2 minute read
Programme title
Simbioza Giba
Since 2014, Symbiosis Movement has been taking place in the form of an annual all-Slovenian campaign and combines the ideas of intergenerational cooperation, volunteering and physical activity. Project aims to offer various free physical activities for all generations from 9 months to 100+ years, which are based on intergenerational cooperation and socializing and volunteering. The goal is to promote regular physical activity throughout the life span, to enable intergenerational cooperation, to contribute to the socializing among young and the erderly.
Free physical activities, challenges, group exercise, competitions (eg. the best municipality)
Behavioural change model(s)
Increasing awareness about intergenerational cooperation, improving socialization of erderly people, more possibilities for free physical activities among elderly people..
Involved stakeholder domains
Schools, kindergartens, municipalities, health centers and homes for the elderly, individuals – volunteers, civil society, sport clubs, individuals working in the field of sport for all.
Age groups
9 months – 100+ years
Results / impact
137563: Number of all participants
2436: Number of organizations involved
4402: Number of locations
Other information (tips & tricks)
The campaign usually takes place throughout May, with an emphasis on the central week in the beginning of the month.
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