Parent Connection

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December 20, 2012


Breaking News

Holiday Office Hours

The Office will be open during Winter Break from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, except on the following days when it will be closed: Dec. 24, 25 and Jan. 1. Classes resume on Monday, Jan. 7, which is a “B-Day.”

last week’s PC for details, or contact Judah Freed at

2012-2013 Yearbook Cover Revealed

The Island School Alumni Association invites former Island School students to get together on Thursday, Dec. 27, at our Alumni Reception. This year’s event is upstairs at J.J.’s Broiler, from 5:00 pm. - 8:00 p.m. There will be pupu, prizes and a no host bar. Faculty is also invited.

Holiday Fun During Winter Break

Reminder for Seniors

Senior portraits for the yearbook are due January 18. Please refer to

through May 31. The fee is $150 for ten weeks. Sign up in the front Office or contact Ms. Sue or Mr. Evslin for more information at suem@ischool. org or

SAT Prep Courses

8th Annual Alumni Reception

Students age 4-10 are invited to join Mr. Dean and Ms. Rachelle for eight days of holiday fun with crafts, indoor and outdoor games/play, science experiments, cooking, photography, art projects, holiday reading and water play! December 24-28 and December 31 - January 4 (except Dec. 25 & Jan. 1). 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. $225.00 (8 days) $150.00 (4 days) You will need to provide lunch, snacks, and drinks. Sign up today in the Office. Contact Rachelle at or Dean at, or call 246-0233, for more information.

Click HERE for important dates

A painting by senior April Oo was chosen as this year’s cover art for the yearbook. Order your yearbook early. Go to yearbooks/ybk_lp_main.html. Please consider purchasing an ad in the yearbook. Information is available on the Jostens webpage.

LEGO Masters After-School Program Students in grades 3-5 are invited to learn how to program and build with the LEGO Mindstorm NXT System in our after school Lego Robotics Program. The club will meet every other Tuesday beginning January 15,

The Jan/Feb prep courses are recommended for juniors who plan to take the SAT this spring, and for freshmen and sophomores as excellent preparation for the Preliminary SAT administered to all Island School 10th and 11th graders in October. Enrollment in both classes is limited. Students can sign up for one or both classes with college counselor, Joan Shaw, (246-0233, ext. 232 or Checks should be made out to the individual instructors and registration is confirmed when payment is received. Independent practice work between class sessions will be required to receive full benefit from the course. See attached flyer for information about the Math and Critical Reading/Writing Prep courses being offered by Susie Massaro and Dave Reynolds.

Holiday Sing Along

Elementary students are gearing up for their annual Sing Along at Morning Circle on Friday. Rosie Alfiler has been practicing with our keiki so there will be lots of holiday spirit! Parents are welcome to stay and join in the singing. The Sing Along begins at 8:15 a.m. in the Main Hall.


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