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Campus Public Safety ................................................................. 39–42 Safety Tips Parking & Traffi c Regulations ................................................... 41–42 Student Affairs ........................................................................... 43–49

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1. Remain safety and security conscious. Safety is everyone’s concern.

2. Security offi cers are located at all IRSC campuses. On the Massey Campus, contact Campus Public Safety at 772-462-4755 for assistance. On branch campuses, contact the Campus President’s Offi ce or Campus Public Safety for assistance.

3. If you see a crime or an act of violence, call 911, then promptly contact Campus Public Safety at 772-462-4755 (Massey Campus), the Campus President's Offi ce, and/or an appropriate administrator or instructor.

4. Report suspicious persons/incidents and all potentially dangerous situations to Campus Public Safety at 772-462-4755 (Massey Campus), the Campus President's Offi ce, and/or an appropriate administrator or instructor.

5. Keep your vehicle locked, and place valuables (GPS, bookbags, etc.) out of view/locked in trunk.

6. Park your vehicle only in authorized areas.

7. Observe the 15 mile per hour speed limit on campuses at all times.

8. Report all injuries to the Health and Wellness Center located in Building U on the Massey Campus or by calling 772-462-7825.

9. Do not enter posted/unauthorized/restricted areas.

10. Obey all College rules and regulations as stated in the Student Handbook/Planner or Employee Handbook.

11. Do not leave valuables unattended or in pool lockers.

12. When on campus at night, make it a point to walk in well-lighted main walkways with other students or staff. There is safety in numbers.

13. Review and make sure all contact information is up-to-date. Log in to MyPioneerPortal, and launch the Workday app.

14. Visit the Campus Public Safety web page at irsc.edu for important information, security tips and guides.




IRSC parking and traffi c regulations apply to everyone operating a motor vehicle on property owned by Indian River State College. Parking regulations are enforced by Campus Public Safety.

The College reserves the right to both reserve vehicle parking facilities for the exclusive use of selected individuals or groups and to deny parking privileges to any individual or group of individuals. REMEMBER: PARKING IS A PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT.

Changes in the parking regulations are posted and/or published when feasible.

All regulations embodied in the Statutes of the State of Florida and in the respective jurisdictions in which College campuses and sites reside, as appropriate, govern and regulate vehicular traffi c on Indian River State College campuses and sites. In addition, the following regulations are unique to this institution and are enforced through ticketing and/or towing: 1) Loading Zones and No Parking areas are enforced at all times. 2) The maximum speed limit on campus is 15 miles per hour. 3) Movement of traffi c is not to be obstructed by stopping in the parking aisles for any purpose other than parking. 4) Driving or parking on nonpaved areas is prohibited. 5) Motor scooters, motorcycles and bicycles must be parked in only those spaces reserved for them. 6) Pedestrians must be given the right of way. 7) All motor vehicle accidents occurring on College property must be reported to Campus Public Safety. 8) Vehicles parked illegally, unregistered, with expired tags or abandoned on campus creating a hazard or constituting a nuisance are towed and placed in commercial storage at the owner’s expense. 9) All vehicles on campus must have an appropriate parking permit, except for visitors. Visitors must use spaces designated VISITORS. Vehicles displaying student or employee decals are prohibited from parking in visitor areas. 10) Vehicles must not occupy more than one parking space. 11) Parking is prohibited against a yellow curb, in reserved parking or in an otherwise restricted area. 12) Loitering in cars or in the parking lots is prohibited. Littering of the parking lots is prohibited. 13) Vandalism of cars or mechanical diffi culties should be reported to

Campus Public Safety.



14) No vehicle will be parked in such a way as to block any other vehicle in its parking space. 15) No vehicle will be backed into a parking space.

ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES 1) Parking regulations are administered by Campus Public Safety. 2) Campus Public Safety offi cers issue citations to any vehicle in violation of the parking regulations. 3) Campus Public Safety is responsible for the towing of illegally parked vehicles at the owner’s expense. 4) Indian River State College reserves the right to deny registration to any student until fi nes are paid. No transcript will be sent for any student having outstanding citations from the College. 5) All parking fi nes are $10 and are paid at the Cashier’s Window. Questions regarding tickets should be directed to the Student Affairs Offi ce.

Vehicle Registration–Parking Decals Parking decals are required for student vehicles. Obtain a decal from the Student Affairs Offi ce on the Massey Campus or from the Student Success Center on branch campuses. • RESERVED spaces are for employees only. Cars in violation will be ticketed and/or towed. • STUDENT decals authorize the operator to park in student parking only. • MOTORCYCLES AND SCOOTERS must have a decal displayed and may be parked in spaces designated MOTORCYCLE PARKING.

Only one decal is to be displayed per vehicle. Place decal on the rear window, left-hand side. Decals must be removed from the vehicle when it is sold or traded.

Although reserved parking spaces are open for student parking AFTER 5:00 p.m., parking in handicapped spaces, fi re lanes (along yellow curbs), loading zones, service vehicle spaces, restricted zones and on the grass is PROHIBITED at ALL times.



Audrey L. Delaune Administrative Assistant to the Vice President


• Student ID cards • Parking decals • Athletic facilities  Racquetball courts  Student work-out facility  Tennis courts  Basketball courts  Swimming pools • Message Board approval • Lost and Found • Student recommendations • Student discipline • Student grievance  Student Ombudsman • Scheduling of Student Union facilities • Health & Wellness Center Pioneer Pantry Student Health Insurance • Student Development/Activities  Pioneer Closet • TRiO/CROP

Student Identifi cation/Activity Card Student IDs are produced on the Massey Campus in Room KSU-112 and on other campuses during Week of Welcome. To obtain an IRSC Student ID you must present a valid paid receipt for the current semester and photo identifi cation (e.g., driver license, passport).

An IRSC Student ID card serves as a source of identifi cation to: • identify student status at The River Shop; • borrow material from the IRSC Libraries; • access computer labs or Assessment Centers; • receive student discounts or entry to College events and activities; and • access recreational facilities, the pool and work-out facility.


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