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All students who plan to pursue a Baccalaureate Degree should make every effort to enroll in and successfully complete those courses that are required for their intended major on their fi rst attempt. Florida college students intending to transfer to state universities should identify a major or "transfer program" early and be advised of admission requirements for that program, including the approved common prerequisites. Course withdrawals and/or repeats, as well as enrollment in courses nonessential to the intended major, may contribute to a potential excess hours surcharge.


Students should schedule an appointment with their assigned advisor to create an Academic Plan/Guided Pathway that ensures they enroll only in courses needed for their program so they can avoid extra costs when transferring to Florida public universities.

FINANCIAL AID AND ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPS–To be considered for fi nancial assistance, students should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) at studentaid.gov.

IRSC’s Financial Aid school code is 001493. Students must re-apply every year for fi nancial aid and scholarships.

FINANCIAL OBLIGATION–Students with an outstanding fi nancial obligation will have their grades, transcripts and registration withheld until the outstanding balance is paid in full. An outstanding balance could consist of a returned check, deferment, fee defi ciency, fi nancial aid overaward or other fi nancial obligation. The College will make every effort to notify students of the obligations. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure the College has the correct mailing information and to review RiverMail for notifi cation of outstanding balances. If the student does not respond, the College reserves the right to send all accounts deemed delinquent to an external collection service. The student will be responsible for all collection costs incurred.

GRADES–Students may access grades online at irsc.edu by logging in to MyPioneerPortal. In the portal, go to the Academic Worklet in Workday. Choose "ViewMyClasses & Grades" and select the academic period you would like to view. Grades are available the day following the published grade deadline in the Academic Calendar. To protect student privacy, grades are not provided over the telephone.

Criteria for fi nal grade determination and assignment are the prerogative of the instructor of record for all College courses. Only the primary instructor can change the fi nal grade. Students who are not satisfi ed with their grade should fi rst consult with their instructor to resolve the grade dispute.



If this step has been taken and the matter remains unresolved, students may then meet with their instructor’s Department Chair or Instructional Dean to have their grades reviewed and explained to them. After completing the above process, students who still wish to appeal their grade may meet with the Vice President presiding over the Dean. If the matter remains unresolved, the student must submit a request in writing to the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs. If the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs fi nds the request reasonable and appropriately substantiated, the matter will be referred to the Academic Review Committee. A formal meeting will be scheduled to review the student’s case, review any pertinent documentation and make an objective determination regarding the student’s fi nal grade. After the review is completed, the Academic Review Committee will make a recommendation to the College President who will notify the student in writing of the College’s fi nal decision. See page 83 for more information.

GRADUATION–Students will be notifi ed via email in their fi nal semester that they will graduate if their classes are successfully completed. A follow-up email will confi rm their graduation, and the degree or certifi cate they have earned will be posted to their transcript.

There is no fee to graduate and receive a diploma. However, to participate in a Commencement Ceremony, see page 111.

INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT–Indian River State College’s Institutional Advancement (IRSCIA) provides the margin of excellence needed for IRSC to maintain its reputation as one of the top state colleges in the nation. With essential donor support, IRSC’s Institutional Advancement funds scholarships, key programs, and facilities improvements designed to enhance student outcomes. To obtain student housing or scholarship information, visit irscfoundation.org.

In 2021, the Foundation awarded scholarships to more than 1,700 disadvantaged and deserving students.

NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION provides information, answers questions and explains the many resources and tools available to enhance student success at IRSC. Orientation is scheduled both on campus and online.

PLACEMENT TEST (P.E.R.T.)–IRSC strongly encourages all students to take advantage of placement testing to ensure appropriate assignment into developmental or college-level courses in English, reading and math.


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