Tuskan Times Volume 7 Issue 6

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June 2019 Issue

International School of Florence

Volume 7, Issue 7


STAFF Editor-in-Chief Niccolò Platt Co-Editor Giulia Oosterwijk Layout Editors Giulia Oosterwijk Jacqueline Obert

Artists Jacqueline Obert Dajanique Bonner Advisor John Pitonzo Front cover by Jacqueline Obert Back cover by Dajanique Bonner

ABORTION RIGHTS TODAY By Avery Walsh Fernie During the past few weeks there has been an

Missouri, stated:

uproar on the topic of abortion. This is because the

"If it's legitimate rape, the female body has ways to

state of Alabama and the state of Georgia, among

shut that thing down."

others, are attempting to make abortion illegal. Roe

Like everything in the world, there are two sides to

vs Wade is the law that was passed by the Supreme

every story. In this case it is pro-life and pro-

Court, which states that a woman has the choice to

choice. Pro-life supporters believe that abortion is

have an abortion. According to CNN Politics, on

wrong and should be illegal; they think that all

14 May, 2019, 25 Alabama senators voted against

humans, including unborn babies and fetuses, have

abortion; the bill then passed the Alabama House

a right to life. Therefore, they consider abortion

in a 74 to 3 vote. Georgia's law bans abortions after

murder. They believe that a baby has a life the

the fetus's heartbeat is detected, which can be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy, whereas legal abortions are currently available in the United States up to 24 weeks. Alabama’s new law even bans abortions with no exceptions in cases of rape or incest.

moment it is conceived, and that the law should protect it while inside the womb. Of course, there are many degrees of being pro-life, some believe that in some conditions such as rape or incest are acceptable. On the other hand, people that are prochoice believe that a woman should have the right to choose what happens to her own body. They believe that every child should be loved, wanted and protected. Pro-choice does not mean you are pro-abortion, it means that you believe that a woman can choose what she wants to do with the unborn child. Whether it is to put it up for adoption, having an abortion or raising it, it is that

Many politicians started speaking their minds

person's decision.

about the situation. "If a woman has the right to abortion, why shouldn't a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman? At least the rapist's pursuit of sexual freedom doesn't in most cases result in anyone's death." This quote is by Lawrence Lockman, a Republican member of the Maine House of Representatives since 2012. Republican Todd Akin, an outspoken opponent of abortion and former U.S. Representative from GLOBAL 1

What are some problems with making abortions

For example, Zara Larsson tweeted,

illegal? Firstly, making abortions illegal does not

"What if the baby you abort grows up and cures

stop abortions. It stops safe abortions. According to

cancer?” What if the 16-year-old you are denying

the Guttmacher Institute, of the 56 million abortions worldwide each year, 25 million are unsafe. That’s

abortion grows up and cures cancer? But now she can't afford to get an education. Instead, she has to take care of a baby. What about her, an actual

45%. Many argue that if abortion is illegal, then a

living being?”

man leaving a woman who is pregnant should be

People all around the country have been

illegal too. Therefore if women can’t back out of

speaking out and standing up for their rights.

pregnancy, neither should men. Many people, such

Firstly, Planned Parenthood and ACLU filed a

as politicians and celebrities have been speaking out

lawsuit against Alabama. There have also been

on the issue.

hundreds of marches and protests, both by people pro-life and pro-choice. Now, women all over the world are being deprived of a right and a choice over their bodies, and that needs to change.


A GOODBYE By Isabella Lovalvo Well, I guess it’s my turn. For the last three years, as part of the Tuskan Times, I’ve watched so many members grow and flourish, and eventually leave, off to bigger things in university. I’ve read the goodbyes of past editors, such as Riccardo Talini, or Michael Chen, or more recently, Nicholas Accattatis, as they depart once and for all from the small, special community that is ISF. And here I stand at last, in their place, facing a world of uncertainty, anticipation, and excitement that lies ahead. In stepping into this world, however, there are things that I must leave behind, namely my friends and families. I use families because I don’t believe one must limit the word to the traditional sense of a small group of people with whom you are related. In my seventeen years of life, I have formed several of these families, close groups of people who support, encourage, and depend on each other. And one of

However, it would be unfair to say that the Tuskan Times is special solely because of these two admittedly more academic features. Inside the organization lies a system of support and encouragement, where students are pushed and inspired to step out of their comfort zone. Whether this is seen in a member writing an article on a

these groups, without a doubt, is the Tuskan Times.

subject which they previously knew little about, or

In my three years of working here, I have

challenging the school on a controversial issue,

witnessed an environment unlike any other. I

students most always grow as a result. We become

believe that the amount of intellectual vitality and

conscious citizens of the world, eager to raise our

curiosity in our newspaper is unparalleled,

voices and rally behind issues that matter to us, but

evidenced by the high quality articles released by

also ready to help one another and interact with those

our dedicated journalists each month, articles that

who hold different views and opinions.

again and again defy expectations and

During my time with the Tuskan Times, I have been

preconceptions of what a school newspaper should

surrounded by an incredible network of support.

be. Also present is an astonishing amount of

Riccardo Talini challenged me from the start to

diversity of opinion, something that I believe is

challenge myself, assigning a tenth grader with little

healthy and essential for any organization to

knowledge of politics an article on the United

flourish (though it has admittedly led to small

Nations Secretary General, and helping to kickstart

digressions and debates in the middle of our meetings).

my passion for all things political.


Nicholas Accattatis, with whom I worked as Co Editor last year, further helped me develop this passion and truly taught me how to successfully run the paper. Niccolo Platt, my Co-Editor this year, has repeatedly demonstrated his talents in journalism, especially in the investigative sort, and I am confident that the paper will be in more than good hands with him and Giulia Oosterwijk this coming school year. The latter and Jackie Obert have also been instrumental as our layout team, dedicating countless hours to the task, as well as training the newest members in the area. And of course, no goodbye would be complete without a special mention to Mr. Pitonzo.

Throughout the years, Mr. P. has contributed so much to the Times, from encouraging journalists, to providing countless ideas, to dedicating his extra time to look over our articles. His importance in keeping the spirit of journalism alive and well at ISF is truly inestimable. And so I end my goodbye with a thank you, not just to everyone I’ve mentioned, but to all of you, Tuskan Times members and readers alike. I am truly indebted to you for some of the best memories of the last three years. And though I must end my time with the paper, I remain fully confident that in the coming years, the Times will only continue to thrive and improve. Warmly, Isabella Lovalvo


TO THE EDITOR Dear Isabella, Thank you for being a great contributor to the paper! I’m going to miss your great energy! Best of luck! -Jackie O

Ciao G, Hope you have a great time in uni and thank you for being a great editor. Good luck fam. Omid

Hey Bella, it’s been really great working with you these past few years! You’ve always been very helpful and available during my first year as editor, even during mocks and exams, and I really appreciate it. I hope you have a great time in college, enjoy it! Nicco

How you doin Bossman, Hope you're doing alright wherever you are. Have a good time and join the newspaper at uni, they're gonna need an editor like you! Peter Hi Bella! Now I only joined the paper after you were gone but I’m sure you were a great leader! I’m gonna miss you so much and especially on the basketball and soccer team!!!:( I hope you will achieve great things in your future and good luck at university. -xxxFleur

Hey Bella! Have a good time at university! Thanks for sharing all your TT knowledge through a comical and funny way, come visit soon! Giulia

Thank you for everything in the club Isabella. It’s been a fun year and I’m sorry for being annoying, but I had a lot of fun. Jay H-R


GRADUATION: A FINAL GOODBYE TO THE CLASS OF 2019 By Giulia Oosterwijk On June 1st 2019, the senior class of ISF lined up

The guest speaker, Alessandro Hohagen, inspired the

along the school building in their blue caps and

graduates and audience with his life story and the

gowns gleaming with pride whilst various teachers

failures that he had to face to end up in a place where

attempted to make sure that everyone was in the

he felt content. Looking back at the sea of blue

correct order. This was the first time that graduation

behind him, he made it clear that life will not always

was held on a Saturday, although there was a

be perfect and that failure is only a gateway to

consequent backlash; all of the frustration seemed to

success. He reminded the graduates that fear will

pass once the graduates started to walk down the blue

never leave their lives, but that it will only make


them stronger as they face obstacles in the future. Hohagen made sure that students were aware of the value of the friendships in their lives, and to drive their ambition with respect for others. The speeches were given a break, as the awards were given out: • The Horace F Gibson/Valedictorian Award was given to our former-editor, Isabella Lovalvo

Mr. Murray welcomed families, staff, friends, and graduates to the ceremony. His speech was concise, with a clear message: when you do something out of love, don’t immediately expect something back in return. He encouraged the graduates to do things just

• The Salutatorian Award was given to Pietro Righi • The President's Award for Educational Excellence was given to Kayla Middleton • T h e P re s i d e n t ' s A w a rd f o r E d u c a t i o n a l Achievement was given to Vittoria Conforti

for the sake of it, and that their actions must be rooted out of love. Marco Uzielli, the Chair of Board of Directors, outlined the importance of leading with

• The ISF International Student Award was given to Costanza Bacci

integrity and to always listen to those around you. He

The awards were followed by a musical

reminded them that, now that they are ISF alumni,

performance by Sofia Gambetta and Vittoria Conforti

that they are the ambassadors of understanding.

who sang The Other Side by Conan Gray.

When concluding his speech, he ensured that the

The speeches commenced with Pietro Righi

graduates knew that once they left ISF, it would

giving his Salutatorian speech. He reflected on his 14

always be a part of their lives. LOCAL 6

years at ISF, the memories he shared with his fellow

Leo Consumi, Costanza Bacci, and Wandré De

classmates, and how Florence has become an

Mendonça were chosen to be the senior-class

integral part of his experience here at the school. The

representative speakers. They addressed the

speech was followed by Isabella Lovalvo’s

audience and graduating class with irony and

Valedictorian speech, as she humorously poked fun

humour through personalized comments, inside

at the IB programme and recalled the numerous

jokes, and bringing up past memories which they

amounts of times the IB has caused her stress, she

bonded over. The audience, teachers, and students

ended her speech with the idea that the programme

alike laughed over the comments that were made.

gave her the determination and drive needed for the future. She reminded her graduating class that perseverance is a concept that they have all mastered now, and to the parents she justified the dramatic outbursts of stress. The student-chosen speaker, Ms.Yiannakis, reminisced over each students’ past here at ISF and how much they have grown. Her speech included humorous and sentimental parts, both of which caused the graduating class and the audience to laugh. She urged the class to look back on their lives here at ISF with a smile, and that each

The most important part of the ceremony started

one played an important role.

after all the speeches were finished, handing out the diplomas. As Mr.Cook read out the students name, area of study, and their plans for after graduation; the class of 2019 walked to the front of the podium, grabbed their diplomas, and smiled proudly to the camera and their parents. Once all of the graduates were called up, Ms.Stanton pronounced the graduates as official alumni and the class of 2019. As soon as the tassels were moved,

hats were

thrown in the air, and All Star by Smash Mouth started to play - the graduating class moved on from ISF with friends by their side.



What school were you at before coming to ISF and where do you plan to go off to now? I was at the British School Jakarta, I’ll be going to the American International School of Mozambique.

How would you rate your experience at ISF from 1 to 10 and why? 8, there are always going to be some little frustrations here and there, I’ve also had a few health problems here in Italy.

What was your best experience at this school? When my office was refurbished.

What is the thing you’ve liked the least about this school? Walking up the hill in the morning.

If you could change one thing here at ISF anything, what would it be? I think we should add a theatre.

Let’s say a friend of yours comes to visit Florence for the first time, which place would you take them to first? I always take them to San Marco and Fiesole, because they’re really nice places, they are unusual and they’re never crowded.

Is there anything you'd like to say to our readers in Italian? Buona Fortuna!... for your university choices when they come up.


A RECAP OF THE 2019 SOCCER EUROPEANS By Sophia Lovalvo This year, for the 2019 soccer season, both our girls and boys team participated in the European championship. We flew to Germany on Sunday the 19 of May, and the championship started on Monday.

Monday - On Day 1, the boys team played first and started out unexpectedly strong. They played exceptionally well, and won the game against Bahrain 1- 0. This was a surprise to many, even to many of the players, as they did not have a very strong season. Later in the day, the girls played Marymount, but unfortunately lost. However, it did not come as a great surprise, as Marymount was an overall stronger and more experienced team.

Tuesday- On Tuesday the boys played two games. One against BFA (Black Forest Academy, a school from Germany) and another against AOSR (American Overseas School of Rome), a notorious rival of ISF. Tuesday was an even more successful day for the boys, who were victorious in both games. The finals scores being (ISF 2 - BFA 1) and (ISF 2 AOSR 0). Winning all three of their group stage games earned the boys a place in the semi-finals, which took place on Thursday against Aviano. The girls, on the other hand, were not so lucky. Earlier in the day they received news that the senior players who were supposed to fly out the previous evening were no longer going to be able to play due to a flight cancellation. With only 12 players, the girls team lacked sufficient subs and once again lost their game against Rota with a final score of ISF 1 - Rota 5.


Wednesday- On Wednesday the boys played Aviano (an American military base school from Italy) in the semi finals, and fought hard, but unfortunately a lucky penalty shot by Aviano lead to their first loss of the tournament. This unlucky loss also meant that they had lost their chance to compete in the finals and would now have one game the next day determining their place in the tournament, being third or fourth. For the girls, things finally started to look up. They played two games, and with some position swapping, they were able to win both and take their first two victories of the tournament. The tables turned and a sad day for the guys was now a time to celebrate for the ladies team. By now they had already lost their chance of competing in the semi finals, but with their two wins were able to place fifth in the division two rankings.

Thursday- On the final day of the European championships the girls were done with their games, but the boys team still had one more to play against AFNorth. The score was close, but the boys did not manage to take home this last victory. They played hard, but by this last game they seemed tired and discouraged from their previous loss, which gave the other team an advantage. Overall the boys placed fourth in their division.


THE INSIDE SCOOP By Luca Mijatovic Cioccolato! Nocciola! Pistacchio! Fragola! Stracciatella! Summer is almost here, which means the gelaterie are preparing their summer flavors!

So where did gelato come from? In the 1500’s, Bernardo Buontalenti was an architect who created beautiful shows and festivals like no one ever before him. At the end of his events, he served a “frozen cream” that he invented with a special ingredient that was coming from the newly discovered Americas: sugar! Caterina de’ Medici, then Queen of France, was a huge fan of Buontalenti’s frozen cream and so with her passion for this newly invented “gelato”, it spread across Europe during the second half of the century. Her guests, kings and diplomats, who tried it brought the recipe to their homelands. Next time you’re getting gelato, ask for the “Buontalenti” flavor, and taste the original flavor of this Italian culinary staple!

So… which gelateria is your favorite? Gelateria la Carraia is the absolute best in Florence, in my opinion. Their yogurt gelato with big chunks of Nutella is hands down the best! It’s convenient that I live one block from this incredible gelateria! But what exactly is “gelato”? Is gelato actually ice cream? Or is gelato just a fancy way of saying “ice cream”? No! We all know ice cream is definitely NOT gelato! So what’s the difference? What makes gelato so good? So creamy? Where did gelato actually come from? So many questions! I felt it was my duty to do (A LOT) of research and report back to the ISF community.

It is crazy to think that gelato was made right here in Florence, probably just a few minutes away from our school! After asking around the ISF community, I found that these five gelaterie are the most popular: La Carraia, near Piazza Nazario Sauro, which is my favorite gelateria, Venchi, which has multiple locations in Florence, Vivoli, an old-time favorite near Santa Croce, Perche No?, which is on Via dei Tavolini, and Gelateria dei Neri, which is on Via dei Neri. I know there are many more other fantastic gelaterie in Florence that I need to try this summer. These were just a couple that I found were the most popular in the ISF community and that I enjoyed as well. All five of these gelaterie were delicious and I recommend you also try them.

As I went from gelateria to gelateria, I asked: “What’s the difference between gelato and ice cream?” I learned that while gelato and ice cream both contain cream, milk and sugar, authentic gelato uses more milk and less cream than ice cream. Gelato usually doesn't use egg yolks, which are a common ingredient in ice cream. Gelato has very little air compared to ice cream. That’s why gelato is so dense and creamy. Another difference between gelato and ice cream is the amount of fat and sugar. Gelato usually has a fat content of less than 10% while ice cream has an average of about 20%. So for you health fanatics, gelato is much healthier than traditional ice cream. I strongly believe it should be a daily food source for your healthy diet.

Now that you have the Inside Scoop on gelato in Florence, remember: never settle for just one scoop!


OPINION: SCHOOL UNIFORM SHOULD NOT BE IN PLACE By Frederico Richardson Frederico Richardson is an eleventh grader and

No, it’s not math studies, it’s that students’

founder of the ISF student group SPAM, which

opinions aren’t taken seriously. ISF seems to

advocates for the removal of school uniforms

promote open opinions, democracy, and equality,

through peaceful protest and disobedience. Below,

but students don’t actually get to enjoy those concepts. Although this may be fun to complain

Fred details his reasons for believing that, as the name of his organization suggests, ‘school policies are memes.’

about, as many people do, it’s terrible for students. It teaches students to forget about what they believe in and give up.

ISF is the first school I’ve been to with a school uniform policy, I’m expected to put it on every single day. Without fail. And to be honest, it's a real pain to do so. I’ve expressed this thought to many people many times, not just my to my friends, but to teachers as well. After giving the teachers a few reasons for my strong dislike towards uniform, they refer me to the Dean of Students. Naturally, I move on the Dean of Students, I give him a few

That’s the first reason for my strong dislike

reasons for my strong dislike towards uniform and

towards school uniform. It shows that the school

he refers me to the student council. If you want to

isn’t what they show on the website, it isn’t what

change anything at ISF, going through this ‘chain

they show through their mission statement, and it’s

of power’ is the only choice as a student. However,

definitely not ‘believe, achieve, succeed.’ My

once you’ve been passed down this chain, feeling

second point, one that many parents will agree

like a nuisance for asking to change something you

with, is that uniforms are expensive. They’re low

strongly dislike, you realize something important: the student council is completely useless. The members aren’t incompetent, they just aren’t listened to. This ‘pointless student council’, along with the ‘chain of power’, both expose one of ISF’s

quality and they cost too much to replace. Even if they aren’t worn down by the time the kids grow out of them (we are at a school after all), which is about once every two years, the parents get to spend almost hundreds buying new t-shirts, trousers, and jumpers.

biggest flaws. LOCAL 12

Another point that many students will agree with

being a walking advertisement very much, and I’m

is that uniforms are, in my opinion, ugly. I’d rather

sure your parents don’t either. The list keeps going,

not explain this one because there is no good

and it’s very long. One can always come up with a

explanation for it and it’s completely subjective. One

reason to strongly dislike school uniform. And yet

can point to how strict the policy is. It’s not enough

there are still some kids that argue in favour of the

to just wear almost identical clothes of the same

policy. They claim it’s convenient and reduces

colour, you must wear the school uniform! It’s not

bullying, and I agree; school uniform does both

enough to wear a t-shirt and a coat above it, of course it isn’t, you must wear the school jumper between those layers! All these unreasonable rules don’t strengthen the policy, they transform the whole concept into something trivialized and comical.

those things. But the reasons against the policy obviously outweigh the reasons for it, which is why it should be removed. Hopefully, the school will finally listen (for once), and the policy will be modified, if not abolished. But this time, if going through the ‘chain of power’ fails, the students have

Lastly, the uniform informs everyone in the

a shortcut: SPAM.

streets of Florence, with huge capital letters on the front, that you’re from ISF. Personally, I don’t like


A FAREWELL INTERVIEW WITH MS. STANTON By Niccolo Platt think that was one of the nicest afternoons I’ve had

How many years have you been at ISF? 3 years.

here. They brought their families, their food, their Peruvian music, and it was just a lovely afternoon.

Where were you before coming here? I worked at the Bali International School.

Let’s say a friend of yours is coming to visit the How was that experience compared to what you

city for the first time. What do you suggest they’d

found here?


It was very different. There, we didn’t have as

I’d encourage them to go off the normal tourist

many host country nationals. Nearly everybody

routes. Go to see all the things it’s famous for - the

was international. We also did all three IB

Uffizi, the Duomo- and then go to the local places:

programs. And it’s tropical; it’s just a very different place.

the little artisan shops, the local restaurants, see the countryside. Go hiking, it’s beautiful! Get the tourist bit over quickly, and then really

Where are you headed next year? I’m going to work in India. In a three program, IB

enjoy how people live here.

school in Mumbai. It will be very different from Finally, is there anything in Italian you’d like to

living in Florence, but I’m looking forward to it.

say to our readers? How would you rate your experience here at

Grazie mille!

ISF from 1 to 10? Why? Well, it depends. You know, experience is so general. Experience with the students, the teachers, the facilities, the weather. There are so many different things. I’ve enjoyed working with the students here; I’ve learned a lot about Italian culture; I’ve even learned a bit of Italian! I’ve also really enjoyed living in Florence, so there are a lot of positive aspects. What would you say was your best experience at ISF? That’s a difficult question. About a month ago we had a potluck lunch with some of the workers here, a lot of whom are of Peruvian extraction, and I LOCAL 14

ROCKETMAN: IS IT WORTH THE WATCH? By Peter Wood Rocketman is a biographical/drama/musical

The movie seems to focus mostly on how Elton’s

movie which was released recently (it’s 2019 for

childhood affected his future: the lack of love he

all the time travellers out there). The movie is

received from his parents caused him to fall in love

written by Lee Hall, and directed by Dexter

with people he shouldn’t have fallen in love with,

Fletcher. The latter is best known for being in the

such as his manager John Reid (played by Richard

1989 movie press gang, and for being the executive

Madden), who them becomes Elton’s greatest

producer in the 2018 movie Bohemian Rhapsody


after Bryan Singer was fired. The movie stars

What differentiates this movie from being

actors such as Taron Egerton, which you may know

“Bohemian Rhapsody but with Elton John” (other

if you’ve seen Kingsman, Jaime Bell and Richard

than the plot) is the way the story is told. Unlike

Madden. For the few who still have not seen it,

the 2018 Queen movie, this one uses music a lot

major spoilers ahead!

more similarly to how other musicals do. But that’s not it. The story, other than having plenty of dancing sequences, is told in a very surreal way. For that matter there are plenty of times where you’ll be asking yourself if what you are seeing actually happened, or if Elton John just hallucinated a lot of the time. Although the plot and storytelling are very different, the themes seem to be very similar to the ones in Bohemian Rhapsody with reappearing themes such as “don’t abandon your friends just because you fell in love,

The movie is about the life of famous British

especially if you are a famous rockstar since there

rockstar Elton John (played by Taron Egerton). It

will be people who will love you only for money”.

follows Elton’s life from when he was a little boy

Then, of course, there’s the theme of “don’t

living in Pinner, Middlesex, up until he became

become too full of yourself because then people

one of the most famous rockstars to have ever

might not want to be around you”. And lastly the

lived, telling its story through various musical

whole “if you do end up rich and famous don’t

numbers, not only songs by Elton John.

drink too much alcohol and don’t do drugs because it might cause you many problems”.


The acting was for the most part pretty good;

create any minimal chemistry between them, and you

even the child acting was surprisingly convincing,

are left wondering why they got married if they only

something you don’t see that often in movies. The editing and the shots were nothing too special, but the music played a very big part, and I have to say it

spoke a few times. Another character I would have liked to see more is John’s grandmother, who seemed

was very fitting in certain occasions. However, the

to be the only one who actually loved him in his

musical parts felt a little unnecessary at times. For

youth. However, after the first act she is barely

example, at the beginning of the movie, right after a

mentioned at all. We aren’t even told if she is still

very serious scene, John’s entire family starts

alive by the end of the movie. You’d think that the

singing and it feels like the whole musical number is explaining his family situation. However, everything they say was implied in the scenes before and after

only person who ever supported the main character would have had a much greater role in the story, and

that. In these cases, it feels like the script writers

her death (unless she’s the highlander) would have

treat their audience like babies who need everything

had a great impact on him. The villain is also very

explained to them.

flat, but he wasn’t someone who could be developed any more than he already was. Although the lack of in-depth character development is a big set down for the movie, all the other aspects make it enjoyable to watch. I suggest you do check it out at least once because it is worth the watch It is one of those movies that make you think: “man I wish I was there!” and “wow, were

Although not a terrible effort overall, the one BIG problem I have with this movie are the characters.

parents that mean back in the day?” I don’t usually like rating movies out of 10,

And yes, I know this is supposed to be a biography

because it feels very subjective, as everyone is bound

and you can’t really change characters, however I

to think about the film differently, however, if I must,

feel like certain characters needed a little more time dedicated to them. For example, Elton’s ex-wife Renate Blauel doesn’t get developed at all, and only exchanges 5 lines of dialogue with the main character; the movie fails to create any minimal


I shall. I give this movie a 7/10, not bad enough for a 6, but not worthy of an 8.

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