1 minute read
Hopp la Foundation Programme title
Creating spaces for physical activity for all generations
Intergenerational meetings through physical activity and promote a sustainable encouragement of PA for people over 50 yeras old.
• Intergenerational Health and Physical Activity Promotion;
• Moments of shared pleasure!
• Intergenerational Implementation (train not separately, but together)
• Prevention programs: a combined training of force and coordination of significant preventive effects.
• Organising spaces encouraging intergenerational physical activities.
• Example Hopp-la Park: A Hopp-la Park is a movement and meeting space that meets the needs of all generations.
• Hopp-la Parcours: a playful guide to movement that connects generations
• Guidelines for movement spaces for all generations
• “Generations on the MOVE” training course: The aim is to acquire theoretical and practical basics for the planning and implementation of generational movement offers with children and older adults.
• Physical Activity Games (Exciting New Gear); “Gaming machines” – children use them with adults, interactive water games -joint experimentations,
Behavioural change model(s)
Children’s physical activity significantly depends on available green spaces, traffic intensity and proximity to sports clubs; • Easy access (physical activities in the public space, no need to be a member, etc.); • Link physical activity to key seniors’ centres of interest:nature, cultural activities, children’s company
Involved stakeholder domains
Basel Municipality; Hopp la Foundation
Age groups
Elderly people and children
Results / impact
Psychological, social and cognitive aspects:
• Improved social skills, self-esteem, language skills, increased quality of life, increased hapiness level, combined drive of strength and balance, moments of shared pleasure,
• Reduced risk of falling among the elderly (65-97-year) by 15 to 50% thanks to strength training and balance; increased autonomy of those concerned), social added value/positive influence on relations between generations.
• Economic aspects: the costs of healthcare can be reduced (less overweight, diabetes, depression, falls, etc. – Switzerland will have the fittest population in the world and a society with (long-term) significant savings in health;
Other information (tips & tricks)
Recommendations to encourage physical activity in public and private spaces:
• Develop play areas and spaces
• Encourage physical activity in school and recreation; Unique in the world: the J+S program, which encourages physical activity from the age of 5
• vimeo.com/153491038?from=outro-embed
Switzerland International Generation Games Association