September 20, 2012
Breaking News
band powered airplanes, balloon powered helicopters, high flying kites, air powered rockets and egg-carrying parachutes! Cost is only $100 for FIVE full days - 7:30-4:30, or $50 for half days. Sign up in the Office.
Age Requirement for Do Drop Inn Expanded
Gearing Up for Art Day
Art Day 2012, is Friday, October 19. The Art Day committee is looking for volunteers for the following jobs: • to be in charge of the Artists’ Luncheon. This involves coordinating food, setting-up the workshops and decorating; • 3 photographers to document the workshops; • artists’ helpers They are also collecting the following items for the big event: • sewing machines to borrow (must be dropped off by Wednesday, October 17th); • 3/4” elastic; • double bias tape (any color); • gently used or new pillowcases; • gently used or new white sheets; • cotton fabric pieces, 5/8 yard to 1 1/8 yard. Please contact Penny Nichols at, if you can help in any way. Mahalo.
Five Days of Flying Fun
Mr. Dean invites children from age 4-10 to his Autumn Break day camp. Children will use recycled materials to build all kinds of things that fly or float, including soaring gliders, rubber
Do Drop Inn (after school program) is now certified to enroll children ages 4.8 to under 12 years of age. This increases the eligibility age requirement by 2 years, from 10 to 12. If you plan on having your child attend Do Drop Inn please make sure that Dean Wakamoto, Do Drop Inn Supervisor, has the paperwork needed. If you have any questions please call the Office.
Tennis With Coach Ernie
Ernie Blachowiak invites new and experienced tennis players to work on their skills. Young Juniors: Saturdays 9 - 10 a.m. for 5 to 9 or 10 years old-with little or no experience. Intermediate: Saturdays 10 - 11 a.m. all ages with some experience High School: Saturdays 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday 3 - 4:30 or 5 for HS students at all skill levels This is a good opportunity for inexperienced players to develop basic skills and for more experienced players to strengthen their skills and get some playing time along with a critique of how they play. Contact Coach Ernie at 635-5062, or just show up.
Click HERE for important dates
Gift Wrap Sale a Huge Success!
The preliminary numbers are in, and the students of Island School have topped the $13,000 mark in sales this year! That translates to more than $5,000 that will be put to good use by elementary and middle school classes. If you still have your gift wrap order packets, please get them into your teacher or the Office as soon as possible! Thank you to Monica King and all of the students, parents, families and friends who helped make this fundraiser such a great success!
Look Out For Trenches
Watch for detours between the keiki playground and our new solar farm as electrical conduit trenches are being dug.
You are Invited to a meeting of creative and helpful individuals to brainstorm ideas for AUCTION ACQUISITIONS. The Acquisitions Committee needs your ideas to make this Auction exciting and innovative. Please come to the Teachers’ Workroom on Tuesday, Sept. 25, at 1 p.m.
To contact the publisher of Island School’s Parent Connection, email