Open Wide the Doors (Antonio del Puente, Antonella Esposito)

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The contribution of LUIGI GIUSSANI’s teaching to contemporary medical professionalism

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Antonio del Puente Antonella Esposito

Open Wide the Doors

The contribution of Luigi Giussani’s teaching to contemporary medical professionalism

Antonio del Puente, Antonella Esposito

Open Wide the Doors. The contribution of Luigi Giussani’s teaching to contemporary medical professionalism

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First Edition (English): August 2024

© 2024 Itaca srl, Castel Bolognese

All rights reserved

ISBN 978-88-526-0786-8

Printed in Italia by Mediagraf, Noventa Padovana (PD)

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Medical professionalism is going through an unprecedented phase of change. Major driving forces are: huge costs; artificial intelligence in patient management; development in genetic field. This new scenario may generate risks, but it may also represent a great opportunity. However, in order to orientate it, a generic reference to “the need for more humanity” is insufficient and potentially misleading.

The thought of Luigi Giussani has the potential to guide this critical change as we will try to discuss reporting outcomes of our academical work focused on his teaching and summarized here in four major areas. Results indicate that Giussani’s findings are of fundamental importance for all professionalisms.

By not admitting a wider horizon, by not acknowledging the disproportionate gap between this wider horizon and the scientific capacity, one eliminates the category of possibility, the supreme dimension of reason.

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Considering the person at the center of our attention is essential for high quality job and it is corresponding to our expectation, but this approach does not hold up spontaneously. “Good-will alone is not enough, because it is scared by the risk and tends to become limited to a self-affirmation” (Luigi Giussani).

We need a better understanding of the question.

Antonio del Puente, MD, Associate Professor of Rheumatology

Antonella Esposito, MD, PhD Rheumatology Unit, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University Federico II, Naples (Italy)

€ 5.00

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