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Día Intergeneracional de la Actividad Física Programme title #3
(Intergenerational Day of Physical and Healthy Activity)
1. Bring generations together through play and physical activity to learn and share experiences.
2. Conduct research at the University of Valladolid
3. Promote the City Council’s intergenerational Active and Healthy Parks Programme.
The day was proposed as an exchange of experiences, games, physical activity and knowledge between generations mainly aimed at the interconnection between these.
University of Valladolid, Segovia City Council and ANEJA School
Intergeneracional Parques Activos Y Saludables
There were two main groups of physical activity, which were local sports and a small orienteering test. The groups were formed through the participating schools, which were responsible for contacting the families of the participating groups of pupils so that they could register family members for the day. They could make use of the healthy circuits that the City Council had implemented in the green spaces of the city.
Behavioural change model(s)
informal learning by mimicry and in good company
Involved stakeholder domains
Segovia City Council, Aneja School Segovia, University of Valladolid
Age groups
University of Valladolid Faculty of Physical Education students to control, develop and monitor activities, pupils from various primary schools in Segovia and their elderly relatives, covering the whole age range.
Results / impact
Older people have a lot to contribute to the training of young people and they, in turn, act as motivators and companions. In one type of activity, the older people contribute more with their experience and knowledge, and in the other, the children contribute more by guiding and facilitating the activity. There were enough participants from the school Aneja to carry out the research thanks to the longstanding good relationship with and the involvement of families. The message was shared that physical activity is necessary at any age to bring about individual and social benefits like better health, autonomy, communication, psychomotor and cognitive skills, and stronger relationships.
Other information (tips & tricks)
It worked well that the elderly people were relatives of the children themselves. It helped to break the ice, achieve a better coexistence and also meant that physical activity and connection could be continued into the future. FAMILY + NATURE = PERMANENT HEALTH!
No improvisation, many days of preparation beforehand are needed! The University students were training to be future teachers and they supervised the activities.