The Light (English) December 2012

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Deember 2012



Webcasting on the world’s first real-time Islamic service at Editors: Shahid Aziz Mustaq Ali



Call of the Messiah Khutba, ‘Id-ul-Adha, by Shahid Aziz Honour Killings, by Zahid Aziz

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‫َّحیْم‬ ِ ‫ہللا الرَّحْ مٰ ِن الر‬ ِ ‫ِبس ِْم‬ Webcasts: Please note that the Friday khutba and prayers, the dars, as well as all meetings are broadcast over the Virtual Mosque (

Call of the Messiah

work a cure and deliver unfailingly with the certainty of a law, all kinds of temperament from the clutches of disease. Our belief on the other hand, is that up to this time physicians have not been able to find out any such medicine, nor can they, which may, at all events, produce a good effect upon all men of different natures, ages and countries, and never fall short and fail. It is, therefore, that in spite of plan and device, the room for prayer and supplication, at any rate, remains open and empty. And plague, in the list of all deadly diseases, obviously stands at the top; how, then, can a man adduce his claim in respect of such a deadly disease that a certain drug or device can save all lives without any exception, from its fatal blow? Purpose of prayer

Again, when it is evident from the Law of Nature that the science of medicine in itself is Precautionary measure merely speculative, and so are all its plans and It should also be remembered here that we had, prescriptions, how unfortunate it is, then, that in our first notification, proposed a plan, by way one should repose all his confidence in these of precaution, for keeping off uncertainties and seek not plague. But it had never been through prayer the grace of the our intention to suggest that it Most High God, Who is the Suwas an absolute and sure rempreme Source of all good and edy, so trustworthy and infalliguidance. What do we ask for and ble that after it there recrave through prayer? We implore mained no need nor yearning and entreat the Great Knower of for prayer. We meant only to the unseen, who knows the real say that there was strong nature of the disease as well as its probability that it might yield treatment, to extend to us His some good effect. We know it helping hand, and provide us with for certain that with regard to such medicines as may be excela disease there is, in the hands lently efficacious and effective; or of doctors and physicians, no that He may not – out of His kindsuch medicine in respect of liness and grace – cause to dawn which they can put forth and upon us the day when we stand in proffer the claim that it will, need of physicians and their Hazrat Amir’s arrival was fighting with full success medicines. Is there any doubt or front-page news. against the dictates of destiny, uncertainty about the fact that (Continued from the last issue)

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