Parent Connection: Feb. 27, 2014

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February 27, 2014


Breaking News Trimester 3 Lunch Plan Signup Due Tomorrow

It’s time to sign up for our Healthy Lunch Program for next trimester. Lunch plans and rates are as follows: PK-5th



Lunch Plan



Mon., Wed., Fri.



Pizza Day Only



Salad Bar Only



Call the Front Office to make the necessary payment arrangements.

New Books and Fee for Trimester 3 (High School)

American Literature, Honors English and Marine Ecology require books for the upcoming trimester. Books can be ordered on our online book store, MBS Direct ( If your child is a high school Ceramics student, the fee for course materials must be paid by March 21.

Etiquette Classes Spring Break: March 31 - April 3

If you are concerned about the decline of civility, respect, good manners and positive communication skills among our younger generation, now there is help! Manners in Momentum offers a unique twist to etiquette and communications training, connecting children with important core values such as integrity, empathy, responsibility and confidence. Incorporating fun activities keeps everyone engaged and helps retain this valuable information. Register for this four-day Spring Break event by March 14 at http://www. Children must be 5-11 years old. Space is limited. The class is subject to cancellation and full automatic refund given if minimum attendance requirement is not met. Classes at Island

School, 9-11 a.m. $100 tuition.

Auction News

Dreaming of visiting the famed Golden Gate of San Francisco? Are you Bob Dylan fan? How about an avid golfer? Are you looking for a special piece of artwork, a new activity to share with loved ones, or the perfect fashion accessory? Then be sure to check out what’s up for bid at this year’s auction! Visit http://ischool. for the latest and greatest and to purchase tickets.

Child Care Reservations are Due Now!

To reserve child care for the auction, please contact Daryl ASAP for rates and information:

Still Accepting Donations!

If you’re not sure what to give, please consider specialty wines and spirits. They’re among our most popular auction items! If you have a favorite bottle that you’d like to share, please bring it in! We promise it will be heartily appreciated.

Jog-a-Thon Rescheduled for Friday, March 7

The PK-5 Jog-a-Thon has been rescheduled for Friday, March 7, at Po‘ipu Beach Park. The fundraiser exceeded their goal of $3,000 and the teachers will be getting together to determine what new playground and Physical Education equipment they would like to purchase.

There’s Still Time Register for Team Central Basketball

Boys and girls from 2nd to 5th grade are allowed to sign up. Call 808-652-3933 or visit to sign up or for more information.

Click HERE for important dates Finals Week Next Week

Middle school and high school faculty have distributed the schedules for next week’s trimester 2 finals. While school hours remain the same, students will report to classrooms for final exams as indicated on the exam schedule (see pages 5 & 6). Parents will notice that no more than two final exams are scheduled per day. Questions about final exams may be directed to individual instructors. To be well prepared for finals, a good night’s sleep and a nutritious breakfast are recommended.

Middle School Dance Rescheduled for March 7

Please have your child bring his/her permission form and money to the door. The dance will take place in Weinberg Gym, from 7 to 9 p.m. Contact Liz Hubbard ( for additional information.

N. Shore Morning Bus Commuters: Please Come Early Recently, the North Shore morning buses have been arriving to school late. To avoid adjusting the time schedule, we are asking North Shore parents to bring their children to the Hanalei, Princeville and Kilauea bus stops ahead of the scheduled bus arrival times. Along with regular traffic congestion, even a small delay at the stops can compound the problem. Mahalo for understanding.

Foodland Shop for Higher Education Ends March 18

Each time you shop with your Maika‘i Card, you’ll earn Maika‘i Points for you and our school. The more points we earn, the more scholarships we will receive! Thank you for helping our students achieve their dreams! Be sure to designate Island School at checkout. Our school code is 7532.

To contact the publisher of Island School’s Parent Connection, email

I.S. Chronicles

SCIENCE OLYMPIAD – Island School Science Olympiad students will be on their way to O‘ahu tomorrow for Saturday’s Science Olympiad State Finals at Leeward Community College. The high school team includes Kira Catlin ‘15, Allison Culliney ‘15, Lansen Eto ‘14, Moeko Fukada ‘15, Madison Gregor ‘15, Quinn Hannah-White ‘14, Kelly Kay ‘14, Joshua Miller ‘16, Angelique Silvestre ‘14, Ashley Silvestre ‘16, Autumn Warnock ‘15, Zebidiah Wichert ‘16, Christy Jo Williams ‘14, Kellan Wortmann ‘14, Ivana Wu ‘14, and Lia Yamasato ‘17. The middle school team is Ashdan-Ryder Ahuna ‘19, Ki‘ilani Arruda ‘20, Emily Binder ‘18, Quinn Catlin ‘19, Erika Corcoran-Lewis ‘19, Rachel Dressler ‘20, Aliana Ho ‘18, Conor Hunt ‘20, China Huffman ‘18, Dominic LaFratta ‘19, Summer Mead ‘18, James Pratt ‘20, Sasha Rovinsky ‘19, Emily Sullivan ‘18, Luke Sullivan ‘20, and Manule‘a Trujillo ‘19. The coaches are Mary Castelanelli, Joe Corbo, Jeff Kozak and Traci Sullivan. Each team will compete in 23 events to demonstrate science knowledge across the disciplines. They are building robots, flying helicopters, engineering boomilevers, identifying bugs, analyzing anatomy, busting crimes and much more. Good luck!

HS POETRY – Quinn HannahWhite ‘14, and Ysabel HinojosaMielcke ‘16 will be representing Island School at the Poetry Out Loud: Hawai‘i State Finals 2014, on Sunday, March 2, at the Tenney Theatre, Cathedral of St. Andrew’s, Honolulu, O‘ahu. Nicole Street will be accompanying the pair. KIF ATHLETICS – Island School’s track and field team has their first qualifying meet today, 4:30 p.m. at Vidinha Stadium. The tennis squad will have their season opener matchup against Kaua‘i High at Kaua‘i Community College this Saturday at noon. Also on Saturday, the golf team will be competing at Po‘ipu Bay Golf Course. Support our Voyager athletes and wish them luck!

MOCK TRIAL – After Tuesday’s 98-97 victory over Kaua‘i High, Island School’s Mock Trial Team has earned a spot in O‘ahu’s state championship on March 22. Congratulations to team members Leila Breen ‘16, Kira Catlin ‘15, Gianna D’Annibale ‘16, Imara Joroff ‘15, Carolyn Price ‘17, Adam Sclafani ‘15, Emily Threlkheld ‘16 (Tuesday’s Best Attorney), Autumn Warnock ‘15 (Tuesday’s Best Witness), Kalena Wong ‘14, Alexandra Worley ‘17, and Daniel Wu ‘16; and team coaches Lauren Calhoun and Michael Ratcliffe!

PRE-K to SECOND GRADE – The Purple Striped Honu Theatre for Kids treated Pre-K to 2nd graders to a perfomance of the play “Little Red Riding Hood.” They were also read the book “Sylvester and the Magic Pebble.”

DRAMA – The cast of “The Mouse That Roared” tried on their costumes this week in preparation for the opening of their show on March 21. They are all scheduled to come to school the morning of March 11, during the Teacher Work Day, for a runthrough from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tickets will go on sale in two weeks. Mark your calendars for this witty

comedy! March 21 & 22, at 7 p.m. and March 23, at 4 p.m. Contact Peggy ( if you have any questions. SECOND GRADE – 2nd graders went to Kealia Kai to whale watch and then went to the original Island School campus in Kealia on Tuesday.

Alumnus Milo Spindt and the 2nd grade class in front of the original Island School campus in Kealia.

STUDENT GOVERNMENT – Starting today, the high school Student Government will be selling the senior’s “throwback” t-shirts (old logo wear). All proceeds will go to help reduce the price of prom tickets. Shirts will vary from brand new to gently used and the prices will vary from $5 -$15. If your student is in need of a few more pieces of logo wear at a discounted price, have them visit the Student Government table in the Brown Hall Lanai on the high school campus. SENIOR UPDATE – Chan Hsu was accepted to Universtiy of San Diego in San Diego, CA. Kari Whitworth was accepted to Whitworth University in Spokane, WA. FOURTH GRADE – On Feb. 12 and 13, the 4th grade class went to the Koke‘e Discovery Center to learn about native and invasive plants and animals, the ahupua‘a land division system and environmental issues. They also participated in class bonding activities.

Parent Page Parent Association Next meeting: Tuesday, March 4 1 p.m. in the Teachers’ Workroom Everyone is welcome!

Classified Ads OTHER DESERT CITIES by john robin baitz: Designed and directed for Kaua‘i Community Players by Arnold Meister. This is its final weekend. Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 4 p.m. at the Puhi Theatrical Warehouse. Tickets: $20, Discounts for seniors, KCP members and students. To purchase, go to or call Brown Paper Tickets at 800-838-3006. Wanted TO BORROW: High-topped hiking boots or calf- or knee-high black, low-heeled boots. Women’s sizes 8 and 9 or equivalent men’s sizes. Also small pedestal-style table (2’ diameter max.) and toy mace and shield. Contact Peggy ( or drop them off in the Drama Office. MATH & SCIENCE TUTOR NOW AVAILABLE DURING DURING STUDY HALL: Michael Mann has been tutoring middle and high school students on campus after school for some time now. He is expanding his tutoring times to include school hours now, and is available during study hall times, by appointment. Contact via email is preferred (, but you can also call 808-651-7748. PROM DECORATIONS WANTED: Student Government’s Prom Committee is looking for any James Bond-or secret agent-themed decorations to borrow or for donation. Contact Alyssa: or 808-651-7566.

Mahalo to


♥ ♥ ♥ Mike Goto and his crew — Rodney Ochoa, Daniel Bicciche and Sandy Johnson — ­ for the extra time they put into preparing the grounds, parking lot and Wilcox Gym for Monday's reception in honor of Hobey Goodale. Also to Sean Magoun and Nathaniel Evslin for setting up the new sound system for the event and to Joan Shaw for taking care of the floral arrangements. All of these individuals made the evening special and are deserving of recognition. ♥ ♥ ♥ the Mackey family for their donation of books to the the Pre-K classroom and LRC. ♥ ♥ ♥ Island School parent Kaleo Smith and Aloha Equipment Rentals for allowing us the use of heavy equipment on short notice, so we could address the muddy conditions of the parking area adjacent to Wilcox Gym. ♥ ♥ ♥ Carol Pratt for showing the 3rd grade class an interesting slide presentation about the Wilcox family and Grove Farm. ♥ ♥ ♥ Jim Mayfield of Island Business Brokers and Alu Like for the donation of desks, chairs and a file cabinet for school use; also to Sean and Daniel for transportation and Jen Pomroy and Sandy Johnson for unloading. ♥ ♥ ♥ Dora Sloger for the time and talents she has put into the costumes for “The Mouse That Roared.” Also to Dennis McGraw of KPAC and Poppy Shell of KAPA for letting us borrow costumes from their collections. Additional mahalo to Nicole Street for her assistance in many areas and for coordinating yesterday’s prop-making session. ♥ ♥ ♥ Diane Faye & Greg Hawk, Lynda Liesse, and Andrew So for a donation to Annual Giving; and to Gale Carswell, Ryan & Daryl Edwards, Peggy & Willy Ellenburg, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Johnson, Bonnie McCloskey, Alice & Joshua Pajela, for donations to Annual Giving in memory of Hobey Goodale. ♥ ♥ ♥ Glenn & Jane Goldsmith, Bro Halff & David Feather, Jim & Joan Landers, Curt & Bonnie Lofstedt, Ruth & Jim Parker, Robert Teichman & Geri Young, Thearath & Liliane Wu for gifts to the 35th Annual Gala Auction!

We Need YOU to Volunteer for the Auction There’s something for everyone! Support Island School’s Biggest Fund Raising Event of the Year. The Auction is primarily a parent-run fund raising event, supported by the entire Island School staff and faculty. It’s a “Party With a Purpose,” created to keep tuition costs as low as possible and making Island School feasible for a diverse economic group of families. Every single student benefits from the success of this event.

We know you’re busy!

There is a huge range of flexibility among I.S. families when it comes to having time to volunteer at your child’s school. Many of you have little time outside of your busy working schedules. BUT, if everone spares an hour or two to help out with the auction, the load is less for everyone.

Here’s how you can help! Friday, March 14 • Transport to Marriott: 8 a.m. – Meet at school to take things over to the Marriott (drivers & lifters needed) • Display Set-Up: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. – Come to the Marriott’s Grand Ballroom to help set things up. Come for an hour or all day! Any help is welcome. Saturday, March 15 • Finalize Displays: 8:30 a.m. to noon • Night Owl Special: 10 p.m. to midnight – Cleanup after the big event (lifters & loaders needed)

Sunday, March 16 • Post-Auction Clean-up: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Everything must be removed from the ballroom (loaders, drivers, any kine helpers needed) Monday, March 17 to Friday, March 22 • Phone-Callers: Help remind people who have not picked up their auction winnings to come and get them.

Guaranteed — you’ll feel great, knowing you’ve made a big difference in the success of the auction. So check your calendars and see where you can best fit in.

Email us to volunteer at Island School 3-1875 Kaumuali`i Hwy Lihu`e, Kaua`i, Hawai`i, 96766

February 27, 2014 A weekly publication We’re on the web at












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MARCH 2014 LUNCH MENU A Beverage Choice of: Citrus Herbal Tea, 2% White Milk or Water is offered with every lunch.


4 Baked Potato w/ Shredded Cheddar Cheese, Chives, Sour Cream and Butter

Baked Chicken Strips or Steamed Vegetables w/ Macaroni Salad

6 Meatloaf or Veggie Burger With Gravy & Brown Rice w/ Corn & Carrots

Salad Bar*

Salad Bar*

Salad Bar*

Salad Bar*

7 Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza Salad Bar*


Pizza Provided By:


Spaghetti with Ground Turkey or Vegetables (V) w/ Garlic Bread

No School



No School


12 Creamy Chicken Casserole or Veggie Casserole w/ Pasta



Salad Bar*

Salad Bar*


Sweet & Sour Chicken or Veggies w/ Brown Rice and StirFried Vegetables

Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza Salad Bar*

Salad Bar* 17 Chili w/ Ground Turkey or Vegetables w/ Corn Muffin & Brown Rice


Teriyaki Chicken or Oven-Roasted Vegetables w/ Stir-Fried Veggies & Brown Rice



Teriyaki Chicken or Oven-Roasted Vegetables over Buttered Noodles

Tuna or Egg Salad Sandwiches with Corn Chowder

Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza

Salad Bar*

Salad Bar*

Salad Bar* Salad Bar*

24 Teriyaki Chicken Salad Sandwich or Sauteed Vegetable Sandwich w/ Potato Chips island school



26 Cheesy Mac Bake w/ Ground Turkey or Vegetables w/ mixed vegetables

27 Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza Salad Bar*



Early Release Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences No Lunch

No School


Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences

Salad Bar* Salad Bar* *Mixed Greens, Shredded Carrots, Sliced Cucumbers, Grape Tomatoes, Edamame, Purple Sweet Potato Cubes, Sliced Avocados, Chopped HardBoiled Eggs and 12-Grain Garlic Croutons with additional rotating selections. Choice of Dressings: Creamy Garlic Herb, Ranch or Basil Vinaigrette

All Pizza Plan students should note that pizza will be served on Wednesday, March 26, due to Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences.

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