Project 23

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APRIL 2015


ABOUT THE PROJECT. Project 23 started off originally as an idea for a zine. Made to mark the progress of an individual trough the course of a year. The mission was to create a piece each month resembling the “progress” or challenges faced in said month. The goal was to have 12 pieces at the ready come Jan 1, 2015. That wasn’t the case. The project evolved from doodles in a notebook to logically complete works of art. And no one knows what the future of Project 23 will become, maybe Project 24?

BEAUTY & GORE Some words just really stick with you. Some words you really wish you had never heard. You spend countless hours over-analyzing, trying to figure out what they meant. But other words you can’t get enough of. You keep re-reading, over and over and they make you smile. Just take the good with the bad.

SILHOUETTE BALANCE What would happen if you doodle in a meeting just to seem busy and let your mind wonder? What would show up on the page? Or do you pay attention and are a civilized, responsible person with a pension plan, insurance and a safety net?

There is nothing more majestic than a woman’s body. There is nothing more hypnotic than a woman dancing. This Yin Yang is meant to be as beautiful and hypnotic, peaceful and serene as it is ugly and disturbing, whatever you make it. That is what life is - whatever you make of it.



Do you ever feel like you’re carrying the whole world on your shoulders? Like whatever you’re doing is too much for you to handle? Like the sky is going to come crashing down? No, me neither. Ignore this, it’s not about that.

If there was something in easy-to-consume form, that made everything in the world better... or at least seem better. Oh wait what? There is? It’s called “alcohol”? And it’s consumed in industrial quantities on Fridays? Huh, does it help?

WISDOM That is what we seek all out lives, right? Not experiences, not comfort, not excitement just information being poured into your skull on a daily basis, with no time to process it? Well that’s what happens anyways. When was the last time you sat down and reflected?

SOUL How is it that humans are the only mammals who pick fights with others of the same species for things that they don’t really need. Education? Internships? Jobs? Relationships? Only to follow a social standard, avoid being ostracized and die in piece and quiet. .

CATZ Dead cats, dead rats? Like that Doors song? No, just something to illustrate how thoughts evolve from a simple note book doodle and can turn into practically anything, only your imagination can limit you, if you allow it. And at the same time how monotonous and repetitive it can be.

FLY AWAY Sometimes you just need to take a moment, take a deep breath, hold it and let go of all the bullshit that pollutes your mind, all the people not worth fighting for, all the chances that you didn’t take and relax.

BALLOON-HEAD This one goes out to all the things in life that have a facade made to deceive us. To all the beautiful faces with no soul. To all the friends with a huge smile and a knife behind their back. To all the wonderful opportunities with a catch. But if you look at them as the obstacle you need to overcome to level-up, surely you must get something out of it?

LOVE DRUGGIE It’s funny how you can relate to music another person made and yet experience it as if it was you making the music. This is the title of a song; when I heard for the first time, I instantaneously related it to my love life at the time. It seemed like something so beautiful and delicate and yet so disgusting and ugly.

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