November 8, 2012
Breaking News
Kids Cooking With Mr. Dean
Join Mr. Dean for three days of culinary fun during Thanksgiving Break. Students will learn how to mix their own beverages and prepare their own food. No need to bring snacks and lunches from home because they will be making them right in class. From Monday, Nov. 19 through Wednesday November, 21, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. in the Main Hall. $125.00 for three days, $50.00 daily. Call the Office to register.
Hawai‘i College & Career Fair
Monday, Nov. 12, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Kaua‘i Beach Resort Jasmine Ballroom. Representatives from colleges and universities nationwide will be on hand with lots of great information to help our young people take the next step in their college and career plans. Families can take advantage of the school holiday (Veteran’s Day) to visit the fair together. For more information, visit and see the attached flyer.
Monday is Veterans’ Day
November 12th is a school holiday. The campus will be closed in honor of our veterans. School resumes on Tuesday.
School Picture Re-Takes Tomorrow
Students who were absent on the original picture day or those who want to re-take their pictures should go to the Weinberg Gym between 8 a.m.
and 10 a.m. Students should check with their teachers first, or go during their morning break. Those having re-takes should return their original picture packet to the photographers during this time. Order forms are available in the school office.
FIRST Lego League Island Wide Tournament Support our elementary team, “LEGO MASTERS,” this Saturday in Wilcox Gymnasium, from 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Island School is hosting this first-ever event on Kaua‘i.
County Bus Safety
The County of Kaua‘i has notified us that vehicles are causing unsafe conditions by pulling in front of the bus before it leaves or by blocking safe access/departure for the bus from its bus stop, where parking is prohibited. The Kaua‘i Police Dept. was made aware of this problem from a citizen complaint. We ask all parents whose children use the County Bus service to please allow these buses free access and a safe departure zone from all county bus stops. Students are asked to be at their bus stop location before the County bus arrives.
Bistro Night Rescheduled for Nov. 9, 10 & 11
Help the Alaka‘i Chorus raise funds for their trip to O‘ahu for the 2013 Ho’olokahi High School Choral Festival, and enjoy lunch or dinner at the Lighthouse Bistro in Kilauea. In order for the chorus to receive their donation, patrons should show their server the attached flyer, or a digital
Click HERE for important dates Do you use the calendar to keep up-to-date? Click above to add it to your Google calendars or go to our website to view it: version on their smart phones.
Skinflints & Scoundrels DVDs Available
Contact Peggy at peggy@ischool. org, if you’re interested. They will be ready before Thanksgiving break.
Finals Week
Students in grades 6-12 will take final exams for trimester 1 next week. The Finals Schedules are attached to this week’s PC.
Yearbook Cover Art Contest For middle and high school students. The winning Island School student artist will receive $50, recognition in the Parent Connection, credit in the yearbook masthead, plus a free copy of the yearbook. Rules are attached to this week’s PC. Contact Judah Freed for more information at judah@ Contest deadline for all submissions is Friday, November 30.
Elementary to See Scrooge! the Musical on Tuesday
Children in PK- 5 will travel to the Convention Hall to see Hawai‘i Children’s Theatre’s performance of Scrooge! the Musical on Nov. 13. Parents are asked to send $4 per child to school by Tuesday to cover costs.
To contact the publisher of Island School’s Parent Connection, email
I.S. Chronicles SOCIAL STUDIES – Echoing the issues and referendums on election ballots all over the country this week, 7th grade Western Civ students are taking part in a Roman Republic Legislature simulation. The voting assemblies (the Plebeians and Patricians) are convincing the Senate, Consuls and Dictator, of their views on issues from conquering Carthage and The Gaul, to extending voting rights to women, the landless, and slaves, to further subsidizing the construction of aqueducts for the people of Rome. CHEMISTRY – In Conceptual Chemistry, students are currently researching one very controversial alternative energy source: nuclear power. They are researching both the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power while considering the impacts that burning fossil fuels has on the environment and our current weather patterns. From this, they will form an opinion on why nuclear energy is or is not a viable source of alternative energy. The students will then write a paper, do a presentation, or record a video to present their views. Katie Cook tries out the Big Kahuna skateboard in PE.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION – Students in grades 4-7 got to work out on 3-wheel trikes and ‘big kahuna” longboard skateboards. Thanks to the DOE for loaning this equipment. SOCCER– Girls soccer began practice last Monday! Our first game is not until December 1st, but the girls
are already training hard and showing a lot of potential for the upcoming season. THIRD GRADE – The class visited the Kaua‘i Resource Center and Garden Isle Recycling last Thursday in preparation for a recycling fund raiser they are starting to raise money for their O‘ahu field trip in April. FOURTH GRADE – Third graders visited Garden Isle Disposal to learn Students began working about recycling. through the structure of a formal 5-paragraph essay If you missed the competition this (introduction, body, conclusion). trimester, then be sure to enter next Each student has been asked to select trimester. a topic, prompted by the question, “Beyond is Where The Wind Leans Towards” “What has great value to you?” The by Imara Joroff body of their essay will include three reasons for choosing the thing Beyond is where the wind leans towards. they value. They will also explore Over the hills and through the strategies and techniques for mountains, writing introduction and conclusion cross over trickling streams and gushing paragraphs that grab a reader’s falls of water, attention and bring closure to a down pathways created by man, thought-process. woman, and child, MIDDLE SCHOOL – The Middle School Student Council’s dance will be held tomorrow, Nov. 9, in the Main Hall, from 6:30-9:00 p.m. POETRY – Mr. Reynolds’ class has announced the winners of their poetry competition. Out of the seventeen poems submitted, the top three poems were: First place: “Beyond is Where the Wind Leans Towards”, by Imara Joroff, ‘15, Second Place: “Fading,” by Jai Odyssea, ‘13; and Third Place: “Myth,” by Philip Steinbacher. The winning poets received Jamba juice gift cards and trophies, and every competing poet received a certificate of recognition. “Beyond is Where the Wind Leans Towards” was chosen for its thought-provoking content, consistent rhythm and structure, word choice, personification, and imagery. Congratulations Imara!
and around corners touched by all hands.
The forest creatures gather here; mythical and real. They come by air, water, earth and bring with them the fire that comes with passion, emotion, and opinion. The Grasshoppers bounce from leaf-toleaf while Ants travel one-by-one, two-by-two, three-by-three, and four-by-four. Ducklings ride on the backs of Crocodiles, and Cat’N’Mouse walk hand-in-hand. We make peace and war, battle between love and hate. This journey to where the wind leans towards reconnects the souls in each and entangles them in a web so we don’t forget the past, present, or future. Beyond is where the wind leans towards, and beyond is where we’ll go to follow.
Parent Page
Parent Association Thanksgiving Food Drive November 12-16, 2012
The Parent Association is coordinating a Thanksgiving Food Drive. All donations will be delivered to Hale Ho‘omalu (a Child and Family Service Program serving the East Side). Donations will help to fill the program’s Food Pantry. For PreK to grade 5, goods should be delivered to their classrooms; middle and high School students can deliver goods to boxes located on the back lanai (outside Joan’s office). All goods will be picked up Friday morning and delivered by PA volunteers. Pre-K: Boxed Cereal/Instant Oatmeal K: Canned Fruits Grade 1: Boxed Pasta (Mac and Cheese) Grade 2: Canned Ready Meals (Chef Boy-RDee) Grade 3: Crackers/Cookies Grade 4: Canned Ready Meals (Chef Boy-RDee) Grade 5: Pop Tarts/Breakfast Bars Grade 6: Canned Vegetables Grade 7:Canned Soup/Cup-o-Noodle/Ramen Grade 8: Canned Meats (Tuna, Spam, Corned Beef) Grade 9: Rice (White or Brown) Grade 10: Canned Meats (Tuna, Spam, Corned Beef) Grade 11: Peanut Butter and Jelly Grade 12: Rice (White or Brown)
Classified Ads HCT PRESENTS: “Scrooge! The Musical,” directed by Ed Eaton and featuring several Island School students: Raina Silver, Emma Schneck, Caleb Plowman, Callie Yavinsky, Jessica Palmer & Riley Silver, with Rose Alfiler in the orchestra. Opening this weekend at the War Memorial Convention Hall and running
Mahalo to
♥ ♥ ♥ Dana Temme for donating bandanas to the costume collection. ♥ ♥ ♥ Jami & George Knox, Carol Bennett, Carol
Peacock and Sharon McDonough, for their help at the door and with refreshments at the high school play last weekend. Also to Wayne Zebzda and Jai Odyssea for filming. A big mahalo to all the parents, friends and students who helped break down the set on Sunday in less than an hour! Another big mahalo to Ben Miller, ‘02, who put his expert stage make-up and hair skills to good use, and to our line-up who played Louis XIV and his Marquese: Gabe Figueroa, Margo Latif, Cindy Wortmann, Philip Steinbacher, Clare Petterson, Rory McClure, Sierra Hampton-Eng and Justin Kollar.
♥ ♥ ♥ the fifth grade parents who washed many,
many cars on Sunday, especially to Lauren Hunt for organizing the event. It was very successful. ♥ ♥ ♥ Gina & Brian Pearson for their help with the
kindergarten and first grade printmaking projects.
♥ ♥ ♥ the Beydoun family for assisting Island School’s
Hanalei bus riding students in a time of need!
for three weekends. Showtimes are Fri/Sat at 7pm, Sundays at 4pm. Tickets available from cast members, outlets and at the door. Visit for more information. CHRISTMAS CONCERT: “Christmas Gifts,a Serenade by String Students of Helen Sina,” featuring: Ethereal Harmony • Magic Violins • Amoroso with guest performances from Ballet Kaua‘i, directed by Daniel Nelson. With Island School senior, Kimberly McDonough and first graders Savannah & Maddison Hubbard. Monday, December 10, 6:00 pm. Kaua‘i Community College Performing Arts Center. Enjoy a rich mixture of music, song and dance by talented young performers from Kaua‘i. $8 general admission. For more information or tickets, call 652-0706, or contact Liz Hubbard at IMU TURKEY: KAUAIBOTS will cook your turkey or ham for only $25. To place your order, contact Kate Mink or Charlene Steuri at 635-7377.
Election Awareness Student Government Led Voting in Grades 1-12
The election fever that swept the country by no means missed Island School’s students. Recognizing this as an important educational opportunity, the high school Student Government organized a mock election that took place last week. Students in grades 1-5 voted in their classrooms for President, and middle and high school students registered and voted online for all the candidates.
Island School Student Mock Election Results
The online “polls” were open last week from Wednesday through Friday at noon. The results (posted at right) were announced at the Pep Rally. Everyone was urged to vote and, more importantly, to spend some time deciding which candidates they supported. It was suggested that students discuss the election with their families at home, to read about the various issues and positions, to discuss it among themselves, and to form their own, personal opinions. Sample ballots were distributed in the upper grades for discussion. “I was pleased at the amount of enthusiasm displayed by our students,” said Liz Hubbard, who is the Director of Student Activities. “The fifth and sixth graders were especially excited about voting,” she added. Voting was not mandatory, yet approximately 73% of those eligible to vote (those in grades 1-12) took advantage of the opportunity. Of the actual middle and high school “registered voters,” 65% voted. When copies of the ballot were distributed, many students were surprised to see other presidential candidates on the ballot besides Obama and Romney, and wondered why they hadn’t heard about them before.
Island School 3-1875 Kaumuali`i Hwy Lihu`e, Kaua`i, Hawai`i, 96766
November 8, 2012 A weekly publication We’re on the web at