November 15, 2012
Breaking News
Scholastic Book Fair
The fifth grade’s annual Scholastic Book Fair will be held after Thanksgiving Break on the Main Hall stage, from Tuesday, Nov. 27 to Friday, Nov. 30, from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. This is a fundraising event for their class trip to the Big Island. Stop by for your holiday shopping needs and check out the teachers’ Wish Lists.
K-5 Thanksgiving Feast
Families are invited to join their keiki tomorrow for an elementary Thanksgiving buffet. The event is potluck style, with parents signing up to bring certain Thanksgiving dishes. The buffet opens at 12:05 in the Main Hall; tents in the courtyard will be set up for dining. Prior to the feast, the students will get to attend a short concert in the Wilcox Gym given by Maui musicians Phil and Angela Benoit, who are here to perform for the Kaua‘i Concert Association on Saturday. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher.
Conference Sign-Ups
Student/Parent/Teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, Dec. 6, beginning at 12:30 p.m. and Friday Dec. 7, from 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Thursday is a half-day of classes; students will be dismissed at 11:05 (grades 6-12) and 11:10 (grades PK-5). School lunch will not be served on Thursday and the buses will depart on at 11:20 a.m. There will be no classes on Friday. Elementary parents may schedule their conference by signing up on the sheet outside their teacher’s classroom. Middle and high school parents should fill out the attached
form to indicate the teachers with whom they’d like to meet. We strongly encourage parents and students to take advantage of this opportunity to touch bases with their teachers and set goals for the next trimester.
Do Drop Inn During Conferences
The Do Drop Inn will meet in the Weinberg gym on Thursday, Dec. 6, at 11:10, and all day Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Please let Mr. Dean know if your child will attend.
Santa’s Workshop
Student Government is hosting their annual child care event on Thursday, Dec. 6, during the first day of conferences. Santa’s Workshop is open to children in grades PK-5, and begins at 11:10, when school is dismissed. Children will be treated to lunch, arts and crafts, a holiday movie, and a special visit from Santa. Cost is $10 for one child, $15 for two, and $20 for three or more in the same family. To sign up, look for the registration table in front of the first grade classroom or stop by the Office. Deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 5, at 3:30 p.m.
Pinhole Photography for Adults
It’s surprising that it works at all – a dark box with a small hole at one end can make pictures! Join Mr. Dean for a workshop where you will make
Click HERE for important dates some of the most complex photos with the simplest of cameras. Using long exposures, multiple exposures and multiple lenses, you will create unusual large format negatives with film and photographic paper. No experience needed. Saturday, December 1, 8:00 a.m. - noon in the Art Room. $85. Tell your friends! Sign up in the Office.
Imu Turkey for Thanksgiving
Kaua‘ibots will once again be cooking turkeys and hams in their underground oven (imu). Bring in your turkey or ham on the afternoon of Wednesday, November 21, between 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Pick-up will be Thursday, November 22, by 10:00 a.m. ONLY $25. (Cash, or check payable to “Kaua‘i Robotics Alliance.”) To place your order, fill out the order form attached to this week’s PC.
Trimester 1 Report Cards
Printed copies of report cards will be delivered to students by November 30. They will also be emailed to parents at the same time. Parents and students might find the RenWeb gradebook disabled, depending on the class. This is because teachers are calculating grades.
Time to Order Tri 2 Books
Trimester 2 high school classes are listed on RenWeb. Check our online bookstore,, to see if new materials need to be ordered. Course books can be purchased in the Logo Store.
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