May - June, 2021

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Con t act in f or m at ion : MailingAddress:InternationalSchool Group Jubail,PO Box 10059,Jubail, 31961,Kingdomof Saudi Arabia

RAM ADAN REUNION In thepicture, Mikail Shayan, Grade8, isstandingon topof a terracein Al Reem on May 12, 2021. Threefriends(Mikail, Sam, andKrishna) hungout together after a very longtime. Thethreeof themweregoodfriendswhen they all lived together in onecompound. Sincethen, they movedtodifferent placesandfinally reunitedon thelast day of Ramadan. ?It wasnicemeetingmy friendsafter awhile, especially after howthepandemicseparatedall of usfor solong,?said Mikail. All of themhopetomeet eachother again.

Coveredis a studentpublication distributedto students,facultyand staff of ISGJubailSchooltemporarily publishedonlineonlydue to COVID-19 via Issuuat This issue is a collectionof selectcontent publishedonlinein May 2021,as indicatedon each story.The paper servesas a publicforum and two-way communicationfor boththe schooland the community.Opinionsexpressedin this newsmagazineare not necessarily thoseof ISG JubailSchoolnor ISGsystem facultystaff or administration.

Seemorephotoson Instagramat @isgjtoday20 KRISHNA M. PHOTO & CAPTION

Cr eden t ials:ISGJubailSchoolis a memberof the JournalismEducation Association. Jou r n alist s Zafir Ali MohamedBashady Reine Fawaz MarianeNicdao John Inojales EshalJaved SebastianLlinas KrishnaManivannan JamieMaraya EthanMudaly Samhita Periyanayaham

ISGBoar d of Tr u st ees'Policy No. 2100St u den tPu blicat ion s:Schoolsare encouragedto produceand distribute studentpublicationsas part of the instructionalprogramand/or co-curricularprogram(i.e., newsletter, yearbook,electronicpublicationsand handbook).Studentpublicationsare designedto informparents,staff,and studentsof schoolnewsand activities. The site administratormayedit from studentpublicationsanythingwhichthe site administratorperceivesto be offensiveor culturallyinappropriate.








BetzabethRodriguez KarmenZwiegelaar Adviser Jon Netzler Headof Sch ool Dr. AndrewCrouse Su per in t en den t Dr. MichaelMack


@isgjt oday20

@isgjt oday

Respon din gt o Cover ed:Lettersto the editorwill be acceptedfor the next issue. Lettersmaybe placedin the mailboxof Jon Netzler,emailedto or mailedto the school.All lettersmust be signed.Nameswill be published. Lettersmust not containpersonalattacks againstan individualand maybe edited. Cor r ect ion san d clar if icat ion s:None.


Coveredstrivesto correctitserrors.If you noticeanyinaccuraciesin thisor past issues,



MAY - JUNE, 2021

MAY - JUNE, 2021

Photo by JamieMaraya// Art from PicsArt


Con t act in f or m at ion : MailingAddress:InternationalSchool Group Jubail,PO Box 10059,Jubail, 31961,Kingdomof Saudi Arabia

RAM ADAN REUNION In thepicture, Mikail Shayan, Grade8, isstandingon topof a terracein Al Reem on May 12, 2021. Threefriends(Mikail, Sam, andKrishna) hungout together after a very longtime. Thethreeof themweregoodfriendswhen they all lived together in onecompound. Sincethen, they movedtodifferent placesandfinally reunitedon thelast day of Ramadan. ?It wasnicemeetingmy friendsafter awhile, especially after howthepandemicseparatedall of usfor solong,?said Mikail. All of themhopetomeet eachother again.

Coveredis a studentpublication distributedto students,facultyand staff of ISGJubailSchooltemporarily publishedonlineonlydue to COVID-19 via Issuuat This issue is a collectionof selectcontent publishedonlinein May 2021,as indicatedon each story.The paper servesas a publicforum and two-way communicationfor boththe schooland the community.Opinionsexpressedin this newsmagazineare not necessarily thoseof ISG JubailSchoolnor ISGsystem facultystaff or administration.

Seemorephotoson Instagramat @isgjtoday20 KRISHNA M. PHOTO & CAPTION

Cr eden t ials:ISGJubailSchoolis a memberof the JournalismEducation Association. Jou r n alist s Zafir Ali MohamedBashady Reine Fawaz MarianeNicdao John Inojales EshalJaved SebastianLlinas KrishnaManivannan JamieMaraya EthanMudaly Samhita Periyanayaham

ISGBoar d of Tr u st ees'Policy No. 2100St u den tPu blicat ion s:Schoolsare encouragedto produceand distribute studentpublicationsas part of the instructionalprogramand/or co-curricularprogram(i.e., newsletter, yearbook,electronicpublicationsand handbook).Studentpublicationsare designedto informparents,staff,and studentsof schoolnewsand activities. The site administratormayedit from studentpublicationsanythingwhichthe site administratorperceivesto be offensiveor culturallyinappropriate.








BetzabethRodriguez KarmenZwiegelaar Adviser Jon Netzler Headof Sch ool Dr. AndrewCrouse Su per in t en den t Dr. MichaelMack


@isgjt oday20

@isgjt oday

Respon din gt o Cover ed:Lettersto the editorwill be acceptedfor the next issue. Lettersmaybe placedin the mailboxof Jon Netzler,emailedto or mailedto the school.All lettersmust be signed.Nameswill be published. Lettersmust not containpersonalattacks againstan individualand maybe edited. Cor r ect ion san d clar if icat ion s:None.


Coveredstrivesto correctitserrors.If you noticeanyinaccuraciesin thisor past issues,



MAY - JUNE, 2021

MAY - JUNE, 2021

Photo by JamieMaraya// Art from PicsArt



Senio r Pl ans As the year comes to an end, the Class of 2021 take the next step in their lives. Due to the uncertainty of virtual school, not all seniors were able to communicate their plans to us. Measures were taken to ensure the highest possible number of responses. This page f eatures the seniors and what their plans are af ter graduation.

Gaby Pinero Nunez University of Exeter Exeter, UK

Yelva Santhosh Undecided

Aqmal Fiqri Bin Fared National University of Singapore Singapore

Inshaa Uddin


Lancashire, UK Lancaster University

Omar Bashady University of Calgary

Middlesex University

USA or Canada "I loved it!"

Hana Bessalah

Dubai, UAE

Calgary, Canada "Give 100% all the time."

MAY - JUNE, 2021

Mikayla Helena Language Dylan Badenhorst Stellenbosch

NWU Potchef stroom

Gordons bay, South Af rica

South Af rica

"I really shouldn't have slept as much as I did."

Christopher Mudaly HAN University of Applied Science

Breda, Netherlands "Mixtape dropping soon."

MAY - JUNE, 2021

"Tough times never last, only tough people."

Arsalaan Siddiqui Centennial College Toronto, Canada ?Do you have any idea how stupid we are?Don?t underestimate us.? ? Kondou Isao (Gintama)

Naba Hassan National University of Science and Technology

Islamabad, Pakistan

Joseph Andre Luppe University of British Columbia

Vancouver, Canada "Control what you can, deal with the rest."


"Raise your wor ds, not voice. I t is r ain that gr ows flower s, not thunder ."- Rumi (Submitted by Aqmal Fiqr i Bin Far ed)

Farah Binti Fazil International Medical University

"im ver y tir ed. with ever ything."- Far ah Binti Fazil

Sami Yakan York University Toronto Canada

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Senior Locations


MAY - JUNE, 2021

MAY - JUNE, 2021


"Raise your wor ds, not voice. I t is r ain that gr ows flower s, not thunder ."- Rumi (Submitted by Aqmal Fiqr i Bin Far ed)

Farah Binti Fazil International Medical University

"im ver y tir ed. with ever ything."- Far ah Binti Fazil

Sami Yakan York University Toronto Canada

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Senior Locations


MAY - JUNE, 2021

MAY - JUNE, 2021



Wh at w ords of w i sdom do you h av e f or I SG Jubai l 's graduati ng Cl ass of 2021? Compiled and lightly edited for clarity by Jon Netzler "Try your best to stay organized and make sure to attend all calls so you're aware of what's going on in the class. If you feel unmotivated, that's okay, ask for extensions if possible. Make sure to have a friend to check up on you if you're doing your work because sometimes it can get pretty difficult. Do not procrastinate, as much as you want to, you're only digging yourself a deeper hole. And don't waste your sleepless nights on meaningless assignments, your mental health is always your number one priority." Hani, Grade 9 "In college, make friends or something. Having good people around to occasionally rely on would likely help." Ahmed Ben Amour, Grade 9 "You have a great foundation set up and it's up to you on how you choose to move forward." RebekhaPadayachee,Grade9 "Good luck and try your best and don't do you work last minute because you won't do well. I know from experience. Also do your best effort with your work and don't give up. But also have fun too. Yes you might be thinking "Well yeah but work is first" and Yes indeed it is because it determines your future, but also having fun is important to have a good college experience. " Eoin Bourn,Grade9 "Eat healthy, don't just eat a cup of ramen or plain pasta." S.G., Grade9 "'The antidote to exhaustion is not necessarily rest ? The antidote to exhaustion is wholeheartedness.' -David Whyte" Mr. Broderick,Scienceteacher "The world you are about to face is drastically different to the one you've grown up to known. Face your coming challenges with an open-mind. Good luck! " Zain Naqvi,Grade10


"You've come a long way, so celebrate." SavithaS., Grade7 "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." RachelleDuf los,Grade6 "Remember when you couldn't do what you could now? Character development, am I right?" JuveriaTabassum,Grade7 "Enjoy the ride called 'life'!" Neal Bourn,Englishteacher "Changing your major after taking a few classes and deciding it is not for you is okay." MissWeir, Librarian "Be fearless in pursuit of what sets your soul on fire." HaleemaK. Shah, Grade6 "Care for your relationships." Mr. McLean,IB Coordinator "I read this once and never left my head: "One year into being a lawyer I knew with 100% certainty that I hated being a lawyer, I went to my friends and family and they all told me the same thing- "You just spent 8 years becoming a lawyer. It would be so stupid to quit now." So I didn't quit. I spent over 50 years practicing law. 50 miserable years. It could have only been 1 miserable year but I made it 50". My advice: don't continue to do something that makes you unhappy just because you invested time into it, whether professionally or personally." MonicaLopez,Counselor "It won't be like this all the time." GrahamL., Grade1 teacher "Remind Yourself Everyday: I am in charge of myself and my happiness; I will not let anything outside me control me. I am creating a life that keeps me clean and good from inside and it will turn to an experience that will turn good on the outside too!" VidyaUrs, Grade5 substituteteacher "To accomplish great things, you must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe." Fadilah Al Gallaf ,Accountant

"[Someone recently shared with me] Rather than think about what you want to do or be when you grow up, think about what issues you want to tackle or what problems you would like to solve in the world. Whichever path you choose, be passionate, open-minded, and always ready to learn!" Brent Wingers,Headof MS/HS

"One of my favorite quotes by Ursula K. LeGuin: 'It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end.' SO, aim high and go big, but remember to enjoy all the steps to get from here to there. Enjoy Life?s amazing journey!" Kathy Luppe,Grade2 teacher

"Follow your heart, f olks. Life islong, but it could be short. Live from your heart, but never dismiss the need to take care of your finances, which you were never taught about in school. Learn something about low-cost index fund investing (there is even halal index fund investing) and buy a home early in life, then if it's your wish, travel your hearts out, live your dreams and keep an open mind and heart. Know that you will likely have 2-3 careers, possibly a main one and 1-2 side hustles. What will they be? You can't do everything at once, but you can follow those passions. Treat people well and you'll always have them by your side. Remember that everything in life is impermanent, and accept this with as much ease as you can and savour the moments with mindfulness. Seek beauty. Go well. And let us know from time to time if your formative years shaped your aspirations. All the best!" Ms. Lorelei Loveridge, Drama "Go make a difference! You can do anything if you set your mind to." Mrs. Nataraj,Math teacher "It's time to get ready for the real world, you're off to do amazing things and accomplish many goals in life. There will be times where you want to stop, but don't because that is just another learning experience. " KarmenZwiegelaar,Grade10 "Don't procrastinate, it'll just make trouble for you later on." ManasS., Grade8 "Don't overthink the future, you never know what may end up happening. " TomásNicolás,Spanishteacher "The biggest fear in life is the fear you create in your own mind. Be open to new opportunities you've never considered." John Luppe,PE teacher MAY - JUNE, 2021

"Dear Seniors, The time to fly has come, the experiences that await you will be magical, each and every one of them; Live to the fullest each of those days and, live always with your heart and intensely, time does not stop or return and we are made of memories and the good actions that we do for others. May you always be remembered for making the right decisions, for having a noble heart, and for being kind to the people around you. From the bottom of my heart, the best of luck to you, Jaguars!!!" Ms. Andrea,Library assistant "Have fun, be yourself, and make sure you have someone with you that will make you laugh! This is a time where you can show your parents that you can handle yourself and it's a chance for you to make them proud. So don't mess it up!" Zahrah Mitha,Grade7


ise Jamie Lou Page by

Our seniors this year are quite special; they completed most of their years in IB through virtual school. Considering their circumstances and personal experiences, we had a few seniors write something about IB they want their underclassmen to know... whether it's actual advice or cap, that's for you to decide.


" er

I would try to

If tomorrow is not the due date, today is not the do date.

h o



finish most of my CAS (service experiences) and as many artworks first year of IB. As well as begin my extended essay during summer break.

Adriana Caraballo

Arsalaan Siddiqui

Do your coursework early. It will come back to haunt you. Gabi Pinero Nunez

MAY - JUNE, 2021

I don't recommend doing it if you love your mental stability. But if you are, j ust be in love with your future cause it'll

brainwash you into thinking that IB is worth it lol :'D

Farah Binti Fazil



Ram adan In Jubail By Sebastian Llinas

The holy month of Ramadan often comes with sales to prepare gatherings between families for the Eid al-Fitr Holiday. Forever 21 located in Al-Rashid Mall had sales up to 10, 20 and 30 SAR. 3:00 AM meal before starting the fast. Photo taken by Ahmad Bin Tamrin. These decorations for the month of Ramadan are located in the recreation center area in Bechtel compound. Pictures taken by Zain Naqvi.


MAY - JUNE, 2021

Iftar starts whenever the sun is no longer visible in the horizon. This is the second meal of the day and it's the perfect time for Muslims around the world to gather and celebrate with their families.

MAY - JUNE, 2021



Athlete of the month Muhammad Umer Yahya


MAY - JUNE, 2021

Athlete of the month Muhammad Umer Yahya

After careful consideration, Muhammad Umer Yahya is this month's Athlete. We made this decision after listening to the amount of dedication he puts into his training sessions. After a long day of virtual school, Umer has made a habit to always grab his gloves and head over to the gym for some weight training. Basketball is Umer's favourite sport and he understands that it is a very physical sport and having more muscle mass will provide an advantage. After his tiring gym session, he later goes to the basketball court when the weather has cooled down. Umer considers his speciality to be 3 pointers. He bases his playing style off his idol, 2 time MVP, Stephen Curry. "Everyday I get closer to being like him," says Umer, "One day I hope to be as consistent."

Every morning Umer wakes up and reads a quote he posted on the wall that motivates him. It comes from his role model, Narendra Modi and the quote is, "Hard work never brings fatigue, it brings satisfaction." "I think this quote can be applied to anything, and thats the beauty of it, the feeling of accomplishment cannot be matched and that is why I strive to be the best version of myself," says Umer. "My goal is simple, to be the best shooter I can be. I hope that when I meet my friends again, I will be able to show off all the hard work I have put into my shooting" His advice to all other athletes is, "Dream big, let your efforts show and don't be afraid to put yourself out there."

MAY - JUNE, 2021



ALM ON D TOFU Mariane Nicdao

As summer is approaching here in Saudi Arabia, we all crave something cold to eat to deal with the scorching heat. Most of us would







something cold like juice or cola, and honestly I would do the same thing, however there is a recipe that I want to share that you can probably make during

Almond tofu is popular Chinese dessert that is usually eaten during summer. Despite having "tofu" as part of its name, it is not actually tofu. The "tofu" part is just gelatin made with crushed almonds or almond milk. Its white colour and blocky shape resembles that of a tofu, hence its name.

the summer vacation -- almond tofu.


MAY - JUNE, 2021



M ar ian e M ILK M IX -


1 cup of regular milk 1 cup of almond milk 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Mix it well together.


2 tablespoons of gelatin powder 1/8 cup of water

Mix well together then pour mixture into the milk mix. Refrigerate.



2 tea bags hot water sugar honey

Mix well. Take almond jelly from fridge and pour syrup.

MAY - JUNE, 2021



LEAVING ALONE How are our Graduates Preparing to Live Alone? By: Mohamed Bashady

As we are reaching the end of the school year, students are preparing for their next grade. However, out Grade 12 students are preparing for their next grade, but are preparing for college. Meaning, that they are not only looking for colleges to attend, but also a place to stay. Also, they have to need to plan every single detail if they are planning to live alone. A survey was sent out to the graduating students of 2021 of ISG Jubail. Asking them if they are planning to live alone, how they are preparing to live alone. When asked, most students replied saying that they are planning to live with a roommate. Some even said that they are planning to live with some of their friends from high school, while others are planning to live with people that they known, where they are going The people who decided that they are going to live alone, are planning to either live on school campus or live in their own apartment .. 16

According to Research From 16 responses from the graduating students

50% are planning on living with a roommate. When asked if they are going to cook for themselves

87.5% of people said yes

When they were asked how they are preparing, a lot of students said that they are learning how to cook, since most of them are planning to cook for themselves. Other students said that they are trying to live an independent lifestyleright now, so when they move they are not affected too much living alone. They are trying to learn hot responsiblespend money, how to dependent on themselvesduring problems. As well, as having to do a lot of chores now that they livealone.

" Lear n in g h ow t o cook an d becom e m or e in depen den t ." - Om ar Bash ady

MAY - JUNE, 2021

Ram adan Du r in g Covid By John I.

" How w as Ram adan t h is year ?" " How w as Ram adan t h is year ?" Ramadan this year actually felt more

" How w as Ram adan t h is year ?"

like Ramadan than last year. Maybe its because we've gotten used to quarantine; so it was easier to incorporate the ways of Ramadan with our current lifestyle.

I was worried Ramadan would not feel the same because of the Coronavirus, but it was nice! The usual Ramadan vibe was still there and I enjoyed it like I do every year.

" How w as it dif f er en t ? Was it dif f icu lt ? I think it was a bit easier than last year 's because we were more prepared for it. However my mum had to work a lot for the preparation while we were busy with school. I wish I could've helped around the house more."

Do you pr ef er Ram adan bef or e Covid? I definitely prefer Ramadan before Covid because back then we had more options to eat and ways to break fast. For example, we could buy some food at the street shops and vendors ,as well as eat iftar more safely with friends or family. Also, the Tarawih prayers are less limited unlike now where only a certain amount can join.

Adam Harith bin Sharol Nizam (Former ISG Student) MAY - JUNE, 2021

Like years before covid, Ramadan is a spiritual reflection, a time for many to improve themselves as an individual, and to heighten their devotion and worship. Although there was an on-going pandemic since last year till now, I felt that this didn?t stop the true spirit of Ramadan in any way, shape, or form.

" How w as it dif f er en t ? Was it dif f icu lt ?

The difference weren't actually " How w as it dif f er en t ? Was very noticeable; in fact I think that the fasting this year was it dif f icu lt ? easier than usual because you Ramadan was quite different this weren't outside in the sun like year, as I am used to being with you would be at school. Besides my friends for iftar. It certainly that, Ramadan remained mostly was disappointing to not be able unchanged. to go outside, especially during iftar. Do you pr ef er Ram adan

Do you pr ef er Ram adan bef or e Covid?

bef or e Covid?

I actually don?t know what I prefer. It was fun to interact I prefer Ramadan before covid with my friends while fasting as because I was able to meet with well as have big gatherings for family and friends for iftar, and iftar, however, I also liked the that was one thing I really enjoyed fasts being a little easier this in years before the pandemic. time around. Either way, I feel that Ramadan is a time when all Muslims around the world rejoice, and that will remain unchanged despite the circumstances.

Maaz Channa (Former ISG Student)

Umar Rehman (ISG Student)


ISG Ju bail Peer Su ppor t : We'r e h er e, an d w e'r e list en in g. Written by Muhammad T., Leila B., Zain N., Lorelei L. and Emma A. / Page by Jon Netzler

This would be particularly good for anyone interested in a future career in counseling, coaching or any profession that involves face-to-face support. Additionally, this can also serve as an ideal CAS experience where you can feel good knowing that you can truly make a difference in the lives of others. For more information, reach out to the Peer Listeners or contact Ms Loveridge at Th e lat est n ew s! A Rem in der : Th e Wh en , Wh er e, Wh at an d Wh y of ISG Ju bail?s Peer Su ppor t Pr ogr am

Sometimes, life is hard and there?s no one to talk to. But there is. As humans, we have all experienced stress, anxiety, pressure, loneliness and many more things and we feel that during these excruciating difficult times, where we are cooped up in our homes all day, things do tend to get a lot worse. And that is why Zain, Muhammad and Leila decided to give back to the community this year by establishing Peer Support. The Peer Support listening program is an anonymous, confidential* and non-judgmental peer listening service for students, run by students, via Zoom, initiated by Zain Naqvi and Muhammad Tariq. It was originally a project created as part of the Compassionate Action Summit building on the Summit?s leadership training. They were later

joined by Leila Bessalah as a third listener. This successful service runs under the supervision of teacher supervisors and the school counselors. Each week the service has had a number of legitimate callers from middle and high school students, most averaging under twenty minutes and generally taking advantage of the anonymity offered by the Zoom platform. Wh at t h e Peer List en er s Th in k of t h e Pr ogr am

Zain, Tariq and Leila, who are on the line on Tues at 4-5:30 PM every week, are putting in great efforts and time to serve with compassion, in line with our ISG mission. Additionally, they keep a brief log of the calls and receive coaching, supervision and ongoing training. Zain says the experience has been, ?Extremely rewarding. The months? worth of research, planning, training and marketing has

definitely been worthwhile. I?m proud of the work we?ve done here.? Leila comments, ?I am very fortunate to have been a part of this experience. This has allowed me to help myself by helping others." Muhammad believes ?It has been a successful and enriching experience that taught compassion. The time and effort has definitely paid off and we want to give students the opportunity as well, as we are looking long-term.? St eps goin g f or w ar d n ext year ...w e?ll be r ecr u it in g n ew Peer List en er s. Volu n t eer you r self or n om in at e ot h er s.

Looking to next year, this support service will be expanding and looking to recruit new members to become listeners. If you are committed, compassionate, communicative and open-minded as well as available to be in the calls each week for the year, you will be given full training and ongoing support.

We?ve got a new Instagram page - @isgjpeersupport Come follow us for the latest news, inspiration and reminders. Tak e ou r su r vey an d h elp u s plan f or n ext year .

Please take this very short anonymous survey which invites you to volunteer and/or nominate someone who may be a good Peer Listener next year. The survey also tells us how you would like the service delivered next year. Survey link: https://f tekkTN7vnQ58Bus27

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