ISSUE ONE • 2017
• Competence vital for development • Avoiding paving installation failures • Big Mouille Point revamp
Concrete Manufacturers Association Physical Address: Office 0400, Standard Plaza Building, 440 Hilda St, Hatfield, Pretoria Postal Address: Post Net Suite 334 Private Bag X 15, Menlo Park, 0102 Tel: (+27 11) 805 6742 Fax: (+27) 86 524 9216 E-mail: Website: Publishers: Isikhova Publishing & Communications Postal Address: PO Box 651793, Benmore, 2010, South Africa Tel: (+27 11) 883 4627 Fax: (+27 11) 783 2677 Website: Publisher: Andrew Meyer Tel: (+27 11) 883 4627 E-mail: Consulting editor: Raymond Campling Tel: 076 297 2775 E-mail:
PRECAST is the mouthpiece for the Concrete Manufacturers Association - CMA
Coastal editorial: David Beer Tel: 082 880 6726 E-mail:
ISSUE ONE • 2017
Advertising: Wally Armstrong Cell: 083 701 3278 E-mail: Subscriptions/Accounts: Thuli Majola Tel: (+27 11) 883 4627 E-mail: Design and layout: Joanne Brook E-mail: The views and statements expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor or the publishers and neither the publishers nor the CMA accept responsibility for them. No person connected with the publication of this journal will be liable for any loss or damage sustained as a result of action following any statements or opinions expressed herein. The same applies to all advertising. Precast© 2017. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage retrieval system, without prior written permission from the publishers.
Endorsed by:
• Competence vital for development • Avoiding paving installation failures • Big Mouille Point revamp
ON THE COVER PMSA has unmatched insight into factors that turn mediocre businesses in the industry into successful ones. It wants to assist companies to adapt their business practices in order to flourish. By concentrating on the optimisation of processes, upgrades of key components of machines and investment in appropriate technologies, many businesses will be able to turn the corner and embark on a new growth path.
MANUFACTURING P A lifetime of experience has given Walter Ebeling, managing director of PMSA, a CMA member, unmatched insight into factors that turn mediocre businesses in the industry into successful ones.
upgrades of key components of machines
upgrade existing plants with technology
and investment in appropriate technolo-
that allows them to reduce cement con-
gies, many of these businesses are able
tent of their products, while maintaining
to turn the corner and embark on a new
strengths. New processes also allow
growth path.
them to cure faster and have products
“In many instances, businesses that own
“Because of superior processes,
All too often Ebeling’s experience has
good-quality equipment and are willing
they’re able to produce more rapidly,
shown that companies in the industry
to change with the times are able to
with faster curing of concrete and by
ready to deliver in as little as 48 hours Production boost
after manufacturing.
fail or stagnate at the point where they
optimising the complete manufactur-
are no longer competitive, or where their
ing process, the product consistency
equipment cannot keep up with demand
is more uniform. As a result, the mix
or are unproductive due to breakages,
designs can be optimised as there is no
downtime or inefficient operation. Either
need to add extra cement to make provi-
way, these companies usually fail to
sion for high product strength variation.
realise that change is required and may
This also means that products can be
continue living on the breadline for years
moved to the sales stock yard sooner,
before ultimately succumbing.
which clears the way for increased pro-
For this reason, he has become pas-
duction,” says Eberling.
sionate about helping manufacturers
“And it needn’t cost an arm and a
recognise these crossroads and adapt
leg to implement upgrades that can
their business practices in order to be competitive and flourish. By concentrating on the optimisation of processes,
completely transform an old plant into a (Above): PA MSA RE1400 high-performance brickmaking plant (Van Dyk Stene, Western Cape).
modern production line. If the machines are quality ones from any of the rec-
In addition to hardware for the machines, retrofitted control systems are
(Left): A PMSA VB4X high-performance brickmaking plant (Dukathole Brickworks, Eastern Cape).
also available to suit customers’ needs.
and downtime. These vibrators can be
make it viable for managers to monitor
supplied in either a two-vibrator stop/
and control progress from remote loca-
start configuration or in a four-motor
tions. PMSA’s technical staff also have
continuously running configuration with
the ability to dial into the operation to
fully adjustable speed and force of the
fault-find or tweak a SCADA system.
Where possible, web interfaces even
vibration for the manufacture of any kind of concrete product, from a thin paver to
Exemplary track record
a solid kerb and everything in between.
Considering that PMSA has been manu-
“These and similar changes to pro-
facturing world-beating concrete manu-
duction lines will boost production and
facturing equipment right here in SA for
quality significantly. They will also right
more than 40 years, there is little need
the wrongs of the past where extra
to look elsewhere when upgrading a plant.
cement, demoulding agents, additives
The company’s long-term approach of
and longer curing times may have been
assisting manufacturers with upgrades
implemented to make up for shortfalls in
on most brands of machines can save
the production process. By optimising
them a small fortune in replacement
and modernising equipment, all this can
costs, while dramatically improving prof-
be eliminated and the cost per unit can
itability. Furthermore, by elevating the
be driven down significantly, quality will
importance of serving the industry above
increase, curing times will be reduced
merely making sales of new machines, the
and your products will be competitive,”
company is demonstrating its long-term
says Eberling.
approach of growing with its customers’ businesses.
Profitable path
“In time, most companies come to
He adds that even 20- or 30-year-old
value the quality and consistent output
machines whch are still in good condition
of our machines, which last for decades
can be upgraded to a high standard and
and keep delivering when others can’t.
produce consistent quality. “If they’re of
Also, to have local support at hand at
inferior quality, haven’t been well looked
any time is invaluable, rather than rely-
after or simply aren’t worth upgrading,
ing on overseas experts to remotely try
ognised manufacturers in Europe, the
we can supply customers with brand-new
to set up machines or fly to SA at great
USA, SA or similar quality-orientated
PMSA machines, where required.
expense,” says Eberling.
companies, then we can do a lot to optimise them.”
“We also fully understand that not all companies are in a position to buy one of our fully automated VB4X or RE1400
Big benefits
plants, but that doesn’t mean they
He explains that through relatively
shouldn’t be in a position to compete with
simple modifications, such as the instal-
the best producers in terms of consist-
lation of proportional hydraulic valves,
ency and quality. Whether we supply any
appropriate sensors and modern SCADA
of our brick, block, kerbstone or roof
control systems, machines can make
tile manufacturing machines or optimise
faster and more precise movements
and upgrade customers’ existing plants,
that can shave several seconds off each
they can be assured of our dedication to
cycle. This alone can improve production
helping them produce the best possible
by thousands of units per day. In addi-
products in a cost-effective and efficient
tion, time is saved on maintenance and
manner,” he says.
repairs due to the smoother operation of the equipment. In terms of productivity, there are many other parts that can also improve the quality and quantity produced. An example of PMSA’s ongoing product development is the new UltraVibe long-life sealed vibrators, with high vibration force and no maintenance, reduced servicing
“As many as 90% of these businesses are able to turn the corner and embark on a new growth path.”
(Above): PMSA owners Walter and Robert Ebeling.
(Far left): PMSA’s fully automated packer-head for high-productivity plants.
THINK BEFORE DISCOUNTING John Ruskin once said: “It’s unwise to pay too much, but it’s worse to pay too
little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money – that’s all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing what it was bought to do.” Meggyn Mar ot, principal broker: professional risks at Aon SA, says the unintended consequences of applying a free-market economy principle to an emerging market landscape with high infrastructure demands is that we begin to feed the wrong beast. “Instead of encouraging quality builds that can stand the test of time and building a future, we fail to think long-term and we encourage the cheapest and fastest options because we want results now, so we fail to plan. The irony is that it costs us more in the long run, not just in monetary terms, but in the benefits of those projects which are lost to our country and our people. “The decision by project owners to pursue the cheapest option carries risks, with their own costs being project delays or a delay or loss of usage of the facility. In the current environment, we’re seeing an influx of projects where consultants are expected to discount by more than 50%. This is what’s required to ‘get the job’. Unsustainable practice
and no longer being able to insure your
“There are many aspects of this en-
projects in SA, or only being able to in-
vironment which are impacted by the
sure at an astronomical premium.
discounting phenomenon:
“It’s important to un-
a good example is the risk
derstand that insurance
environment. First consider
premiums are based on the
that we’re looking at the
annual fees declared, or the
insurance/risk market as a
turnover of a firm. Where
whole, in the construction
these fees are reducing, it’s
and engineering space. The
usually an indication of less
health of such markets is
work being done, therefore
dictated by the sustain-
– theoretically – less risk.
ability of the premium pool.
But in an env ir onment where the fees are reduc-
“Simply put, sufficient premium must be collected within a sector to sustain the claims or r isk tha t
(Above): Meggyn Marot, principal broker: professional risks at Aon SA.
ing due to the enormous discounts offered, the risk on that project is no less,
arises out of such a sector. If this isn’t
but the contribution to the premium pool
achieved, you risk collapsing a market
is reduced,” says Marot.
“We’re seeing an influx of projects where consultants are expected to discount by more than 50%.”
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TRUST THE INDUSTRY EXPERTS Address: Office 0400, Standard Plaza Building, 440 Hilda Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083 Tel: (011) 805 6742 • Email: • Website:
Increased risk “Discounting is starting to skew the view on risk, because fees are no longer aligned to the true risk exposure. Moreover, the consequences of discounting increase the likelihood of a claim on a project. Currently, civil and structural engineering is responsible for more than
65% of the number of claims notified in SA, and around 87% of the quanta paid in the past 10 years are attributable to these disciplines. These are also the disciplines where the highest discounts are expected and applied when tendering. The total gross fees declared by consultants has reduced by more than 15% over the past three years, and the number of claims notified increased by the same margin. “A single practice in the built environment is now reducing the ability of the insurance markets to respond, and increasing the probability of that same risk. When we’re undertaking work at a reduced income simply to secure the
“There’s been a move in developed countries to qualitybased selection, where qualification, technical merit and experience are the yardsticks.”
or even at a risk, since there’s no doubt that discounting compromises quality and risks increase. What’s more, we cut the budgets for training and development, and we stunt innovation. This compromises our future. “The reality is that you’ll never see a claim caused by ‘discounting’. A claim is caused by poor supervision, a design flaw or negligent advice because a junior engineer without the necessary experience is placed on a large and complex
business and make profits, we have to
project – a consequence of discounting.
cut expenses or optimise efficiencies.
However, there’s no denying that claims
The inevitable result is reducing the
have increased and irrespective of the
resources applied to that project – for
root cause, the impact on the industry
example, a more junior employee being
is real,” says Marot.
allocated to the project, reduced supervision, reluctance to attend all project
Paying more
meetings and use of an overly conserva-
“Premiums will increase to compensate
tive design to compensate for the low
for the claims experience and the indus-
level of engineering being paid for. These
try’s credibility suffers. Where we find
are all ways to cut costs.
ourselves in an increased claims environ-
“Of course, there’s always room for
ment, the affordability of insurance for
improvement in efficiencies and cost-
a firm with an already stretched bottom
cutting within any organisation, but when
line becomes even starker.
we shift our focus from internal quality
“It’s not all doom and gloom, though.
management to profit, we unavoidably
The South African insurance market is in
increase the risk to ourselves and mis-
Cutting corners
the fortunate position of having very good
takes are made. We must never forget
“Project-owners must appreciate that
competition and capacity. The country’s
that a professional’s duty of care exists
there’s a basic cost for every project.
insurance penetration rate is among the
regardless of what they might be paid and
That cost will come through, if not in
highest in the world and well above the
the quality expected by law isn’t altered
paying for proper engineering, then in
level one would expect it to be, given its
by profit margins,” she says.
increases to construction costs, or –
GDP per capita. This means we have re-
worse still – in court. The international
silience and the ability to withstand tough
trend has seen a move in developed
times, but we must preserve it. Rather
countries to quality-based selection,
than balancing the sustainability of such
where qualification, technical merit and
markets with increased premiums, we
experience are the yardsticks. Sadly, not
need to manage our risks better.
only project-owners are to blame for our current predicament.
“A resounding echo of the built environment across all professions is that
“The ability of the industry to stand
if you persist in dealing with the lowest
up for the quality and ethics they strive
bidder, be sure to load elsewhere for
for is damaged by the economic reality
your risk. And if you can make provision
of keeping the lights on, and accepting
for that risk, then you had enough to pay
these conditions at a loss to themselves,
for something better to start with.”
will include a two-day workshop at the school in Midrand. “We encourage those planning to study for the Advanced Concrete Technology [ACT] diploma programme, to be offered by the SCT in Midrand in 2018, to prepare for this by enrolling in the e-learning courses and writing the ICT
exams in May 2017. Passing both these
courses is a prerequisite to acceptance
From next year, the Concrete Institute’s
anywhere in SA or, for that matter, the
crete for Batchers and Batch Plant
School of Concrete Technology (SCT),
rest of world and have scope for more
Staff, will be offered in 2017 by the SCT
will offer two internationally respected
interaction and progress monitoring
advanced correspondence courses as
between participants and the SCT than
e-learning courses.
traditional correspondence training,”
John Roxburgh, lecturer at the SCT,
he says.
says the high-level SC T41 (General Principles of Concrete Technology) and
Nationwide training
SCT42 (Practical Applications) courses
“The online courses have been struc-
are specifically designed to prepare a
tured to ensure that all the content
candidate to sit for the Concrete Tech-
is covered section by section, with the
nology & Construction Stage 2 and Stage
participant being required to reach a
3 examinations set by the Institute of
level of competency in each one before
Concrete Technology (ICT) in London.
being allowed to proceed. Employers will
“The e-learning from the SCT will al-
also be able to monitor the progress of
low for participation of delegates from
their employees during the course, which
for the ACT programme,” adds Roxburgh. A new one-day course, SCT15 Con-
“Courses are specifically designed to prepare a candidate to sit for the Concrete Technology & Construction Stage 2 and Stage 3 examinations.”
On-site training
provide this service and standard SCT
Ready Mix Association (SARMA). The
He says the SCT will continue to provide
courses can be adapted to a client’s
course will be administered by SARMA
on-site concrete technology education
specific requirements.”
and offered in Johannesburg, Durban,
anywhere in SA or across its borders.
In total, in 2017 the SCT will offer 15
Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. “This
“These special courses, which can be
different courses that cater for staff
training will provide batchers and staff at
run at a client’s premises for a minimum
currently working, or planning to work,
a batch plant with the essential concrete
of 10 delegates, are often the most
in all concrete-related industries. “In a
education and theory required to do their
cost-effective and convenient means of
country with a shortage of skills, train-
jobs competently and produce quality
educating staff. The SCT lecturers are
ing is a vital career advancement tool.
ready-mix concrete,” explains Roxburgh.
available to travel throughout Africa to
We firmly believe that a sound concrete technology education – provided by a recognised training provider such as the SCT – will open the doors to job opportunities and promotion,” says Roxburgh. C ontac t the SC T a t e-mail:, tel: (011) 315 0300 or visit: for full details of the 2017 Education Programme.
UNITING THE CONCRETE INDUSTRY Small companies within the concrete
companies on our associations’ boards,
industry should be incentivised to join rel-
these perceptions can be changed and
evant industry bodies in order to ensure
small companies can be attracted.
that all people within the industry, as well
“If we can raise the entire standard of
as end-users’ interests, are represented.
the industry and speak with a single voice
A nchor sponsor of the r ecent
across the entire range of companies and
Readymix Conference by Sarma, Af-
services, then we can get the public to
risam’s Richard Tomes said industry
agree that ‘they do good work’ and build
associations play a vital role in setting
the reputation of the industry from the
standards and promoting the industry.
bottom up,” said Tomes.
These bodies also act as the common
He added that closer working ties
voice for the industry and it is there-
between construction sector bodies is
fore extremely important that all tiers
also an encouraging step in the right
of business are represented, from the
direction, as it promotes the raising of
smallest micro-enterprises to the larg-
overall standards and professionalism.
est corporates and everyone in between.
It also allows members of other bodies
“Inclusiveness of small players in the
to share in “pooled” resources, such as
concrete industry is a key ingredient to
training material, expertise, infrastruc-
ensuring that the market remains robust
ture, communication support and more.
and that the overall industry remains in a position to promote and protect its
Concrete possibilities
good name. A good example is at resi-
“Concrete is a wonderful and versatile
dential contractor and home-owner level,
product that serves a far wider purpose
where small companies are mainly used
than any one industry body. Rather it cre-
for smaller jobs and the average person
ates possibilities for building education
builds their opinion of the industry based
institutions, hospitals, transport and
on these small players.
infrastructure of any shape and descrip-
(Above, from top): Richard Tomes of Afrisam speaking at the recent Readymix Conference by Sarma; the concrete industry’s associations joined forces at the conference.
tion. It creates ‘concrete possibilities’ Expanding reach
for all of us to enjoy.”
members are usually prepared to take
“In the past, many small companies didn’t
Tomes added: “This is a tough industry
responsibility and are up to the task. In
buy into the idea of belonging to industry
where you need to earn your reputation
these circumstances, suppliers have to
bodies because they were suspicious of
for supplying quality concrete. Increas-
deliver, no matter what. To do that, they
the dominant big companies who had the
ingly, our contractors are looking at
need to have systems in place that allow
hitting-power to call the shots. But with
transferring the risk of concrete work
them to use the right equipment and skills
inclusivity and fair representation for all
to professional suppliers and association
to give contractors what they want.”
in partnership with the Southern African
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infrastructural development essentially
requires competence and commitment by the parties in charge of the project, cautioned Uwe Putlitz, CEO of the Joint Building Contracts Committee (JBCC). Putlitz was a keynote speaker at the fifth International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa (ICIDA 2016) held at the University of Johannesburg in July last year. The conference was organised to explore infrastructure’s role as a driver for economic growth in Africa. JBCC is a non-profit South African company which represents buildingowners and developers, professional consultants and building contractors, who provide input for the compilation of a comprehensive suite of JBCC building contracts, drafted to comply with South African conditions and legislation, as well as to ensure equitable distribution of contractual risk.
the material procurement processes
by the contractor and sub-contrac-
were flawless. Potential personality
tors; and
Experience counts
clashes and competence issues should
• The employer organisation was expec-
Putlitz told the conference that al-
also have been identified.
ting five-star finishes from a two-star
though such formal contracts are vital
“The issue of whether sufficient time
for building projects and infrastructural
has been allowed for statutory and other
Putlitz said avoiding potential disputes
development, the success of service
approval issues, such as Occupation
that could crop up in a building contract
delivery also depends on the compe-
Certificates, should also have been con-
is another essential factor for the
tence of the users and the
sidered and a specific qual-
successful execution of projects. “In
will to bring contracts to
ity management system
this regard, pertinent issues include
a successf ul conclusion
formulated for the project
ensuring that the correct information is
within the defined scope
in question,” Putlitz added.
conveyed to the contractor, identifying
and quali t y cr i ter ia, an
possible additional costs at an early
agreed budget and realistic
Challenges exist
stage, reaching consensus on delays to
The project management
the project completion, dealing with late
“An experienced project
team should be proactive
changes instructed by the employer or
manager, or team of project
to resolve defective work
for statutory compliance, and late or
managers with dif ferent
on site while dealing with
non-payment by the employer.”
skills, is essential to see a
administrative duties such
building project through all its phases
as the preparation of drawings, main-
Assistance at hand
and ensure that critical decisions are re-
tenance manuals, product warranties
In addition to employing the JBCC suite
viewed and made timeously by corporate
and the formulation of final accounts for
of contracts, he said, it is essential
management or the relevant authori-
each sub-contractor and for the works
that accurate project records are kept
ties. When this hasn’t been done, the
as a whole – within the period stated in
in a format that can easily be accessed,
construction team may have to resolve
the contract.
that consensus is reached on commu-
problematic issues on site in a hurry. This
Faced with late deli ver y issues,
nication procedures (and that these
type of compromised situation leads to
employer organisations should also do
procedures are adhered to) and that
delays and additional costs, and almost
professional soul-searching and ask
any potential problem is speedily and
inevitably results in crisis management,”
themselves whether:
effectively resolved.
he stated.
• Their project management team had
T he ICIDA 2016 conf er ence was
To avoid such disruptive incidents, the
the necessary skills and was auth-
hosted in collaboration with the Kwame
project manager should at the outset
orised to make decisions promptly
N k r um a h U n i v e r si t y o f S c i e n c e &
have ensured that the project was
without “having to refer to a board
Technolog y in Ghana and the Bells
properly and practically designed, that
meeting in two months’ time”;
University of Technology in Nigeria.
the materials specified complied with
• The project’s complexity and method
applicable recognised standards and that
of construction were gauged properly
(Above, left): Uwe Putlitz, CEO of JBCC.
The success of a building contract for
PLANNING FOR A VOLATILE BUSINESS WORLD Volatile and unpredictable global politi-
Such fluctuation in exchange rates,
trend will continue in 2017. “We don’t
cal and economic conditions are making
particularly, dampened progress for
expect a major upswing in demand from
it difficult for South African compa-
both Chryso and a.b.e. in the past year,
the construction and related industries.
nies to predict what 2017 holds, as
as both companies require a high level
I believe there’ll be some growth in sales,
far as profitability is concerned, says
of imported raw materials, as well as
but not to the levels we require. And, as
Norman Seymore, CEO of admixture
finished products in their manufactur-
stated before, the new municipal lead-
supplier and CMA member, Chryso SA
ing processes. “It was a major challenge
ers will have to expedite long-overdue
and international vice-president of the
trying to absorb these unexpectedly
infrastructural projects this year if the
Chryso Group, which has its head office
increased production costs. A rand de-
building industry’s fortunes aren’t to
in France.
valuation of as much as 16% compared
slump further,” he says.
The Chryso SA Group includes major and long-established supplier of specialised construction products, a.b.e. Construction Chemicals. Seymore says that although the feedback regarding 2017 from Chryso’s local customer base is generally positive, with many companies hoping for improved business conditions, the group believes there is
“We don’t expect a major upswing in demand from the construction and related industries.”
still a strong need for caution.
On the brighter side, Chryso saw some improvement in fortunes in 2016 in the Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), where demand for products was encouragingly higher than anticipated. “But in all other areas of southern Africa, where building activity was relatively dormant, the drops in demand negated the building resurgence in the Cape and KZN,” says Seymore.
“We’re trading in unprecedented vola-
with the euro and US dollar simply
Although 2016 was a challenging year
tile and uncertain times when situations
couldn’t be passed on to end-users,
in many different aspects, he believes
can change overnight. Planning ahead is
who were also in a precarious position
it is gratifying that both Chryso and
virtually impossible when economic and
economically,” explains Seymore.
a.b.e. managed to produce satisfactory
political forecasts are repeatedly shown
Chryso SA therefore had to offset
to be totally wrong in all parts of the
the poor market conditions in 2016 by
world and SA’s headlines can affect the
expanding its product range, as well as
strength of our currency and business
investing in manufacturing facilities to
confidence overnight,” says Seymore.
reduce reliance on imports – and this
(Top): Where the building industry is heading in 2017 will depend on many uncertain factors, says Norman Seymore, CEO of Chryso SA.
GLOBAL VIEW 14 (Above and right): The recently completed Bedford University library, which was built using precast decorative concrete. (Below): A close-up of the T-piece precast concrete components which were used to frame the window sections of the new Bedford University library.
LUSTRE TO UK UNIVERSITY The use of decorative precast concrete on building façades is still in its infancy in SA. More’s the pity, because it provides architects with a relatively inexpensive way of “icing the cake”. Europe, on the other hand, exhibits
used to fashion a distinct and attrac-
little inhibition when it comes to us-
tive façade. All visible finished faces are
ing precast decorative concrete and
lightly acid-etched, exposing a Derbyshire
the casual observer is rewarded with
limestone aggregate finish which mirrors
numerous examples by simply strolling
natural portland stone. Thorp Precast
through one of its city centres. One such
designed the precast units to marry the
is a newly-built seven-storey, 7 400m²
vertical and horizontal elements into sin-
library at Bedford University in Luton,
gle components, thereby forming a series
UK. It displays a decorative façade of
of inverted Ts. In addition to reducing the
over 300 precast concrete T-shaped ele-
overall number of components needed, it
ments and flat Reckli textured concrete
required fewer joints between precast
panels. The £46 million design-and-build
components and offered a more practi-
contract was executed by Willmott Dixon
cal method of attaching the decorative
and the precast elements were supplied
concrete to the building.
by Thorp Precast. The architectural precast concrete
Innovation at work
cladding components, which largely com-
Given the geometry of the T-pieces, the
prise a series of slender, clearly defined
company elected to use glass-fibre moulds
mullions and spandrel units with crisp
with a tissue-faced lining material to
edges and splayed reveals, have been
achieve the required definition and highquality finish. The choice of a more robust
(Left, from top): T-piece precast concrete elements prior to delivery to site; a precast concrete panel prior to delivery.
mould material was also a key factor in providing sufficient durability for multiple
designed to wrap around the in-situ
first-class, value-adding education with
In stark contrast to the more sculp-
primary structural concrete columns.
equally first-class facilities.
tured precast units in the glazed areas,
The challenge was to manufacture these
“The fantastic new facility will further
the much larger, monolithic 4,1m storey-
units in one monolithic cast, but with
enhance the students’ learning experi-
height panels were used to create shear
consistently high-quality finishes on all
ence, offering the latest digital learning
walls and form stair cores. Weighing up
three highly visible sides.
technologies, an expanded space for print
to seven tonnes, each panel was insu-
Located at a focal point between
resources and flexible study space for
lated at the factory before delivery to
academic space and a residential node, the
individual and group study, which will be
site. Pockets were strategically left out
new building has facilitated the relocation
open 24 hours a day, seven days a week,”
of the in-situ concrete shear walls to
of the existing library facilities and will
says Bill Rammell, the university’s vice-
accommodate the panels. Panel installation involved the use of concrete boots, which were passed through apertures to provide support and for restraint fixings at the top of the panels. At the lower level of the stair core, the precast concrete panels, which were formed using Reckli rubber form
“The use of decorative precast concrete on building façades is still in its infancy in SA.”
chancellor. The development forms part of a five-year plan to invest some £90 million into the campus. Challenges overcome The building includes 30% more study spaces, state-of-the-ar t I T and AV equipment, 30% more book stocks, a
liners, feature an attractive decorative
minimise the impact of future phases
bridge link to the Business School, quiet
pattern which provide a contrast to the
of campus redevelopment. The site is
study areas and a cafeteria.
plainer acid-etched panels above. The top
the latest in a series of investments
Situated on a challenging site with a
panels also feature an integrally-cast
in facilities at the university, the most
very limited footprint, the building is or-
architectural concrete coping detail.
recent being the £25 million Teaching
ganised over nine levels. Taking this aspect
and L e ar ning building. Sur r ounded
as an opportunity, the proposed scheme
Consistent finishing
by the newl y-r e f ur bished business
locates silent study spaces on each of the
In other highly v isible gr ound-f loor
school and state-of-the-art student
upper floors in a “study wall”, fulfilling the
areas, three-sided column cladding units
accommodation, the library exemplifies
increasing demand by students for quieter
weighing more than six tonnes were
the university’s ethos of combining a
working environments.
casting with a high degree of repetition.
EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER MAKES INROADS INTO NAMIBIA A fully automatic Zenith 844sc multi-layer brick-making machine is being shipped to Namibia for manufacturing company Nambrick. Manufactured by Germany’s Zenith Maschinenfabrik Gmbh, a subsidiary of CMA member company QuanGong Machinery Co Ltd (QGM), it will bolster the company’s growing fleet of machines throughout Namibia in Katima Mulilo, Rundu, Nkurenkuru and Swakopmund, as well as Okahandja and Walvis Bay. With this, QGM and Zenith have successfully grown to cover all the major towns in Namibia. Nambrick is a 15-year veteran of the Namibian market. It has grown from operating small manual machines to the QGM T10 automatic block machine with a semi-automatic production, to finally purchasing the Zenith fully automatic multi-layer machine. Gary Knight, owner of Nambrick, says he chose the QGM T10 in 2014 to fulfil his requirements for expansion. The decision was based on its German-designed structure which is specially developed to perform reliably for decades. Thanks to its decades of experience, the company also produces machines that are reliable, rugged and able to produce more bricks, more economically. “Right now, we’re using the QGM T10 to produce a quality product that contributes to making Nambrick one of the best paving suppliers in Namibia’s coastal regions. Our 45 MPA-strength interlocking paving has been well received and is in demand in Swakopmund, Walvis Bay and as far afield as Windhoek. “After two years in full production, we’re on track to becoming the pre-eminent brick supplier in the country, which is why we chose the advanced Zenith 844sc as the machine which would help us achieve our goal. Due to the reliability, durability, high-production capacity, quality of products produced and pallet-free packing ability, we require less labour and can effectively produce a better product more cost-effectively and more rapidly. For this reason, we’re eager to commission our new Zenith machines,” says Knight. (Above): The Zenith 844sc multi-layer brick-making machine.
each is comprised of four precast,
depth of seal and provide a solid backing
been lauded for its range of products
20m-high concrete columns which are
onto which the sealants were placed.
that were used in the construction of
joined one on top of the other on site. A
the award-winning Gouda Wind Farm,
final segment carrying the nacelle brings
situated in the Cape Winelands District.
the 46 towers to a height of 100m each.
Mould imperfections of the newly pro-
Consisting of 46 concrete towers,
Horizontal joints on the tower seg-
duced towers were repaired with Sika
Goudwa is among the largest wind farms
ments were sealed with Sika EVA Back-
MonoTop-620, a cementitious, polymer-
in southern Africa and the first one to
ing Strips. This semi-rigid, closed-cell,
modified, one-component pore sealer
use locally produced concrete instead
cross-linked construction foam is de-
and levelling mortar containing silica
of the usual imported steel towers. For
signed as a tough, flexible and resilient
fume. With an adjustable consistency, it
construction of these 100m-high towers,
back-up support material for surface
can be applied by the wet spray method
vast quantities of Sika products were
seals in load-bearing joints. It can also
and provides excellent adhesion with
supplied, including one that received
be used as a bedding seal under precast
good resistance to water and chloride
the prestigious Fulton Award from The
concrete panels and to prevent loss of
Concrete Society of Southern Africa.
grout when joining precast concrete
It is jointly owned by Aveng and Span-
ish renewable energy company Acciona Energia and can generate 423GWH of electricity, which is enough to power 200 000 houses per annum. It is estimated that the clean energy generated by this wind farm will prevent the emission of 406 million metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. Another requirement was to support local companies and for this reason, one of the client’s primary
DD Materials, which used local labour trained by Sika’s Jacques Reinecke and Anthony Webster, completed the
“100% of all Sika SA products used in the Gouda Wind Farm project were locally produced.”
grouting of all vertical cavities using Sik a Gr ou t-2 95 Z A . T his is a one component, ultra-high-strength, cementbased grout specifically designed for use in the renewable energy field, under metal bases, between concrete segments and to fill cracks, gaps and large voids. Due to its good flow properties, it is a pumpable grout that provides rapid strength
stipulations was a high local content in
Once joined together, the vertical
products. As a result, 100% of all Sika
and horizontal joints of the precast
development. During the project SikaGrout-295 ZA
SA products used in the Gouda Wind
segments were sealed with Sikadur-31
was sent for fatigue-testing and Sika is
Farm project were locally produced.
CF and Sikadur-31 DW. Both products
proud to announce that the product is
are moisture-tolerant, thixotropic,
now certified for durability.
Tight specifications
structural two-part adhesives and repair
As a final accolade for Sika SA, this
Jacques Reinecke, head of renewable
mortars based on a combination of epoxy
project at Gouda Wind Farm won the
energy for Sika SA, spearheaded the
resins and special fillers. Easy to mix
coveted Fulton Award for Innovation in
specification and installation of the Sika
and apply, they are suitable for both dry
Concrete. Since the emphasis on this
product, as well as on-site training.
and damp concrete surfaces and harden
huge project was to use local content
He recalls that the products required
without shrinkage. They provide high
and local labour, it surpassed all expecta-
included Sikadur-31 CF (one ton per
initial and ultimate mechanical strength
tions, proving that local really is better!
tower), Sealing Backing Cord (22km) and
and are impermeable to liquids and water
SikaGrout-295 ZA (30 tons per tower).
vapour. Sealing Backing Cord was placed
Due to the extreme height of the towers,
into the expansion joints to regulate the
(Top, from left): Jacques Reinecke, head of renewable energy for Sika SA; Sika products that were used on the Gouda Windfarm Project.
CMA member Technicrete introduced
Differing visual effects can be achieved
a simple gravity retaining wall system
by a reversal of the block, which gives a
that is finding favour among profession-
smoother or textured face, or a combi-
als seeking stability on earth embank-
nation of the two. Due to the extensive
ments, bridge abutments, cut slopes,
mechanical lock, as a result of the profile
landscaping of cut and fill areas around
shape between blocks in the vertical
buildings, protection for steep channels
plane, Enviro-Wall is the preferred option
and river banks, as well as culvert inlets
for walls requiring reinforcement in the
and outlets.
form of horizontal geogrids.
Constructed from dry stacked inter-
Suitable for supporting a wide range of
locking, precast blocks, the simplicity of
embankment heights, the wall is able to
the Enviro-Wall design enables the blocks
accommodate both concave and convex
to be easily and quickly laid to form an ef-
alignments down to a small radius of
fective retaining wall system. Opening or
curvature. It can also accommodate
closing the spacing between the blocks
moderate ground settlement. With the
means that the Enviro-Wall structure
custom-designed base block, the angle
configuration can be altered so that in
of the inclination of the wall can easily
the open arrangement, cavities between
be set at 700 , but can be varied should
adjacent blocks can be filled with soil,
site conditions require different angles.
enabling the moisture in these spaces to
Enviro-Wall blocks are available in
promote rapid plant growth. It can also be
275mm x 300mm standard sizes, with
installed as a solid engineering structure.
(Above): The Enviro-Wall offers a cost-effective solution for ground stabilisation.
a block mass of approximately 23kg.
A CONCRETE MIXER FOR ALL SEASONS More than 40 years af ter the first
“The agitator rotation creates a
prototypes, the Eirich R-type mixer is
vortex of material at its shaft, where
still going strong in markets around the
a measured volume of water is jetted
world, including SA.
directly where needed. This sucks mois-
Despite its longevity, the new R-types
ture rapidly through the depth of the mix,
of CMA member H Birkenmayer are still
which the agitator blades then disperse
stand-out machine among peers, with
laterally. A vertical mixing action is also
their inclined counter-current intensive
created through the inclination of the pan.
mixers that produce a unique mixing
“Coating of aggr egate par ticles
action with significant advantages, par-
with cement takes place along the
ticularly in concrete production. According to Dirk Heuer, H
bevelled high-velocity faces of the agitator blades, while
Birkenmayer’s sales man-
lumps o f sand, cement
ager, R-type mixers have
and pigment are disinte-
been known to operate
grated at the tips. High
due to the precise blending and absolutely
for more than 25 years with
levels o f homogeneit y
homogenous concretes that are achieved,
minimal maintenance, while
and moistur e consist-
often in very short mixing times. With con-
some have even been in service
ency are rapidly achieved
crete quality and surface finish specifica-
throughout the batch, resulting
tions continually rising, the R-type mixer
“Our machines’ combination of a
in short cycle times and improved energy
is well suited to new and more demanding
rotating mixing pan and independently
efficiency. These can be further opti-
manufacturing environments.
rotating agitator ensures all the mate-
mised when working in conjunction with
rial passes through the mixing process
Hydronix Moisture Control systems,”
during every revolution. The combined
says Heuer.
for more than 40 years.
wall and floor scraper produces a flow
He adds that savings in costs of ce-
diverter mixing action which also directs
ment, pigments, energy, water and reject
the material into the path of the agitator.
rates have been reported for more than
This produces good results, even when
30 years by numerous concrete manu-
mixing large aggregate.
facturers using R-type mixers. This is
(Above): H Birkenmayer’s R-type mixer in action. (Left): How the machine works. (Below): A schematic diagram of the mixing process.
FAILED PAVING INSTALLATIONS: A COMMON CURSE EASILY AVOIDED The incidence of failure in concrete block paving installations is unacceptably high. This is hardly surprising, as very few local installations meet best-practice paving standards in their entirety. As a rule of thumb, only 30% of South African installations can be regarded as acceptable, ie requiring only minor adjustments. The rest, according to local paving consultant and civil engineer John Cairns, are poorly built at best and, at worst, bound to fail. Paving failures are induced by a combina-
to accommodate one of the services prior
tion of factors, poor engineering design
to the installation of the paving blocks.
and detailing being the most common.
Once the piping or cabling is installed,
Incorrectly specified pavers is another,
the trench should be backfilled properly,
but the former two are the main culprits.
ie compacted in layers.
Cairns says the bulk of all reported
Invariably, the soil is simply shovelled
failed paving installations occur in the
into the trench with no or only minimal
retail and commercial property sectors.
compaction. What should happen is for
“In other sectors, such as industrial and
the trench to be filled and compacted
warehousing paved yards, the paving
by the earthworks contractor. A similar
tends to be well designed and properly
condition often occurs around manholes
built to bear the weight of heavy trucks
and drains.
and materials handling equipment.�
(Above): Damage to pavers in a new residential estate caused by construction traffic.
(Above): Extreme paving failure due to a lack of surface and sub-surface drainage.
as stormwater outlets, or in a rural environment, to open ground.
Poor drainage
Sub-surface drainage, which deals
Tight deadlines
However, poor drainage is by far the most
with water that filters through the pav-
Shopping centr es and of f ice parks
common cause of failed installations.
ing blocks into the bedding sand, is often
differ essentially because buildings take
All external paved surfaces should be
totally absent. Besides facilitating level
precedence over all other construction-
built with adequate drainage – both
laying, the bedding sand also acts as a
related work such as paved parking lots,
surface and sub-surface. Even non-
water membrane or drainage medium.
which are largely regarded by architects
permeable paving surfaces, which in SA
Apart from draining surface water, sur-
as a necessary evil. Moreover, retail and
account for most concrete block paving
face drains should also disperse any sub-
commercial developments are built to
installations, are permeable to a degree
surface water which surrounds the drain.
very tight deadlines, which means there
and allow a small percentage of surface
This is simply effected by drilling holes
is often insufficient time for the paving
water to penetrate beneath the paved
horizontally at the level of the bedding
to be properly laid. In addition, all the on-
surface into the bedding sand and the
sand through the concrete channel that
site building and service activity make life
sub-base materials.
supports the drainage grids. Without
very difficult for the paving contractor.
Surface drainage, which accounts
these holes, the channel acts as a dam
For example, even when the earthworks
for the bulk of water dispersal in non-
wall, preventing the flow of water into
are designed and constructed correctly,
permeable paving installations, relies
the surface drain. Eventually this water
the installation of electric cables and
on the falls which are specified in SANS
build-up will cause the paving to fail.
piping can cause localised collapsing of
1200 MJ. But even this water must be
paved surfaces. Typically, a trench is dug
given access to secondary drainage such
(Top): Typical trench failure caused by inadequate backfill compaction.
basis of thickness of the pavers and
Cairns says another sector which experi-
compressive strength, which is wrong.
ences problems with paved surfaces are
The compressive strength standard was
roads in private housing estates. “What
discarded in 2010 when SANS 1058 was
often happens here is that the paving is
upgraded because of the possibility of
installed before the houses are built. And
failures. The compressive strength test
because the paved surface is designed
was replaced by a tensile splitting test,
for light traffic, the roads are wrecked
because this is the way pavers fail. SANS
when heavy construction vehicles use
1058-2012 (the latest version) also
them for extended periods.
includes a surface abrasion test, because
“Ideally, estate roads should be de-
tests show that even pavers rated at
signed to handle construction traffic using an 80mm paver. Alternatively, one could do the earthworks upfront and
50MPa can have poor surface abrasion. (Above): Severe surface abrasion of a paver which passed the old SANS 1058-2006.
“I’m currently involved in a claim which is going to court. The paving block
only install the pavers when 90% of the
“The two most common problems
manufacturer is claiming that a 25MPa
estate has been built. This approach also
in domestic installations are the use
block was specified and that’s what was
allows one to deal with any settlement
of plastic sheeting under the bedding
supplied. However, the blocks developed
or earthworks problems before the pav-
sand, which traps water, and poor
severe surface wear at an early stage
ing begins.
edge restraints. Good edge restraints
and weren’t fit for purpose. There are too
“Although they of ten don’t meet
are required to prevent the horizontal
many cases of poorly specified pavers.
all best-practice standards, domestic
movement of the paving, especially on a
The critical term is ‘fit for purpose’ and
driveways aren’t generally prone to
fairly steep driveway,” says Cairns.
the manufacturer is responsible for
major failures. They have the advantage
whatever’s specified,” says Cairns.
of being compacted by bakkies and other
Specification failures
traffic before the laying process begins.
“As mentioned above, failure of the
forming to SANS 1058-2012 and should
Pavers should be specified as con-
Furthermore, these installations don’t
actual paving block can and does occur
ideally be supplied by a manufacturer
require much in the way of earthworks,
and results from incorrect specification.
bearing the SABS mark, or similar, on
apart from levelling off and preparation.
Some professionals still specify on the
its product.
Housing estates
TIPS TO PREVENT CRAZE CRACKING Craze cracking of concrete floors is caused by the shrinkage of the cement paste on the surface and is particularly noticeable when the concrete slabs are damp. But there are certain steps that can be taken to prevent concrete displaying this unsightly appearance, says Bryan Perrie, MD of The Concrete Institute.
Factors that promote crazing of con-
• Applying water to the surface during
crete slabs include:
• Drying instead of curing before the
finishing operations. “Although crazed surfaces are un-
floor develops much strength, particu-
sightly and may collect dirt, they don’t
larly after hard trowelling.
have serious consequences and repairs
• Curing with water much colder than
are seldom necessary. However, grinding
the concrete, causing thermal shock.
the surfaces may be considered when the
• Alternating wetting and drying at
crazing is shallow and the quality of the
concrete is adequate,” says Perrie.
early stages.
• Over-using vibrating screeds and
bull floats.
• Overworking and over-trowelling,
especially when the surface is wet.
• Floating and trowelling prematurely. • Dusting dry cement onto the surface
before trowelling.
• Using aggregates with excessive clay
and dirt.
(Above and left): Unsightly craze cracking of concrete surfaces can be prevented.
M a s t e r f l e x
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BEST RESULTS Concrete manufacturers and other building professionals are coming to appreciate some of the benefits that can be derived from using extended cements.
crete matrix is achieved, which in turn
The more ‘pure’ cement that’s replaced,
enhances impermeability and enhances
the lower the early strength of the mix.
durability. Slag is known for its chloride
This necessitates the introduction of
ion binding characteristics, further en-
activators to trigger the early strength
hancing the protection of concrete from
characteristics of the concrete.
C orr eia say s under standing the
extended workability and is considered
Eddie Correia, general manager: technical
characteristics of extended cements
a critical characteristic of concrete on
services at Chryso Southern Africa, says
and how they will perform is critical to
projects today, especially given some of
the move in SA towards the increased
ensuring their successful use in
use of extenders, such as pulverised fuel
construction. This places
being built. Adding to this
ash (PFA) and slag, in cement is in line
greater responsibility
issue is the growing number
with international trends. “The need to
on admixture produc-
of projects within the ur-
conserve non-renewable construction
ers such as Chryso,
ban environment, which
material resources, as well as lower the
a non-producer mem-
means readymix trucks
rate of CO² emissions, is driving this move
ber of the CMA. “When
are subjected to traffic
and the number of major South African
replacing cement with PFA
projects where extended cements have
and slag, the cost reduction
chloride ingress.
“Typically, slump retention ensures
the complex structures that are
congestion while delivering. “ I n t h e s e a p p l i c a t i o n s, i t’s
been used successfully is
is considerable, but you have
impor tant to achieve acceptable
steadily increasing.”
to know what you’re doing.
slump retention, in conjunction with
Both PFA and slag are
“For this reason, we’ve
an acceptable early strength and for
by-products of industrial pro-
been working with local com-
this, admixtures with special polymers
cesses, which would normally
panies to facilitate the use
are key. What’s most impor tant is
be consigned to landfills. Both
of these extended cements
that users interact with Chryso from
products are produced with
without affecting the slump
the start of a project, as this enables
a particle sizing either like or
retention, workability and
the company to assess the complete
significantly smaller than pure
durability of the concrete.
cement and concrete requirements of
cement. PFA is known to have
The use of the correct admix-
the contract and make provision for the
a particularly spherical particle shape,
tures will facilitate further extension of
most appropriate admixture solution,”
which decreases concrete water demand
the concrete and we’ve been involved in
explains Correia.
and thus increases concrete density.
projects where up to 60% PFA and even greater amounts of slag have been used.
More durable Both products react with the by-prod-
Longer curing
ucts of pure cement hydration to form
“Although extended cements reach the
more hydration products in the cement
required strengths, they react more
paste pore structure. Under the right
slowly. This means that design mixes
conditions, this process may continue
which include extenders must take fac-
for months or even years, in some cases.
tors such as slump retention, setting
Thus an ongoing densification of the con-
times and strength gains into account.
(Top, from left): Slag is known for its chloride ion binding characteristics, further enhancing the protection of concrete from chloride ingress; Chryso offers access to extensive application knowledge and experience, coupled with its well-proven range of products, providing a fitfor-purpose solution for extended cements. (Left): Eddie Correia, general manager: technical services at Chryso Southern Africa. (Above): PFA is known to have a particularly spherical particle shape which decreases concrete water demand and, as a result, increases concrete density.
BANDAGE FOR CONCRETE CMA member a.b.e. Construction Chemicals has introduced a durajoint flexband joint bandage system that offers a solution for waterproofing expansion and construction joints, including critical joint areas and precast sections with high or frequent movement, says a.b.e. technical sales consultant Steff Dalton. a.b.e.’s durajoint flexband system, to-
adhesive with low slump characteristics.
gether with a wide variety of other a.b.e.
It can be applied in sections of up to 20mm
products, was recently used to seal a
thickness horizontally and 10mm vertically
new 10-megalitre concrete reservoir
in a single application without the need
at Savanna City in Sebokeng. Basil Read
for formwork. Greater thickness can be
and Southey Contracting were the main
achieved by the application of more layers.
contractors for the project. The system
The adhesive can be hand-mixed on a flat,
is particularly suitable for the sealing of
clean surface,” says Dalton.
joints in potable water concrete reser-
(Above): Work in progress on the new concrete reservoir at Savanna City in Sebokeng.
wipe, used to clean the surfaces to be
voirs and other water-retaining struc-
Early strength
sealed, is produced in five-litre contain-
tures and was therefore chosen for the
Advantages of the adhesive include early
ers. The system’s HDPE strips are 3mm
reservoir project.
high strength, which reduces downtime,
thick, 50mm or 75mm wide, and produced
“ T he sy s t em include s dur ajoin t
high peel strengths to the membrane and
in 3m lengths. The strips are used to
flexband adhesive, a special epoxy adhe-
resistance to chemicals. Priming is usu-
centrally straddle expansion joints when
sive for bonding the durajoint flexband
ally not required unless the concrete is
support below the flexband membrane
thermoplastic elastomer membranes.
very porous. Food & Drug Administration-
is required.
T his adhesi ve is a two-component,
compliant, durajoint flexband adhesive
solvent-free epoxy resin bedding mortar/
is supplied in two-litre kits. The solvent
The project was completed at the beginning of July last year.
IN THE WORKPLACE A commonly held misconception is that the employer should carry all the responsibility for health and safety in the workplace. However, nothing could be further from the truth. In this, the third in a series of articles focusing on safety matters affecting the concrete manufacturing industry, well-known veteran health and safety expert, Oom Callie Calitz of OHS Consultants, looks at shared responsibilities for a safer working environment.
he must report it as soon as possi-
ble to his employer or to the health
and safety representative.
5. If the employee is involved in any in
cident which caused him injury or
may affect his health, he must report
it as soon as possible, depending on
the circumstances, or at least by
the end of the shift. If reporting of
the incident is not possible at that
time, he must report the incident as
soon as practicable thereafter. Section 15 No person shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with, damage or misuse anything which is provided in the interests of health and safety.
Sometimes employees think
Then, of course, there are
it is only the employer who
penalties for failing to obey
must obey the Occupational
this Act. In a nutshell, they
Health & Safety Act, but this
are as follows:
type of thinking is dangerous
(e) wilfully or recklessly does anything at
and far from the truth. The Act places
Offences and penalties
a workplace or in connection with the
the responsibility for health and safety
1. Any person who-
use of plant or machinery which
in the workplace on both the employer
(a) tampers with or discourages, threat-
threatens the health or safety of
and the employee. Section 14 of the
ens, deceives or in any way unduly
any person, shall be guilty of an of-
Act is very clear about this and I want
influences any person about evidence
fence and, on conviction, shall be
to draw your attention to the following
to be given or about a book, document
l i a b l e t o a f in e n o t e x c e e d in g
or thing to be produced by such a
R50 000 or to imprisonment for a
person before an inspector under
period not exceeding one year, or
Employee duties
section 32
to both such fine and such term of
1. The employee must take reasonable
(b) prejudices, influences or anticipates
care of the health and safety of him-
the proceedings or findings of an
2. Any employer who does or omits to
self and of other persons who may
inquiry under section 32 or 33
do an act, thereby causing any person
be affected by his acts or omissions.
(c) tampers with or misuses any safety
to be injured at a workplace, can
2. He must co-operate with his employer
equipment installed or provided to
be liable to a fine not exceeding
any person by an employer or user
R100 000 or to imprisonment for a
to ensure that the Act is complied with.
3. He must carry out any lawful order
(d) fails to use any safety equipment at
period not exceeding two years, or
and obey the health and safety rules
a workplace or in the course of his
to both such fine and such term
and procedures laid down by
employment or in connection with
of imprisonment.
the use of plant or machinery, which
4. If he is aware of an unsafe or un-
was provided to him by an employer
Safety greetings!
or such a user
his employer. healthy situation in the workplace,
Variable geology, sloping land and an immense single-level platform presented an exceptional set of challenges in the construction of a warehouse and distribution centre for earth-moving equipment giant Komatsu at Tunney Ext 12 in Elandsfontein, Germiston. Essential to the success of the project were two huge concrete retaining block walls specified by the project developer,
Investec Property, to secure a bulk-fill
“By contrast, it takes only minimal
terrace created to accommodate a large
movement for reinforced concrete or
post-tensioned concrete surface bed
brick walls to crack and the equivalent
for the warehouse and surrounds. The
reinforced concrete retaining wall is
retaining walls were designed by Verdi
typically several times more expensive.
Consulting Engineers (Verdicon) in col-
We specified Aveng Infraset’s Ridgebloks
laboration with international consulting
for the Tunney project primarily because
giant, Hatch. Local earthworks contrac-
they’re solid – unlike most other blocks
tor, Power Construction, was engaged
on the market, which are hollow – and
for the civil work and Valcal International
their interlocking design prevents them
“Any potential failure through the backfill would be prevented by the geogrid’s tensile resistance.”
from sliding, a distinct advantage.
work in which large quantities of rock had
ditional usable space, the advantage of
a closed-face configuration for the first
to be blasted and excavated.
concrete block retaining walls is their
3-5m and in open-face thereafter. The
constructed the retaining walls. The lower wall, 450m long and topping 13m, was built to face off and secure the bulk-fill terrace above, maximising the space available for development on this valuable property. Stabilising the embankment which rises above the building platform, the upper wall, 436m long and rising to 15m, involved cut-and-fill
“In view of the height of these retaining structures, hollow blocks were ill-suited to the project. No matter how well the hollow blocks are manufactured, the risk of cracked blocks increases significantly as soon as walls exceed 10m. Moreover, because both walls exceed a height of 10m, they were constructed in
modular structure, which makes them Flexible solution
suf ficiently flexible to accommodate
(Above, left): The partially completed 15m wall in-cut.
Verdicon managing director, Trevor
ground movement while retaining their
Green, says that besides creating ad-
structural integrity.
(Top): Aveng Infraset Landscape Products sales manager Brennan Small standing in front of the 13m section of the wall in-fill.
LS STABILISE WAREHOUSE PLATFORM lower retaining wall was built after the
outside the failure plain. Therefore any
cluding very hard rock quartzite and soft
earthen terrace had been constructed.
wall failure would require a very long fail-
to medium hard rock greywacke, only
In an ideal world, the bulk fill would be
ure plane, by which stage there’d be so
some of which is stable. It is topped by
prepared at the same rate as the retain-
much friction and soil involved that the
approximately 2m of soil. Although global
ing wall, but that’s not always practical.
likelihood of failure would be extremely
instability was not an issue, numerous
remote. And, of course, any potential
wedges (jointing) in the rock face meant
Providing safeguards
failure through the backfill would be
that over time, pieces of rock would
“Power Construction battered the bulk
prevented by the geogrid’s tensile resist-
dislodge and fall.
earthworks platform at 45˚, while the
ance,” explains Green.
lower wall was built at an angle of 70˚.
Rock bolts and mesh could have been used to secure the wall, but Verdicon
During its construction, Valcal Interna-
Smart construction
opted for a concrete block retaining wall
tional benched the embankment to avoid
The cut-wall section consists mostly of
instead. In addition to costing slightly
the creation of a preferential failure plane.
rock from several different geologies, in-
less, it avoids the ongoing maintenance
“In addition, we specified geosyn-
issues which the former option would
thetic reinforcing material at a ratio
have entailed. The upper retaining wall
of 70% to wall height. It comprised a
was built at an angle of 75˚ using a mini-
combination of Kay tech PC100/100
mum of 1m geofabric and stabilised fill
and GX80/30 geogrid and was installed
compacted at 150mm layers. Above the
every third layer of Ridgebloks. A 70%
rock, a more traditional geogrid installa-
to wall height ratio erred very slightly
tion of 50-60% wall height was applied.
on the conservative side, but provided a
Undoubtedly an equally challenging
relatively inexpensive means of further safeguarding the stability of the wall. “For example, if a slip were to develop, a portion of the geogrid would remain
(Above, from top): The partially completed 15m wall in-cut; a portion of the cut face on the upper wall. (Left): The cut face wall, flanked by an attenuation pond in the foreground, nears completion.
aspect of this project was casting the 44 000m² x 300mm post-tensioned slab on a platform underlain by one-third rock and two-thirds compressible clay. To equalise the settlement variance between the two materials, 1 600 micropiles were installed in the clay section to reduce settlement. Varying in depth
from 8-28m and 141mm in diameter, the piles mitigated most of the settlement. The balance was taken up in the posttensioned slabs, which were designed by Soteralis Consulting Engineers. Precise piling Prior to that, a seismic survey had established the depth of the rock surface so that the piles could be sunk to within approximately 2m above it. Moreover, rock to a depth of 1,5-2m was removed
(Above): The lower fill-wall under construction, with the benching clearly visible.
and back-filled to allow some settlement
allow ground water to flow down the face
in the rock section, further normalising
into a wick drain at the base of the wall.
the settlement across the platform.
“Despite all the challenges we’ve faced
“We used cement-stabilised fill on the
at Tunney, especially the exceptionally
cut face, which meant the drainage sys-
high retaining walls and variable found-
tem had to be designed to avoid the build-
ing conditions, by the time this project
up of hydrostatic pressure. We used
is completed, it will be a state-of-the
band drains – a geosynthetic wrapped
art warehouse and distribution facility,”
membrane placed against the face – to
says Green.
“In view of the height of the retaining structures, hollow blocks were ill-suited to the project.”
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PRECAST SEA WALLS FOR MOUILLE POINT PHASE 2 Begun in July 2015 and due for completion in April 2018, Cape Town’s Mouille Point Sea Wall Rehabilitation Project encompasses the extensive use of precast concrete in various guises, sea-wall panelling, paving blocks (CPB), coping and bollards.
Furthermore, because precast concrete is produced to strict quality controls in a factory environment, it will provide the durability required.” Extreme conditions During construction, the precast panels act as permanent shuttering and, once installed using a mobile crane, highstrength, marine-grade concrete is poured into the space between them and
Phase 1 entailed refurbishing a 600m
landward side of the promenade. One
the wall. Particular care is being taken
section of sea wall from Three Anchor
of the purposes of the splash wall is to
to prevent voiding in the concrete infill
Bay to the Mouille Point Lighthouse,
prevent seawater from reaching the
and the joints between adjoining panels
replacing the wall’s original granite
grassed area behind it when the wall is
are grouted solid with a shrinkage-
blocks with precast concrete panelling.
overtopped. Re-paving the promenade
compensated cementitious grout.
Phase 2 involves extending the panel-
has taken place in the sections where
ling process to the north and south of
the wall has been rehabilitated.
New 120cm-wide precast concrete coping blocks, each weighing 1 400kg,
Rocklands Bay in Sea Point and from the
Precast panels, measuring 2,5m x
are being installed above the new wall
lighthouse some 700m towards Granger
1,2m and manufactured by CMA member,
and concreted into position by filling
Bay, where the wall ends. Guerrini Marine
Concrete Units, are being used to dress
the preformed cavities with a 50%
Construction, the main contractor, has
the new wall, cost- and time-saving being
GGBS blend of 40MPa concrete. This
been responsible for the construction of
major considerations. The panels are
is followed by the installation of new
the wall during Phase 2.
125mm thick and consist of a 30% fly-ash
precast concrete posts into ready-made
Extensive research into the most
blend. Reinforced with hot-dip galvanised
cavities in the coping and grouted into
suitable materials, both for the sea
rebar and rated at 50MPa, they satisfy a
position. In keeping with the durability-
wall and the promenade, was conducted
minimum design service life of 50 years.
critical aspects of the design, the
by consulting engineers Ingérop South
As City of Cape Town engineer and
posts are manufactured using 40MPa
Africa, in collaboration with the City of
Mouille Point project manager Paul Vink
fibre-reinforced concrete. All metallic
Cape Town.
observes, rehabilitating the wall is com-
reinforcement other than the stainless
plicated by intermittent wave action,
steel anchors was omitted.
which shortens the period in which actual
In strengthening and re-facing the sea
construction work can take place.
T he newly completed wall thus presents an ef fectively homogenous
wall, special emphasis has been placed
“Therefore any process which saves
barrier to the extreme marine conditions
on the durability of its various compo-
time is advantageous and concrete
and should equal or surpass the proven
nents, such as the promenade behind it,
panelling obviously meets this objective.
durability of the original wall.
and re-using the granite blocks removed
Another benefit is that, unlike granite
from the sea wall to construct splash
facing, precast concrete panelling has
walls (which double as benches) on the
fewer joints for the sea to penetrate.
(Top): A section of the Phase 2 Mouille Point sea wall.
RESURFACED Re-paving the seafront promenade forms an important part of Cape Town’s Mouille Point Rehabilitation Project. CMA member CEL Paving supplied the concrete block pavers for Phase 1, completed in 2015, and is the supplier for Phase 2.
Phase 1 ran from Three Anchor Bay to
with a 25mm layer of bedding sand.
Mouille Point Lighthouse. Phase 2 com-
Drainage was effected by the careful
prises two parts: the first is a 4 800m²
control of cross-falls and all the pavers
section which runs for 700m from the
were grouted with a cement and sand
lighthouse towards Granger Bay and
mix. CEL’s 70mm-thick pavers contain
is due for completion in July, 2017; the
a Pareflo 20 waterproofing admixture
second, which covers 2 300m², runs for
in the topping and base and comply with
approximately 150m on both the north-
the requirements of Class 40/2.6 pavers
ern and southern ends of Rocklands Bay
in the new SANS 1058:2012 standard.
in Sea Point and is due for completion in April 2018.
(Above): Newly-laid precast concrete paving which forms part of Phase 2 of Cape Town’s Mouille Point Rehabilitation Project.
Tried and tested
The sub-base work for Phase 2 was
Well before the rehabilitation project
handled by the main contractor, Guerrini
got underway, extensive research into
Marine and the actual block-laying was
the most suitable materials for paving
done by Highland Paving. The sub-base
the promenade was undertaken in 2010
comprised 200mm G5 material topped
by consulting engineers Ingérop South
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panels (TP5 and TP7 – see Table 1) were
By contrast, the clay brick pavers
Cape Town. Trials on 10 different paving
particularly slippery when wet and posed
showed no signs of surface damage or
materials were conducted to establish
a serious safety hazard to pedestrians.
degradation and were unlikely to do so
which would be the most suitable in
Although there was no settlement or
due to the inherently high strength of
terms of safety, aesthetics, durability,
collapse across any of the trial panels,
kiln-fired clay products and uniformity in
maintenance, marking or staining, and
several of the concrete block pavers
the production processes.
comfort. Eight concrete block paving pro-
showed signs of significant surface dam-
ducers and two clay brick manufacturers
age and/or degradation.
were invited to pave 10 trial sections during the early part of 2010.
“However, as this trial revealed, clay pavers are more susceptible to algae growth and discolouration, especially
Marine paving
on the side closest to the sea. This was
The promenade section chosen for
Bob Smith, senior designer and resident
possibly due to the low permeability of
the trial panels was exposed to regular
engineer of Ingérop South Africa, says
clay paving, which inhibits the free drain-
wave action, unlike other sections which
that over the years, concrete pavers
age of surface water and creates an en-
were more sheltered. Because of this,
in marine environments have been the
vironment that promotes algae growth.”
results were obtained within a relatively
subject of several performance trials
Based on the findings of the survey
short test period of 19 months. All 10
during which poor design and control
and with the assistance of the CMA,
trial panels were uniformly exposed to
of the concrete mix, lack of uniformity
CEL Paving’s smooth interlocking Bond
the wet and dry cycles of the marine
in the production processes and other
pavers were selected to be used
environment and normal pedestrian
quality control issues were identified as
throughout. A blend of natural colours
traffic. The exposure to seawater led
the main causes of surface degradation.
was chosen which have been enhanced
to a high incidence of algae growth and
“Concrete pavers are generally prone
with coloured inlays and borders, where
discolouration on some of the panels
to some degree of sur face damage
necessary. These included CEL Paving’s
and the effects on the safety of these
and degradation. This was quite visible
gr ey and tan Bond p a v er s and i ts
panels were significant. The clay brick
on two of the concrete trial panels.
charcoal Double Cobble paver.
AUTOMAKER GETS NEW PAVING Aesthetics and durability of products were two of the main drivers behind CMA member, Technicrete ISG, being awarded the contract to pave a new Audi dealership in Polokwane.
many petrol stations and motor vehicle
According to Jan Booysen, owner of
colours available.
dealerships because of the quality and longevity associated with our DZZ interlocking pavers and the wide range of
Boemo Pav ing, the sub-contractor
“It’s not only consumer vehicle traffic
on this project, Audi dealerships are
that a premier brand dealership like
known for their aesthetically pleasing
Audi experiences – it’s also the low-bed
appearance, which conforms to the
transporters, delivery vehicles and foot
specific requirements of their corporate
traffic which accompany it. Additionally,
identity directives. As a result, the
Audi customers expect a safe and secure
forecourts required a paving product
walking surface at an Audi dealership, and
that could suppor t the design and
that’s what we provide – a smooth, evenly
appearance prerequisites of the well-
installed, paved walking area. Our DZZ
known brand, while still offering a durable
interlocking paver reputation is widely
and economical solution.
acknowledged within the marketplace,
The Polokwane dealership is the first
which is why contractors like Boemo
one in SA where Audi has changed its
Paving are happy to work with us on their
forecourt from tar to slate pavers, as
various projects in Polokwane.”
per its new global directive. The grey and
The Technicrete DZZ interlocking
white tinted glass windows of the Audi
pavers form a hard-wearing overlay
showroom design therefore needed to be
SANS standards and the subsequent
surface which is particularly suited to
complemented by the installation of an
guarantee. They’re very durable pavers
petrol station forecourts. They have also
attractive slate-coloured paver.
and suit vehicle dealerships perfectly.”
been successfully installed at industrial
“We installed 2 700m2 of Technicrete
H e n d r i k S t e e n k am p, s a l e s r e p -
and commercial business parks, medical
DZZ interlocking pavers, as well as
r esentati ve f or Technicr ete ISG in
facilities, universities and retail centres.
Bond Brick pavers for the back of the
Polokwane, adds that the choice of the
Sectional title complexes have also found
dealership, where supplies are stored.
slate-coloured DZZs provided a good
that DZZ pavers are a more affordable
We chose a Technicrete product first
appearance for the forecourt. “We’ve
and longer-lasting solution than re-
and foremost because it complies with
been contracted to supply DZZs to
tarred driveways and entrances.
Africa, in collaboration with the City of
QUALITY PIPES REQUIRED FOR NEW PROJECT A mixed bag of pipeline projects has kept CMA member Rocla busy in recent times, with the completion of a number of projects in the residential and non-residential sectors. One of the most noteworthy of these was the 10-month Diepkloof Zones 5 and 6 project, which was started in February 2016 to upgrade and install a new sewer line to alleviate constant blockages and pipe erosion. Maintenance of infrastructure is critical for the wellbeing of communities, particularly water and sewage piping which, if left eroded and non-functional, can be the cause of an unsanitary environment. Accor ding to Dennis Mak war ela, managing member of Mavu-Ashu Civil Construction, contractor on the Diepkloof project, despite challenges such as a rise in the water table that required nine hours of continuous pumping daily and a subsoil drainage of approximately 19mm of bedding stone, the total line length of 2,4km was completed ahead of deadline last year. Challenging conditions “Due to erosion of the previous sewer line because of exposure to raw sewage and the site having been used as a dumping ground, we had to choose replacement pipes that offered good quality in addition to a long lifespan. Rocla recommended its 13mm pipe with a sacrificial layer and we believe it was the best pipe for the purpose. In total, we sourced 2 715 piping products and associated supplies f r om Rocla – comprising R J pipes, rubber rings, manholes, cover slabs and (Left): Work underway at the Diepkloof Zones 5 and 6 project sewer replacement project. (Right): Pipes ready for placement on the Musina Mall project.
concrete lids – for this project and at no
in labour exhaustion, as well as the
time were we let down by Rocla.”
removal of 12 000m³ of concrete and a
Michelle Venter, sales representative
granite embankment. Indigenous trees
for Rocla, adds that the project required
comprising 26,5 tons and 3,5m deep
products of a high quality due to the
also had to be removed,” says Martin van
nature of problems experienced in the
Veelen, managing director of AJCOR Civil
past. “It isn’t cost-effective to have
Projects, based in Centurion, Gauteng.
a local municipality constantly being
“ We s o u r c e d i n t e r l o c k i n g j o i n t
called out to unblock the same sewer
pipes [IJ] from Rocla for bulk internal
line. Closer inspection revealed pipe
stormwater applications on this project.
breakdown and therefore upgrading and
This was due to the quality of the Rocla
replacement were called for.
product. Additionally, its competitive
“We have a reputation not only for
pricing and proximity to site resulted in
supplying good, long-lasting products,
reduced transport costs. Rocla supplied
but also for offering sound technical
SC 75D IJ pipes in various sizes, as well
advice and support to site contractors.
its 75 IJ pipes [Sil]. Even though some
In this instance, it was reassuring for
of the IJ piping had to be manufactured
the client to know that Rocla products
to our specifications, Rocla was able to
were ISO 9001/2008-certified and had
meet our short lead-in times and our
the applicable SANS recognition.”
deadlines with limited disturbance to our scheduling,” says Van Veelen.
Growth point Assured quality was also the chief require-
Sensible solution
ment for sourcing products for the Musi-
Rocla’s interlocking joint pipe is a non-
na Mall stormwater project, which is due
watertight one particularly suited for
for completion in April this year. The new
use in stormwater applications. The
mall is an extension of the Great North
male/female-type joint is formed inside
Plaza and is being prepared to service
the wall of the pipe and there is no
cross-border trade, as well as increase
widening of the pipe, so the outside
retail facilities to the local community.
dimensions of the pipe remain constant.
“This was a project that offered us
The joint itself is used for centering the
a few challenges, not least the intense
pipe during laying operations to make the
heat that cracked windows and resulted
process easier.
“Maintenance of infrastructure is critical for the wellbeing of communities, particularly water and sewage piping.”
menced in October 2015 and is due to
“This vast Musina Mall project combe completed by March this year. The project utilised many tonnes of IJ pipes from Rocla, all of which met the delivery deadlines of our customer. As a result, we’re proud to have been a partner to AJCOR Civils, which faced unexpected environmental and weather challenges,” says Rocla sales representative Sarel Pretorius.
Added flexibility “The success of any hollow-core slab project essentially rests on pre-planning. If we get involved in the planning stages, we’re better able to bring our special-
ised knowledge to bear, matching the
“Offering longer spans, prestressed
cost-efficient slab deployment and sav-
The sales and marketing, engineering and accounting arms of CMA member Echo Floors have been relocated to the Echo Group’s headquarters in Chloorkop, Gauteng. The Echo Floors factory, which has manufactured reinforced hollowcore floor slabs since 1982, will continue to operate from Muldersdrift with a full administrative and management staff complement.
slabs are designed to support heavier
quality of our product offering with an equally high level of engineering input. This translates to better building design, ings for our clients.
loads and can be used without internal
“Our total solution approach means
load-bearing walls. In addition to the
we remain involved until all the hollow-
residential market, prestressed slab
core elements are brought to successful
applications include commercial and
completion. This approach provides the
industrial structures which vary from
professional team with added flexibility
three to seven storeys and are used in
and confidence, knowing we’re always
community structures such as schools,
on hand to assist with any changes or
clinics, office buildings, car parks and
fine-tuning, either during the design or
shopping centres.
construction phases,” adds Esterhuizen.
“Merging the engineering function
The Echo Group’s pre-stressed slabs
of Echo Floors into the Echo Group
have several other applications besides
structure has made it easier for us to
flooring. These include basement park-
provide input on the design, engineering
ing walling, warehouse walling, culvert
Echo Group sales and marketing direc-
and construction phases of our clients
covers for attenuation tanks, reservoir
tor, Melinda Esterhuizen, explains that
through what we call our total solutions
construction and security walling.
incorporating the organisation’s sales
approach,” says Esterhuizen.
and technology arms into the group’s headquar ter structure means that its clients will enjoy improved levels of technical input and quicker turnarounds. “Echo Floors project enquiries are now being channeled through our HQ engineering department, which means we’re better able to advise on which product or combination of products is best suited to each project.
(Top, from left): The Echo Floors reinforced hollowcore factory in Muldersdrift; the living area in one of six new duplex cluster homes at the Brandi-Ann residential estate where the smooth-soffit finishes of Echo Floors’ reinforced hollow-core slabs are attractively displayed. (Left): Reinforced hollow-core slabs prior to delivery at Echo Floors’ storage yard. (Below, from left): One of six new duplex cluster homes at the Brandi-Ann residential estate in Roodepoort being built by Renico Construction using Echo Floors’ reinforced hollow-core slabs for the upper floor sections; the Echo Floors reinforced hollow-core factory in Muldersdrift.
More space “Echo Floors has always produced the traditional reinforced slab, which is generally used for building houses, townhouses, clusters and high-density housing, where the floor spans tend to be shorter. When deployed correctly, it’s more economical than the prestressed hollow-core slab.
PARADE GROUND Cut slopes between an ablution block and an access road above it have been secured with retaining walls constructed by Terraforce block licensee, EFS Construction, on a new military parade ground in Manzini, Swaziland. Initially a geotextile solution was specified, but this option was discarded due to lack of space. EFS Construction was then appointed by Millennium Projects, a Swazi parastatal, to provide an alternative design and it complied using Terraforce blocks. Construction on the R2,7 million retaining wall contract started in April 2016 and was completed in September 2016. Two walls, one 81m and the other 110m, were built along the back and sides of the parade ground. The longest and highest (6m) was constructed with the front layer of blocks filled with reinforced concrete and Y12 rebar to the top. It was backed by a second 3m-high, unreinforced layer. The backfill behind each wall consists of crusher stone. The wall behind the ablution building follows the natural contour of the site. Michael Toepfer, managing director of EFS Construction, comments: “I anticipated that foot traffic up one of the slopes would result in serious erosion, so we decided to add a staircase to the design made entirely of Terracrete and Terraforce blocks. The steps are founded in two gravel-filled layers of Terraforce blocks, stacked vertically, one below ground and one above, and this proved to be a cost-effective solution. “This was followed by a level base, 700mm wide, consisting of two rows of Terracrete. The front row was filled with gravel to create a tread and the second was filled with concrete to act as a foundation for the next Terraforce riser. It was also filled with concrete to bind with the foundation block and the top half was filled with gravel as part of the next tread.” (Above, from top): A Terraforce retaining wall and staircase (foreground) in Manzini, Swaziland; the Manzini staircase built with Terracrete and Terraforce blocks.
BUILT WITH PRECAST Launched in 2014, the Eastern Cape’s Kidds Beach multi-billionrand mixed-use development is one of the country’s most ambitious integrated residential property projects to date and promises to benchmark the standard for sustainable and desirable living environments for years to come.
forms of precast concrete, all of which
the Kidds Beach Project follows global
are recyclable, the inclusion of ‘green
trends in power generation, utilisation
power’ resources is an essential com-
and saving.
ponent in the design mix. Sixty percent of the project’s energy will be supplied
Sustainable building
from sources other than the national
Other green building initiatives include
power grid. Every house and building
aluminium w indo w s, c er amic tile s,
is designed to accommodate solar PV
1 000-litre rainwater harvesting tanks,
panels, although not all home-owners
ener gy-sav ing lightbulbs, day/ night
choose this optional extra. Solar gey-
switches for common area lighting and
sers, streetlamps and air-conditioning,
low-flow plumbing fixtures for washbasins
among other items, will be powered with renewable technologies to ensure that
(Below): Umlele Heights under construction.
Aimed at providing much-needed highquality housing for a resurgent East London economy, it is gratifying to note that the predominant construction material on this massive project, from the civil works to the roofing, is precast concrete. This is hardly surprising, given precast concrete’s reputation for consistent quality, cost-effective application and proven durability. Developed by MHG, the 228ha Kidds Beach Green Estate is adjacent to an extension of the existing holiday resort village of Kidds Beach, located some 25km south of East London. In addition to the use of thermallyefficient external cavity walling using precast concrete Maxi bricks and other
Construction of 30 houses at Umlele Springs, a slightly more upmarket version of Umlele Heights, will commence in 2017,
(Left, from left): Some of the houses at Umlele Heights; a concrete block paved road leads to some of the completed houses at The Village.
also in 60m², 68m², 74m² and 90m² designs. When fully developed, Umlele Springs will comprise 161 free-standing houses and 99 terraced townhouses. Launched in October 2016, Impangele Estate will be developed in three pockets comprising 116, 75 and 160 threebedroomed 130m² units in a price range from R1,2 million-R1,5 million. Eighteen houses are earmarked for construction in 2017. Twenty-six houses have been built at The Village (medium to high income) and a further 21 are earmarked for construction during 2017. The shopping centre will have a gross lettable area of 3 500m² and will open on 1 November and kitchen sinks. When completed,
2017. A private primary school for 600
this 10-year pr ojec t will compr ise
pupils will open in January 2018 and a
2 600 housing units built in integrated
600-pupil high school will open in Janu-
r e si d e n ti al e s t a t e s, r anging f r om
ary 2019.
medium-income units to high-income luxury homes.
Modular design
MHG has expended considerable
A laudable feature of the construction
energy on researching the needs of a
work on the Kidds Beach project is the use
growing Kidds Beach community and to
of modular masonry. Here architectural
this end, the development will include
drawings not only include the walls, doors
a shopping centre, a clinic, private
and other dimensions, but – unlike tradi-
schools, crèches and a four-star ho-
tional plans – they detail every brick used.
tel, as well as restaurants, a gym and
Working out precise brick layouts is a
other relaxation amenities. These will
complicated and time-consuming process,
be developed as the residential roll-out
especially at the corners, but the results
more than justify the effort. Wastage
The residential component of Phase 1,
is minimised by reducing the need for
which kicked off in September 2014,
odd-sized blocks, so prevalent in the
comprises five estates: Umlele Heights,
non-modular approach. Furthermore, by
Umlele Springs, Impangele Estate, The
following a disciplined and identical building
Village and The Golden Mile (see layout).
procedure time after time, the benefits of
Each estate will have its own home-own-
repetition and mass production come into
ers’ association, architectural guidelines
play. Although it takes longer to produce
and state-of-the-art access controls. Sections of The Village and The Golden Mile enjoy beachfront stands and, given that the development takes place on
a set of modular masonry drawings, the (Above, from top): One of the houses at The Village, with a concrete block paved driveway in the foreground; the Kidds Beach master plan.
downstream savings far outweigh any additional investment that the preparation of such drawings may incur.
sloping land, most properties on all five
market for this development primarily
All the Umlele Heights house designs
estates are afforded sea views.
comprises government officials based in
are rectangular to accommodate the
Bisho, approximately 40km inland.
modular masonry approach. However,
Demand for Umlele Heights has ex-
each property has a different look and
To date, the bulk of the construction
ceeded expectations and, at the time
feel, which adds to the uniqueness
work has centred on Umlele Heights, an
of writing, 200 houses in 60m², 68m²,
and individuality of the entire develop-
affordable housing development which
74m² and 90m² configurations had
ment. This is ameliorated by the varied
will consist of 1 085 units, 621 freehold
been built. In addition, 48 multi-storey
elevations of each stand, which further
on plots of 300m² and 464 sectional
sectional title maisonette and duplex
enhance the aesthetic appeal of the
title units when completed. The target
units had been erected on the estate.
entire estate.
New heights
Precast solutions Besides the Maxi bricks, other forms of precast concrete include M4 and M6 concrete blocks for yard areas and other forms of exterior walling, concrete piping and manholes for stormwater drainage and sewers, concrete block paving and
kerbing, pre-stressed hollow-core slabs for the sectional title units, concrete roof tiles and precast lintels. All the bricks, blocks and paving blocks were supplied by CMA member INCA East London. So far, INCA has supplied 2 100 000 Maxi bricks, 60 000 M6 blocks and 10 000 M4 blocks. It has also supplied 657 200 paving blocks which cover internal road surfaces in Umlele Heights and The Village. Pre-stressed hollowcore slabs (1 105m²) were supplied by
(Above): A terraced duplex unit under construction at Umlele Heights.
Shukuma Flooring. The stormwater pipes
(Left): Some completed terraced duplexes at Umlele Heights.
(1 420m), manhole covers, lids and rings are being manufactured by Cementile in East London, as are the lintels in various
The use of prestressed hollow-core
sizes. The concrete roof tiles in several
slabs for the sectional title multi-storey
colours are being manufactured by an-
units enabled the fast-track construc-
other CMA member, Coverland.
tion of these units. Just over 1 100m2
MHG is a vertically integrated prop-
slabs, 150mm thick, 1,2m wide and av-
erty development group of companies
eraging 6,5m long, were used on Umlele
which executes all stages of property
Heights terraced duplex units.
development. Its in-house architect/ development manager liaises closely with
Insulated design
Tobias Lochner Architects on design
“Using precast flooring rather than in-
aspects. MHG’s construction entity is
undertaken to ensure that all the plat-
situ flooring meant we could dispense
responsible for all residential building
forms were stable and raft foundations
with propping and shuttering and it took
activities at the Kidd’s Beach Project
were used instead of strip footings.
days, rather than weeks, to install the
and, in doing so, makes extensive use of local sub-contractors and labour.
flooring. Moreover, we could commence Unique appearance
building the upper-floor sections as soon
Concrete roof tiles and concrete block
as the flooring had been installed. Other
High standards
paved roads are the most visible evidence
advantages included improved thermal
According to MHG’s construction op-
of precast concrete usage on the pro-
efficiency and good noise insulation prop-
erations manager, Kyle Williams, a high
ject. One of the distinctive features of
erties,” says Williams.
standard of construction and quality
the roofing in all five estates is the use
The Kidds Beach Project Develop-
finishes is being maintained by MHG
of gambrels. Each estate has its own
ment is providing a major capital injec-
through the application of several quality
roof tile colour mix. Roofing materials
tion for contractors and workers in the
management systems.
were supplied by three supply companies:
area. Besides generating employment
“Maintaining a high standard in build-
Cape Building and Truss (based in Port
and skills training, it is making a sig-
ing quality involves ongoing skills develop-
Elizabeth) and Builders Trading and Buco
nificantly positive impact on commercial
ment. We use Swift Human Resources
(both based in East London).
activity in Kidds Beach and its immediate
and Swift Skills Academy for all aspects
Most of the paving was laid by SL
environment. During the 10-year con-
of the construction process, from scaf-
Contractors, which also installed the
struction period, members of the local
fold erection to the laying of roof tiles.
kerbing and stormwater manholes.
community as well as the building, civil
We also use the NHBRC for on-site best-
The base layer of the roads comprised
and other construction and landscape
practice refresher workshops in building
a 150mm layer of Sabunga material
sectors stand to benefit substantially.
methodology,” says Williams.
sourced in East London. It was topped
MHG is chaired by Tjaart van der Walt,
The Kidds Beach area comprises an
by a layer of bedding sand and INCA’s
who has been involved in a number of suc-
alluvial soil with a fine clay content and in
60mm and 80mm interlocking pavers.
cessful property developments, either on
creating level building platforms, Sabunga
The shopping centre parking area will
their own or with development partners.
was imported for additional support.
also be surfaced with concrete block
He is also a serial entrepreneur and has
Density cone penetration testing was
pavers and cover an area of 6 600m2.
interests in several other businesses.
Wednesday, 1 March
Free State
Thursday, 9 March
OHS Legal WS
Wednesday, 15 March
OHS Legal WS
Cape Town
Thursday, 16 March
OHS Legal WS
Port Alfred
Wednesday, 22 March
OHS Legal WS
Wednesday, 22 March
Rooftile WS
Thursday, 23 March
OHS Legal WS
Cape Town
Tuesday, 28 March
Rooftile WS
Thursday, 30 March
Rooftile WS
Cape Town
Tuesday, 9 May
Regional meeting
Thursday, 11 May
Regional meeting
Tuesday, 16 May
Regional meeting
Western Cape
Thursday, 18 May
Regional meeting
Eastern Cape
Thursday, 1 June
Monday, 19 June
Lock & Permpave
Wednesday, 21 June
Lock & Permpave
Friday, 23 June
Lock & Permpave
Cape Town
Tuesday, 1 August
Wednesday, 16 August
Concrete Conference (SARMA)
Misty Hills
Thursday, 17 August
Concrete Conference (SARMA)
Misty Hills
Friday, 18 August
Concrete Conference (SARMA)
Misty Hills
Monday, 11 September
P,C & M WS (1)
Tuesday, 12 September
P,C & M WS (2)
Thursday, 14 September
P,C & M WS (1)
Friday, 15 September
P,C & M WS (2)
Tuesday, 19 September
P,C & M WS (1)
Cape Town
Wednesday, 20 September
P,C & M WS (2)
Cape Town
Monday, 16 October
Concrete Masonry Units
Wednesday, 18 October
Concrete Masonry Units
East London
Friday, 20 October
Concrete Masonry Units
Cape Town
Tuesday, 24 October
Concrete Masonry Units
Wednesday, 1 November
North West
Please note: Dates correct at time of going to print, but are subject to change.
PRODUCER MEMBERS A FICK SEMENTWERKE BK Tel: (022) 913 1921 Province/Country: WC Pillar: PB AVENG INFRASET (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 876 5500/872 1713 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI BOSUN BRICK MIDRAND (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 310 1176 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI BOSUN BRICK BRITS (PT Y) LTD Tel: (012) 250 1711 Province/Country: Brits BOSUN BRICK PE (PT Y) LTD Tel: (041) 405 0100 Province/Country: EC PANDA (PT Y) LTD Tel: (00267) 244 2107/8 Province/Country: BOTS Pillar: PB/PI BRICKCAST INDUSTRIES CC Tel: (031) 507 5525 Province/Country: KZN Pillar: PB/PI C.E.L. PAVING PRODUCTS CC Tel: (021) 905 5998 Province/Country: WC Pillar: PI CEMBLOCKS (PT Y) LTD Tel: (014) 538 0311 Province/Country: NW Pillar: PB/PI CIVILWORKS (PT Y) LTD REAL TIME INVESTMENTS Tel: (011) 903 7023 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI CONCRETE UNITS (PT Y) LTD Tel: (016) 362 2236/(021) 386 1923 Province/Country: WC/JHB Pillar: PB/PI CONFRAMAT (PT Y) LTD Tel: (086)1 33 5599 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI COROBRIK (PT Y) LTD Tel: (031) 560 3111/3420 Province/Country: KZN Pillar: PI CORESLAB (PT Y) LTD Tel: (087) 232 2462 Pillar: PB/PI DERANCO PRECAST (PT Y) LTD Tel: (041) 463 3338 Province/Country: EC Pillar: PB/PI EAGLE ROOF TILES (PT Y) LTD Tel: (044) 874 0290 Province/Country: WC Pillar: PB ECHO PRESTRESS (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 589 8800/8899 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB ECHO FLOORS (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 662 4600/668 1900 Province/Country: JHB ENVIRO-CAST (PT Y) LTD Tel: (016) 004 0018 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI FASTDECK (PT Y) LTD Tel: (00267) 397 1974 Province/Country: BOT Pillar: PB INCA MASONRY PRODUCTS (PTY) LTD Tel: (043) 745 1215 Province/Country: EC Pillar: PB/PI
KEYSTONE WALLING CC Tel: 082 850 3512 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI LATEGAN CEMENT WORKS (PT Y) LTD Tel: (021) 873 1154 Province/Country: WC Pillar: PB/PI MARLEY BUILDING SYSTEMS (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 316 2121 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB MOBICAST (PT Y) LTD Tel: 086 111 2346 Province/Country: WC Pillar: PB/PI MONIER COVERLAND (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 222 7300 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB MVA BRICKS CC Tel: (012) 386 0050 Province/Country: PTA Pillar: PI PORTLAND HOLLOWCORE SLABS ( PT Y) LTD Tel: (021) 972 1111/1144 Province/Country: WC Pillar: PI REMACON PRODUCTS CC Tel: (011) 393 5504 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PI REVELSTONE (CAPE) (PT Y) LTD Tel: 0861 173 835/(021) 761 9737 Province/Country: WC Pillar: PI ROCLA (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 670 7600/7723/7600 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI SHUKUMA BRICKS (PT Y) LTD Tel: (041) 372 1013 Province/Country: EC Pillar: PB SILVERTON PRECAST (PT Y) LTD Tel: (012) 804 4525 Province/Country: PTA Pillar: PI SIMSTONE (PT Y) LTD Tel: (016) 362 2181/2/5 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI SMARTSTONE (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 310 1161/1178 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI SOUTHERN PIPELINE CONTRACTORS (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 914 8500 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PI TECHNICRETE (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 672 1425/206 8920 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI TOPFLOOR CONCRETE (PT Y) LTD Tel: (021) 951 7700 Province/Country: WC Pillar: PB VANSTONE PRECAST (PT Y) LTD Tel: (012) 541 2056/808 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI WEST END CEMENT BRICKS (PTY) LTD Tel: (011) 851 1005/1063 Province/Country: JHB Pillar: PB/PI NON-PRODUCER ANNUAL MEMBERS ABEL EQUIPMENT CC Tel: (044) 874 1876 Province/Country: EC
ASH RESOURCES (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 657 0230 Province/Country: JHB BASF CONSTRUCTION CHEMICALS SOUTH AFRICA (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 203 2400/2445 Province/Country: JHB BIRKENMAYER H (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 970 3880 Province/Country: JHB CHRYSO SOUTHERN AFRICA (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 395 9700 Province/Country: JHB DECCAN DIE CASTINGS (PVT) LTD Tel: 91 80 28524121 Province/Country: India DELTA BLOC SOUTH AFRICA (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 024 4604 Province/Country: JHB
CONCRETE SOCIET Y SOUTHERN AFRICA Tel: (012) 348 5305/6944 Province/Country: PTA CPI CONCRETE PLANT INTERNATIONAL Tel: (02236) 962390 Province/Country: Germany ILIFA AFRICA ENGINEERS (PT Y) LTD Tel: (012) 362 1473/0174 Province/Country: PTA JC PAVING CONSULTING Tel: (011) 431 0727 Province/Country: JHB SEKHUKHUNE & ASSOCIATES Tel: (012) 346 1945 Province/Country: PTA SNA CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENG Tel: (012) 842 0000 Province/Country: PTA
DICK KING LAB SUPPLIES (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 499 9400 Province/Country: JHB
SARMA Tel: (011) 791 3327/086 647 7967 Province/Country: JHB
ECONO CAST (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 662 2159 Province/Country: JHB
TACO VOOGT CONSULTING ENGINEER Tel: (012) 669 0125 Province/Country: PTA
HAWKEYEPEDERSHAAB Tel: 00 459645 4000 TJEKA TRAINING MAT TERS Province/Country: Denmark Tel: (011) 665 2777 Province/Country: JHB HYDRAFORM INTERNATIONAL (PT Y) LTD YOUNG & SATHARIA Tel: (011) 913 1449 CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS Province/Country: Gauteng Tel: (031) 207 7252 Province/Country: KZN KAYMAC (PT Y) LTD/ TRADING AS KAY TECH CONTRACTOR ANNUAL MEMBERS Tel: (031) 717 2300 Province/Country: KZN BUFFALO RETAINING WALLS CC Tel: (016) 366 1801 KERNEOS SOUTH AFRICA (PT Y) LTD Province/Country: JHB TEL: (011) 444 3090 Province/Country: JHB DECORTON RETAINING KOBRA MOULDS B.V. Tel: 003111 356 2460 Province/Country: Netherlands MANITOU SA (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 975 7770 Province/Country: JHB O.C.E.M. S.R.L Tel: 00393 357 999 084 Province/Country: Italy PAN MIXERS SOUTH AFRICA (PT Y) LTD – PMSA Tel: (011) 578 8700/8720 Province/Country: JHB PEGASO STAMPI S.R.L. Tel: 0039 105 7788 0966/ 0039 105 7798 5866 Province/Country: Italy QUANGONG MACHINES CO LTD Tel: +865 958 679 9557 Province/Country: China SIKA SOUTH AFRICA (PT Y) LTD Tel: 031 792 6500 Province/Country: KZN TECHMATIC S.A. Tel: 0048 608 422 300/ 0048 48 369 01 09 Province/Country: Poland TERRAFORCE (PT Y) LTD Tel: (021) 465 1907 Province/Country: WC ASSOCIATE ANNUAL MEMBERS ASPASA Tel: (011) 791 3327 Province/Country: JHB BRITISH PRECAST CONCRETE FEDERATION Tel: (044) 116 232 5170 Province/Country: UK
SYSTEMS (PT Y) LTD Tel: (021) 875 5155 Province/Country: WC
FRICTION RETAINING STRUCTURES (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 608 4321 Province/Country: JHB POWERGATE CONSTRUCTION CC Tel: 071 603 5070/086 263 6131 Province/Country: JHB VALCAL INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CC Tel: (011) 867 2471 Province/Country: JHB CEMENT MEMBERS AFRISAM SOUTH AFRICA (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 670 500/5752/5972/5775 Province/Country: JHB LAFARGEHOLCIM (PT Y) LTD Tel: (011) 657 0000/(012) 534 2039 Province/Country: JHB/ CT PPC LTD Tel: (011) 386 9000/626 3150 Province/Country: JHB SEPHAKU CEMENT (PT Y) LTD Tel: (012) 684 6300/0861 555 2020 Province/Country: JHB/PTA
PLEASE NOTE: The above member list was correct at the time of going to print. If your details have changed, please contact Rita at the CMA offices on tel: (011) 805 6742
PI – Precast Infrastructure PB – Precast Building