January 2021
2021 Content Marketing and Publishing Trends
2021 Content Marketing and Publishing Trends
Agenda â—? 30 minutes - Issuu Insights & Demo â—? Q&A
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● Lastly, we’re recording today’s webinar, and we’ll share the link in
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Today’s Speaker
Meghan Cole Marketing Manager Issuu
What Level of Marketer are You?
What is the main reason you’ve joined today?
To enable anyone — from independent creators to global brands — to create, share, measure and monetize their digital content.
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ISSUU INSIGHTS 2021 Content Marketing and Publishing Trends
The Expanding Martech Stack: More Integrations A marketing technology (martech) stack is the collection of technologies that marketers use to optimize their processes throughout the customer lifecycle. The Martech Checklist: 1. Define your needs- What actions are you trying to drive? 2. Run an audit- How are you currently accomplishing those actions? 3. Develop a list of requirements-What are the gaps from your audit? 4. Implementation and Testing- Audit your martech stack again after you’ve added in new integrations.
Content on the Move: Motion Graphics and Video
Adding links and videos let you leverage the medium and allow for tracking and tailoring your audience as well. More than 70% of mobile data traffic, including cellular and Wi-Fi connections, consisted of video content. Video usage was correlated with smartphone screen size. People with a screen size of 5.5 inches or more consumed 53% more data than people with screen sizes of 4.5 to 5.5 inches, according to NPD.
Evergreen Content: Longform lives forever
Evergreen content is SEO content that stays relevant and “fresh� for readers, staying fresh long past it’s publication date. Evergreen content can continue to drive traffic to your site or brand for months or years into the future online. The best strategies rely on a mix of topical articles and longlasting evergreen posts. With Issuu, the SEO and Indexing content is built into your uploads, maximizing your evergreen potential to drive audiences to your brand and content for years to come.
QUICK POLL: Are you interested in a free workshop on how Issuu can help transform your content into stories, emails, and social posts to engage your customers?
● Tuesdays Getting Started, Preparing PDF for Upload ● Wednesdays Mobile Optimization ● Thursdays Statistics and Integrations