ISSUE ONE • 2016
• CMA Award winners • Easing economic challenges • Evolution of conveyor structures
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Publisher: Andrew Meyer Tel: +(+27 11) 883 4627 Cell: 082 456 5175 E-mail:
PRECAST is the official journal of the Concrete Manufacturers Association NPC (CMA)
Publishers: Isikhova Publishing & Communications Postal Address: PO Box 651793, Benmore, 2010, South Africa Tel: (+27 11) 883 4627 Fax: (+27 11) 783 2677 Website:
Design and layout: Joanne Brook Tel: (+27 11) 883 4627 E-mail:
ISSUE ONE • 2016
ers Association NPC (CMA) 2016 Awards for Excellence competition drew a bumper crop of entries, which at 123 was almost double the • New code of ethics • CMA Mark of Approval
• Precast bridge for world-renowned race track
The views and statements expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor or the publishers and neither the publishers nor the CMA accept responsibility for them. No person connected with the publication of this journal will be liable for any loss or damage sustained as a result of action following any statements or opinions expressed herein. The same applies to all advertising. Precast© 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage retrieval system, without prior written permission from the publishers.
The Concrete Manufactur-
77 entered during the last competition. The awards are judged on photographs and written motivations. Entries closed on 16 October and
the judging took place on 23 November at the Johannesburg offices of PPC Cement, the main sponsors of this year’s event. Six trophies, one for each category and up to three commendation awards can be made in each category. However, awards are only made if the judges deem the entries to be worthy of one. The results were announced at
Endorsed by:
a gala dinner ceremony at Summer Place in Johannesburg, on 23 April 2016.
BEYOND PRESTIGE Winning a CMA Award means more than just a trophy or certificate – it represents a chance to showcase abilities and recognise exceptional products.
Ivan Sasman, of Ivan Sasman Archi-
of the work. Yet we all pulled together
tects in Cape Town says winning the
and overcame the challenges to deliver
trophy for Aesthetics for the SAPS
a successful project. To me, it serves as
Forensics Laboratory in Plattekloof
an example to the next generation of how
was a defining moment for him and
hard one has to work in order to achieve;
a fitting end to his career. “In some
and while a project may not be ‘smooth
ways, it represents a legacy of what
sailing’ at all times, it can be well worth
Past winners say that the benefits of
I’ve achieved and marks a high point for
it in the end, as long as you persevere
winning an award have been many, with
me to begin handing over the reins to a
and do your best,” says Sasman.
rewards going beyond pure recogni-
new generation.”
tion to sometimes improving sales of products or even taking on a deeper
Perseverance wins
significance as a crowning moment in
“This project was by no means easy, with
a person’s career. We ask some of the
multiple government departments each
winners of the 2012 awards what win-
having its own list of requirements and so
ning meant to them.
many people on site for the full duration
“Winning the award gives us confidence that we’re doing things correctly.” PRECAST | ISSUE ONE | 2016
being installed. It’s undoubtedly good for our resumé and we’ve been able to use it to
van Wyk, Marketing Manager
our advantage when potential
of Bosun Group, says: “We
customers enquire about our
gauge ourselves against the
products’ longevity.
On winning multiple awards across different companies in the group, Gert
competition and winning the award gives us confidence
Creating goodwill
that we’re doing things cor-
“Likewise, the Soweto Side
rectly. But most important,
Walk Project won a High-
it means that as an industry,
ly Commended award for
we’re producing solutions
Community Invol vement.
for architects and contrac-
It showed that paving pro-
tors to build with, that are
jects are great for commu-
nity upliftment and involve-
With regard to Smart-
ment, while simultaneously
stone (part of Bosun Group),
recognising the community
its winning Melrose Arch
for their hard work. The
project won a Vintage Award
award lent a sense of pride
and showed how well the
to locals and gave back to
Trophy for Excellence in the Community
pr oduct lasted. “Fr om a
the communit y – that’s
Involvement category, it recognised all
Smartstone point of view,
what makes community-
the people involved in the manufacture,
we value the Vintage Award because it
based projects special.”
sales and installation of our lightweight
shows that the product is durable and
Guinevere Thomas, Group Marketing
precast concrete sanitation units.
still looks good more than 10 years after
and Communications Manager for Infra-
We’ve built up valuable partnerships with
structure Specialist Group, agrees. “The
various municipalities, which enables us
paving and precast industry is a shining
to uphold a position as the preferred
light in the provision of mass employ-
precast brand for their Expanded Public
ment. When Rocla was awarded the
Works Programme projects.”
(Above, from top): Gert van Wyk Marketing Manager of Bosun Group and Guinevere Thomas Group Marketing and Communications Manager for Infrastructure Specialist Group.
The quantity surveying profession is a
of around 55 Green Star SA office build-
key component of the construction sup-
ings certified by the GBCSA between
ply chain – but all supply chain members
2008 and 2014.
have to share commitment and combine
According to Hoffman, one of the
forces to make sustainable building
greatest challenges facing green build-
more acceptable in South
ing in South Africa is fear
Africa, says Danie Hoffman,
of the unknown, particularly
a professional member of the
costing. He says green build-
Association of SA Quantity
ing techniques are of ten
Surveyors (ASAQS).
perceived as expensive and
Hoffman, the Progamme
challenging to execute – but
Leader of Quantity Surveying
this need not be the case,
developers, designers, contractors and
at the University of Pretoria’s
particularly when full life-
Department of Construction
cycle costing of building is
Economics, is currently lead-
added to the equation.
“Quantity surveyors are essential links in the supply chain, as they’re involved from initial design stage to the conclusion
ing a study by ASAQS of the Complex issues
of construction processes, and can advise
“Life-cycle costing covers all
on the specification of construction ma-
of SA (GBCSA). The study – which is well
the financial implications of building, from
terials and prepare and control budgets,
advanced – involves comparative costing
concept to end-of-life, and incorporates
as well as expenditure,” Hoffman explains.
true cost of “green building” for the Green Building Council
(Above): ASAQS professional member, Danie Hoffman.
the costs of construction, materials, design, engineering, water and electric-
Green initiatives
ity tariffs, heating and cooling, repair
He believes educational institutions
costs and eventual disposal cost, or
also have an important role to play
residual value.
to promote the cause of sustainable
“Quantity surveyors, as cost consult-
construction by informing the entire
ants, will play an increasingly important
industry of the availability of sustain-
role to inform decision-makers on green
able materials and technologies, and
building. However, the responsibility for
the benefits of best practice. “One of
cost-effective green building solutions
the greatest challenges facing ‘green
will have to be shared between quantity
building’ in South Africa is fear of the
surveyors and the entire supply chain:
unknown, particularly costing.”
IMPRESSIVE RETAINING WALL BR W P r oje c ts r e c en tl y c omple t e d
important to mention that for a wall this
work on one of the highest Terraforce
high, drainage needs to be perfect. In this
concrete retaining block (CRB) walls in
instance, we installed an agricultural drain
South Africa.
behind the foundation, with 19 mm stone
Situated in Salt Rock, KwaZulu-Natal,
wrapped in Bidim, while a V-drain was
Brettenwood Estate is a private hous-
installed at the top and behind the wall.”
ing and retirement village surrounded by
Ben adds that the Terraforce L13
high, red dunes close to the sea. There
blocks, manufactured by Corobrik Dur-
are three big CRB walls at Brettenwood,
ban, a member of the CMA, were chosen by Vista Homes due to its extensive
with this example being the highest. Says Ben van Schalkwyk of BRW Projects: “The highest wall reaches up to 12,6 m and is comprised of a double skin of
(Above): Brettenwood Estate in Salt Rock has one of the highest Terraforce CRB walls in South Africa.
experience with these blocks. Vista was the main contractor on site and had previously used Terraforce blocks for
L13 blocks all the way to the top. The con-
All backfill material consists of stabi-
crete foundation is 1 200 mm wide, 450
lised fill (three bags of cement to a cube
In total, 162 000 L13 blocks were used
mm thick and reinforced with Y12 steel
of soil) and every metre of the height of
for this wall, while 120 000 blocks were
bars that protrude into the double layer of
the wall, a 2 m-wide layer of Bidim was
used on the second wall and 90 000 blocks
the first row of blocks that were set in the
installed in the backfill. Finally, behind
on the third wall. There are also about 10
wet concrete. The first nine double layers
every line of blocks the backfill was com-
other smaller walls in the estate built with
of blocks were filled with mass concrete.
pacted to MOD.AASHTO standard. It is
L22 and Geolock 300 blocks.
large projects.
Tough economy stifles construction
sures on commodity prices. This
Echoing Minnaar’s discussion on the
has caused turmoil among producer
current economic situation, econo-
countries and has led indirectly to
mist David Metelerkamp of Industry
emerging economies taking a beat-
Insight says indications
ing. While the world’s
are that South Africa’s
economy is expected
construction industry will
to grow by only 2,6%,
be stuck in an extended
South Africa’s economy
As emerging market currencies take a
period of low growth for
will be even slower, at
pounding on world markets and the rand
the foreseeable future.
just 0,7%.”
tests new lows against the US dollar,
Speaking at the an-
He cited the following
it is prudent for the local construction
nual feedback session
areas as being poten-
industry to seek more efficient ways of
of the Concrete Manu-
developing much-needed infrastructure
facturers Association
and housing.
NPC (CMA) in Kempton
tially lucrative in the (Above): David Metelerkamp of Industry Insight.
year ahead: 1. Property trusts and
Weighing in with some positive in-
Park recently. He explained that the
funds are buoyant and continue to
put on current economic challenges,
construction industry is intrinsically
invest in properties.
Executive Director of the Concrete
linked to the economy and that the
2. Retail construction is booming
Manufacturers Association NPC (CMA),
battered state of our economy will
and showed an 18% annual growth
Frans Minnaar, says that the construc-
probably take a long time to recover
last year.
tion industry can weather the storm
from its current state.
3. The affordable housing market con-
by ensuring that faster, more efficient
However, there is a glimmer of
methods are employed to construct
hope for role-players in the industry
4. Townhouse developments ar e
infrastructure, roads and houses.
tinues to grow at 8% per annum.
who should look towards sectors that
He explains: “Bearing in mind that
are performing well and tailor offer-
5. There are well publicised plans for
government has to deliver on a fair amount
ings to meet demands. Also, in cer-
a M e g a - H o u si n g p r o j e c t s i n
of promised development projects to
tain geographical areas requirements
Gauteng, with 700 000 units
soothe the expectations of its support-
exist for housing, infrastructure,
planned in four years.
ers, it’s not unreasonable to believe that
etc which can drive local construc-
6. Similar pr ojec ts ar e planned
many of these projects will have to be
tion economies far higher than the
completed soon, irrespective of economic
average. Moreover, sectors such as
data. Along with private sector projects,
retail are booming and construction
“It pays to make use of informa-
this will give some impetus to the market
of retail centres is at an all-time high.
tion at the disposal of the industry
and will provide some stimulation for the
“Since the global economic crisis
and to capitalise on the many op-
industry which will no doubt lead to fierce
in 2008, the world has experienced
portunities that exist in order to
competition among bidders”.
the slowest recovery from such an
ensure that your business doesn’t
event ever. In addition, the slowdown
remain stagnant during this period,”
of China is putting immense pres-
concluded Metelerkamp.
On the upside With the expectation of tighter budgets
growing by 6%.
for KZN and pockets across the
and shorter delivery times that will be
precast elements improves quality of
this problem and save additional rands in
required to ease government’s mount-
workmanship, as elements are produced
years to come.”
ing delivery pressures, the answer to
under well-controlled conditions in estab-
“Simultaneously, the use of precast
sustainable construction will lie in the
lished factories. Rather than sacrificing
concrete products will ensure stability
use of more efficient techniques. While
quality for speed, contractors will then
in the workplace with the provision of
traditional building product suppliers may
have the opportunity to address govern-
long-term job security in factories. It’s
be in for a tough time, Minnaar believes
ment’s need for improved quality, as well
also well known that the use of precast
that precast concrete product suppliers
as speed and lower costs.
concrete products is creating short-
will fare better, as their products will
term jobs for local communities during
provide “under-pressure” contractors
Smarter methods
the installation and placing of these
with faster and more efficient means of
“Rebuilds currently cost government mil-
products and it therefore serves a dual
lions of rands per annum and with a move
purpose as far as job
“In order to effectively complete pro-
to quality precast concrete
jects, government and private-sector
products (manufactured by
“By simply changing
investors will have to look at more efficient
CMA member producers), an
the way we design and
ways of construction in future, with the
opportunity exists to eliminate
specify materials for
creation is concerned.”
use of high-quality products that will speed
building projects,
up installation and provide shorter project
we have the potential to de-
durations. Contractors, too, will have to
liver more for less. While economic
operate more smartly and do careful cal-
realities no doubt has an impact on the
culations regarding materials, transport,
delivery of infrastructure and housing, a
installation and labour costs, in order to be
shift to precast concrete has the oppor-
more efficient and competitive.”
tunity to save end-users time and money
Also, while speed will be of the es-
to ensure development continues at an
sence on future projects, a move to using
acceptable pace,” concludes Minnaar.
CAPE TOWN Montreal Drive, Airport Industria 7490 P.O.Box 6074, Roggebaai 8012 Tel (021) 386-1923 • Fax (021) 386-2514
GAUTENG Verwoerd Road, Meyerton 1961 P.O. Box 694, Meyerton 1961 Tel (016) 362-2236 • Fax (016) 362-2235
CMA ENTERS NEW ERA Not a moment too soon, the Concrete Manufacturers Association NPC (CMA) is in the process of registering an all-new company to undertake quality assurance services and issue the long-awaited CMA Mark of Approval to verify product compliance with SANS specifications on behalf of its members. Until now, the SABS had been the only certification body active in the concrete manufacturing industry, but long and costly delays in the issuing of marks of approval were hampering the industry and members called for swift action to address the situation. This prompted the CMA to establish the new company, which will test and verify
assurance and certification company that
compliance with SANS specifications. The
will be able to take over the responsibility
company will open its doors in May 2016
for the precast concrete industry.
after it has completed trial assessments
Incumbent General Manager of the
and received the go-ahead
new CMA quality assur-
from the South African
ance company, Christo van
National Accr editation
Zyl, updated members on
System (SANAS).
progress towards estab-
The Quality Assurance
lishing the CMA Mark of
division will be operated
Approval at the CMA feed-
as a separate revenue-
back session held in Kemp-
generating company, with
ton Park recently. “We’re
the CMA holding 100%
currently in the process
shares in the business.
of submitting our quality
Revenues generated will
management system to
be used to fund operations and profits received
(Above): CMA Executive Director, Frans Minnaar.
SANAS for accreditation. Once this has been done,
will be used to supplement
we’ll begin to determine
the CMA’s coffers, thus
costs and select ‘guinea
reducing its dependency
pig’ customers and prod-
on grants. CMA Executive
ucts to go through assess-
Director Frans Minnaar
ment under the scrutiny
says a general manager
of SANAS. Once that’s
and marketing manager
been completed and we’re
will be formally appointed
awarded SANAS accredi-
soon to star t the ball
tation, we’ll be allowed to
rolling. “T he establish-
open for business.”
ment of the company is
He says it is a common
a step in the right direc-
misconception that only
tion and ensur es tha t our members will be able to prove their compliance
(Above): General Manager of the new CMA Quality Assurance company, Christo van Zyl.
the SABS can provide certification of SANS specifications and issue a mark of
with SANS specifications without being
approval (SABS Mark of Approval). It is im-
hamstrung by inefficiencies of outside
portant to remember that since 1994, the
certification agencies.“
standard specifications no longer belong to a specific certification authority and any
CMA Mark Scheme
properly registered certification authority
While certain members remain unable to
may assess and certify companies to the
obtain certification due to backlogs at
SANS specifications which are our national
the SABS (and other reasons), the CMA
specifications. “Our specifications are only
is working rapidly to start up a quality
printed by the SABS.”
Recounting the activities of the organi-
Powerful web presence CMA members have entered the “Internet
sation during the CMA’s annual feedback
of Things” with the launch of the interac-
session, Executive Director Frans Min-
tive World of Precast web portal that
naar said that the association is engag-
allows users to submerse themselves
ing more closely with its members and is
in a world where concrete products and
becoming actively involved in addressing
manufacturers are just a click away.
challenges to assist them as well as
The experience-based
identifying opportunities
website is based on a 3D
wherever they exist. High-
visual representation of a
lights of the year included
city and allows browsers
the planning and near-
to delve deeper and find
f inalisation of the new
products and manufac-
CMA website, as well as
turers to undertake their
World of Precast interac-
pr oje c t s. T he w eb si t e
tive web portal. Planning of
also cr oss-r e f er ences
the CMA Mark of Approval
products with the CMA
was also undertaken and
members that manufac-
all the necessary steps
ture the goods in order to ease the search for
(Above): Steve Cowling of WOW Interactive.
precast concrete product manufacturers. World of Precast was
put in place to launch a new 100% CMA-owned quality assurance company
to manage the certification process.
conceptualised and built by WOW Inter-
Reach-out roadshows were held in new
active and provides a unique tool that
areas to introduce the CMA to manufac-
is visual and easy to use. Steve Cowling
turers, as well as end users in the Kwa-
of WOW Interactive says the portal has
Zulu Natal and Limpopo areas. In addition,
been specially designed with 14 fields,
seminars on the new ISO 9001:2015
each a visual rendering, that clicks through
quality assurance standard, as well as the
directly to manufacturers and products.
Hybricem hybrid building techniques, were
It is infinitely searchable, giving users a
held across the country. The association’s
unique experience to interact with the con-
presence was also felt at the Totally Con-
crete world that we live in. Enter the World
crete trade show, where the CMA boasted
of Precast at
a large booth that included participation of 15 members, each with a panel on the
The year that was
stand and room for their technical repre-
In many ways, the year 2015 was a spring-
sentatives to interact with visitors.
board for bigger and better things to come
During 2015 the membership remained
from the CMA with a number of new initia-
largely unchanged, with four new members
tives planned.
and four resignations. At the end of the year, the membership was as follows:
Contractors Associates Cement producers Total
5 14 4 132
New publications launched during the year included a much-needed Manhole Manual, as well as Quality Management System Guidelines. Sales of existing publications went well, with good sales of the Structural
Concrete Masonry Design Guide, Lock-
country roadshow and a host of semi-
Simultaneously, Precast magazine is
pave & Permpave programmes and the
nars planned so far.
growing in leaps and bounds, with ap-
Step-by-Step Guide to Perfect Paving.
With SABS cer tifications taking unacceptably long, the CMA is launch-
proximately 8 000 people reading the magazine per issue.
The CMA’s road ahead
ing its own cer tification agency to
This year promises to be an exciting
assist its members to
we took ownership of the
year for the CMA with the launch of a
obtain certification on
magazine eight years ago,
new certification company, a round-the-
required SANS stand-
it’s has gone from a loss-
ards in order to qualify
making publication that
for tenders and meet
c os t the asso cia tion
engineering specifica-
a considerable amount
tions. A series of com-
of money to a no-risk
bined roadshows will be
publication for the CMA
held across the country
that’s well respected
t o ann o un c e an d e x-
and eagerly anticipated
Publisher Andrew Meyer says: “Since
plain the transition from SABS certification to the CM A’s ow n mar k MANHOLE MANUAL
(Above): Some of the new publications launched during the year.
by members and all those (Above): Andrew Meyer, publisher of Precast magazine.
of approval, as well as introduce new
involved in the manufacture and procurement of
precast concrete products.”
members and users in far-flung areas
While neither the association nor its
to the services of the CMA. Seminars
members are required to contribute
planned thus far will include Roof Tiles,
towards publishing of the magazine, it
Lintels, Paving and Permpave.
does need advertising in order to survive
Publications will also receive atten-
and members are urged to continue to
tion, with the Roof Tile and Paving manu-
support the magazine. The association
als up for review. An investigation is also
will continue to step up its public rela-
being led to establish the need for a Wet
tions efforts throughout the year and
Cast Paving manual to be developed.
will remain visible through participation
Market leader in Hollowcore – Western Cape
Multi Story Buildings, High Strength Security Walls, Retaining Walls
A Corner Fabriek & Oop Street, Bellville South T
021 951 7700
Member of
Part of the
in trade shows such as the Cape Con-
TWO • 201
struction Expo and Totally Concrete 2016 later in the year. the
– QUaL
ItY ca
Technical feedback
The CMA’s Technical Committee, under the watchful eye of Taco Voogt, never
• 20
U –Q
• 2015
rests as they move from
the cm
a – QUa
LItY caS
t IN cON
one technical issue in the
precast concrete industry to m
ociat io n
20 yea rs
manufacturers and end users’
• Ne w ho me for • Push CMA ing pro ducti • Pio on wit neeri ng pre h self-c stres ompa sed sla cting concret b ma nufac e turer celeb rates
another and ensure that both
yc as
t in concret
interests are looked after. Last year, the Technical Commi t t e e c onc en tr a t e d on S A NS trac
the old standard, which was open to
pipe to the test
• CMA’s new Exec utive Dire • Concret ctor e masonry pitfalls • Durban and solu Bluff proj tions ect puts watertight jacking
pavers and brought about changes to
ce d ra
cs ne ow ethi roval of -ren App world code k of ew for • N A Mar idge M br st •C reca P •
c con rete
1058:2012 standard for concrete
yc as
t in concr
e et
different interpretations. The changes included a modification to the effect that
SANS 542:2015 for concrete roofing
historically proven aggregates may now
tiles, where minor changes and admin-
be used. Water absorption requirements
istrative revisions were made. SANS
have been taken out of the main body and
541:2012 precast concrete slabs was
moved to an annex as a recommendation
scrutinised and contradictory wear and
only. The tensile splitting test
abrasion requirements were
length determination of a block
amended. Interestingly, it was
was defined and the K-factor
also found that equipment re-
has been removed from the
quired to do the tests was not
standard. These suggestions
available in the country. SANS
have been submitted to the
927:2013 for concrete kerbs,
SABS for ratification.
edgings and channels was also changed, among many others.
Changes were also on the cards for SANS 1215:2008
Voogt warned members
concrete masonry units, with
that the SABS auditing division
the f irst action called f or
has recently clamped down on
being the adoption of BS EN 771-3:2003. This resulted
(Above): Taco Voogt.
CMA members with regard to the interpretation of national
in the new SANS 50771-3:2015 being
standards. This has led to certifications
promulgated and the workgroup has
being withheld on products that previously
subsequently requested that the old
did conform – in particular, on the compli-
SANS 1215:2008 be withdrawn. Other
ance with SANS 1083 for aggregates for
amendments have also been made to
concrete, etc.
MOVE TO ENSURE QUALITY PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS The construction and financial industries
limited to the quality of workmanship only,
any process, but with thorough controls,
in South Africa are becoming increasingly
instead of realising that quality assurance
these should be very limited and time-
aware of the value of using products that
should be an overall concept of service,
ous quality assurance assessments and
have been specifically manufactured for
manufacturing, delivering and installation.
surveys should actually prevent it from
construction projects under strictly
If you examine a common example of failure
occurring,” says Minnaar.
controlled conditions.
to deliver, such as what is happening at
During times of economic strain,
large construction projects like power
Insist on quality
decision-makers especially are aware
stations, you will soon realise that delays
He adds that for this reason, the CMA
of the value for money and preventing
and even strikes by workforces are caused
has set a goal for 2016 and onwards to
unnecessary re-work or replacement
by lack of quality assurance in different
play an important role in preventing the
costs. A ccor ding to the C oncr e te
aspects of the projects.
use of poor-quality precast products
Manufacturers Association NPC (CMA)
in the industry. The introduction of the
Executive Director, Frans Minnaar, if
CMA Accreditation and Mark of Approval
one looks at the construction industry
marks a proactive step by the asso-
as a whole, one will realise that quality
ciation to further improve the quality of
assurance forms an integral part of the
precast concrete products offered by its
total construction process.
members to the construction industry.
The success of construction will
In future it will be a requirement for
always be influenced by all parts of the
members of the CMA to implement a
process and the successful execution of each stage is vitally important not
(Above): The CMA Mark of approval.
standardised quality assurance system within precast manufacturing plants
only for the final use of developments
“These include: poor planning, mis-
that will be assessed and evaluated by
but also for the thorough utilisation
taken procurement, poor services such
competent systems auditors to en-
of investments, government funds and
as human resource functions, poor
sure compliance with applicable South
public money.
control on deliveries, etc. For every
African National Standards. Products
single function in any project, there are
manufactured in accordance with SANS
Quality systems
standards available for the implementa-
standards will receive the CMA Mark of
“By implementing quality assurance dur-
tion of quality assurance in services and
Approval as proof of compliance.
ing the entire process, successful and
production which have to be enforced
“The CMA wants the industry to be
timeous completion of projects becomes
both by the client and the contractor.
confident in the use of products that
a reality. If one starts to investigate the
If that is enforced and controlled cor-
carry the CMA Accreditation or Mark of
unsuccessful projects reported through
rectly, then theoretically (apart from
Approval and be safe in the knowledge that
the media, it soon becomes apparent
natural influences such as weather
the product complies with the required
that the causes for failures or delays are
conditions or natural disasters) there
standards. We also want to see the in-
usually a result of the lack of adherence
should be no delays or failures caused by
dustry specifying only products that carry
to proper quality assurance systems.
these aspects of a project. Obviously it
the CMA mark and, in so doing, ensure
“The problem is that in many instances
is human to err and one can still expect
good-quality precast concrete products
the interpretation of quality assurance is
certain non-conformities to get through
are used in future,” Minnaar concludes.
Building material producer associations
materials are used,” says Nico Pienaar,
mal or unregistered end of the industry,
are calling for tighter specifications to be
Director on the boards of both asso-
there are no checks and balances and no
applied when awarding tenders to ensure
ciations. While some professional bodies
real way of knowing what you are buying.
that the principles of quality are applied
within the industry have begun question-
Did the so-called readymix supplier use
from the very beginning.
ing government’s tender process and the
inferior-quality cement, was batching done
In light of government’s rising repair
awarding of tenders to inexperienced
correctly, were the desired mixes adhered
bill, the Aggregate and Sand Producers’
(cheap) contractors, he cautions that
to or did the supplier use aggregates with
Association of Southern Africa (Aspasa),
attention also needs to be given to ensur-
the right mineral composition?”
as well as the Southern Africa Readymix
ing quality building materials are used.
Association (Sarma), whose materials
A quick fix
constitute the vast majority of materi-
Low entry barriers
“It is therefore imperative that gov-
als on any standard construction site,
“In South Africa it is a fact that anybody
ernment and the formal construction
suggest that the most likely cause of
can buy a mixer truck and start producing
industry become serious about quality
structure failures is the use of inferior
‘readymix concrete’. Likewise, sand and
and begin to ensure that materials are
or non-suitable materials.
stone can be excavated from any vacant
procured only from professional suppliers
“No matter how good the design is
lot and be labelled as building sand and ag-
who are registered with the relevant in-
or how skilled the workmen are, the
gregates. But the reality is that this does
dustry association and who are regularly
structure will fail every time if unsuitable
not constitute proper building material.
measured against strict standards and
“Industry associations such as ours were established specifically to bring
criteria, as is the case with both Sarma and Aspasa members.
regulation to our industries and formalise
“It is our belief that government can
them to the extent that members can be
dramatically reduce failures and subse-
relied upon to produce products which
quent expenses resulting from rebuilds
conform to the standards required by
simply by procuring building materials
their customers.
from compliant and registered compa-
“If procurement is done from the infor-
nies,” concludes Pienaar.
COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE IN EASTERN CAPE construction in a short period and enjoy
Brick and block equipment manufacturer,
As part of the department’s com-
Hydraform, has contributed to the con-
mitment to development and upliftment,
struction of 27 affordable homes in the
the Radway Green Farm community just
Eastern Cape on behalf of the Department
outside Grahamstown is being provided
Helping development
of Rural Development & Land Reform.
with permanent shelter during a process
Beyond supplying machinery, Hydraform’s
that would offer them employment while
participation in this project has not only
teaching them invaluable skills.
helped create shelter for worthy citi-
benefits beyond housing delivery.”
Hydraform is a CMA member and has
zens, but has involved the community in
been a forerunner in the industry for close
the construction of their own houses.
to three decades, supplying interlocking
Radway Green Farm community members
block-making machinery to a growing
have also benefited from being gainfully
market and of f ering the necessar y
employed during this process and have
training and skills development to inform
acquired the necessary transferable
and enhance the user’s experience of
skills in both block-making using Hydra-
the machinery. This existing model fed
form’s technology and construction.
into the company’s extended offering to
“The community members we em-
deliver turnkey solutions for specialised
ployed for this project previously had
housing delivery.
n o tr ans f er ab l e sk ills, o th er th an
Sales & Mar ke ting Dir ec tor f or
farming. Now they have the ability to
Hydraform, Nazlie Dickson notes: “The
produce blocks and build using Hydra-
opportunity this initiative gave us was
form interlocking building technology.
to implement our own project and prove
A key objective of the project was to
that a community can be transformed
ensure that the community members
and enabled by participating in local
were not only beneficiaries of homes,
but were trained in block-making and
are no formal water and power facilities
construction as part of their skills
or supply. But this made no difference
development. The community produced
to the performance of our machinery,
150 000 blocks that went into building
which is highly mobile and can produce
their houses,” she says.
blocks on site.”
The Hydraform block-making machinery was transported to site, ensuring a
The right solution
good- quality product that didn’t have
Hydr a f orm block-mak ing machiner y
to travel far to get to its destina-
provides smart solutions to the logistical
tion, which cut down tremendously on
challenges presented by a rural build
transportation costs and rendered the
and due to its innovative dry-stacking
product more inherently energy-efficient.
method, the final product has a lower
The Radway Green Farm project also
embodied energy than traditional bricks
offered a unique set-up to test out the
and blocks.“Hydraform blocks are not
versatility and robust nature of the
baked or fired, which saves a remarkable
machinery. Notes Dickson: “The project
amount of energy.
itself is in a rural setting where there
“The dry-stack interlocking technology also saves construction time and cement costs, as well as providing materials with less embodied energy, contributing to a structure that is greener overall. This project is a self-sustainable and independent development that included solar power generation and a waste management system, as well as water delivery.” Hydr af orm’s pr oduct o f f ering is uniquely positioned to serve developing countries in their quest for infrastructure development and stability due to its inherent adaptability. “Our products are able to work around infrastructural constraints and still deliver housing, public buildings, clinics and schools – even in the most remote areas. This extended offering means we make meaningful contributions to South Africa’s job creation, skills development and community upliftment objectives,” concludes Dickson.
African to serve in this capacity.
Concrete Institute, has been elected
ISCP, of which Perrie has been a
Vice-President of the International
board member for several years, has
Society for Concrete Pavements (ISCP).
since its establishment in 1997 aimed
Perrie is one of South Africa’s
to “facilitate the advancement
leading authorities on concrete
of knowledge and technology
pavements and globally respected
related to concrete pavements
in this field, having delivered
through education, technology
papers on the subject at dozens
transfer and research at an
of top-level conferences all over
international level”.
the world. He was elected to the
The ISCP’s current Board of
new ISCP post at a recent ISCP meeting
Directors comprises concrete pavement
which coincided with the Transportation
authorities from many countries, includ-
Research Board’s 95th annual meeting
ing Chile, Germany, Australia, the USA,
held in Washington and is the first South
Canada and Belgium.
WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS Three companies recently joined the Concrete Manufacturers Association NPC (CMA) to share in the combined knowledge of the association, be part of the drive to promote the use of precast concrete and ensure quality products and reliable services. The new members include Polokwane-based Coreslab, a thriving precast manufacturer and hollow core specialist. The company opened its doors in 2008 as a hollow core plant focusing mainly on residential projects. As the company grew, the owners began exploring various different fields and soon diversified to include infrastructural and other types of structures into their nationwide repertoire. Since then the company has successfully completed a number of impressive projects, including a 50 ML precast water reservoir, a complete pavilion with precast columns, raker beams, seating benches and closures, as well as its latest project, a six-storey hotel in Thohoyandou using precast columns, beams, hollow core slabs and wall panels. Another innovator and welcome addition to the CMA family is Cemblocks, a company which has built up a vast amount of knowledge and experience in the manufacture of bricks, building blocks and paver bricks. The Rustenburg-based company has grown to become one of the largest manufacturers of paving and building blocks in North West Province by relying on its cumulative knowledge and using of the latest technology to remain a market leader in its area of operation. Apart from its home territory, the company also distributes products to Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Eastern Cape and even Botswana. The company manufactures about 3 500 m2 of paving at the specialised paving plant and an average of 470 000 bricks/building blocks per day. West Rand-based Econo Cast is another company that has taken innovation to the maximum with its thermal slab products. In addition to beams, lintels and ash blocks, the company manufactures a lightweight expanded polystyrene block and pre-stressed rib system to meet increasing demands for thermal efficiency, as well as offering a lightweight and easy-to-erect system in place of traditional bricks-and-mortar techniques. The company’s slab system is said to be 30% lighter than equivalent concrete rib and block slabs. In addition, the company offers services that include civil and structural engineering, raft foundations, earthworks, platforms, reinforcing, concrete and power floating, as well as completion certificates.
(Above, from top left): Econo Cast provides alternative products to meet demand for thermally efficient building; the Cemblocks plant in Rustenburg; Coreslab provides innovative precast products.
The acquisition of Polish precast concrete
aligned very well with our customers and
machinery manufacturer and CMA mem-
employees,” says Goode.
ber, Techmatik, by USA-based Columbia
Dariusz Kupidura, founder and Presi-
Machine will strengthen the combined
dent of Techmatik, adds: “We’re excited
companies’ offering and provide improved
to be part of the Columbia family of
support services to global customers.
companies. Our companies work very
This is according to Rick Goode, CEO
well together. Columbia’s worldwide
of Columbia Machine, who added that
sales and service channels should help
Techmatik is a recognised leader in the
Techmatik continue to grow, while we’re
design and manufacturing of moulds,
also looking forward to helping Columbia
production machines (“big board”), han-
support its existing customers in other
dling, cubing, curing, batching and mixing
markets with local parts, mould and
solutions for the production of paving
service capabilities.”
stones, hardscapes and other dry cast
facturing and support of equipment for
The partnership is expected to take
a variety of industries, with customers
the combined company to the next level,
in over 100 countries around the world.
“Techmatik has been our strategic
with both companies’ customers and em-
Primary business units include batching
partner for almost 10 years and our
ployees expected to benefit from the com-
and mixing, concrete products equip-
companies have collaborated on mould
bined strength in product offerings and
ment, production equipment moulds,
and equipment solutions for a number
worldwide customer support capabilities.
mechanical palletising machines, robotic
of customers around the world. Its in-
Established in 1937, Columbia Ma-
palletising solutions, conveyor system
novative product designs, best-in-class
chine is a third-generation, privately
solutions, pallet load transfer solutions
quality and customer-centric focus has
held, global leader in the design, manu-
and manufacturing services.
concrete products.
CEO OF THE YEAR CMA member Sika won the award for Best CEO of the Year last year, beating competition from the largest listed companies in Switzerland. The ranking is compiled by Obermatt, a Swiss financial research firm focused on indexing company performance. The Obermatt CEO of the Year rankings measure a company’s performance against that of its competitors. The performance metrics which are monitored are sales growth, operating performance and total shareholder return. The top ranking of Sika is based on its strong results of the past three years – the best ever in Sika’s history. It’s outperformed companies such as Geberit, Lindt & Sprüngli, Barry Callebaut and Givaudan, while others such as Roche, Nestlé or Novartis failed to reach the top 10 ranking. Sika CEO Jan Jenisch acknowledges the comp any’s glob al employ ees as f ollows: “Friends, this award goes to all of you and we’d like to congratulate you for making Sika one of the most successful companies. You consequently implemented Sika’s Strategy 2018 and made our growth model work.” (Above): Sika CEO Jan Jenisch.
INCREASING CAPACITY IN DUBAI Dubai’s Consent LLC has bought a concrete block machine from CMA member, Techmatik, for $2,7 million. Consent LLC is the United Arab Emirates licensee of
another CMA member, Terraforce. Manufactured in Poland, the Techmatik SHP 5000 Pro C can produce concrete blocks from 40-550 mm. Quiet and energy-efficient, its steel pallets ensure an output which is consistently high.
Techmatik CEO, Dariusz Kupidura,
E xpor ting throughout the world,
observes: “We’re a family-owned com-
Consent LLC is a leading manufacturer of
pany and ongoing business partnerships
concrete products and polyester straps.
have always been important to us. We
Its largest production facility is located
believe this is the beginning of just such
in the UAE and it supplies kerbstones,
a partnership.”
(Above, from left): Techmatik CEO, Dariusz Kupidura (left) and Alan Sakr, Group General Manager of Consent LLC (image by courtesy of www.thebig5hub. com); South Africa’s humble Spekboom covers this Terraforce block wall at Al Jalila Children’s Hospital in Dubai, UAE.
The past decade has seen Terraforce
paving blocks, granix tiles, masonry
Techmatik supplies moulds for the
steadily extending its footprint into the
blocks, retaining wall blocks and other
production of paving blocks and decora-
international retaining-wall market. Based
custom-made precast products.
tive concrete products, concrete block
in Cape Town, the company is a precast
Alan Sakr, Group General Manager of
machines, complete process plants, con-
concrete manufacturer specialising in
Consent LLC, comments: “We’re currently
crete mixing plants and machines used to
modular, hollow-core concrete blocks and
working on several projects, so it’s hard
manufacture vibrated, pressed and ready-
since its inception over 25 years ago, it
to say what the equipment will be used for
mixed concrete. The company delivers its
has maintained a strong foothold in the
initially, but Dubai’s Palm Islands and sev-
block-making equipment directly to several
South African CRB wall market. See more
eral city parks, including Zabeel, are some
hundred customers worldwide. For fur-
of our most important ongoing projects.”
ther information, visit:
CMA member Sika is opening its first con-
another milestone in the consequent
42-45% by 2018. Africa is one of the
crete admixture and mortar production
execution of Sika’s Strategy 2018. With
focus regions for us going forward and
facilities in Nigeria and Ivory Coast. The
the latest investments, we’ll further
our investment is already bearing fruit,
global specialty chemicals company has
accelerate our growth in sub-Saharan
with Sika’s sales in the region improving
established new subsidiaries in Ethiopia
Africa and increase Sika’s market share.
by 18% in the last year,” says Schuler.
and Tanzania and is enlarging its presence
It demonstrates our strong belief in the
to 16 countries on the African continent.
potential and the prosperous future of
Sika established the subsidiary in
the continent.”
Nigeria and Ivory Coast in 2014 and is
According to him, Nigeria is the
currently investing in local production
biggest economy in Africa in terms of
facilities in Lagos and Abidjan. The plants
population and GDP. With roughly 180
will manufacture high-quality concrete
million inhabitants and an expected an-
admixtures and mortars to supply the
nual growth rate of approximately 5%,
booming construction, refurbishment and
the country will have major requirements
maintenance markets in these countries,
in the construction sector. In addition,
where a large number of international
with 23 million inhabitants, Ivory Coast is
and medium-sized local contractors are
one of the smaller African countries, but
working on contracts, particularly in oil
also offers promising growth potential for
and gas, infrastructure, commercial and
Sika. Cement consumption in both coun-
residential projects.
tries is expected to grow by 9% in 2015.
Paul Schuler, Sika Regional Manager
“One pillar of Sika’s Strategy 2018
EMEA, emphasises the importance of
is the accelerated build-up of emerging
Sika’s expansion in Sub-Saharan Africa:
markets and the expansion of the supply
“Our new production facilities in Nigeria
chain. The overall objective is to increase
and Ivory Coast and our new subsidiar-
sales generated in emerging markets
ies in Tanzania and Ethiopia represent
from the current 37% of total sales to
(Above): Sika’s new Nigerian plant.
10 DO’S AND DON’TS OF DEFENSIVE DRIVING Defensive driving should
1. Stay focused on your driving. Keep
distance behind the car in front of you
be one of the top priori-
your hands on the wheel in the 10
is very important.
ties for any company to
o’clock and 2 o’clock positions.
7. Make yourself visible. Know the limita-
preserve its health and
2. Do not engage in other tasks while
tions of the colour of your vehicle
sa f e t y p er f or mance,
driving: “Defensive driving does not
and how conspicuous it is, especially
said A ndries Marais,
allow for eating, drinking, smoking, do-
in gloomy, overcast conditions.
Safety, Health, Environ-
ing make-up, holding something or
8. Avoid road rage incidents and stay
ment & Quality manager
using a cellphone,” Marais warned
calm, even if provoked.
of the Chryso Southern Africa Group in
9. Adapt to road conditions, especially
an address to his colleagues and fellow
if weather conditions or road surfaces
members of the CMA recently.
change and traffic volumes pick up or
Marais was speaking at an a.b.e. Con-
struction Chemicals quarterly company
10. Familiarise yourself with the traffic
performance briefing session in Boksburg
rules – and obey them.
which was organised by Chryso Group
“The company has achieved an excep-
Vice-President, Norman Seymore. a.b.e.
tionally good health and safety perfor-
is part of the Chryso Southern Africa Group of which Seymore is CEO.
mance in the past year, but the alarming 3. Scan the environment around you all
statistics about motor vehicle accidents
Marais said employees should be
the time and be aware of what’s hap-
– especially in the construction industry
aware that South Africa’s road safety re-
pening on the road or sidewalks.
– leave no room for complacency,” Marais
cord is appalling and that defensive driv-
4. Stay alert and don’t drive if you’re
added. The Department of Labour recently
ing while on company business should be a
said that the SA construction industry
major concern, whether delivering goods
5. Go with the flow. Driving at the same
had a less than 50% rate of compliance
by truck, driving to see a customer, or
pace as the traffic flow is the safest
with health and safety regulations.
travelling to and from the office. He listed
option – neither faster nor much slower.
some cardinal rules for defensive driving:
6. The two-second rule for keeping your
tired or upset.
(Far left): Andries Marais of Chryso Southern Africa Group.
Throughout Europe and parts of the developed world, the need for strong, versatile and well-insulated building has popularised the use of a type of precast wall which is easy to manufacture, install and provides unmatched insulation and strength characteristics. Precast sandwich walls have been in use in Europe for decades, with some adaptations made to suit local requirements. However, the basic principle remains the same: two walls of reinforced concrete separated by an interior void and held together with interior trusses made of steel, wood or composite materials, depending on strength and insulation requirements. This provides a wall that is equally strong or stronger than bricks-andmor tar construction, but with the
noise pollution and other elements.
Perhaps its most important feature,
perhaps invest in systems to manufac-
of construction. Its popularity overseas
however, is that the walls can be mass-
ture sandwich walls locally. We would
is not surprising, as the method arose
produced in precast factories where
be well advised to follow the example of
in response to many of the same chal-
they can be quality-checked, controlled
Europe, where major cement producers
lenges that plague the local construc-
and rolled out in large quantities to
and precast manufacturers collaborate
tion industry today.
meet demands. Once on site, they offer
to develop systems for generic types of
F or ex ample, the lack o f sk illed
further benefits as they are simply
construction, as well as meet specific
artisans on site was becoming a major
erected, fastened and take a fraction
needs for niche applications.
headache, as was the ever-greater
added benefits of outstanding thermal insulation, as well as protection from
of the time (and labour) compared with standard types of construction. Greener alternative With ever-stricter building requirements and a growing demand for energy- efficient building in South Africa, the time may have arrived for local precast companies to investigate and
“Employment opportunities can be transferred from temporary job sites to more permanent opportunities in precast concrete factories and plants.�
need for speed of construction pushing contractors to find alternatives that would enable them to keep pace with deadlines. On the other hand, there was a growing need to meet thermal and energy efficiency targets. These are now becoming familiar challenges locally too and building professionals should note that sandwich walling addresses all of these challenges and provides a number of other compelling benefits. Making sandwich walls Typically, the sandwich wall is constr uc ted w i th t wo sep ar a te walls
(Above): Easy-up houses can be built using precast sandwich wall panels.
As far as sandwich walls are con-
about 5 cm thick and with an insulation
cerned, this practice has led to this type
gap of about 8 cm in between although
of wall panel becoming available in a wide
different thicknesses may be specified
range of widths, lengths, thicknesses
for different applications (no less than
and finishes to suit most requirements.
25 mm is recommended, though). De-
As a result, the product has become a
pending on requirements, the insulation
well-known and mainstream alternative
gap may be filled with insulating foam or
to bricks-and-mortar and other forms
other suitable materials according to
Fit and fix
bridges or connectors should be speci-
Once on site, the panels are simply lifted
fied with the end use in mind, whether
into place and erected using suitable
it be composite materials to assist
fasteners and techniques. The job of
with insulation or steel for strength and
construction is therefore moved away
cost-efficiency, etc.
from time- and labour-intensive bricks-
Reinforcement of the panels will also
and-mortar or masonry work to become a
be manufactured in accordance with
job of fitting and connecting – somewhat
requirements for structural strength,
like building a Meccano or large-scale
as well as other requirements for lifting
Lego set. It also allows for multiple
and handling and transportation of the
trades to be active on site at the same
manufactured unit to the construction
time, as electrical, plumbing, carpentry
site. Panel sizes may vary considerably,
and other trades are mostly pre-installed
but usually make allowance for typical
and can be instantly connected once the
construction standards. Depending
panels are put in place.
“It provides a wall that is equally strong or stronger than bricks-and-mortar construction, but with the added benefits of outstanding thermal insulation.” immediately and begin the fenestration,
on e v en tual end use o f the p anel,
Starting at the ground floor, this
flooring and paving without the usual
manufacturers overseas have become
means that on installation of the ground
delays to cure concrete. Simultaneously,
adept at designing and manufacturing
floor wall panels, the contractor can
where required, the next level may be
panels that are “builder-friendly” through
use the walls for ground stabilisation
added while work underneath continues
the variation of surface finishes for
and in this way the construction time on
external and internal walls.
a project can be dramatically reduced.
For example, walls on the exterior
Finally, one of the greatest attributes
may have hardy and weather-resistant
o f pr ecast sand wich walling is i ts
finishes or could be manufactured to
unmatched performance in terms of
resemble brick or stone finishes, etc.
energy efficiency. It combines the highly
On the interior side, the walls may be
desirable thermal mass properties of
made smooth or have other aesthetically
concrete with the applaudable R-values
appealing characteristics to help
of insulation materials such as expanded
beautify the building’s interior. If desired,
polystyr ene, ex truded polystyr ene,
the concrete may even be stained or
polyiscyanurate or whichever sandwich
coloured to provide permanent and low-
insulation filling is used. Provided the
maintenance finishes. Window and door
materials are properly specified and
openings can be cast into the walls at
designed, the end product is a wall
the manufacturing plant as part of the
tha t should com f or tabl y mee t any
fabrication process and services such as
requirement or specification for “green
electricity, plumbing, etc can be installed directly into the panels, if required.
(Above): Ready-manufactured walls can simply be lifted and fixed into place on site.
building” and energy efficiency. Viable solution Overall, there is much room for the sandwich wall panel to be included in the standard offering of building materials in South Africa. It is strong, provides top-class insulation and dramatically reduces construction times on site. It also has the ability to transform the modern building site into a more advanced arena where a handful of skilled artisans are able to fit and erect structures exactly according to drawing and specifications. Employment opportunities can be transferred from temporary job sites to more permanent opportunities in precast concrete factories and plants, as well as product handling job opportunities between the precast yard and the final building site. While precast sandwich walls may not be a suitable alternative for every project, it is certainly worth
(Above): Precast sandwich walls can be made to have a smart and functional exterior and interior finish.
investigating its feasibility in others.
required performance criteria. Similarly,
READYMIX USAGE KEEPS RISING In recent years the use of readymix
“T hank f ully, through our ongoing
concrete on large-scale building and con-
engagement with the market, as well
struction sites has grown to more than
as high-level meetings with govern-
50% of all concrete used and the figures
ment procurement bodies, industry
show that the trend is continuing.
(Above): Readymix concrete makes sense for any project larger than simple renovations of existing houses such as this tilt up wall to be used in the construction of a house
organisations representing professional
should be able to provide off-the-shelf
In developed countries such as the
engineers, civil engineering contractors,
mix designs to suit applications.
USA, UK and other European countries,
consulting and municipal engineers,
In addition, concrete is manufactured
readymix concrete com-
as well as architectural
in “factory conditions”, which means
prise approximately 90% of
bodies and the quantity
they are easily able to produce consist-
all concrete used, indicat-
surveying fraternity, we’re
ent concrete of the required quality and
ing that there is still much
pleased to see that percep-
specifications for the duration of the
more room for its growth
tions are changing.
project. Site-mixed concrete, on the
as a primary construction
“When one looks deep-
other hand, usually makes it much more
er into site-mixed versus
difficult to produce consistent quality
Johan van Wyk of the
r eadymix on larger pr o-
as the strength varies as long as the
Southern Africa Readymix
jec ts, the pr econcei ved
hosepipe is left in the mix or as long as
Association (Sarma) says
ideas of cheaper concrete
the mixer adds the right quantities and
the gr ow th o f r ead y mi x
can easily be refuted. On
does not get tired of mixing and break
an outright cost basis, the
for lunch, toilet, etc.
material in South Africa.
can be attributed to the requirement for faster con-
(Above): Johan van Wyk, General Manager of Sarma.
use o f sand, aggr egates
Van Wyk explains that Sarma has
struction times, the efficient deploy-
and concrete is far cheaper. However,
played an important role in the industry
ment of labour and quality assurance of
add labour, time, wastage and spoilage
since 2007 when it began emphasis-
Sarma-accredited concrete.
as a result of rain/broken bags etc and
ing the need to improve the quality of
the price swings in favour of readymix,”
readymix concrete to international
says van Wyk.
bagged cement and site mixing mental-
Professional approval
Ongoing upliftment
ity, as it’s always been assumed that
Mix designs according to the above
“Since then, the association’s members
site mixing is a cheaper option. There’s
specifications may take up to 28 days to
have adopted health, safety, environ-
also an assumption that concrete is
refine, test and approve in accordance
mental and quality standards that are
concrete and it doesn’t matter how it’s
with engineer’s requirements. On the
comparable with the very best in the
mixed and handled on site, as long as
other hand, readymix concrete mixes
world. It also plays a leading role in pro-
the instructions on the bag are more
have been tested, approved and certified
moting the use of readymix concrete and
or less followed.
and Sarma-approved readymix suppliers
raising awareness of issues affecting the
Bagged cement stranglehold “In South Africa it’s difficult to break the
concrete and construction industries.
company uses a professional readymix
“The local readymix industry is in good
supplier, it will be able to tap into that
shape and is getting better and smarter
company’s specialist knowledge and have
every day. Our members are leading
concrete made that exactly suits the
the way in terms of innovation and are
workability and strength requirement for
constantly adding products to their of-
a particular project. It can even supply
ferings that are tailored to new building
designer mixes with special properties
techniques and new requirements from
for high-tech building and architectural
the construction industry. Increased
applications,” says van Wyk.
membership has also had another knockon effect, as improved funding allows us
Still the best
to expand our reach and raise further
He concludes that Sarma-accredited
awareness of the benefits of readymix
readymix has the right properties to
concrete among professional associa-
satisfy modern requirements for energy-
tions,” says van Wyk.
efficient building, while providing design-
“The adoption of stricter building
ers with a material that is freely available
practices on residential projects as
and sustainable to uphold environmen-
well as the increasing incorporation of
tally responsible building practices into
readymix to speed up delivery of afford-
the future.
(Above): Readymix is convenient off site or for large jobs at the yard.
which traditionally made use of site-mixing
able housing developments across the
“We therefore foresee a bright future
operations engage with our members or
country will also drive the increased use
for the use of readymix in South Africa
make contact with us to explore potential
of readymix. Most importantly, if the
and would recommend that companies
benefits of using readymix concrete.”
EVOLUTION OF CONVEYOR STRUCTURES Precast concrete structures save time,
(approximately a metre per minute) and
infinitely configurable to meet custom-
money and maintenance costs.
costs approximately 49% less than tra-
ers’ requirements. In addition, it requires
An all-new and innovative precast
ditional methods. Due to the foundation-
minimal maintenance and is quieter, easier
concrete conveyor belt structure has
less design, modules can be added and
and safer to install.
been developed by Tenova TAKRAF Af-
removed as required by simply levelling
“Perhaps the most significant differ-
rica to replace traditional steel support
the ground and laying a foot tile on which
ence is that it empowers local communi-
the structure stands,” says Collier.
ties in terms of job creation and skills development, as precasting facilities
The foundationless concrete conveyor system was conceptualised locally to
Tech specs
need to be set up close to site to manu-
overcome some of the challenges that
The conveyor modules are cast to tie into
facture the products. Local labour can
limit traditional conveyors and provide a
existing infrastructure with standard
be used to manufacture the components
practical evolution of the existing method.
sockets for idler fittings. They can be
and once the project is completed, the
While cost and speed of erection are
used on conveyors ranging from 750-
yard is left in full operational condition
the most immediate benefits of the new
5 000 tons per hour and are configurable
for local community to use. Skills learnt
system, mining and industrial clients will
according to belt width.
by locals can then be transferred to
find a vast array of other equally impor-
manufacture bricks, build walls, sleep-
tant benefits that accrue to making the
ers and install paving to name a few,”
system a worthwhile solution to inves-
adds Collier.
tigate wherever conveyors are needed. Development and manufacture Experience counts
Design and manufacture of the moulds is
Inventor Norman Collier explains that
undertaken by Chloorkop-based Allasso
prior to masterminding the system, he
Construction, which has worked in part-
had been involved in the implementation
nership with Tenova TAKRAF to develop
of two of the world’s largest overland
suitably adjustable and rugged moulds that are able to produce different-sized
conveyors at that time and wanted to develop a system to overcome some of
Each module weighs in at 675 kg ex-
(height, width and length) components
the challenges the team had faced during
cluding material and requires a foot sur-
and remain durable for multiple castings.
those projects.
face area of just under 1 m2. Depending
However, the system is also designed
“Firstly, I wanted to significantly in-
on capacity and speed, the ground bearing
to be used on site with moulds produced
crease the speed of erection of such a
requirement is just 80 kPa compared with
per order and transported to the site in
project to spend less time on site and so
typical platforms that require 100 kPa.
order to simplify logistics and minimise as-
reduce the associated overheads. I also
Where necessary, mini-pile solutions
sociated costs. Once set up, the moulding
wanted to provide the flexibility to change
can be brought in to provide further
process is done in 24-hour cycles with the
as and when needed, without derailing
stability where conveyors are required
ability to maintain high production rates
the construction process. In addition,
to operate outside of standard operating
the design allows easy expansion as sites
requirements. In addition, two idler set
develop, as well as providing the option
modules are available to accommodate
nents are:
to simply remove and relocate to another
turns in the belt. Fittings are also in place
• Length is 2 500 mm x 1 200 mm height x
site when the job has been completed.
to accommodate roofing structures and
900 mm width (can be adjusted to suit
other bolt-ons.
width and idler spacing requirements).
“Once the modular conveyor is in
Typical statistics for the compo-
• Weight is approximately 675 kg.
place, it requires no further maintenance and eliminates the need for things such
Empowering locals
• Standard sizes are used and can ac-
as galvanising or paint throughout its
“Overall, we’ve designed a system that
commodate any commodity in terms
lifetime. The end product is therefore a
costs half the price of conventional
of weight and space
system that can be installed at speed
conveyor structures, is re-usable and
• Strength is 40 Mpa.
PRECAST CONCRETE Concrete is one of the most versatile of all construction materials and can be designed and proportioned to meet a wide range of requirements, according to Bryan Perrie, Managing Director of The Concrete Institute. He says there are two methods of fabri-
safety and productivity throughout a
cating reinforced concrete. The first is to
project. There is greater control of the
pour the liquid material into
quality of both materials and
forms at a building site; this
workmanship in a precast
is so-called in situ concrete.
plant than when concrete
The other method is precast
is cast in situ.
concrete, in which building
“This increased control
components are manufac-
can boost durability and
tured in a central plant and
lead to savings in mainte-
then brought to the building
nance costs, inconvenience,
site for assembly.
materials and energy. The
Perrie says by produc-
moulds or forms used in a
ing precast concrete in a controlled environment – such as at a precast yard
precast plant may also be (Above): Bryan Perrie, MD of The Concrete Institute.
re-used hundreds to thousands of times before they
or factory – it is possible to monitor and
have to be replaced, which means the
control all stages of production to enable
cost of formwork for precast is lower
aspects such as adequate curing and en-
than for in situ construction, unless they
sure that the products fully comply with
have very unique shapes.
the prescribed strength requirements.
“Often, if the structure has been appropriately designed, precast products
Controlled conditions
can be removed and re-used after the
“A precast yard may be an established
structure has reached the end of its life
factory or it may be located on a building
and is to be replaced,” Perrie states.
site. Precast concrete is generally cast at ground level, which helps with
Far-ranging uses He says there are many different types of precast concrete products. Precast architectural panels are used to clad all or part of a building façade. Stormwater drainage, water and sewage reticulation make use of precast concrete units such as pipes, culverts, manholes, sumps and tunnels. Precast building components are used architecturally as cladding, accessories and curtain walls. Structural applications of precast concrete include bricks, blocks, foundations, beams, floors and walls. “Precast concrete products are also used in the construction of various transportation systems such as culverts, bridge beams and segments, railway sleepers, sound walls or barriers, safety barriers and kerbs. A significant amount of precast concrete was used in the construction of the Gautrain system
(Above): Precast concrete elements can be transported to a construction site and then lifted into place.
and the soccer stadia built for the 2010 Soccer World Cup,” Perrie concludes.
ENSURING OPTIMAL WATER-CEMENT RATIOS Convenient checking of aggregate moisture content before making concrete on site has become easier with a new handheld device from PMSA. Quality control is a critical factor in the manufacture of concrete products for the civil engineering, building and construction and gardening and landscaping industries. Responding to this need for reliable testing, German company Ludwig Moisture Control has developed the FL-Mobi Mic Profi-Check. This testing device is used to accurately determine the moisture content and temperature of a specific aggregate before batching, during the mixing cycle and after discharge of the mixed concrete. Key to the device’s versatility is that it can be used in several places during the mixing-and-batching process. Smart device “T he exact percentage of moisture values can be determined rapidly and exactly upon arrival of the raw materials,” says Manfred Ludwig, Managing Director of Ludwig Moisture Control. “Moreover, it delivers valuable and measurable results on the water-to-cement ratio and the media temperature during production of no-slump or plastic concretes in the plant, laboratory or at the construction site.” The measuring head of the FL-Mobi Mic Profi-Check is manufactured from high-quality stainless steel. It is de-
(Above, from top): Manfred Ludwig, MD of Ludwig Moisture Control; the new FL-Mobi Mic Profi-Check aggregate moisture testing device.
signed for easy insertion and/or penetration into the aggregate or concrete
Emerging contractors
being measured. The moisture measur-
Ludwig explains that the tried-and-
ing probe, protected by a ceramic coat-
tested microwave technology used in
ing, is integrated into the measuring
the device is based on the 433 MHz
head itself.
frequency. Major design criteria were
The measuring head is connected to
user-friendliness and compactness. “This
the evaluation and transmission part
makes the device highly suited to emerg-
of the device by means of a 250 mm-
ing contractors who wish to guarantee
long V2A connecting cable. The robust
the quality of their precast products, but
IP65 die-cast housing protects the
who don’t yet have the necessary capital
measuring head from mechanical wear.
to invest in major moisture control sys-
An adjustable carry handle attached to
tems,” Ludwig adds.
the housing facilitates simple insertion
The device forms part of a compre-
and replacement of the measuring unit,
hensive suite of concrete production
if need be.
technology available locally from PMSA.
CURING CONCRETE Interrupted curing of concrete will inevitably have a negative effect on the final quality of the concrete, cautions Bryan Perrie, MD of The Concrete Institute. Perrie says the need for continuous curing of concrete is most critical during the first few days after the concrete has been cast. “When curing is interrupted in this period, and the cement paste is allowed to dry out, hydration of the cement ceases. More importantly, it becomes more difficult to get water back into the pore structure during subsequent wetting to re-activate the hydration process,” he says. The difficulty of water effectively reaching the pore structure is caused by the following developments which take place when the concrete dries out: • The pore water is saturated with calcium hydroxide and when the water evaporates, this is deposited in the pore structure near the surface of the concrete. • The calcium hydroxide reacts with atmospheric carbon dioxide to form poorly soluble calcium carbonate which occupies a larger volume than the original calcium hydroxide. • This volume increases which, coupled with the fact that calcium carbonate is considerably less soluble than calcium hydroxide, reduces the access of water back into the pore structure. “In this way, when concrete is allowed to dry, pockets of unhydrated cement are created which are surrounded by hydrated material and pores are blocked with calcium carbonate. Because of their inaccessibility to water, these pockets of cement won’t be hydrated when the concrete is wetted again and the cement will end up serving only as fine aggregate particles. “This is why the quality of concrete exposed to interrupted curing, or intermittent cycles of wetting and drying during the early stages of hydration, will always be inferior to that of continuously cured concrete,” Perrie adds.
FOR BUSY 2016 The 2016 Education Programme of the School of Concrete Technology (SCT), operated by The Concrete Institute, is now available. John Roxburgh, lecturer at the SCT, based in Midrand, says the need for skills upliftment in the construction industry has never been more vital as South Africa prepares for the long-awaited roll-out of tenders in the Presidential Strategic Infrastructure Projects (SIPs) in 2016. “We’re expecting a busy year. The scope of opportunities is great, but to take advantage of this, education in concrete technology is crucial. Companies in the construction and civil engineering industries, in particular, should use this opportunity to invest in their employees’ skills and career development by enrolling them for a SCT course. Using the school’s stepped approach to concrete education, an employer can map out a progressive career path for the employee who could then start his or her concrete education at a level matched to individual competencies,” Roxburgh states. The SCT is South Africa’s leading provider of education in concrete technology with its broad spectrum of courses and caters for a wide variety of educational needs within the construction, mining and concrete-related industries. “A SCT certificate is instantly recognised and highly regarded in the industry. A qualification in concrete technology will open doors in many different fields of employment at a critical time in South Africa’s infrastructural development,” he adds. Training courses offered by the SCT are aimed at industries such as: • Ready-mix concrete. • Admixtures. • Testing laboratories. • Construction and civil engineering. • Mining. • Aggregate production. • Materials. • Related industries such as formwork, precast concrete,
concrete products and concrete production machinery
• The increasingly popular decorative concrete market. The SCT will present “the pinnacle in concrete technology education”, the Advanced Concrete Technology (SCT50 ACT) diploma in 2016 and then again in 2018. This internationally acclaimed qualification is presented by the SCT and examined by the Institute of Concrete Technology in London. For further information on the 2016 SCT Training Programme, contact the SCT Course Manager, Rennisha Sewnarain on tel: 011 315 0300. (Above): A qualification in concrete technology will open doors in many different fields of employment at a critical time in South Africa’s infrastructural development, says John Roxburgh, lecturer at the School of Concrete Technology.
Since then, Telkom has placed 14 concrete pole orders with Aveng Infraset, three of which were delivered to the Eastern Cape region.
CMA member Aveng Infraset has recently completed the delivery of several precast concrete pole orders for Telkom in KwaZulu-Natal and is currently in the process of executing others.
include Hluhluwe, Mtubatuba, Ulundi and
delivered to Bizana near the Wild Coast.
Stronger for longer
Manufactured at Aveng Infraset’s Effing-
All three contracts were completed in
“Moreover, they’re maintenance-free and
ham plant in Durban, they are being used
March 2016.
offer much longer lifespans. They also
Pietermaritzburg, among others. Deliveries began in December 2015:
says the major advantage of concrete
1 700 x 7 m and 50 x 9 m 4 kN poles were
poles is that they cannot be felled with a
supplied to Hluhluwe; 1 100 x 7 m and 40
chainsaw and are therefore better placed
x 9 m 4 kN poles went to the Mtubatuba
to safeguard expensive cabling.
area; and 20 x 10 m 8 kN poles were
to replace timber poles in areas subject to a high incidence of cable theft. These
Aveng Infraset Sales Consultant: Construction Products, Samantha Chetty,
have high strength-to-weight ratios, Protecting cables
making them easy to handle and trans-
A fourth order, which involved the supply
port,” says Chetty.
of 744 x 7 m 4 kN and 26 x 9 m 4 kN
Aveng Infraset’s poles and masts
poles to Ulundi, was completed in April,
are based on a distinct design and are
and a fifth involved the delivery of 26 x
available in a wide range of strengths and
9 m 4 kN poles and 654 x 7 m 4 kN
lengths. Besides telecommunications,
poles to Jozini. Aveng Infraset is also
they are ideally suited to applications
currently supplying 200 x 7 m 4 kN poles
such as power transmission, distribu-
to central Pietermaritzburg.
tion and overhead electrical equipment
Telkom has been replacing timber
for the railways.
poles with Aveng Infraset’s concrete equivalent since a pilot project to test the latter was successfully run in 2013.
(Left): Aveng Infraset’s Effingham plant in Durban, where a load of 4 kN poles in 9 m lengths is about to be transported to an installation site in Matubatuba.
Wet Cast & Precast Production line
R RE TU Comprehensive range of equipment for custom-made C A UF Manufacturer of Equipment AN for the Concrete Industry plant definition M CH EN FR
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QUADRA 40 route de Findrol - 74130 Contamine-sur-Arve (France) Tel. +33 4 50 03 92 21 - Fax. +33 4 50 03 69 97
v to
Block & Paving stone machine State of the art handling system
s isit u
ne achi ck-m how o l b s One l be on wil
BOOTH B1.215 QUADRA - 40 route de Findrol - 74130 Contamine-sur-Arve - France Tel. +33 4 50 03 92 21 - Fax. +33 4 50 03 69 97
A large-scale stormwater pipeline project is currently underway in Hammanskraal, where more than 148 km of precast concrete pipes are being installed by means of the pipe-jacking method.
Pipe-jacking is a technology where specially made pipes are tunneled through the ground by hydraulic jacks, thereby eliminating the need to dig up the road infrastructure. It offers greater transparency in terms of time and costs and is an environmentally friendly process. Specialist contractor Khato Civils was awarded the project and chose CMA member, Rocla, as a main supplier. Together the companies will complete a historical feat due to the sheer size and complexity of the project. It entails moving 370 cubes of rock material which will be hand-excavated over the entire of 148 840 m of jacked pipeline. Due to the lay of the land at the Hammanskraal, Extension Jubilee/ Temba section, the project is being completed with a minimal grade across the entire length. Drainage challenges “ T his pr ojec t was ini tia ted by the Tshwane Department of Housing & Human Settlements in May 2014 and upon completion in October this year, it will benefit the community of Kanana and Temba/Rockville by ensuring that stormwater is properly dealt with and does
not pose a threat to lives or property of
the installation of the 1 473 ID sleeves is
expertise into practice to overcome
residents,” says Mornè Delport, Project
the manual excavation process, coupled
some significant challenges together,”
Manager for Khato Civils.
with possible exposure to natural gases
says Brendon van Vuuren of Rocla.
He adds that it is not without major
such as methanol, and a restricted air
He adds that the company has also
challenges, which is why Rocla’s pipe-
supply due to an existing sewer system
worked closely within the specifications
jacking expertise is an essential compo-
running parallel to the jacked pipeline to
required and beyond, even choosing to
nent of the project. Its expertise, cou-
be installed.
install a HPDE lining on the inside of the
pled with the durability and quality of its
For this reason, the team are install-
1473 ID jacking sleeves instead of the
product, are what make Rocla a natural
ing additional air ventilation systems
normal CIC lining, thereby extending the
choice. One of the major challenges with
and gas monitoring equipment to ensure
lifespan extensively beyond requirements.
“Pipe jacking offers greater transparency in terms of time and costs and is an environmentally friendly process.” PRECAST | ISSUE ONE | 2016
that all technicians and labour can be
Rocla is part of the IS group of com-
evacuated quickly in the event of gas
panies, which also comprises Technicrete
leak detection.
ISG and Ocon Brick. It is one of South Africa’s leading manufacturers of pre-cast
Overcoming hurdles
concrete products for infrastructure
“Additionally, a category 2 dam located
projects, manufacturing products to
nearby makes the monitoring of water
customer requirements in addition to
pockets a crucial safety element. As can
offering standard precast sizes.
be anticipated, the scope of the project is enormous, so we’re pleased to be able to partner with Katho Civils and put our
(Above and top): Rocla is suppling jacking pipes for the large-scale Hammanskraal Extension Jubilee/Temba stormwater pipeline.
Durable, smart and safe paving located at public transportation areas is crucial in order for commuters to have a problem-free passage, while still ensuring that the finished product looks aesthetically smart. The projects, undertaken by CMA member, Technicrete ISG, are examples of the role that precast concrete pavers are playing in beautifying our towns and making them easier (and safer) to navigate.
CONCRETE PAVERS FOR PUBLIC SPACES Two paving projects in urban areas recently highlighted the important role that paving plays in our daily lives in terms of attracting users with good-looking aesthetics, as well as ensuring safety by providing level and visible surfaces on which to walk.
In the first project, the durability and
velopment requirements. The company
its reliable and its pricing competitive,”
finished appearance of forecourt paving
also supplied 800 semi-mountable kerb
says Wouter Chalmers, owner of Legoya
for petrol stations was shown to be a key
blocks, 2 400 m² of 80 mm DZZs and 300
Development. “We found the Technicrete
factor for petrol suppliers in creating an
m² of BondBrick pavers for the Caltex
BondBrick to be suitable for the paving
aesthetically pleasing environment for
garage development.
of petrol station forecourts, industrial
refuelling and convenience shopping, while attracting motor vehicle customers.
“Legoya has partnered with Techni-
and factory roads and municipal parking
crete ISG on a few projects and found
areas, and believe it offers developers an economic and durable option. We were
Strong and attractive
comfortable selecting Technicrete DZZ
For this reason, Legoya Development,
interlocking pavers to form a hard-wear-
contractor for the Caltex garage project
ing overlay surface which has proven to
in Marshall Street, Polokwane, chose
have longevity at many other high-volume
Technicrete kerbing, Double Zig-Zag
vehicle or foot traffic outlets.”
(DZZ) paving as well as BondBrick pavers
Not only suited to petrol station
for this project. Technicrete ISG Sales
forecourts, they have been successfully
Consultant, Hendrik Steenkamp, says:
installed at shopping malls, road exten-
“Technicrete has paved many fuel sta-
sions, industrial and commercial business
tions and car showrooms over the years
parks, as well as local governmental
and I believe that our DZZs offer the best
infrastructure upgrades such as pedes-
in quality and the durability required by
trian walkways in Polokwane. The paving
these high-volume traffic zones.”
has also been installed in sectional title
He adds that BondBrick, in particular, offers a variety of thicknesses that ensures longevity for commercial de-
complexes where it has been found to be (Above and top): Mabopane Railway station was upgraded with concrete pavers.
a more affordable and a longer-lasting option to re-tarring driveways.
imperative that commuters are able to
terminals, parking areas, local and long-
Yet another installation, at the Mabopane
walk on high-quality, solid and level paving
distance taxi terminals. “We’re pleased
Railway Station in Soshanguve, showed
to and from entrances and exits. “Kerbing
with the final finishes of the Technicrete
the importance of durability, safety
around parking facilities should also be
products because they’re good quality
and af fordability that concrete pav-
aesthetically pleasing and clearly visible to
and have allowed us to construct the
ers play at public transport nodes. For
the commuters. The Technicrete product
project as per the civil engineering
the project Technicrete was chosen to
is such a product,” he says.
design. Technicrete ISG is part of the
supply 11 649 DZZ Slate grey pavers
Infrastructure Specialist Group, which is
and kerbs, over 3 559 garden kerbs with
Overcoming challenges
also the holding company for Ocon Brick
422 x 1 m semi-mountable kerbing, 8 x 1 m
Bokosi Ditshimega JV, developer of the
and Rocla.”
barrier kerbs and 168 x 1 m mountable
Mabopane Railway Station in Soshanguve,
kerbing for the station in Soshanguve.
Tshwane, contracted to the leading
In this instance, the paving was found
paving and kerb supplier Technicrete ISG
to be most suitable for the application
to supply DZZ paving and kerbs. Bokosi
due to the good-wearing properties, as
Ditshimega JV, Themba Kokelo, says: “We
the site has a large amount of ‘foot and
chose to use products that would give
vehicle traffic’and longevity was a key fac-
us a quality finish while at the same time
tor. According to Tienie Bronkhorst, Sales
providing durability, considering the high
Representative of Technicrete ISG, it is
traffic volumes.
“Kerbing around parking facilities should be aesthetically pleasing and should also be clearly visible.”
“The challenges we faced at Mabopane included storage space restrictions due to the overhead power lines and Technicrete assisted us by making its trucks available at a low cost and assisting with the movement of products on site wherever construction was taking place.” She adds that Technicrete products were used for pedestrian walkways, bus
(Above): The Caltex garage project in Marshall Street, Polokwane.
Railway station project
MR PRICE GETS NEW TILT-UP DIS One of South Africa’s most technically advanced national distribution centres is being constructed for the Mr Price Group using tilt-up precast concrete walling technology supplied by Durban-based Bedrock Group. Situated in Keystone Park, a modern,
the exterior ground level to create a
(height) x 5,5 m (width). Those on the one
light-industrial, warehousing and logis-
docking platform and by using precast
gable end were all 10 m wide and 4,5 m
tics precinct in Hammarsdale just off
panelling, we did away with the strip
high, and those on the northern side
the N3 between Durban and Pieter-
footing, columns and beams which would
were a combination of these two sizes.
maritzburg, the centre has a massive
have been required for a masonry-based
There is no panelling on the eastern
56 000 m² footprint, the equivalent of
retaining wall. Instead, the Mr Price pan-
gable end, which houses 2 500 m² of of-
11 rugby fields. It is being constructed
els rest on the column bases and once
fices built with masonry walls. A total of
by Stefanutti Stocks on one of 24 fully
they were in place, backfilling could com-
138 (6 000 m²) panels were cast on site
serviced sites in Keystone Park and once the proposed second phase of the project is completed, the centre will comprise 100 000 m² under roof. The building was designed by Durbanbased architect, Ian Bell of Paton Taylor, who says that tilt-up construction using precast concrete panels was specified not only because it offered faster construction times, but due to the fact that it came with some design advantages as well.
“A major design advantage in using tilt-up is that it provides an instant retaining wall for any fill-in flooring material.”
using casting beds prepared by Bedrock. The company also cast a decorative concrete panel embossed with the Mr Price logo, which was mounted adjacent to the first-floor office entrance. It only took 10 days to lift and install all the panels into position, which is considerably faster than in-situ casting or masonry construction would have taken to erect the walls. The lifting process at Mr Price was split into three crane establishments of 46 panels per establishment.
Easy-up system
Innovative design
“Tilt-up is similar to working with Mec-
According to Bedrock Group Managing
cano in that once the panels are cast
Director, Greg Kitching, the wall panels
it only remains for the walls to be lifted
in the Mr Price design are not structural
and bolted into position. Besides being
in as much as they don’t support the
much faster to erect than conventional
roof structure.
masonry walling, we were also able to
“Five panels were cast in stacks on
cast close to 80% of the panels while
each casting bed, this number having
waiting for final building permission from
been determined by the reach of the
the authorities. This meant that when
installation cranes. Nearly all the panels
the go-ahead was given in mid-August we could immediately begin the installation work. “A major design advantage in using tilt-up is that it provides an instant
(Above): Steel roof trusses under construction.
on the southern elevation were cast with openings for roller shutter doors
mence without delay. Another benefit of
and dock levellers. A bond-breaker solu-
using precast panelling is that it forms
tion was painted on the top of each panel
a brace between the piles,” says Bell.
to prevent them from bonding during the
retaining wall for any fill-in flooring ma-
Bedrock’s tilt-up panelling was in-
curing process. Moreover, when a panel
terial. For instance, the floor of the Mr
stalled on three elevations. The panels
was cast on another panel which had a
Price building was raised 1,35 m above
on the southern side measured 10m
door opening, the opening was closed
to laying bricks or blocks 9 m above the ground. “One of the crucial aspects of tilt-up construction is the lifting process and the lifting inserts had to be carefully
where it is relatively safe, as opposed
designed and positioned so that when the panels were fully suspended off the ground, they hung slightly off plumb in an almost vertical plane. “Tilt-up and precast building solutions are fast becoming the first choice of clients, architects and contractors in
the distribution, warehousing and manufacturing sectors. The advantages are self-evident and the rate at which the application of the technology is growing
with sand and a light screed to form
the cover blocks, void formers, corner
clearly shows its cost-effectiveness,”
a flat casting surface,” says Kitching.
fillets, bond-breaker and lifting inserts
concludes Kitching.
The panels comprised a standard advanced concrete mix poured over a
were South African, having been manufactured in-house by Bedrock.
mesh of rebar. Bedrock increased the
In addition to those mentioned above, the professional team comprised consulting engineers Arup, quantity survey-
strength of the concrete above the
No-frills construction
ors Edgecombe Hayes Hill and developer
engineer’s specification by 5 MPa, espe-
“Tilt-up walling requires almost no scaf-
Rokwil Developments.
cially on the fifth panels, which had the
folding, ladders, buckets, cement or
shortest curing time before the lifting
bricks; in fact, none of the paraphernalia
of the panels. All the specialised tilt-up
which goes hand-in-hand with masonry
hardware such as specialised formwork,
construction. We work at ground level
(Above, from far left): A standard advanced concrete mix is poured into a panel mould; a panel is lifted into position using an eight-point lifting system; installed panels; and steel roof trusses under construction.
Concrete retaining block (CRB) walls have been used extensively in the construction of Milkwood Office Park in Umhlanga. The development is owned by United African Marine Shipping and was completed in January 2016. Designed by Bazi Dukhan of civil, structural and geotechnical engineering consultancy Bazi Dukhan Consulting Engineers, the walls, which span 1 450 m², were constructed to create and support level building platforms and to shore up embankments. Three walls were built in and around three parking basements and were completed in November 2015. In addition, two walls were erected below some of the development’s structural elements and were completed in early 2015. basement, the lower walls were built
(Above, from top): The upper core parking area Verticascade wall, which supports a moat and garden platform above it; one of the external walls, built with Brickcast’s Cascade.
Long spans
in the same manner as the upper wall
The wall in the upper core section is 3,1 m
using the Verticascade block. They are
high and runs to ±285 m, forming the
5.5 m high and run to a combined length
outer perimeter of this parking basement.
of 68,5 m. The two external walls were
outdoor parking area. The lower wall
Based on a cut-and-fill operation, the wall
also cut-and-fill operations. However,
is situated 2 m from the border of the
was constructed at an angle of 86˚ using
they were built with a different retain-
property. Eight metres long and 2 m
Verticascade blocks supplied by Durban-
ing block, in this instance Brickcast’s
high, it protects a sewer manhole and
based CMA member, Brickcast Industries.
biscuit-coloured Cascade.
protection pipe. Both walls were built
The wall was constructed with a foun-
at an angle of 60˚ with an unreinforced
dation block which was embedded with
Cost-effective solution
concrete foundation 800 mm wide and
concrete and was used to set the angle
The higher wall is ± 26 m long and 4,0 m
300 mm deep. Fibretech 50 x 50 mm
of the wall. Fibretech 50 x 50 mm geogrid
at its highest point. It is located under
geofabric was laid at every three courses
was laid at every third row of block levels
a concrete platform which houses an
to reinforce both walls.
for reinforcing. Drainage was effected through the installation of a 110 mm perforated pipe covered with F15 geofabric and 19 mm aggregate. It was installed behind the foundation blocks and runs the full length of the wall. Moreover, this and the two lower walls were designed to allow water seepage through the walls. Situated in the basement and sub-
“These concrete block retaining walls have saved the client 40-60% in construction costs.”
Built to create secure building platforms above, these wall have already been subjected to some very heavy rains. According Brickcast CEO, Shaun Sewnath, besides being more attractive than vertical in-situ retaining walls, these concrete block retaining walls have saved the client between 40-60% in construction costs.
PERMEABLE PAVING PERFORMANCE There are 150 permeable paving installations in the Western Cape, a figure which accounts for over 90% of the entire country’s permeable paving installations. Most sites average around 3 000 m² and combine permeable with impermeable paved surfaces. One such installation is the combined parking and drainage area at Millennia Park, a five-star green commercial property development in Stellenbosch, Western Cape.
born sand and dust – have penetrated the system? Installed in 2011, Millennia Park provides a pointer. Paving care Despite some heavy thunderstorms over its five-year lifespan, there has never been the slightest hint of ponding. The key to this excellent ongoing infiltration perfor-
Permeable paving systems comprise
mance is regular maintenance, performed
several layers of aggregate which are
quarterly. This entails removing any plant
topped with concrete block pavers (CBP)
growth between the pavers, cleaning
either for vehicle or pedestrian traffic.
the surface with hard brushes and then
However, unlike conventional pavers
topping up the gaps between the pavers
which are designed to prevent water
with fresh grit.
infiltrating beneath the paved surface,
Based on UK-based Formpave’s pat-
permeable paving is designed to do just
ented permeable paving system, Aqua-
the opposite. Permeable paving blocks
flow, marketed in South Africa by Inca,
are cast with lateral indents so that
Millennia Park’s paving was laid in a ratio of
when they are laid, voids of ±8 mm are
two permeable to one impermeable paved
created between the pavers. These gaps
surface. It was designed by consulting en-
allow large volumes of water to infiltrate into the permeable paving reservoir. This means that even during heavy downpours, there should be no ponding. Permeable paving installations often exceed infiltration specifications when new. But how do they perform after several years, when substantial quantities of suspended solids – not to mention wind-
“Gaps allow large volumes of water to infiltrate into the permeable paving reservoir.”
gineers BKS Group (Pty) Ltd, with further input from sustainable stormwater systems consultant, Peter Wium. The latter (Above): Inca’s Aquaflow 200 x 100 x 80 mm standard rectangular concrete block in two colours forms a permeable paved surface at Millennia Park in Stellenbosch. (Left): IImpermeable clay pavers can be seen in the foreground.
ensured that the system was designed and installed correctly, which is one of the criteria for holding an Aquaflow licence. The paver used at Millennia Park was Inca’s Aquaflow 200 x 100 x 80 mm standard rectangular concrete block in two colours. Rated at 45 MPa wet crushing strength, it complies with SANS 1058: 2010 Concrete Paving Blocks. SANS 1083:2006 Aggregates from Natural Sources was the standard specification for the aggregates used. Tough conditions The design of Millennia Park is similar to the 45 000 m² Blue Route Mall installation, which was completed in August 2013. To determine which permeable paving option would be the most suitable at Millennia Park, a full geotechnical investigation was undertaken by BKS. It
(Above): Part of the permeable paving surface at Millennia Park.
revealed that the sub-grade was loamy,
(see diagram): a layer of Inbitex® geotex-
as opposed to the sandy conditions at
tile sheeting on the sub-grade; 250 mm
Blue Route Mall. The test also involved
of clean 53-19 mm single-sized crushed
measuring the level of the water table –
stone; 100 mm of clean single-sized 19-
which should be at least 400 mm below
9,5 mm crushed stone; a second layer
the lowest stone layer for a successful
of Inbitex®; a 50 mm course of 6 mm
permeable paving installation – as well
bedding aggregate; the pavers; and finally
as establishing the ratio of permeable to
a 2,36 mm (nominal size) crushed stone
impermeable surfaces.
grit for surface dressing. Commenting
As anticipated, a dual system of in-
further on the maintenance regime, Wium
filtration and egress proved to be the
says that besides regular brushing, more
most viable permeable paving solution
vigorous cleaning can also take place.
for the Millennia development. It involved
“This involves conventional street
some drainage into the ground and the
sweepers with vacuum-cleaners, brush-
discharge of residual water through fin
es, water and low-pressure hosing,
drainage into a wetland area on the pe-
where necessary. We recommend the re-
rimeter of the property. Wium says that
moval of a sample of pavers for inspection
besides infiltrating water at a rate of up
every five years in areas we identify as
to 4 500 mm/h at the surface at Millennia
being more clog-prone. In a worst-case
Park, the Aquaflow system can reduce
scenario, the upper voids, the bedding
total suspended solids by up to 80% and
stone and top layer of Inbitex® sheeting
total phosphorus by 60% using two layers
can become clogged. In such instances,
of Inbitex® and three layers of crushed
a more radical maintenance process,
and graded stone. This is the standard
such as replacing some of the bedding
used by the City of Cape Town to assess
aggregate, would be required.
the suitability of SuDS structures.
“Generally, maintenance is neither
The sub-grade was excavated to pro-
onerous nor expensive and, if undertaken
vide a minimum fall of 1% to the fin drain
regularly, will certainly extend the sys-
outlet and was compacted as necessary
tem’s functional life. One of the great
to achieve a G7 Selected Sub-Grade layer
advantages of permeable paving is that
with a minimum Californian Bearing Ratio
it uses the same space as open park-
(CBR) of 15%. All soft areas were re-
ing areas, unlike swales and attenuation
moved and filled with suitable replacement
ponds, which require dedicated single-
material to provide a stable sub-grade.
purpose spaces. And besides controlling water flow into stormwater drainage
Extended life
and rivers, permeable paving reservoirs
The reservoir of sub-paving material at
also remove pollutants from the water,”
Millennia Park comprised the following
concludes Wium.
Neither of these options was feasible,
steel cellular beams and in-situ beams.
prestressed hollow-core slabs have
as the wards below were fully functional
Support for some of the new beams and
been used for the construction of one
and occupied by patients. Prestressed
slabs had to be created by bolting steel
of two additional storeys, each meas-
slabs, which are 30% lighter and provide
sections to concrete columns.
uring 1 230 m² at Stanger Hospital in
favourable span to depth ratios, provided
Echo Group Marketing Director, Melin-
an alternative solution which allowed
da Esterhuizen, says the prestressed slab
normal hospital activities to continue
option offered other advantages. “Slab
uninterrupted during construction.
installation takes hours, as opposed to
The additional space is being used to house a new maternity section and the prime reason for using prestressed slabs
The first floor section, which houses
the weeks it takes to construct in-situ
was that the existing suspend roof was
an NVD antenatal ward, was construct-
flooring. Secondly, and most importantly
not designed to carry the weight of a
ed on existing suspended roof. It was the
for a hospital environment, there’s far
new in-situ slab. To strengthen it would
floor above it, which accommodates a
less attendant noise to disturb and upset
have necessitated back propping, either
post-Caesarean and gynaecology ward,
the patients during construction.”
through the elaborate staging of existing
that was constructed with Echo’s
load-bearing walls or through the instal-
hollow-core slabs. At 150 mm and 200
lation of temporary beams at floor level.
mm deep, the slabs were erected using
(Above): Echo Prestress Durban’s prestressed slabs were integral to the fast-track and interference-free extension of Stanger Hospital in KwaZulu-Natal.
PRODUCER MEMBERS A FICK SEMENTWERKE BK Tel: (022) 913 1921 Province/Country: WC Pillar: PB AVENG INFRASET (9) Tel: (011) 876 5500/(011) 872 1713 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI BAY BRICK Tel: (035) 792 5218 Province/Country: KZN Pillar: PB BOSUN BRICK MIDRAND (3) Tel: (011) 310 1176 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI BRICKCAST INDUSTRIES CC Tel: (031) 507 5525 Province/Country: KZN Pillar: PB/PI C.E.L. PAVING PRODUCTS Tel: (021) 905 5998 Province/Country: WC Pillar: PI CEMBLOCKS (PT Y) LTD Tel: (014) 538 0311 Province/Country: NW Pillar: PB/PI CIVILWORKS Tel: (011) 903 7023 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI CONCRETE UNITS Tel: (016) 362 2236/(021) 386 1923 Province/Country: WC/JHB Pillar: PB/PI CONFRAMAT Tel: (086)1 33 5599 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI CORESLAB (PT Y) LTD Tel: (087) 232 2462 Pillar: PB/PI
Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB MOBICAST (PT Y) LTD Tel: 086 111 2346 Province/Country: WC Pillar: PB/PI MONIER COVERLAND (PT Y) LTD (12) Tel: (011) 222 7300 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB MVA BRICKS Tel: (012) 386 0050 Province/Country: PTA Pillar: PI PANDA Tel: (00267) 244 2107/8 Province/Country: BOTS Pillar: PB/PI PORTLAND HOLLOWCORE SLABS (PT Y) LTD Tel: (021) 972 1111/1144 Province/Country: WC Pillar: PI REMACON PRODUCTS CC Tel: (011) 393 5504 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PI REVELSTONE (CAPE) (PT Y) LTD Tel: 0861 173 835 Province/Country: WC Pillar: PI ROCLA (11) Tel: (011) 674 6900/ (011) 670 7723/7600 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI SHUKUMA BRICKS (PT Y) LTD Tel: (041) 372 1013 Province/Country: EC Pillar: PB SILVERTON PRECAST Tel: (012) 804 4525 Province/Country: PTA Pillar: PI SIMSTONE Tel: (016) 362 2181/2/5 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI
COROBRIK (PT Y) LTD Tel: (031) 560 3111/3420 Province/Country: KZN Pillar: PI SMARTSTONE (9) Tel: (011) 310 1161/1178 DERANCO PRECAST Province/Country: JHB Tel: (041) 463 3338 Pillar: PB/PI Province/Country: EC Pillar: PB/PI SOUTHERN PIPELINE CONTRACTORS Tel: (011) 914 8500 EAGLE ROOF TILES (PT Y) LTD Province/Country: JHB Tel: (044) 874 0290 Pillar: PI Province/Country: WC Pillar: PB TECHNICRETE (10) ECHO PRESTRESS (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 589 8800/8899/8800 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB ENVIRO-CAST (PT Y) LTD Tel: (016) 004 0018 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI FASTDECK (PT Y) LTD Tel: (00267) 397 1974 Province/Country: BOT Pillar: PB INCA MASONRY PRODUCTS Tel: (043) 745 1215 Province/Country: EC Pillar: PB/PI KEYSTONE WALLING Tel: 082 850 3512 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI LATEGAN CEMENT WORKS Tel: (021) 873 1154 Province/Country: WC Pillar: PB/PI MARLEY ROOFING Tel: (011) 316 2121
Tel: (011) 672 1425/(011) 206 8920 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI TOPFLOOR CONCRETE Tel: (021) 951 7700 Province/Country: WC Pillar: PB
BASF CONSTRUCTION CHEMICALS SOUTH AFRICA (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 203 2473/2445 Province/Country: JHB BIRKENMAYER H (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 970 3880 Province/Country: JHB BUFFALO RETAINING WALL CC Tel: (016) 366 1801 Province/Country: JHB CHRYSO SOUTHERN AFRICA (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 395 9700 Province/Country: JHB DELTA BLOC SOUTH AFRICA (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 024 4604 Province/Country: JHB DICK KING LAB SUPPLIES Tel: (011) 499 9400 Province/Country: JHB DOUBELL BRICK MACHINES Tel: (041) 585 9060 Province/Country: EC ECONO CAST (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 662 2159 Province/Country: JHB HAWKEYEPEDERSHAAB Tel: 00 459645 4000 Province/Country: Denmark HYDRAFORM INTERNATIONAL (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 913 1449 Province/Country: Gauteng KAY TECH Tel: (031) 717 2300 Province/Country: KZN KERNEOS ALUMINATE TECHNOLOGIES Tel: (011) 444 3090 Province/Country: JHB KOBRA MOULDS B.V. 003111 356 2460 Province/Country: Netherlands MANITOU SA (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 975 7770 Province/Country: JHB O.C.E.M. S.R.L Tel: 00393 357 999 084 Province/Country: Italy PAN MIXER SA LTD Tel: (011) 379 3745 Province: JHB PEGASO STAMPI S.R.I. Tel: 003910577880966 Province/Country: Italy QUADRA Tel: 33 450 039 221 Province/Country: France QUANGONG MACHINES CO LTD Tel: +865 958 679 9557 Province/Country: China SIKA SOUTH AFRICA (PT Y) LTD Tel: 031 792 6500 Province/Country: KZN
VAKA CONCRETE Tel: (0263) 8644088100 Province/Country: ZIM Pillar: PB VANSTONE PRECAST (PT Y) LTD TECHMATIC S.A. Tel: (012) 541 2056/1808 Tel: 0048 608 422 300 Province/Country: JHB Province/Country: Poland Pillar: PB/PI TERRAFORCE (PT Y) LTD WEST END CEMENT BRICKS (PTY) LTD Tel: (021) 465 1907 Tel: (011) 851 1005/1063 Province/Country: WC Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI ASSOCIATE MEMBERS NON-PRODUCER MEMBERS ARQ CONSULTING ENGINEERS (PT Y) LTD ABEL EQUIPMENT Tel: (012) 348 6668/6669 Tel: (044) 874 1876 Province/Country: PTA Province/Country: EC ASH RESOURCES (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 657 0230 Province/Country: JHB
ASPASA Tel: (011) 791 3327 Province/Country: JHB
BRITISH PRECAST CONCRETE FEDERATION Tel: (044) 116 232 5170 Province/Country: UK CONCRETE SOCIET Y Tel: (012) 348 5305/ 6944 Province/Country: PTA CPI CONCRETE PLANT INTERNATIONAL Tel: (02236) 962 390 Province/Country: Germany ILIFA AFRICA ENGINEERS (PT Y) LTD Tel: (012) 362 1473/0174 Province/Country: PTA JC PAVING CONSULTING Tel: (011) 431 0727 Province/Country: JHB SEKHUKHUNE & ASSOCIATES Tel: (012) 346 1945 Province/Country: PTA SARMA Tel: (011) 791 3327 Province/Country: JHB SNA CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENG Tel: (012) 842 0000 Province/Country: PTA TACO VOOGT CONSULTING ENGINEER Tel: (012) 669 0125 Province/Country: PTA THE JOB CLUB SERVICES Tel: (012) 661 1099 Province/Country: PTA TJEKA TRAINING MATTERS Tel: (011) 665 2777 Province/Country: JHB YOUNG & SATHARIA CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS Tel: (031) 207 7252 Province/Country: KZN CEMENT MEMBERS AFRISAM SOUTH AFRICA Tel: (011) 670 5500/5972/5775 Province/Country: JHB LAFARGEHOLCIM (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 657 0000/(012) 534 2039 Province/Country: JHB/CT PPC LTD Tel: (011) 386 9000/(011) 626 3150 Province/Country: JHB SEPHAKU CEMENT Tel: (012) 684 6300 Province/Country: JHB/PTA CONTRACTOR MEMBERS DECORTON RETAINING SYSTEMS Tel: (021) 875 5155 Province/Country: WC FRICTION RETAINING STRUCTURES (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 608 4321 Province/Country: JHB POWERGATE CONSTRUCTION Tel: 071 603 5070 Province/Country: JHB PYW PAVING Tel: (031) 903 1736 Province/Country: KZN VALCAL INTERNATIONAL EXPORT Tel: (011) 867 2471 Province/Country: JHB
PI – Precast Infrastructure PB – Precast Building (...) – Number of branches
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Creating Concrete Possibilities
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