Volume 31 | NO 1
Tara Woods Homeowners Association • www.twhoa.net
INSIDE Welcome New Residents
Christmas Parade
From The Board Room
Entertaining News Actitivies, Activities Special Events & Announcements
Garden Club
22 Shilo Speaks
90s Birthdays
2 | The Columns
The Columns |
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net
WELCOME NEW RESIDENTS Bruce Winfree is a new full-time resident at 2794 Orlenes Street. Bruce is originally from California and is semi-retired, working for forty-eight years as an iron worker. He is the parent of one child. Bruce enjoys surfing, scuba diving, sailing and golf.
Health Park in Virginia. She is the parent of two children, four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. June enjoys knitting, crocheting, tatting, cake decorating and classical guitar.
Paula and Rich Dykstra are new part-time residents at 19809 Kara Circle and are originally from Michigan. Rich is retired after twenty years from sales of semi-trailers, and Paula is retired after thirty years as an elementary school principal. They are the parents of five children and four grandchildren. Rich likes to travel, and enjoys boating, the beach and the pool. Paula likes gardening, euchre and playing cards. They both love spending time with family.
Marty Braunstein and Cathy Laurin are new part-time residents at 19625 Charleston Rich and Judy Girty are new full-time residents living at Circle and are from Canada. 2850 Tara Blvd., and they are from Ohio. Rich is retired Marty is retired from Hiram from Cincinnati Milacron where he was a machinist for Walker Distillery in finance forty-two years. Judy worked for Cintas as an Executive and Cathy is also retired from Assistant to the CFO. After 28 years she has retired. Hiram Walker at the Global Rich and Judy have 2 children who have blessed them THIS IS WHERE NEW MEMORIES ARE MADE Help Desk as manager. They have two children and with 5 grandchildren. They had come to Tara Woods for many the C R U years I S E &to Lspend A N Dtime V A in CA T I same O N S house as they two grandchildren and Cathy has two dogs that are like now live to visit with Rich’s father, Don, who was a her children. Marty likes to play pool, golf, cards and long-time resident. CALL FOR THE CALLTODAY TODAY FOR Both Rich and Judy enjoy bowling LAND AND CRUISE enjoys reading. Cathy likes golf, swimming, playing and playingBEST GROUP CRUISE pool. Rich plays golf and they both enjoy PACKAGES AVAILABLE cards and reading. INFORMATION FOR spending time with ASK theirABOUT families. AND SPECIAL 2019 -OFFERS! 2020
June Morreale is a new fulltime resident at 19455 Cotton Bay and is originally from Massachusetts. June retired as a medical transcriptionist at
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The Columns | 3
www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • January 2020• Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
FROM THE BOARD ROOM BY LOU A Very Happy New Year from your Board of Directors We encourage all members to attend the annual meeting of the Tara Woods Homeowners Association on Monday, January 13th, at 7:00 PM. You will be voting on three items. 1. Election of six Directors 2. Annual Budget 3. By-law amendments If you cannot attend the annual meeting and your 2020 dues are paid, you can still make your vote count. In mid-December you received the Annual letter from your HOA which included an absentee ballot. You can sign the proxy and vote on the Directors, budget and amendments. Then return the signed proxy and absentee ballot in the addressed envelope via U.S.P.S. mail or drop in the mailbox slot at the Homeowners
Office in the Clubhouse. All the candidates’ bios are on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse and on the website for your review. If you have any questions, contact me at 239-240-5847 or Bill Loveday at 313-220-0622. HEADS UP – If you haven’t already, we request you pay your 2020 dues prior to the Annual Meeting and/or prior to sending in your proxy. Bill Loveday will be at Saturday Morning Coffee and Tuesday Night Bingo with his smiling face waiting for you. Please do not wait until Monday night’s meeting to pay these dues of $15.00 per household. If you are unsure whether or not you have paid, ask Bill and he will answer that question. DID YOU KNOW THAT – your Homeowners Association is sponsoring the first ever Tara Woods Health Fair on Tuesday, January 14th, from 9:00 AM -12:00 PM, just a few days from
now! All residents are invited and encouraged to attend. Admission – free, information you will gather – priceless! Space does not permit me to list all the different health areas that will be there for you. You don’t want to miss this. You will see over 36 different Health related participants in addition to the blood mobile. A hardy thank you goes out to Dave Lindon, Hilda Dienes and Barbara Werner-Lubich for spearheading this initiative. Your HOA is also sponsoring the AARP Safe Driving course right here in Tara Woods on Wednesday, January 15th, from 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM. Details and sign-up sheets are on the back bulletin board and on the website. Lou Dunning President loudunning2@gmail.com 239-240-5847
FMO NEWS - TARA WOODS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION NEWS Those of us who pay monthly negotiator or attorney from negatively affect your current
lot rents are governed by FS 723 and our voice in Tallahassee is the FMO. The owners of the developments we live in have the FMHA. Recently, the FMHA has, with the assistance of State Senator Hooper, filed Senate Bill SB 818. This bill would give an unfair advantage to the owners of our communities and have a negative impact on our way of life. This bill would permit the changing of the current prospectus without disclosure to the homeowner or proper authorities. It prohibits an experienced
attending negotiating committee meetings. It removes the right to assume a lease and receive the initial prospectus that goes with the lot in accordance with the DBPR decision in 2011. There are other negative issues that affect all of us and I encourage you to contact your Senator and urge them to VOTE NO on SB 818. On the back bulletin board is additional information about this bill as well as contact information. Please email and or call the Senators listed, and encourage them to VOTE NO. Be sure to advise how this bill will
lifestyle. Also, on the back bulletin board are applications to join FMO. Your future is what you make of it. Now more than ever you need FMO and FMO needs you. You only have yourself to blame if things don’t go your way. The January meeting of the FMO will be held Friday, January 10th, at The Heritage. All meetings start at 1:00 PM and you are encouraged to attend. Thank you. Stuart Berman
TARA WOODS MEN’S AND WOMEN’S COLLARED SHIRTS, HATS AND LANYARDS On sale at the Clubhouse at Saturday Morning Coffee. Contact Keith Schuelke for assistance: 262-389-8663
COLUMNS STAFF EDITOR: Linda Beaulieu 239-560-0768 (lindabluetw@gmail.com)
ASSISTANT: Linda Engel PHOTOGRAPHY: Lou Dunning, Donna Erhardt CALENDAR: Judy Lanpher CIRCULATION: Linda Hoos, Manager COMMUNITY DIRECTORY: Haywood Gandy, Manager COORDINATORS: Stu & Belle Berman, Agatha Breen, Pat & Lou Dunning, Peggy Gamble, Lloyd & Carolyn Kelsey, Bob Kuhns, Sharie & Norm Libby, Diane & Bob Nunn, Ed Simko, Nancy Schoeppner, Lori Thomas, Julia Wehrung, and Sue Van Sickle. STUFFERS: Barb Simonson, Gene Dickie, Jackie Nadean, Donna Phillips, Pam Harrington, Linda Janis. ALTERNATES: Frank Millette, Mike & Sheila Harris, Bill & Lorraine Milligan, Dave Lindon, Angie D’Alessandro, Victoria Sharps, and Al Dion REPORTERS: Reporters will be noted by their bylines at the end of each article. Chris Olson, Tara Woods Homeowners Association Liaison To advertise in print, contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941-349-0194 or email us at islandvp@verizon.net. Contributing writers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. Attribution for photos are not included unless supplied. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. Your articles help showcase the strong and diverse community that makes up Tara Woods. The Columns is published monthly from October through May. Summer issues are condensed: June/July and August/September. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in The Columns to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers
| The Columns 4 18 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • April 2019 • 941.349.0194 • www.twhoa.net
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need help for their upcoming of them to a party to get their The Pickleball Team will be You sponsoring a “Spring Carnival” event off on Saturday, AprilSee 20th, at show. know, something easy minds the “book”. doing and possibly a little thing. a little thing can be fun! the Clubhouse. The evening will include carnival games, light snacks, music, dancing and a We are always looking for Remember to save the date – So, Ladies and Gentlemen…I social event. BYOB.additional The event helpers, will run from PM, with doors13 opening at 6:00 th if not6:30 for to the9:30Friday, March , or Saturday, have to tell youPM. thatWe thishope willeveryone be current th play, the nextofone March 14 , for ourPlease community’s can join us surely for an evening fun and companionship. see the my favorite year. Why, you ask? coming up. Check in with Polly stage production of “She Was poster eyesight in the Clubhouse. If you have a question, contact: Diane Gibson, 603-244-0536 First off, it is like perfect Brown, Janet Daly or Pat Dun- Only Marginally Modest or Have 20/20. You know perfectly clear. ning – see what little thing you You No Shame” (there you will And for another thing just look can do as a volunteer in your get to use that perfect eyesight at the year we are in 2020!!! It Attention All Tara Woods Golfers: – 20/20). Community. sounds so much like the future Now toatthe reason for A reminder There will be a golf meeting thereal Clubhouse on this Saturday, April 27th, to all – the next years we heard when we watched article about the Entertainers. In Entertainers meeting is January to discuss the upcoming Golf League. SCI-FI movies. Then there’sat –9:30 it AM, January our play “She Was Only 18th, after Saturday Morning Please bring any questions to the meeting for discussion. is so very easy to type – 2020. Marginally Modest or Have You Coffee – make a note and then See, it is the little things in life Look there. show up. Again, a little thing, be Noforward Shame”to isseeing in a everyone critical time that make me happy. Baldwin • 913-945-0016 ofLarry getting off book. If you are part of something productive. Speaking of the little things now or have been an actor or in life – volunteering can some- stand-in, you know exactly how “Cinema is a literature of times be a little thing. Like scary these words are. This is images; Theatre is a literature of helping someone in or out of a a tough month; so, have some ideas.” Peter Glenville your body moving in the Clubhouse with Richard Simmons!! door. Checking onGet a neighbor compassion for these Entertainwho youTuesdays know isand struggling. Meets Thursdays aters 8:00 CARDIO 8:00 They - 8:25 AM -TONING 8:25-8:40 AM Pat Dunning, Stage Manager forAM: the -next few weeks. Slowing down inortraffi c in order - FLOOR (bring weights water bottles) 8:40 8:50 AM (bring a mat) BALANCE 8:50-9:00 AM are under a lot of stress. To help for the Entertainers to be a safe driver. And seeing alleviate this stress, do a little pdunning46@gmail.com if a group like the Entertainers, thing like invite one or more or 239-599-4490 Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:45 PM: - CARDIO 12:45 -1:10 PM - TONING 1:10-1:25 PM (bring weights or water bottles) - FLOOR 1:25-1:35 PM (bring a mat) - BALANCE 1:35-1:45 PM
Come for all the sessions or one of the segments that you are interested in. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS For more information contact Lynn Makia 513-476-2465 or Barb Simonson 541-840-4430
The Columns | 5
www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • January 2020• Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Financial Moves for Life’s ‘Inflection Points’ You’ve probably heard or read about inflection points. The term has a specific definition in mathematics, but it’s also used widely to describe historical or technological events, such as the Industrial Revolution or the creation of the internet – events that changed human existence in some important way. However, you have personal inflection points, too – and when they occur, you’ll need to make the right financial moves. Here are four of the most important of these inflection points, along with suggestions on dealing with them:
Marriage – When you get married, you and your spouse will need to discuss a variety of financial issues: What assets and liabilities do you each bring to the marriage? Should you combine your finances or continue with separate accounts? Is one of you a “saver” while the other is a “spender”? Do you share similar investment philosophies, or is one of you much more aggressive than the other? You don’t necessarily have to agree on everything, but you should at least try to gain enough knowledge so you can avoid unpleasant surprises, such as hidden debts, and find enough common ground so your household can advance toward your common financial goals. New child – When you welcome a new child into your family, you’ll need to make sure you have adequate life insurance. You’ll also want to review the beneficiary designations on any existing insurance policies, as well as on your IRA and 401(k). And if you can afford it, you may want to start contributing to a college fund, possibly using a 529 savings plan, which can provide you with tax advantages as you put money away for your child’s higher education. Divorce – It’s unfortunate, but true: Divorce is still pretty common, and it’s neither pleasant nor cheap. You might not be able to avoid some of the costs, such as lawyers’ bills, but if you and your ex-spouse can work together amicably, you both may be able to avoid serious financial disruptions. You’ll need to work out how to divide your financial assets, paying attention to beneficiary designations, which you may well need to change. Also, as a newly single individual, you may need to review and revise your long-term investment strategy to accommodate changes in your goals and your retirement income. Retirement – By the time you retire, you will have hopefully been investing in your IRA and 401(k) or other retirement plan for several decades. But once you do retire, you’ll need to determine how much you can afford to withdraw each year from your various retirement accounts. Your withdrawal rate will depend on your age, your asset level and your retirement lifestyle. And you’ll also want to consider other issues: Are you prepared to deal with health care costs? Even with Medicare, these costs may be higher than they were when you were working. And how about your estate plans? Are they up to date? Have you protected your family from the possibility of your estate going through the time-consuming, expensive and public process of probate? You may need to work with your financial, tax and legal advisors to develop an effective estate strategy.
By making smart decisions following your own inflection points, you can ease the transitions in your life – wherever life takes you. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors are not estate planners and cannot provide tax or legal advice.
Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors are not estate planners and cannot provide tax or legal advice. You should consult your estate-planning attorney or qualified tax advisor regarding your situation. “Adam Hromiak AAMS, CRPC is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Investments in Cape Coral on 3571 North Del Prado Blvd. Suite 7 Entrada Plaza, 1/2 mile West of Rt. 41. He can be contacted at (239) 731-6338”
6 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net
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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net
The Columns | 9
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SPLASH PAINT AND WINE CLASS The annual Splash Paint and Wine class will be held on Saturday, February 8th, from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Come join us for laughs, sips of wine, and most of all a beautiful painting done by you. No experience necessary; all supplies will be provided. Just bring your favorite wine.
You will be surprised at what you can do. Sign-up sheets will be available in the Clubhouse. Prepaid admission is $30.00. If questions, contact Shirley Chouinard 239-543-2202.
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The Tara Woods Homeowners Association has scheduled an AARP Safe Driver Course for Wednesday, January 15th. Cost of the six-hour course is $15.00 for AARP members and $20.00 for non-members. This course can save you ten percent or more on your car insurance. We need at least fifteen people to
attend the course, no limit on the number above fifteen. The course will be six hours, from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. People are asked to bring their lunch or snack, as the instructor does not want people leaving for lunch. Sign-up sheets will be posted in the Clubhouse. The course needs to be prepaid, with checks made payable to
the TWHOA. Certificate will be handed out immediately after course completion. Checks can be given to any board member. Contact Roger Rafferty for more information, 218-7602855, 239-543-7556, e-mail: rkraff@paulbunyan. net.
Beginning Wednesday, December 25th thru Saturday, January 25th You are invited to enjoy access to the most popular
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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net
The Columns | 13
www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • January 2020• Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
The New Year 2020 brings even more events for the residents to enjoy. There are no Activity-sponsored parties in January, but lots of events to enjoy sponsored by the many clubs and groups. Please read all the publicity for these events in this issue of The Columns and enjoy another month full of action and fun in Tara Woods. Taking down the trees and undecorating in the Clubhouse is scheduled for Saturday, January 4th, right after Saturday Morning Coffee, about 9:00 AM. Decorating on November 30th was a fun time with great punch & cookies provided by the Canadian Club. We can look for more punch & goodies provided by them on January 4th. Thank you to the wonderful people who helped hang wreaths and decorations and decorate the stage so beautifully: Bobbie Mester, Rhonda Williams, Joan Wade, Nina and Dorothy Andrus; and to Carole Clark, Sue Proulx, Sharon Boehlke and others for covering all the pictures and turning them into beautiful packages. That’s a lot of work, ladies! I also want to thank the Daly family, who for the second year have put together and decorated the “Activities” tree: Brian & Dani, Russell & George. This year we were assisted by Joan Musso. Thank you, Joan.
Thank you to the Midwest Club for hosting a lovely Christmas Party for the community, and to the New England Club for hosting the New Year’s Eve Party. Our residents look forward to these holiday gatherings, and as Activities Coordinator I very much appreciate your clubs hosting them and making them special for everyone. BIG THANK YOU’s to the Outside Decorating Committee who did another fantastic job on decorations from the front entrance up to the Clubhouse. This would not have happened without Linda & John Hoos, Sue Van Sickle, Ron & Sue Proulx,
Louise & Pat Patterson, Barbara Roland, Russell Daly and Lou Dunning. Linda, John and Sue V. spent many hours decorating the entire front entrance up to and including the Guard House, plus working on and placing the Angel and Christmas trees down the Boulevard. Ron Proulx constructed the stable for our “new” manger scene, purchased hay and set up the entire scene, with his wife’s help, of course. Louise & Pat restrung all the lights on the reindeer and Barbara restrung the Angel. Russell set up the JOY sign, hung the icicle lights on the Guard House and did anything else I asked of him. Lou & Pat Dunning donated the two beautiful soldiers on the columns at the Clubhouse. Pat had designed and made them for their home use for a number of years. Lou secured them to the columns for us. Pat, we could use two more for next year! Thank you to all these people who worked very hard and overcame electrical and other problems to make our community as festive as possible for the Holidays. Cathy, our new manager, tried to solve our electrical problems, but not all the updates worked out. The upgrades to the electrical outlets down Tara Blvd., and outside the Clubhouse were an improvement, but we’re hoping to have all the outside electrical problems fixed, so next year promises to be problem free. Thank you to Bob Clark, Ed Pollitt and all Santa’s helpers who prepared and upgraded the sleigh and led the Christmas Golf Cart parade. I believe there were 29 beautifully decorated carts that made it about three-quarter of the way around the community before the rain started to fall too heavily. This is the first time in the 17 parades in which I have participated that I remember it “raining on our parade”. Our own Indy 500 sleigh crew changed a flat tire on the cart supporting the sleigh in record time and had it back leading the parade in a jiffy. In spite of the weather, et-al, the parade was a lot of fun with a wide variety of super Jello and pudding shots beforehand.
Thank you to Frank Millette, Parade Coordinator, Lou Dunning and Bill Black for being there to direct the parade in the right direction. I’m not sure if people are aware of how vital you are to keeping the parade on track. In years’ past, without direction, the parade has literally gone in all directions, becoming two or three mini parades wandering the community. Thank you, guys! Thank you to Pat Dunning and Lorraine Milligan for hosting the refreshments and Caroling at the Clubhouse, and Rod Browder, Ron Proulx and George Daly for leading the caroling. Those who came to the Clubhouse had some great cookies, delicious punch, and hot chocolate. I love seeing the decorated carts. This year was outstanding with many lighted carts and even an amazing “Florida” Gingerbread house. I appreciate all the work you put into decorating your carts and making the parade such fun. Bill Loveday was taking pictures, so check the website for some great photos.
As you plan your event, please keep in mind some basic guidelines: Put it on the website by contacting Bill Loveday. Put it in The Columns by the 10th of the month, before the event, by sending the information to Linda Beaulieu. Notify Lloyd Kelsey of Sound & Lighting for microphones, use of the big screen or other sound and lighting needs. For Kitchen supplies contact Janet Daly, at least a week before the event. As Activities Coordinator, I am available to meet with your committee early in the process to offer guidance in your preparations. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions regarding the parties and events. If I can’t answer your question, I most likely know who can. Janet Daly, Activities Coordinator janetdaly@yahoo.com 239-567-2285
SUNSHINE AND SYMPATHY To the following resident and others in our community, we wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you out and about. VITO DISARO Our sympathy to the family and friends of former resident IRENE SEEKEL. May you and your family enjoy the blessings of good health in the New Year. Remember these people in your thoughts and prayers and please let me know of any medical news in your neighborhood.
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THE BIKEMAN’S CHRISTMAS TOY DRIVE All the Firemen could say this year was WOW! Thank you again Tara Woods! They do appreciate all that we give. Wyneta (Nete) sent me a wonderful card to
thank me for carrying on the Lou Dunning, Frank Millette, toy drive in Jack’s name, but Linda Hoos. it’s all of you at Tara Woods that take the time to remember. God Bless and Merry Christmas
50’s Dance and Party Date: Saturday, January 25th Time 7:00 PM
Music: John’s Mobile Music Food: A bountiful dessert buffet prepared by the New England Club Chefs Tickets: On sale Saturday, December 28th, at Saturday Morning Coffee and Tuesdays before Bingo through Saturday, January 18th Miscellaneous: BYOB, raffles, prizes for best dressed male, female and couple! Your Hosts: The New England Club
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Sound & Lighting will again bring in professional entertainers for your enjoyment on Sunday, January 19th, 2020. For that show we are bringing back the identical twin brothers, SPITTIN’ IMAGE, who were here before in January of 2015. They are a musical/comedy duo who sing country, classic rock and all-time favorites. They’ll make you laugh until your sides ache! More details will follow in the next few months. The DVDs of the Entertainers’ play THE RED VELVET CAKE WAR and the New Image Chorus’ production of SPANNING THE DECADES-PART ll are now available. If you would like to obtain one or both, contact Polly Brown at 239-731-1614. The cost is $5.00 each. We are in need of someone with experience in audio/video recording of some of our events – usually the Entertainers annual play and the Chorus annual show. This would also include editing the SD cards in a software program to create a final master DVD. If you have the knowledge and are willing to be an active volunteer giving some time to the enjoyment of our community, please contact Frank Millette at 239-543-2954.
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For those of you who do not know what Residents Appreciation Day is, it is a day that is set aside for the community to come together for food, fun and a good time. Residents Appreciation Day will be Saturday, February 22nd. Coffee, rolls and Danish on Saturday morning, will be provided by Hometown America. Lunch will also be provided by Hometown America, but you will need a ticket to be served. Lunch will consist of either pulled pork or chicken along with all the fixins. In order to
ensure sufficient availability, you must have a ticket to be served. Tickets will be distributed to each resident free of charge. Additional tickets for friends and family are $5.00 each. At the time of obtaining your tickets you will be asked if you want pork or chicken and given the appropriate ticket. Tickets will be distributed starting Tuesday, January 14th, from 10:00 AM to noon at the Health Fair. Tickets will then be distributed at Saturday Morning Coffee starting January 18th, and Tuesday before Bingo starting Tuesday, January 21st.
As a final count has to be given to the caterer, no tickets will be available after Tuesday, February 18th. Additional information about the event including games and the western themed dance Saturday night, will be in February’s Columns. If you have any questions, please contact Stuart Berman at 239-220-2369. Look forward to seeing everyone at RESIDENTS APPRECIATION DAY. Stuart Berman
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GARDEN CLUB The Garden Club wishes everyone a Very Happy New Year. The next Garden Club meeting is Saturday, February 8th, immediately after the Pancake Breakfast. This is the only meeting before the Trash and Treasure, and we will be planning our luncheon in April, which is open ONLY to Garden Club Members. This would be a great time to join. To All, we will be collecting dues at this meeting. Dues are $5.00. Please place in an envelope with your name, contact number, and email address. I want to remind everyone that the donations to the Trash and Treasure make it possible for The Fashion Show to be a Free Event.
So please if you have items that are clean and useable that you are giving away, hold onto them until Friday, February 28th. (To all our wonderful volunteers, please put this date on your calendar. At 9:00 AM we will need to move tables and set up for the sale, and also the next day, Saturday, the 29th, after 1:00 PM to put tables back in place.) This year’s Trash and Treasure is Saturday, February 29th. I also want to mention that some of our monies are used to care for the Butterfly Garden near the Gazebo that Linda and John Hoos keep up so beautifully. We also make donations to CROW and ECHO. If you don’t know about these organizations,
please take the time to look them up on the internet. Since the Fashion Show was later this year it did not make the December issue. I believe everyone had a wonderful time. As usual, the food was delicious with so many different salads and desserts to choose from, and the ladies looked beautiful in their clothes from Razzle Dazzle. I cannot thank the volunteers enough, who make both The Craft Fair and The Fashion Show possible. Rachelle DellaRocca 239-322-6386 January - what to plant Bedding Plants: Plants that can be added to the garden during the coolest months include begonia, browallia,
by Sam Topping “For true success ask yourself these four questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not now?”
lobelia, dianthus, dusty miller, and nicotiana. Bulbs: Winter is a great time to plant bulbs that will bloom this spring. Some to try are Clivia lily, crinum, and agapanthus. Herbs: Many herbs will thrive now that temperatures are cooler, including tarragon, thyme, dill, fennel, and any of the mints. Vegetables: Continue planting cool season crops including beet, cabbage, turnip, lettuce, and broccoli. January - what to do Rejuvenate the landscape: After the danger of freezing temperatures, it’s a good time to plant woody shrubs. Water frequently to get new plantings off to a good start. Irrigation: Plants may need water if temperatures remain
higher than normal and rainfall is scarce. Shrubs and Trees: Prune nonspring flowering shrubs and trees this month to improve form. Arbor Day: Florida observes Arbor Day on the 3rd Friday of January. To celebrate, plant a tree in your yard or community. Cold Protection: If a frost or freeze is predicted, bring sensitive plants like orchids inside. Water sensitive plants in the landscape thoroughly 12-24 hours before a freeze and cover. Pests: To control scale on citrus, shrubs, and deciduous fruit trees, apply horticultural oil while plants are dormant. Apply copper spray to mangos after bloom. Excerpts from the University of Florida Gardening Calendar
Read the posters on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. Check the Clubhouse bulletin boards for meeting and event information and sign-up sheets. Come to Saturday Morning Coffee! Read The Columns and check the Calendar. Sign on to the Tara Woods website, www.twhoa.net, to be kept informed of all current events and more! Check out page 4 of the Tara Woods Community Resident Directory to see all the opportunities to keep you busy in Tara Woods, with the contact people for each one listed if you have questions. • Page 3 of the Directory lists the contact people for specific responsibilities under the Board of Directors who you can contact with questions.
16 | The Columns
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Its All About Christmas
The Columns | 17
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Clubhouse Christmas Tree Decorating
A special THANK YOU to all who volunteered for the Thanksgiving Dinner. Without YOU this event would not be possible. It takes careful planning to hold such a large event. THANK YOU to all who came!! We were blessed to serve you. Donna Erhardt and Bill Black
18 | The Columns
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WATER VOLLEYBALL Thursdays & Sundays
1:00 – 3:00 PM
Come join us in this fun, non-competitive sport. Meet new/old friends, get a few laughs while exercising. No experience necessary. Hope to see you there. If questions, contact Barb Simonson 541-840-4430 or Randy Simonson 541-840-7698
Monday, Wednesday & Friday TIME CHANGE: 9:00 AM Air temperature must be 62 degrees by 9:00 AM. Use ABC News to check temp. This is a great exercise for men and women with less stress on your joints and muscles. The class consists of stretching, cardio and water weights. If you have them, bring a noodle, stretch bands and water weights. If questions, contact Barb Simonson 541-840-4430 or Judy Brda 239-731-1797
Everyone is gearing up for Christmas. Thanks to the Canadian Club members that are at Tara Woods for providing the cookies and punch for the tree decorating. A new tree was purchased this year for our club with the money from our account. The December dinner was held at Dina’s restaurant at Sabal Springs. Approximately twenty people attended, and a good time was had by all. The January dinner will be hosted by the Sharps and the Redgers. Please review the
message board at the Clubhouse for further info. We are still looking for volunteers for February and March – either to host a dinner or plan an evening at a restaurant or another event. Please let Dave Sharp, Brenda Redgers or Patti Thompson know of your plans. Dave Sharp has done a great job of updating the Canadian Club member list. Please advise him if you know of any new Canadians lurking around and invite them to join us and provide him with their emails and addresses. We look forward to the Tara Woods Yard Sale in January, and Resident Appreciation Day in February. David and I will be
organizing a game for the day and would welcome ideas and helpers on that day for about two hours after the luncheon. Please call 239-599-8450 or email bzztoy@hotmail.com if you would like to have some fun. Looking forward to seeing everyone in the new year. On a personal note, I would like to thank all my Tara Woods friends for their support, kind words and sympathies, as I worked through my Dad’s illness. Unfortunately, he lost his battle in November, but there is peace in knowing he is not suffering anymore. See you soon. Brenda Redgers
NEW YORK/NEW JERSEY CLUB Our next meeting will be Sunday, January 5th, at 5:00 PM. It will be soups, chowders, salads and desserts. A sign-up sheet is posted in the Clubhouse. Please sign and
indicate what you will bring and what you can assist with. Bill & Mary Nothnagel will be in charge of entertainment.
MID-ATLANTIC SOCIAL CLUB NEWS Happy New Year! Even though December was busy with activities, January seems to continue with events. First is the undecorating of the Christmas tree in the Clubhouse on Saturday, January 4th, at 9:00 AM after coffee hour. Our scheduled meeting on Sunday, January 12th, at 4:00 PM will have a variety of soups and salads. A sign-up sheet has been
placed on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. Please let us know that you will attend. Yard sale items are being collected by Ann Millette and Barb Simonson. Thursday, January 16th, is the deadline for pricing at their homes. Packaged bake sale items can be brought to the yard sale table on Saturday, January 18th. Details for packaging will be provided at
our meeting on Sunday, January 12th. Participation would be helpful with all the events. Barb Pollitt
Tickets available at Saturday Morning Coffee and Tuesday Night Bingo – and at the door. Doors Open at 4:00 PM 1st Race at 5:00 PM Food available: Hot Dogs, Chips, Soft Pretzels & Ice Cream Cups *Bring Your Own Beverage* Race Tickets: $1.00/Horse Social Raffle
10 Races Scheduled plus Daily Double These are actual races taped at undisclosed tracks. All Tara Wood residents, renters, friends and family are welcome! Questions? Contact: Janet Daly 239567-2285 janetdaly@yahoo.com See the poster in the Clubhouse for more details.
The Columns | 19
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Our next event is the 50’s Dance and Party that we are hosting on Saturday, January25th, for Tara Woods. Thank you to all Club members who volunteered to bake for our dessert buffet. You’ll be getting a reminder email from one of the officers. Your help is greatly appreciated. Tickets are on sale
now through Saturday, January 18th, and are $10.00 per person. Our next event following the 50’s dance will be our “Welcome Spring” party on Saturday, March 21. Judy Machnicz
Here’s hoping that everyone has a very healthy and happy New Year! The past year was a busy one for the Midwest Club. The Club hosted the 2018 New Year’s Eve Party as well as the 2019 Valentine Party, and lastly
the annual Tara Woods Christmas Party on December 7th. All three of the events were a huge success, and that is due to many volunteers. Thank you to each-and-everyone! As we start off the New Year, help will be needed with taking down the Christmas tree. This will take place at about 9:00 AM after Saturday Morning Coffee hour on January 4th. For our meeting on Friday, January 10th, it will be a super
event. The theme is Super Bowl, but it will be your super team. Whether it is a pro, college, high school or junior league football team, wear your favorite shirt. The menu that night is to bring your favorite appetizer for the Club, and dessert just for the table you will be sitting at. Bring your thinking cap because we plan to have a game on tap. More information to follow; it will be posted and emailed out. Bobbie Mester
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Welcome back to our Winter residents! The Computer Club has begun a new season of free computer classes for the owners, renters, and guests of Tara Woods. These are held at 10:30 AM every Thursday in the Card Room at the Clubhouse. They are open to everyone, and there is no membership fee. The first and third Thursday of each month are devoted to Computer Basics. This is a complete course on how to use your computer. The second and fourth Thursday are reserved for General subjects and cover a
single specific topic of interest. If there is a fifth Thursday in a month, it is an open question and answer session where you can ask me almost anything you want. It’s never too late to join our group, even if you’re a total novice. This is a great time to learn the Basics; we start at the very beginning and assume that you know nothing about computers. The General topics cover all sorts of subjects, programs, and hardware, such as Windows, working with photos, multi-media, tablets, cell phones and e-book readers. We spend as much time as we need to on each topic, and the next topic to be covered is always posted on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse.
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
Feel free to attend only those classes that appeal to you. Bring something to take notes with, and your laptop computer if you want to follow along on it. I will answer any question you care to ask me. I also give private lessons and set up or repair computers in your home. I’ve been designing, programming, repairing, teaching, and working with computers since 1968, and can help you with all of your computer needs. Please call me with any questions or comments at 652-0488. I’m looking forward to seeing you.
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Is yours faded and torn? Retire her to a proper disposal. Drop her off at 19553 Charleston Circle (lot #12) or at the Guard House. Replacements are available from Bob Glandorf. $7.00
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The Columns | 21
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TENNIS NEWS TENNIS ASSOCIATION This will be my last article for the Tennis Association. After careful consideration I have decided to resign as President. My duties as a TWHA (Tara Woods Homeowners Association) board member have made it extremely difficult to do both duties. I want to be fair to the members of the Tennis Association. I have given it my best shot, but with family obligations and obligations to the TWHA board and its members, my time is limited. Thank you for your help and support; it was and is deeply appreciated. I will help the new president transition in any way that I can. Thank you again. – Roger Rafferty
Women’s League Women’s Team – Angels The Tara Woods Angels began league play on November 14th, with an away game against Herons Glen. We finished that match with 5 wins and only 1 loss. On November 21st, the Angels played at home against Lake Fairways, finishing that match with 4 wins and 2 losses. With a record of 9 wins and 3 losses, we are in second place in the league, just one match behind first place. After the Thanksgiving break, we played an away game on December 5th against the Pine Lakes Honey Bees. With great tennis play by all of the Angels, we won all 6 of our matches. Unfortunately, the first place team – the Pine Lakes Panthers – also won all 6 of their matches that day, so we stayed in second place in the league. We play against the first place Pine Lakes Panthers on December 12th. I hope to share good news with you about that match in the next issue of The Columns. – Linda Engel Men’s League White Team – Stallions The White League decided that all games before Christmas will be exhibition only. This has given the teams time to adjust their teams for the new year. We took advantage of this exhibition time to be creative and have many different pairings. Our team really enjoyed playing with different partners each week. This was a lot of
fun. That’s it for now. Cheers. – Glen Fisher Blue Team – Tigers The Tara Wood Tigers have been having a good year. We started slowly with a 2 win - 4 loss contest and then a 1 win - 5 loss contest. Our third week we showed some improvement with a 3 win - 3 loss tie. Our next match against one of the Six Lakes teams showed our true potential as a top tier team in the league as we had a good day and beat them 6-0. The Christmas Holidays are here and in January we may have a bit of a slowdown as a few or our team members will be headed to Australia to play in this year’s Australian Open. I’m sure we will make up the loss of those players when other players will return from the Christmas Holidays. – Al Dion / Mike O’Hearn Blue Team – Mustangs Before the Thanksgiving break, the Mustangs split their match 3-3 with the team from Six Lakes. We had a bye on December 5th and we played our last game on December 12th before the Christmas break. When we return to playing our matches after the holidays, we will finally have our first home game. Also, both Blue Teams – the Mustangs and the Tigers – play each other on Thursday, January 16th, so be sure to come out to the courts to cheer on both teams. – Mike Renzulli ROUND ROBINS The 2019-2020 tennis season has started. The first Round Robin was played on November 24th. Seventeen players participated and we used all four courts. Four different rounds were played on all the courts. It was a beautiful day. Although rain fell earlier in the morning, the skies were clear, and the courts dried before tennis was played. The players enjoyed the day and we look forward to the next scheduled Round Robin date which is Sunday, January 26th. A social, dinner, and the Tennis Association Meeting followed the tennis later in the day. Thanks to Frank & Carole Neveu, those in attendance enjoyed Jet’s pizza, salad, and ice cream for dessert. – Dale Holat Submitted by Linda Engel
Have you made your 2020 New Year’s resolution yet??? If your answer to that question is yes or no… have you thought about Adding pickleball to your resolution routine??? Come and watch a demonstration of the game and learn all about it at the Tara Woods pickleball courts on Shiloh Street We will present a demonstration and easy explanation of the game with
Lynn & Spike, Diane & Rich Saturday, January 18th Sunday, January 26th 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Please wear sneakers and comfortable clothing if you would like to get on the court and just hit the ball for a few shots See you at the courts!!!!!!!
Don Davis
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Wishing You and Yours A Very Happy New Year!
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ATTENTION VETERANS!! Many of you are not aware of USAA Auto and Home Insurance specifically designed for veterans AND THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS: spouses, brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren, etc. I can attest to the fact that the savings are substantial (for myself and my family) since becoming a member seven years ago. You just need to call: 1-800-531-8722 to enroll.
WWW.TWHOA.NET If you haven’t already registered on the NEW Tara Woods Homeowners Association website, then
Check It Out!
* All from the comfort of your home * 24 hours/day – Every day Latest news on what’s happening in the Tara Woods Community. Weekly “What’s Happening” email. Upcoming Events – Community Event Pictures. News Articles – Classified Ads. Emergency Information .......and more.
Community information – when you want it! Select website pages are restricted to HOA members only
SHILOH SPEAKS HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020 , and I don’t mean the television show on ABC. Anyway, a new year, and a new decade will be taking place. Hopefully peace and health to all. As you well know that when the new year comes, the traditional resolutions take place. As we all know, resolutions are usually broken just after one-minute past midnight on New Year’s. Oh well, somehow, they reappear in our daily lifestyles that we take for granted, or it’s just there, and we don’t really realize it. So, in this segment of Shiloh Speaks, I am identifying common resolutions for your four-footed furry friends. Give us plenty of fresh water, rule of thumb is 1 to 5 ounces of water per pound of body weight. Give us a well-balanced diet; one which won’t make us fat. Of course, a treat is always a given. Play more, stress less, Plato said, “LIFE MUST BE LIVED AS PLAY.”Love unconditionally.
Challenge your brain. (This means teaching your pet new tricks instead of basic ones.) Relax. As for us humans, our pets need the same. Go for walks, health benefits for not only your pet, but you as well. Take that extra 30 minutes and enjoy our walks together, but the length of the walk should be determined by the size of the dog. Smile. If you smile with your pet, you’ll be surprised how they reciprocate back. Live in the moment. Get a checkup – which means, routine just like humans,
wealth is health. Make sure shots are current and don’t forget to check our teeth. Remember, February is dental hygiene awareness for us pets. I know a resolution may be a firm decision to do or not to do something. Hopefully you’ll keep with yours. Well, my time is up for this start of 2020, to welcome the New Year, with newcomers, and my regulars in our community. Remember to pick up after us at our Dog Park, and around our community of Tara Woods. Respect IT! Happy Tails. SHILOH
2020 New Year
NOTE: Last month recipe, it wasn’t stated to cut in bone shapes or use a cookie cutter in the shape of a bone as to design your Gingerbread Doghouse and set oven at 350 degrees until hardens to a golden brown.
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The Columns | 23
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Be one of the winners at our Tuesday night BINGO.
And you can win more than once during the night! If your eyesight isn’t as good as it once was, now you can play too. We have really BIG game packs and “Specials” that are 8 ½” x 11” with 2” numbers. No additional charge for the ticket that can make you the “King” or the “Queen” for the night and earn you even more money on all game sheets. Game packets are sold with either 6 game squares per sheet or 9 game squares. The “Special” game papers have 3 game squares. Buy as many as you’d like! Our Tuesday night BINGO session consists of 14 regular games and 6 “Special” games We also have “Hot Ball” prizes of $50.00 or more and a “Social” raffle. Sales STOP at 6:45 PM. Come join the fun.
Ping Pong is every Tuesday and Thursday at 2:00!
Come play the fastest growing sport!!!!!
October thru April court schedule: GENERAL PLAY 8:00 – 9:30 AM – Sun thru Fri; 9:00 – 10:30 AM – Sat; 4:00 – 7:00 PM – Sun thru Sat The above times are open to everyone at any level. RESERVED PLAY – If you would like to get a group together at any other time of the day and play, check the schedule that is posted outside court two. Sign your name in the appropriate available box for the time you would like to reserve. Would you like to learn how to play? Contact Lynn Makia (513)476-2465 or Diane Gibson (603)244-0536.
Mondays at 3:00 PM Tuesdays at 9:00 AM No need to sign up Don’t need a partner New teams chosen every week ~ Easy to learn Questions: call Frank Millette 543-2954
EXERCISE FOR SENIORS Have You Had Enough Of The Rain??? Well Now Is The Time To Get Up And Get Going Again. Join Your Friends And Neighbors At Our New Exercise Class For Seniors Led By Curtis Adams (On Video). Those Who Have Experienced Curtis For The Past 3 Months Are Excited About All The Exercises And That All Levels Of Experience And Ability Can Participate. This Is A Total Body Workout That Can Be Done Standing Or Sitting Down. It Includes Stretching, Balance, Cardio And Light Weights. Classes Are Held Tuesday And Thursday In The Clubhouse At 8AM Or 12:30PM. Come Join Us And See For Yourself!!!!! For More Information Contact Lynn Makia 513-476-2465 Or Barb Simonson 541-840-4430
BUNCO Ladies and Gentlemen, come join us every Sunday at 7:00 PM in the Card Room. Cost is $3.00. Will you have the first Bunco or the last, or the most? Will you have the most wins, or the most losses? If you do, the prize money will be yours! Come join the fun. Questions: call Polly Brown 731-1614
HORSESHOES Every Friday at 1:00 PM At the Horseshoe Pits. Come join us for fun and laughs.
Meets in the Clubhouse Card Room at 7:00 PM on Monday and Thursday nights. The game consists of 11 hands and is easy to learn. Eight quarters gets you in. Come join the fun and play a great card game.
MAH JONGG Come join the Mah Jongg group. Do not know how to play? We teach the first three Mondays of the month. We have a great time. Come & join us on Mondays 12:003:00 PM. The Happy Ladies of Mah Jongg.
There’s a “new” game at Tara Woods. If you hear someone say, “fifteen two fifteen four” and you don’t think they’ve lost a screw or two, come and join us in the Card Room every Wednesday at 2:00 PM for a few games of Cribbage. The arrangement is fairly flexible since Cribbage can be played by 2 or 3 or 4 players. Just be there by 2 PM. Cards, cribbage boards and fun will be provided. Contact John D’Amico at 239-731-7928 or danyyankees1@comcast.net.
LADIES! DO YOU PLAY POKER? How long has it been since you’ve played with friends? Did you know there’s a game every Monday night at the Clubhouse just for the ladies? Well, we really don’t have a “No Boys Allowed!!!” Rule, but men usually don’t like to play with wild cards and we do. But they’re welcome to play as long as they are willing to “play like girls”. It is most likely the least stressful and least expensive poker you can play around here! It’s a good night to socialize with the ladies and make new friends with the girls who like to play poker. The stakes are very low. Call Polly Brown, 7311614, if you’d like to join us – she’ll fill you in on the details or answer any questions you may have.
Meets on Wednesday Nights In the Clubhouse Card Room at 7:00 PM. 50¢ to buy in, but offers some “big” prize money!
The Bridge group is looking for bridge players. We meet on Tuesdays at 12:30 PM in the Card Room. Call Beth Ferris at 543-6295 or Pauline Young, 239-997-5984 first if you are interested in playing with this friendly group. We’d like to have you join us. Beth Ferris
Thursday, January 9th, at 1:30 PM 2760 Steamboat Loop Join us to talk about the books we have been enjoying and maybe borrow one you would like to read. Newcomers welcome. Questions: Call Marilyn Workman 239-543-1168
HAND AND FOOT CARD CLUB Come join the group for a fun-filled afternoon of cards! We meet on Fridays at 1:00 PM in the Card Room. Don’t know how to play the game? EASY! We will teach you! It is easy to learn. Questions: contact George Stelling, 731-6709
Every Friday night at 7:00 p.m. Different games can be played (All are easy to Learn) LEFT – CENTER – RIGHT (dice- 3-coin buy-in)(winner-take-all each game)
CONTRACT RUMMY (similar to Aggravation) (6 quarter buy-in) 31 (card game) (3 dime buy-in each game) (winner-take-all each game)
For more information call Polly Brown at (239) 731-1614
Mondays – 12:00 Noon Ceramics is held in the Ceramics Room by the Tennis Courts. We are there every Monday at 12:00 Noon. For more information and for fi ring of the kiln please contact Bonnie Abend, 217-0707, or Janelle Wissler, 770-2686. We hope you will come and participate in making ceramics with us. Come join the fun. Bonnie Abend
LINE DANCING Line Dance Class
Come join us for lots of fun and great exercise! Fridays at 10:00 AM in the Clubhouse Starting November 1st Barb Goodhue 517-404-8063
TENNIS ANYONE? Join other tennis players every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday from 9:00-10:30 AM for friendly Tennis.
24 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net
Need a ride? Need someone to shop for you? Need someone to fix something for you? Need someone to clean for you?
Think of us as your children “on call”.
Senior Concierge Service
Just ring our bell: 239-770-7711
No Job Too Small!
Window Screens Repaired/Made To Order Vinyl Windows Redone Please Call Jaime
The holiday season has almost passed with only New
Year’s Eve remaining, so as 2020 marches in, the mighty New Image Chorus returns to rehearsing for the much-anticipated concert in April. We will be fine-tuning our musical selections and adding some fantastic solo performances. We continue to invite and welcome new members to join us. What better way to start your New Year than to become a part of the coolest
and hippest chorus in the woods (Tara Woods). First rehearsal in the new year will be Monday, January 6th, at 12:30 PM in the Clubhouse. YOU WON’T BE SQUARE IF YOU’RE THERE. Rod Browder Chorus Member
The Columns | 25
www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • January 2020• Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
90’s Birthday Thank Yous
Trustworthy, respectful, compassionate The Crossings at Hancock is dedicated to fulfilling one mission: to provide a comfortable, safe and secure home for those who need assistance with the activities of daily living in a caring environment of dignity, respect and compassion.
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With a foundation of individualized support and high quality health care services, encouragement of independence, emphasis on freedom of choice, support of individuality, and protection of privacy, our residents enjoy a superior quality of life than they would living alone.
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The Columns | 27
www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • January 2020• Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13
Mary Ellen Gold, Val Roderick “Chico” Silva, Mikey Smith, Rick Virkus Joe Bottoms, Larry Jones, Alan Warner Rich Araujo, Jean Van Sicklin Barb Pollitt, Ralph Rikon Larry Noffsinger Greg Girard, Helen Sullivan Bob Anderson, Mary Biglin Sarah Casey, Sharon Davidson, Kathy Harper, Mike O’Hearn Una Bigelow, George Korince, Royce La Liberty Homer Felknor Gloria Diggs, Bonnie Lockwood
14 15 16 17 18 18
21 22
Peggy Boncher, Jean Bozick, Irv Buettner, Audrey Perry Gary Dixon, Cheryl Linn, Don Impink Peggy Flynn, John Goers, Rog Sapp, Gail Stewig, Rhonda Williams Bill Perry Dianne Rikon Eddie Amarando, Jane Bingham, Lynn Porter, Lorraine Quinn, Nancy Schoeppner Henry Gardner, Nancy LeClair, Hannah Montelaro, Judy Pavao, Dave Redgers, Judy Rigsby Diane Ladlie Mike Bevilacqua, Linda Byrd
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Roy Conner, 91 Yrs., Vladimir Fulmas, Gail Korince Bill Whitacre Lee Beliveau, Loretta Deerhake, Mike Girty Judy Holat, Sharon Moorhead, Rich Siller Linda D’Cruze, Chick Jakacki Teri Burt, Bette Davis, Jean Schweinert Darrell Dillon, Dom Notaro, Gay O’Keefe Phyllis Carr, Carole Clark, Judy Hanson George Johnston, Ann Kabbas, Karen McKearney, Linda Weibel
18 Brenda & Joseph Plut
4 Mary & Rich Kivel 6 Carol & Bob Schnepp 15 Judy & Tim Lanpher 17 Judy & Jim Hanson, 50 Yrs.
20 Colleen & Vic Achtelik, Hannah & Paul Montelaro 23 Kathy Hildreth & Ray McKinnon
28 Carol Ann & Don Impink, 64 Yrs. 29 Carol & Ron Heidmous
Contact Frankie Lindon – msdatsunt@gmail.com or 205-903-5589 before January 10th for Special Recognition of Birthdays 90+ and Anniversaries 50, 55, or 60+ in February 2020.
Appliance Repair
1-239-674-9521 NO
1 Year Warranty On Parts 90 Days Warranty On Labor
28 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net
January 2020
The Columns | 29
www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • January 2020• Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
CORRECTIONS TO THE 2019 - 2020 TARA WOODS RESIDENT DIRECTORY JANUARY 2020 Edition of the Columns Please take a moment and verify your information in the NEW 2019 – 2020 Resident Directory. Please send any corrections and/or changes to the NEW Tara Woods 2019 - 2020 Resident Directory by email to haywood.gandy@gmail.com. Subject: Tara Woods 2019-2020 Directory Update. Contact Information: Haywood Gandy, 239-471-2987, 603-557-8335 (cell), 2998 Tara Lakes Circle, Lot #643. New Additions, Phone Changes, Misc. Changes and Deletions are published in the monthly editions of The Columns. Please send any updates, corrections or changes by the 8Th of the month. ADDITIONS TO THE NEW 2019 – 2020 TARA WOODS DIRECTORY NAME
Rich & Paula Dykstra
19809 Kara Circle
June Morreale Mike & Nancy Parker
19455 Cotton Bay 19252 Potomac Circle
#179 #693
Bruce Winfree
2794 Orlenes Street
TELEPHONE NUMBER 616-813-1289 (R) 616-481-7329 (P) 239-770-6432 815-985-2600 (M) 815-985-2500 (N) 209-743-5784
Christopher Desalvo Daniel Malikowski
19446 Ganty Lane 19446 Ganty Lane
#202 #202
TELEPHONE NUMBER 561-239-0986 561-674-2989
Carolyn Bishop Dotty Britton Irene Dorr Nete Godfrey Bob & Susan Uccello
19667 Woodfield Circle 19809 Kara Circle 19572 Charleston Circle 19819 Kara Circle 2794 Orlenes Street
#113 #482 #28 #483 #377
Deceased Sold Moved Moved Sold
Bill Edinger CFC057466
CLUBHOUSE MINISTRIES For new residents of Tara Woods and existing residents too, the Clubhouse Ministries invite you to join one of their Bible study classes, which are held in the Clubhouse Meeting Room every Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM. These meetings give you an opportunity to make new friends as you study the Scriptures in relaxed and enjoyable surroundings. We are a non-denominational group. No need to make reservations, folks! Just stop by any Tuesday morning at 10:00 46 AM. Come join us! Ann Scott
Inspiration Hour
North Fort Myers
Swallowing angry words is much better than having to eat them. A fool utters all his mind: but a wise man keeps it in till afterward. Proverbs 29:11
239-565-9904 Licensed and Insured
• Sewer Drain Cleaning All phases of plumbing • Re-Pipes Well pumps and equipment • Water Heaters • Garbage Disposals Remodels • Repairs • Sewer Line Video Inspection ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED
30 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net
The Columns | 31
www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • January 2020• Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Mrs. Doubtfire Services Housekeeping, Food Shopping Airport Runs, Dr. Appointments Runs, 100% cleaned to your satisfaction.
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH Please Please Please IN AN EMERGENGY CALL 911 DO NOT CALL THE GUARD HOUSE UNTIL YOU FIRST CALL 911 (SHERIFF’S OFFICE) The information required by the dispatch center MUST come from YOU. In a Medical Emergency (The Medical Information) In an Intruder Alert (Description, race, height, weight, color of hair, clothing, what they were doing) REMEMBER, FIRST RESPONDERS ARE HERE TO HELP YOU! Bob Glandorf
Dr. Robert Hooper
Alda Gilbert
• Here’s why $19 - $69 per month/aid • Affordable plans to fit any budget • Free batteries for lease duration • 5 yr. loss and damage coverage • 5 yr. repair warranty including parts & labor • Manufactured and repaired on site • Replaced/Upgraded every 5 yrs.
Board Certified • Doctor of Audiology Since 1975
Includes Exterior Walls, Carport. Roof Extra. All Mold and Mildew Removed With Surface Cleaner
Also; window cleaning and handy work.
Lease Your Hearing Aid
Professional Power Washing 239-770-2015
License #0801258 • Allstate Property Services, Inc.
CAPE CORAL 800-3203
106 W. Hancock Bridge Pkwy. (Santa Barbara/Publix Center)
Let Us Help You Buy or Sell a Home in Lee, Collier, Charlotte or Sarasota Counties on Owned Land
NORTH FT. MYERS 997-2414 1876 N. Tamiami Trail (Old Business 41 - Weaver’s Corner)
Kenneth & Patricia Bracher and
Heather Todd Licensed Real Estate Agents and Broker Associate
239-910-2290 We do not sell in Del Tura or Tara Woods. Del Tura Residents 14 years.
1615 SE 47TH Ter Cape Coral, FL 33904
32 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net
JANUARY 2020 Sunday
Dec 2019 Feb 2020 7:00 PM - Aggravation - Mondays T W T F S S M T W T
12:00 PM - Ceramics - Mondays 4
S 1
8:00 AM And 12:30 PM -Exercise For Srs. Tuesdays And Thursdays 8
7:00 pm - Ladies Poker - Mondays 18 19 20 21 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9:00 - Mondays, And21 Fridays 22AM 23- Water 24 25Aerobicsl 26 27 28 16 Wednesdays 17 18 19 20 22 29
1:00 PM - Water Volleyball - Thursdays And Sundays
7:00 AM -12:00 PM Clubhouse Closed
9:00 AM Play Rehearsal
2:00 PM Cribbage
10:30 AM Computer Club
6:00 PM Mah Jongg NEW YEAR'S DAY
5:00 PM NY/NJ Club
9:00 AM Play Rehearsal
7:00 PM Bunco
12:30 PM New Image Chorus 2:00 PM TWHOA Board Mtg.
4:00 PM Mid-Atlantic Club
9:00 AM Play Rehearsal
7:00 PM Bunco
12:30 PM New Image Chorus 7:00 PM TWHOA Assoc. Mtg.
10:00 AM Clubhouse Ministeries
7:00 AM -12:00 PM Clubhouse Closed
12:30 PM Bridge
2:00 PM Cribbage
1:30 PM Spanish Class 6:45 PM Bingo
14 9:00 AM Health Fair 10:00 AM Clubhouse Ministeries 12:30 PM Bridge 1:30 PM Spanish Class 6:45 PM Bingo
2:00 PM Table Tennis 6:00 PM Men's Billiards
3:30 PM - Yoga - Mondays And Thursdays (Exception, January 16th)
6:00 PM Mah Jongg
9 9:00 AM Play Rehearsal 10:30 AM Computer Club 1:30 PM Book Club At Marilyn's 2:00 PM Table Tennis
7:00 PM Sound & Lighting Show
20 9:00 AM Play Rehearsal 12:30 PM New Image Chorus Martin Luther King, Jr.
9:00 AM -3:30 PM AARP Safe Driving Course
7:00 AM -12:00 PM Clubhouse Closed
2:00 PM Cribbage
12:30 PM Play Rehearsal
6:00 PM Mah Jongg
6:00 PM Men's Billiards
7:00 AM -12:00 PM Clubhouse Closed
12:30 PM Bridge
2:00 PM Cribbage
6:45 PM Bingo
3:00 PM Tennis Mtg. & Dinner
9:00 AM Play Rehearsal
7:00 PM Bunco
12:30 PM New Image Chorus
10:00 AM Clubhouse Ministeries
1:30 PM Spanish Class
6:00 PM Mah Jongg
10:00 AM Clubhouse Ministeries
7:00 AM -12:00 PM Clubhouse Closed
12:30 PM Bridge
2:00 PM Cribbage
1:30 PM Spanish Class 6:45 PM Bingo
1:00 PM Hand & Foot 7:00 PM Games Nite
8:00 AM Blood Press. Screening 8:00 AM Coffee 8:45 AM General Meeting 9:00 AM Undecorate Clubhouse
1:00 PM Hand & Foot
7:30 AM Pancake Breakfast
5:00 PM Midwest Club
12:00 PM Tara Woods Pics
7:00 PM Games Nite
6:00 PM Men's Billiards
6:00 PM Mah Jongg
1:00 PM -3:00 PM Celebration Of Life
7:00 AM Yard Sale
1:00 PM Hand & Foot
8:00 AM Blood Press. Screening 8:00 AM Coffee
5:00 PM Canadian Club
8:45 AM General Meeting
7:00 PM Games Nite
9:00 AM Entertainers Business Mtg.
9:00 AM Play Rehearsal
1:00 PM Hand & Foot
8:00 AM Coffee
10:30 AM Computer Club
7:00 PM Games Nite
Set-Up For Health Fair (After Meeting)
10:00 AM Tara Wood's Pics
2:00 PM Table Tennis 6:00 PM Men's Billiards
9:00 AM Play Rehearsal
1:00 PM Hand & Foot
10:30 AM Computer Club
7:00 PM Games Nite
2:00 PM Table Tennis 6:00 PM Men's Billiards
8:45 AM General Meeting 7:00 PM N E Club - Fabulous 50's Dance & Party