Parent Connecton: Sept. 13, 2012

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September 13, 2012


Breaking News

Smithsonian Scientists Visit I.S.

Adrienne Kaeppler, anthropologist and curator of oceanic ethnology at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC, spent an afternoon at Island School. She, along with Greta Hansen, a Smithsonian colleague, and Moane Eisele, a master kapa maker, met with Kumu Kauka to make kapa, or bark cloth, from the

Kumu Kauka makes kapa with Adrienne Kaeppler and Greta Hansen of the Smithsonian Instution.

mamaki bush growing next to the Frear. They also made kapa from ulu, or breadfruit stalks. The Smithsonian has an extensive kapa collection from the late 1800s, a gift from Queen Kapi‘olani. Some of it is deteriorating at an alarming rate. Thus, the interest in understanding how and from what plants kapa was made. The samples will become part of the Smithsonian collection and its DNA studied.

Spanish Travel Abroad Informational Meeting

Students who are interested in traveling abroad next summer, and their parents, are invited to a meeting on Thursday, Sept. 20, in the Ulu

room, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Please RSVP Maestra Wong at lorena@, or call/text 808-639-1841.

School Pictures Next Week

The photographers from Lifetouch O‘ahu, are coming on Wednesday to take individual and class photos. Packets have been distributed to all students and should be turned in on Picture Day (Sept. 19). Cash, credit card (online at www.lifetouch. com - ID#: HH012273Y0), or check payments payable to Lifetouch will be accepted for payment. (Please see order form for details or go to their website.) Picture Day will be free dress day for all students. They must still abide by Island School’s dress code. (Check the Handbook for details.)

New Kiln for Art Department

Students are excited about Island School’s new kiln, which is now

installed and working beautifully. We are thankful to the Goodale Family Foundation for this generous gift to our art program, and to ceramic artist Wayne Miyata from Kaua‘i Community College, for helping with the installations. Sixty-one students in middle school and high school are currently studying ceramic

Click HERE for important dates hand-building techniques, along with ceramic glazing and surface decoration.

Gift Wrap Packets Due Tomorrow

The annual Parent Association gift wrap sale officially ends tomorrow. Students have been instructed to turn in their packets to their homeroom teachers tomorrow.

New Elementary Teaching Assistants

Kat Rogers is our third grade teacher’s aid. She has a degree in sociology from Azusa Pacific College with a minor in ethnic studies. A Seattle native, Kat worked as a bank teller there years before moving to Omao in February. She’s happy to be here. You might have seen her at her part time job at Living Foods Market in the Kukuiula Shopping Center. Bridgette Orsatelli is our PK teacher’s aide. A long-time Island School parent, with children ranging from PK to 11th grade, Bridgette has been an active room parent and volunteer. She is an amazingly busy person, who leads the 4-H Livestock Club, a Cub Scout troop, teaches Sunday School and is island coordinator for the Institute for Family Enrichment. Born on Kaua‘i, Bridgette earned her AA degree from Santa Ana College in psychology.

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