Electrocomponents plc (LSE: ECM), a global omni-channel provider of product and service solutions, has announced the winners of the People.Planet.Product student design challenge launched early last year in collaboration with the company’s first global social enterprise partner, The Washing Machine Project, a humanitarian initiative dedicated to alleviating the burden of hand-washing in low-income and displaced communities through innovative product design and distribution. The three winning designs, which were selected from six global f inalists, were Kai Goodall, Team Scentury and Joseph Baker, who came first, second and third respectively. The challenge tasked student members of the DesignSpark engineering community to apply original thinking and practical skills to the ongoing development of The Washing Machine Project’s f irst water-sav ing, of f-g r id manual crank-handle washing machine, the Divya. Entries were invited in three different focus areas: People (empowering people to use the Divya by improving the technology or implementation of the design); Planet (filtering out greywater or microplastics) and Product (encouraging better posture through changes in weight – eg, portability). South African winner Kai Goodall’s “Pedal ’n Spin” design is a foot-cranked washing machine that rotates easily using a combination of the principle of a treadle system and pedal system. It is a pedalpowered, connected, rod-driven rotating drum washing machine system which is purely mechanical in nature. It improves the user’s posture, ease of use and sustainability of the current Divya washing machine, allowing longer-term adoption, improved hygiene and increased rotation efficiency with a huge mechanical advantage. Goodall, currently a Master’s student in electrical engineering at the University of Cape Town (UCT), mentioned that it was moving to see his sustainable and userfriendly washing machine design selected as one of the winners of the global contest.
PEOPLE.PLANET.PRODUCT – LOCAL WINNERS WITH SURPRISING DESIGNS Innovative winning solutions will enhance the design and accessibility of the Divya manual crank washing machine developed by The Washing Machine Project, helping to improve lives “My UCT supervisor and chairperson of the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Eng ineers SA, Dr Dav id Oyedokun, i n s pi red me to compete i n t he R S Components Student Design Challenge. Being the sole finalist from Africa in the competition and winning first prize was a special recognition of my invention and motivated me to take my passion to new frontiers and hopefully inspire more young people to use engineering as a tool for their progression,” he said. All six finalists, including Team Oro ( Product), Team Neolithic ( Product)
and Ketki Dave (Planet), pitched their designs at a live virtual event to a panel of judges from leading industrial and humanitarian organisations which share the goal of helping to improve lives. Mike England, chief operating off icer of Electrocomponents, opened the finals w it h a speech about t he compa ny’s c om m it ment to “ M a k i n g A m a z i n g Things Happen for a Better World” t hrough socia l impact par t ners and education programmes. Yewande Akinola MBE, Ambassador for Clean Growth and Infrastructure, UK, delivered a