Covered, September - October, 2020

Page 1

Tabl e of Contents By Jon Netzler

New s 03 - Poll: Should school re-open? 04-05 - Monthly Pandemic Report 06 - Virtual School from a VERY Different Time Zone 07 - How are the former 5th and 6th graders doing now? 08-09 - Poll: Google Meet or Zoom?


Opi ni ons 10-11 - Why Online School is Better 12-13 - Bring Back the Clubs 14 - What is your opinion about Black Lives Matter? 15 - How do students and teachers feel about starting school online?


22-23 - Judge a Book by Its Cover

Sports & Heal th 16 - Learn to Take Control of Your Life


17 - Gotten Fitter or Fatter During Lockdown? 18 - Mr. McLean's Fantasy League

Entertai nment 19 - Let's Go Out to the Movies


20-21 - What's the Latest Binge? 24 - Memes: Online School Edition


September - October, 2020

An dre w Poll

Cr o

Shoul d School s Re-Open t his Y ea r ? 63 people from ISG Jubail responded to a survey about re-opening school this year. Page by Tah a an d Um er Yah ya / / Gr aph by Tah a N

ea l Schools Should BoNOT urn Open

"I don't believe this government will undo the accomplishment it has achieved in controlling the spread of the Coronavirus so far. I don't think they will open until there is a vaccine and evidence to ge show that opening in vlimited ways can control r id e Lo i e people's behavior. el While mine is a slightly Lor pessimistic view of this situation, based upon 16 years of living in Saudi, I also believe the country will open up schools as soon as they feasibly can guarantee safety. Science will drive this." - Lorelei Loveridge en A ed B


Schools Should Open

Bre nt Win ger s

"I am an optimist. I thought we would open on 1 November.I now hope we will open after winter break. More seriously, many schools around the world have returned to at least a hybrid version of physical school. It seems very likely that lthe esz Saudi Sib o r authorities will allow us to do soPeatd some point in this academic year." - Andrew Crouse. "At least for my grade, it is important for the students to be present in physical school to grasp concepts faster and learn more so that we are able to keep up with the pace IB expects us to have. There are also subjects like Art, in which the resources at home are very limited, and some people don't have a large amount of space to work with on these projects." - Pedro Siblesz.


A "Our current pandemic continues to spiral out of control. No plans in any country seem to have stemmed the tide of this disease. " - Neal Bourn

"In order for vaccines to be tested for long-term effects it would take time. Maybe the side-effects only start after a year or two years. Plus this is only if they make a vaccine that works." - Ahmed Ben Amor

September - October, 2020

"There are some aspects that are enjoyable but this largely depends on how individuals are able to work independently and keep motivated. Overall, I miss seeing students and interacting with people face-to-face; I miss the closeness and sense of community we get from being together at school As with our family though, teachers and staff have looked for new ways and strategies to engage students and I think that is a good thing that we might even take forward upon our eventual return." - Brent Wingers



M on t hl y Pa n demic Repor t Page don e by Umer and Taha. Pict u r es by Taha and 2018/ 2019 Yearbook.

A form was sent out to the students and staff of ISG Jubail. The form asked questions about how the pandemic has affected the students and staff, their families, the ISG Jubail community and the whole world. There were many interesting responses, some are shown below. How h as t h e Pan dem ic af f ect ed t h e Ju bail com m u n it y or h as af f ect ed you ?

"Students have become less motivated or they have developed resilience. We are seeing signs of students adapting or trying to adapt to this new online reality. Families are trying to compensate and seem to be doing as well as they can." Lorelei Loveridge

"Isolation, lack of travel, not seeing friends in Jubail or around Saudi, and not being able to be in person school are the most unhappy changes to this pandemic; the positive changes are time spent with immediate family members, more time for passion projects, learning new tech apps to help with teaching/learning, and more collaboration with teachers for students educational benefit ."

- Kristen Bourn

"Absolutely. As a teacher I have had to change my approach to fit the virtual context and personally I have had a lot more time to spend with family. " -


John Roche

September - October, 2020


How h as t h e Pan dem ic af f ect ed t h e sch ool? "I feel like it has distanced everyone from each other because in school it would be so lively and everyone would communicate and talk with other faculty members or with younger students or older, but nowadays we usually only talk to our small friend groups or just with our own grade, and not that much with our teachers. " How h as t h e pan dem ic af f ect ed you r f am ily? "Everyone in my family has to be cautious whenever a family member leaves to go to work or to go shopping, and so everyone has been on edge. Also they have gotten sort of lazy during this pandemic, even though the lockdown was lifted here in Jubail, they still tend to stay indoors. " Wh at w ill be t h e n ew n or m al be af t er t h e pan dem ic en d? Please explain . "I think that people will still continue to wear masks, some people might also stay inside a lot, and people might still be cautious of each other while their out shopping, working etc."

- Zafir Ali, 10th grade.

Picture by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health Image Library.

How h as t h e Pan dem ic af f ect ed you ? "I have been affected in both good and bad ways. A good way being that I have been able to focus on self improvement meaning that I have worked on personal goals during quarantine. A bad way being the amount of time I spend online and the lack of social interaction. " Wh at w ill be t h e n ew n or m al be af t er t h e pan dem ic en d? "The new normal will be just as is was before the pandemic. Just like previous pandemics, this one is no different. The Spanish flu lasted 2 years and things went back to normal after that time. So basically I think there will not be a new normal, everything will go back to how it was before after a vaccine is discovered."

How h as t h e pan dem ic af f ect ed t h e w or ld? Please explain . Picture by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health Image Library.

"The world was not very prepared for this pandemic, in my opinion they did not react fast enough. If they had reacted faster then there would be less cases leading to this all ending sooner."

-Ethan Mudaly, 10th grade.

September - October, 2020



By Jon Netzler V i rtual Sch ool f rom a V ERY di f f erent ti me zone Map by USCIA

Photo courtesy of Ms. Cays

Ms. Cays,Englishteacher Whidbey Island, Washington, USA

GMT-8 Theworst thingisthat I donot get to seemy studentson a consistentbasis.Buildingrelationshipswithstudentsisoneof themost importantthingsI thinkateachermust do.Attemptingto dothat onlineisonething,but tryingto doit beingseveralhoursbehindis reallydifficult!Alongthesamelines,it isparticularlychallengingto providefeedbacktostudentsthat istimely.Whenastudentsendsme an email or message,it oftentakesmehoursto replyandI knowthat isfrustratingasastudent. The best things about Virtual School from a different time zone is that I have a little more flexibility in my work day which allows me to help my own children with their schoolwork. It is fun to see what they are working on!

Photo by ISGJYearbook

ISG - Jubail Jubail, Saudi Arabia

GMT+3 What's THE W ORST about doing Virtual School f rom a very dif f erent time zone?

What's THE BEST about doing Virtual School f rom a very dif f erent time zone?

NanamiEchizen,gr. 7 Japan

GMT+9 You don't have enough time to do homework (since I am busy in the morning going to public school in Japan before virtual school starts).

You can forget about virtual school for a few hours... but when it comes to virtual school, you come up with the bad internet connections and the bad things...

FUN FACTS Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is clock time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London. It is the same all year round and is not affected by Summer Time (Daylight Saving Time) clock changes. France has the most time zones in the world. China, though massive, follows only one time zone. The North and South Poles have no official time zones. Jet lag is worse if you head east instead of west. Sources: and "11 Things You Probably Never Knew About Time Zones" at


September - October, 2020


Cat ching up How are the former 5th and 6th graders doing now? By Amni Hal im


How r eady do you f eel f or ms? Ar e you l ooking f or war d t o it ?

- Don't wait unt il l ast minut e t o do your wor k.

Yes, I amso r eady.

-Use an or ganizat ion met hod (Ex: Pl anner , Googl e cal endar ) t o pr ior it ize compl et ing assignment s.

What do you t hink wil l be simil ar dif f er ent f r om 5t h and 6t h gr ade? A l ot of t hings. What do l ook f or war d t o, and what do you t hink you wil l miss? I don't r eal l y know.


Lucia Puent e Ruiz, 5t h Gr ade

What cl asses ar e your f avor it e?What ar e you l ear ning t hat makes it enjoyabl e?



I amr eal l y l oving engl ish and dr ama. The t eacher smake you excit ed t o l ear n.

-Cr eat e googl e dr ive f ol der sof your cl assest o or ganize t he document syou get .

Dont 's - Don't wait unt il l ast minut e t o do your wor k or st udy. -Don't pl agiar ize your assignment s.

Now t hat you'r e in 6t h gr ade, what 's dif f er ent and what 's t he same f r om ms?

-Don't f or get t o t ake br eaks f r omschool wor k t o r el ieve st r ess.

You have t o be much mor e r esponsibl e.

-Don't f or get t o wr it e due dat esf or t est s/assignment s.

Sophia Ben Hamida, 6t h Gr ade How was your exper ience in 6t h gr ade now t hat you have compl et ed a f ul l year ? How was t he l ast hal f when you I'mgoing t o be honest , I t hink I wasl ear ning mor e in r eal l if e because I coul d act ual l y ask quest ionsand get an answer back in seconds. Any new advice t o 5t h/6t h gr ader s now t hat you've exper ienced a f ul l year of ms? Don't wait l ast minut e you wil l ser iousl y r egr et it , ask quest ionswhen you need t o and st udy f or t est s!!! How do you keep or ganized wit h your assignment s? I compl et e my assignment sassoon asI r eceive t hemf r omt he t eacher . I al so keep st icky not eson my l apt op so I don't f or get about t he assignment .

Maahnoor Khan, 7t h Gr ade Phot o Cr edit s: 2019-2020 Year book September - October, 2020



Zoom or Google Meet? Whi ch i s better for learni ng/teachi ng? By: Vaibhav Urs During this time of crisis, we have all come to see that unfortunately school has been going on virtually. Zoom and Google meet have been the 2 main video conferencing apps which have been used to conduct online learning this semester. Thus, the debate starts about which platform is more efficient, easy to use and more liked by students and teachers.

Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, however, one service may be a better fit for your needs depending on the size of your class and what other applications you plan to use. When it comes to purely video-conferencing, Zoom surely has the edge over Google Meet.

Zoom even offers a wider range of video filters which can make it easier for students to interact and enjoy online learning. However, Google meet is easier to use, and makes joining video calls easier. Google Meet is connected to other google apps. For example, teachers can create a Jam board in the platform itself.

Further more, Google Meet has automatic captions which you can put on. These captions aren't always 100% accurate but if some students find a hard time understanding parts of what the teacher is saying, this feature can help bring more clarity to them. What do you think? Which platform do you feel can help you teach/learn


Neil Bourn

"At the moment, Google Meet is playing catch-up. For months, this program has been miles behind Zoom with regards to capabilities and bells and whistles. Google has really dropped the ball on this one."


Phelia Weir

"Google Meet is already connected with the school's email address. This seems to be more convenient for parents and students." September - October, 2020


Derek Cour

"Breakout rooms - easier interface and icons."

Hadi Naqvi

"Zoom has way more features like the breakout rooms and its faster and works better then meet."

Emilia Nino Alfaro

"Zoom's break out rooms are easier to use, and moreover, google meet glitches more. Also, Zoom has many video filters which can help make learning more fun!" September - October, 2020

Nicolas Blasquez

"Google meet is compatible with the other google platforms."

Daniel Romao

"With google meet the teacher doesn't have to post a link every time. The link will appear on the banner of each google classroom."

Mahnoor Khan

"I think Google Meet is better because we have breakout rooms (they added it in it's recent update). It's easier to join a meeting because you just click 'Join'. In Zoom, you have to enter a password and also wait in waiting rooms."




September - October, 2020

Opinion Per cen t of r espon ses by gr ade level

September - October, 2020



BRI NG BACK THE CLUBS Virtual School & School Clubs; Two Things That Belong As the pandemic continues, most clubs have come to a halt, here at ISG Jubail. ISG Jubail has had school clubs for a consecutively long period of time. Many students join these clubs, and stay after school regularly, so how will it work in quarantine? We sent out a survey to the ISG community and received many responses. "Clubs or ASAs give students opportunities to interact in different ways than what is offered in class. They're also something else to look forward to.? (Mrs. Inge) ?I wouldn't consider the idea of online school clubs because it is hard to communicate online.? (Anonymous) We also have asked if anyone was willing to organize a club during online school. Most respondents didn?t want to hold on the responsibility of organizing a club, especially during virtual school.


By: Asma Sheltami and Lina Abdelhadi

Why should school clubs continue online? Well, there are many reasons why they should come

BY THE back. First there are many students that have nothing to do after school ends, and you often NUMBERS hear students complain about their boredom.


This would be a great opportunity for students to manage their time, and entertain themselves.

of students Secondly, you can form new friendships and at ISGJubail help students socialize with their peers. wanted school According to a study by The National Federation clubs to come back. of State High School Associations. Clubs and


activities can have a positive effect on a student's achievements, students who join clubs are more likely to do well academically, and

of students at ISGJubail did develop great work habits. not want school Thirdly students can interact with other clubs to come students who have similar interests and ideas. It back. also boosts their creative-thinking and problem-solving skills.

September - October, 2020


Zain Naqvi (Grade 10) and other students from various schools pose with their awards

CLUB: Model United Nations (MUN)

Mohammad Taha, Umer Yahya, Zain Naqvi and Vaibhav Urs (All Grade 10) pose at MUN site. "Model UN was a joy to do

Despite all this, some clubs have managed to go on. One club that still remains is Model United Nations, an extracurricular club, in which students role play representatives as the United Nations. They attend conferences, where students meet and work with other students from different schools. Meanwhile, during Virtual school, meetings have become online and there is a virtual conference in November. "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - Walt Disn ey

during school, as there was a lot of debate and exchange of ideas in the room. During quarantine however, I have come to see that there is lesser participation, since most people get lost on their electronic devices, and it is very hard to communicate efficiently." - Vaibh av URS , Gr ade 10 St u den t , M UN m em ber ,

WORD IN THE HALLS! Do you think it?s possible to maintain clubs during VS?

September - October, 2020

"Yes, it is. The hosts in

" Yeah, MUN is running

the club could even

smoothly. STUCO is a

make it more

great club that

entertaining if they

improves student

made subtle changes.


- Zaf ir Ali, St u den t

- Clau dia Kyle, St u den t

Cou n cil M em ber ,

Cou n cil M em ber , M UN

Soph om or e

m em ber , Ju n ior



Page by: Ahmad

What is your opinion about Black Lives Mat t er?

B L Grade 10

Vaibh av Ur s "Black Lives Matter is an essential movement which is happening in the US right now. Black people are being treated unequally compared to White people which is totally NOT acceptable in today's society. I do support the protests going on right now, yet, I am worried about the protests and the protestors. Especially in this pandemic, it is not advised to go out and protest since you're gathering in large numbers and not maintaining social distancing which can cause an increase in COVID cases, which is exactly what can be seen in the US right now."


Geography Teacher

M r s. In ge " Black Lives Matter draws worldwide attention to matters that have been occurring not only in the USA but elsewhere in the world for generations. It's because of the fact that everyone these days has a smartphone that matters concerning police brutality, unfair treatment, and general civility that the spotlight is shining brightly. These issues can't be denied and can't be ignored any longer."


Grade 12

Soph ia Cor r ea " I?ve had the privileged to not experiencing racism.

Sadly, I know many people of color who have. In my opinion, the justice system has failed them. It has failed to keep them safe, even in their own homes. This is a problem that has been happening for centuries, but I believe it can change with our generation. It?s going to take millions of us and it?s going to take time, but it is now that we need to


Tr oy Tat e

Grade 11

" I think black lives matter is a good movement to

push but I also think in recent years I?ve seen less black protesters than white so it kinda seems like you have a bunch of white people protesting for black people then black people get blamed for damages which I think is doing more harm than good. I believe the black lives matter movement is a good movement but flawed. It?s kind of funny you have a bunch ton of white people telling minority?s how to feel while simultaneously protesting black misrepresentation."

understand the problem and work together to

find the solution. And I am glad change is happening now."


HS St udent s/ Teacher 2020

September - October, 2020

A h


How long have you taught at ISG?

How do you f eel abou t you r classes bein g on lin e?

This is my second year teaching at ISG

I don't mind having online classes, but more work time in class would be appreciated.

Wh at do you t each h er e at ISG?

Wh at do you t h in k is goin g w ell w it h you r classes? Vick y Roh r beck (Gr ade 11)

I think they way teachers have changed the set up to teach like in class is going well

How do you f eel abou t h ow m u ch w or k you get a day? Is it t oo m u ch or is it a f air am ou n t ?

At the moment I'd say a bit to much as i said previous question we don't have much time in class, the work piles up to the end of school day

Wh at do you t h in k t h at t each er s can ch an ge in t h eir classes? Just giving more class time to finish some work be all

If you h ad a ch oice on goin g t o sch ool f or ext r a h elp, w ou ld you go? Definitely

Mrs. Inge Middle/High School teacher

Do you t ell you r st u den t s t o h ave t h er e cam er as on ? Yes, I do. I said to them, if my camera is on, so is yours. If the student has trouble with their camera, I ask them why its not on.

How long have you been teaching at ISG?

No problem really. I'm comfortable and get time after

Teaching since 2009

class to do things that are fine for now.

Wh at do you t each h er in ISG?

How do you f eel abou t h ow m u ch w or k you get a day? Is it t oo m u ch or is it a f air am ou n t ?

Gr ade 8

Depends on the day and the class some classes are too much other classes are amazingly short and easy but other class just straight up stress me out. Its Too much just pieces of work and like i said depends

Wh at do you t h in k is goin g w ell w it h you r classes? The creativity levels of some classes. The way that you have to change to where some classes are balanced properly so I don't have problems and I feel like it's easier to learn.

Page don e by: C.Zw iegelaar

September - October, 2020

How is you r sch ool year goin g?

Better than last year. Last year just happened. We all had a thought on Covid-19 being here, we might have virtual school happening. I have now a clear understanding how to teach the students.

How do you f eel abou t you r classes bein g on lin e?

Son gw an e M okoen a

I teach Grade 7 World Regions, Grade 8 Government, Grade 9 Geography and Grade 11 & 12 Physiology.

KG2 for 8 years and Grade 1 and this is my fourth year.

Mrs. Bourn Grade 1 teacher

Do you en joy t each in g on lin e?

There are good things and not so good things about teaching and learning virtually. I like the time we have spent getting to know students better and creating friendship groups based on their passions and interests that we may not have done if we were doing in-person teaching and learning.

How do you f eel abou t h ow t h e on lin e classes ar e goin g? We have whole class Morning Meetings and Afternoon Reflection Meetings that are centered around peer and group relationship-building activities where students are sharing, taking turns, playing cooperative games, and reflecting on their day and learning. We have video call meetings with pairs or small groups for Reading, Writing, and Math with both the classroom teacher and the learning assistant twice a day three times a week. I enjoy the video chats/ check-ins but it?s a lot of time online and we are online with students 4 times a week from 3-4 hours each day except Specialist Day. That?s a lot of screen time and talking time. We meet individually with students every Sunday, which is my favorite meeting of the week as I learn so much about the students and we spend time getting to know each other better each week.


Spor ts & Health

Learn to tak e Control of Your Li f e: Pandemi c Edi ti on

By: Hal a Sal eh

Tips that will help your academic performance and self-confidence during online school Side effects of online school

Out of 40 responses

Students doing online school for the first time can be difficult, especially when a pandemic is happening. Staying home with lots of distractions of the students feel less self-confidence will affect the students ability to focus and complete assignments on time.



Learning from home, students may in not understanding a subject or may start to lose self-confidence and self-esteem behind their screens. That's why this page is filled with tips that can help students improve their academic performance and self-confidence. As a result, I decided to send out surveys for MS/HS students to see how many have been affected by online school.

of students are struggling with school

72.5% feel less focused during class/calls

45% feel their self-development stopped growing

Tips for online school: 1. Be proactive Being proactive means understanding that you can?t control everything that happens in life, but you can control how you act upon it. Learn to take control of situations, and not let the situation control you. 2. Plan your day/week ahead This tip will help you feel very organized and prepared for the upcoming day/week. In a piece of paper or in a journal, write down your to do list by writing the most important things first, this will help you feel less overwhelmed, and more confident since it gives you a feel of control. One thing you can also do is decorate your list, have fun with it.This will help you get motivated and get more things done.

Turn of the notifications on your phone and learn the most you can in class. Have "me time" whenever you are feeling stressed or unfocused

Plan your day/week ahead to feel prepared and more confident during class


?Me time? is basically a time of the day where you set by yourself Use this to learn about yourself; you can envision yourself being successful in doing the things you love, write down your goals or thoughts in a journal etc. These thoughts help you grow and develop as a person during these tough times. 4. Get motivated Since we are home all day, it?s hard to get motivated and get work done. Everyone is different, so everyone gets motivated in different ways. Some ways to get motivated are to have goals, plan your day/week, start with small tasks, or you could reward yourself after finishing your work. 5. Set a goal/challenge everyday Setting a small challenge everyday helps with self-development and self-confidence since you are expanding your abilities. Small challenges such as finishing a task before a certain time, or speaking up in a zoom call can really make a difference. 6. Turn off phone notifications

Set a challenge for your self everyday to improve self-esteem Find your way to get motivated for future achievements

3. Have ?me time?once a day

Be a proactive, don't let anything control you

You may have heard this a lot, but it really works! Rather than just liking every post on Instagram or texting friends during zoom calls, spare yourself all the stress that comes after when you realize you didn?t pay attention to your teacher. Before zoom calls, turn off your notifications to help you focus more in class.

September - October, 2020


Spor ts & Health

Got t en Fit t er or Fat t er Du r in g Lock dow n ? By Zain Naqvi Ru les an d Regu lat ion s As of 17 March, less then a week after the closure of our school, ISG Jubail, Bechtel Compound issued the rule for all visitors and non-Bechtel employees to be prohibited from entering the compound. The next day, temperature checks were required at the gate. Between 23 March and 30 May, a curfew was put into place preventing kids from leaving their homes between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. Adults were also advised not to leave during these times. Within two weeks of mid-April, all the sports facilities (pool, gym, recreation center, all courts and pitches) closed down due to the increase in the number of cases in Jubail. This lasted for almost three months. Now, what did people possibly do during these three months to remain healthy and fit? Did they do anything at all?

Photo by Zain N

?I didn't get fitter, I was experiencing a time of laziness in the summer holidays, but now I am doing PE and Joe Wicks." - Zahr ah M itha, G7

?Since gyms were closed, I would just do home workouts and go out for a run or ride my bike. Doing this has helped me remain fit and healthy.?

- Anika Ahar wal, G10

?I started running around the compound and doing jump rope; both really good cardiovascular workouts. Cardio workouts are probably the best as your sitting home and are immobile, especially in quarantine.? - M uhammad Tar iq, G11

Individual pictures by ISG Jubail Yearbook

September - October, 2020


Spor ts

M r M cLean's Fantasy League By Muhammad Syahmi Bin Mohd Alwi


M ost picked player s

ThomasMcLean Teacher

Dominic Calvert-Lewin

Son Heung-Min

Everton Forward

Spurs Midfielder

Wh at m ade you st ar t t h e leagu e bet w een t h e st af f an d st u den t s? It is just a bit of fun that I have found and is a good way to stay in contact with people of all walks of life who have a passing interest of football. I included students because it gives us something to talk about other than school which I think is very healthy, especially in the absence of after school sports and clubs,

Did you t ak e an y in spir at ion f r om an y sou r ces on lin e? If so, w h at w er e t h ey? From time to time I check There are a lot of geeky people who work for the site that do all of the research work that help you to have a chance at the game. When I am driving on my own, I will sometimes listen to one of their podcasts.

Andrew Robertson

Mohamed Salah

Liverpool Defender

Liverpool Midefielder

Cu r r en t Top 3 321 points Safi Mian Former ISG Student

318 points Do you t h in k t h is leagu e w ill cr eat e a st r on ger bon d bet w een t h e t w o par t ies? If so, h ow > The league is one small way that teachers and students can connect on a level playing field. I think this is a good thing for school culture that we should encourage

Sanjeev Jangra Math Teacher (HoD)

314 points Ahsan Arshad Former ISG Student


September - October, 2020

Enter tainment

L et 's Go Out t o t he M ov ies Muvi Ci nemas, Saudi Ar abi a?s f i r st ci Ar abi a, on Tuesday 25 August 2020 at Accor di ng t o Nat i onal Publ i c Radi o, pol i t i cal r esponse t o an i ncr ease of t he 1979 sei zur e of t he Gr and Mosque and t heat er s i n Saudi Ar abi a. Today, dr i ve, t he ban on ci nemas has been l i

By: Anika Aharwal

nema br and, opened i t s gat es t o Jubai l , Saudi t he Jubai l Mal l . ci nemas got banned i n Saudi Ar abi a due t o a I sl ami st act i vi sm i n t he ear l y 1980s, i ncl udi ng i n Mecca. These event s l ed t o t he ban of ci nemas as par t of Saudi ?s f ar - r eachi ng l i ber al i zat i on f t ed af t er 35 year s.

" I t was good, t hough t he t heat er i s smal l but somehow I got ent er t ai ned wi t h t he movi e I wat ched and I r eal l y don' t mi nd t he si ze of i t . " - Mar y Jean Mar aya, Teacher " I t was a ni ce exper i ence af t er bei ng i n l ockdown f or so l ong. They have set up t he t heat r e wi t h seat s separ at ed and f ol l owi ng soci al di st anci ng r ul es. The movi e sel ect i ons wer e up t o dat e and seat i ng was f or al l , no separ at e seat i ng/ t heat r es f or mal es. " - Kr i st en Bour n, Teacher " I t was pr et t y cool . The seat s wer e ni ce and ever y t wo occupi ed seat s had anot her t wo vacant seat s next t o i t t o pr act i ce soci al di st anci ng. The scr een and t he sound qual i t y was r eal l y good. " - Samhi t a Per i yanayaham, G10

" I t hi nk t he ci nema i s good, maybe not t he best one I have ever been t o. But t he st af f i s ver y ni ce and t he f ood t her e i s al so good. The onl y t hi ng i s t hat t he f ood or snacks ar e pr et t y expensi ve. I bought wat er t her e and i t cost l i ke 5 or 7 sar ? and some mozzar el l a st i cks wer e l i ke 35 sar or a l i t t l e bi t mor e. I n my opi ni on, t hat i s qui t e expensi ve f or a wat er t hat usual l y cost s 1 sar and mozzar el l a' s st i cks. The chai r s i n t he t heat r e ar e pr et t y comf or t abl e. The pr i ce var i es dependi ng on wher e you want t o si t . They do soci al di st ance i nsi de t he t heat r e, so t hat ' s good. " - Bet zabet h Rodr i quez, G10

Tot al number of r esponses di st r i but ed by r at i ngs


18 r esponses

1 - Bad 5 - Excel l ent Aver age Rat i ng - 3. 7 st ar s

September - October, 2020


Enter tainment

What'sthelatest binge? Latest entertainment news! Netflix gets 16 million new subscr iber s worldwide in 3 months of COVID- 19! Net f lix h as seen su bscr iber n u m ber s su r ge t h is year , as lock -dow n s ar ou n d t h e w or ld k eep people at h om e w h er e t h ey w an t t o be en t er t ain ed. Alm ost 16 m illion people cr eat ed accou n t s in t h e f ir st t h r ee m on t h s of t h e year , t h e f ir m said. Th at is alm ost dou ble t h e n ew sign -u ps it saw in t h e f in al m on t h s of 2019.

TV streaming sur ge! Samhita Periyanayaham, Grade 10 student

Has th e pandemi c af f ected your screen ti me (TV streami ng apps)? "Being at home has definitely given me more time to watch Netflix. when we had school I'd only have around 1 or 2 hours of free time because I'd be at school for half the day. now, whenever we get breaks or I don't have work, I have the freedom to watch whatever i want."

Leila Bessalah, Grade 10 student

Has th e pandemi c af f ected your screen ti me (TV streami ng apps)? "Yes, being home has given me more time to be stress free and relaxed. I don't really use Netflix of Amazon Prime to watch. I use different free movie websites."


September - October, 2020

Enter tainment

Jubail'stop5recommends! Top recommends from students of ISG Jubail!

1. Aven ger s: En d gam e 2. Str an ger T h i n gs 3. A Q u i et Pl ace 4. L u ci f er 5. T h e Gr eatest Sh ow m an



September - October, 2020



Don't j udgethebook by itscover Wr it t en by: Vaibhav Ur s

The Fir st Impr ession "You never get a second chance to make a first impression," Will Rogers once said. Making a good first impression can be the key to success in many situations. When you go and sit for job interviews, the first thing that the interviewers looks at is your appearance. Presentation is everything. How you look matters! There is a famous saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover." But is this proverb really applicable in our daily lives? What do you think? In our world, people do judge each other based on appearance, and there is nothing we can do about it. All we can do is follow these norms. The fashion industry has grown in our world because of this reason. Why do we dress fashionably when going to parties, but wear casual clothes at home?

It's because we're afraid that people might judge us, and we want to make a good first impression. When we wear formal clothes to job interviews, it tells the interviewers how much the job matters to us, and that we put effort into it. Sometimes, how you dress can be the difference between your success and failure.

Dr essing f or t he occasion While making a first impression is very important, it is also important to dress properly for the occasion. Wearing pajamas to school, formal clothes at home , and casual wear to your working place would be strange. Dressing suitably for the setting helps us not feel lost.

"When in a public environment, on occasions, I have been treated better when I haveworn business attire rather than casual." - Sanjeev Jangra

The Human Mind Based On Per cept ion

Photo by Vaibhav U.


Leonard Mlodinow is an American theoretical physicist, screenwriter and author. In one of his articles, he states that, "In our perception of people, and their perceptions of us, the hidden, subliminal mind takes limited data, and creates a picture that seems clear and real, but is actually built largely on unconscious inferences that are made by employing factors such as a person?s body language, voice, clothing, appearance, and social category.

Our mind usually judges people based on the first impression we make of them, and we make this first impression depending on the appearance, which is why the way we present ourselves matters! Being smart is just as essential as looking smart. You will never be invited to present your million-dollar idea if you can?t present yourself in an impressive manner.

September - October, 2020


Photo by Vaibhav U.

Does h ow you dr ess af f ect w h at people t h in k abou t you ?

Umer Yahya

Kimberly Inge

"It does. Mammals, humans, and many other organisms rely on such cues for survival. Judging something or someone by the way they look is easy, basic, and we haven't risen above it."

"Definitely. If you wear a lot of jewelry with high-end clothing, people will infer the you're rich. However, if you wear normal clothes, people will think that your a normal person, with the average amount of money."

Shor t Quiz! 1. The visual aesthetic we present to others through our appearance and apparel is extremely important. T F 2. By putting time and effort into how you?re dressed with matching accessories can show potential or current employers your attention to detail. T F 3. When you are dressed to impress, you look well, feel good and you?ll be more motivated to get things done and in turn be more productive. T F

Many of usarebooksthat havegreat storiestotell and ideastoshare; but, we?ll alwaysbe lef t on theshelvesif wedon?t present a cover that attractsthereader. I t?sa pity that bookscan?t changetheir coversoncethey?reprinted. But hey, wecan! September - October, 2020


Enter tainment

OnlineBy:School R elated Memes Asm a Sh eltam i (Grade 10)


September - October, 2020

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