 to 15 mn until nicely golden. Serve with any meat, cold cuts or ham. Enjoy!

Léo Humbert


Page 48

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Œufs Florentine Florentine eggs

Ingredients (for 4 people): For the Florentine eggs:  8 eggs  1 kg spinach  Béchamel sauce  Salt and pepper  Grated cheese

For the Béchamel sauce:  5 tablespoons butter  4 tablespoons flour  950 ml / 1 l milk  2 teaspoons salt  ½ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (200°C). Hard boil the eggs by putting them in slightly salted boiling water for 8 mn. Put in cold water to stop the cooking. Reserve. Wash and stem the spinach. Put in a non-stick pan to get rid of the water and stir for a few minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Prepare the Béchamel sauce: In a medium saucepan, heat the butter over medium-low heat until melted. Add the flour and stir until smooth. Over medium heat, cook until the mixture turns a light, golden sandy color, about 6 to 7 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the milk in a separate pan until just about to boil. Add the hot milk to the butter mixture 1 cup at a time, whisking continuously until very smooth. Bring to a boil. Cook 10 minutes, stirring constantly, then remove from heat. Season with salt and nutmeg, and set aside until ready to use. Butter an oven dish, put the spinach on the bottom, shell the eggs and place on top of the spinach. Pour the Béchamel sauce over the eggs, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven (200°C) for 15 mn until nice and golden. Serve hot with fresh bread. Enjoy!

Alexandre Lledos


Page 49

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Rôti de boeuf, pommes de terre au four et haricots verts Roast beef with roast potatoes and French beans

Ingredients (for 4 people):         

800 gr beef fillet (for roasting) 650 gr potatoes 7 onions (5 for the potatoes, 2 for the beans) Duck fat and / or olive oil) 2 sprigs rosemary, 2 sprigs thyme Salt and pepper 1.3 kg French beans (green beans) 3 cloves garlic ½ bunch parsley

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (210°C). Wash the potatoes and the green beans. Peel the potatoes and cut in medium-sized chunks or slices. Slice the onions (7, keeping 2 of them for the beans) and put the onion with the potatoes in an oven dish. Add salt and pepper to taste, cover with a tablespooon of duck fat or olive oil, mix well and add the sprigs of thyme or/and rosemary. Put the dish in the oven and cook for 20-25 mn, turning them regularly. Put salt and pepper on the meat, according to taste, add the rosemary and/or thume and place the meat on top of the potatoes. Cook at 180°C for 15 mn, turn the meat and continue for 15 more mn. In the meantime, cook the green beans in salted boiling water for 5 to 10 mn according to taste. Put some oil in a frying pan, brown the garlic and the 2 additional thinly sliced onions. Add the beans when they are cooked, sprinkle with chopped parsley. Take out the meat, cover with aluminium foil to let it rest (to soften). Then carve the roast in thin slices and serve hot with the potatoes and French beans. Enjoy!

Jeanne Morel


Page 50

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Poulet mitonné aux petits légumes Chicken simmered with vegetables

Ingredients:           

1 chicken (1.5 kg) 1 courgette / zucchini 1 carrot 1 aubergine / eggplant 5 potatoes 3 onions 1 garlic clove 2 stock cubes for 1,5L water 4 tablespoons mustard 2 tablespoons tomato concentrate 1 bouquet garni (bayleaf, thyme + sage/rosemary/coriander if you wish…)

Preparation: Cut the chicken in 8 pieces and brown them in 3 tablespoons olive oil in a pan for about 10 mn, stirring regularly. Cover with 1.5 stock (made with the stock cubes), add the bouquet garni, the mustard and the tomato concentrate. Simmer on medium heat for 30 mn. In the meantime, cut the courgette, the carrot the aubergine and the potatoes in cubes. After 30 mn, add the vegetables, cover and leave to simmer on low heat for 1 h. Serve hot. Enjoy!

Shirley Narducii


Page 51

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Saucisse de Toulouse et ses flageolets verts Toulouse sausage with flageolet beans

Ingredients (for 6 people):          

6 large Toulouse sausages 550 gr flageolets beans 4 garlic cloves 1 shallot 4 baby white onions 250 bacon bits 1 tablespoon oil 1.5 l water 1 teaspoon thyme or rosemary 1 stock cube

Preparation: Peel and chop the onions, shallot and garlic. Brown them in the oil in a casserole pan for a few mn then add the bacon bits and cook for 6 mn. Add the beans, the water, the stock cube and the herbs. Put the sausages on top, cover and simmer for 30 mn. Take off the lid: if there’s too much liquid left, boil for 5 mn. Serve with a skimming ladle. Enjoy!

Antoine Pagès


Page 52

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Pot au feu Stewed beef with vegetables

Ingredients (for 4 people):              

500 gr fatty stewing beef 500 gr lean stewing beef 500 gr gelatinous stewing beef 1 marrow bone 4 leeks 4 carrots 1 stalk of celery 2 onions 2 beef stock cubes 1 clove of garlic 12 grains of black pepper 2 cloves Sea salt 1 bouquet garni (bayleaf, thyme + sage/rosemary/coriander if you wish…)

Preparation: Tie the beef together. If you use oxtail, cut it in chunks. Peel the carrots, the leek and celery and wash them. Put the cloves in the garlic and one of the onions. Brown the second onion in the oven so it will colour the stew. Put all the meat in a large cooking pot with the marrow bone (wrapped in muslin to keep the marrow inside) and cover with 5 litres of cold water. Put in the sea salt. Bring to the boil and leave it to boil, skimming regularly with a skimming ladle. Add the beef stock, the onion, the carrots, the leek (tied together), the celery stalk (leave all the vegetables whole, do not cut them), the garlic and the bouquet garni (tied together). Add the 12 grains of black pepper. Bring to the boil again then cover on very low heat and simmer for at least 4 hours. Skim the fat from the top with a ladle regularly (it’s a good idea to cook the Pot au Feu the previous day to let it cool so you can take out most of the fat – it’s always better when reheated!). Take out the meat and vegetables, put them in a previously warmed dish, put the stock in a previously warmed soup tureen. Serve immediately with gherkins, sea salt, strong mustard and fresh bread or boiled potatoes. Enjoy! Louis Pelous


Page 53

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Poulet au Maroilles Chicken cooked in a creamy Maroilles cheese sauce

Preparation time; 5 mn Cooking time: 20 mn Ingredients:      

4 chicken breasts 200 gr Maroilles cheese (strong flavoured soft cheese) 30 cl crème fraîche (double cream) 150 gr rice Curry powder Salt and pepper

Preparation: Cook the rice in salted boiling water (usually for 10 mn, check the instructions on your packet) and drain it. In the meantime, dice the chicken breats (cut in cubes) and brown them in a little oil in a frying pan. When they are cooked, sprinkle with a little curry and mix well. Add the Maroilles cheese cut in pieces (after removing the rind), let it melt then stir briskly so it doesn’t stick to the pan. Stir in the cream and mix until you obtain a smooth, creamy texture. Simmer for a few minutes until the chicken really absorbs the cheese. Serve with the rice. Enjoy!

Lucile Sierra


Page 54

French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Poulet aux epices et riz Spicy Indian chicken with rice

Ingredients:         

8 chicken breasts cut into small pieces  2 teaspoon of coriander powder 4 onions, chopped (fresh or frozen )  10 curry leaves/2 kaffir / 1 bayleaf 8-9 tablespoons vegetable oil  400 gr canned tomatoes 4 teaspoons garlic or garlic paste  400 ml coconut milk 4 teaspoons of ginger or ginger paste  Salt and pepper to taste 2 teaspoon paprika  A teaspoon of sugar 2 teaspoon of turmeric  1 bunch fresh coriander 2 teaspoon cumin or caraway seeds  ½ glass water 4 teaspoons red curry paste (or a teaspoon of chili powder or fresh chilli to taste)

Preparation: In a skillet, sauté the onions in vegetable oil on high heat until they are golden yellow. Then add all the spices, curry leaves (or kaffir leaves or bayleaf ), the red curry paste or chili, the garlic and the ginger. Stir until the mixture smells nice and spicy. Add the meat cut into pieces still on high heat and do not stop stirring for about 2 mn. Once the chicken is nice and golden, add the tomatoes and reduce the heat to medium. Stir for 1 min. Add half a glass of water and stir. Add the coconut milk and simmer over very low heat for 1 hour so the chicken will remain tender. Add salt , pepper and sugar. In the meantime, cook the rice following the indications of the packet. After 1 hour , remove the pan from the heat and chop half the coriander (keep the stem, it is where the flavour concentrates) and mix. Add the remaining coriander to garnish. If you want more sauce, add coconut milk. Serve hot with rice. Enjoy!

Carla Stivala


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French Recipe Book for our Greek friends Main dishes

Tarte au thon et fromage de chèvre Savoury tuna and goat’s cheese tart

Preparation time: 10 mn Cooking time: 40 mn Ingredients:      

135 gr goat’s cheese 405 gr tinned tuna, drained 1 shortcrust pastry 5 + 12 tablespoons milk 3 eggs 1 tablespoon of crème frîiche

Preparation: Pre-heat the oven (180°C - Th 6) Drain the tuna, mash it with a fork and wet it with 5 tablespoons milk. Spread the shortcrust pastry in a pie dish and prick the bottom with a fork. Put the tuna mixture on the pastry. Cut the goat's cheese in small cubes and put it on the tuna. In a salad bowl, mix the eggs, the crème fraîche and the 12 tablespoons of milk together until you obtain a smooth paste. Pour this mixture on the tuna. Cook for approximately 30 mn (180°C). Serve hot with a nice salad. Enjoy!

Lori Vischi


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