Marketingcommunication campaign Madame Tussauds Singapore

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Index 1. Analysis of the client & product ...................................................................................................... 3 2. Target group...................................................................................................................................... 4 3. Consumer .......................................................................................................................................... 9 4. Competition ..................................................................................................................................... 13 5. Objectives ........................................................................................................................................ 14 6. Strategy positioning ....................................................................................................................... 16 7. Strategy proposition ....................................................................................................................... 16 8. Creative concept............................................................................................................................. 18 9. Instruments & media (designing) ................................................................................................. 21 10. Planning ......................................................................................................................................... 24 11. Budget .......................................................................................................................................... 27 12. Evaluation...................................................................................................................................... 28 13. Sources.......................................................................................................................................... 31


Foreword For Madame Tussauds Singapore we got the chance to invent a new campaign for their new Marvel 4D experience, who launched the 14th of December 2017. We had to invent a campaign who will reach our target group and got them interest to visit Madame Tussauds Singapore and the new Marvel 4D experience. In this report you will read every step we made to build our campaign ‘Everybody can be a superhero’ because just say, who did not dream to be a superhero once in their life? We hope you will enjoy reading it!


1. Analysis of the client & product Madame Tussauds Singapore Madame Tussauds Singapore is a museum and tourist attraction on Sentosa Island in Singapore. The museum features many wax figures of political people, famous actors, sports icons and other superstars from Singapore, also from the rest of the world. People can photograph and pose with their favourite stars, come face to face with (inter)national icons and get on stage with music legends. Furthermore, there are attractions as ‘Images of Singapore LIVE' and ‘The spirit of Singapore boat ride'. (Group, 2015) Marvel 4D Experience The 14th of December 2017 a new attraction will launch called ‘The Marvel experience 4D'. This is a 10+ minute during the film where the customer will experience the world of Marvel, these are comic figures out of the stories of the American Comic publisher Marvel Entertainment. You will get 3D glasses before and see the movie with special effects in 4D: (physical)effects for seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling. Before the customer enters the cinema, they will see a pre-show with 3 Marvel figures: They can stand behind a statue where it looks like if they have the legs of Ironman, make a picture at the set of Spiderman with a trick eye-effect or at the set of Captain America. These sets are interactive. After the movie, there is a retail shop. The price for a ticket is $42 for adults and $32 for Children. This is included Images Singapore LIVE, Spirit of Singapore Boat ride and Marvel 4D Cinema.


2. Target group The target group Our target group is young adults from the age of 20-30. We focus a bit more on people from Singapore, India, Indonesia, Philippines and Australia because those are the most common visitors in Singapore. But they could come from all over the world because they travel from abroad to Singapore. Visitor arrivals In the annual report of tourist statics 2016 from Singapore tourism board you can see that In 2016 16.4 million people visited Singapore. In 2015 it was 15.2 million people, so that’s 1.2 million people more than last year and that’s a good improvement. The most of the visitors are visited Singapore because it’s a beautiful city. They have a lot of nice attractions. There is an incredible rooftop pool/bars and beautiful gardens and parks (Marina Bay Sands). Singapore is a melting pot of culture. ( Economic situation very depends on each person. For the majority of people from Europe, it is impossible to go to a trip to Singapore, because they are students or they have just started their work. The purpose of visiting Madame Tussauds in Singapore is to see the wax figures and take a cool picture with them. Once they have them, they want to share it on social media. What type of incoming visitor segments is relevant to Singapore? If they are coming for a longer stay or just for a couple of days. If they sleep in hotels or they use any other kind of accommodation, like Airbnb and couch surfing. How much money they have. Tourist’s money per day On food, they spend around S$7.7 million. On accommodation, they spend around S$17.2 million. On entertainment, they spend around S$12 million. It may help if there was another research of length their stay in Singapore. ( Current target group of Madame Tussauds The current target group of Madame Tussauds are tourists with a camera to take a picture with famous persons. The target groups for Madame Tussauds are families and young adults. The top 5 nationalities who are visiting Madame Tussauds in Singapore are Indian, Singaporean, Indonesian, Philippines and Australian. Most of the people know Madame Tussauds because they can find it in the most popular cities around the world. However, fewer people know Singapore images live, because it is settled only in Singapore.


Cultural profile target country Cultural dimensions Trompenaars Neutral vs Emotional Neutral: People tend to hide their emotions; the reason is considered more important than emotions. However, people do experience emotions but they just don’t show them as easily. Emotional: People feel that expressing emotion is important and will spontaneously show emotions in all aspects of life. Singapore: People in neutral cultures do not show their feelings, but keep them carefully controlled. In cultures with high efficiency, people show their feelings easily by laughing, smiling, scowling - and sometimes even crying, shouting, or walking out of the room. Only some cultures like to express feelings openly. Emotions are the most acceptable in Singapore comparing to Italy, France, and the U.S. Emotional reactions were found to be least acceptable in Japan, Indonesia, the U.K., Norway and the Netherlands. (i-CE, sd) Specific & Diffuse Specific: In a specific culture, work and private life are completely separate. As a result, you do not need to have a good relationship with people you work with. Diffuse: Culture work and private life overlap. Relationships are important in both spheres and people often have relationships with colleagues outside of work. Diffuse societies are often networked societies Singapore: Singapore is the ultimate network society so that means it is diffuse society. The networking culture gave Singapore a competitive advantage in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). As an island nation with no natural resources, Singapore is dependent on trade. The most important thing in Singapore is to show that you care about the customer and want to develop a personal relationship. Advertisements in newspapers very often display photos of salespeople or real estate agents and state that they are "at your service with care." Restaurants advertise that they offer simple cuisine but luxurious and courteous service. (flylib, sd) Universalism vs Particularism Singapore is a particularism society. The Particularist assesses more the specific circumstances or the personal backgrounds. In particularism societies in any situation behave depends on the circumstances. What is right in one situation may not be right in another. Therefore, a Particularist must sustain, protect or discount this person no matter what the rules say. People in such societies treat their family, friends and members of their in-group as best they can. The other people around them are on their own. Their in-group will take care of them. The in- or out-groups are clearly distinguished. A particularist always differences between individuals. No one is seen as the same, everyone is treated as unique. Personal feelings are down here, in contrast to the Universalist, not aside, but as a support. In practice, both kinds of judgment are used. In most situations, it is encountered that they reinforce each other. (JHTRAVIS, 2011)

Cultural dimensions Hofstede Power Distance This dimension deals with the fact that all individuals in societies are not equal – it expresses the attitude of the culture towards these inequalities amongst us. Power Distance is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. Singapore scores high on this dimension (score of 74). With a Confucian background (the Chinese) they normally have a syncretic approach to religion, which is also the dominant approach in Singapore. One of the key principles of Confucian teaching is the stability of 5

society, which is based on unequal relationships between people. Confucius distinguished five basic relationships: ruler-subject; father-son; older brother-younger brother; husbandwife; and senior friend-junior friend. These relationships are based on mutual and complementary obligations. Here we can see the high PDI as a consequence. Power is centralized and managers rely on their bosses and on rules. Employees expect to be told what to do. Control is expected and attitude towards managers is formal. Communication is indirect and the information flow is selective. We can see the high PDI also in the government’s defined five “shared values”: Nation before community and society above self. Individualism The fundamental issue addressed by this dimension is the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members. It has to do with whether people´s self-image is defined in terms of “I” or “We”. In Individualist societies people are supposed to look after themselves and their direct family only. In Collectivist societies, people belong to ‘in groups’ that take care of them in exchange for loyalty. Singapore, with a score of 20 is a collectivistic society. This means that the “We” is important, people belong to in-groups (families, clans or organizations) who look after each other in exchange for loyalty. Here we can also see the second key principle of the Confucian teaching: The family is the prototype of all social organizations. A person is not primarily an individual; rather, he or she is a member of a family. Children should learn to restrain themselves, to overcome their individuality so as to maintain the harmony in the family. Harmony is found when everybody saves face in the sense of dignity, self-respect, and prestige. Social relations should be conducted in such a way that everybody's face is saved. Paying respect to someone is called giving face. Communication is indirect and the harmony of the group has to be maintained, open conflicts are avoided. A “yes” doesn’t necessarily mean “yes”; politeness takes precedence over honest feedback. The relationship has a moral basis and this always has priority over task fulfilment. The face of others has to be respected and especially as a manager calmness and respectability is very important. Masculinity A high score (Masculine) on this dimension indicates that the society will be driven by competition, achievement and success, with success being defined by the winner / best in a field – a value system that starts in school and continues throughout organizational life. A low score (Feminine) on the dimension means that the dominant values in society are caring for others and quality of life. A Feminine society is one where the quality of life is the sign of success and standing out from the crowd is not admirable. The fundamental issue here is what motivates people, wanting to be the best (Masculine) or liking what you do (Feminine). Singapore scores 48 and is in the “middle” of the scale but more on the Feminine side. This means that the softer aspects of culture such as leveling with others, consensus, sympathy for the underdog are valued and encouraged. Being modest and humble is seen as very important; thus showing that one knows it all and therefore has come to educate the counterparts is not liked.  Conflicts are avoided in private and work life and consensus at the end is important. During discussions being cautious is important, not to be too persistent. We can also see the feminism in the governments defined five “shared values” again: Community support and respect for the individual.


Uncertainty Avoidance The dimension Uncertainty Avoidance has to do with the way that a society deals with the fact that the future can never be known: should we try to control the future or just let it happen? This ambiguity brings with it anxiety and different cultures have learned to deal with this anxiety in different ways.  The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these is reflected in the score on Uncertainty Avoidance. Singapore scores 8 on this dimension and thus scores very low on this dimension. In Singapore, people abide many rules not because they have a need for structure but because of high PDI. Singaporeans call their society a “Fine country. You’ll get a fine for everything”. Long-Term Orientation This dimension describes how every society has to maintain some links with its own past while dealing with the challenges of the present and future, and societies priorities these two existential goals differently. Normative societies, which score low on this dimension, for example, prefer to maintain time-honored traditions and norms while viewing societal change with suspicion. Those with a culture which scores high, on the other hand, take a more pragmatic approach: they encourage thrift and efforts in modern education as a way to prepare for the future. Singapore scores 72, this high score is reflected in Singapore which shows cultural qualities supporting long-term investment such as perseverance, sustained efforts, slow results, thrift; being sparse with resources, ordering relationship by status and having a sense of shame (see also again the Confucian teaching). Singapore has also become one of the five dragons with an immense economic success. Whereas Westerners have been looking for the truth, the Singaporeans are emphasizing virtue and the way you do things. They are always keeping their options open as there are many ways to skin a cat. Westerners believe that if A is right, B must be wrong, whereas people from East and Southeast Asian countries see that both A and B combined to produce something superior. This mindset allows for a more pragmatic approach to business. Indulgence One challenge that confronts humanity, now and in the past, is the degree to which small children are socialized. Without socialization, we do not become “human”. This dimension is defined as the extent to which people try to control their desires and impulses, based on the way they were raised. Relatively weak control is called “Indulgence” and relatively strong control is called “Restraint”. Cultures can, therefore, be described as Indulgent or Restrained. (

Singapore habits • Respectful Reserve a seat with a tissue packet, a pen, an umbrella or name card. • Always online Singapore people like keeping themselves up-to-date, they tweet every other minute, Instagram their food a lot and comment on the Facebook. • They never give up, love queuing If they decide to wait for something, they will even it is raining or even the queue is really long. (Goh, 2014) 7

• Taking off shoes People in Singapore don’t wear shoes in the house. They take them off before they enter the house. • Call older people aunty/uncle They are used to call all older people aunty or uncle, it is impolite to call elderly people by their names, even they have nametags. • Chopsticks Always put your chopsticks across the bowl or on chopstick rests. People in Singapore put their chopsticks in an upright position only during funerals. • Don’t tip When you pay in Restaurants and cafes, your bill will include 7% goods and services tax and 10% service charge. People in Singapore aren’t used to leaving extra money, if you are ok with the service, just tell them to thank you. (Lee, 2015)


3. Consumer Personas Based on our market segmentation we have made 2 personas. One single man and a couple. These personas describe our audience. We have made the personas as detailed as possible to give a good insight to our target audience.


Conversion points Website The most people of our target group buy the tickets online. Therefore the website is one of the most crucial moments in our customer journey. Therefore it’s important to invest in the customer relationship after they bought their tickets. Social media Our target audience is active on social media. That’s why social media is an important touchpoint. Social media can inspire them to visit MT. Also, the sponsored messages on social media are important. Nowadays, a good social media feed is indispensable for a company. Online ads The most people of our target group books their trip to Singapore in advance. When they are booking their trip it is important that they are aware of what they can do at MT Singapore. Therefore investing into display advertisement is a crucial moment in our customer journey.


Customer Journey Here you can see customer journey of our persona Alain.

Customer Journey explanation DISCOVER Website The website is the place where Alain can find all the information about Madame Tussauds Singapore. This is a normal way to do some research. Travel sites Alain is searching on travel sites like Tripadvisor. On these travel sites he’s reading travelrelated content to do some good and relevant research. Mouth of mouth He has a lot of friends who like to travel too. So when he is meeting up with his friends he will discuss with them about his trip to Singapore. Opinions and experiences of his social environment are quite important for his choices. Online ads After he has done some research, Alain probably gets online ads from trips to Singapore that are interesting to him. Social media Social media also plays a major role in research. He is going to look for beautiful images on his social media from Singapore. 11

CONSIDERATION Social sphere The social environment of Alain is important for his ultimate choices. Blogs He read several blogs about Singapore and Madame Tussauds to find honest opinions and reviews. Ratings & Reviews Ratings & reviews are important for him. He likes to know more about the experience from other people. Landing page Also the website from Madame Tussauds Singapore is an important touchpoint. Because the information from MT is on the website. PURCHASE Landing page Alain likes to buy his ticket from MT Singapore online. So the ticket page is an important touchpoint. E-commerce Alain is going to buy his ticket online. Online ticketing does away with the need to queue up at ticket counters. Contact center When Alain has questions about MT Singapore, the contact center is an important thing. Email After buying tickets, Alain receives a confirmation e-mail include the tickets and important information. EXPERIENCE Social media During the experience of Madame Tussauds Singapore Alain is active on social media. He likes to share his experience with his friends and followers on social media channels like Snapchat and Facebook. RECOMMEND Social media Alain is going to share his experience of his trip to Madame Tussauds Singapore on social media. He’s going to share his pictures and stories on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Travel sites and reviews Alain always writes reviews after his trips. Because he often looks at reviews by himself. He finds it important to share his honest opinion with others too.


4. Competition Competition The biggest competition for Madame Tussauds is Disney. Disneyland offers in Singapore ‘Universal Studios’. Universal studios are owned by the Genting Group, who also are owners of Resort World Sentosa. In total there are 24 attractions. The park consists of seven themed zones which are based on a blockbuster movie or a television shows with opportunity to meet many characters from TV. It has the world's tallest pair of roller coasters that are based on the popular television series, Battlestar Galactica. Universal Studios Singapore has over 30 restaurants and food. Other competitors Other tourist attractions are Orchard road, Clarke Quay, Raffles Hotel, Gardens by the Bay, Singapore Botanic Gardens, Night Safari, Buddha Tooth Relic Temple, Singapore flyer and Marina Bay Sands. These are the top 10 tourist attractions in Singapore. Visitors need to choose to which attractions they want to go. You can see that the most competitors use a website, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. Some of the competitors also use Twitter.


5. Objectives Knowledge 1.

…% to the target group know that the Marvel 4D Experience is about superheroes

2. …% of the target group will be aware that the Marvel 4D Experience is launched 3. …% of the target group know that they can visit Madame Tussauds Singapore 4. … % know where Madame Tussauds Singapore is located 5. …% of the target group know how to get to Madame Tussauds singapore

Attitude 6. …% of the target group is attracted to the idea of going to Madame Tussauds 7. … % of the target group will associate Madame Tussauds Singapore with innovative entertainment.

Behaviour 8. ...% of our target group will buy tickets for Madame Tussauds Singapore 9. Involvement There will be an increase of …% in the interaction with the (potential) visitors on social media of Madame Tussauds Singapore during the campaign. 10. …% of our target group will actually go to Madame Tussauds Singapore 11. Satisfaction ... % of the target group will leave a review about Madame Tussauds Singapore/The Marvel 4D Experience 12. …% of the target group will recommend the Madame Tussauds experience to their family/friends

Objectives SMART Knowledge 1. 60% of the target group know in the months July and August 2018 that the Marvel 4D Experience is about superheroes by participating in our campaign. 2. 50% of the target group who visited our campaign ‘everybody can be a superhero’, will be aware in the months July and August 2018 that the Marvel 4D Experience is launched by making a picture at our campaign. 3. Brand Awareness 50% of the target group sees our campaign ‘everybody can be a superhero’ in the months July and August 2018 and know that they can visit Madame Tussauds Singapore by making a photo at our campaign.


4. 40% of the target group who participate at our campaign ‘everybody can be a superhero’, in the months July and August 2018 will know where Madame Tussauds Singapore is located by seeing the map on the case of their picture. 5. 40% of the target group who participate at our campaign ‘everybody can be a superhero’, in the months July and August 2018 will know how to get to Madame Tussauds Singapore by seeing the public transport sign on the map on the case of their picture.

Attitude 6. 30% of the target group is attracted to the idea of going to Madame Tussauds in July or August 2018 by pressing a smiley face at the end of our campaign where that question is asked. 7. At least 30 % of the target group will associate Madame Tussauds Singapore with innovative entertainment by filling the question in a questionnaire after their visit in July or August 2018.

Behaviour 8. 20% of our target group who participate in our campaign ‘everybody can be a superhero’ in July or August 2018 bought tickets for Madame Tussauds Singapore in these months. 9. Involvement Comparison to the month June 2018, the messages of our target group about Madame Tussauds Singapore on the social media platforms will have increased by at least 20% after July and August 2018 10. 20% of our target group who participate our campaign in July or August 2018 actually go and visit Madame Tussauds Singapore. 11. Satisfaction 10% of the visitors will leave a review on the Facebook page of Madame Tussauds Singapore about their experience in between 2 months after our campaign in July and August 2018 12. 10% of the target group who visited Madame Tussauds will recommend the experience to their family/friends.


6. Strategy positioning Executional For our campaign, we choose for an execution positioning. This positioning is often chosen in highly competitive markets. This is also the case for our Madame Tussauds campaign in the entertainment branch, with competitors like Disney with her ‘Universal Studios or the Gardens by the bay, Marina Bay Sands etc. (for more see topic ‘Competition’). With executional positioning, the brand/product is linked to a unique element or symbol, the Unique Selling Point USP. Madame Tussauds Singapore with her new Marvel 4D experience has as USP ‘a unique entertaining experience’. We implement this USP also in our campaign ‘Everybody can be a superhero’. Because who did not dream to be a superhero once in their life? And have exactly the same looks as your favourite superhero. Also, at the new 4D experience, you will feel part of the superhero movie. The superheroes are the unique symbols/elements of the Marvel 4d experience and so our campaign. With this storytelling, we want to distinguish us from our competition with putting the focus on this USP.

7. Strategy proposition We cannot say we will reach only our target group, we will definitely reach incoming visitors of Singapore of all kinds. We are promising people that they will have unique personal experience which they cannot find anywhere else. Our campaign is easy for everyone so that it can reach more people. We want to increase awareness of Madame Tussauds and their new experience, besides that, we want to get people there and spread their experience on social media. Our aim is to have people’s image of Madame Tussauds as a fun and great entertainment full of cool pictures and incredibly real statues.

Motivation Travellers who are visiting Singapore are motivated to go to Madame Tussauds.

Why? We prepared a place, where people can make a picture as a superhero or they can make a picture with a superhero. People are happy they have some souvenir for free (a printed picture), they had fun and they would like to have more pictures as that one. Also, they are looking forward to seeing themselves into the superhero picture. If they go there together, they are going to get a discount! It is more fun with some company anyway, so they are excited to go to Madame Tussauds and make more funny and cool pictures and videos.

The key benefits •



Shared on social media


Two examples how the pictures will look in our case. You see some of examples how they can look for men and women.


8. Creative concept Everybody can be a superhero, Madame Tussauds Marvel experience Who did not dream to be a superhero once in their life? And have exactly the same looks as your favourite superhero! That is now possible at our ‘Everybody can be a superhero Marvel experience’. At the Promontory square in Singapore, close to the famous Marina Bay building, will our campaign take place. Here, the target group can fully enjoy an experience where you are the main character as a real superhero! On the square will be a photo wall. When you’re walking on Promontory square some staff members from Madame Tussauds, all dressed up as some characters of Marvel, will ask you if you want to enjoy the experience and make a personalized superhero photo. First, the staff member will help you to dress as a real superhero with accessories and attributes. There are four characters you can choose off, two men and two women (Thor, Spiderman, Captain America and Captain America girl and Black Widow), so that there is something for everyone. Then the moment is there, we will make a photo of you next to a real superhero! (These are staff members from Madame Tussauds). We will take the photo with your phone. If the photo is made, you need to post your superhero photo on your Instagram account with the hashtag: #MadameTussaudsSingapore. Soon as you uploaded the photo, your photo will show up on our Printka screen. As a reward that you dare to enter this experience, we will send you a 1+ 1 ticket with 20% discount for Madame Tussauds Singapore in an e-mail. You will receive a discount code into your email box after filling in your address. Then we will print your personalized photo on high quality and put them into a Madame Tussauds case to save it. When the participants leave the campaign happy and satisfied, the experience is not over yet! After their visit to our campaign they make a chance to win a unique price, namely a cool T-shirt with the text ‘I am a superhero’ on it. Every month of campaigning we raffle 10 tshirts! The lucky winners will get their t-shirt send home.


Explanation keywords concept: Photowall: On the photo wall the logo of Madame Tussauds if spread out over it. So we take a picture if you, standing in front of it, and people will see your photo online or offline, they will get in touch with the brand Madame Tussauds what generates brand awareness. Photo: The photo we make of you as a superhero exist both online (on Instagram) and offline (printed). Online, your followers will see your picture and probably like it or give a comment. Offline, when you’re back home from your Singapore trip you will probably save your picture, put it in your home and show it to your friends & family while telling about your big trip and visit of the new Marvel 4D experience. This both online and offline action will also generate brand awareness #MadameTussaudsSingapore: Before we can print the photo, the customer needs to post their picture on Instagram with the branded hashtag #MadameTussaudsSingapore. The consequence of this is that all pictures who are made during our experience are collected together, so you can find them back easily and see how much there are made. Beside of that the publicity of the new Marvel experience will distribute soon, people will recognize it and get more known by the target group. Printka screen: These days, it is not enough to just throw a great event. What you really want is for everyone to find out about it. The participants will do that with the help of Printka by using the branded hashtag while sharing their photos from the experience. So, the more photos we print, the more online content is created through which their followers will find out about the cool experience and the brand behind it.

e-mail: When you have participated this experience, you will receive a personalized e-mail with the 1+ 20% discount ticket. If they use the discount by showing this e-mail or picture at the entrance, or it’s on their online bought tickets that they used the discount code, we know they come from our experience. Madame Tussauds case: Soon as we printed your picture we put it into a Marvel save case, so your picture will not get damaged. On the back of this case there is a map of ‘how to come to Madame Tussauds as fast as possible’. This provides that people, after the ‘everybody can be a superhero’ experience, will go and visit Madame Tussauds Singapore. There will also be a little reference to the 1+ 20% discount on it. unique price, t-shirt: Every month 10 persons have a chance to win the price, a unique tshirt. On the T-shirt is the logo of Madame Tussauds and the new Marvel 4D experience. The chance that they will participate our campaign is bigger. And when these people wear the t-shirt it will provide brand awareness for Madame Tussauds.


Concept story, in customer journey view David and Yara are excited and full of energy. They want to take a picture with one of the most famous buildings called Marina Bay Sands. So, they are walking around and looking for some good spot for taking a picture. They find one good place at The Promontory square. They are trying so many angles and positions. When they are done, they are walking back and see a group of people in front of some big wall with the logo of Madame Tussauds. They see people having fun and leaving with a smile full of satisfaction. “What is there?” asked Yara, “I don’t know, but let’s check that out”. They are walking towards that place and when they are almost there, one nice guy comes to them asking if they would like to become superheroes. “What does it mean?”, asked David. The nice guy with muscles answers: “Well, we have here really small Hollywood, you can make a picture with our real superhero! Moreover, you can have your picture right away with you!”. Yara is excited and wants to go, so she takes David’s hand and they are going to see what a superhero is over there. “Would you like to have a picture?” asked them one nice girl. “Sure” they replied. “We need you to share it on Instagram and then we can see it on our screen and we can print it for you,” said girl. “But I don’t have a public account, is that ok or not?” Yara asked. The girl said they have to put it public but it can be only for few minutes and then they can lock it again. “No, it is OK, I have a public account, we can take the picture on my phone,” David said and gave his phone to that girl. She showed them a table with accessories and then took a picture. The picture looks cool and they are happy to share it. When the girl printed it, she put the picture into paper cover and told them: “If you would like to have more pictures like this, you should visit Madame Tussauds, it is very entertaining and there are not just superheroes. Here on the other side of your cover is a map how to get there and if you show them your picture, you will get a 1 ticket+ 20% discount ticket!”. “Great! Thank you!” says excited David. David and Yara are walking away and David wants to go to Madame Tussauds, but Yara is not that excited as he is. “I am not sure, but you can go alone if you want,” Yara said. “Oh come on,, it’s going to be fun, and it’s going to be cheaper only if you go with me!” David explains. After a while, Yara agrees and they are about to plan their experience.


9. Instruments & media Logo concept This logo for our hole campaign, It is going to be on our covers and also on T-shirts which we are going to send to customers who wins.

Photowall located We tried to visualize where is going to stand our photowall.


Front and back page of our case for pictures of our customers


Case template

The picture Pictures are supposed to look like this.

The case can be fold that it can stand up straight, so you can set it for example as decoration in your home.


10. Planning Location We picked as our location The Promontary Square in Singapore. People love making pictures and most of them need to share everything on social media, even more, when they are going on vacation. On vacation you take a lot of pictures with famous and interesting places. One of the most famous buildings in Singapore is Marina Bay. To take a good picture you cannot be too close to that building, so you need to find some place from where the Marina Bay and you as well is going to be all and nice to see. One of those places is The Promontary Square.

As you can see, here is a really good view of Marina Bay and to many others building. Besides that, the place is big so even if there are many people, you are going to find a place just for yourself.


Our location is surrounded by many food places, so there are always going to be people. Apart from that, even people who do not want to take a picture can come here just for a walk with a nice view or with food to sit on the grass. Once they are there, they are going to see our photo wall and assistants could come to ask them if they want to take a picture.


When? We choose to take our campaign take place in the months July and August. As in the figure below from the annual report of tourist statics 2015 from Singapore tourism board, you can see that in July and August are the most international visitor arrivals per month. So these two are the busiest. We choose for these months cause then the chance will be bigger our campaign will be seen by more people and hopefully our target group.

(Board, 2016)

Days and time? On the website foursquare* we found a timetable on what time the most visitors check in on Promontory square, the place where our campaign takes place. We want to let our campaign take place between 10.00h – 17.00h, so 8 hours in total. You can see that to most people check in on these times at Saturday (8.00 AM-midnight) and Sunday (6.00 AM- 10.00 AM/3.00 PM – 9.00 PM). We chose these days and times so the chance most people will see our campaign will be bigger.

(Foursquare, sd) *Foursquare is a signalnetwork website or software for your mobile phone as a game. Users ‘check in’ on venues where they are at that moment on the mobile website. The goal is to check in as much as you can to receive points and badges.


11. Budget We got budget of the amount of €50.000. Because in our opinion are the best things the easiest, we create this campaign with really small budget €12.368. So if our client wants to expend more and let the campaign run longer, that is possible.

In this picture above, you can see our calculation. We need money to buy costumes and costume accessories for customers and staff, especially for our “real” superhero, who is going to have the best and almost real costume. We tried to find as much as we could in Singapore for better transport, that is why some prices are not in euros. Items we have to consider each day is for sure salary for our assistants and renting a tablet. Our budget is very small and could be even smaller if we could get the photowall/background from Madame Tussauds. Because of that, we could add more costumes and probably more places where we could realize our campaign. Also, we could let it run for more days than we have planned. We suppose that we gave away 300 pictures per day, which makes 2.400 people per 8 days. With optimistic mood, we presume that 400 people will actually go to Madame Tussauds. That means that 200 people will get a discount of 20% because we are going to give people 1+1discount with our picture. After calculation prices of these tickets, we got “losses” of €750, which are our costs for 20% discount. Besides that, we calculate costs of printing T-shirts with shipping to our winners


12. Evaluation We will describe for every objective a short description how we think we will achieve them.

Knowledge 1. 60% of the target group know in the months July and August 2018 that the Marvel 4D Experience is about superheroes by participating in our campaign. > Our campaign is all bases on superheroes. The staff members are dressed as one, you get on the picture with one and you are one! Because everywhere is the logo of Madame Tussauds showed the change that the target group know that the campaign is about superheroes is big, that’s also why we give the % more than the half of the target group. 2. 50% of the target group who visited our campaign ‘everybody can be a superhero’, will be aware in the months July and August 2018 that the Marvel 4D Experience is launched by making a picture at our campaign. > When the target group participate in our campaign they will receive their picture. On that picture there is a logo of the new Marvel 4D experience. Beside that in the e-mail they receive after, will also be mentioned that there is a new experience. Both will provide that they know the experience is launched. Cause the change is big they see it, we give the % the half of the target group. 3. Brand Awareness 50% of the target group sees our campaign ‘everybody can be a superhero’ in the months July and August 2018 and know that they can visit Madame Tussauds Singapore by making a photo at our campaign. > When the target group participate in our campaign they will receive their picture. On that picture there is a logo of the new Marvel 4D experience. Beside that in the e-mail they receive after, will also be mentioned that they can visit Madame Tussauds Singapore. Both will provide that the possibility is there to visit Madame Tussauds. Cause the change is big they see it, we give the % the half of the target group. 4. 40% of the target group who participate at our campaign ‘everybody can be a superhero’, in the months July and August 2018 will know where Madame Tussauds Singapore is located by seeing the map on the case of their picture. > When the target group participate in our campaign they will receive their picture. On back of the case around the picture there is map. On that map it says where you are located and where MT is. The change is quite big that the target group sees this, but because probably not everybody will we made it 40%. 5. 40% of the target group who participate at our campaign ‘everybody can be a superhero’, in the months July and August 2018 will know how to get to Madame Tussauds Singapore by seeing the public transport sign on the map on the case of their picture. > When the target group participate in our campaign they will receive their picture. On back of the case around the picture there is map with the public transport on it. The change is quite big that the target group sees this, but because probably not everybody will we made it 40%.


Attitude 6. 30% of the target group is attracted to the idea of going to Madame Tussauds in July or August 2018 by pressing a smiley face at the end of our campaign where that question is asked. > When you’ve been taught all the stages of our experience in the end there is a board where you can press a happy or sad smiley face. Above the board is the question: ‘Are you attracted to visit the new Marvel 4D experience. By seeing the results of the pressing we can see how many people pressed the happy face. Because not everybody will press or press the sad smiley, we made it 30% 7. At least 30 % of the target group will associate Madame Tussauds Singapore with innovative entertainment by filling the question in a questionnaire after their visit in July or August 2018. > When the participants visit Madame Tussauds we send them a questionnaire about their visit with the e-mail addresses we received while they wanted to get their picture. Because not everybody will see the e-mail or fill it in, we made it 30%

Behaviour 8. 20% of our target group who participate in our campaign ‘everybody can be a superhero’ in July or August 2018 bought tickets for Madame Tussauds Singapore in these months. > We can see which people came from our campaign cause the discount will be on their online ticket. Or while they show the e-mail or picture at the entrance. So we can count every person. Because not everybody of our target group will actually buy a ticket for Madame Tussauds we made it 20%

Involvement 9. Comparison to the month June 2018, the messages of our target group about Madame Tussauds Singapore on the social media platforms will have increased by at least 20% after July and August 2018 > With the program Coosto we make screenshots about the movement of messages in the months June. Then after July and August we do the same and we will see the improvement of messages in total. Because our campaign will take place over a longer period and get a lot of attention by many people, 20% is a reachable number. 10. 20% of our target group who participate our campaign in July or August 2018 actually go and visit Madame Tussauds Singapore. > We can see which people came from our campaign cause the discount will be on their online ticket. Or while they show the e-mail or picture at the entrance. So we can count every person. Because not everybody of our target group will actually go to Madame Tussauds because they are not interested or not going anymore because of reasons we made it 20%


11. Satisfaction 10% of the visitors will leave a review on the Facebook page of Madame Tussauds Singapore about their experience in between 2 months after our campaign in July and August 2018 > On the Facebook page of Madame Tussauds you can actually see if people placed a review and when they do it. So we can count the persons who left a review. Because not everybody will have the effort to actually do this we made it 10% 12. 10% of the target group who visited Madame Tussauds will recommend the experience to their family/friends. > of course this is very hard to check if people actually recommend it. But if you think about when you have seen something you liked or a special experience you probably will talk about it with your surroundings. Because not everyone could recommend it because they didn’t like it or just don’t do it, we made it with a little 10%




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