November 17, 2011
Breaking News
Breast Cancer Awareness T-Shirts on Sale
Student Government has a very limited supply of these stylin’ shirts for sale: “Fight Like a Girl” shirts - 3 mediums and 1 XL. “Real Men Wear Pink” shirts 2 mediums, 5 large and 2 XL. $20 each. All proceeds will be donated to Susan G. Komen for the Cure in honor of IS ‘ohana who have fought the fight. They make great gifts. Contact Liz ( to purchase one.
Gift Wrap Distributed
If there are any problems with your order including damaged products, or missing or incorrect items, please contact Liz Farnsworth, the on-island representative for Great American Opportunities, at 826-9596 (this is a local number). Thank you to everyone who participated in and helped run this year’s gift wrap sale!
Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences Dec. 8 & 9
First trimester conferences begin on Thursday, Dec. 8 at 12:30 p.m. School is dismissed on Thursday at 11:20 for grades 6-12, and at 11:30 for elementary. The buses will leave campus at 11:40 a.m. Lunch will not be served on Thursday. On Friday, conferences begin at 8:00 a.m. through 3:30 p.m. There are no scheduled classes on Friday.
Elementary conferences may be scheduled by signing up outside their respective teacher’s door. For middle and high school, parents should call the Office to schedule their conference. High School Student Government has scheduled their Santa’s Workshop after school on Thursday from noon to 3 p.m. Lunch and fun provided!
Golf Tournament a Success!
Forty-two golfers made up 14 teams at the Booster Club Golf Tourney. Every contestant received a prize and was entered in a grand drawing for two different overnight packages: one at the Grand Hyatt and the other at Koa Kea. Our youngest contestant was 2nd grader, Eme-lani Ebesu. Among the Island School students participating were our all-high school team of Miller, Miller and Sclafani (Daniel Miller, ‘12, Michael Miller, ‘15, and Adam Sclafani, ‘15). All monies raised will support the Island School Booster Club’s efforts in supporting athletics.
Have YOU Made Your Annual Giving Contribution?
Please consider making one now. Any amount is greatly appreciated. We depend on your kokua.
Do Drop Inn Extended Conference Hours
Do Drop Inn will be available if a minimum of six students are signed up. Hours for those days will be from 11:20 a.m. on Thursday and 8:00 a.m. Friday. As usual,students
Click on the Calendar tab on our website. need to be picked up by 5:15 p.m. Water, snack and lunch will need to be brought from home for both days. Call the Front Office to sign-up your child(ren) today!
Community Service
Parents and students who want to track the number of community service hours earned in grades 9-12 can do so on RenWeb. Here’s how: log on to ParentsWeb and go to the Family Information tab; click on the student’s name to open their information; click on the Community Service Hours tab. Details and hours are totaled for grades 9-12. Report cards only show hours earned for that particular trimester.
RenWeb Gradebook Disabled Until Dec. 5
As always, while teachers are compiling final grades for the trimester, the gradebook and report card features on Renweb have been disabled. All other features are still available. The gradebook and report card features will be enabled no later than Monday, December 5, once report cards have been emailed.
Books for Trimester 2
Students enrolled in the following courses for Trimester 2 can begin ordering their required books from MBS Direct: Chinese 4, Classical Mythology, Music Appreciation, Ukulele Ensemble, History of Hawai‘i, The Short Story and Honors English. Course books for History of Hawai‘i and American Government are available for purchase at the Logo Store. Other books will be distributed in class.
To contact the publisher of Island School’s Parent Connection, email
I.S. Chronicles
EIGHTH GRADE – Joan met with the 8th grade boys on Monday and will meet with the 8th grade girls on Friday about college. That’s right, college! She talked about what colleges look for and how to design one’s high school program to be in the best position for applying to schools of their choice. Students reviewed dozens of college viewbooks and shared their findings with their classmates. Joan was impressed with the future-orientation of our middle school students.
Jade Murphy, Joy Claypoole, Ryan Perez and Eric Potter all did well in last weekend’s Old Koloa Sugar Mill 5k Run.
ECONOMICS – Dr. DuPuis’ students will be enjoying a variety of flavors of cheesecake after their final exams on Thursday and Friday, out at the gazebo. This is the result of the Partnership Business Plans competition they held a few weeks ago. Each section voted for the best team presentation, then the winning teams got to choose a dessert to be provided to their classmates after the final exam. Winning teams from both sections chose cheesecake. So, today and tomorrow students from the Econ course will get to enjoy a bit of sweetness and camaraderie with each other at the end of an intense trimester wherein they learned about personal finances, investing strategies and what it takes to develop a small business, along with traditional micro- and macroeconomics. KINDERGARTEN – Students completed their Family Turkey Projects this week. Each child took home a plain outline of a turkey.
The project was for their family to decorate the turkey in some creative way. Finished turkeys were decorated with all sorts of materials. Zach Ing’s turkey was decorated with help from both mom and dad. They used macaroni, buttons, beads, pipe cleaners, tissue paper, shell, glitter, paper towel pieces and even sand. Zach’s favorite materials were red fishing High school drama students pose in front of their grubs that formed the performance venue in Chinatown. turkey wattle. Amelina McDonald and her mom state and the Mainland to perform decorated her turkey. “I did all the all kinds of theatre at four different painting,” she said as she pointed venues over a 3-day period. out the details. In addition to the paint, her turkey was decorated with HAWAIIAN STUDIES – The first Goldfish crackers, sunflower seeds, grade is leaves and flowers, candle wax, studying shredded sticks, banana chips and the kalo coffee grounds! plant with Kumu Kauka. They recently saw the kalo that is growing in the high school aquaponics garden on campus. Above, Kilinoe Oliveira wanders through kalo plants taller than she is!
Kindergartners Amelina McDonald and Zach Ing show off their Family Turkey Projects
DRAMA – The Island School Drama Troupe returned from their adventures in O‘ahu’s Chinatown exhausted but happy. They performed their show, It’s About Time, three times and saw three shows performed by Fringe artists. The group was the only high school participating in this first-ever O‘ahu Fringe Festival, which brought 15 artists from the
DRUM CIRCLE – HS students meet once a week for 25 minutes in various clubs. Seniors Noah Leggett, Dylan Morrison-Fogel and Garrett Beyer came up with the idea, made the arrangements and recruited Ms. Mink as advisor for a Drum Circle Club. The initial group of about 10 has already doubled, and enthusiasm runs high. A variety of percussion is being used: African, Latin, Middle Eastern and American drums, maracas, woodblocks, and, yes, cowbell! Come check it out they’re in the music room at 9:25 on Wednesdays; just follow your ears.
Parent Page Mahalo to
Parent Association
The Parent Association would like to thank the parents who came to the Northshore Social. And also to … … all the Parents for your unending support; … the Teachers for your phenomenal commitment to our children; … the Administrative Staff for keeping everything running smoothly.
We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Classified Ads
ZUMBA FUNDRAISER: The Alaka‘i Chorus is raising money for their trip to the Ho‘olokahi Choral Festival on O‘ahu in January and invite you to two hours of ZUMBA by exciting instructors, Deslynn Jaquias, Cheryl Perriera, Joanie Morita, Brandon Allianic and Chandelle Rego Koerte. The date is Saturday, Dec. 3, from 3-5 p.m. in the Wilcox Gymnasium. Cost is $15 at the door, with $2 childcare available. AVOCADO TREES FOR SALE: $15 - $25. Produce delicious, giant-sized, buttery Haas avocados. Grown from the seeds that originated from trees planted by senior, Dylan Morrison-Fogel, and Island School 2010 graduate, Bailee Morrison-Fogel! Please contact Donna on 651-8556. IMU TURKEY FUNDRAISER: Robotics students will cook your turkey or ham in an imu for only $20. Past imu fundraisers have sold out, so sign up now and don’t miss out! You wrap, they cook. Full instructions come with your ticket. Drop-off: 2 to 5 p.m. on Wed. Nov. 23rd. Pickup: 10 am – noon Thurs. Nov. 24th. All proceeds will help the team
♥ ♥ ♥ Chris Broussard for a donation to our photography classes.
♥ ♥ ♥ Drs. Thearath Wu & Liliane Kheng-Wu for a contribution to the Annual Giving Campaign. ♥ ♥ ♥ Alice Pajela for making all the travel and hotel arrangements for the Island School Drama Troupe’s Fringe trip. ♥ ♥ ♥ the following organizers, helpers and donors who made the first annual Booster Club Golf Tournament a success: Sam Pratt, Alan King, Jen Pomroy, Noelani Pomroy, Lynne MacDonald, Kymry Perez, Charlene Steuri, Kristina Caminos, the Ebesu Family & Snap on Tools, Koa Kea Hotel, Ralph & Laura Cushnie & Cushnie Construction Co., Michelle German & Chong Kim & Restaurant Kintaro, Kathy Richardson,Will Summerhays & Layton Construction, Doug & Adeline Sears & Grand Hyatt Kaua‘i, and Greg Harvey & Southern Wine & Spirits. ♥ ♥ ♥ Those who helped check, sort and deliver the gift wrap orders to the classrooms on Monday morning: Sandy Catlin, Leah Edwards, Bridgette Orsatelli and Grace Fujimoto, Jane Sanacora, Charlene Steuri, Claudia Trask and Alison Wendler. A special thanks to Monica King for her expert leadership. ♥ ♥ ♥ Kaua‘i Economic Development Board and KCC for their donations to the Science Olympiad. ♥ ♥ ♥ The 4th & 5th grade parents for their Teacher Appreciation treats. We all want S’MORE!! ♥ ♥ ♥ Braydon King for his generous donation to his 3rd grade class.
build robots and take them to tournaments. Tickets are available from robotics students, Kate Mink and James Massaro. Email for more info. CHILDCARE: Rachelle Alayvilla is offering childcare & holiday crafts during the Winter Break at her home in Hanamaulu from December 19-30. Hours are flexible. Call 346-1447 for more info or to set up your schedule. SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR: Open to Island School family and friends from Wednesday Friday, Nov. 30-Dec. 2, in the Main Hall, from 3-5 p.m. Books for pre-kindergarten on up. On Saturday Dec. 3, the Book Fair will be open to the public from 10 a.m.3 p.m. Proceeds help fund the fifth grade trip to the Big Island. Spread the word!
G i v i n g T h a n k s mao`mao`
Our students share some of the things for which they are thankful.
High School
The sacrifices my dad makes so I can go to this school; Nearing the end of the college applications deadlines; My parents; Friends & family; Toilet paper (!); Living here instead of in some dirty city; To be able to make my own choices; ZUMBA on Dec. 3rd from 3-5 in the Wilcox Gym; To be able to sleep in next week; The ladies; My family and Cheetos; Teachers putting in all the effort they do, staying after school to tutor me – especially Dr. Kozak; Food and not going to sleep hungry; My friends, family and food; This school; My pet turtle and my two dogs; My opportunities; Mr. Steinbacher and his chorus teaching skills that are amazing; My cats and coffee; Winter - I like the cold; Water; Music; Gatorade when I’m tired; Growing up in a positive community and a good environment.
Middle School
Food and the ocean; My classmates, who are very supportive; My friends & family, because they make me laugh; Football & surfing; Living on this island; My family; Clover, my fat dog. Trees; Being able to go to this school, my mom and brownie pie; Having a life and a loving family and a roof over my head and a sister to play with. My family and the abilities I have, and people who love me. Being happy in life and having people who care for me; My brain; Getting to live on Kaua‘i - it’s so much better than Kansas; The technology that exists today; My parakeets, because they make me laugh when they say things like, “I’m a pretty bird;” Being alive; Ice cream and pumpkin pie; This school.
Island School 3-1875 Kaumuali`i Hwy Lihu`e, Kaua`i, Hawai`i, 96766
November 17, 2011 A weekly publication We’re on the web at
The 3DS my mom & dad bought me. That my mom is having corn on a cob for Thanksgiving; My skateboard; Turkey, cranberry sauce,mashed potatoes and corn for Thanksgiving; My family; That my dad is working a lot now so he can go with us on a trip; That my mom’s having a baby; Love; My grandma; My toys; My teddy; Macaroni; My bed; Nature; Family and friends; Jesus, for dying for us; Food; That my dad has a job; My dog; My Ninjago Lego game; All the teachers & staff at Island School; My parents for paying for me to go to this school; That the first person in the world was healthy (and survived); Riding water slides; My family, pets, property and my house; A good education; Clothes to wear.