T hank you for all the recipes that were submitted to create this community cookbook. During our school closure, so many of our families were cooking together while #stiamoacasa, and it is our pleasure to be able to share some of these famil y traditions with you. For each recipe that was submitted, a ₏50 donation was giv en to Sant’Egidio for their ef forts in providing resources and relief to families in need during the global pandemic.
TA B LE O F C O N T E N T S CO L A Z IO N E pa ge 5 PR I M I pa ge 25 SECO N D I pa ge 43 D O LCI pa ge 73
CO L A Z IO N E (breakfast )
E NG LIS H SCONE S In England, a v er y famous treat in the after noon is scones with jam and clotted cream. T here’s a long standing debate as to whether you want them the De v on way (cream then jam) or the Cor nish way (jam then cream). T hese are the two re gions most famous for the ‘cream tea’. Ev er y time I go back to England I treat m yself to this delight with a cup of English tea, with milk of course! T his recipe is prov ided by the Dean Famil y.
PREP: 1 0 m i n u t e s
CO O K : 10 m inutes
3 5 0 g sel f - ra is ing f lour or t ipo 0 0 8 5 g b u tter 1 tea spoon ba k ing powd er 20 0 m l m ilk
CO O L: either
3 tables poons s ugar 1 egg, beaten (for glaze) Jam, clotted cream, or mar scapone as an Italian alter nat i ve
1. Preheat the oven to 190°C. 2. Place the flour and baking powder in a mixing bowl 3. Add the butter in cubes and rub into the flour with fingertips to make it like crumbs. 4. Add the sugar and combine. 5. Slowly add the milk and knead the mixture gently until it forms a dough. 6. Roll out the dough about 4cm deep. 7. Use cookie cutters to cut out shapes. 8. Place on baking paper on a tray and glaze the tops with the beaten egg. 9. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes. 10. When slightly cooled cut in half and lather on jam and clotted cream/mascarpone. Cornish or Devon style? Both are delicious with a lovely cuppa tea! Mak es 12 ser vings
ZO PF - S W ISS SU NDAY BRE A D T his recipe comes from Switzerland & is made nearl y e v er y week by our famil y to be enjo yed on week ends. T his recipe is provided by the Reitter Famil y.
PREP: 1 . 5 ho u rs
1 kg flo u r (4 .5 cups ) 1 ta b lespoon s uga r 1 ta b lespoon sa lt 6 d l l u kewa r m wa ter
CO O K : 30 m inutes
CO O L: 5 m inutes
1 00g butter 1 package yeas t 1 egg w hi te
1. Mix flour, sugar, salt in a bowl & crumble the yeast over this. Melt the milk & butter in a pan on low heat (liquid should only be lukewarm). Add milk/butter to flour mixture & knead until smooth – about 5-10 minutes. 2. Let the dough rise for 1.5 hours (keep warm, damp cloth over bowl). Braid the dough (look online for different techniques) & then leave the braided dough on a cookie sheet for another 30 minutes. Brush the loaf with egg white & bake in a preheated oven at 190°C (375°F) for about 30 minutes. Buon appetito!
Mak es 4 ser vings
10 01
W HO LE WH E AT BRE A D T his recipe is provided by Olivia Monti.
PREP: 1 -1 . 5 ho u rs
3 c u ps war m wa ter 2 pa c ka ges a ct i ve d r y yea s t H o n ey [1/3 cup a nd 1/3 cup ) 5 c u ps brea d f lour
CO O K : 25-30 m inutes
CO O L: until room tem perature
31/2 cups w hole w heat f lour 4 tables poons butter, melted 1 tables poon salt
1. In a large bowl, mix warm water, yeast, and 1 1/3 cup honey together. Add 5 cups of white bread flour and stir to combine. Let sit for 30 minutes or until big and bubbly. 2. Mix in 3 tablespoons of melted butter, 1/3 cup honey, and salt. Stir in 2 cups of whole wheat flour. 3. Flour a flat surface and knead the whole wheat dough until it loses its stickiness (just pulling away from the counter but still sticky to the touch). This process may require an extra 2-4 cups of whole wheat flour. 4. Place in a greased bowl (with butter), turning once to coat the surface of the dough. Cover with a dish towel and let rise in a warm place until double in size. 5. Punch down and divide into three loaves. Place in greased 9x5 inch loaf pans and let rise again until the dough has topped the pans by one inch. 6. Bake at 350°F for 25-30 minutes. Do not over bake. Lightly brush the tops of the loaves with melted butter when done to prevent the crust from becoming hard. 7. Cool completely.
Mak es 3 loav es of bread
122 1
HOM E M A D E BAG E LS T his recipe is provided by Olivia Monti.
PREP: 2 ho u rs
CO O K : 20-30 m inutes
2 1/4 tea spoon a ct i ve d r y yea s t 11/2 c u ps wa r m wa ter 7 tea spoons gra n ula ted w h ite s uga r 3 1/2 c u ps brea d f lour (fa r ina d i gra no d u ro)
CO O L: until room tem perature
2 teas poons salt War m water + 1 tables poon bak i ng soda) 1 egg w hi te for egg was h
1. In a small bowl, pour warm water and 1 teaspoon sugar. Stir until dissolved. Add 1 teaspoon yeast and set aside for a few minutes to allow yeast to activate. 2. In a large bowl, add flour, salt, the remaining sugar, yeast, and water mixture. Mix (with stand mixer or hand mixer) for about 8 minutes, until dough is smooth. You can knead by hand, but it will take about 25-30 minutes. Place dough in oiled bowl (flip once or twice to coat dough surface in oil) and cover with plastic, then a towel (to keep warm). Allow to rest and rise for about 90 minutes. 3. Once the dough has risen (probably will not reach double in size), deflate gently and divie into 8 equal pieces. 4. Form each piece into a sphere by rolling it between the palm of your hand and your work surface, then poke hole all the way through the center of each sphere using one finger. Then, insert both fingers into the center of the hole and rorate fingers to about 2 inches wide. Place bagels on parchment paper and allow to rest for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 218°C and place oven rack on the top 2/3 of oven. 5. In a large pot, add water and bring to a boil. Add baking soda and stir. Place 3 to 4 bagels in and allow to boil 1 minute per side. Transfer to baking sheet. Brush tops with egg wash (add sesame or poppy seeds, if desired). Bake between 20 to 30 minutes, or until deeply golden brown all around. 6. Let cool.
Mak es 8 ba gels
144 1
HOT C ROSS BU NS A for m of s weet bread decorated with a pastr y cross, eaten in England on Good Friday. T his recipe is provided by Sue Yiannakis.
PREP : 9 0 m i n u t e s
CO O K : 20 m inutes
CO O L: 10 m inutes
3 0 g fresh yea s t 5 0 0 g bread f lour 2 ta b lespoons s uga r 1 tea spoon m ixed s p ice 1 tea spoon cin na mon 4 0 g b u tter 20 0 g su lta na s 18 5 m l war m m ilk Gra ted r i nd of 1 lemon a nd 1 ora nge
30g w hi te f lour 1/4 teas poon s ugar Water to make a s t i ff dough
1. Combine 2 tsps flour, 1 tsp sugar, and 125 ml warm water. Crumble yeast into solution, mix, cover and leave in a warm place for 10 minutes. 2. Sieve flour, spices, and sugar into a large bowl. Add butter and gently rub into flour. Add sultanas. 3. Make a well in the centre and add yeast mixture and warm milk. Mix well and knead for 5 minutes until the dough comes away from the sides of the bowl. Cover and leave to rise for 40 minutes in a warm place. 4. Turn out onto a floured board and knead again. Divide into 12-14 pieces and roll them into balls. Place on a greased baking sheet and leave in a warm place for 20 minutes. 5. Score a shallow cross on the top of each bun with a knife. Make a paste using the flour, sugar, and water. Roll the paste into thin strips and make a cross on the top of each bun. 6. Bake for 20 minutes at 200°C until buns are golden brown in colour. 7. To glaze the buns, brush with warm apricot jam. Serve with butter.
Mak es 12 ser vings
16 61
SU N DAY PA NC A KE S Gro wing up in Toronto, m y famil y often made pancak es on the week ends. We’ v e continued the tradition no w that we liv e in Ital y. But here we mak e sure to enjo y them with a ca ppuccino or babyccino. T his recipe is provided by the Scopelliti famil y.
PREP: 5 m i n u t e s
1 c u p flo u r 2 tea spoons ba k ing powd er 1 ta b lespoons s uga r 1/2 tea spoon sa lt
CO O K: 5 m inutes
CO O L: none
1 egg 1 cup mi lk 2 tables poons oi l or butter 1 teas poon vani lla extract
1. Whisk together milk, oil, sugar, and the egg. Stir in vanilla. 2. Add flour, baking powder, salt and mix all ingredients together. 3. Add butter to a heated pan and pour 3 tablespoons of pancake batter. Flip to the other side when the pancake forms small bubbles and cook until golden brown. 4. Serve with your choice of toppings: butter, fresh fruit, yogurt, maple syrup, jam, or Nutella. Mak es 4 ser vings
18 81
BA N A N A BRE A D A soft, tasty, and cak e-lik e bread. T his recipe is provided by the Grella famil y.
PREP: 2 5 m i n u t e s
CO O K : 60 m inutes
225 g a ll - p ur pose f lour 1 tea spoon ba k ing powd er 1 tea spoon ba k ing sod a 3 - 4 r i pe ba na na s 1 25 m l m ilk
CO O L: until c ooled
1 tables poon lemon or li me j uice 1 1 5g sof tened butter 2 1 0g s ugar 1 egg 1 teas poon vani lla extract
1. Preheat oven to 180° C, butter a loaf pan and line with a strip of parchment paper letting the paper hang over the sides. 2. In one bowl, combine flour, baking powder and baking soda. Set aside. 3. In a second bowl, combine the mashed bananas, milk and lime (or lemon) juice. Set aside again. 4. In a third bowl, mix butter and sugar with an electric mixer. Add the egg and vanilla extract and mix until smooth. Add dry ingredients alternately with banana mixture. 5. Pour into loaf pan. 6. Bake for about 1 hour, until a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean. 7. Let cool for approximately 10 minutes.
Mak es 9 ser vings
20 02
PA N DI R A M E RINO Una ricetta antica, che i for nai e le famiglie toscane si tramandano di generazione in generazione, dal Medioe v o fino ai gior ni nostri: il pan di ramerino. Questa ricetta è stata inviata dalla famiglia Busoni-Ciampolini.
PREP: 4 o re
CO O K: 40 m inuti
5 0 0 g fa r ina ma n itoba 25 g liev i to d i b ir ra 1 5 0 g a cq ua 1 5 0 g o lio d i sem i
CO O L: m e glio raf freddare
Mezzo li mone grattugiato 1 50g uvetta 2 ramett i di ros mar i no 1 00g zucchero o malto di mai s
1. Preparare la farina con il lievito, lo zucchero, le uvette, e il limone grattugiato. 2. Cuocere nell’olio il rosmarino (solo le foglie) 3. Mettere olio e rosmarino (non caldo) insieme agli altri ingredienti. 4. Impastare il tutto fino a quando l’impasto sarà compatto. 5. Fare riposare per 2 ore. 6. Creare la treccia. 7. Far riposare 40 minuti. 8. Infornare a 180° C per 40 minuti. Mak es 6 ser vings
22 2
T RE CC I A DI PA N BRIOC H E Questa è la ricetta tramandata dalla mia bisnonna a mia madre, era il dolce che lei pre parava sempre per i picnic della domenica. La bisnonna era originaria della Lombardia, quindi probabilmente è un dolce del nord Italia. Questa ricetta è stata inviata dalla famiglia Luccioli.
PREP: 4 0 mi nut i + l i e v i t az i o n e
CO O K: 30 m inuti
25 0 g d i lat te 1 c u betto d i liev ito d i b ir ra 1 c u cc h ia i no d i z ucchero 1 u ovo 5 5 0 g d i far ina
CO O L: 30 m inuti
50g di olio di oli va 1 0g di sale f i no 1 tuor lo, per s pennellare Nutella e gocce di cioccolato fondente o al latte
1. La prima cosa da fare è versare il latte tiepido in una ciotola per poi aggiungervi il cubetto di lievito che farete sciogliere completamente. 2. Si procede poi ad incorporare uno ad uno tutti gli altri ingredienti dell’impasto. 3. Mescolare ed impastare il tutto fino ad ottenere un impasto morbido ed omogeneo, se risultasse troppo appiccicoso, aggiungere della farina. 4. Dopodiché coprire l’impasto e farlo lievitare per circa un’ora. 5. Quando l’impasto è lievitato e raddoppiato di volume, lavorarlo ancora un po’ e stenderlo con il mattarello. 6. Formando un rettangolo dello spessore di circa 1/2 cm da dividere in tre parti uguali. 7. Stendere poi una parte del ripieno su ciascun pezzo di impasto e arrotolare delicatamente i tre rettangoli fino a formare tre lunghi cilindri da intrecciare fra di loro. 8. Lasciare in lievitazione ancora per 30 minuti. Prima di infornare spennellare la treccia con il tuorlo sbattuto. 9. Cuocere a 250°C in forno per 30 minuti. 10. Sfornare e lasciar raffreddare per almeno 20 minuti per poi servire.
Mak es 6 ser vings
24 42
MY G R A N DMOTH E R’S C I N N A MON ROLLS Ev er y week m y g randmother bak ed bread, buns, pies, and the most fabulous cinnamon rolls to sell at a local far mer’s mark et in Pennsylvania. Baking day was al ways a treat! T his recipe is provided by Toni Hillman.
PREP: 1 day
3 pa c ka ges d r y yea s t 4 tea spoons sa lt 1 c u p powd ered m ilk 5 c u ps wa r m wa ter 1 c u p su ga r
CO O K : 25-25 m inutes
CO O L: until c ooled
3/4 cup vegetable oi l 2 eggs , beaten 1 0-1 1 cups f lour 1 cup melted butter Generous amount of brow n s ugar
1. Mix all ingredients from yeast to flour. Let it rise and knock it down and let it rise once more (with modern day yeast, I have found the second rising is not necessary). 2. Roll dough to about 1/2 inch thick. Coat with melted butter and brown sugar mixture — be generous. Roll up and slice about 1 inch thick. Put in a pan to rise again. 3. Bake at 325° F for 20-25 minutes. 4. Let cool and ice. For the icing use powdered sugar, vanilla and milk. For variation add orange zest and juice rather than milk.
Mak es 30 ser vings
26 62
BA N A N A BRE A D Idea nata per caso, per cambiare e ar ricchire la nostra colazione. Questa ricetta è stata inviata da Simone Andecha ga.
PREP: 2 0 m i n u t i
1 6 5 g d i ba na ne ma t ure 8 0 g zu cc hero 5 c u cc h ia i d i olio d i sem i 1 7 5 g d i yogur t greco 1 c u cc h ia i no d i ca n ne lla 20 0 g fa r ina
CO O K : 3 0 m inuti c irc a
CO O L: un p o’
2 uova 1 bus t i na di liev i to 1 bus t i na di vani lli na 1 00g di cioccolata a pezz i o f r utta secca
1. Schiacciare le banane e metterle in una ciotola. 2. Aggiungere lo zucchero, l’olio, lo yogurt, la cannella, la farina e le uova. 3. Mescolare in modo che l’impasto resti granuloso. 4. A questo punto aggiungere dei pezzettini di cioccolata oppure della frutta secca. 5. Aggiungere il lievito e la vanillina e continuare a mescolare. 6. Versare l’impasto in uno stampo precedentemente imburrato e infarinato. Mettere a cuocere in forno pre-riscaldato a 180° C per circa mezz’ora.
Mak es 6 ser vings
28 82
30 03
PRI M I (fi rst c o urses)
311 3
HO LY M AC KE RE L SA L A D T his salad was created from scratch while per using through the refrigerator and cupboards while searching for anything that might liv en up the isolation lunch hour boring salad. It has a v er y small carbon footprint, so it requires no beef, no use of any kind of artificial heat, and just a fe w utensils. Most of the ing redients can be g ro wn in your garden, or in lar ge vases. T his mak es for a hefty lar ge or satisfying dinner. No side dishes necessar y. T his recipe is provided by John Pitonzo.
PREP: 1 5 m i n u t e s
1 sma ll hand f ul ba by s p ina ch 1 sma ll hand f ul lea f let t uce 1/2 ha nd ful a r ugula 1 ha nd fu l f res h broccoli hea d s 1 med i u m ca r rot
COO K: n/a
CO O L: n/a
1 s mall red onion 1 medi um cucumber 1 handf ul of walnuts , halved 1/2 apple 4 mackerel f i llets
1. Wash your hands with soap and hot water. Rinse all ingredients. 2. Slice onions into neat, bite-sized pieces. Peel apple and cut into half-wedges. Peel carrot and cucumber. Hand break or cut up baby spinach and leaf lettuce. 3. Put all ingredients into a bowl and top with sliced mackerel fillets. Mix well. 4. Garnish with apple cider vinegar and olive oil. A glass of beer at lunch or white wine at dinner tops it off. 5. Enjoy!
Mak es 2 ser vings
32 23
F IS H PE SMOL T his ‘pesmol’ seasoned fish is a typical Sudanese dish from West Java,Indonesia. T his recipe is provided by Ossi Yosania.
PREP: 1 5 m i n u t e s
CO O K : 20 m inutes
3 0 0 -3 5 0 g w hole f is h 1 ta b lespoon sa lt & pepper 1/3 c u p vegeta b le oil 1/2 on ion , chopped 1/2 be ll pepper, diced 1/2 co u rget te, d iced 1/2 a pp le, d iced 5 psc d a ter ino toma toes , cut in to 4 1 c m g i nger, s k in less 2 ta b lespoons toma to pa s te
CO O L: none
1 00 ml water 2 tables poon apple cider v i negar 1 tables poon lemon j uice 1/2 tables poon coar se salt 1 teas poon s ugar 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1/2 teas poon tumer ic powder 2 dr ied of f res h chi li (opt ional) Spr i ng onion, chopped, for gar ni s h
1. Pat the fish dry, use the paper towel to dry it on both sides. Marinate the fish with salt and pepper, make sure to marinate the inner part of its stomach. Put it aside for 10 minutes. 2. Cut all the vegetables. 3. Frying the fish: Heat up the vegetable oil in a non-stick frying pan. Cut the fish into 4 pieces. When the oil sizzles, lay the fish in the pan. Cook for 2-3 minutes, when ready to flip, the underside should look golden and crispy. Flip the fish and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Take the fish out of the pan, put it aside on a plate. 4. Cooking the sauce: Add chopped onions and diced vegetable to the frying pan, cook for 2 minutes and stir it using a spatula. Add water, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, tomato paste, and chilli, stir to mix. Add salt, pepper, sugar, turmeric powder, stir to mix. Cover the frying pan with its lid, cook for 3 minutes. Taste, adjust if necessary by adding a bit of salt, lemon juice, or sugar. 5. When the sauce is ready, pour it on the fried fish. Garnish with chopped spring onion. Serve immediately with warm plain rice.
Mak es 2 ser vings
34 43
S A RD E IN SAOR Traditionall y, sarde in saor (in Venetian dialect, means sardine ‘flav our’). Sardines were pre pared by fisher men on their boat as a means of preser ving the fish for many days. T his recipe is provided by Ylenia De Rossi.
PREP: 2 ho u rs
CO O K : 30 m inutes
7 0 0 g fres h sa rd ines 1 .4 kg w h ite on ions So ft w heat f lour, a s m uch a s need ed Pea n u t o i l O li ve o i l
CO O L: chilled, 1 day
Salt & pepper 1 s poonf ul s ugar 1/2 glass of v i negar 1 s poonf ul of rai s i ns (opt ional) 1 s poonf ul of pi ne nuts (opt ional)
1. Discard the sardine heads, scrape out their entrails and wash them under cold water (or let the fisherman do it for you). Dry them and cover them with flour, then sieve them to remove excess flour. 2. Now it’s time to fry them in peanut oil, which must be boiling. When they’re browned on both sides, lay them on blotting paper and sprinkle them with salt. 3. The next step is preparing the onions: cut them into thin slices and fry them lightly in olive oil. As soon as they’re golden, add pepper, salt, sugar and vinegar and let the last one evaporate. After that, you can remove the pan from your gas ring. And this your saor. 4. Now take a bowl and alternate a layer of sardines with a layer of saor and raisins – previously soaked in lukewarm water – and pine nuts. In order for the flavours to mix perfectly, you must let your dish stand for at least one day. Don’t forget to serve them cold! You’ll make all mouths water.
Mak es 4 ser vings
36 63
S E A F O OD PA E LL A Paella was originall y from Valencia, Spain. T he word paella means “fr ying pan� in the local langua ge. Paella is also well kno wn in Latin America because of the Spanish influence in the re gion. T his recipe is provided by the Tinedo Famil y.
PREP: 4 0 m i n u t e s
CO O K : 30 m inutes
1 on ion , c hopped 1 red bell pepper, chopped 3 ga r lic cloves , cr us hed to a pa s te 2 c u ps Spa n is h or r isot to r ice 1 la rge c hor izo or Ita lia n sa usa ge, w i tho u t case a nd cr us hed 1 2 sh r i m p, w ith s he lls 1 2 m u ssels , scr ub bed 5 sq u id s, clea ned a nd s liced
CO O L: none
1 cup f rozen peas 1 cup green oli ves , s liced 4 cups chicken s tock 1 teas poon s weet papr i ka Whi te w i ne Pi nch of saff ron threads Salt Oli ve oi l
1. On medium-high heat saute the onion and bell-pepper in a paella pan (or any large pan) until soft and golden. 2. Add the garlic paste and sausage and stir until sausage is cooked. 3. Add paprika, saffron threads and salt to taste. Add rice and stir well until grains are coated. 4. Add white wine and cook until wine is reduced. Spread the rice evenly in the pan and add enough chicken stock to cover completely (about 3 cups). Lower the heat and let it simmer for about 10-15 min depending on the rice. 5. About 5 min before the rice is ready, add the seafood, peas and olives; pressing them into the rice without stirring. At any point you can add additional chicken broth if rice dries out. You can make paella with any seafood you like.
Mak es 4 ser vings
38 83
J AC K ’ S F R E SH C E V IC HE We all went fishing in Martha’s Vine yard the summer of 2018. Jack caught a beautiful striped bass and together we made a delicious ce viche with the ing redients we had on hand. It isn’ t traditional, but it is delicious and easy to recreate! T his recipe is provided by the Le wis Famil y.
PREP: 1 0 m i n u t e s
CO OK: 4 hours
1 po u nd fres h s t r iped ba ss , or other wh i te fi sh, cut in to s ma ll s ubes 1 - 2 fresh a voca d os 2-3 fresh toma toes , cut in ha lf 1/4 b u nc h f res h cila n t ro, chopped
CO O L: until chilled
1 cucumber, peeled and diced 11/2 cups f res h li me j uice 1 jalapeño, seeds removed, diced 1/2 teaspoon pepper Tor t i lla chi ps
1. Cut the fish, place in a bowl and pour the lime juice over. The juice should lightly cover the fish. Refrigerate for 4 hours (the lime juice “cooks” the fish). 2. When the fish is done, dice the avocados, tomatoes, cucumbers and jalapeño. Chop the cilantro. 3. Combine the fish with the chopped vegetables into one bowl. 4. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with tortilla chips.
Mak es 6 ser vings
40 04
L A S AG N A N A POLE TA N A La Lasa gna na poletana è un primo piatto cotto al for no. È un piatto ricco e delizioso, caratteristico della tradizione partenopea che si pre para tutto l’anno e soprattutto durante il Car ne vale e nei gior ni di festa! Si tratta di un te game caldo rettangolare dov e v engono ben disposti strati di pasta fresca all’uov o, farc ita con ra gù na poletano di car ne, morbide polpettine fritte, ricotta e prov ola e si può guar nire anche con altri ing redienti. Una golosità senza para goni, che ha origini antiche. Pare risalga al 1700, ai tempi di Frencesco II, ultimo re delle due Sicilie, chiamato af fettuosamente “Re Lasa gna”, proprio perché amava tantissimo questo piatto. Io vi aiuto nella pre parazione della mia lasa gna che resta fedele alla tradizione, ma rivisitata in maniera da essere pre parata da chiunque! Questa ricetta è stata inviata dalla famiglia Matos.
PREP: C irca u n’ o ra
CO O K: 15 m inuti
5 0 0 g la sa gna f resca già precot ta 7 0 0 g r icot ta f resca 7 0 0 g moz za re lla d i b ufa la 5 bott ig lie d i pa ssa ta d i pomod oro 5 0 0 g ca r ne ma cina ta 4 u ova ( per le polpet te ) 4 u ova ( per il r ip ieno d e lla la sa gna ) Pa n g ra ttato (q .b. ) 1 li tro o lio d i sem i d i a ra ch id i 1 0 0 g Pa r migia no Reggia no, g rat t ugia to (per le polpet te )
2 00g Par migiano Reggiano, grattugiato (per i l r i peno della lasagna) 300g Pi selli F i ndus s urgelat i 1 00g pancetta (a dadi ni piccoli ni ) 1 ci polla (a dadi ni piccoli ni ) Sale + Pepe Bas i lico A glio Olio extra vergi ne d’ oli va
1. Mettere in una pentola capiente olio extra vergine d’oliva con due spicchi di aglio. Fare rosolare e poi aggiungere le passate di pomodoro che a fuoco lento andranno tenute sul fuoco per tutto il tempo della preparazione. A metà cottura provare la salinità ed eventualmente aggiungere un pizzico di sale oppure se si vuole smussare la acidità del pomodoro, aggiungere invece un cucchiaino di zucchero. 2. In una scodella versare la carne macinata, 4 uova, 100 grammi di parmigiano, il pan grattato (quanto basta a rendere l’impasto morbido ma asciutto) ed amalgamare tutti gli ingredienti per formare delle polpettine piccoline che serviranno all’imbottitura. Friggerle con l’olio di arachidi e versare tutte le polpette nel sugo, che continuerà a cuocere fino a preparazione ultimata. 3. Intanto in una padella versare dell’olio extra vergine d’oliva e la cipolla precedentemente tagliata a pezzetti, appena soffrigge aggiungere la pancetta e quando si doreranno i cubetti aggiungere i piselli con un dito di acqua per agevolare la cottura. Salare e pepare e lasciar cuocere per 10 minuti. 4. Fate bollire le quattro uova per l’imbottitura che una volta sode andranno tagliate a fette. 5. Tagliate a pezzetti la mozzarella di bufala (oppure fior di latte). 6. Versare in un recipiente la ricotta che andrà stemperata con due cucchiai di sugo. 7. A questo punto quando tutti gli ingredienti sono pronti, prendere la teglia e versare due/tre mestoli di ragù alla base della nostra lasagna. 8. Adagiare un primo strato di sfoglie di lasagna precotta. Versare un primo strato di ricotta, poi versare del ragù distribuendo le polpette in maniera omogenea, aggiungere dei piselli, uova, mozzarella, parmigiano e qualche fogliolina di basilico. Ripetere questa operazione per ogni strato di lasagna che verrete a creare. Nell’ultimo strato superiore, versare solo il ragù con le polpette, la mozzarella, il parmigiano e il basilico. 11. Infornare per una decina di minuti e a cottura ultimata, lasciare cinque minuti ad asciugare e raffreddare. Sicuramente sarà un successo. Mak es 10+ ser vings 42 24
C RE S PE LLE A I Q UAT TRO F OR M AGG I Ima gine you were a guest at a home in the 13th centur y in Brittany, France. You ha ppened to witness the house wife dripping some thin por ridge on the hot flat iron cooktop in the fireplace. T he resulting mistak e tur ned out to be a crisp pancak e that oddl y enough tur ned out to be v er y tasty. You would hav e witnessed the first cre pe e v er made. W hile this is an urban le gend in France there may be some tr uth to it, because so many ne w dishes were created by accidents. Ho we v er, lots of people hav e made thin pancak es but the French tur ned them into an art. T his recipe is provided by the Cattaneo Famil y.
PREP: 1 ho u r, 1 5 m i n u t e s
CO O K : 40 m inutes
CO O L: none
3 egg s 20 0 m l w hole m ilk 1 0 0 g reg ula r f lour 3 p i nc hes sa lt B u tter a s need ed
1 5g butter 750 ml w hole mi lk 3 pi nches salt 3 tables poons f lour 4 0g hard mozzarella 1 1 0g font i na valdos tana 30g gorgonzola 2 0g par mesan cheese, grated
1. To prepare the crepe batter, stir the 3 eggs and 200 ml of milk in a bowl. Then add salt, stir again and add sifted flour using a whisk little by little. Let it rest for 1 hour and 30 minutes. 2. To cook the crepes, use a 10-15 cm diameter frying pan. Put a little butter in the pan, let it melt and pour a tiny portion of the crepes batter, just enough to cover the pan. Crepes need to be very thin. Cook them all and put them on your table. 3. To prepare the cheese filling, first prepare the bÊchamel: put the butter in a pot, let it melt and add the flour whisking them together. Add then the milk and the salt and let the bÊchamel cook stirring it once in a while. When you can see the first boiling bubbles, keep stirring it for 8 minutes. Meanwhile, cut all the cheeses into small cubes and, after the 8 minutes of cooking time, put the cheese cubes in the pot and let them melt and your filling will be ready. 4. Quickly spread the filling on a baking tray - the filling needs to be warm to spread it easily and then on each crepe. Now fan-fold each crepe and put them in the tray and finally spread a last layer of filling on the crepes. 5. Bake the crepes in the oven at 180° C for about 40 minutes. As soon as they start turning golden, your crepes are ready! Buon appetito!
Mak es 4 ser vings
44 4
SPAG H E T TI A LL A C H ITA RR A CON ACC I UG H E F R E SC H E E PINOLI Piatto di mare. Questa ricetta è state inviata dalla famiglia Tosatti.
PREP: 3 0 m i n u t e s
4 0 0 g spa ghet t i a lla ch ita r ra 5 0 0 g a cc iughe f resche 1 c i u ffo prez zemolo 3 0 g p i no li
CO O K: 13 m inutes
CO O L: ser v ire c aldo
V i no bianco secco 1 s picchio di aglio Olio extravergi ne d’ oli va Sale
1. Lavare e pulire le acciughe eliminando la testa e la lisca centrale. 2. Far scaldare dell’olio extravergine d’oliva in una padella sufficientemente ampia da poter accogliere successivamente anche gli spaghetti. 3. Fare un battuto di aglio e prezzemolo tritati insieme e farlo rosolare nell’olio. 4. Aggiungere le acciughe e cuocerle per circa 5 minuti. Prima di spegnere il fuoco, aggiungere il sale e sfumare con del vino bianco. 5. Nel frattempo portare ad ebollizione una pentola colma d’acqua e quando spicca il bollore aggiungere il sale e tuffare gli spaghetti in acqua. Portare la pasta a cottura molto al dente poiché finirà di cuocere in padella insieme al condimento. 6. Scolare gli spaghetti e trasferiteli nella padella del condimento insieme ad un mestolo della loro acqua di cottura. Lasciare cuocere per circa 1 minuto affinché tutti i sapori si possano amalgamare. 7. Trasferire gli spaghetti nei piatti ancora ben caldi con una spolverata di prezzemolo tritato finemente e i pinoli. Mak es 4 ser vings
46 64
48 84
SE CO N DI (sec o nd c o urses)
49 94
A RG E N TI N I A N E M PA N A DAS Originall y from 16th centur y Spain, these delicious tur nov ers are no w popular throughout Latin America with each countr y making their o wn variation. T his recipe is provided by the Hoha gen Famil y.
PREP : 1 ho u r
CO O K: 25 m inutes
D O U G H FO R E M PA N A DAS 3 c u ps flo ur 1 egg yo lk 1/2 c u p la rd or fa t 3/4 to 1 c u p of wa r m m ilk 1/2 tea spoon sa lt BEEF PIC A D I LLO F I LLI NG 5 0 0 g g round bee f 2 wh i te on ions , d iced , a bout 3 cups 1/2 c u p la rd or b ut ter 2 ta b lespoons s moked pa pr ika
CO O L: none
2 teas poons chi li powder, or other ground hot pepper 1 tables poon f i nely chopped oregano 1/2 tables poon ground cumi n 1 bunch green onions , f i nely chopped 1 bunch par s ley 3 eggs , hard boi led, s liced 1/4 cup s liced green oli ves 1 cup rai s i ns 1 egg, yolk separated and lightly w hi s ked Salt and pepper to tas te
EM PA N A DA DOUGH: 1. Mix the flour and salt in a food processor, pulse until well combined. Add the lard or butter and blend until well-mixed. Add the egg yolk and the milk in small amounts, pulse until small dough clumps start to form. 2. Shape into several spheres and then flatten into disks. Let chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. 3. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough into a thin sheet and cut out round disc shapes for empanadas (use round molds or a small plate). Use the empanada discs immediately or store in the refrigerator or freezer until ready to use. FILLING + ASSEM BLY: 1. Combine the ground beef, paprika, red pepper, cumin, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Mix all the ingredients together and chill until ready to use. 2. Melt the lard in a large frying pan or sauté pan and add the onions, raisins and salt. Cook until the onions are soft, about 8 minutes. Add the meat mixture to the onions and cook on medium heat until the meat is done, stir frequently. Let the meat mixture or picadillo cool down, and then mix in the chopped green onions and chopped oregano. 3. To assemble the empanadas, add a spoonful of the meat mixture on the center of each empanada disc, then add a slice of egg and sliced olive. Brush the edges of the empanada discs with the egg whites. You can also use water but the egg white is a good natural “glue” that helps seal the empanada. 4. Fold the empanada discs and seal the edges gently with your fingers, twist and fold the edges of the empanadas with your fingers, as a final step use a fork to press down and finish sealing the empanadas. Lightly brush the top of the empanadas with the egg yolk; this will give them a nice golden glow when they bake. Cool for 30 minutes or until ready to bake. 5. Pre-heat the oven to 200°C and bake for about 20-25 minutes, until golden on top. 6. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top and serve with lime slices Mak es 6 ser vings 50 05
‘ DOMODA’ G A M BI A N PE A N UT BU T TE R STE W T his is m y Gambian Aunt Vick y’s recipe for a popular Gambian ste w. Peanuts are one of the fe w natural resources of Gambia. T his can be made with any type of meat, but many Gambians cannot af ford meat; it is just as good without! T he quantities here are pretty huge, but m y aunt al ways cooks for at least three times the unmber of people visiting. T his ste w is kno wn as ‘Durango’ in Mandinka and as ‘Mafe’ by the Wollofs in neighboring Sene gal. T his recipe is provided by Antoinette Blain.
PR E P : 1 5 m i n u t e s
CO O K: 45-50 m inutes
2 cups ground pea n uts 1 la rge on ion 2 liter s wa ter 2 w hole lemons 4 med ium b it ter toma toes , chopped 2 pound s bee f or ch icken
CO O L: none
1/2 pounds pumpk i n 2 tables poons tomato pas te 2 medi um f res h tomatoes Salt and pepper, to tas te Opt ional: 2 large s weet potatoes
1. Wash and cut the meat into bite-sized pieces (chicken should be in larger pieces). 2. In a cooking pan, fry the meat, onions, and tomatoes in oil until browned. 3. Add ground peanuts, water, pumpkin, tomato paste, Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. 4. Reduce heat after 10 minutes and simmer for 45 minutes. 5. Serve with rice. Mak es 8 ser vings
53 35
TO R TI LL A D E PATATAS Quick and easy “ta pas.�. T his recipe is provided by the Bremner-Quiroga famil y.
PREP: 4 5 m i n u t e s
4 med i u m pota toes 5 egg s 1 med i u m on ion
CO O K : 25 m inutes
CO O L: ser v e hot or c old
Salt Oi l
1. Peel the potatoes and cut into thin slices. Same with the onion. 2. In a frying pan put plenty of oil to heat and add the potatoes and the onion 3. Adjust salt and let them simmer. Stir often and let it cook, in the end the potato and the onion have to be very soft, golden brown, but soft. 4. In a bowl, beat the eggs, add salt and add the potatoes and onion that you have drained completely from the oil. 5. Mix the mixture well and in the same frying pan that you have fried the potatoes but with very little oil you make the omelette. 6. First on one side and then you turn it over using a plate and cook the other side.
Mak es 4 ser vings
54 45
J I AOZ I Jiaozi are Chinese dumplings, originall y from China and commonl y eaten during the Chinese Ne w Year. Traditionall y, jiaozi were thought to be inv ented during the era of the Easter n Han by Zhang Zhongjing who was a g reat practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine. T his recipe is provided by the Pan Famil y. PREP: 1 ho u r
CO O K : 10 m inutes
1/4 tea spoon sa lt 3 c u ps a ll-p ur pose f lour 11/4 c u ps cold wa ter 1 ta b l sepoon soy sa uce 1 tea spoon sa lt 1 ta b lespoon C h inese r ice w ine 1/4 fresh ly ground w h ite pepper 1 c u p g ro und por k
CO O L: 2 m inutes
3 tables poons sesame oi l 1/2 scallion, f i nely mi nced 11/2 cups s hredded Napa cabbage 4 tables poons s hredded bamboo shoots 2 s lices f res h gi nger, f i nely mi nced 1 clove gar lic, f i nely mi nced
1. Gather the ingredients. 2. Stir the salt into the flour. Slowly stir in the cold water, adding as much as is necessary to form a smooth dough. 3. Knead the dough into a smooth ball. 4. Cover the dough. 5. Make the filling; add the soy sauce, salt, rice wine, and white pepper to the meat. 6. Add the remaining ingredients, stir and mix well. 7. To make the dumpling dough, knead the dough until it forms a smooth ball. 8. Divide the dough into 60 pieces. Roll each piece out into a circle about 3 inches in diameter. 9. Place a small portion (about 1 level tablespoon) of the filling into the middle of each wrapper. 10. Wet the edges of the dumpling with water. 11. Fold the dough over the filling into a half moon shape and pinch the edges to seal. 12. To cook, bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add half the dumplings, giving them a gentle stir so they don’t stick together. Bring the water to a boil, and add 1/2 cup of cold water. 13. When the dumplings come to a boil for the third time, they are ready. Drain and remove. Mak es 2 ser vings
56 65
M E L A N Z A NE A LL A PA R M IG I A N A ( LIG H T) Sembra che la par migiana di melanzana originale con le melanzane fritte derivi da gli arabi. Nel XV secolo ar riva in Italia e contendersela sono la Sicilia, Na poli e Par ma. La mia è una v ersione light con le melanzane alla g riglia. Qu esta ricetta è stata inviata dalla famiglia Orsi Bertolini-Na poleone.
PREP: 3 0 m i n u t i
CO O K : 1 ore 45 m inuti
3 mela n za ne 5 0 0 g r icot ta 25 0 g moz za re lla 1 5 0 g pa r migia no gra t ta to 1 c i po lla 3 ba ra tto li d i pa ssa ta d i pomod oro
1 50g Par migiano Olio di oli va extravergi ne Bas i lico Sale f i ne Sale grosso Pepe per chi vuole
1. Fare la salsa di pomodoro con la cipolla tagliata fine e olio in un pentolino, cuocere per circa 45 minuti aggiungendo foglie basilico alla fine. 2. Nel frattempo tagliare le melanzane a tondo, fino e mettere in una grata con del sale grosso sopra per fare uscire acqua. 3. Levare il sale e fare asciugare le melanzane in un tovagliolo di carta o carta assorbente. 4. Grigliate le melanzane. 5. Lavorare la ricotta con una forchetta. 6. Tagliare la mozzarella a quadratini. 7. Prendere una pirofila e mettere gli strati di olio, salsa di pomodoro (salata), melanzane, pomodoro, ricotta, parmigiano, melanzane, salsa di pomodoro, mozzarella, parmigiano e via di seguito cosÏ con una volta ricotta e una volta mozzarella fino in cima alla pirofila. 8. Finire con pomodoro, basilico e olio. 9. Mettere in forno a 180° C per un ora, controllare che non si bruci il sopra, semmai coprire con carta argentata, ma dopo un po’.
Mak es 6 ser vings
58 85
I M A M BAYILD I ( STU F F E D E GG PL A NT) I lear ned this recipe from m y mother, who in tur n lear ned it from a Turkish friend. No w, it’s m y daughter Hannah’s fav orite dish. T his recipe is provided by the Dearden famil y.
PREP: 3 0 m i n u t e s
CO OK: 1 hour
3 egg p la nts , ha lved length w ise 2 ca ns toma toes 1 on ion , diced 2 ga r lic cloves , m inced Sma ll ha nd f ul p inen uts (a lmond s or wa l n uts wor k a s we ll)
CO O L: ser v e hot or c old
1 bay leaf D r ied her bs (oregano, rosemar y, thy me) Salt & pepper Oli ve oi l
1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Score the flesh of the halved eggplants with a knife, drizzle with a good glug of olive oil and put into the oven until eggplants are nice and soft. 2. Cook a thick sauce from the rest of the ingredients (heat oil, add onions, garlic, herbs then tomatoes, the bay leaf and pinenuts). When the eggplants are done, scrape the soft flesh out, taking care not to damage the skins. Add the eggplant flesh to the tomato sauce and season to taste. 3. Arrange skins in an ovenproof dish and fill generously with the tomato/eggplant sauce (Dish can be prepared up to this point a day in advance). 4. Layer mozzarella slices on top of eggplants, about 2 slices per eggplant, and return to hot oven for about 15 minutes or until the mozzarella has melted.
Mak es 4 ser vings
60 06
ZO N Z E LLE / COCCOLI My mother’s g randma used to mak e these as a starter, and so we found recipes to recreate the ones she used to do. T he dif ference between coccoli and zonzelle is the sha pe, since zonzelle usuall y hav e a more elongated sha pe, and coccoli are more spherical. T his recipe is provided by the Volkai famil y.
PREP: 2 . 5 ho u rs
CO O K : 5 m inutes
4 0 0 g flo u r (0 or 0 0 ) 20 g brewer ’s yea s t 3 0 0 m l l u kewa r m wa ter 1/2 tea spoon s uga r 1 ta b lespoon oil
CO O L: none
Salt Peanut oi l (to f r y) Stracchi no (to accompany) Prosci utto (to accompany)
1. Put the flour and salt on a flat surface as a mound. 2. Dissolve the brewer’s yeast in part of the water, together with the sugar. 3. Pour the dissolved yeast and sugar in a hole you made at the top of the mound of flour. 4. Work the mix with your hands, slowly adding the remaining water 5. Lastly add the oil, working the mix until you reach a dough that does not stick to your hands and is mediumly soft. 6. Make a ball out of it and mark a cross on the dough for the leavening. 7. Cover the dough with a cloth and leave it rise for 2 hours in a spot with no air currents (such as the oven). 8. Pour enough peanut oil in a pan to completely cover the coccoli and heat it up. 9. Use your hands to make small balls for coccoli (approximately the size of a walnut) or finger-shaped form for zonzelle out of the dough (their size will almost double when fried). 10. Fry them, a few at a time, and turn them in the process to evenly cook them. 11. Once all the coccoli/zonzelle have been fried, sprinkle them with salt. 12. Serve with stracchino and prosciutto crudo.
Mak es 8 ser vings
62 26
PA L ATSC H I N KE N W E INE R A RT ( V I E N N ESE ST YLE ) “Palatschink en� are a popular dish, especiall y in East Europe. Each countr y has its o wn style. T his one is a famous Austrian dessert. T his recipe is provided by the Tur nauer famil y.
PREP: 2 0 m i n u t e s
25 0 g flo ur 2 egg s 1/2 li tre m i lk 1 ta b lespoon oil
CO O K : 10 m inutes
CO O L: none
Salt Powdered s ugar Jam
1. First stir 250g flour, 0.5 litres milk, 2 eggs and add a little bit of salt. Then let the dough sit for 10 minutes because it needs to thicken. 2. If the dough gets too thick, dilute it with soda water. 3. Put a tablespoon oil in a pan and let it heat (it should be quite hot for good results at the first try). Then put some of the dough in the pan and move it until it has distributed evenly. 4. Cook the dough from both sides until it becomes gold-brownish. 5. Put some jam (traditionally in Austria we put Apricot Jam) on it, roll it, and then some powdered sugar on top of it. Now it is time to enjoy. Mak es 6 ser vings
64 46
CHIC KE N & B ROCCOLI C E V IC HE T his plate isn’ t that well kno wn. In Ecuador, what’s most common is the Shrimp Ce viche. I got this recipe from an old, old recipe book an aunt once gav e to me ov er 20 years a go. I k e pt it until no w just to pre pare this dish. It’s m y fav orite and I hope m y girls will lear n to lov e it as well. T his recipe is provided by the Redin-Duranti Famil y.
PREP: ~4 5 m i n u t e s
CO O K : 20 m inutes
CO O L: m ust be chilled
2 med i u m -s ized on ions , th in ly s liced 3 ta b lespoons sa lt 1 ta b lespoon lemon juice 1/2 tea spoon s uga r
11/2 cups cooked broccoli , al dente 11/2 cups f res h orange j uice 1/2 cup f res h lemon j uice 3/4 cup canned tomato sauce 1/2 teas poon s ugar 2 tables poons oli ve oi l 6 s tems par s ley Popcor n
1. Prepare the pickled onions. Let the onions rest with the salt for 20 minutes. Rinse very well with plenty of cold water, drain well and mix with the lemon juice and sugar. Let it stand until it turns pink. 2. Shred the chicken breast. Mix it with the broccoli, half of the pickled onions along with its juice, the fresh orange juice, the fresh lemon juice, the tomato sauce, the sugar, the olive oil and the salt. Try and balance the flavors between sweet and salty. 3. Cool for a few hours. When being served, garnish each serving with half of the saved pickled onions and parsley. Serve with popcorn, don’t forget.
Mak es 5 ser vings
66 6
F RE NC H Q U IC H E W ITH A B E LG I A N T W IST Quiche is a sav or y French tart but some say its origin goes back to the Ger man Kuchen( cak e). It is an open pie with v e getables, e g gs and milk. T he most kno wn is the Quiche Lorraine but you can create many variations w ith your leftov ers from the fridge. T he quiche has been a famil y fav orite for many years and an easy recipe for entertaining guests with a hearty meal. T his recipe is proivided by the Verbanck Famil y.
PREP: 4 0 m i n u t e s
CO O K : 30 m inutes
1 pa c k p u ff pa s t r y 8 0 0 g leeks , f ine ly chopped 20 0 g coo ked ha m or ba con b its 20 0 g g ra ted cheese
CO O L: optional
4 dl mi lk 4 -5 eggs Oli ve oi l Salt & pepper
1. Heat a little oil in the pan, gently glaze the leeks and let cool down. The bottom of your quiche will get soggy if it is still hot and wet. 2. Take the puff pastry out of the fridge and let it rest for 20 minutes. Roll it out and place it in the quiche tin leaving the baking paper underneath it. Slightly pierce the pastry with a fork and brush the edges with some egg white. 3. Whisk the eggs and milk together and add the salt and pepper. 4. Place the leek mixture in the quiche tin. 5. Add the chopped ham and cover with the grated cheese. 6. Pour over the egg mixture. 7. Preheat the oven to 200-220°C and bake for about 30 minutes.
Mak es 4 ser vings
68 86
GIR E LLE DI R ICOT TA E SPIN AC I We hav e been making spinach pie since I can remember. T he v e getarians in our famil y lov e it and so does e v er yone else. It’s g reat hot out of the ov en and at room temperature in a school lunch box, at a picnic or an a peritiv o. During the quarantine we started making our traditional pie into these little girelle so we could easil y distribute them to the homeless in Santo Spirito, our neighborhood. Sharing food with others al ways mak es us feel better and helps us feel part of a comm unity e v en in these isolating times. T his recipe is provided by the Fer rari Famil y.
PREP: 1 5 m i n u t e s
1 ro ll p u ff pa s t r y 3 0 0 g r icot ta 3 0 0 g cooked s p ina ch
CO O K : 20-25 m inutes
CO O L: either
50-80g Par migiano 8 0g any cheese 1 egg
1. Heat oven to 180°C. 2. Put the spinach, ricotta, cheeses and one egg in a bowl and mix. 3. Spread out one sheet of puff pastry and cover the whole surface with the mixture. Roll the sheet up. Cut 3 cm rolls from the large roll and set them on a baking sheet on a baking tray. Sprinkle a bit of extra cheese over the top. Put in the oven for about 20 minutes or until golden and voilà!
Mak es 4 ser vings
70 07
C H IC KE N ROLLU P S No histor y, just an easy famil y dinner! T his recipe is provided by the Har ris Famil y.
PREP: 1 0 m i n u t e s
CO O K : 15-20 m inutes
~ 1 kg c h ic ken brea s t , th in ly s liced Spec k Mozzarella Fresh ba s il
CO O L: none
Salt & pepper Oli ve oi l Toothpicks
1. Preheat oven to 170°C. 2. Lay the chicken breasts flat on a pan. 3. Place a layer of speck, mozzarella, and basil onto each breast, then add salt and pepper. 4. Roll each breast and hold in place with a toothpick. 5. Gently coat each piece with olive oil. 6. Bake for 15-20 minutes (depends on size and quantity).
Mak es 4 ser vings
72 27
F ILE T W I TH GO RGON ZOL A SAU C E , POTATO E S , A ND TOM ATOE S A fav orite of the Barefoot Contessa! T his recipe is prov ided by the Bach Famil y.
PREP: 3 0 m i n u t e s
CO OK: 1 hour
CO O L: none
1 who le filet , t r im med a nd t ied 2 ta b lespoons unsa lted b ut ter 1 ta b lespoon kos her sa lt 1 ta b lespoon coa r se ly ground b la ck pepper
3 lbs s mall red or w hi te potatoes 1/4 cup good oli ve oi l 11/2 teas poons kos her salt 1 teas poon mi nced gar lic (6 cloves ) 2 tables poons mi nced f res h par s ley
GORGO N ZO L A S AU C E (3 c u ps )
4 c u ps hea v y crea m 3 - 4 o u nces cr um b ly G orgon zola 3 ta b lespoons Pa r mesa n , gra ted 3/4 teasp o o n kos her sa lt 3/4 tea spoon ground b la ck pepper 3 ta b lespoons m inced f res h pa r s ley
4 pi nts cher r y tomatoes Good oli ve oi l Kos her salt Fres hly ground black pepper 2 0 f res h bas i l leaves , cut chi ffonade Sea salt of f leur de del
FILE T M IGNON: Place the beef on a baking sheet and pat the outside dry with a paper towel. Spread the butter on with your hands. Sprinkle evenly with the salt and pepper. Roast in the oven for exactly 22 minutes for rare and 25 minutes for medium-rare. Remove the beef from the oven, cover it tightly with aluminum foil, and allow it to rest at room temperature for 20 minutes. Remove the strings and slice the filet thickly. GORGON ZOL A SAUCE: Bring the heavy cream to a full boil in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, then continue to boil rapidly for 45 to 50 minutes, until it’s thickened, like a white sauce, stirring occasionally. Remove the pan from the heat and add the Gorgonzola, Parmesan, salt, pepper, and parsley. Whisk rapidly until the cheeses melt, and then serve. If you must reheat, warm the sauce over low heat until melted, then whisk vigorously until the sauce comes together. ROASTED POTATOES: Preheat the oven to 400°F. Cut the potatoes in half or quarters and place in a bowl with the olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic; toss until the potatoes are well coated. Transfer the potatoes to a sheet pan and spread out into 1 layer. Roast in the oven for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until browned and crisp. Flip twice with a spatula during cooking in order to ensure even browning. Remove the potatoes from the oven, toss with parsley, season to taste, and serve hot. ROASTED TOM ATOES: Preheat the oven to 400°F. Toss the tomatoes lightly with olive oil on a baking sheet. Spread them out into one layer and sprinkle generously with kosher salt and pepper. Roast for 15 to 20 minutes, until the tomatoes are soft. Transfer the tomatoes to a serving platter and sprinkle with basil leaves and sea salt. Serve hot or at room temperature. Mak es 8 ser vings 74 47
T I RO PITA KI A A traditional Greek recipe that has been remembered for decades and decades. T his recipe is provided by the Baltos Famil y.
PREP: 1 0 m i n u t e s
CO O K : 30 m inutes
4 0 0 g flo ur 20 0 g cor n oil 5 0 g o li ve oil 1 pa c ket of ba k ing powd er
CO O L: none
1 egg 1 feta cheese bar 2 00g yogur t
1. Insert the corn oil and yogurt; then mix. 2. Add the flour and baking powder (little by little, add the flour, as it could get messy), and you should now have a dough. 3. In a separate bowl, mix Feta cheese and one egg. 4. Take some dough and flatten it on the table. 5. Get a cup and make a hole in the dough. 6. Remove the surrounding dough and use the hole. 7. Get some feta cheese with a spoon or a fork, and put it on the hole. 8. Fold the hole so that the cheese is inside. 9. Repeat with the rest. 10. Then put the mini pies on an oven pan and place in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180°C. 11. When out of the oven... bon appetit!
Mak es 20 ser vings
76 67
D O LC I (dessert s)
79 97
A PPLE C RU M BLE My g randmother taught it to m y dad, and he taught it to me. T his recipe is provided by the Crossle y Famil y.
PREP: 1 5 m i n u t e s
CO O K : 45 m inutes
1 2 a pp les (cored , pee led , chopped ) 1 c u p q u ick oa ts 3/4 c u ps brow n s uga r
CO O L: none
1/2 cup f lour 1/2 cup butter, sof tened Ci nnamon for dus t i ng apples
1. Pre-heat oven to 175°C. Place chopped apples in an ovenproof dish. Mix dry ingredients in a bowl. Fold softened butter into dry ingredients. Mixture should look like granola. Spread mixture over top of apples to make a crust. Bake for 45 minutes. Serve warm with custard yogurt or cream. You can swap some of the apples for another fruit like berries or peaches.
Mak es 8 ser vings
80 08
BL AC K BOT TOM C U PC A KE S My g randmother and mother used to mak e them in the summertime. T his recipe is provided by the Leather man Famil y.
PREP: 2 0 m i n u t e s
CO O K : 20-25 m inutes
25 0 g P h i la d ep h ia crea m cheese 1 egg 7 0 g su ga r 1 p i nc h o f sa lt 1 5 0 g c hocola te ch ips 20 0 g flo ur 20 0 g su ga r
CO O L: until room tem perature
25g cocoa powder 1 teas poon bak i ng soda Pi nch of salt 75g butter 2 4 0 ml water 1 tables poon w hi te v i negar 1 teas poon vani lla
1. Pre-heat oven to 350°F. 2. Beat the cream cheese, egg, sugar and salt together in a bowl. Then stir in the chocolate chips. 3. In a separate bowl mix the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, butter, water, vinegar and vanilla. Mix well until smooth. 4. Put cupcake liners in each slot of the cupcake pan(s). Fill up each paper over halfway with the chocolate mixture. Add a small spoonful of cream cheese mixture to the top of each. 5. Bake for 20-25 minutes.
Mak es 24 ser vings
82 28
B UT TE R C A KE Butter cak e is a typical American dessert, originating in South St. Louis. T his recipe is provided by the Mor morelli Famil y.
PREP : 2 0 m i n u t e s
3 6 0 g flo ur 1 5 0 g w h i te s uga r 1/2 tea spoon sa lt 1/2 tea spoon ba k ing powd er 1/2 tea spoon ba k ing sod a 1 24 m l m ilk
CO O K : 45 m inutes
CO O L: 10 m inutes
1 teas poon lemon j uice 1 teas poon butter, melted 1 teas poon vani lla 2 eggs
1. Preheat the oven to 165 °C. 2. Mix all the dry ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. 3. Add eggs and mix. 4. Little by little, add the butter and the milk while mixing at a steady speed, using an electric mixer, about 3 minutes. 5. Grease the pan with butter and a sprinkle of flour. Pour mixture into pan and even out with a spatula. 6. Bake for about 45 minutes, or until a knife inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. 7. Cool cake completely before serving.
Mak es 5 ser vings
84 48
A PPLE C RU M BLE A dish originated in Britain during World War Two to re place the traditional a pple pies. T his recipe is provided by the Grella famil y.
PREP: 1 5 m i n u t e s
2-3 a pp les 1 1 5 g b u tter 1 1 5 g su ga r
CO O K : 10 m inutes
CO O L: 10-15 m inutes
1 7 5g f lour 1/2 teas poon ci nnamon 2 tables poons brow n s ugar
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. 2. Wash 2-3 apples before peeling them and removing their cores. 3. Chop the apples into smaller pieces. 4. After placing the chopped apples into a pan, sprinkle half a teaspoon of cinnamon (add more for additional flavor) and two tablespoons of brown sugar and mix. Before cooking, splash some water on the mixture if apples have dried. 5. Place the mixture on a low-medium flame for 5-7 minutes and stir. 6. In a separate bowl, place 115g of butter, 115g of sugar, and 175g of plain flour. 7. With clean hands or clean gloves, mix the ingredients together and then rub between fingers until they have a crumb-like consistency. 8. Spread out the cooked apple mixture on the bottom of an ovenproof dish. 9. Sprinkle crumble mixture on top. Pat down if necessary to achieve a flat top layer. 10. Place in the preheated oven for 30 minutes or until the top of the apple crumble becomes golden. 11. Let the dish cool down for approximately 10-15 minutes.
Mak es 6 ser vings
86 68
LI L G R A I NS (COOKIE S) T he origin of this recipe is that we wanted to find something healthy and suitable for this quarantine problem. We lov ed the fact that the cereal inside is v er y cr unchy and it giv es the treat a special touch. Perfect for breakfast and small snacks. T his recipe is provided by the Velasquez-Masia famil y.
PREP: 1 5 m i n u t e s
3 0 g wa l n u ts 4 0 g g ra nola 5 0 g i n tegra l cerea l 5 0 g a vena f la kes (oa ts ) 9 0 g flo u r 1 0 0 g brow n s uga r
CO O K: 18 m inutes
CO O L: slig htl y
8 0 ml seed oi l 2 big s poonf uls water 1 egg 1/4 teas poon salt 1/4 teas poon bak i ng soda
1. Preheat the oven at 180°C. 2. Smash the walnuts, granola, avena flakes and whole wheat cereal. 3. Put them in a bowl. 4. Find a new bowl and add flour. 5. Add brown sugar. 6. Add seed oil. 7. Add two big spoonfuls of water. 8. Add egg and mix. 9. Add 1 teaspoon of salt. 10. Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda. 11. Add the cereal mixture to the cookie pastry and mix the dough into a humid and crunchy result. 12. Cover the dough with transparent plastic and put in the freezer for 15 mins. 13. Form into shapes on oven paper and put in the oven for 18 mins. Mak es 7 ser vings
88 8
ST R AW B ERRY C A KE Stra wber r y cak e is one of m y fav ourites. T his one in particular has a special meaning to me. W hen I was little, m y g randma would mak e it for m y cousin and I from Spring all through Summer. She used to tell us that making it required a lot of patience and concentration. We al ways complained it took her too long, but once it was ready, not e v en cr umbs were left on the plate :) T here are a lot of recipes I still want to lear n from her, she’s amazing, but one of the first ones I ask ed her for was in fact this Stra wber r y Cak e. It’s m y pleasure to share this with all of you, and I’m sure m y g randma will be ha pp y to kno w that other people will tr y her recipe. T his recipe is provided by the Mar ra Famil y. PREP: 1 ho u r
CO O K : 40 m inutes
CO O L: until room tem perature
6 egg s 51/2 ta b les poons hot wa ter 25 0 g su ga r 3 0 0 g flo u r 1/2 lemon peel 1 6 g ba k i ng powd er
2 egg yolks 2 tables poons s ugar 2 tables poons f lour 2 00 ml mi lk 1 lemon peel 600g s traw ber r ies 500 ml f res h cream
1. Begin by preparing the sponge cake. Separate the yolks from the egg whites of the 6 eggs. Whisk the egg whites until they become stiff (how you would say it in Italian, “a neve”). Set aside. 2. In a separate bowl, whisk the yolks with the 5 and a half tablespoons of water. Add the sugar, and beat until the mixture is not foamy anymore. Add the flour, baking powder and the chopped lemon peel. Continue to whisk. 3. Add the egg whites to the mixture and stir until they are incorporated with the rest of the ingredients. Grease and add a little bit of flour to a round baking mould of about 24 cm. Pour in the mixture and bake in the oven at 180° for about 40 minutes. Once it’s ready set aside to cool down. 4. In the meantime, start preparing the filling. Cut the strawberries into small pieces (leave some aside for decoration if you’d like). Once they are all cut, sprinkle 3 tablespoons of sugar on top and leave them to marinate. 5. Prepare the pastry cream. Whisk the 2 egg yolks with the two tablespoons of sugar and flour, until you get a uniform mix. Add the milk slowly and amalgamate all the ingredients. 6. Add the cream to a pan with a lemon peel that will later have to be taken out. Put on the stove with low heat, let cook and stir until it becomes thick. When you notice it’s getting thick, remove the lemon peel. Once it’s ready, put it in the fridge to cool. 7. Drain the strawberries from their juice. Keep the juice. When everything has cooled down, add the strawberries to the pastry cream you put in the fridge. 8. Whip 300 ml of fresh cream and add to the strawberries and pastry cream. Mix all together to have the filling. 9. Cut the sponge cake horizontally in 3 discs. Wet the first disc with a little bit of the strawberry juice and spread half of the strawberry filling. Wet the second disc of sponge cake on top and spread the other half of the filling. Add the third disc on top and wet it with the remaining juice. 10. Whisk the remaining 200 ml of fresh cream and use it to glaze the surface of the cake. Melt some chocolate to pour on top of the cake. Add strawberries on the top if you like. Mak es 8 ser vings 90 09
EASY PE A SY A PPLE C A KE T his recipe is provided by Sofia Barbieri.
PREP: 1 5 m i n u t e s
3 la rge eggs 1 2 ta b lespoons 1 2 ta b lespoons 1 2 ta b lespoons 1 2 ta b lespoons
s uga r s un f lower oil f ull fa t m ilk 0 0 f lour
CO O K : 50 m inutes
CO O L: until room tem p
1 sachet of Pane degli A ngeli rai s i ng agent for cakes or equi valent Ci nnamon Pi nch of salt 3 apples , cut i nto s mall cubes 3 apples , i n s lices
1. Preheat oven to 180. 2. Whisk together 3 eggs and sugar in a bowl. Keep whisking for at least 3 minutes, then gradually add the oil and the milk. 3. Sieve the flour and the raising agent sachet and slowly add it to the rest of the mixture in the bowl. Add a pinch of salt and some cinnamon to the mixture, about 3/4 tablespoon. 4. Mix with a wooden spoon, and slowly add the cubed apples until combined. 5. Place the cake mixture, which should be thick and creamy, into the cake tin (18cm round). 6. Gently place the sliced apples on top of the batter, forming a pattern. Place into the preheated oven for 50 minutes until an inserted toothpick comes out clean. 7. Remove from cake tin, leaving to cool until room temperature. Sprinkle with icing sugar.
92 29
CROSTATA DI M E LE E PE RE dell ’Alto A d ige ( Sud Ty rol) La ricetta é stata sperimentata ad A prile viste le av e vamo in casa durante il Covid 19 lock do wn. É la mia piccolina e poi v edere i bellissimi Questa ricetta è stata inviata dalla
PREP: 2 . 5 o re
2/ 3 mele d a ll’ A lto A ld r ige 1 pera d a ll’ A lto A ld r ige 7 5 g b u r ro d i V ip iteno 20 0 g fa r i na 0 0 7 5 g zu cc hero a ve lo
abbondanti provviste di mele e pere che stato un modo per passare del tempo con occhi di mia moglie sor ridere. famiglia Ra gnier-Dupre.
CO O K: 30 m inuti
2 uova 1 scor za di li mone 1 50g confettura di albicocche o pesche IGP E mi lia Romagna U n pi zz ico di sale
1. Per prima cosa preparate le frolla: nel mixer dotato di lame controrotanti versate la farina, il sale, il burro freddo a pezzetti, azionare il mixer e frullate gli ingredienti fino ad ottenere un impasto sabbioso per la gioia di chi dovrá pulire dopo, poi aggiungete lo zucchero a velo, e la scorza di limone e le due uova. 2. Azionate le lame rotanti per amalgamare il tutto. Poi formate un panetto tipo vello dei pizzaioli, e senza mangiarlo prima, lasciatelo in frigo per 2 ore. Poi mettere le fettine di mele sottili in una ciotola ed irroratele con il succo di limone. 3. Imburrata uno stampo da 24 cm di diametro. Poi stendere il panetto sullo stampo fino a raggiungere uno spessore uniforme. Poi stendere la marmellata e poi disponete la frutta tagliata sottile secondo come vi gira. Fate aderire bene con le dita il cordone di frolla alla teglia. La torta é ora pronta x la cottura! Mak es 6 ser vings
94 49
TO R TA D I M E LE Dolce preferito dalla famiglia. Questa ricetta è stata inviata dalla famiglia Meoni.
PREP: 15 m i n u t i
CO O K: 30 m inuti
1 0 0 g d i b ur ro 20 0 g d i far ina 3 5 0 g d i me le s b uccia te e a fet te 1 li mone, il s ucco e la scor za 20 0 g d i z ucchero 5 0 g d i nocciole sguscia te
CO O L: until c ool
3 uova 1 25g di yogur t 70g di margar i na U n pi zz ico di sale U na bus t i na di liev i to i n polvere per dolci
1. Preriscaldare il forno a 180°C. 2. Imburrare e infarinare una tortiera da 26 cm e tenere da parte. Affettare le mele e lasciarle da parte. 3. Mettere nel frullatore lo zucchero, la scorza di limone e le nocciole: tritare. 4. Aggiungere le uova, lo yogurt, la margarina, la farina, il sale e il lievito e mescolare. 5. Trasferire metà del composto nella tortiera preparata in precedenza. Disporre sopra il composto metà delle fette di mela. 6. Ricoprire lo strato di mele con il restante impasto e terminare con un altro strato di mele. 7. Cuocere in forno caldo per circa 30 minuti a 180°. 8. Lasciar raffreddare prima di servire.
Mak es 10 ser vings
96 69
D O N U T T WIST COOKIE S My g randma inv ented this recipe and mak es it for me e v er ytime I go and visit her. T his recipe is provided by the Sca pecchi famil y.
PREP: 4 0 m i n u t e s
CO O K: 20 m inutes
20 0 g flo ur 1 0 0 g cor ns ta rch 8 0 g ca ne s uga r 8 0 g b u tter, sof tened 2 egg yo lk s
CO O L: 30 m inutes
1 egg, w hole Pi nch of salt 1 tablespoon honey 1/2 teas poon bak i ng powder Lemon zes t (opt ional)
1. Mix the ingredients together and knead until it becomes dough. 2. Put the dough in the fridge for 30 minutes. 3. Take the dough out of the fridge and let it soften for 10 minutes. 4. Divide the dough into balls of 20 grams. 5. For the shaping of the biscuit, roll it out until fairly long. Then, fold it in half and twist until it looks like a rope, then connect the two sides to form your cookie (see the picture)! 6. Preheat the oven to 350째F (180째C) static oven or 300째F (150째C) fan oven, and cook for 20 minutes. Mak es 6 ser vings
98 89
G I NG E RSN A P S T his recipe was giv en to us by our Aunt in Australia. She has been making these healthy gingersna ps for years! T his recipe is provided by the Hoov er/HĂśmerlein famil y.
PREP: 1 0 m i n u t e s
CO O K: 10 m inuti
1 0 0 g b u tter 1/2 c u p r ice ma lt s y r up or honey 1 c u p p la in f lour 1/4 tea spoon b ica r bona te sod a
CO O L: enoug h to hard en
1/2 teas poon dr ied gi nger 1/2 teas poon nutmeg 1 teas poon ci nnamon
1. Preheat oven to 175° C. 2. Melt butter and add syrup (honey) and cool to lukewarm. 3. Add flour, soda and spices. 4. Stir to the consistency of caramel sauce until combined. 5. Scoop spoonfuls onto baking tray leaving enough room to spread. 6. Bake for 10 minutes until coloured but not dark. 7. Transfer to a cooling rack once hardened.
Mak es 12 ser vings
100 01
G ATE AU AU YAORT French, in famil y it’s a must! T his recipe is provided by the Nathalie Vielliard.
PREP: 1 0 m i n u t e s
CO O K : 35/40 m inutes
2 oeu fs 1 pot d e ya our t na t ure 2 pots d e s ucre 3 pots d e fa r ine
60g de beur re fondu U n sachet de leuv re U ne pi ncée de sel
1. Preheat oven to 175° C. 2. Mix eggs, yogurt and sugar together in a bowl. 3. Add flour, mix well. 4. Add butter, mix well. 5. Place in oven for 35 to 40 minutes. Bon appétit!
Mak es 8 ser vings
102 201
CO O L: none
D ECO NST RU C TE D C HOCOL ATE C A KE W I TH YOG U RT Not that there is much to tell, but essentiall y m y cak e was a total failure and I had to come up with a dif ferent idea. In 1764, it was discov ered that g rinding cocoa beans resulted in a po wder that would then become kno wn as chocolate po wder. people be gan putting it in cak e batter and discov ered that it tasted incredibl y good. Ho we v er, m y v ersion is quite dif ferent. I was planning on making a simple chocolate cak e but it er upted in the ov en because I had put too much baking po wder. I tasted it and it tasted e xce ptionall y good (for m y standards). I deconstr ucted it by mushing it into cr umb s and then poured white yogurt ov er it to giv e it a fresh and light flav our. By combining the two names, I came up with the name Chogurt. T his recipe is provided by the Uzielli Famil y.
PREP: 3 0 m i n u t e s
4 29 g a cq ua na t ura le 28 0 g fa r ina t ipo 0 0 25 0 g zu cc hero 1 1 5 g o lio d i sem i
CO O K : 50 m inutes
CO O L: none
2 0g liev i ta i n polvere per dolci Bur ro per i mbur rare la tor t iera Scor za d’ arancia o zucchero a velo
1. Per iniziare tritate il cioccolato fondente finemente. Mettete poi le scaglie tritate in una piccola ciotola e mettetele da parte. 2. Prendete un tegame dai bordi alti e metteteci l’acqua, ponetela su fornello a fuoco medio. Quando l’acqua inizia a essere calda, metteteci lo zucchero e mescolate con una frusta (o una forchetta) per farlo sciogliere. 3. Una volta sciolto lo zucchero aggiungete il cioccolato tritato, continuando a mescolare per non far formare grumi. 4. Quando tutti gli ingredienti saranno ben amalgamati versate tutto il contenuto o in una ciotola dai bordi alti, o nella tazza di un frullatore (dipende da che frullatore avete). 5. Frullate tutti gli ingredienti e lasciateli poi raffreddare a temperatura ambiente. 6. Prendete una ciotola in cui setacciare farina e lievito (con il setaccio o con il passino a rete), questo passaggio è fondamentale per non creare grumi. 7. Una volta che il cioccolato sarà freddo aggiungete con calma la farina e il lievito, mescolando energicamente con la frusta o la forchetta per evitare grumi. 8. Versate poi l’olio a filo (ovvero poco per volta) e, se la volete, la scorza d’arancia continuando a mescolare. 9. Imburrate la tortiera per forno e versateci il composto. 10. Infornare in forno statico preriscaldato a 180° per 50 minuti. 11. Togliete la torta dal forno e lasciatela raffreddare. 12. Con l’aiuto del setaccio o del passino metteteci sopra lo zucchero a velo. Mak es 10 ser vings
104 401
A NG I E ’ S C HE E SE C A KE It’s a recipe I’ v e been perfecting for years, and hav e receiv ed many compliments. I use products found in Ital y so e v er y Italian can hav e a taste of a g reat NY cheesecak e. T his recipe is just for the cheesecak e, but you can top it with anything: Nutella, stra wber ries, jam — you name it. T his recipe is provided by alumni Angie Matos (‘16).
PREP: 3 0 m i n u t e s
CO O K : 90 m inutes
3 0 0 g coo k ies (I use the Ita lia n bra nd M u li no B ia nco Molinet t i) C hopped wa ln uts or peca ns 4 0 g brow n s uga r M elted b ut ter
CO O L: until c ooled
Ci nnamon (opt ional) 900g Phi ladelphia 1 tables poon vani lla extract 4 eggs 3 tables poons w hi te s ugar
1. The dry ingredients should all be placed in a food processor and blended until the mixture resembles sand. Once this is done add melted butter until the crumbs are slightly damp. This is usually 100g of butter when I use Molinetti cookies. Place in the springform pan and bake the crust for 5 minutes at 160° C) 2. While the crust is baking, mix cream cheese, vanilla extract and white sugar. Mix the eggs one at a time until the mixture is slightly whipped 3. Add the cheese layer on top of the crust and bake for 25 minutes. Check every 5 minutes. The cheesecake will be ready when the sides come slightly away from the edge of the pan.
Mak es 10 ser vings
106 601
G R A M MY’S SU G A R C A KE S T hese fluf fy white cookies are reall y lik e little vanilla cak es sprinkled with a bit of sugar on top. T he recipe comes from our g reat-g reat-g randmother who liv ed in Hanov er, Pennsylvania - kno wn as the “Pennsylvania Dutch” (named because the y are/were Pennsylvania Ger man immig rants) area of the state. T his recipe is provided by the Krebs-Dick Famil y.
PR E P: 3 0 m i n u t e s
2 cups s uga r 1 cup sof tened b ut ter 3 eggs 3 tea s poons va n illa
CO O K: 20 m inutes
CO O L: 2-4 m inutes
1 cup butter mi lk** 1 teas poon SODA 4 cups f lour teas poon salt
1. Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C). 2. Beat together sugar and butter until well-mixed. Add eggs and vanilla. Set aside. 3. In another bowl, slowly stir together buttermilk with 1 teaspoon soda. Set aside. 4. In another bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. 5. Alternate mixing the buttermilk mixture and the flour mixture into the butter mixture. Mix well. 6. Drop by teaspoon on greased cookie sheet. Sprinkle with sugar. 7. Bake for 8-10 minutes. 8. Cakes should spring back when lightly touched. Store with wax paper between cookies. Mak es 20 ser vings NOTE: To mak e butter milk, tak e 1 cup milk and mix 1 tablespoon white vine gar or lemon juice. Allo w to sit for about 10 minutes to thick en.
109 901
BR A Z I LI A N C A RROT C A KE ( BO LO D E C E NOU R A) Bolo de Cenoura is a v er y common Brazilian cak e to eat for breakfast or for a snack with a cup of cof fee. It’s not lik e any typical car rot cak e; it is v er y soft, tasty and not heavy at all. You might think that a car rot cak e is not as good as a chocolate one, but I can assure you that Bolo de Cenoura is as good as any other cak e and has a g reat chocolate frosting on top. T his recipe is provided by the Cantini famil y.
PREP: 1 ho u r
CO O K : 40 m inutes
CO O L: none
3 to 4 ca r rots , gra ted 4 egg s 1 0 0 m l o f seed oil 3 25 g o f suga r 3 8 0 g flo u r
2 0g chocolate powder (or pieces ) 2 4 0 ml mi lk 1 5g butter 180g s ugar
FOR THE CA KE: 1. Mix (with a mixer) the grated carrots, the eggs and the oil. 2. Then add the sugar and the flour and mix for approximately 5 minutes. 3. Add the yeast and mix again. 4. Preheat the oven to 180Âş C and butter an oven plate. 5. Cook the cake for approximately 40 minutes. FOR THE FROSTING: 1. Pour butter, chocolate powder or chocolate pieces, sugar and milk into a bowl, then mix. 2. Keep mixing and heat everything on the stove, until it becomes a creamy texture. 3. Pour the frosting on top of the cake.
Mak es 8 ser vings
110 01
F RU I T TA RT It is one recipe who it is v er y often mak e it in our famil y and it is from Grandma Or nella from Ber gamo. T his recipe is provided by the Maino famil y.
PREP: 1 -2 ho u rs
CO O K : 35 m inutes
CO O L: 2-3 hours
1 egg 7 0 g su ga r 60 g su n flower oil 220 g flo ur 1/2 ta b lespoon yea s t P i nc h o f sa lt Va n i lla essence
2 eggs 80g s ugar 30g cor n s tarch 1/2 li tre mi lk Zes t f rom 1 lemon
1 25 m l wa ter 5 0 g su ga r 8 g cor n s ta rch
Select ion of seasonal f r ui t *Bananas tur n brow n fas t
FOR THE BASE: 1. In a large mixing bowl, add the egg, sugar, oil, yeast, and salt and mix well. Add the flour a little bit at a time, until the dough is of an elastic and homogenous consistency. 2. Roll it into the pan and bake it in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 170-180° C. FOR THE CREA M: 1. In a saucepan, pour 500 ml of milk. Peel one lemon and add it then heat at a low temperature. 2. In a different pot, break the 2 eggs, add the sugar and 30 gr of corn starch and mix well. When the milk starts boiling, add the lemon zest to the egg mixture. Stir constantly until everything is mixed well. 3. Cover the cream with plastic/foil so the air doesn’t harden the cream hard. Let the pastry cream cool down before adding to the base. JELLY: 1. Mix the sugar, cornstarch, and water together. Let boil for 3-4 minutes. Brush the fruits with the jelly mixture to prevent oxidation and add shine. ASSEM BLY: 1. Pour cream mixture into the tart base. Assemble the cut fruit accordingly, and then brush with jelly mixture.
Mak es 8 ser vings
112 21
A PPE LTA A RT ( DU TC H A PPLE PIE ) A piece of a pple pie with or without whipped cream with a cup of cof fee or tea is the fav ourite of many Dutch people after a walk, bik e ride, with celebrations, or simpl y because it is possible. T he oldest a pple pie from Dutch soil is in the oldest cookbook from 1514! T his recipe is provided by the Huijsmans Famil y.
PREP: 1 ho u r
24 cen t i meter s pr ing for m pa n 20 0 g b u tter 20 0 g so ft w h ite s uga r 4 0 0 g sel f - ra is ing f lour, or 4 0 0 g flo ur + 12 g ba k ing powd er
CO O K: 1 hour
CO O L: until room tem p
1 egg 8g vani lla s ugar 1 ,5 kg apples (s weet & sour ) 75g granulated s ugar 3 tables poons ci nnamon 1 5g breadcr umbs
1. Beat the egg and divide into two parts. One half is for the dough, the other for covering the top. Mix butter, soft white sugar, self-raising flour, half the egg, vanilla sugar and salt to form a firm dough. When the dough is a bit dry or crumbly, mix it by hand. Optionally you can add a little extra egg or butter to make a cohesive dough. Divide the dough in three equal parts. 2. Peel the apples, remove the cores and cut into small slices. In a cup, mix the sugar with cinnamon. Preheat the oven to 170° C. 3. Grease the spring form and dust with flour. Use one piece of dough to line the bottom of the spring form/ tin. You use a second part of the dough for the edges. Sprinkle the breadcrumbs on the bottom, this will absorb the moisture from the apples. 4. Put half of the apples in the tin and sprinkle a third of the cinnamon sugar on top. Divide the remaining apple slices in the tin and sprinkle the rest of the cinnamon sugar on top. 5. Roll out the last part of the dough to about 5 mm thick and cut strips of about 1 cm wide. Place the strips crosswise on the apple pie. With some extra strips you can finish the edge all around. Use the remaining egg to glaze the strips of dough on top. 6. Place the pie slightly below the centre of the oven. Bake at 170° C for 60 minutes until golden brown. 7. Let the pie cool in the spring form before removing the ring. Serve with whipped cream. Eat preferably a day later, then the pie is even better! 8. Stored covered outside the refrigerator this pie will last for 4 to 5 days.
Mak es 12 ser vings
114 41
CHO CO L AT E C H IP COOKIE S T his recipe is provided by Liam Barbieri.
PREP: 1 5 m i n u t e s
20 0 g b u tter 1 0 0 g brow n s uga r 9 0 g w h i te s uga r 2 egg s 1 tea spoon va n illa ext ra ct
CO O K : 10 m inutes
CO O L: optional
300g f lour 1 teas poon salt 1 teas poon bak i ng soda 2 00g chocolate chi ps 2 00g walnuts
1. While preheating the oven to 180° C, mix together the butter and the sugar until it becomes soft. 2. Add the eggs and the vanilla extract and mix together. 3. Mix in the flour, baking soda, and salt until well-mixed. 4. Finally, add the chocolate chips and the nuts which are broken into big pieces. Mix well. 5. With 2 spoons, add the content of the bowl onto the baking tray (covered with parchment paper) and arrange the dough into little dollops. 6. Bake for ten minutes. 7. Enjoy!
Mak es 30 cookies
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ST R AW B E RRY M A R M A L A D E PIE T his recipe is provided by the Serio-Testai Famil y.
PREP: 1 ho u r
CO O K : 40 m inutes
1 0 0 g su gar 25 0 g a ll -p ur pose f lour 1 egg 1 egg yo lk 1 0 0 g b u tter, sof tened , cut in to p ieces
CO O L: 1 hour
1 tables poon bak i ng powder, melted i n a bi t of mi lk 1 teas poon vani lla extract Straw ber r y mar malade (or any other f lavor )
1. Combine all together the sugar, flour, egg and yolk, butter, baking powder, and vanilla extract. 2. Knead the ingredients together and then shape the dough into a ball. Cover it with plastic wrap and refrigerate it for at least 30 minutes. 3. Preheat the oven to 180° C. 4. Butter a 26 centimeter pie plate and line it with the pie crust, keeping some dough for the garnish. 5. Spread the strawberry marmalade on the pie crust. Garnish the pie with the dough set aside earlier, placed over the filling as you like. 6. Bake the pie for approximately 40 minutes. 7. Remove the pie from the oven, let it cool completely, and serve. Mak es 12 ser vings
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