Parent Connection

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December 20, 2012


Breaking News

Holiday Office Hours

The Office will be open during Winter Break from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, except on the following days when it will be closed: Dec. 24, 25 and Jan. 1. Classes resume on Monday, Jan. 7, which is a “B-Day.”

last week’s PC for details, or contact Judah Freed at

2012-2013 Yearbook Cover Revealed

The Island School Alumni Association invites former Island School students to get together on Thursday, Dec. 27, at our Alumni Reception. This year’s event is upstairs at J.J.’s Broiler, from 5:00 pm. - 8:00 p.m. There will be pupu, prizes and a no host bar. Faculty is also invited.

Holiday Fun During Winter Break

Reminder for Seniors

Senior portraits for the yearbook are due January 18. Please refer to

through May 31. The fee is $150 for ten weeks. Sign up in the front Office or contact Ms. Sue or Mr. Evslin for more information at suem@ischool. org or

SAT Prep Courses

8th Annual Alumni Reception

Students age 4-10 are invited to join Mr. Dean and Ms. Rachelle for eight days of holiday fun with crafts, indoor and outdoor games/play, science experiments, cooking, photography, art projects, holiday reading and water play! December 24-28 and December 31 - January 4 (except Dec. 25 & Jan. 1). 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. $225.00 (8 days) $150.00 (4 days) You will need to provide lunch, snacks, and drinks. Sign up today in the Office. Contact Rachelle at or Dean at, or call 246-0233, for more information.

Click HERE for important dates

A painting by senior April Oo was chosen as this year’s cover art for the yearbook. Order your yearbook early. Go to yearbooks/ybk_lp_main.html. Please consider purchasing an ad in the yearbook. Information is available on the Jostens webpage.

LEGO Masters After-School Program Students in grades 3-5 are invited to learn how to program and build with the LEGO Mindstorm NXT System in our after school Lego Robotics Program. The club will meet every other Tuesday beginning January 15,

The Jan/Feb prep courses are recommended for juniors who plan to take the SAT this spring, and for freshmen and sophomores as excellent preparation for the Preliminary SAT administered to all Island School 10th and 11th graders in October. Enrollment in both classes is limited. Students can sign up for one or both classes with college counselor, Joan Shaw, (246-0233, ext. 232 or Checks should be made out to the individual instructors and registration is confirmed when payment is received. Independent practice work between class sessions will be required to receive full benefit from the course. See attached flyer for information about the Math and Critical Reading/Writing Prep courses being offered by Susie Massaro and Dave Reynolds.

Holiday Sing Along

Elementary students are gearing up for their annual Sing Along at Morning Circle on Friday. Rosie Alfiler has been practicing with our keiki so there will be lots of holiday spirit! Parents are welcome to stay and join in the singing. The Sing Along begins at 8:15 a.m. in the Main Hall.


To contact the publisher of Island School’s Parent Connection, email

I.S. Chronicles students are using folktales as windows by which to study the cultures of the world. They are becoming aware of the values and norms presented in the stories and analyzing their cultural relevance.

Julia Schillici reads Benny the Beetle to her class with author, Carol Peacock.

SECOND GRADE – Author, Carol Peacock Williams shared her book, Benny the Beetle, with students in grades 2 & 4 in the LRC this week. Students took turns reading aloud about the journey of the adventurous beetle who met many interesting people before he found his way back home. STUDENT ACCOMPLISHMENT – This past weekend, several Island School students competed in the State Swimming Championships on O‘ahu as members of Swim Kaua‘i Aquatics (SKA). Swimmers from 23 teams, including the large teams from Kamehameha Swim Club, Punahou Aquatics, and Hawai‘i Swim Club, come together for the championship meets. Congratulations to Quinn Hannah-White, ‘13, Jackson Evans, 7th grade, Akira Williams, 6th grade, James Pratt, 5th grade, and Ryden Williams, 3rd grade for improving their times, many of which were personal best times. Each of these athletes swam in several events. SENIOR UPDATE – Kimberly McDonough has been accepted at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon, where she received an Academic Leadership Award. Griffin Lord has been accepted at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Congratulations! SOCIAL STUDIES – Mr. Devlin’s 6th grade Elements of Culture

KIF SOCCER – The boys varsity soccer team lost in a valiant battle to Kapa‘a this last Saturday 3-0. The boys played very well despite the score and are looking to avenge the loss against Waimea this Wednesday at Hanapepe Stadium. The Girls JV tied Kapa‘a 3-3 in what would be classified as a slugfest. They scored first, then we scored and went into half time tied. Then both teams hammered it out for two more goals in the second half ending in a 3-3 tie. COMPUTER TECH – Your second and third graders are under cover! Well, at least their hands are under covers. Students are using the free web course, Dance Mat Typing, in computer class. (You can find it with a Google search.) By covering their hands and the computer keyboard with a sheet of paper, students exercise their memories to remember where the letters are on the keyboard, and which fingers to use to type those letters. This increases not only their accuracy in typing, but it is also the best way to increase their speed in typing. They seem to enjoy this exercise and they are doing GREAT!! Ask your second or third grader to demonstrate for you at home and see for yourself how well they are doing. COMMUNITY SERVICE – About 20 students from Island School and Kaua‘i High came to help shop for and wrap gifts to give to Nana’s House for distribution to needy families. The students bought and wrapped 100 gifts in only two hours, and had lots of fun in the process. This project was financed by Po‘ipu Rotary and organized by former I.S. parent, Mike Curtis, with help from Susie Massaro.

Crayon drawings from by: at right Mike Kilcoyne, grade 12, bottom left to right Brianna Binder, gr. 7; Ashley Silvestre, grade 9.

ART – Students in middle and high school art have been learning to draw with white conte crayon on black paper. By drawing only the white shapes, they see the image emerge. They have also been experimenting with drawing from photographs that are upside down. This helps them to see the shapes, angles, and spatial relationships more accurately. Here are some of their “upside down” drawings. (Do you recognize Boris Karloff as Frankenstein?) THIRD & KINDERGARTEN – Kindergarten & 3rd grade buddies went to the Regency at Puakea today to sing Christmas Carols. This has become a holiday tradition for these classes. FIRST & FOURTH – Students buddied up last week for a trip to the Fern Grotto. They danced the Hukilau 4th graders, Katherine Polzin and Nahe all the way Edwards buddy up back to the with 1st grader Mark dock. Then Fitzgerald. they had lunch at Kamalani Playground.

Parent Page

Parent Association Next PA Meeting January 8, 2013 1 p.m.

Mahalo to


♥ ♥ ♥ Carol Peacock Williams for coming to the LRC to share her book, Benny the Beetle with our 2nd & 4th graders. ♥ ♥ ♥ Michelle Dressler, Keana Oliveira and Laura Ryan for their work on the 5th grade play this week.

Teachers’ Workroom

♥ ♥ ♥ Kristy Buchanan for making ornaments with the kindergarten and third grade classes. She also provide all the supplies.

Happy New Year!

♥ ♥ ♥ Lisa Downer for washing the wardrobe for all 65 high school chorus students following last week’s concert and to Lisa Breen, Anna Brown, Joy Claypoole, Lisa Downer, Napu Jaurequi, Suzy Olson, Lori Potter, Kelle Raitz, Isa Segismundo, Lisa Splitsttoesser, Sam Suttell, Cheri Threlkeld and all the chorus parents for their help last week.

Mahalo for your support!

Classified Ads WORK WANTED: Brennan Wortmann, class of 2011, is home for the holidays and is looking for work. He’ll be here through mid-January and is willing and able to help you out. Call him at 808-634-4002. SOFAS FOR SALE: Two 6’ leather sofas - $150 for both - $80 for one. Light beige. They are lived in but presentable. Some cat scratches. To see photo, go to fuo/3482868256.html. KAUA‘I CONCERT ASSOCIATION PRESENTS: Sunday, January 6, 2013, 3:00 pm, the Berklee College of Music Steelgrass Residency Winners. Kaua‘i Community College Performing Arts Center. Winners of the residency put on a showstopping concert to create scholarships for Kaua‘i’s students for the Berklee Summer Music Program.

♥ ♥ ♥ the parents who went to the Fern Grotto with the first grade last week and to the Smith Family for giving the group a great deal on the boat trip. ♥ ♥ ♥ Philip Steinbacher for donating prizes for the Alumni Reception. ♥ ♥ ♥ Mary & Bob Capwell, Reverend Bill Miller, Sandra Nishek, Cheryl Ringler, St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church and Dean Wakamoto for donations to Annual Giving! Tickets $30/Adults, $10/Students. For more info or tickets, visit or call 808-245-SING(7464). KAUA‘I COMMUNITY PLAYERS PRESENTS: a staged reading of “My Three Angels”, a Christmas comedy melodrama. Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun, December 14 - 30, at the Puhi Theatrical Warehouse, with a reception with the cast and director Jonel Langenfeld after the performance - food and beverages will be served. Tickets are $10 opening week and $15 for the rest of the three-week run (Thurs/Fri/Sat at 7pm and Sundays at 4pm), with discounts for members, students and seniors. “Pay What You Can” preview tonight, Thursday, December 13, at 7pm (no reservations or advance sales. For tickets, call 800-838-3006 or go to

The Gift of Education

The old saying is true: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach

a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” (author unknown) This holiday season, we are grateful for the gift of education. This comes in many forms – a middle school poem written with pride, a hard-won soccer game, a scientific discovery, or a thoughtfully constructed college application. We are grateful for our educators, administrators, and staff, those who challenge us daily to reach toward our full potential. And we are grateful for family and friends, who provide encouragement, support and guidance along the educational journey. Donations to Island School affect each and every student, every school day. They help

Dear Santa … please bring me: Last week at Santa’s Workshop, our keiki wrote letters to Santa with high school student government volunteers. Here are some highlights:

to keep tuition costs as low as possible, strengthen the learning environment and support a tradition of academic excellence for our island. Simply put, your donations – whether big, small or in-between – help Island School change lives. To give today, visit island.html or call the Office at 246-0233. For more information on giving to Island School, check out our website: We wish you a wonderful holiday season and all the best for a bright and promising new year.

a Kahuna long board and I really want more art supplies. a baby bunny, snow globes, real snow. a reindeer with extra jingle and a sister would be nice, too! a toy horse - that’s what I would like for Christmas. Thank you. a bow and arrow, train track and trains. a puppy and a mermaid. the Titanic that goes in the water in Lihu‘e. an ukulele

Island School 3-1875 Kaumuali`i Hwy Lihu`e, Kaua`i, Hawai`i, 96766

December 20, 2012 A weekly publication We’re on the web at

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