Covered, November - December, 2020

Page 1

How Does M usi c A f f ect Teenagers? Beh av i or and Emoti ons?





Can we play sportsif schoolreopens?

If you could havevotedfor the U.S. president,who wouldyou havechosen?

5 JAGUAR TV?? Wheredid it go?Will it comeback?




Thingsyou need to know about the Covid-19vaccine



Con t actin f or m at ion : MailingAddress:InternationalSchool GroupJubail,PO Box 10059,Jubail, 31961,Kingdomof SaudiArabia Coveredis a studentpublication distributedto students,facultyand staff of ISG JubailSchooltemporarily publishedonlineonly due to COVID-19 via Issuu at This issueis a collectionof select content publishedonlinein December2020,as indicatedon each story.The paper servesas a publicforum and two-way communicationfor both the schooland the community.Opinionsexpressedin this newsmagazineare not necessarily thoseof ISGJubailSchoolnor ISGsystem facultystaff or administration. Cr eden t ials:ISGJubailSchoolis a memberof the JournalismEducation Association. Jou r n alist s Lina Abdelhadi MohammadTaha AdbulRauf

GOAL! Two equally matched teams face off in a game of soccer at Bechtel Compound. High school students from ISG Jubail and Al-Hussan won?t let the fact that schools haven?t opened stop them from organising a soccer match. ?Its?s nice to get together, see your friends and play a game, especially since schools aren?t opening any time soon,?said Majd Hakki, a player from the away team (Al-Hussan). Seemorephotoson Instagramat @isgjtoday20 MUHAMMAD T. PHOTO

FEATURE 14 HOW'S IB GOING? Grade11 and 12 studentstell us what "VirtualIB" has been like




AnikaAharwal LeilaBessalah Muhammad Syahmi BinMohdAlwi AhmadBin Tamrin AmniHalim Jane Inojales Zain Naqvi Aarti Pathath

HalaSaleh AsmaSheltami VaibhavUrs Umer Yahya Charlize Zwiegelaar Adviser Jon Netzler Head of Sch ool Dr. AndrewCrouse Su per in t en den t Dr. MichaelMack

ISGBoar dof Tr u st ees'PolicyNo. 2100St u den tPu blicat ion s:Schoolsare encouragedto produceand distribute studentpublicationsas part of the instructionalprogramand/or co-curricularprogram(i.e.,newsletter, yearbook,electronicpublicationsand handbook).Studentpublicationsare designedto informparents,staff,and studentsof schoolnewsand activities. The site administratormay edit from studentpublicationsanythingwhichthe site administratorperceivesto be offensiveor culturallyinappropriate. Respon din gt o Cover ed:Lettersto the editorwill be acceptedfor the next issue. Lettersmay be placedin the mailboxof Jon Netzler,emailedto or mailedto the school.All lettersmust be signed.Names will be published.Lettersmust not containpersonalattacksagainstan individualand may be edited. Cor r ect ion san d clar if icat ion s:A previousversionof the articleon page 11 containeddifferentscreenshotsof the two "DailyMirror "headlines. Coveredstrivesto correctitserrors.If you noticeanyinaccuraciesin thisor past issues, CHARLIZEZWIEGELAAR FRONTCOVERILLUSTRATION



By: C. Zwiegelaar

Wh at w ill w e able t o do?

We ar e able t o do spor t s as a sch ool w it h ou t t eam m at es.


Wh at 's goin g t o h appen M s. Holly says t h at it w ill depen d on t h e sch ool an d t h e M in st er of Healt h . We w on't be able t o go again st ot h er sch ools.



THE RETURN OF JAGUAR TV ISG Jubail's iconic YouTube channel that mysteriously shut down By Lina A.

Jaguar TV was a student-led show on youtube run by Ms Gorneau, a teacher at ISG Jubail, who unfortunately left at the end of the 2018-2019 school year; her departure resulted in the immediate termination of Jaguar TV. According to Mr Wingers, the end of Jaguar TV was "in-part due to our adoption of the IBDP and in-part due to staffing and the departure of the Digital Media teacher, Ms. Gorneau, who was instrumental in the Jaguar TV production."

I surveyed students in grades 8-12, and 20 people responded:


100% of students surveyed at ISG jubail wanted Jaguar TV to come back.

50% of students surveyed wanted to join Jaguar TV if it became an after school.

Mr Wingers continued on and pointed out that the current 7th graders are taking a Digital Media class and the 10th graders are taking a Journalism class, yet the student TV show has yet to return. When asked if he would support Jaguar TV becoming a high school afterschool club, he indicated he was in full support of the idea. In fact, all the digital media tech equipment are still there and ready for use once school opens again. Who knows? Perhaps when school opens up, we may have our very own student-led TV show return!

"Jaguar TV was extremely great for students to know whats happening. It was good for things to look forward in the following week/month. It would be great to bring it back!" - Asm a S., Soph m or e NOVEMBER - DECEMBER, 2020


WILL IT BE SAFE? Things you need to know about the Covid-19 vaccine By Hala Saleh

As of December 2, 2020, according to The New York Times, researchers around the world were testing 57 vaccines in clinical trials on humans, 13 of which had reached the final stages of testing.

Out of 40 responses

According to BBC News, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is different from a typical vaccine. A typical vaccine is made by taking viruses or bacteria and weakening them so the body has a memory of it and will fight it off before it makes us ill. The Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is a new type called mRNA, and it was genetically engineered based on a tiny piece of the virus's genetic code. This vaccine took less time to create than a normal vaccine, which could take many years.


BBC Newsreports that about 43,000 people took the vaccine and there have been no alarming safety concerns so far. Arab News reports on Saudi Arabia's plan for Covid-19 vaccination: "Those who have not tested positive for Covid-19 will be given priority in the vaccine campaign in the coming months," said Dr. Adbullah Asiri, the Saudi Arabian health ministry 's assistant undersecretary for preventive health. However, he said under-16-year-olds are not to be vaccinated unless research for tests proves there to be a need. The Kingdom plans to announce a clear schedule of vaccine arrival in the coming weeks.

from staff and students at ISG Jubail

people will take the vaccine

47.5% people think the vaccine will be out by April-June 2021

57.5% people think the vaccine will be 80%effective

SPEAK UP! "Better to get immunity with the vaccine designed by science than be infected with a virus with so many after effects and possible death." - Dr. Lindsey Gish, Ph. D.

"The reason why I won't be getting the vaccine when it's out is because there might still be some side effects I wouldn't know about and honestly, I want to see if the vaccine works. I like to see information about something before I use it. " - Jacques Marais, grade 11 NOVEMBER - DECEMBER, 2020


AND THE WINNER IS ... By Jon Netzler



Leila B., grade 10

Sunhee Nam, school nurse

HOWIE Hawkins


He's an advocate for global warming and a sustainable way of living.

Most of all, they are fighting against socialism and communism. Who is next in l ine??? If the U.S. president is incapacitated, dies, resigns, or is removed from office, here are the next five officials who are in line to assume the powers and duties of the office of the president:

Mira Y., grade 9 KANYE WEST

I want to see what would happen.

1. Vice President 2. Speaker of the House of Representatives 3. President pro tempore of the Senate 4. Secretary of State 5. Secretary of the Treasury


We asked students and staff "If you could have voted f or the president and vice president of the U.S. on Nov. 3, who would you have chosen?" Out of approximately 500 people, 45 people responded to the survey. Below are some of the reasons people chose their candidates.

Molly D.., grade 9 JOE BIDEN

Any other party aside from Trump and Biden was never going to get enough votes to make any difference in the polls because not enough people know about them. Biden is the better of two evils; he believes in and promised to take action against climate change, he is less racist, misogynistic, and homophobic than Trump, and has a plan to deal with the pandemic. Trump had no experience in the political field before running for president, has a blatantly obvious bias in the supreme court, and has extremely backward views on so many things.


H angout s or Google Chat ? Which do you prefer? Hangouts or Google Chat? By Asma Sheltami (Grade 10) Google Hangouts is Google's longest video/messaging service. Google Hangouts is used by top brands such as Dell, Coca-Cola and Top-man. Google Hangouts is a cheap and versatile tool. It improves your organization and communicate more. Google Hangouts was created on May 15th 2013. It will be fully shut down in 2021.

Google Hangouts is a cross-platform messaging and video chatting app. I t was created by Google and was released on M ay 15, 2013. Google Hangouts is known for its features, such as read receipts, video calling directly, variety of emojis, and lastly suggested words. This platform has been a sensation for over 7 years. This is the longest messaging app Google launched that hasn't been shut down .

34 responses from middle school to high school students in I SG Jubail I nternational School.

Although Google Chat is efficient, I like Google Hangouts better. I relished the read receipt feature, the emojis, and it's so much more natural. I t took me about two weeks to get used to it. For someone who didn't use Google hangouts before Google Chat, I can only imagine how hard it must've been for them to manage Google Chat.

L eila Bessalah, Grade 10


09 Google Chat is brilliantly organized. It is provided as part of Google Workspace. This app includes direct messaging, there's also a new feature called rooms, which classes or teams. Google Chat is integrated with G Suite so you can share documents and manage appointments from chat. Google Chat's initial release was in 2017, its stable release was in 2020. It will be free in 2021.

Features Comparison Google Chat was developed by Google. I t was initially released in 2017, it was stably released in 2020. You can use this platform on Android, iOS and the Web, it is a communication software, which is currently only available to Google Workspace users. I ts current competitors are Slack and M icrosoft Teams. I t is one of two apps that constitute the replacement for Google Hangouts and Google M eet.

I prefer Google Chat better because you can delete messages. You can additionally close the conversation with a reaction, and you can click on a message without it informing the other person that you viewed it, which provides you more time to think about a response.

Lina Abdelhadi, Grade 10






NOTE: A previous version of this article contained different screenshots of the "Daily Mirror" headlines above.


How Does M u sic Af f ect Teen ager s? Beh avior an d Em ot ion s? By : Ahmad Bin Tamrin

According to Rebecca Laclair in the "HuffPost" blog post, "Why Teens Need Their Music", music is the teenager?s language. They try to make a sense of how they see their own world whenever it does not make sense. Laclair writes: "So why is music important to teens? It turns out that there is a connection between how the brain develops during adolescence and how young people hear music. Overrun by emotions and a prefrontal cortex demanding instant gratification, many young people seek advice from peers instead of parents when faced with difficult decisions. They aren't doing this to make [parents] mad; they're searching for their identity. They have to question [their parents'] values, even when they agree with them. Why? They're facing pressures you never did: exorbitant college tuition costs, the demand for an elusively 'perfect' social media presence, and the unrealistic idea that a student can and should do well in every subject. Looming over them is the worry that after graduation, when faced with adulthood, there won't be many jobs available." As you can read in the following quotes from students, music is much, much more than background sound for teenagers.


Teenagers listen to music to express their feelings, emotions, sense of self. So why do teens need music in their life?

In m an y w ays m u sic def in es t een s, it is a t ype of lan gu age f or t h em an d m u sic ch oices of t en det er m in e w h ich peer s t h ey h an g ou t w it h . M u sic can get in side t h eir per son alit y an d in t er est s an d can be a ver y em ot ion al exper ien ce. Resear ch sh ow s t h at m u sic af f ect s ever y par t of t h e br ain , in clu din g ou r em ot ion s an d t h e br ain ch em icals t r an sm it t in g in f or m at ion t h r ou gh ou t t h e body. " ~Davida Price, music therapist~

Wh at ar e you list en in g t o? "There?s a variety of Music I prefer listening to. It mostly revolves around rap music, party music, and it also depends on my feelings as well. I prefer rap music mostly because I grew up listening to it. Rap music give me more of a freestyle and rich type of vibes. Nowadays, rap music also involve lyrics which you can relate to. Depending on the current mood, I could listen to depressing music because it?s the best way I can part ways with my life situations, or just remember the good old days. Sometimes, party music bring a feeling of nostalgia which best believe is the greatest feeling ever."

Har r is (For m er ISG Ju bail St u den t ), Fr esh m an NOVEMBER - DECEMBER, 2020

13 "I listen mainly listen to R&B, rap and movie soundtracks. Depending on how the song was written, I tend to feel rather relaxed."

Syah m i ,Soph om or e

"I usually listen to hip-hop or rap music because that is what I like. Music sometimes just gets me excited or gets me through sad times. I listen to music all the time."

M oh am m ad Tah a, Soph om or e

"It depends on what I'm doing. If I am studying I usually listen to chill instrumental. It keeps me calm and focused. But if I am like working out, I usually listen to hip hop or R&B. Its kind of motivating for some reason."

Kr ish n a, Soph om or e

"I am always listening to music, i normally listen to latin music like reggae-ton or salsa, because is the music that best represents me and gets me in a happy mood."

Sebast ian , Soph om or e

"I listen to nearly all genres except rap and rock. I really like chill music as it takes me to another dimension away from this world and it changes the atmosphere so much. Some of my music is quite nostalgic too so it brings back memories."

M u h am m ad, Ju n ior

"I usually listen to hip hop, latin and afrikaans music. Usually through out the whole day to relax."

Nat h an , Ju n ior

"I listen to mostly everything and I usually listen to music based on my mood. I prefer Hip hop, pop, Latin and occasionally afrikaans. usually feel pumped or relaxed."

Vick y, Ju n ior

"Ok so I listen to really chill music and a lot of RNB, a lot of Daniel ceasar, sza, The Weeknd. That kind of music that isn?t part of a toxic music industry, and I listen to artists that make me feel good, and when I listen their music, it?s important for me to feel like the artist is talking to me, kind of like we?re having a conversation that nobody else knows about haha. Sounds like a crazy person but I be trying to vibe."

M ik ayla, Sen ior



HOW'S IB GOING? By Anika Aharwal

IB students have been in 100% virtual school since March 10, 2020. Here's a snapshot of how it's been going: PHOTOS YEARBOOK 2019-20

NOOR ADIL, GRADE 12 ?IB during virtual school was something I was definitely not expecting. However, af t er h avin g t o adju st w it h t h e on lin e syst em it 's n ot so bad. I appreciate the fact that our teachers are able to teach us well and prepare us for IB even through a laptop screen and sometimes with horrible internet connections. For the f u t u r e IB st u den t s: I w ish you t h e best an d h ope you lear n a lot f or t h is exper ien ce. At the end of the day it's all dependent on you and how you want to get through IB, your perception is what matters. There m ay be som e u ps an d dow n s, but once you press the submit button for your major assignments, you'll be able to reflect on the effort you put and the sleepless nights, with a sense of accomplishment and pride. Keep in mind that once you start IB you've begun your last 2 years of high school, and t h ey w ill f ly by f ast , so m ak e t h em m em or able.?



?Taking IB subjects during virtual school h as been h ar d f or m e. IB is h ar der w h en I?m n ot ar ou n d t h e t each er s ph ysically. The 70 [minute] class we used to have every day is n ot t h e sam e an ym or e."

?The whole virtual school venture that our school has been forced to take due to the pandemic has been rather ch allen gin g bu t pr et t y ef f ect ive. The classroom experience most definitely cannot be mimicked well but our vir t u al sch ool calls ar e as close as t h ey can possibly get ."

"I think it?s m en t ally dr ain in g ou t t h e en er gy as it is ou r f in al year in t h e sch ool with a lot of assignments and tests going on."

"IB as a w h ole h as been a bit dif f icu lt with a rather significant in cr ease in w or k load, but as of now it is st ill pr et t y m an ageable." NOVEMBER - DECEMBER, 2020

15 TIPS FOR FUTURE IB STUDENTS Avoid procrastination. Revise! Revise Revise! Make study groups, unless you work better alone. Remember to take care of yourself and don't stick to the computer all day. Stay committed and ask for help when needed. Have to-do lists, planners, schedules, etc. to keep yourself organized.

VALERIA OLIVERA, GRADE 11 "I?ve just been st r essin g ou t a bit over t h e am ou n t of h ou r s I?m m ean t t o cover t h in gs because of quarantine. And it?s st ill a bit h ar d t o get u sed t o som e classes since it?s online and everything. But so far I?m n ot t h at st r essed over IB it self , mostly just quarantine. And like the w or k load is t oo m u ch at t im es."

169,000 Students across the world celebrate receiving their IB diplomas every year.

NIVEDHA NATARAJ, GRADE 11 ?I think that especially because it's [virtual school], the st u den t s h ave t o t ak e ch ar ge of t h eir ow n lear n in g (more so than you would have to at school), largely because the t each er s ju st don't h ave en ou gh t im e t o t each u s ever yt h in g? So, it can get really stressful because you h ave t o r em em ber lik e 50 dif f er en t t h in gs you have to do for each class."




I FEEL SO STRESSED!!! Sign s an d h ow t o deal w it h st r ess What is stress?

By Aarti P.

stress is a feeling of emotion or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry or nervous. Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand. In short bursts, stress can be also be positive! It helps you avoid danger deadline.

What causes stress? Your body gets stressed when you have something on your mind, which you can't find the solution for. Such as, when you have multiple important assignments which have a close date, and you don't know what to do, your stress gets stressed. It is under pressure for something it can't get a solution for, can't think because of the nervousness and pressure.

Her e ar e a f ew exam ples of h u ge r eason s f or st r ess:


Facing big changes. Being under lots of pressure. worrying about something. Not having much or any control over the outcome of a situation. Having responsibilities that you're finding overwhelming. Times of uncertainty.



What are symptoms of stress? You don't just "know that you're stressed." Your body addresses it through physical body symptoms. In the pictures below are some of them. Remember, stress can have major long term problematic health symptoms, so you have to really take care of yourself and avoid such "stress causing "situations.

How to deal with stress 101 When you're stressed you just don't take care of yourself mentally, but also physically. These are times when your brain and body is fragile towards everything, so taking care of yourself is really important. Do things you enjoy, things that relax your mind, and therefore your body. For example, do paintings, hangout with friends , play sports, etc. Some other things that help are yoga, meditation, exercising. Don't touch any electronics or play video games as there as high chances that your brain will get more stressed. Another important thing is to eat healthy, not any chocolates or unhealthy foods, as you need those important fluids and vitamins in your body for your brain to keep functioning




FUN IN THE SUN: SOLAR ENERGY! By: Vaibhav Urs Wh at Is Solar En er gy? Few Day t o day lif e u ses of solar en er gy 1. Solar en er gy can be u sed f or h eat in g pu r poses su ch as h eat in g w at er , cook in g f ood, et c. 2. Solar En er gy can be con ver t ed in t o elect r icit y an d be u sed at ou r h om es t o pow er alm ost all of ou r elect r on ic devices. 3. Solar pan els can h elp pow er accessor ies su ch as w at ch es an d solar pow er ed car s. National Geographic

Photo Credits:

Solar Energy is simply the light and heat that comes from the sun. This heat and light can be harnessed for many reasons. With the help of solar panels, solar energy can be converted into other forms of energy such as electricity.

"Solar energy is important! The energy source is constant, thereby not depleting the Earth of natural resources. More importantly there are no emissions from using solar energy which obviously keeps our environment clean."

Fu n Fact ! A bunch of solar cells put together make up a solar panel. Usually, there are 32 solar cells in a solar panel.1 single solar cell isn?t capable of powering households, which is why there are many solar cells.

Ms.Rebecca Cays (English teacher) NOVEMBER - DECEMBER, 2020

19 17

How do solar pan els w or k ? Information from: NASA

Just like how our body is made of many cells, the solar panels are also made up of smaller units called solar cells. A solar cell is an electronic device which directly converts sunlight into electricity. The solar cells absorb the sun's rays, however, there is a particular wavelength at which the sunlight can be absorbed. After absorption of sunlight, electrons start to flow, generating an electric current. The wiring captures the electrical current and combines it with power from other solar cells. There are 2 types of currents: AC(Alternating current) and DC(Direct current). The type of current which most of the appliances in our household use is AC current. However, the power which comes from the solar panels is in the form of DC current. Thus, this DC current then goes to an inverter which converts the DC current into AC current, and this AC current then goes to your house.

Think ing For war d... What are your thoughts on solar ener gy? Do you think it should be used more? How do you imagine a solar powered city to look like? Would you want to live there?

Ahmad Bin Tamrin (Grade10)

"Solar energy is a major source of potential and helps to benefit the living conditions of people. It can lead to an increase in population, help the poor by providing them source of energy leading to a better lifestyle. I would surely love to live in a solar powered city, since I would myself know that I am not harming the environment. In my imagination, a solar powered city would have no pollution. Everything from cars to factories would be powered by solar energy."


Khalid Tanbedawy (Grade11)

"Solar energy is a much cleaner way to get energy, as it is produced without emitting harmful gases to the environment. Solar power is much more efficient than other types of ways to produce energy. Much less electricity is lost when using it. A solar powered city is one of the future projects in many countries but I can't really imagine how we might need to adapt for such changes to take place. Lastly, solar power is a lot cheaper than most other ways of retrieving energy."



KORRA COM PETES Th e an im at ed ser ies sequ el t o Avatar: The Last Airbender is r ecom m en ded by t h r ee f an s

By Muhammad Syahmi Bin Mohd Alwi

Avat ar t he last air ben der Sam Gr . 10

t he l eg en d of kor r a

Who is the better Avatar? Which series is better? Would you recommend The Legend of Korra to people who watched Avatar?

Esh al Gr . 10

Who is the better Avatar? Which series is better? Would you recommend The Legend of Korra to people who watched Avatar?

Jam i e Gr . 10

YES u n deci ded


Who is the better Avatar? Which series is better? Would you recommend The Legend of Korra to people who watched Avatar?



Wh i ch ser i es i s bet t er & w h y ? Per son ally, I t h in k ATLA w as bet t er . Th e season s w er e bet t er w r it t en an d t h e pacin g w as bet t er t h an TLOK. I also en joyed t h e f iller episodes an d t h e ch ar act er developm en t of t h e side ch ar act er s. I t h in k season 4 of TLOK w as t h e best season in bot h ATLA an d TLOK bu t ATLA as a ser ies w as bet t er . - Sam h it a Per iyan ah am , Gr ade 10 St u den t

Wh o's t h e bet t er av at ar & w h y ? Kor r a. Sh e su f f er ed so m u ch , w en t t h r ou gh PTSD, h ad t o def eat f ou r villain s bef or e h avin g an y ch an ce t o br eat h e an d h ad t o do m ost of it w it h ou t t h e f u ll pow er of t h e avat ar st at e.

Wh i ch ser i es h as a bet t er ov er al l pl ot ? Legen d of Kor r a. Th e plot is m u ch m or e m at u r e an d it 's m or e r ealist ic. - Esh al Javed, Gr ade 10 St u den t


XBOX SERIES X vs PS5 Page don e by M oh am m ad Tah a an d Um er Yah ya

A survey was sent out on November 22, 2019. In the survey, we asked whether PS5 or the Xbox Series X better. We had 30 people respond to the survey from ISG Jubail. Here were the results.

Xbox Series X Picture from the official Xbox website.

PS5 Picture from the official Play Station website

Chart By Mohammad Taha.

" I personally like the Xbox Series X more because I grew up playing Xbox consoles"

"Xbox does have minor graphic advantages on PS5 but the PS5 has dualsense controllers which tip the scale back towards ps5"

- Zafir Ali, Grade 10. - Ethan Mudaly, Grade 10.

"In my opinion, the Xbox Series X is better because of its graphics" - Ahmad Bin Tamrin, Grade 10.

"I like PS5 better because of the exlcusivity of Sony's games" - Arron Benson, Grade 11.

"I like the Xbox series X better than the PS5 because of its performance and graphic" - Ahmed Ben Amor, Grade 9.

"I like the PS5 more because I've always been playing on playstation I am just used to it" - Trey Tate, Grade 7.

Pict u r es by t h e Year book 2019 - 2020

Pict u r es by t h e Year book 2019 - 2020 NOVEMBER - DECEMBER, 2020

Rid Ridddll es es Pa ge by A mn i H.

1. You are in a cold house in the winter. You have one match. There is a candle and a stove. Which one do you light fir st? 2. I am white and beautiful like snow, but I am not cold as ice. Who am I ? 3. I am r ich but I cannot be poor. I can be black or white, I can be hot or cold. What am I ? 4. What is cold and bites, but has no teeth?

Find Find The The Obj Objec ectt ss And And Wo Worr ddss How many of these

Words to find


can you find? Hot chocolate mugs

Hot Chocolate


Freeze Presents



Snowflake Rain


!! SPOI L ER AL ERT!! RIDDLE Ans wer s 1. The match

2. Snow White



4. Frostbite

Riddle credits: www.getr iddles/ and www.r


Because they are always coughing

Because they are two-tired

Between you and me something smells.

ZOomed Phot os By: Asma Sheltami (Grade 10)

Jokes Answers come next issue

Gues s The


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