March 2012
March 2012
Editors: Shahid Aziz Mustaq Ali
Announcements and News
The Promised Messiah speaks
Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ali
Efforts at keeping the jamaat united
Proving Loyalty
Sunni Muslims prove they were loyal to the British during the Raj
Announcements and News Friday
Prayers Dars/speech
12:30 12:45
Webcasts: Please note that the Friday khutba and prayers, the dars, as well as all meetings are broadcast over the Virtual Mosque ( at the time stated above.
Maulana M. Kemal Hydal informs us that Bro Hanif Mohammad (Breds), a Senior Executive member of the Trinidad Ahmadiyya Anjuman and their former Treasurer returned to his Maker on Friday, January 13, 2012 while preparing for Jumuah prayer.
Qadiani Khalifa sahib picks out two Lahori’s for special treatment From jamaat-thoughts/comment-page-1/#comment24947; an anti-Qadiani web-site:-
Fair Mind on May 9, 2011 at 8:47 am said: @Findings, Dear sister,
As far as I remember, Qadiani Khalifa 4 Mirza Tahir Ahmad prohibited his Qadiani Cult followers from discussion with Shahid Aziz and Dr. Zahid Aziz (both brothers are Lahori-Ahmadis) way back in year 2000.
It is very much possible Qadiani Khalifa 4 may have stopped his cult followers from discussion with other Muslims too. And perhaps Qadiani Khalifa 5 Mirza Masroor Ahmad also stopped his cult followers from discussions with nonQadianis in 2004. Note: This brings to mind an incident when Mirza Tahir Ahmad had first arrived in the UK. Shortly thereafter the Qadiani jamaat published the complete set of the Promised Messiah’s books under the title Rohani Khazain. The person I spoke to when placing the order explained that the postage will be prohibitive and instead he will find people living in Slough to bring me the books. I guess an underlying idea was to see who was buying these books and “convert� him. The person who delivered the books spoke to me very nicely greatly praising my independence of mind and spirit of searching for the truth by reading the Promised Messiah’s books myself rather than rely on hearsay. You will find he announced proudly that Hazrat Mirza sahib did not claim to be a prophet, as people claim and he did not call anyone a kafir. I immediately noticed the words as people claim, which meant that later I would be told that the prophethood claimed was different from the one that people say he claimed and not that he did not claim prophethood. However, I left that to one side and said : “What about you?� On being told that he regarded everyone who recites the Kalima as a Muslim I asked him if he was a Lahori and not a Qadiani. The man visibly recoiled with horror and said : “No, that was an unfortunate attempt