October 27, 2011
Breaking News
1st Annual Booster Club Golf Tournament
Saturday, November 12, at 2:00 p.m. at Puakea Golf Course. Open to children and adults of all ages, this inaugural “FUN” raiser event supports the Island School Booster Club! “Experienced” golf balls will be available for those who don’t have their own. After the completion of play, gather for refreshments and prizes at the Frear Center. Prizes will be awarded for playing achievements as well as other fun categories! Entry fee is $100 per team of three. For more information please contact Sean Magoun (2460233,; or Sam Pratt (651-4226, sam@samuelwpratt. com). ENTRY DEADLINE is Wednesday, November 9th, 2011. Application forms were attached to last week’s PC.
Why Annual Giving?
For some parents, it may seem more appealing to give to a specific project or program in which your child is involved. But consider this: Annual Giving dollars ensure the livelihood of our institution. They support every Island School student and encourage more giving from our ‘ohana and from private foundations. Contributions can be used wherever the school needs it most - including your child’s classroom. Every gift makes a difference! To make your donation, visit our online payment page at html or stop by the school office.
A Few Free Tickets Left for Miss Representation
Tomorrow, October 28, 7:00 p.m. at the KCC Performing Arts Center. Offered to Island School Mothers and their high school Daughters by the YWCA. Learn more about this film at To get your free tickets, email First come first served.
College Financial Aid Night High school parents (expecially senior parents) are encouraged to attend Financial Aid Night on Wednesday, November 9, at 6:30 p.m. in Purdy Hall. This workshop will be facilitated by Rebecca Thompson, a financial aid advisor from Kaua‘i Community College and will cover the nuts and bolts of applying for financial aid and merit scholarships. Please RSVP to Joan Shaw ( if you plan to attend.
Basketball Shooting Clinic
Island School is hosting a clinic with The Basketball Doctor on November 1-4, from 6-9 p.m. in the Wilcox Gymnasium. The fee is $150 for four full sessions of professional instruction. Class includes advanced moves and skills, game situations and practicing concepts. All participants receive a workout DVD, a Basketball Doctor T-shirt and a products catalog with great savings. For more information, visit www., or call Coach Cheryl Claypoole at 808.635.9226. Open to boys and girls ages 12 and up.
Click on the Calendar tab on our website.
Family Work Day Nov. 19
Mark your calendars and plan on coming to help spruce up our campus on Saturday, Nov. 19. Bring your keiki along to help. An impressive amount gets done in a relatively short morning: weeding, planting, painting, trimming … there’s a job for everyone. Give Joan Shaw a call for more information: 246-0233, ext. 232, or
Order High School Textbooks Online for Trimester 2
Required books for Trimester 2 are available for purchase at MBS Direct. Students enrolled in the following classes should place their orders now: Classical Mythology, History of Hawai‘i and Music Appreciation. ischool.htm. See Alice for more information.
College & Career Fair
The annual Hawai‘i College & Career Fair on Kaua‘i will be held Monday, November 7, at the Kaua‘i Beach Resort, from 9-11 a.m. and 5-7 p.m. The evening session will include a Financial Aid Workshop at 5:30 p.m. Representatives from approximately 80 colleges and career fields will be featured. Attendance at this free event is recommended for all high school students and their parents, particularly juniors and seniors. Island School juniors will attend the morning session with Joan Shaw, our college counselor.
To contact the publisher of Island School’s Parent Connection, email
I.S. Chronicles ART– The winners of the KIUC 2012 Calendar of Student Art contest were announced Friday. Three Island School’s students received awards. Griffin Lord’s For the third time, portrait, “Jazz in Griffin Lord, ‘13, Green,” won Artist- received the Artistof-the-Year award of-the-Year award in the 2012 KIUC for her oil portrait. calendar contest. She previously won this award both as a 3rd and a 7th grader. She also received the November prize for a photo she took of her ceramic mask. Griffin won the October prize last year. Autumn Warnock, ‘15, won an award for her acrylic painting of a bell pepper, which will be featured for the month of September. Amber Asuncion, in third grade, won an honorable mention award for her landscape painting.
weekly calendar. We have been hearing from several parents who report that these lessons are already helping their students!
SIXTH GRADE – Students are taking study skills lessons in their homeroom class. These lessons were created and geared down from lessons given to college students from several different college & university websites. There are twenty-one lessons, a quiz for each lesson, and a final exam. The plan is to cover one lesson each week. The lessons cover organization of time, school binders and lockers, study space, different learning styles, setting goals, procrastination, listening skills, reading skills, taking notes, outlining, test anxiety, writing reports, making oral presentations, and more. The students have covered lessons 1 & 2, which were an overview of the study skills lessons and how to ‘Get Organized’ for study at school and home, and lesson 3, ‘Manage Your Time’. Each student received two schedules to fill out and keep in their binder; a monthly calendar and a
BIOLOGY – Ms. Mink’s Advanced Biology lab has completed AP Lab 5 on cellular respiration, in which they measured the differences in oxygen production between seeds that were germinating, inert seeds, and plain glass beads. The students are learning techniques that are used in college and research labs, and producing very thorough and thoughtful lab reports.
SEVENTH GRADE – Western Civilization students have just analyzed the philosophical posits of Plato’s High School drama students have been putting the work, The finishing touches on their fall show. From l-r: Teddy Republic with his Rose, Jasmine Libert, Griffin Lord, Jacob Dysinger, “Allegory of the Christy Jo Williams (kneeling), Kyle Riddle, Kimberly Cave” and the McDonough, Quinn Hannah-White. Tickets on sale now “Ring of Gyges.” in the Office and from cast members. FIFTH GRADE – Students are learning to diagram sentences. Also, they are going to the Fern Grotto tomorrow with their “Little Buddies” in the Pre-K.
Lauren Claypoole, ‘12, and Christian Potter, ‘13, perform a lab in Advanced Biology
PHYSICAL EDUCATION – Seventh and eighth grade girls had a “breakfast bond” Tuesday, followed by a class about the importance of starting the day with a healthy breakfast. MIDDLE SCHOOL HALLOWEEN DANCE – High School Student Government is putting on a dance for middle school students tomorrow, Friday, Oct. 28, in the Main Hall, from 6-9 p.m. $10 in advance, $12 at the door. Students may wear Halloween costumes that are within the school dress code guidelines. HALLOWEEN – Students in PK-5 are encouraged to bring a costume to put on after lunch on Monday, October 31, to wear in our annual Halloween costume parade. The parade begins at 1:15, and is followed by class room Halloween parties. Parents are welcome to join in the fun. Bring your cameras. Middle and high school students are also allowed to wear costumes to school, but must follow guidelines as specified by their teachers.
Parent Page Mahalo to ♥♥♥
♥ ♥ ♥ the following people for volunteering at the KIF Cross Country Meet on Oct. 15: Donna King, Valerie Rivera, Vaughn Beyer, Felicia Alongi, Joe Williams, Joe McEvoy, Joshua Miller, Christina King, Danielle Caminos, David Caminos, Joey Caminos, Tim Stuck, Kim Stuck, Liz Hubbard, Jeff Kozak, Joyce Flagg, Julia Flagg, Napu Jaurequi, Charlene Steuri, Chris Steuri, Lynne MacDonald, Noelani Pomroy, Paul Pomroy, Cheryl Claypoole, Joan Shaw, Judy Byce, Fred Pascual, Leah Edwards, Carolyn LumTucker, Lehia Pomroy, Brad Sato, Sabra Kauka, Katie Magoun, Mary Magoun, Thatcher Magoun, Maya Rivera, Bill Arakaki, Joan Kealalio, Vianne Tabata, Lyle Tabata, Ulu Perreira, Emmi Masumura, Rikki Garma, Eric Kato, Jane Kato, Michelle German, Raymond Duarte, Lauren Claypoole, Teak Owen, Sue Gregor, Christian Potter. Also to James Massaro for lending a generator for the event, and to everyone else who showed up that morning to assist.
♥ ♥ ♥ King Auto Center for allowing the chorus to use their car wash last Saturday, and to all the chorus parents and students who worked the event. A special mahalo to Lance Eto, who drove cars through the car wash for five hours!
♥ ♥ ♥ The Hawai‘i Association of Independent Schools, ‘Olelo: Community Media and the Hawai‘i Educational Networking Consortium for a grant in support of our video editing classes.
♥ ♥ ♥ Ava Zebzda for her donation to the LRC.
♥ ♥ ♥ Cheryl Claypoole, Dr. John Culliney & Mrs. Margaret Steinhardt and Carol Peacock for donations to the Alaka’i Chorus!
♥ ♥ ♥ Richard Porto and Laurel Petterson McGraw for their assistance with the high school play, “It’s About Time.” ♥ ♥ ♥ Kathy Richardson for a generous donation to Booster Club and for sponsoring a hole at the Golf Tournament. ♥ ♥ ♥ the Harris family for replenishing sand in the keiki sand box! ♥ ♥ ♥ Douglas Kinney, Erin Shaw (class of ‘02), Daryl & Ryan Edwards and Bob & Nani Springer for supporting the Annual Giving Campaign. ♥ ♥ ♥ KIUC for a grant to the middle school band.
Classified Ads FOR SALE: 2004 FORD EXPLORER. 86,000 miles, good condition. $10,000. Third row of seats, power everything. If interested or for more info, please call Rachelle at 346-1447. KAUA‘I SINGS AUDITIONS: The 5th Annual Kaua‘i Sings “Christmas in New York” will be held on Saturday, Dec. 17, at Kilohana. Auditions are on Thursday, November 10, from 6-8pm, location TBA. You must have an appointment to audition. Call Jason Blake at 652-5210 or email jblakekauai@ for more information or to make an appointment. DJ SERVICES: Need a DJ for your party? TRAX Entertainment
offers years of experience and the best in pro audio, lighting, and an online event planning system for you to create program, timeline, and song lists. Special kama‘aina rates. Check availability and more info at, http://trax1. com/ 808-635-2783. KAUA‘I BOO BALL: Friday October 28th - howl at the moon, dance, eat, drink, see old friends and make new ones all for a wonderful non-profit organization “Live Music Kaua‘i,” www.livemusickauai. org. At the Kaua‘i Vet Center. Tickets $25. Live Music Kaua‘i puts on wonderful educational music programs for both children and adults!
♥ ♥ ♥ Monica King and Alison Wendler for their assistance Tuesday at the Flu Clinic. Their help made things go so smoothly that the DOH Kaua‘i regional manager commented “It was the best clinic, they had yet.” ♥ ♥ ♥ the following people who contributed to the great success of Art Day 2012: the Art Day Committee Penny Nichols, Jeff Kozak, Judy Byce, Cindy Wortmann, Sue Macklin, Lynda Liesse, Ed Eaton, Kerith Edwards, Joe Corbo and Mary Castelanelli; behind-the-scenes - Joan Shaw, Lorena Wong, Liz Hubbard, Noreen Dougherty and Annie Leighton; the small army of parents & friends who helped with the luncheon, assisted artists, donated materials, and helped clean up; our office staff, administration and maintenance team; the skilled artists who volunteered their time and talents to our young people in ways our students will always remember – Leilani Kurz, Keana Oliveira, Jessica Silver, Takuyo Williams, Gaye Miller, Monica King, Love Tribe, Fred Tangalin, Kathleen Ho, David Dinner, Ron Horoshko, Carol Bennett, Wayne Zebzda, Deyana Mielke, Lea Ingram, Ambrose Curry, Sarah Mangold, Helen Meade, Cindy Wortmann, Kate Mink, Nathaniel Evslin, Dean Wakamoto, Mary Castelanelli, Kerith Edwards and Diane Ferry; the Art Walk entertainers – Richard Porto, Reneé Janton, Hilary Eldrige, Kaycee Parker, Sam & Lulu Bonanno, Mickey Gautney, Jasmine Hine & Company, and the Rakudo Taiko Ensemble; and our high school student helpers.
Art Day - Pep Rally What a fantastically creative and productive day! Sixty-six different workshops were provided for 362 students plus staff. A fine array of artists shared their talents with our students, resulting in hundreds of pieces of art. Volunteers came out in force to make this year’s Art Day run smooth as silk. Ron Horoshko, who taught a workshop on Ukrainian egg decorating, remarked that he was just amazed by the focus and enthusiasm of the students and the teamwork and participation of the teachers. He said that he sent a photo of one of the eggs to the Ukrainian Society in San Francisco, as an exceptional example of Ukrainian egg decorating. Penny Nichols, who has chaired this event twelve times, said, “I’m always amazed that we’re able to produce this unique event, which depends upon the aloha and volunteer spirit of so many people.” High School Student Government students, aided by student activities director Liz Hubbard, meticulously planned and carried out a spirited pep rally, honoring our KIF fall athletes. The rally was dedicated to Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Students from PK through high school dressed in pink to show their support. A hilarious relay race between multi-aged teams challenged students to be dressed in pink balloons, eat pink jello without any hands, and find pink bubble gum in a mound of whipped cream. Each class decorated a classmate in pink for a fun fashion show. Emcee Joy Claypoole, 13, did a magnificent job keeping the rally flowing and energized. Congratulations, Voyagers! Island School knows how to celebrate the arts!
Island School 3-1875 Kaumuali`i Hwy Lihu`e, Kaua`i, Hawai`i, 96766
October 27, 2011 A weekly publication We’re on the web at
Visit to see all the pictures of Art Day and the Pep Rally (password=islandschool)
… splendid and a logistical masterpiece!