June 2nd Parent Connection

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June 2, 2011


Breaking News

June 9th - Change for Middle School students

Please refer to last week’s schedule of events for the last two days of school. There has been one change: on Thursday, June 9, students in grades 6 & 7 will be dismissed from school at 12:20. Those waiting for the bus or a carpool will have lunch at school, then report to their homeroom class for an activity. Eighth Grade Transition will take place as scheduled.

Schedule Modifications Next Week for Finals

Please be aware that next week, for students in middle and high school, the regular block schedule will be modified on Tuesday through Friday. The complete finals schedule is on page 4 of today’s PC.

Got Wine Bottles?

Kumu Kauka’s Hawaiian Studies students will be dropping messages-in-bottles as part of their study of ocean currents. If you have any (empty!) wine bottles they can use for this project, please drop them off in the Frear Center as soon as possible. Mahalo.

Got Foliage?


We’re looking for tropical foliage and sturdy flowers for graduation. monstera leaves, ti, laua‘e fern, haleconia, ginger, etc Please bring them to the Wilcox Gym Friday, June 10, or on Saturday, June 11, by 9:00 a.m.

Order Your I.S. Logowear Now!

The last day to turn in your School Logo wear order for next year is Friday, June 10, 2011. Only a limited number of shirts will be available at the beginning of the school year, so please order now. Also, PE uniform orders for middle & high school students are also due on Friday, June 10, 2011. No exceptions.

Summer Beach Blast-Off Friday, June 10th

A message was sent to all students in PK-8 about our last day of school - the Beach Blast-Off - on Friday, June 10th. Students should report to school at the regular time with their beach gear: swim suit, towel, hat, sunscreen. The buses will leave campus at 8:15 for Lydgate Beach Park for a morning of swimming, games, lunch and gearing up for summer vacation. Parents who wish to drop their children off at Lydgate, should do so at 8:45 a.m. (There will be no supervision prior to that.) Please pick your children up PROMPTLY at the Lydgate Pavilion at 12:30. Students must sign out with their homeroom teachers before they leave. The only students who will be bused back to school are those who attend Do Drop Inn. Regular bus riders will be picked up at Lydgate at 12:45. Please be sure you return the Parent Consent form that you received yesterday by tomorrow. Mahalo for helping us make the last day of school enjoyable and memorable.

Island School Summer 2011

Writing Class With Lee Cataluna

Calendar This Weekend Friday 6/3-B

7pm Dracula opening night @ Main Hall

Saturday 6/4 8am SAT

10am Headmaster’s Senior Brunch @ 22 North 7pm Dracula closing night @ Main Hall

Monday - Thursday 6/6 - 6/9 Book Buy-Back through MBS Direct

Tuesday - Thursday 6/7 - 6/9

Final Exams for MS & HS (final exam schedule will be followed)

Wednesday 6/8-A

8:15am Elementary Talent Show

Thursday 6/9-B

Last day final exams 12:20pm Senior Send-Off; MS dismissed

Open to middle and high school students. June 20- July 29, 2011, from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Tuition: $600. Includes play-writing, fiction, and reporting with award-winning playwright, Lee Cataluna, who is the metro columnist for The Honolulu Star Advertiser, and former NBC news anchor and lead reporter. Sign up at the Island School Office or call 246-0233.

1pm Eighth Grade Transition @ Lihu‘e Bowling Center

Student School Supply Lists on RenWeb.

Saturday 6/11

Sign-in on RenWeb and click on Resource Documents. Click on your child’s grade for next fall.

Friday 6/10

Summer Beach Blast-Off Grades PK-8 Lydgate Beach Park 8:45am Graduation Rehearsal

Next Weekend 8am ACT

5pm Graduation @ Wilcox Gymnasium 6:45 Alumni Faculty Mixer

To contact the publisher of Island School’s Parent Connection, email peggy@ischool.org

I.S. Chronicles ART – Second and third grade art classes have been enjoying making paper sculptures. They have created abstract sculptures, realistic environments, hats, and disguises.

MIDDLE SCHOOL DRAMA – The 7th & 8th grade drama students perform their play, Dracula, based on the original novel by Bram Stoker, for two nights only: Friday, June 3 and Saturday, June 4, at 7:00 p.m. Admission is free. A few Dracula t-shirts are available for $15. Contact Peggy E. if you’d like to purchase one peggy@ischool.org. TECHNOLOGY – Sixth graders have been working on a project that involves script writing software, 3-D design software and imaging editing software to create an imaginary business. Their final exam, which began this week, is to present to their business to their class as if their classmates are investors. Each “investor” gets $1000 in imaginary money to invest in the businesses of his or her choice.

Pictured above from top are: David Carlsson, Kainoa Merano, Lucky Bonanno & Titus Kanehe - second grade; Ki’ilani Arruda - third grade, Malia Splittstoesser & Jackson Gamby - third grade ELEMENTARY DRAMA – Fourth graders performed their original short plays yesterday for students and parents. These plays were developed by the students in collaborative groups. For parents who missed the show - they will eventually be posted to our Shutterfly video site. You will be notified when they are available for viewing.

house sites, and restored foundation of a canoe house. The senior boys performed the haka and the halau danced (see above). While Pi`ilani Kali chanted, Stephanie Steuri danced a hula that was created for Kumu Kauka by Keao NeSmith, and taught to them by Lein‘ala Pavao Jardin. After lunch, students and teachers helped to pick-up the site and enhance the landing area.

SENIORS – The senior class spent last Saturday on the majestic Napali Coast in the valley of Nu‘alolo Kai. Kumu Sabra Kauka arranged for the trip, Captain Andy’s Raft Expeditions carried the group to their destination, and Koa Kea Hotel provided lunch. The students toured the area with Kumu Kauka, who showed them the ceremonial complex, the Our KIF athletes were honored at last Thursday’s botanical restoration Sports Banquet. garden, terraced cliff

Parent Page Mahalo to Parent Association


♥ ♥ ♥ Wally Rezentes and Steve Hunt for arranging the 3rd grade trip to visit the Mayor and the County Council last week.

The Parent Association held their final meeeting of the school year this morning. Below are excerpts:

Room Parents Grades K, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11 still need Room Parents. Please contact your Room Parent from this year if you’d like to volunteer. eScrip It’s time to renew your eScrip membership so Island School can start earning valuable points. You can register your Safeway and other credit cards online at escrip.com.

We’re listed under Island School Parent Association. Help us earn money for Island School! Back to School Event The Parent Association will host a social event for all parents, both new and returning. The date will be set at the beginning of the school year. Details will be announced.

Classified Ads


saro is offering a class this summer for students entering Algebra 2 from July 1829, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. It will cover a review of important Algebra 1 skills as well as some Geometry skills necessary for success in Algebra 2. Cost is $350 (checks to Island School). Worksheets and problem sets will be provided when necessary, but the new Algebra 2 book from Glencoe will be used, available on the MBS site (see page 2 of today’s PC). Sign up forms are available in the Office. FOREST AKAMAI: A summer camp is offered by Storybook Theatre of Hawai‘i to students between the ages of 7 noon June 22 through June 26, at Koke‘e Discovery Center. Includes in-depth study of Hawaiian forest birds, fun-filled daily activities, nutritious meals, hiking, storytelling by

♥ ♥ ♥ Captain Andy’s Raft Expedition (Andy and Laura Evans) for transporting our seniors to Nu’alolo Kai; Kumu Sabra Kauka for an incredible day that our seniors will long remember; Chris Steuri, Koa Kea Hotel for providing lunch for our graduates and chaperones; Barbie Taylor, Fran McDonald, Susie Massaro, Joan Shaw, Dr. Jeff Kozak and Chris Steuri for escorting our seniors. ♥ ♥ ♥ Leah Edwards, Leilani Kurz and Keana Oliviera for planting ti stalks on campus. ♥ ♥ ♥ Michelle Dressler for her donation to the LRC. ♥ ♥ ♥ the following people for working with Jenn and Kaipo on the Sports Banquet: Mary Pratt (Lapperts) for their donation of the ice cream cake; Guy Higa for his donation of food; Guy Higa, Diane Higa, James Kealalio, Joan Kealalio and Kristina Caminos for taking care of the food service; Lynne MacDonald, Charlene Steuri, Paul Pomroy, Noelani Pomroy, Teak Owen and Kiana Baptiste for helping to decorate the gym for the event; the 8th grade boys, Sean Magoun and Sandy Johnson for assisting with the set-up and break -down; Pomroy and Javellana Farms for their donation of the plumeria blossoms; and the athletes and their families who assisted with cleaning up the gym.

the fire and making new friends. The camp will be staffed by professional educators, and special guest scientists, cultural resource people. Tuition is $200, and includes meals, lodging, & instruction. For more information or to register, email director@storybook.org, or call 335-0712. TAP CLASSES: Carol Culver Dance Academy offers summer & fall classes for new student enrollment in Lihu‘e/Puhi. Summer: Tot ballet (ages 4 – 7) – Thursdays 5pm or Saturdays 12 noon Swing/Partnering – ages 13 through young adult (6 class series) Tuesdays 6:30pm Fall: Child jazz/hip hop (ages 6 – 9), jazz/hip hop (ages 9 – 13), tap (ages 9 – 13) Other more advanced classes are available Call 245-3150 or visit dancekauai.com

Final Exam Schedule - gr. 6-12 High school and middle school students will take final exams next week, beginning Tuesday, June 7th. Two hour blocks of time have been carved into the schedule for these exams and are listed below. Please note the normal “A” day and “B” day blocks are scheduled differently than usual. Mon., June 6

Regular A- Day Block Schedule

Tuesday, June 7 8:00-10:00 B1 Final Exam

10:20-12:20 B2 Final Exam

12:50-2:50 B3 Final Exam

Wednesday, June 8 Thursday, June 9 Friday, June 10 8:00 – 10:00 8:00 – 10:00 B4 Final Exam A3 Final Exam 10:00-10:15 Beach Blast-Off Snack Break ½ Day 10:20-12:20 10:20-12:20 School Dismissed at A1 Final Exam A4 Final Exam 12:30 from Lydgate 12:20-12:50 Lunch Graduation Practice 12:50-2:50 Senior Send-Off A2 Final Exam 8th Grade Transition at Lihu‘e Bowling Center 6th & 7th Dismissed at 12:20

Planning Ahead

Monday, June 13 – Kamehameha Day, Office closed Friday, June 17 – Last Day for Teachers Wednesday, August 10 – High School Registration Thursday, August 11 – PreK - Kindergarten parent meeting Monday, August 15 – First Day of School for Grades 6-12 Monday - Tuesday – Elementary Assessment Wednesday – First Day of School for Elementary

Island School 3-1875 Kaumuali`i Hwy Lihu`e, Kaua`i, Hawai`i, 96766

June 2, 2011 A weekly publication We’re on the web at www.ischool.org

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