GYerekdalok hungar ia n k Songs l o f for kids
CasteloArt Publishing
CONTENT /TARTALOM Megismerni a kanászt Tavaszi szél vizet áraszt Házasodik a tücsök Béres vagyok,béres Hogyha nékem Laci bátyám Erdő szélén házikó Cifra palota Hármat tojott a fekete kánya Virágéknál ég a világ Mókuska Ember, ember december
- Nketsi - Joshua - Calley/Joshua duett - Nketsi - Joshua - Calley/Joshua duett - Joshua - Nketsi - Nketsi - Nketsi - Nketsi
Southdowns College Choir
Solo Singers
Joshua Donald Bouwer
Caylee Furness
Nketsi Makoa
5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45
Quire members: Claudia Harms, Mika Goncalves, Lucie Pye, Elmarie Lubbe, Megan Moonsamy, Amelia Lubbe, Ona Mahopo, Tamara Williams, Kari Betha, Nicolas Neumann, Tsiko Ravhuhali, Nina Harms, Haina Xiu, Leila Young, Nicolas Rosema, Bradley Duncan, Megan Hamnse, Michelle Comrie, Johke Jate, Carmen De Wet, Amy Musungaie, Tazmin Suliman, Onka Motale, Jorja Hopkins, Baile Makhakhe, Lungelwa Shabangu, Daniel Tarry, Zenande Mtebe, Caitlyn Crause, Leticia Taveira Coelho, Nomfundo Maguni, Vugelwa Makata, Hugo Kotzee, Simoné De Koning, William Symon, David Barford,Tshenolo Ntsie, Caitlin Arendse Laerrskool Kameeldrift Choir Conductor: Madleine Smidt
We know the swineherd about his funny way of walking, About his Transylvanian sandal and his haversack strip. Hey lifestyle swineherd’s lifestyle is the unique lifestyle. If I get fed up with life, will try the swineherd’s lifestyle.
We know the swineherd about his funny way of walking, About his Transylvanian sandal and his haversack strip. Hey lifestyle swineherd’s lifestyle is the unique lifestyle. If I get fed up with life, will try the swineherd’s lifestyle.
The spring wind blows upon the water, Oh my flower, my darling. Every bird must search for a partner, Oh my flower my darling. And whom should I choose, My flower, my darling. I choose you and you choose me, Oh my flower, my darling love.
Green ribbons are light and delicate, Oh my flower, my darling. The wind can easily lift them, Oh my flower my darling. But a black veil is heavy clothing, Oh my flower my darling. Because sorrow has made it heavy, Oh my flower, my darling love. 9
The spring wind blows upon the water, Oh my flower, my darling. Every bird must search for a partner, Oh my flower my darling. And whom should I choose, My flower, my darling. I choose you and you choose me, Oh my flower, my darling love. 10
Green ribbons are light and delicate, Oh my flower, my darling. The wind can easily lift them, Oh my flower my darling. But a black veil is heavy clothing, Oh my flower my darling. Because sorrow has made it heavy, Oh my flower, my darling love.
Gólya volt a szekundás,kisbéka a flótás, Dongó darázs a brúgós, pulyka volt a prímás. Táncba ugrik a majom,megjárja a polkát, Híres betyár a bagoly,lesi a hurkáját. Farkas volt a mészáros, hat ökröt levágott, a mellé még malacot ötvenet kirántott. Kecske volt a szakácsné,jó gulyás húst főzött, míg az ebéd elkészült, a tücsök megszökött.
The cricket wants to marry the mosquito’s daughter, The flea shiffle-shuffles, wants to be a groomsman, The tick jumps in, wants to be a brides man, All kinds of ugly bugs want to be the guests today. The stork was the second violinist, the frog was the flautist. The bumble bee was the bass player, turkey was the primate. The monkey gets onto the floor, and dances the polka. Crazy rouge was the owl, minds his snack only. The wolf was the butcher, he cut five oxes, and also fried fifty piglets, The sheep was the cook, she made a lovely goulash, while the lunch got ready the cricket escaped. 14
I’m a farm hand, I want to be a farm hand, Hey, the new year is around the corner, My wheelbarrow’s in the meadow, my ox is on the plow land, Hey, my tawdry goad, my brown eyed lover. I feel sorry for my ox, also for my yoke pins. Hey, my ox is in the groove, I’m at the braai.
I’m a farm hand, I want to be a farm hand, Hey, the new year is around the corner, My wheelbarrow’s in the meadow, my ox is on the plow land, Hey, my tawdry goad, my brown eyed lover. I feel sorry for my ox, also for my yoke pins. Hey, my ox is in the groove, I’m at the braai.
A királyné a csárdában nem fér a bőrébe, A királyné úgy gondolja száz aranyat érne. De én aztat megteszem, hogy kendet ott felejtem, édes angyalom. De én aztat megteszem, hogy kendet ott felejtem, édes angyalom. Tegnap voltam zab-aratni, ma megyek kötözni, elvesztettem a rózsámat, megyek megkeresni. Uccú pengő sarkantyú, félre tőlem minden bú édes angyalom. Uccú pengő sarkantyú, félre tőlem minden bú édes angyalom.
I would find my true love, surely. Would dance with her gorgeously, others would watch jealously. Oh my sweetheart! Would dance with her gorgeously, others would watch jealously. Oh my sweetheart! She’ behaves like a prima donna at the party, she can’t restrain herself. She thinks, she’s as valuable as a hundred gold coins. But I’m going to let you down and leave you here alone. Oh my sweetheart! But I’m going to let you down and leave you here alone. Oh my sweetheart! Yesterday I harvested the oat, today I’m going to be tying the sheaves. I’ve lost my sweetheart, I’m looking for a new one. Yippee twanging spurs, let’s go party oh my sweetheart! Yippee twanging spurs, let’s go party oh my sweetheart! 22
Little shelter in a wood, old man by the window stood, Saw a bunny passing by, dropping tears and bitter cries. Help me help me dear old man, for the hunter shoots me dead, Little bunny come inside, here’s a place for you to hide.
Little shelter in a wood, old man by the window stood, Saw a bunny passing by, dropping tears and bitter cries. Help me help me dear old man, for the hunter shoots me dead, Little bunny come inside, here’s a place for you to hide.
Fancy palace, its windows are green. Please nice roses open up, the violas are waiting for you. I’m a small boy, but soon will be a grown up, In one or two years, I will be a lad.
Fancy palace, its windows are green. Please nice roses open up, the violas are waiting for you. I’m a small boy, but soon will be a grown up, In one or two years, I will be a lad.
The black kite was laying 3 eggs, your brunette daughter fancies me. Kikityembe kukutyomba, jump onto the bandwagon my sweetheart. Kikityembe kukutyomba, fly to my arms my sweet heart. Even if I’m a poor lad, I’m a lover of your daughter my friend. Kikityembe kukutyomba, jump onto the bandwagon my sweetheart. Kikityembe kukutyomba, fly to my arms my sweetheart.
The black kite was laying 3 eggs, your brunette daughter fancies me. Kikityembe kukutyomba, jump onto the bandwagon my sweetheart. Kikityembe kukutyomba, fly to my arms my sweet heart. Even if I’m a poor lad, I’m a lover of your daughter my friend. Kikityembe kukutyomba, jump onto the bandwagon my sweetheart. Kikityembe kukutyomba, fly to my arms my sweetheart.
The Flower (name of the family) lit the fire and frying frogs for dinner. Zimme zum zimme zum, recefice bum bum bum. Marcsa BĂrĂł got some frog legs and she was chowing on them. Zimme zum zimme zum, recefice bum bum bum. GĂĄbor PuskĂĄs arrived late, and only the frog ears are left. Zimme zum zimme zum, recefice bum bum bum.
The Flower (name of the family) lit the fire and frying frogs for dinner. Zimme zum zimme zum, recefice bum bum bum. Marcsa BĂrĂł got some frog legs and she was chowing on them. Zimme zum zimme zum, recefice bum bum bum. GĂĄbor PuskĂĄs arrived late, and only the frog ears are left. Zimme zum zimme zum, recefice bum bum bum.
Squirrel girl, Squirrel girl climbs up the tree fast. She fell down, she fell down, breaks her leg and cries. Dr. Danny do not heal the leg! Cheeky little squirrel climbs up the tree right back.
Squirrel girl, Squirrel girl climbs up the tree fast. She fell down, she fell down, breaks her leg and cries. Dr. Danny do not heal the leg! Cheeky little squirrel climbs up the tree right back.
Snowman, snowman December, freezing Grumpy bear. He drizzles snowflakes from the top of the mountains. Hahaha it’s snowing, hehehe for weeks, huhuhu drizzling, Hihihi fantastic, hahaha drizzling, hehehe for weeks, Huhuhu drizzling, hihihi fantastic.
Snowman, snowman December, freezing Grumpy bear. He drizzles snowflakes from the top of the mountains. Hahaha it’s snowing, hehehe for weeks, huhuhu drizzling, Hihihi fantastic, hahaha drizzling, hehehe for weeks, Huhuhu drizzling, hihihi fantastic.
Istvan Tutunzis producer and Joshua Donald Bouwer singer
Ildikó Kolozsvári production manager and Winnie Van Der Walt the dirrector of music department of Southdowns College
CasteloArt Publishing,
Text copyright © Ildikó Kolozsvári Photographs copyright © István Tutunzis illustrated by Mária Aldea Designed & produced by Bear Records Publishing, István Tutunzis
István Tutunzis would like to thank the following who have helped directly in making this book: Winnie Van Der Walt, Susan Brummer, Donald Bouwer, Marina Van Niekerk, Madleine Smidt, Southdowns College and Laerrskool Kameeldrift.
Printed in Hungary All rights reserved. No Parts of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of the publisher.