March 20, 2014
Breaking News
Conference Sign-Ups
Student/Parent/Teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, March 27, beginning 12:30 p.m. and Friday, March 22, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Thursday is a half-day of classes. School lunch will not be served on Thursday and the school bus leaves at 11:30 a.m. There will be no classes on Friday. Elementary parents may schedule their conference by signing up on the sheet outside of their teacher’s classroom. MS & HS parents should fill out the attached form on page 5 to indicate the teachers with whom they’d like to meet. We strongly encourage parents and students to take advantage of this opportunity to touch bases with their teachers and set goals for the next trimester.
Do Drop Inn available during S/P/T Conferences
Do Drop Inn will be from 11:20 a.m to 5:15 p.m. on Thursday, March 27 (regular DDI rates apply), and from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, March 28 ($35 for the day.)
Luck of the Leprechaun March 27 for PK-5
Student Government will be entertaining PK-5th grade children on the first day of conferences directly after school is dismissed until 3 p.m. Lunch and activities are included. Cost is $10 for one child, $15 for two and a family rate of $20 for three or more. To sign up, stop by the Office or register online at html. Scroll down toward the bottom to the payment section and use the “Other” field. After “Please Specify,” note “Luck.” Students wishing to attend Do Drop Inn at 3 p.m. will be picked up by Mr. Dean at that time.
Click HERE for important dates performed in the school’s Main Hall; 7 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and 4 p.m. on Sunday. For more information, contact Peggy Ellenberg at 246-0233, ext. 262 or
Support Alumna Competing for Miss Hawai‘i
Island School’s Community Garden, containing harvest-ready vegetables, is one item on the agenda for Saturday’s Family Work Day.
Family Work Day This Sat., March 22
Family Work Day is on Saturday, March 22, 8:30 a.m. to noon, with lunch and refreshments included. Please RSVP your attendance and direct your questions to Mike Goto ( Things that need to be done include Music Room sprucing up, Hawaiian Garden beautification, Community Garden hands-on activities and much more.
High School Play ‘The Mouse That Roared’ March 21-23
One weekend only. Our talented high school students (plus several middle schoo students) perform the hilarious Cold War era play. Fabulous period costumes! Tickets are $6 in advance from cast members and the Island School Office; $8 at the door. It will be
Island School graduate Stephanie Steuri ‘11, current Miss Paradise Kaua‘i, is competing in the Miss Hawai‘i Scholarship Pageant on a platform of supporting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education. Winning will not only give Stephanie and her family considerable help with the cost of her college and veterinary school, it will give Hawai‘i a high-tech beauty queen who advocates for education! You can support her by buying an ad in the pageant program; starting at $40 for business-card size, up to full color full pages. Contact Kate Mink ( for more information.
Another Grand Gala!
Thank you to our volunteers, our donors and event sponsors, our guests, and everyone who helped to make our 35th Annual Gala Auction such a great success! Your contributions have made a huge difference to Island School. Keep an eye out for news regarding next year’s festivities. More on page 4.
Mr. Dean’s Spring Fun
Looking for a fun place for your child(ren) to spend the Spring Break? Mr. Dean will once again be having Spring Fun here on campus from March 31 to April 4. The hours are from 8:00am until 4:00 p.m. Cost is $200 for the full week or $45.00 per day. We must have a minimum of 6 students sign-up for the program to take place. Please contact the Front Office to enlist your child(ren.)
To contact the publisher of Island School’s Parent Connection, email
I.S. Chronicles
SENIOR UPDATE – KIF GOLF – The Voyager Leilani Boemer was golf team persevered accepted to Howard through high winds and University in Washington, cold rain to compete in D.C. Kaimana Carney the season’s fourth match was accepted at University at Puakea Golf Course of California at Santa Cruz. on Saturday, March 15. Lansen Eto was accepted The boys finished with a to University of California, combined score of 421, Davis and Seattle University coming in third place. in WA. Ryan Feather Mrs. Wortmann’s 5th grade class at Pu‘uhonua o Honaunau Adam Sclafani ‘15, led National Historical Park (City of Refuge) on Tuesday was accepted to Santa the team and shot a 97. during their weeklong Big Island Trip. Clara University in CA and Following Adam were University of San Francisco Michael Miller ‘15, 98; in CA. Quinn Hannah-White was Kilikai Ahuna ‘17, 111; and Jacob accepted to University of California Dysinger ‘15, 115. The girls were one at Santa Cruz in CA; he was also player short to compete as a team notified that he was awarded a Provost against Kaua‘i High and Kapa‘a High. Scholarship in University of Denver Kari Whitworth ‘14, shot a 98; in CO and an Academic Achievement Salisa Pegeder ‘17, 113. The next golf Scholarship in Digipen Institute of match will be on Saturday, March 29, Technology in Redmond,WA. Chan at the Wailua Golf Course at noon. Hsu was accepted to University of California at Santa Barbara. Kelly Kay was accepted to Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, Autumn Warnock ‘15, standing next to Hawai‘i State Senator Ron Kouchi in the CA. Margo Latif was accepted State Capitol at O‘ahu during her all-day to California State, Monterey Bay legislative intern summit on Wednesday. in Seaside, CA and Sonoma State University in Rohnert Park, CA. MOCK TRIAL – Team members Kirsten Malapit was accepted to Leila Breen ‘16, Gianna Pepperdine University in Malibu, D’Annibale ‘16, Imara Joroff ‘15, The 3rd grade class enjoing a shave ice CA. Makali‘i Pratt was accepted to Carolyn Price ‘17, Adam Sclafani treat after touring the Waioli Mission University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, House on Tuesday at Hanalei. WA. Bailey Schneider was accepted ‘15, Emily Threlkheld ‘16, Autumn Warnock ‘16, Kalena Wong ‘14, to University of Washington in THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Liesse’s 3rd Seattle, WA. Kellan Wortmann was Alexandra Worley ‘17, and Daniel grade class visited the Grove Farm Wu ‘16, along with coaches Lauren accepted to Santa Clara University in Homestead and Sugar Plantation Calhoun and Michael Ratcliffe CA. (see photo below) will be competing in Museum on Feb. 27. Students then wrote poems reflecting on their the Mock Trial State Competition on SOCIAL STUDIES – Madison O‘ahu. Last year Island School came in experience. Here are two examples: Gregor ‘15, will go to O‘ahu on April second place. Wish them luck! 12, for Hawai‘i History Day after Tanner Hubbard: winning the senior Museum division (9th-12th dusty books grade) of the Kaua‘i chattery piano keys District State rusty, old war helmet Qualifiers with her Plantation research paper titled “The Overthrow of Kaiaka Luka: Queen Lili‘uokalani: Grove Farm Responsibilities rain gauge to Protect the large, chubby pigs Hawaiian People fake diamond kitty clock Before Rights as Plantation Queen.”
Parent Page Mahalo to Parent
Next meeting: Tuesday, April 8th 1 p.m. in the Teachers’ Workroom Everyone is welcome!
Classified Ads
HCT Summer Stars Registration: Hawai‘i Children’s Theatre is proud to announce the Summer Performing Arts Program, Summer Stars for 2014. Program registration is open to any young person regardless of experience. Tuition assistance is available. Space is limited so please register now. For details go to or call Summer Stars Administrator Harold Hensley at 246-8985. KAUA‘I SOCIETY OF ARTISTS MEMBERSHIP SHOW 2014: Exhibit available until April 18, open daily 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and Fridays until 8 p.m., KSA Gallery, Kukui Grove Center. Closing reception with People’s Choice Awards announced April 5, 5-8 p.m. Contact: R. Eve Solomon, 822-1603 or NORTH SHORE QUILT & FIBER SHOW: Saturday, March 21, and Sunday, March 22, 9-5 p.m., Church of the Pacific. Over 100 quilts will be on display along with many fiber art items. Quilts can be purchased by donating to community organizations. Quilting demonstrations on Saturday. Chocolate making by Koa of the Garden Island Chocolate Company. Tickets for entrance are $5, which is good for both days. Contact Jeni Hardy: 808-826-7168 or THE DIXIE SWIM CLUB BY JESSIE JONES, JAMIE WOOTEN AND NICHOLAS HOPE: Directed by Jo Grande. Opens weekend of March 21, for three
♥ ♥ ♥ Kori King for donating three canvases for the Kindergarten class’ auction project. ♥ ♥ ♥ Taylor Shigemoto from Kaua‘i Community Federal Credit Union for his presentation about financial literacy to the senior class. ♥ ♥ ♥ Alana Agustin for volunteering her hair styling expertise to the cast of “The Mouse That Roared” and to Andy Alfiler and Joan Shaw for providing pomegranates for the play. ♥ ♥ ♥ Robert & Faye Brenner, Mary & Bob Capwell, Ann Leighton, and Patricia Sheehan for donations to Auction Tuition Aid. ♥ ♥ ♥ Kevin & Enny Glick and the Milton & Henrietta Kushkin Fund of the Hawai’i Community Foundation for contributions to Annual Giving. ♥ ♥ ♥ the G.N. Wilcox Trust for a gift to Tuition Aid. ♥ ♥ ♥ Sandy Bidewell for a donation to the third grade O‘ahu field trip; Katie Magoun, Jane Sanacora and Sam Pratt for chaperoning the third grade field trip to Waioli Mission House on Tuesday.
weekends, Puhi Theatrical Warehouse. Tickets are $20 with $5 off opening weekend and discounts for seniors, KCP members and students. There will be a “Pay What You Can Preview” on Thursday’ March 20, 7 p.m. — no advance ticket sales. To purchase, go to or call Brown Paper Tickets at 800-8383006. REGISTER FOR APRIL 5th LEI WORKSHOP: Presented by Kaua‘i Museum. Award-winning lei maker, Happy Tamanaha, will hold workshops on Saturday, April 5, for keiki ages 5 - 18. The deadline to sign up is April 3. Contact or 245-6391.
Island School can sure hustle! And band together to raise funds for tuition aid and general operating costs. Thanks to our I.S. ‘ohana and our auction committees for an outta sight party! Photos of the Disco Ball are posted on our Shutterfly site: https://islandschool. Password=islandschool
Island School 3-1875 Kaumuali`i Hwy Lihu`e, Kaua`i, Hawai`i, 96766
March 20, 2014 A weekly publication We’re on the web at
Trimester 2- SY 2013-2014
Parent-Student-Teacher Conference Sign-Up Grades 6-12 March 27 – 28, 2014 Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________Grade ______________ Parent/Guardian Name: _____________________________________________________Phone: _____________________ Email: ___________________________________________________ Please check✔ off which teachers you would like to meet with. Parents and students will have the opportunity to rotate and meet with teachers checked off below. Due to other school events conflicting with conferences, some faculty may be unavailable to conference with and may need to be contacted separately to arrange a time.
Joan Shaw (College) Friday only
Jessica Crowe (Spanish)
Nick Lynch (Social Studies)
Adrya Siebring (Dean)
Eric Devlin (Social Studies)
Susie Massaro (Math) Thursday only
Norman Acupan (Journalism)
Peggy Ellenburg (Play Prod.)
Kate Mink (Science/Math)
Rose Alfiler (Music)
Nathaniel Evslin (Tech)
Penny Nichols (Art)
Catherine Barale (SS/Chinese)
Mariana Ferrari-Elzaurdia (Spanish)
Jennifer Pomroy (PE)
Jim Bray (SS/English)
Joyce Flagg (English)
Dave Reynolds (English)
Judy Byce (Math)
Sierra Hampton-Eng (English)
Philip Steinbacher (English/Music)
Lauren Calhoun (Social Studies)
Roxanne Haverkort-Yeh (Science)
Nicole Street (English)
Mary Castelanelli (Science/Math)
Kaipo Kealalio (PE/AD)
Traci Sullivan (Science)
Erin Cobb-Adams (Math)
Jeff Kozak (Science/Math)
Emily Thomas (PE)
Joe Corbo (Science/PE)
Mariko Lum (PE)
Lorena Wong (Spanish)
Please rank your choices for approximate START TIMES (#1, #2, & #3) We will make every effort to accommodate your first choice and to schedule your conference times. (Each teacher conference is approximately 10 minutes)
Thur., Mar. 27, 2014
Fri., Mar. 28, 2014
12:30 PM
08:00 AM
11:30 PM
01:00 PM
08:30 AM
01:00 PM
01:30 PM
09:00 AM
01:30 PM
02:00 PM
09:30 AM
02:00 PM
02:30 PM
10:00 AM
02:30 PM
03:00 PM
10:30 AM
03:00 PM
03:30 PM
11:00 AM
03:30 PM
If you are unable to schedule an appointment during conference days, please see the individual teachers to request a separate conference. Mahalo!