IS 101

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revised 8/6/12

IS 101

E Komo Mai! Welcome to Island School. We look forward to getting to know you, our newest members of the Island School ‘ohana.

IS I0I was originally created by parents to help new families navigate more smoothly through their first year at Island School. It provides insights into the people, programs and events that are integral to Island School. It will facilitate your participation in the Island School experience and enable you to be a full partner in the creation of a successful school experience for your child.

Volunteer Coordinator: Amy Sherrer

President Leah Edwards

Treasurer Corey Dobashi


Secretary Monica King

Sunshine Coordinators: Keana Oliviera & Kory King


Meet the Island School Faculty

Your Parent Association


Sue Macklin

(also Bus Driver)

Kindergarten K Aide Bridgette Orsatelli Shantelle Manibog Rachelle Alayvilla

Second Connie Kakalia


Third Lynda Liesse

Fourth Jamie Metzger

First Cristy Peeren

Fourth Natasha Arruda


K/1 Aide Ita Rubio

Fifth Cindy Wortmann

Photography/Art Diane Ferry

Pre-K Aide

Instructional Support/English Joyce Flagg

Music Rosie Alfiler

Hawaiian Studies/ Hula Sabra Kauka

Math/Technology Judy Byce (6th homeroom)

Art Penny Nichols

Drama Peggy Ellenburg

Technology Nathaniel Evslin

(also Publications)

(10th class adviser)

Learning Specialist Physical Education Elizabeth Mariko Strickland Scamahorn (7th homeroom)

Middle and High School Social Studies/ English/Drama Jim Bray

Social Studies Eric Devlin

(7th homeroom)

(also senior project advisor)

Math/Science Mary Castelanelli

Science/PE Joe Corbo

Social Studies Lauren Calhoun (Junior Class adviser)

Math/Science Jeff Kozak

(11th class adviser)

(9th class adviser)

Social Studies Nick Lynch (8th homeroom)

Math/Science James Massaro

Athletics Director Kaipo Kealalio

Math Susie Massaro

(10th class adviser)

Assistant to Athletics Director Jen Pomroy

Math/Science Kate Mink

(12th class adviser)

(12th class adviser)

Department Chairs Soc. St. & English Math & Science Enrichments Middle School Elementary Technology

Chinese/Social Studies Catherine Barale

Spanish Jessica Crowe

Jim Bray James Massaro Philip Steinbacher Eric Devlin Cristy Peeren Nathaniel Evslin

Spanish Lorena Wong

Math/Science Chris Sweitzer

(11th class adviser)

(9th class adviser)

Journalism/ Media/Drama Ed Eaton (6th homeroom)

English Judah Freed (9th class adviser)

English Sierra Hampton-Eng (8th homeroom)

English Dave Reynolds (9th class adviser)

English/Music Philip Steinbacher


Meet the Island School Staff


Head of School Robert Springer

Dean of Students Adrya Siebring

Student ActiviDevelopment Assistant ties Coordinator Daryl Edwards Liz Hubbard

Accunting Ass’t Melissa Riopta



Accounting Clerk Valerie Rivera

(also college counselor)

Director of Admissions Sean Magoun

Executive Assistant/ Registrar Katie Magoun

Purchasing Coordinator Alice Pajela

In the Kitchen

Dean Wakamoto

Food Service Coordinator Do Drop Inn Coordinator

Daniel Bicciche Sandy Johnson Maintenance

Business Manager Mike Goto

Utility Assistant Lulu Schilleci



Director of Development Joan Shaw

Kehau Kaiwi Maintenance & Bus Driver

Rodney Ochoa Ssecurity/ Landscape

Becky Swank & Kim Ganiron Food Service Assistants

Doug Ross Bus Driver

 Keep Your Contact Information Up To Date Most of our communications to parents are done digitally or by phone; it’s convenient, quick and doesn’t use paper. Face to face is always our preferred method of getting together, and we schedule many opportunities for this, but in between visits we need to know we can contact you via phone or email. We also use the postal service several times a year. Please be sure your most current email, phone, and mailing address are on file in the Office.  Where To Go To Stay In The Know The Parent Connection - aka The PC Every Thursday, this full-color parent newsletter is emailed to parents and students, posted on our website (, on our Facebook page ( and on bulletin boards around the school. If you do not have access to the Internet and need a hard copy, please contact the Front Office. You’ll want to be a regular reader to keep up with announcements, important dates, class highlights, and Parent Association communications. Contact Peggy Ellenburg at if you want to submit a photo, information, or a classified ad. There is no charge for this. RenWeb Every parent and student is expected to use RenWeb, our online school data center. A RenWeb orientation will be held at parent meetings. All you need is a computer and a current email address on file in the Office. Once you are up to speed (don’t worry, it’s easy) you and your student can access daily class information, including homework, lesson plans and grades. The family and teacher contact lists are also available. IS Website ~ Our website is chock full of useful information, including links to the Parent Connection, RenWeb, the school calendar, the Handbook and Curriculum Guide and staff and faculty directories. IS Handbook & Curriculum Guides Read these carefully for information about the discipline and technology policies, dress code, daily schedule, holidays – what you’ll need to know to stay ahead of the game. The curriculum is described course by course in the Curriculum Guide. This also contains the Island School ESLRs, or Expected Schoolwide Learning Results. The ESLRs are twelve statements that guide curriculum growth and development, and you’ll find them very helpful in understanding how your children’s classes are connected. Other subjects covered in the Curriculum Guide include grading, graduation requirements, college planning, honors, and awards. Facebook ~ You can stay up-to-date as well as post your own messages and photos here. The Parent Connection is also posted here each week. The Island School Navigator This newsletter is published three times a year, is posted to our website and mailed to our greater mailing list. Each issue focuses on a special theme and includes current articles about development, alumni, and school curriculum. Annual Report A complete financial report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012, is sent to our greater mailing list in the form of a beautiful and accurate presentation showcasing the people and institutions who have supported Island School through monetary and in-kind donations throughout the year. You’ll receive this in the fall.  Parent Power The Parent Association - aka The PA The Parent Association is a perfect way for you to enhance your child’s Island School experience while getting acquainted with other parents. Their purpose is to support the philosophy, programs, and activities of Island School for the benefit of all students. The PA facilitates communication and parent education, as well as encourages and coordinates volunteerism. We also serve as a forum for parent concerns, express parent appreciation to the faculty and staff, and lend support in the classroom with administrative tasks and during school activities. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in the Teachers’ Workroom. Room Parents Each grade has at least one Room Parent (usually two).Their first priority is to support their teachers, which they do in a variety of ways: they communicate with the rest of the class parents, they find volunteers to assist teachers in the classroom or with excursions and they plan classroom parties. Room Parents are the Steering Committee for the Parent Association and represent their grade at monthly meetings where they act as liason between the PA and their classroom parents. Your Room Parent is the perfect person to contact to discuss almost anything! Room Parents are identified at parent orientation meetings and in the Parent Connection.

 Highlights of What’s Ahead for Students and Parents The Parent Connection and school calendar will give you a heads up about upcoming events. Here’s a sample: Parent Orientation Find out what’s in store for your student this year by attending this invaluably informative evening. Depending on the grade level, teachers discuss topics such as curriculum, RenWeb, grading and homework policies, special projects, field trips and more. Check your summer mailings and the school calendar for dates and times. Gift Wrap Sale (PK-8) This fundraiser is organized by the PA to raise money for class accounts. Each class has an account where funds are saved for extra projects and field trips. These funds stay with the class from year to year; for example, money raised and not spent by the sixth grade class is forwarded to their 7th grade account the following year. Funds are used for special purchases, activities and events. Toward the beginning of the school year, each student in PK-8 will be given a catalog of gift wrap and gift items and are encouraged to take orders from their friends, relatives, and neighbors. Approximately 40% of sales will be deposited into class accounts. High school sales are optional, but highly encouraged. Fall Roundup Yee-Ha! Don’t miss this down home, carnival-like event with a western flair. Each class provides an activity or game, most of which are free of charge. Certain classes that are fundraising for off-island trips sell food. Hungry whippersnappers and paniolos can select from a variety of grub offered for sale while they enjoy an evening of family fun! Art Day ~ A Hands-On Celebration of Creativity Artists from all over Kaua‘i descend on our campus to share their talents with our students. Throughout the day, students cycle through several classes which range from monotype print-making to 3-D sculptures to decoupage on coconuts. The result is over 1000 pieces of art generated by our student body. Parent volunteers assist the artists in the classroom and provide delicious fare for the mahalo luncheon following the event. IS Birthday ~ We turn 36 this year! Island School opened its doors in January, 1977. We celebrate this anniversary with a special all-school assembly and a day devoted to community service projects. The goal is to give back to the community that has supported us so faithfully for all of these years and to foster a sense of pride and tradition in Island School students. Annual Auction Island School’s biggest fund raising event of the year is Kaua‘i’s`biggest auction and one of the island’s premier social events. Organized by Island School parents with support from the faculty and administrative staff, last year’s auction netted over $170k. Proceeds help fund our tuition assistance program. You’ll want to be a part of the auction team. Planning begins before Winter Break; this year’s event will be held on Saturday, March 16, at the Kaua‘i Marriott’s Grand Ballroom. Watch for the notices in the Parent Connection. May Day is Lei Day in Hawai‘i The Island School ‘ohana comes together in celebration and remembrance of Hawai‘i’s cultural heritage and diverse population. Classes prepare special songs, dances, stories and costumes that will are proudly presented in a two hour program followed by a traditional lu‘au. There is no finer or more festive day of Hawaiian celebration. Teacher Appreciation Week In May, the Parent Association honors their children’s teachers for being an exceptional group who go above and beyond the call of duty with special luncheons, daily displays of gratitude which may include flowers, handmade cards or gifts, edible treats, and other creative expressions of aloha. Voyager Booster Club and Sports Banquet Parent volunteers form this organization that supports our student athletes by attending games, manning the concession stand, making banners, and organizing the annual Sports Banquet., where athletes are recognized for their participation in KIF sports. Students earning letters in sports are honored and coaches are thanked. Contact Kymry Perez, President. Academic Awards Assemblies Two assemblies (K-5 and 6-12) are held at the end of the year to acknowledge students for excellence, participation and improvement in all disciplines. Awards are presented for achievement in academic and enrichment subject areas. Graduation The ceremony is held in the evening in the Wilcox Gymnasium. The entire school participates in preparations for the big day, and all are invited to attend. The ceremony features individual speeches by the students, musical performances, and the presentation of Senior Awards.

 Extra Curricular Students are involved in a myriad of educational experiences outside of regularly scheduled classes. Morning Circle (grades K-5) Since the school’s inception in 1977, elementary students have started their day together to learn and sing songs, and to hear announcements and short presentations. Morning Meetings and Assemblies (grades 6-12) Middle and high school students each meet on Wednesdays after Block 1 for a 20 minute meeting. It may be a “General” meeting, in which grades 6-8 and 9-12 gather for announcements and short presentations. High School students may meet at this time for “Class” meetings. Middle school students may have“Na Hui” meetings, which are cross-aged groups designed to foster a sense of belonging, with an edge of competition.Special assemblies may be scheduled in the morning or afternoon on a given day, in which case the Assembly Schedule will go into effect. Middle & High School Retreats Each year the entire High School has an overnight, two day retreat and the Middle School plans a day-long retreat somewhere on Kaua‘i.The primary goal for each retreat is to start everyone on the right foot for a successful school year. Positive relationships are encouraged among students and faculty members. Emphasis is given to team building, effective communication, problem-solving, school pride, time management and goal setting. Each day is filled with carefully planned activities that are fun, challenging and educational. The retreats are considered an important and valuable part of the curriculum and all MS and HS students are expected to attend. Elementary Clubs During half of the first two trimesters, on Wednesday afternoons, elementary students take a break from their routine to enjoy a special class led by teachers or guest teachers. Students choose from a wide range of activities that change each trimester. Popular offerings from past years have included: goos & brews, cooking, hula, sports, chess and pet care. Field Trips Throughout the year, teachers organize and lead on- and off-island field trips, some of which extend for several days. Examples include outings to Hawaiian historical and cultural sights, tours of the fire station, Grove Farm Homestead and state and county offices, overnights at the Koke‘e Discovery Center and Camp Naue, annual trips to the Big Island and O‘ahu, and even summer trips to China and Spain. Music and Theatre Productions Several plays are produced each year: by the fifth grade in March and by the middle school and high school drama students in the fall and spring. They range from Shakespearean classics to contemporary comedies, to original scripts. Student and parent participation is extensive and rewarding. Two major choral concerts are offered (Winter and Spring) which feature our four choral groups. These are held at the Kaua‘i Community College Performing Arts Center. The entire Island School ‘ohana is encouraged to attend these productions. KIF Athletics High School students are encouraged to sign up for a wide variety of after-school sports teams. Middle School students training for the KIF have opportunities to practice with our JV teams. Contact AD Kaipo Kealalio. Recycling and School Gardens Students actively participate in recycling paper, cardboard, plastic and organic waste. Middle school students take the lead in organizing these materials into our recycling center. Several gardens are planted and maintained by students and staff, with harvested vegetables contributed to our salad bar at lunch. Middle School and High School After School Offerings In addition to KIF athletics, Middle and High School students are invited to participate in a wide variety of clubs and activities that meet after school hours, including dance, ASL, robotics, theatre, singing, tutoring and science. These opportunities are announced at Morning Meetings and in the PC. Contact Liz Hubbard, Activities Coordinator, for more information.



Frear Center for Hwn Studies

Wilcox Gymnasium


Concession Room

Kitchen Keiki Playground

EL bathrooms




Main Hall PK bathrooms


Elementary Playground


Elementary Courtyard


Koa LRC Tchr Wrkrm

4 A T H L E T I C F I E L D S

Weinberg Enrichment Center Art Music Bathrooms

Weinberg Gym


EL/MS bathrooms






Brown Hall

Purdy Quad

Maile Computer Lab

Carter Hall Milo

Mokihana Dean’s/Activities Offices HS Lounge HS/MS bathrooms Gazebo

Kukui Wili Kamane Wili

Purdy Hall


Palena‘ole Hall Noni Ulu

Tennis Courts

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