ISF's Monthly Newsletter - Summer 2018

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The Newsletter of the International School of Florence

Endings and Beginnings June 2018 - Summer Edition

HEAD OF SCHOOL MESSAGE Dear Parents, The end of school year marks the end of a cycle. Children quickly adjust to another rhythm and the prospect of long, warm days stretching far off into the horizon. After the flurry of closing ceremonies, final projects and saying good-bye, a calm reigns over the campus today. Teachers have cleared shelves and placed supplies and books in boxes, to be stored during the hot months. The crickets are singing their summer song in the gardens and the turtles are hiding in the shade of the box hedge. The calm won’t last long, as ISF gears up for summer building works, including a significant reorganization of space at the Upper School to improve our visual arts and music studios, as well as our cafeteria. At the Junior School, Summer Camp begins, and the New Field will be resurfaced. Rooms in both beautiful buildings will receive a fresh coat of paint in preparation for next year. On a personal note, as my seventeen years at ISF, and three as Head of School, come to a close, I recall with fondness many moments of joy and discovery. I would like to thank this special community for its generous vibrancy, the Board of Directors for their dedication and support, the faculty and staff for their tireless commitment to our children's growth and well-being, and the students, for reminding us all what amazement, courage and wonder are. My warmest well wishes to each of you for the future. Debra Williams Head of School

The Grade 10 Spanish class Telenovela "Labritinto de Passiones" is out! Watch it at

AWARDS 2018 The Thinker (enquirer, knowledgeable, reflective): This award is given to a student that demonstrates the ability to learn independently and who is genuinely curious about acquiring knowledge. S/he has both creative and critical thinking skills, using these to promote inquiry. The Team Player (communicator, open-minded, caring): This award is given to a student who collaborates effectively with others, actively demonstrating consideration, empathy and respect. S/he is interested in other points of view and evaluates these to promote self-development. The Global Citizen (principled, caring, reflective): This award is given to a student who takes action, wanting to make a positive change in the lives of others and in the world around us. S/he has a strong sense of fairness and justice, always acting with accountability, integrity and honesty. The Active Participant (courageous, balanced): This award is given to a student who understands the importance of balancing different aspects of life: intellectual, physical and emotional. S/he always gets involved in a wide range of school activities. The student is resourceful and resilient. The Thinker Grade 6 - Max Obert Grade 7 - Thomas Accattatis Grade 8 - Coline Berthe Grade 9 - Mathias Volkai Grade 10 - Gabbeh De Godoy Van Wijk Grade 11 - Niccolò Bagnoli

The Global Citizen Grade 6 - Ludovica Bini Grade 7 - Simon Karaksonyi Grade 8 - Annalisa Been Grade 9 - Omid Sheikh Grade 10 - Sophia Grella Grade 11 - Sebastian Arora

The Team Player Grade 6 - Lili Halmai, Leon Friberg Grade 7 - Katherine Dick Grade 8 - William Hellawell Grade 9 - Sebastian Iacovitti, Camilla Mormorelli Grade 10 - Jacqueline Obert, Francesco Cambria Grade 11 - Costanza Bacci

The Active Participant Grade 6 - Teresa Meoni Grade 7 - Christian Skeini, Sol Guendogdu Grade 8 - Nereo Loreto Grade 9 - Kim Bonan Grade 10 - Dean Bogner Grade 11 - Luca Fagotti

Academic Achievement Grade 6 - Angelina Hellawell Grade 7 - Andrea Ferragina Grade 8 - Stella Franceschi Grade 9 - Luca Mijatovic Grade 10 - Stella Zhou Grade 11 - Isabella Lovalvo

From the School Board Farewell to Debra Williams

We write this public thank you and farewell message to Debra with very mixed emotions. We wish to thank her for the major contributions she has made over a number of years to the continued success of the school and, of course, we wish her well for the future. However, we also feel very sad that we will lose such a valued and much appreciated leader. Debra first joined the school in 2001 so she now completes 17 years of service with 3 of those as Head of School. It is tribute to Debra that when Board members were asked to comment on Debra’s work and leadership style we were inundated with positive insights. Debra’s interaction with fellow staff members and students reflected her kindness, politeness and ability to react to pressure and stressful moments with a smile and a positive perspective. Clearly she made a wise choice when she elected to pursue an academic career as she has always shown a genuine interest in education and in the well-being and development of young people. Anyone who has interacted with her cannot fail but to be impressed by her collaborative, participatory attitude and her will to do the right thing and get results. We were delighted when she accepted the role of Head of School. She proved a very fast learner, who was able to rise to the challenges associated with this role. She swiftly and, it seemed, effortlessly became a very successful, well-rounded Head of School who could be described as a “realistic idealist” in that she calibrated bold initiatives according to the reality of the situation. She always reported back to the Board and to parents in a clear, structured fashion, which built confidence and trust. The Board are very sad that we now lose someone who has not only ensured that our academic standards remained high with an progressive raising of the bar of achievement, but also someone who embodied the school vision for optimizing the identity of ISF and seeking ways to ensure we are truly international in outlook. Debra, a profound and huge thank you. ISF Board of Directors June 2018

UNIVERSITY OFFERS CLASS OF 2018 University of Cambridge University College London King's College London Queen Mary University of London Royal Holloway University of London London School of Economics New College of the Humanities, London City University of London University of the Arts, London School of Oriental Studies, University of London University of East Anglia University of St Andrews University of Edinburgh New York University Boston University Fordham University, New York Drexel University, Philadelphia McGill University, Montreal University College Utrecht University College Roosevelt Leiden University Bocconi University, Milan ESCP Europe Business School

Valeria Tosatti and her husband welcomed their son Lorenzo.

Carla Benedetti and her husband are expecting.

Sara Masi and her husband welcomed their son Thomas.

Kelly Jo and Toby Dean are expecting.

We are sad to have to say good bye to the following teachers: Julie Ottley, Teacher Assistant Pre-School Caroline Bacho, French Teacher US Alesha Evans, Social Studies and History Teacher US

Leaving ISF A handful of High School students sat down with Head of School, Debra Williams, to share their thoughts about their upcoming departure from ISF. Ms. Williams, who herself will be leaving ISF, embraised the complexity of transition. One the one side there is excitement about change and the new, yet on the other side there is sadness and anxiety. It is important to understand that both feelings exist in the same space, and that both sides are of equal value. Looking back, the students shared their impressions: Nino Mandola The year at ISF was one of the best years of my life. I loved the teachers and felt appreciated for who I am. I am very grateful for having felt wanted and for having found my place in this community. Alejandro Goldstein The experience was so different from high school in the US. I felt welcome both in and outside of the school and made friends quickly. My new school has already asked me to be part of the student council and to bring back ideas. Alma Karavan I enjoyed my time at ISF and feel very different from when I first arrived here. My former school was often filled with drama, a huge contrast to ISF. The biggest change is likely that I am more open minded now. Tara Byrne Having been at ISF my whole life, I can’t really compare the experience to another school. Rita Byrne ISF has been my home always and even though I will miss my friends, I feel ready for change. Anais Delagneau What struck me the most was this wide variety of personalites. ISF is very colorful in comparison to my old school, where everyone seems to be the same. Maia Delagneau I will always remember that everyone wanted to be my friend from the first day that I arrived. Everyone agreed that the atmosphere of an international school, and also of Florence, assists in being tolerant and in accepting differences. It’s an atmosphere that encourages growth, diversity, different ideas, respect for teachers and being oneself. The size of ISF allows for meeting people quickly, getting to know everyone and it promotes space for individuality. Ms. Williams welcomed all leaving students to the ISF Alumni Association: “The school wants to remain connected and you will always be welcome. ISF is your home. Go out and plant your seeds and assist us all in making the world the place we want it to be.”

Departing High School Students

Departing Middle School Students

ISF SPRING GALA Thank you for supporting our 2018 Community Spring Gala! The generous participation of this year provided us with a sold-out evening that celebrated our relationship to our community at the beautiful, historical, il Tepidario del Roster. A record amount of just over 50,000 euro was raised on the evening. These funds have helped establish two new initiatives at the heart of our school’s Mission: the creation of the ISF Student Community Service Charitable Fund and the ISF Florence Cultural Heritage Initiative, as well as supporting the purchase of some specific school items on the 'Giving Tree'.


ncil u o C t uden t S S H This year’s High School Student Council was able to accomplish various projects to enhance ISF’s scholastic environment. We collectively organised Career Day, an event that proved to be a success amongst students thanks to its utility in helping them broaden their professional horizons. To promote environmental awareness without overwhelming our peers, we decided to advocate for the organisation 4Ocean. We coordinated an ocean themed Mufti Day and made available a video and other sources to further educate our peers on the byproducts of ocean pollution. To enhance our studying experience in the library, we found, funded and bought a couch. This purchase has received nothing but positive feedback from students who appreciate its support for their posture as well as their overall confort. We contributed with the organization of the TEDxYouth event by selling tickets and planning all of the food and drinks. We managed to sell out all tickets, and we arranged the event on the day. The TEDxYouth event was a massive success amongst students and the community of Florence.

l unci o C t uden MS St The Middle School Student Council organized the distribution of candygrams for Halloween and the “Winter Dance”. This dance was an opportunity to celebrate the season’s holidays together. They also organized a dance to celebrate love and friendship during Valentine’s Day. These dances were made possible thanks to the help of parents and teachers who donated their time and energy. During the third trimester we decided on donating benches to allow students to have a nicer environment during their breaks. These benches have been decorated by the 8th graders during project days and we hope to be able to include every MS student next year! Also the Hawaii themed dance was a huge success. The students were very motivated by these activities, and many were able to use their many talents artistic, musical and organizational - to transform these moments together into real events.

il ounc C t n de JS Stu This year the Junior School Student Council has shown a great deal of commitment to making improvements in the school for all students. The year began with a movie night which aimed to provide enjoyment for the students and create a community atmosphere. Next they decided to begin caring for our planet by composting fruits and vegetables from the mensa. Everyday a student council rep would collect the food waste and take it down to the compost bin. We now have compost to use in our planters next year, and a reduced amount of waste. They also decided to care for the grounds in school by doing regular litter picking at recess and planting wild flowers in our garden. Finally student council combined forces with sports council in order to raise money for bricks for the lower field. We held a healthy snack sale in which we raised 500 euros. A big thank you to student council for taking time out of their recess to meet regularly and dedicate time to our school and our students.


l unci o C s port

Since January the Sports Council have been meeting at least once a week to discuss ways in which we can promote sport in the Junior School. Our first action piece was to organise the recess equipment to take in and out for grades 2 - 5. We presented in two assemblies: one for Active Week, where we designed an Active Week challenge booklet for all students and one for the PEP rally for Field Day, where we talked about sportsmanship, being a good winner and loser and trying our best. Along with the Student council, we brain stormed ideas of how to raise funds for the resurfacing of the new field and ran a Healthy Snack Bar with the help of 3A.

Club t i r i JS Sp

The Spirit Club is made up of a lively and enthusiastic group of Grade Four students bubbling with wonderful ideas! We have completed many projects this semester, including medals for the Early Years students to be given out on Field Day, posters welcoming the students from the International School of Milan upon arrival during the Milan tournament, cards and other special projects done with other students for various holidays and a farewell banner that will be signed by the whole school for the Grade Five students to be hung on graduation. They have all shown dedication and have worked very hard over the last several months!

We congratulate our Junior School 5th Grade Lifers, who have been with us since Preschool.

MIDDLE SCHOOL PROJECT DAYS ISF project days for middle school students have evolved over the years, and are culminating learning activities which are fun for students and which connect with our context in Florence. This year each grade has a theme around which activities have been planned, and also two learner profile attributes to be emphasised throughout the project days. Each grade level has one day out of school in the city. This year these have been visits to the Museo Innocenti, the San Lorenzo market and cultural areas around it, and a Renaissance scavenger hunt. Hands-on activities at school include making wooden toys, cooking healthy food and decorating benches which were provided by the middle school student council. Every year the teachers who planned and ran the activities discuss how the days can be further improved for the following year, so next year will again be a little different, and we hope even better!

C A S F A I R 2018 History was made at ISF in April when the first ISF CAS Fair was held. Seniors took the opportunity of exhibiting their Extended Projects, describing their work to visitors, and inspiring other CAS students with ideas of what they could do in the future. Grade 12 CAS students took part in final interviews with the CAS Coordinator, during which they were asked to describe CAS in one word. This is a selection of their descriptions:

Bonding Dedica,on Commitment New horizons Awareness Magnificent Growth Collabora,on Inspiring Instruc,ve Cultural Community Engaging Challenging ImpacBul Time management Flexibility Innova,ve Outgoing Personal contribu,on Fun FruiBul Rewarding Dedica,on Perseverance Creates opportuni,es Forma,ve Eye opening Mind opening Sparks interest Opportuni,es Giving and Receiving Ac,ve members of the communi,es Life changing Dedica,on Service Instruc,ve Full Interes,ng Successful Educa,onal Exci,ng Fulfilling Pa,ence Meet new people Open minded Mentally & physically ac,ve Responsibility Unique Joyful experience Intense Passionate Personal growth

“It may be true that he who travels alone travels fastest, but he who travels furthest travels with others” (Rudyard Kipling)


L o c k d o w n ! A play about a group of students who are in after-school detention for various infractions when the lockdown alarm goes off. The all promise to be good if they get out of the school alive. In the end, it is all one big prank to teach the children a lesson.

W i l d W i l d W e s t Wild Wild West! A play about a stolen pig turned into bacon and an attempted bank robbery. Roles were reversed as girls were the gunslingers and boys the house husbands.

Camp Goodnight Camp Goodnight was about kids off to a summer camp run by a dictatorial woman who disliked children. She brainwashed them, but they were eventually saved by some hillbillies.

2018 Yearbook Congratulations to this year's cover artist, Kayla Middleton, and cover model, Smilla Colombini.


Grade 5 - PYP Exhibition The process of the Grade 5 Exhibition represents the culmination of the IB Primary Years program and encompasses all the transdisciplinary skills, profile traits, and attributes learned throughout the students’ journey through the Junior School, from preschool to Grade 5. Exhibition 2018 took place on Wednesday, March 28th, as part of the transdisciplinary theme “Sharing the Planet” where students exhibited their in-depth learning experiences through their research of a current issue impacting society today. Since fall the students had been reading up on current events, and meeting with various inspirational people from local organizations such as Angeli per un Giorno, Refugee Center Online, Healing Photo Art, UNICEF, and the US Consul General of Florence: people who serve as role models using their specific talents who strive to make the world a better place. The Exhibition evolved through several steps: Students first analyzed the description of the transdisciplinary theme “sharing the planet,” and identified areas where they could make a difference. From that analysis, students chose areas for further investigation in groups of three or four. This year, students chose the following areas of investigation: women’s rights, animal rights, climate change, racial discrimination, disabilities, welfare of citizens, human needs. They then wrote up central ideas on their general topic, then chose a more specific line of inquiry for further investigation. Each group, along with the assistance of a mentor, identified an action to address a particular need regarding to their chosen topic. For example, the group studying disabilities, visited Centro L.I.N.A.R., an organization which provides assistance to people with disabilities, whereas students from the human needs group volunteered at homeless shelter. By taking action, students learn that they too, can make a difference. To demonstrate their learning, they wrote an essay on their line of inquiry, prepared a slide presentation and creative piece and set up a group display, which they then shared with the school community. Throughout the entire preparation process, they reflected upon the growth of their transdisciplinary skills, profile traits and attributes. The entire focus of Exhibition is for the students to learn more about themselves, their interests, and their strengths and weaknesses as a learner, so they can take ownership of their learning. This year’s grade 5 class presented a variety of creative pieces: from songs, to recycled paper representations, to sketches, paintings, game shows and iMovies to communicate their learning. March 28th proved to be a joyous occasion where students shared their learning with their parents and wider school community. Throughout the entire process, the journey provides a valuable learning opportunity, not only about their topic, but about themselves, and their learning which they cherish for years to come.

 We are very pleased to announce an exciting new musical initiative for students 3rd – 8th grade: ISF Cantabile, ISF’s future representative school choir! The mission of ISF Cantabile is to continue to expand our rich musical offering by providing our talented choristers with a collaborative experience of choral music performance. Students will develop their vocal talents with other musicians, and benefit from learning the importance of self-control and self-mastery, teamwork, community spirit, analytical thinking, poise, confidence, focus and discipline, as well as cultural awareness through exposure to attentively selected musical literature. The ISF Cantabile Choir will attend at least one important event every year. Next year, we will be preparing for the “Festival di Primavera “in Montecatini, in April, 2019. The Artistic and Chief Director of the “Cantabile ISF Choir” is Ms Tanja Kustrin, in collaboration with our Upper School music teacher and award-winning choir director, Ms Linda Morus, and Ms Amanda Brown Middle School teacher, choir director and vocal specialist.

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MAKERSPACE After much discussion regarding the outdoor space at the Lower School, an idea was born to create a makerspace for the students using an area near the soccer pitch and gardens. What is a makerspace? It's an area that allows students to engage in learning experiences that enable them to make real life connections, as well as to be creative and innovative. Our natured-based makerspace encourages our students to design, experiment, and build as they engage in science, engineering, and tinkering using natural materials. We believe it is important to connect to nature through play, and the makerspace prompts imaginative free play, fosters social interaction, and encourages safe risk-taking. We are so excited to bring this opportunity to our students at ISF, but in order to have a space that remains useful, we are in need of natural materials. Please contact Mr. Ellis at if you wish to learn more about donating. Thank you in advance for any donations that you are willing/able to provide.

BOOK WEEK 2018 Students were really motivated to participate in this year’s Book Week activities! Classes participated in a Book Cover Door Decoration contest, dressed up as book characters, and had a chance to enjoy a storytelling presentation by a guest speaker. The whole Junior School got together with buddies for D.E.A.R (drop everything and read) time and used their best detective skills to guess the ISF mystery readers. It was a great week to showcase our love of reading. Ms. Scopelliti, Librarian


EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS GERMANY - SOCCER Day 1: The girls team played two games vs. MMI and vs. AF North. Despite having lost both games, they showed determination and were really united as a team. Giada Martinuzzi scored an incredible goal from outside the box. The boys played the first game against a team from Bahrain and won 1-0. During their second match, they lost against the number one seeded team from Rome (AOSR) 2-0. AOSR had not played in the morning and arrived at this game in better conditions. Day 2: Today the players had a lot of fun at the field despite the weather. The ISF girls defeated the girls from Bahrain 1-0 with a very nice goal scored by Isabella De Mori. You should have seen the girls jumping in the air the moment they scored and even more when the referee closed the match. The girls later lost the second match vs. BFA from Germany but came back to the hotel very happy with what they had achieved. Even though their championship ended, since they did not qualify, they were enthusiastic about being part of the team and grew from the technical point of view. Thank you to coach Lorenzo Randelli, who did a great job inspiring the girls and creating a great atmosphere within the team. The boys played their main match vs BFA from Germany and won 2-1. It was a hard match in which every single boy of the team participated and contributed to a victory that allowed us to pass to the semifinals. At the end of the match, the boys ran together with their coaches towards the girls on the other side of the field to thank them for their support. Jumping and screaming, they took the chance to throw all the water they had on the coach, as a sign of celebration. Luckily he had an extra kit .. During the semifinals vs. Air Force North, a team of an American military base school located in the Netherlands, we dominated the game, but still lost 3-2 . The opponents were given two very generous penalties and scored a third goal fouling our goalkeeper. Even though we were down 2-0, Carlo Marchi and Filippo Tortelli were able to score two goals in the second half and get to 2-2. A few minutes before the end of the game AF North was given a second penalty and scored the third goal. We ended up losing 3-2 in a game in which the opponents never had a single shot at goal! Despite of the disappointment of not having reached the finals, the experience was incredible and the teams are taking home great memories. Roberto Clausi, Athletic Director

Have a great summer!

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