Parent Connection: Oct. 11, 2012

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October 11, 2012


Breaking News KIF Cross Country Kokua Needed Saturday

Volunteers are needed this Saturday, Oct. 13, for the Championship Cross Country Meet, between 8:00 a.m. to approximately 11:00 a.m. Volunteers should meet at the main soccer field in the back of campus. Bring an umbrella and chair. Due to the size of the meet, more volunteers than usual are needed. If you can help, please email Jen Pomroy at jenp@ischool. org. Lunch will be served!

Making a Difference

The Annual Giving campaign is in full swing, and we need your kokua to help reach our $80,000 goal. Annual Giving funds support everything from campus maintenance to classroom supplies, professional development, special events and more. Visit our online giving page at http:// or stop by the office to make your taxdeductible donation today. Special thanks to volunteer Leah Edwards, who has agreed to be our first-ever Parent Giving Chair, and Jen Pomroy, this year’s Staff Giving Chair, for their support. Let’s make this year’s campaign our strongest yet!

Bistro Night - Oct. 20 & 27

Enjoy a night out and support the Alaka‘i Chorus. They are raising funds for their trip to the 3-day choral festival on O‘ahu. On these two evenings, the Lighthouse Bistro in Kilauea will donate 30% of your tab to the Alaka‘i Chorus! Just bring

the attached flyer with you. Call 828-0480 for reservations. On the Lighthouse Road in Kilauea. (808) 828-0480.

Midterm Reports Emailed Tomorrow

Midterm Progress Reports will be emailed to parents this Friday afternoon. This is for students in grades 6-12 and any elementary students taking a Middle School math class. Hard copies will be distributed to students on Friday.

Art Day Kokua

Art Day is Oct. 19 (read all about it on page 4) and Penny Nichols is putting out an SOS for the following items and help: • sewing machines to borrow • 1/4” white elastic • double bias tape - any color • gently used or new pillowcases • gently used white sheets. • shells, especially puka shells • beach glass. • USB cords to borrow • inexpensive digital cameras to borrow • parent volunteers to assist our guest artists and help with the luncheon and the Art Walk.

Click HERE for important dates If you have a donation or are able to help, email Penny Nichols: penny@ or phone or text her at 635-1316. You may bring Art Day donations to the art room.

Artists’ Luncheon Kokua

Be on the lookout for an email from ‘’. This is the website we are using to call for help needed with the Art Day luncheon next week. ‘Many hands make light work!’ Thank you in advance.

PSAT Next Wednesday

SAT (Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) on Wed, Oct. 17 at 8 am for all 10th and 11th graders. Students are expected to bring two #2 pencils, a calculator, water and snack. Students can find sample questions and practice test answer explanations at www.

Cross With Care

Please alert your children to be careful on campus when they approach areas of vehicular traffic, especially when crossing between the Wilcox Gym and the Frear Center. Look both ways before crossing any roadway. Students, staff and parents driving on campus should be very watchful, especially when students are present … at all times, but especially during the AM/PM rush hours.

To contact the publisher of Island School’s Parent Connection, email

I.S. Chronicles SPANISH/PK – Spanish 5 students have been teaching Spanish to our Na Pua Keiki every first A-day of the week for 20 minutes. The youngsters are learning colors, songs and greetings in Spanish. The keiki enjoy coming to the high school Spanish classroom, sitting in a circle, and interacting with the older students. Bien Venidos a los estudiantes de Miss Sue. (Welcome students in Miss Sue’s class.)

8th graders Layne Taylor, Cambria Ort and Alaya Mallas show off their map of the European colonization of Africa.

SPANISH CLUB – Members of Spanish Club are invited to meet at Mariachi’s Restaurant in Nawiliwili, on Friday, November 9, from 4 - 7 p.m. Students can either meet at

First Harvest of the Season! Na Pua Keiki present Mr. Dean with lettuce grown in the Keiki Garden.

Mariachi’s at 4 p.m. or catch a ride with Señoras Wong and Crowe at 3:30 p.m. at Island School behind Ulu Room. The two Island School vans will return students back to school at 7:30 p.m. or parents can pick their children up at Harbor Village on the first floor, underneath Mariachi’s at 7 p.m. Students must attend Spanish Club on Fridays in Ohia Room to attend excursions. It’s loads of fun and the best part is practicing Spanish in the form of games! SCIENCE/HAWAIIAN STUDIES – Each year, the Kaua‘i Endangered Seabird Recovery Project works in conjunction with Save Our Seas to coordinate several release events of rescued fledgling shearwaters for area school children. Kumu Kauka has been instrumental in the development and continuation of this event, and every year Island School 4th graders participate. Yesterday, a representative visited their classroom to provide an important educational presentation. Next Tuesday, October 16th, our 4th graders will head to Lydgate Park for their own release event. Students will be video-taped by conservation advocates. This video will reach a broad audience, through PBS and/or Ho‘ike. Come one, come all. You are welcome! Contact Ms. Metzger or Kumu Kauka for more information. SCUBA – Over break, two new people were PADI certified for open water diving through Kaua‘i Down Under. Congratulations to 7th grader Kenneth Niheu and high school teacher, Dave Reynolds. Two others, 7th grader Jackson Evans and high school teacher Lauren Calhoun are on their way to certification and should finish up soon. Mahalo to Howatt King and Joe Corbo for being such great instructors.

Autumn Break Cheer Camp with Miss Rachelle was a great success!

SOCIAL STUDIES – Mr. Devlin’s 7th graders are reading “Allegory of the Cave,” from Plato’s Republic. Students are analyzing the analogy Plato was making of humans as prisoners of their own limitations. Plato encourages people to question the status quo and be agents of change. YEARBOOK – The staff is organizing a school-wide contest for the cover of this year’s yearbook. They are offering a cash prize to the artist whose artwork is chosen for the cover. Details are being outlined today in yearbook class and will be announced in next week’s Parent Connection. The yearbook staff has been elected as follows: Editors-in-Chief -Quentin Allen, Zeb Wichert Copy Editors - Gigi Foster, Adam Sclafani Photo Editor - Kai Anderson Class Pages: Pre-K & Elementary - Hannah, Stone, Jade Murphy Middle School - Emma Schneck High School (9-11) -Jacob Dysinger, Amber Hopkins Seniors - Steven Yannarell, David Caminos Sports - Gianna D’Annibale, Gigi Foster

Parent Page Mahalo to Parent Association


♥ ♥ ♥ Mariana Ferrrari and Laura Evans for their donation of 100 bananas for an Art Day cooking workshop.

Gift Wrap Sale Final Tally $16,184.50 gross sales $6,473.80 profit Participation in Elementary: 52.8% Participation in Middle School: 21.8% The PA will decide by March whether or not to continue with Great American Opportunities and a gift wrap sale, or to find a new fundraiser to replace the gift wrap sale. PA Grant Awarded to High School Drama A $100 check was presented to Peggy Ellenburg for the purchase of wigs and props for the high school play. Congratulations!

Classified Ads

WANTED TO BORROW: Frog hooded children’s towels. We need 8 for the 4th graders’ Halloween play. Will return in good condition. HALLOWEEN EVENT AT NA ‘ĀINA KAI BOTANICAL GARDENS: Saturday, October 20th 4-7 p.m. Recommended for children under 12. Each child must be accompanied by an adult. $10 admission Fun games, prizes, face painting, and entertainment! Costumes encouraged! Call 8280525 for reservations. Space is limited. RIPE HALA FRUIT WANTED: The 5th grade students are learning to make hala lei from the fruit that looks like a pineapple. The class will need 10 ripe fruit. The fruit is ripe when you can begin to see either yellow or red in it. Red is rare and highly prized. Please deliver to Kumu Kauka at the Frear. MIME ARTIST: Book a Toy Soldier, Holiday Elf, or an Elegant Pierrot at your special event. *Mime in Motion * Face Painting * Interactive Storytelling. Email Janet Carafa at mimeone@, visit her website, or call or text: 917-747-6292 to schedule a performance. “8” ON STAGE AT KCC: Philip Steinbacher will join a cast of Kaua‘i actors on Saturday, Oct. 13, at 7 p.m., at KCC PAC to perform a staged

♥ ♥ ♥ Hiroko Tanaka for a gift to the kindergarten class, and Michael Price & Jamee Brotherton for supporting the First Grade Koke‘e camping trip.

♥ ♥ ♥ Elena Anderton, Judy & Dick Byce, Gale & Donn Carswell, Samuel & Mary Cooke, Charlie Cowden, Ehren & Leah Edwards, Michael Gleeson & Marilynn Allemann-Gleeson, Nancy Golden, Ted & Zelie Harders, Bill & Denise Hay, Ron & Jody Heller, Mark & Barbara Hubbard, Mrs. Philip Hulitar, Sabra Kauka & Kai’opua Fyfe, Denise Kaufman, Creighton Kaui & Tamara Inman, Peggy Kemp & Matt Miller, Thomas King Jr., Michael Lake, Suzanne Olson, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Rice, S&S Business Machines, Kenneth & Teresa Sakai, Phil & Eldean Scott, Bob & Leinani Springer, Hiroko Tanaka, Drs. Robert Teichman & Geri Young, Douglas & Julie Tinkey, Jen Pomroy & Bruce Javellana and Denise Tripoli for donations to Annual Giving. ♥ ♥ ♥ Michelle Cullen, John Culliney & Margaret Steinhardt, Eileen Hall, Gordon & Kathleen Jones, Kaswit Inc., Roberta Marowitz, Christine Schornagle, Delia Valentin and Kathleen Wilson for contributions to the Alaka’i Chorus. reading of “8,” a play about marriage equality. Using actual court transcripts from the landmark federal trail of California’s Proposition 8 and first-hand interviews, “8” shows both sides of the same-sex marriage debate in a compelling and moving 90 minute play. Along with Mr. Steinbacher, I.S. parent and substitute teacher, Jessica Silver, and many others are in the cast. Following the performance, Father Bill Miller from St. Michael’s Episcopal Church will join the cast for a community talk-back with the audience to discuss the play and issues around it. Tickets are $12 at the door, $10 in advance. Contact for more information. CHRISTMAS WREATH SALE: Mike Goto is assisting Scoutmaster Mike Kano and Troop 133 with their sale of Christmas wreaths. The deadline for ordering is Friday, October 19. The cost is $25 per wreath. Pickup is at Island School on Saturday, Dec. 1, between 8 to 12 noon; or it can be kept for you until Monday. Please make payment to BSA Troop 133. Cash or check only. Please RSVP your order by email reply to mike@

Art Day: Friday, Oct. 19 One of the many things that make Island School special! Morning Workshops

Grades PK - 2 Torn Paper Collage: Kristina Kenegos Warm & Cool Colors: Exploring Expressionism: Monica King Pastel Adventures: Mary Nakamura Talking Sticks: Lori Aragona

Art Day 2011

Grades 3-5 Nature Mobiles: Kate Mink Puppetry: Jessica Silver Duct Tape Creations: Takuyo & Peter Williams Flip Books: Wayne Zebzda Middle School Claymation: Lauren Calhoun Surfboard Resin Painting: Ambrose Curry Mystery Images: Diane Ferry Tooled Metal Sketchbooks: Kathleen & Kelvin Ho Faux Tie-Dye: Lea Ingram Mask-Making: Morgan Miike Chocolart: Betty Jean Nativio High School Abstract Oil Pastels: David Dinner Painting with Light: Nathaniel Evslin American Pie: Sarah Mangold At The Edge: Deyana Mielke Pottery Workshop: Experience the Wheel: Licia McDonald & Steve Goldberg Little Dresses for Africa: Cristy Peeren & Joan Shaw Recycled Paper Sculpture: Fred Tangalin Pinhole Camera Photography: Dean Wakamoto

Join us for the Annual Art Walk in the Central Courtyard • Live Music • Street Performers • Beautiful art on display, created by our own student body

1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Island School 3-1875 Kaumuali`i Hwy Lihu`e, Kaua`i, Hawai`i, 96766

October 11, 2012 A weekly publication We’re on the web at

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