This piece was inspired by Niel Harbison’s experience with color - a journey starting with him not being able to see color, through being pressured by society’s set up (functioning mainly based on colour), through an extreme self-improving quest, to currenly living as an obvious outlier with “special abilities” as well as a spokesperson representing his kind.
During research 2 main questions arose: on the quest of self-improvement, how far can we go before we start losing our(original)selves, and, do we compromise ourselves by “self-improving” based on others' image of the higher-self. I consider both ideas fascinating and very personally relatable, thus conceptualised the story "Asher" in order to provide a discussion platform. I share this story with the goal of sparking these and many other questions in today’s youth - a demographic with the most potential to make a difference.
The project was originally planned to be a mock children’s story as the format is unpretentious and uncom