Parent Connection: Dec. 13, 2012

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December 13, 2012


Breaking News

Holiday Fun During Winter Break

Students age 4-10 are invited to join Mr. Dean and Ms. Rachelle for eight days of holiday fun with crafts, indoor and outdoor games/play, science experiments, cooking, photography, art projects, holiday reading and water play! December 24-28 and December 31-January 4 (except Dec. 25 & Jan. 1). 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. $225.00 (8 days) $150.00 (4 days) You will need to provide lunch, snacks, and drinks. Sign up today in the Office. Contact Rachelle at or Dean at, or call 246-0233, for more information.

One More Week for Slipper Tree

Slippers can be of any size or color and will be donated to Nana’s House for distribution to needy families. Everyone loves a brand new pair of rubber slippers! Slippers may be dropped off in the front Office.

SAT Prep Courses

The Jan/Feb prep courses are recommended for juniors who plan to take the SAT this spring, and for freshmen and sophomores as excellent preparation for the Preliminary SAT administered to all Island School 10th and 11th graders in October. Enrollment in both classes is limited. Students can sign up for one or both classes with Joan Shaw, College Counselor, Island School (246-0233, ext. 232 or joan@ Checks should be made

out to the individual instructors and registration is confirmed when payment is received. Independent practice work between class sessions will be required to receive full benefit from the course. See attached flyer for information about the Math and Critical Reading/Writing Prep courses being offered by Susie Massaro and Dave Reynolds.

Help Us Reach Our Annual Giving Goal

The season of giving is upon us! As you make your year-end charitable contributions, please consider a gift to the Annual Giving Campaign. Our goal this year is $80,000! That’s money to help pay for: ❄❄ Teacher salaries and professional development; ❄❄ Campus repairs; ❄❄ Classroom supplies like furniture; ❄❄ Technology and maintenance upgrades. Every donation makes a difference in the lives of our students. Please visit html to make your contribution today.

Senior Yearbook Portraits

The Yearbook Class has announced guidelines for submitting senior portraits for this year’s yearbook. Deadline - January 18, 2013 Quality - may be professional or amateur; at least 300 dpi, color Layout - vertical, head and shoulders, at least 3x5 or 5x7 Dress - no hats, should conform to school dress code modesty standards High quality prints may also be

Click HERE for important dates submitted for scanning. If a photo is not received by Jan. 18, the Lifetouch school photo will be used. The yearbook class is also requesting each senior to submit a childhood picture of the same quality, a list of his or her school activities and a favorite quote. A detailed questionnaire is forthcoming.

Ahoy, Mateys - We Be Gearing Up For the Auction!

Since 1980, parent volunteers have raised muchneeded dollars to support Island School’s quality educational programs at the annual gala auctions. With 46% of students at Island School receiving tuition aid this year, your help is needed now more than ever. There are myriad ways you can join in this effort: making phone calls, picking up donated items, decorating and cleaning up the ballroom, computer work, inviting friends … you get the idea! Over the next few weeks, you will receive a phone call from parent volunteer, Cheri Threlkeld, regarding your participation in this year’s auction, A Pirate Ball. We hope you will join us. Thank you in advance!

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I.S. Chronicles except for one who has actually registered for the exam. They are also teaching PK students once a week for 20-30 minutes. This week they’re teaching them the song, Head, Shoulder, Knees & Toes, and Feliz Navidad in Spanish.

Our halau dancers danced at Keahualaka heiau, the site dedicated to hula since ancient times.

HAWAIIAN HISTORY – Students in Lauren Calhoun’s class and the Island School Halau under Kumu Kauka’s direction, visited Limahuli Garden and Keahualaka hula heiau on the north shore this week. SPANISH – 8th graders are learning to give directions. Students will get to practice working with maps and telling someone how to get to a destination. In Spanish III, the students just completed a fashion show, either by making a video, posters or a live show. The class had lots of fun and showed off their creativity. Students in Spanish IV are learning travel vocabulary by making travel brochures for a Latin American country. Later in the trimester they will visit a hotel and practice the appropriate vocabulary. In Spanish V, students are preparing to take the SAT Spanish subject test Matthew Dobashi for college, squeezes frosting onto mostly for his cookie at Santa’s practice, Workshop.

FOURTH GRADE – Students have been creating their own Christmas books. This project is designed to familiarize students with the elements of a book such as the cover, dedication page, character development, plot, setting, tone, and use of illustration. The students will be sharing their books with their little buddies before the Holiday Party next week. KINDERGARTEN – Students are making ornaments representing each of the five senses. For “smell,” they are using cinnamon clay; for “touch,” they are making snowmen out of felt and other fuzzy materials; for “taste,” reindeer candy canes; for “sight,” their photograph decorates a wreath ornament; and for “hearing,” they are listening to and identifying a variety of sounds. SENIOR UPDATE – Steele Bird has been accepted to University of the Pacific in Stockton, California. Congratulations! SCIENCE OLYMPIAD DANCE – Students are organizing a fund raising dance for high school next Friday, Dec. 21, in the Frear Center. The theme is “Dance Until the World Ends,” and starts at 7:30 p.m. and goes until the world ends, or 10:30 p.m, whichever comes first! IS students are allowed three guests. All signed forms and payments are due by Thursday Dec. 20, at 3 p.m. Contact Jeff Kozak for more information. DRAMA – Casting was announced on Monday for this year’s fifth grade play, Treasure Island. Parents are meeting today after school to

Bel Hinojosa-Mielcke helps Chase Orsatelli pick out which sprinkles to use on his cookie at Santa’s Workshop.

get an overview of the sets, props and costumes so they can begin in earnest in January. Two high school sophomores, Kyle Riddle and Zach Beydoun, are interning with Peggy, learning aspects of stagecraft. The students are very excited and are practicing their lines already. “Arrrrr, me hearties and shiver me timbers!” The show opens March 1, 2013, and runs for two nights only. Mark your calendars. STUDENT GOVERNMENT – Last Friday, middle and high school student government leaders attended an allday training given by Eric Williams of Student Government Solutions (see photo below). They gained many skills which they can put to use this year.

KIF SOCCER – Our girls shut out Waimea’s JV team 6-0. Way to go! Our boys team has continued its streak, resulting in a 4-way tie with all four KIF boys varsity teams! Exciting! Check the calendar for upcoming games! Go, Voyagers!

Parent Page Parent Mahalo to Association Computer Seminar for Parents Date to be announced

Our tech teacher, Nathaniel Evslin, will offer helpful information for parents about the sometimes overwhelming topic of computer use by our children. Topics will include: • How to use “Family Safety” and other websites • What is new with the kids (Instagram, etc.) • Computer safety measures covered with students at school Childcare will be provided by the high school. The next PA meeting is on January 8, at 1 p.m.

Classified Ads NEEDED TO BORROW: By TOMORROW! A Pac n’ Play to use Dec. 15 - 24. Please contact Joan at joan@ KAUA‘I COMMUNITY PLAYERS PRESENTS: a staged reading of “My Three Angels”, a Christmas comedy melodrama. Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun, December 14 - 30, at the Puhi Theatrical Warehouse, with a reception with the cast and director Jonel Langenfeld after the performance - food and beverages will be served. Tickets are $10 opening week and $15 for the rest of the three-week run (Thurs/Fri/Sat at 7pm and Sundays at 4pm), with discounts for members, students and seniors. “Pay What You Can” preview tonight, Thursday, December 13, at 7pm (no reservations or advance sales. For tickets, call 800-838-3006 or go to USED TOY SALE: Saturday, Dec. 15, 9am - 1pm in the St. Michael’s Parish Hall in Lihu‘e. All kinds of toys. Proceeds will go to St. Luke’s Church in Abbottabad, Pakistan for their children’s Christmas celebration and gifts.


♥ ♥ ♥ Shantelle Manibog, Debra DeBusca, Jessica Silver, and Bridgette Orsatelli for transforming the third grade classroom into a Holiday Wonderland! ♥ ♥ ♥ Waimakua Mary Rice for grants to purchase a sound system for the Wilcox Gymnasium and road paving around the campus! ♥ ♥ ♥ Home Depot for lending Island School a lumber cart to help move heavy objects across campus. ♥ ♥ ♥ Sirena Castillo for a donation to tuition aid. ♥ ♥ ♥ Frank & Sue Craig and Kalie Myers for contributions to support the Alaka’i Chorus. ♥ ♥ ♥ Stacey & Lorena Wong for a gift to the middle school VEX robotics team, ♥ ♥ ♥ Rachelle Alayvilla, Helen Cox & John Latkiewicz, Sandy & Ruth Johnson, Nick & Laura Lynch, Shantelle Manibog, Jamie & Matt Metzger, Bridgette & Jeffrey Orsatelli and Walter Petrella for contributions to Annual Giving.

♥ ♥ ♥ Liz Hubbard, Amy Spindt, Cheryl Ponce, Natasha Suzuki and the Fitzgerald family for decorating the first grade classroom and donating a Christmas tree. ♥ ♥ ♥ the following businesses and individuals for their recent support to Kaua‘ibots: those who supported their Thanksgiving imu service, Kountry Kitchen (the Rick ‘ohana) for serving Thunder Chicken Coffee over the weekend with all coffee sales being donated to our high school robotics program; Tropical Dreams in Kapa‘a (Miller ‘ohana), Lihu‘e Lifeway Pharmacy (Malapit ‘ohana), Lapperts Hawai‘i (Pratt ‘ohana and creator of their delicious coffee). KAUA‘I CHORALE: “The Many Joys of Christmas,” a program of Christmas favorites, some known, some new, conducted by Lois Ricciardi. Some pieces are enriched by a string ensemble and percussionist. Saturday, December 15, at 7:30 pm at the KCC Performing Arts Center, and Sunday, December 16th, at St. Regis Princeville Resort. Tickets $10 in advance from Judy Byce, or $12 at the door. $5.00 for students.

We Know How to Celebrate Rock the Holidays!

OK - we admit that most of our time is dedicated to educational pursuits, but when it’s time to party, Island School students are definitely not neglected. At this time of year, we celebrate the holiday season with music, food, gifts, decorations and, very importantly, with service to our community. Below are some of the highlights.

Secret Santa Gift Exchange Elementary

Students in PK-5 have drawn names for the annual Secret Santa gift exchange. They should bring in a gift valued at approximately $5, labeled with the recipient’s name, but NOT with their own name (shhhhhh - it’s a secret). Gifts should be taken directly to their homeroom class by Tuesday, Dec. 18. Please do not drop them off in the Office. Gifts will be distributed by Santa on Friday at their holiday parties. Na Pua Keiki will celebrate in the morning with a train ride followed by a picnic.

Holiday Giving - Middle School

Student Council is organizing an alternative to the traditional Secret Santa gift exchange as follows: 6th - Toys for Tots - students will bring an unwrapped gift to donate. 7th - Adopt a Family - students will bring an

unwrapped gift to be donated to brighten up the holidays for a Kaua‘i family. 8th - Slipper Tree - students will bring in new slippers for distribution to needy families by Nana’s House. Participation is voluntary. Collection bins will be located outside the Student Activities Office in Brown Hall. Please do not drop them off in the Office. On Friday afternoon, students will gather in the Main Hall to see some short scenes by 6th graders about winter holidays around the world, followed by Homeroom holiday parties.

School Spirit - High School

Student Government is organizing a Spirit Week, with special holiday activities each day during lunch break. Students may dress up as follows: Monday: Winter Scarf & Hat Day Tuesday: Sparkly Day Wednesday: Ugly Sweater Day Thursday: Red/White/Green Day Friday: Santa Hat Day Students who do not wish to participate should dress in the usual logowear. On Friday, at the end of the day, students will gather outside and in the Main Hall for special activities, including music and refreshments and potluck Christmas-themed desserts.

‘Tis the Season Gets Everyone in the Holiday Mood!

Photos on our Shutterfly Site -

Island School 3-1875 Kaumuali`i Hwy Lihu`e, Kaua`i, Hawai`i, 96766

December 13, 2012 A weekly publication We’re on the web at

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