June 9th Parent Connection

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June 9, 2011

Connection Calendar

Breaking News

Order Your Logowear for Next Year by Tomorrow, June 10

Only a limited number of shirts will be available at the beginning of the school year, so please order now. Also, PE uniform orders for middle & high school students are due tomorrow.

Summer Beach Blast-Off Tomorrow

A message was sent to all students in PK-8 about our last day of school - the Beach Blast-Off, tomorrow, June 10th. Students should report to school at the regular time with their beach gear: swim suit, towel, hat, sunscreen. The buses will leave campus at 8:15 for Lydgate Beach Park for a morning of swimming, games, lunch and gearing up for summer vacation. Parents who wish to drop their children off at Lydgate, should do so at 8:45 a.m. (There will be no supervision prior to that.) Please pick your children up PROMPTLY at the Lydgate Pavilion at 12:30. Students must sign out with their homeroom teachers before they leave. The only students who will be bused back to school are those who attend Do Drop Inn. Regular bus riders will be picked up at Lydgate at 12:45. Mahalo for helping us make the last day of school enjoyable and memorable.

Island School Summer 2011

Writing Class With Lee Cataluna Open to middle and high school students. June 20- July 29, 2011, from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Tuition: $600. Includes playwriting, fiction, and reporting with awardwinning playwright, Lee Cataluna, who is the metro columnist for The Honolulu

Star Advertiser, and former NBC news anchor and lead reporter. Sign up at the Island School Office or call 246-0233.

Student School Supply Lists on RenWeb Lists of student supplies for next year are available on RenWeb. Sign-in and click on Resource Documents. Click on your child’s grade for next fall.

Got Foliage?

We’re looking for tropical foliage and sturdy flowers for graduation: Monstera leaves, ti, laua‘e fern, haleconia, ginger, etc. Please bring them to the Wilcox Gym tomorrow, or on Saturday, June 11, by 9:00 a.m.

Annual Giving Runs Through End of June

Thanks to the amazing support of the Island School ‘ohana, Annual Giving has jumped to $53,815! It’s not too late to give - the Annual Giving Campaign will run through June 30, 2011. Visit our giving link at http://diamondmindinc.com/ island.html to make a donation online, call us at 246-0233 or stop by the Office. Your donations strengthen our operational budget and will help with everything from cleaning and fixing up the campus to ordering supplies, obtaining grant funding, and everything else needed to prepare for a new school year. We are ever so grateful to everyone who participates in this critical fundraising effort.

Summer Algebra 2 Class

Sign up for this class, offered by Susie Massaro, by tomorrow. Forms are available in the Office. For more information, contact Mrs. Massaro at susie@ischool.org.

This Weekend

Friday 6/10 8:15am Beach BlastOff, Lydgate, PK-8 School dismissed at 12:30pm from Lydgate 8:45am Graduation Rehearsal

School Uniform orders due Saturday 6/11 8am ACT 5pm Graduation @ Wilcox Gymnasium 6:45 Alumni Faculty Mixer @ Frear


6/13 Kamehameha Day Office Closed

Tuesday-Friday 6/14 - 6/17 Office Hours 8:00am - 4:00pm


6/17 Last Day for Teachers

Summer Office Hours 8:00am - 4:00pm

To contact the publisher of Island School’s Parent Connection, email peggy@ischool.org

I.S. Chronicles FIFTH GRADE – Students used a real ostrich egg this week for all kinds of measurement and math activities. They ended the project with an enormous scrambled egg treat. (Pictured below)

presentations about the meaning of their island sculptures before launching them in the reservoir.

Front: Raymond Duarte and Daniel Wu both 7th graders; back: Francis Green and Micah Kimi both in 8th.

MARINE SCIENCE – Ms. Mink’s marine science classes finished the year by completing and racing their underwater Remotely-Operated Vehicles (ROVs). Every single group produced a working ROV. The speed records for using the ROV to pick up a magnet from the bottom of a thousandgallon water tank went to Tyler Schump (17 sec.), Eman Zafirides (19 sec), and Chad Andrade (22 sec.). Two teams produced particularly unusual designs that worked well: Eman and Keoni Bomer, and Kiana Baptiste and Sariah Fitzgerald Beeby. Congratulations to everyone for their hard work and clever problem-solving!!

SENIORS – Each year, the senior class traditionally makes a gift to Island School. Last Friday afternoon, the seniors planted a Kamane tree near the Frear center, donated by NoKaOi (pictured below). They also donated a bench, which is currently located at the Frear until the tree provides a wonderful shady place to sit!

Zach Beydoun, 8th grade, and Kaikane Anderson and Scott Kilcoyne, both in 7th.

SENIOR ACHIEVEMENT – Hayley Uliana, was named the recipient of the Gertrude Ekvall Smith Memorial Scholarship. Lexa Mink-Flacco, received an award for the next school year by the Takehiko Hasegawa scholarship fund, through Hawai‘i Community Foundation. Congratulations! ART – Two middle school art classes spent a month working on their final project, the “Commentary Islands.” Working in small groups, students explored the possibility of using art as social commentary. Each group selected a social issue on which they would comment. After much sketching and brainstorming, the groups each built a 3-D, floating “island” out of styrofoam and other recycled materials. As part of their final exam, the groups gave

Third graders enjoyed their SCUBA diving excursion, as described in an illustrated haiku poem by Brianna Ryan.

Sixth graders, Julia Randolph-Flagg and Layne Taylor launch their “Island.”

TC McDaniel, 6th grade, and Thor Haugland, 7th grade, launch their “Island” in the reservoir.

Talk About Growth! The photo above shows the Island School Chorus performing their first time in the Weinberg Gym in 2006, the bottom photo at their most recent performance at KCC.

Parent Page Mahalo to Parent Association


♥ ♥ ♥ Michelle Dressler, Liz Hubbard and Sam Skinner for their donations to the LRC.

eScrip - Sign Up Now!

Island School can make LOTS OF MONEY if our ‘ohana signs up for eScrip. Please visit www. escrip.com. Sign up your Safeway card, and everytime you shop, up to 4% of your qualifying purchases goes to Island School. Add your Macy’s and debit cards to your eScrip account, and even more money is contributed to Island School. Our account is listed under “Island School Parent Association.” Your Mainland family and friends can also sign up and support Island School every time they shop. Send them this link!


Many thanks to the parents who have been involved with the Parent Association this year. 2010-2011 has been a memorable one!

Classified Ads

SUMMER CHILDCARE: Our K/1 Teacher’s Aide, Rachelle Alayvilla, will be offering child care out of her home in Hanamau’ulu during the summer. Her schedule and hours are flexible. Contact her at 346-1447 to set up a schedule. BOOKS WANTED: Sierra Hampton-Eng is building a 6th grade classroom library and would love donations of nonfiction, myth/legend/folktale anthology, biography, classics and poetry titles for the Middle School level. A list of specific books she is collecting can be found in the message box in this week’s PC. Island School 6th graders read 40 books a year in Sierra’s class!

♥ ♥ ♥ the following “Dracula” parents for taking costumes home to launder: Wendy Yamaguchi, Kellie McEvoy, Cadice Pascual and Bohdi Downer; also to these parents for helping out backstage: Beatrice Allen, Sara Dysinger, and Katy Grainger. ♥ ♥ ♥ Reiko Louis and ‘ohana for the lei for the Sports Banquet and to Kaulana Haneberg, ‘11, for the slide show. ♥ ♥ ♥ the Fitzgerald ‘Ohana for using the Grand Hyatt Pool Party item they purchased at the Auction to treat the entire 5th grade class to a fabulous day at the Hyatt pool, including lunch, this week. ♥ ♥ ♥ Cindy Wortmann, Peggy Ellenburg, Sue Macklin, Mattea Wortmann, Lola Temme, Chris Chuckas and Nathaniel Evslin for helping make yesterday’s Elementary Talent Show a great success! ♥ ♥ ♥ Jim & Dede Bray, and Robbi-Lynn & Kaipo Contrades for contributions to Annual Giving ♥ ♥ ♥ Aunty Mary Alfiler for a donation to our graduating seniors! ♥ ♥ ♥ Dr. Albert H. Halff, Bro Halff and David Feather for donating a beautiful piano to the music department! ♥ ♥ ♥ Pascale Giattini for donating a video camera for next year’s media class.

Swing/Partnering will begin next Tuesday, June 14. Contact Carol Culver at 245-3150 or email: carol@dancekauai.com to enroll or for more info. Complete schedule online at http://www. dancekauai.com/.

DIGITAL FILM EQUIPMENT WANTED: Nathaniel Evslin is looking for donations of digital cameras, camcorders, tripods, boom mics, shotgun mics and any equipment he can use for next year’s video editing class. Contact him at nathaniele@ ischool.org.

YCP PROJECT LEADER WANTED: Nina Lee from Kupu Hawai‘i organization is looking for a student leader for Kaua‘i for the Youth Conservation Project. Must be at least 21 years old, has some experience in the conservation field, and lives on Kaua‘i. Please call her at 681-768. This is a paid position.

CAROL CULVER DANCE ACADEMY: Summer classes are beginning now. Teen/adult tap started this week and will meet on Tuesdays at 6:30pm @ lsland School Main Hall. Beginning jazz starts Friday, June 10, at 5:30pm @ Island School Main Hall.

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