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Research conclusions
Our literature research and detailed analysis of the selected good practices helped us to reach guiding principles (see section 7) for a successful implementation of an activity/programme in the field of intergenerational collaboration. Although, in most of the practices we encountered, the behaviour change model or patterns were not identified or used in the design of the activities, our research and group discussions showed us how important it is to include a behaviour change model in the design phase for the sustainability and a good implementation.
In addition, our detailed analysis of selected practices showed us in which set-ups and conditions intergenerational activities work better, and what kind of barriers and challenges are encountered. All these findings will constitute a reference point for us in the upcoming activities of the GUM project. We will make frequent use of this study in our project, especially when establishing a European platform and network, developing an e-learning course and a training tool for practitioners and testing our programme in pilot countries.
We believe that our GUM programme, which will be tested during the pilot activities in 5 different countries, will also contribute to this study with new findings.