Reenrollment Begins Monday!
January 24, 2013
Breaking News Third Grade Pancake Breakfast on Family Workday
Reserve your tickets now, maties! School Supplies 4 Africa
Freshman, AJ Ort, has made a practice for several years of choosing worthy causes to support. He’s raised money for Japan Tsunami relief, Hurricane Sandy victims and breast cancer research (to name a few) and now he’s asking for help to collect school supplies for children in Africa. For information about the organization, Develop Africa, visit their website, Middle and High School Student Governments have joined AJ’s cause and have set up distribution boxes in the front of the school. Donations of new or almost new pencils, pens, pads of paper, rulers, nonelectric pencil sharpeners, notebooks, graph paper, calculators, binders, pencil cases, graph paper, pocket dictionaries, colored pencils & markers, etc., can be dropped off between today and February 7. For more information, contact AJ at 808-634-1402.
Kitchen Becoming More Eco-Friendly Starting Monday Mr. Dean announced we’ll be serving lunch on biodegradeable plates with biodegradeable flatware!
Saturday, February 16, 7 - 10 a.m. Proceeds benefit the 3rd grade’s annual trip to O‘ahu. Tickets are $7, and automatically enter you into a drawing for special prizes. Menu includes: fresh fruit medley, pancakes, rice, scrambled eggs, breakfast meat, coffee, tea and juice. A huge mahalo to Pepe Trask for developing the menu. During the breakfast there will be a pancake eating contest, Bingo and prizes. Plan on attending the Family Work Day, immediately afterward. What a great way to start the day! Great food, and a great cause as well.
Meeting for Incoming MS Students Tonight
Do you have questions about what middle school is like at Island School? The MS faculty and administration invite you to a MS Parent Orientation meeting tonight, Thursday at 5:00 p.m. in the Noni classroom. There you will get a sense of how middle school is different from elementary and high school levels and how our program is designed especially for this exciting age. Refreshments will be served. Invite a friend if you’d like.
ZUMBA® for Robotics on Feb. 9
Join the fun and have a great workout, with Troy Lazaro and the Rockstars. In the Wilcox Gymnasium from 9:0010:30 a.m. $10 includes 90 minutes of ZUMBA®, plus a continental breakfast of yogurt, fruit, granola, juice and a chance to win a romantic dinner for two at the Red Salt Restaurant in Po‘ipu.
Click HERE for important dates Dress up in the Valentine’s Day theme in red or pink and you might win a prize for the best dressed “Cupid.” Tickets available in our Office, at all ZUMBA® Fitness classes or by calling 635-7377. Proceeds benefit our all-Kaua‘i high school robotics team, Kaua‘ibots.
KIF Golf Season Begins Soon
Island School Golf Team practices will start Monday, Jan. 28, at the Puakea Golf Course. Practices will be on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15-5:30. All high school students are invited to join the team. Our coaches are Alan King and Sam Pratt. Contact Jen for more information at
Voyagers Host Swim Meet Volunteers Needed
The Athletic Department is looking for volunteers to time at our Championship Swim Meet. The meet will be held on January 26, at the YMCA swimming pool. Timers are needed to report to Jen at 1:30 p.m. with the meet starting at 2:00 p.m. The meet should run approximately 2 1/2 hours long. No experience needed! If you are able to assist, please email Jen at jenp@
Jogathon - Feb. 15th
Students in PK-5 are busy collecting sponsors for this year’s event, scheduled for Friday, Feb. 15, at Po‘ipu Beach. Proceeds help fund our sports programs and playground equipment.
To contact the publisher of Island School’s Parent Connection, email
I.S. Chronicles (they teach them a little Spanish before filming them!) Be sure to ask your son or daughter to show you the video! Websites will be posted in next week’s Parent Connection.
PHYSICAL FITNESS – Congratulations to the Island School students who participated in the Keiki Fun Run last Saturday at Kilohana. Placing 1st in their age group in the one-mile run were Kala Edwards, Liko Edwards, Bradley Pratt and James Pratt, while Nahe Edwards took second. In the 11 and over, Conor Hunt and Waileia Edwards placed 2nd in the two-mile run. Also participating were Sienna MartinOldfield, Lucas Summerhays and Spencer Summerhays. SENIOR UPDATE – Ava Zebzda, Michael Kilcoyne, Travis Kim and Cole Moore were all accepted at University of Hawa‘i at Manoa. Griffin Lord has been accepted at Cornish School of the Arts in Seattle, Washington. Adam Rick has been accepted at St. John’s University in New York, New York. SPANISH – Spanish V students continue to work with Na Pua Keiki, teaching them Spanish. Last week, they taught them words pertaining to the parts of a fish, and this week they helped them make lion fish. 7th Grade Spanish students are creating a video in Spanish about Island School. They are filming interviews with each other around campus about their classes. Spanish 1 students are extending the project by interviewing Island School teachers in Spanish about their classes
Austin Taylor, ‘13, works with PK students to make lion fish.
MOCK TRIAL – Our team was victorious over Kapa‘a High in their first match on Tuesday! They worked very hard leading up to the match and it paid off. They were poised, professional and eloquent. Kalena Wong, ‘14, won the Outstanding Attorney Award and Makenna Olson, ‘16, won the Outstanding Witness Award. Their next match is on February 5th against Kaua‘i High. CHORUS – Fifty-six students and their chaperones returned exhausted, but elated from the experience they shared at the Ho‘olokahi High School Choral Festival on O‘ahu last weekend. Here are a few comments from the students: “Singing with so many other amazing singers gave me a better
understanding of how moving music can be.: … “I feel like it really helped our class and school connect.” … “I ended up liking songs I didn’t like before.” … “The seven hour practice helped me have more patience.” … “I loved the spontaneous jam sessions –I played ‘Mad World’ and ‘Don’t Stop Believin’ and everyone sang and clapped and it was awesome!” … “It made me more independent.” … “I never knew that I could be a part of something that was so powerful but beautiful.” … “I made lots of new friends and I even saw some old ones.” … “It helped me sing better and like music even more.” … “I didn’t know what it was like to ‘sing your heart out,’ but after singing ‘O Nata Lux’, now I do.” … “ I feel like I grew musically and it’s a trip that I will always remember.” KIF WRESTLING – Congratulations to our team and to David Caminos, ‘15, and Ryland Santos, ‘14, who took third place in their weight class last weekend. SCIENCE – The middle school Science Olympiad team came in second place on Monday, earning four first places in eight, very competitive events. The winning events were: Mouse Trap Vehicle (Zeke Gamby/Brianna Ryan); Boomilever (Anne Cushnie/ Allison Summerhays); Reach for the Stars (Brianna Ryan/Andres GonzalezRamos); Roto Egg Drop (Quinn Catlin/Andres Gonzalez-Ramos). Island School’s team was the only team competing in the high school division (which means we came in 1st!). Both HS and MS teams are officially headed to the state competition on O‘ahu on March 2nd. HAWAIIAN STUDIES – A bottle message cast adrift two years ago by Mikayla Savoie (now in 7th grade) was found ashore in Taiwan last October!
Parent Page
Parent Association
Mahalo, Nathanel Evslin for Internet Safety Seminar
A small group of mostly elementary parents attended an informative gathering this week sponsored by the Parent Association. Mr. Evslin covered topics including social networking (Facebook privacy, Instagram, Tumblr and Snapchat), browsing security, and ways to keep tabs on your children’s Internet activities. He stressed the importance of keeping the lines of communication open. He suggested parents chat with their children frequently about what they’re doing online, as opposed to putting up lots of restrictions. “Children know how to get around most barriers you can put up. Don’t think you really know what they’re up to online,” he advised. “If your children feel comfortable talking with you, then you can do more to ensure they have positive experiences using the Internet.”
Classified Ads WHALE WATCH/SNORKEL TOUR BENEFIT: Don’t miss this great opportunity to sail with Captain Andy on his big trimaran boat as a benefit for the Hawai‘i Children’s Theatre, the folks who brought you Bugsy Malone and Scrooge! The Musical in 2012! Sunday, February 10th. Tickets are a $80 donation and support their scholarship funds. Food and drinks provided. Boat from Port Allen in Eleele at 2:00 PM for a 4 hour sail. Please check in at least a half hour early. Space is very limited, so reserve your tickets today. Call Debra Blachowiak at 6392437 or log onto and reserve your tickets on line! WANTED TO RENT: IS alumna, Richelle Ridenour, ‘08, is looking for a rental for herself and her small dog (or a place to share). Open to possibilities... Kapa‘a to Lihu‘e. Email her at
Mahalo to
♥ ♥ ♥ Valerie Rivera, Jerilyn and Katie Cook for
assisting at the Wrestling Match.
♥ ♥ ♥ Robin Pratt, Lauren Hunt, Kathy Conery,
Jen Pomroy, Lisa Splittstoesser, Richard Porto and Pua Rezentes for their help with Treasure Island this week.
♥ ♥ ♥ Our dedicated and hard-working auction volun-
teers who have been spending endless hours making A Pirate Ball the best auction ever.
♥ ♥ ♥ our teachers and parent volunteers for working
with our Science Olympiad students: Joe Corbo and Jeff Kozak, and parent volunteers, Sandy Catlin, Laura Ryan, Laura Cushnie and Chris Gamby.
Ahoy there! Have ye bought yer tickets yet? Call today 246-0233 ‘n be tellin’ ‘em ye be wantin’ to attend.
Hawai‘i Youth Symphony on Kaua‘i: Feb. 10, at KCC PAC. For tickets, go to KUKUI GROVE CINEMA TICKETS: This is a benefit for the Kaua‘i Boy Scouts “Order of the Arrow” (OA) unit. The OA will receive $3 for every ticket purchased. This unit is comprised of Boy Scouts from the different troops on the island. Arrowmen are known for maintaining camping traditions and spirit, promoting year-round and long term resident camping, and providing cheerful service to others (they were here last year at our workday). The benefit tickets to the movies cost $8, which is the regular adult price at Kukui Grove cinema. If you are planning to see a movie now through April 31, please purchase an adult ticket ($8) from Mike Goto. Contact him at
Re-Enroll for 2013-2014 Now! We’re midway through the year - time to look ahead Enrollment for current families begins Monday, January 28, through Friday, February 8. Why so early?
Well – it’s not really so early. Scheduling and hiring for next year are already underway. We need to have enrollment numbers to do a good job with this.
Financial Aid
Those wishing to apply for financial aid should do so using FACTS online – There is a $25 fee for this service. Notification of financial aid awards will be made in April. The business office will adjust accounts in accord with these awards.
Contract and Deposit
Reenrollment may be done either electronically or Benefits of early reenrollment through hard copy. The 2013-14 contract has been • Space for your child/ren is ensured. e-mailed to families currently enrolled via RenWeb. • A $100 rebate is yours at the end of the school year, Families who want to respond electronically may providing your student has maintained a satisfactory do so by downloading the contract using Adobe record and your account has been kept up-to-date. Acrobat or Foxit Reader. It should be read carefully and completed. Then agreement with its contents, including payment plan, should be noted and the Island School is the right choice Island School enjoys a high reputation for academic signed document returned to Island school, c/o the Business Office. excellence and provides a full range of activities for students, including the arts and athletics. Its staff Families who prefer, may download and print has earned degrees from 40 different institutions the contract, read it carefully, complete it with of higher education, and is characterized by compatibility, competence, caring, and commitment. appropriate signatures, including payment plan, and then return it to Island School.
2013-2014 tuition fees
Tuition charges for the coming year are as follows: $ 8,700 • Pre-Kindergarten $12,700 • Kindergarten through 8th Grade $13,300 • 9th through 12th Grades We know that these are not small amounts. At the same time, with the exception of parochial schools and Kamehameha, they are well below those of other top-quality independent schools in Hawai‘i.
Please Note: To be processed, all contracts must be accompanied by a non-refundable deposit of $300, payable by cash, check, or credit card. This amount will be deducted from your total tuition charges. We’re already looking forward to the next school year, filled with exciting educational experiences for your children.
Island School 3-1875 Kaumuali`i Hwy Lihu`e, Kaua`i, Hawai`i, 96766
January 24, 2013 A weekly publication We’re on the web at