Parent Connection: Oct. 31, 2013

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October 31, 2013


Breaking News Click HERE for important dates Picture Re-takes - Nov. 6

Make-ups and retakes are scheduled for Wednesday, November 6, between 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. in the Weinberg Gym. Any student wanting to have their school portrait retaken, must return ALL of the contents from their original portrait package. New students, students who were absent on Picture Day, or those who want to order additional packages may also have their pictures taken on Nov. 6. If you have any questions about your student’s portrait packet please contact Lifetouch directly at 1-800-359-9126 or go to

College Admissions Event

Join representatives from Chaminade University, University of Hawai’i, Manoa, and the University of Washington on Saturday, Nov. 9, to learn about the college admissions processes at three types of institutions: a private university, an in-state public university, and an outof-state public university. Compare your options and meet with college counseling professionals to help your student start or continue the college search. This free

public event in the Main Hall for students and parents will be from 1-3:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP by contacting Joan Shaw, Island School college counselor, at 246-0233 or joan@

Bistro Night - Nov. 8-10

The Bistro in Kilauea is once again

supporting the chorus in its fundraising efforts. Eat lunch or dinner at the Bistro on November 8, 9, or 10, and they’ll donate 30% of your tab to the chorus. All you have to do is show the flyer on page 5 (print it out or show on your phone) to your server and they’ll do the rest. Flier on page 5.

Art Day Next Week

The first of our three all-school special events is Art Day, on Friday, November 8. Each trimester, one Friday is set aside for an all-school event. During trimester 1, we have Art Day, trimester 2 is when Island School’s Birthday is celebrated, this year on January 31, and during trimester 3, students put on a special May Day program on May 9. Each of these events is carefully planned to enrich the curriculum and meet the schoolwide learning goals. Read all about Art Day on page 4. School will be dismissed at 2:40 for all students on Art Day and the buses will leave at 2:50.

Want Your Turkey Cooked?

Once again, the Kaua‘ibots robotics team is offering to cook your Thanksgiving turkey in their imu for only $25! To reserve a space, contact: kauaibots2465@ or call 808 635-7377 or kate. or call 808 652-7996.

Daniel Ho Benefit Concert Friday, Nov. 8, 7 p.m.

We are fortunate to have six-time Grammy award winning ukulele and slack key guitarist, Daniel Ho, perform on Art Day at our Art Walk. That evening, he will perform at Island School in the Wilcox Gymnasium in concert. Tickets are available in the Office for $20; $30 at the door. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Island School. See poster on page 6.

Jeff Kozak Honored by Stanford

Each year, Stanford University invites their incoming freshman class to acknowledge a former teacher or mentor who played a significant role in their intellectual, academic, social and personal development. Congratulations to Jeff Kozak, who was selected by Bronson Griep ‘13, to receive this special honor. Bronson wrote: “Dr. Kozak is the most influential teacher I have encountered throughout my educational career. His enthusiasm for science, math, and the pure joy of learning, is truly inspirational. His sincere desire to educate students is a trait I feel should be encompassed by all teachers. Without his devotion to teaching, I would not have accomplished nearly as many things as I have thus far. I truly admire and appreciate everything he has done for me and for my fellow classmates.”

Volunteers Needed For Flu Clinic Next Tuesday

Volunteers are needed for a couple of hours beginning at 8:30 a.m. to help escort students and provide comfort for those receiving their flu vaccinations on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Please contact Amanda if you are available at 8:30 on Nov. 5. 246-0233, or

College Horizons 2014

College Horizons is a pre-college program that supports the higher education of Native American students. The summer program provides college admissions workshops to American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian students/ participants from across the nation. Current sophomores and juniors are invited to apply for College Horizons which will be hosted by Dartmouth College this summer. For more information and to register visit: http://

To contact the publisher of Island School’s Parent Connection, email

I.S. Chronicles PHYSICAL EDUCATION – 7th grade PE students will end their volleyball unit with a field trip to play beach volleyball at Kalapaki Beach next Wednesday.

HAWAIIAN STUDIES – Fourthgraders (pictured above) went to Lydgate Park on Tuesday to release fledging endangered Newell Shearwaters. The birds had been rehabilitated by the Save Our Shearwaters Program, which is a Department of Land and Natural Resources’ forestry and wildlife project, administered by the Pacific Co-operative Studies Unit of the University of Hawai‘i. The Save Our Shearwaters Program is housed at the Kaua‘i Humane Society. STUDENT COUNCIL – The 8th grade girls held their Student Council elections on Friday and chose Maile Mijares as their homeroom representative.

CROSS COUNTRY – Teachers staff and friends turned out in force to assist Kaipo, Jen and Sean in last Saturday’s State Cross Country Meet. Hosting an event as huge as the State Meet is a challenge, to say the least, and the event went exceptionally well. Kaipo, Jen and Sean are to be congratulated for their superb organization. Congratulations also to our runners, Chan Hsu ‘14, Michael Miller ‘15, and Carolyn Price ‘17, all of whom represented Island School and beat their own best times. Photos are posted at (Password=islandschool) SPANISH – Spanish Club reports their Middle School Dance was a huge success last Friday! Students danced the night away to DJ Allie Worley’s music from her impressive playlist. Allie (class of 2017) also did a great job taking personal requests. The Spanish Club is looking

forward to putting on another MS Dance. These efforts are to raise funds for a trip they are planning to Honolulu to attend the Cinco de Mayo Celebration. VIDEO PRODUCTION – If you missed Hiki No on TV last week, you can find our segment at http://youtu. be/4hW9o17zrIQ?t=17m58s. It is cued up to start right when our segment starts. The whole show was a good one, and is worth watching it if you have the chance. THIRD GRADE – The class is selling reusable shopping bags, decorated with their own art work. Holds 44 lbs. and rolls to fit in purse. Six colors. Proceeds benefit 3rd grade off island O‘ahu trip! $12 each or 3 for $33 +free pouch. See a 3rd grader to make a purchase. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT – Luca Rivera, grade 4, won first place in recent Cub Scout Pine Wood Derby preliminary race held last Saturday. FIRST GRADE – The class has been reading The Little Old Lady Who is Not Afraid of Anything, written by Linda Williams and illustrated by Megan Lloyd. They drew scary pumpkin faces and cut them out, then wrote stories about their works of art. They also made scarecrows that blow in the wind.

2nd graders presented their biography reports last Thursday. Some children dressed up to look like the person they studied and others made posters. One student did a Box of Facts, which was filled with items that represented things from the life of their person.

SENIOR UPDATE – Kalena Wong has been accepted at University of Hawai‘i, Manoa and Ivana Wu has been accepted at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon. Congratulations!

Parent Page

Parent Association Gift Wrap Orders Are In

The gift wrap orders have been delivered to the participating students. If you have any questions about your order, please call the toll-free Customer Care number found on the paperwork that came with your order: 800-251-1542. Online orders will be accepted throughout the remainder of the school year. Visit http://www. to shop for gift wrap, gifts and magazine subscriptions and earn your class profits from your purchases.

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Mahalo to


♥ ♥ ♥ Sharon Inanod, Carolyn Yavinsky, Kori King, Ross Asuncion, Renato & Marjorie DeSouza and Richard Porto for helping at The Phantom Tollbooth rehearsals, and to Deyana Mielke, Gaye Miller and Kylie Wilson for working on costumes. ♥ ♥ ♥ Monica King, Heather Biedermann, Claudia Trask and Kymberley Whitman for distributing the gift wrap orders this week. ♥ ♥ ♥ our PK-8 Room Parents for organizing today’s Halloween class parties. ♥ ♥ ♥ Denise Kaufman, Michael Lake, Keana

& Daniel Oliveira, Walter Petrella, George Reizner, Sonia Topenio and James Trujillo & Maria Walker for contributions to Annual Giving and to Howatt & Kori King and Joan & Rick Shaw for donations to Annual Giving in honor of Hobey Goodale.

♥ ♥ ♥ the Hawai‘i Association of Independent Schools for a donation to the video production program.

XAVIER RUDD CONCERT: At KCC PAC, Friday, Nov. 1, 8:00 p.m. Like Jack Johnson, independent Australian musician Xavier Rudd combines a love of surfing with a love of roots music. Like Ben Harper, he plays Weissenborn lap steel guitars. Utterly unlike both of those musicians, however, he has a unique setup. Rudd is a one-man band who plays surrounded by instruments in a complicated array. Typically, he has three didgeridoos placed in front of him on a stand, a guitar on his lap, a stompbox by his habitually bare feet, and an assortment of drums, banjos, harmonicas, bells, and bass guitar near at hand, or near at foot as the case may be. He takes this setup with him on frequent tours (as well as his surfboards), relying on word of mouth rather than record labels to speak for him. THIS SHOW WILL SELL OUT. Doors open at 7:00. General Admission $33. Get your tickets before they are gone! Online at at Papaya’s Kapa‘a, Healthy Hut Kilauea, Harvest Market Hanalei. More info 808-635-5556.

accompanyment by Rose Alfiler. Tickets are $4 and go on sale next week in the Office and from cast memebers. Showtimes are Nov. 15 & 16 at 7:00 p.m., Nov. 17 at 3:00 p.m.

ON STAGE AT ISLAND SCHOOL: The Fifth Grade Presents: The Phantom Tollbooth, a musical by Arnold Black & Sheldon Harnick, based on the children’s book by Norton Juster. Directed by Peggy Ellenburg, musical direction &

WANTED FOR ART DAY: Old magazines with lots of color pictures to cut up for a collage class. Please drop off in the Art Room, or in the Office. Mahalo.

♥ ♥ ♥ Ryan Mackey for a gift to the second grade class.

♥ ♥ ♥ Hiroko Tanaka for a contribution to the first grade.

ON STAGE AT THE WAR MEMORIAL CONVENTION HALL: Hawai‘i Children’s Theatre presents Rogers & Hammerstein’s, The Sound of Music. Three weekends only: Nov. 15 - Dec. 1, at the War Memorial Convention Hall. Fri/Sat at 7pm, Sunday at 4pm. Tickets $12/students/seniors/outlets; $10/ from cast members; $15 at the door. Directed by Marly Madayag. Visit for more information.

Art Day - Friday, Nov. 8 A fabulous array of art workshops, taught by some of the island’s finest artists, ART DAY 2013 - ROOM ASSIGNMENTS FOR PARENTS is lined up for Art Day 2013! CLASS


PRIMARY: Clay Pinch Pots

Jill Weiner

Dot Painting

Monica King

Puppets & Place Mats

Adie Siebring

Painted Coconuts

Deatri Nakea

ELEMENTARY: Embroidered Bookmarks

Philip Steinbacher

Flip Books

Wayne Zebzda

Mexican Crafts

Ita Rubio

Collage Fun

Leilani Kurz


Kathleen Ho

Ukrainian Eggs

Ron Horoshko

Clay Leaf Platters

Helen Meade

Artsy Trucker Hats

Morgan Miike

Paper Sculpture

Fred Tangalin

Pinhole Photography

Dean Wakamoto & Mary Castelanelli

Paper Craft

Peter/Takuyo Williams

HIGH SCHOOL: Sumie Brush Painting

Stephanie Britt

Weaving Naturally

Noreen Dougherty

Tee Zen

Lea Ingram

Learning to See to Draw

Carol Yotsuda

Lei Making

Noelani Pomroy

Poetry Painting

Deyana Mielke

Watercolor Painting

Sheree Latif

Acrylic Painting

Carol Bennett

Island School 3-1875 Kaumuali`i Hwy Lihu`e, Kaua`i, Hawai`i, 96766

October 31, 2013 A weekly publication We’re on the web at

The Bistro has been serving great food and presenting live entertainment on the North Shore of Kaua'i in an open air Hawaiian plantation garden setting since 1999.


In January 2014, sixtyeight members of the Island School Alaka'i Chorus & Island School 'Opio Chorus will travel to O'ahu for the all-state choral festival and a chance to see the national touring company of “The Lion King.”

Your support will help get us there!

Support the Island School Chorus

the Bistro

Show this ad on your phone or present this On the Lighthouse Road in Kilauea, Kaua'i flyer to your server when you order. The Bistro will donate 30% of your tab to the

Call 828-0480 for reservations. Please share this FREE flyer with friends!

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