Original ITF Magazine - dedicated to the ITF family

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Ÿ Editors corner Ÿ What does Christmas mean? Ÿ What to do if your child bullies Ÿ U.K.-L.T.S.I. Awards night report Ÿ Punch bag workouts Ÿ Why avoid weight gain drugs? Ÿ Dan Gun - the teaching section Ÿ Is T.K.D. the best Martial Art? Ÿ T.K.D. and real defence? Ÿ 2010 I.T.F. events calendar Ÿ Plus much, much more

The on-line magazine

for all I.T.F. Families

Welcome to ‘Original I.T.F.’, a FREE I.T.F. magazine dedicated to I.T.F. communities worldwide.

Index of the magazine Festive cheer to all Attention all I.T.F. association and club owners! Original I.T.F. invites you to forward all articles and news. Regardless of your affiliation, we WILL publish them. We need I.T.F. news, so let us help you get noticed.

Send all articles to:

By Post or on CD 14 Collyer Road, London Colney, St. Albans, Herts. AL2 1PD. Please note, we are unable to return any CD’s.

By E-Mail admin@original-itf.co.uk

To discuss advertisements, please call Chris on 01727 827624

The Rights of Original-ITF Original I.T.F. is a FREE on-line magazine independently run by Excel-Publications Senior

Page 1 - Editors Corner

Hi, what a year it’s been! We gave you the

Page 2 - I.T.F. News

magazine in June and and that beat all

Page 3 - What does Christmas mean to you?

expectations - we are getting around 8000

Page 4 - Black Belt Discipline

downloads / reads each issue, so forget those who

Page 5 - U.K.-L.T.S.I. Advertisement

say the magazine is not worth its weight in gold.

Page 6 & 7 - Child Bullying

We then created a website that has smashed all

Page 8 - General Choi Gallery

rival sites - at nearly 900 visitors a day, surely

Page 9 - Spirit Black Belt Exam

that proves our point. The magazine is

Page 10 - T.K.D. and real self defence

establishing itself well and there are many

Page 11, 12 & 13 - U.K.-L.T.S.I. Awards Night vowing support in 2010. Yes, we know it has not Page 14 - Punch bag workouts

been a good year for Chris (especially the I.T.F.

Page 15 & 16 - Inside the I.T.F.’s

side) but he is a strong character who will not

Page 17 - Weight gain article

sway when people take pot shots at him - no

Page 18 & 19 - Exploring Dan Gun

matter how high the grade, he will stand tall. We

Page 20 - Readers pictures

have some big plans for 2010, both for the

Page 21 - Christmas crossword

magazine and the website.

Page 22 - Is T.K.D. the best martial art?

Many groups across the globe have promises to

Page 23 & 24 - I.T.F.-V Congress report

send us articles and if these transpire, we will be

Page 25 - G.M. Rhee still in demand

able to continue a monthly issue but, as we

Page 26 & 27 - 2010 events listings

always say, your content will help us grow. We

Page 28 - Club web directory

are the only dedicated FREE I.T.F. magazine

Page 29 - South East Opens poster

meaning you are reaching out to I.T.F. people only, so get submitting your news, views and photos. Also, don’t forget to add your events to our website. Until the next issue in January or

Editor, Mr. Chris Snow and his editorial team. The magazine has no financial backing from any other parties, so all hours spent on it are at the editors own expense. All contributions sent to the

February, merry Christmas and a happy New Year: Original-ITF Team

magazine for publication cannot be checked, but we will try and verify that the news is from a valid I.T.F. source. This magazine may not be reproduced, reprinted or sold and remains the property of Original-I.T.F. Where pictures from I.T.F. sites are used to enhance news items, they remain the sole property of the site named by the articles. All content within this magazine cannot be copied, but the magazine can be placed on all public I.T.F. Tae Kwon Do web sites by embedding it directly from http://issuu.com/itforiginal

We extend our thanks to the following contributors: The I.T.F. Families & International Websites from Excel Webs picture database, www.taekwondo2009.com, I.T.F. Afghanistan, Serif International media, Stuart Smith, Michael Hillier, Andy Smith, Lauren Snow, Adam Aliousalah, Nick Gardner, Jordan Dalton I.T.F.-N.K., I.T.F.-V, Jackie Spivey, Paul Cain, Harrison Fray, Barry Kareful, Chris Snow, Dave Toub, Greg Gallon, Stuart Smith All articles / reports that have been submitted by third parties are the creation of the Authors. The editors cannot be held accountable for the opinions expressed within them, as the articles are featured as received.

A place to announce all types of news concerning I.T.F.

U.K.-L.T.S.I. EXAM Five students from the U.K.-L.T.S.I. / I.T.F. attended the six monthly Black Belt test. The exam was overseen by Master Harry, 8th Degree, Mr. Snow, 5th Degree and Mr. Smith, 4th Degree. The students that attended the exam were Miss J. Doran, Mr. P. Ratcliffe, Miss M. Carling, Mr. S. Eade and Mr. D. Stennett - all were promoted to 1st Degree.



I.T.F-NK SERBIA SEMINAR On 5th and 6th December 2009, a seminar with the Vice President of the I.T.F. Senior Master Kim Ung Chol was held in Backa Topola, Serbia. It was led by one of the world's largest experts in Tae Kwon-Do. 50-tak Serbian participated in the seminar and the Hungarian team enjoyed watching sahjonim Kim Ung Chol perform most amazing technique. On the first day, we were doing basic techniques, tuls, sparring techniques and self defence.

The U.K.T.U. (aka the United Kingdom Tae Kwon Do Union) has taken 12 months to establish. The union was set up to house all I.T.F. stylist and I.T.F. registered groups, regardless of affiliation. The official press release from their office stated that the union was created to unite all practitioners under one umbrella and provide a network where like-minded coaches and organisations can have their information added. More importantly, the union will offer many services such as insurance, courses, senior exams and full funding for top On the first day of the seminar, the competitors and access to events. Their emphasis was on self defence website will be launched on the 01/01/10. exemption from the catches and defence against various attacks. I.T.F.-N.K. (www.itftkd.org) has announced that their tournament rules have The second day of seminar training lasted for 4 hours. For that time, we been updated. All N.K. members are were performing tuls, many basic advised to visit the site to see what techniques, the best sparring changes have taken place. techniques and then hosinsul. Senior I.T.F.-C (www.itf-administration.com) has Master Kim Ung Chol is a great expert and really has a lot to show. Always also updated their tournament rules. All members are advised to visit the site to see smiling and in a good mood, he was able to make all of the participants what changes have taken place. interested in all fields of Tae Kwon-Do. Two of the largest I.T.F. bodies in legal dispute I.T.F.-V have announced on their I.T.F. TAEKWON-DO FEDERATION OF site (www.tkd-itf.org) that, by unanimous SERBIAN received only greetings for decision, legal action will recommence organising this seminar. against the Chang Ung group. The report also states that NO such decision has been Rumours in the U.K. made to unite the two groups, as congress Rumours are now circulating in the U.K. would have to make the final decision. This that anyone who want to be part of announcement has left members of both either I.T.F.-C or I.T.F.-N.K. will need to sides upset and many are now venting their be a member of the B.T.C. (British Tae anger in forums. Kwon Do Council) in future. Many independents are now stating that this move will make those thinking of Smith T.K.D. (U.K.-L.T.S.I.) area rejoining either of the two groups think promotion Hemel Hempstead L.T.S.I. / twice, as many see this as an invasion I.T.F. held an area examination in of civil rights. However, I.T.F.-V is still November. 28 students took their next not adopting this move, meaning their promotion, passing with good markings. Senior Coach and Hemel Examiner Stuart I.T.F. will allow members to join them Smith, 4th Degree International Examiner, even if they are not B.T.C. registered. said “The quality of the students was good. Insiders are now saying this is a move I would like to thank all my Black Belts that to get all coaches in the U.K. I.S.A. registered in line with the coming assisted on the day for their help�. U.K.C.C.

A total 3724 students from 54 schools and 24 Clubs of Delhi in SUB-Junior and 74 School and 28 Clubs from Junior Category onwards participated at G.D.Goenka Public School, Sec-10, Dwarka, New Delhi from 27th November to 29th November 2009 was a great success. The Championship was attended by many respected dignitaries of sports and other fields. The Minister of Sports of India congratulated the event. Article from www.itftkd.org

held their annual championships on 6th December in Watford, U.K. Over 20 clubs attended the event. Seven U.K.-L.T.S.I. members attended and returned home with 3 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals. Results.... Jade Doran - Sparring / patterns - gold in both divisions. Daniel Doran - Gold in sparring and silver in patterns. Sam Lee - Bronze in sparring. Robert Mitchell - Bronze in sparring.

Christmas means a joyful time of year, having fun with your family, spending time with your family, seeing all the beautiful lights, decorating the tree, eating all the food you can eat, celebrating the birth of Jesus and buying presents for other people. Traditionally, this is what Christmas means for all. It is the season during which Christians everywhere give thanks to God the Father for the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ. It is the church's celebration of the Incarnation, the supreme mystery that the holy and almighty God took on human flesh and was born in this world of the Virgin Mary. A Christmas tree is the heart of Christmas celebration. Trees seem to have originated in medieval Germany and were used for a long period of time before we began to decorate them. Decorating any Christmas tree is a fun way to celebrate the holiday. Trees are very important and have been worshiped before writing because of their symbiotic relationship with EVERYTHING around them. Christmas trees have been decorated since their origin in the 16th century Europe, first with edible treats. Some of the items with which the first Christmas trees were decorated are: paper roses, apples, Communion wafers, gold, foil, sweets, and dolls. The strong limbs of the tree gracefully support your favorite ornaments and in ancient times, decorations that had been placed on the pyramids were transferred to the Christmas tree. Christmas trees, Santa Claus, decorations, exchanging gifts, and the many other seasonal traditions that most of us observe are wonderful ways for family and friends to mark this time of year. Christmas means that time of year when all is filled with love and cheer and when there is peace on earth in honor of our Savior's Birth. Christmas means not sin or greed; we should give more than we receive. This holiday means both joy and love, both here on earth, and in heaven above. It means in one accord, 'Let us all praise Christ the Lord.' Christmas means giving happiness to others and allowing happiness to be given to you. The season means a great many things to a great many people and it should not be forgotten that it is not just the presents that makes Christmas; it's all the love in your heart on Christmas and spending time with your family. Christmas means something different to everyone and the respect we show our fellow man during this time of year shows each and every one of us just what type of person we truly are. Christmas means peace, love, and family togetherness for some. For many it is a time to celebrate peace and good will toward men. Christmas means family, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Christmas is such a wonderful holiday and many people enjoy listening to Christmas music in celebration of this season. Music is so spiritual that it easily becomes a part of the celebration of Christmas spirit. Ultimately, it is a celebration of love and is what Christmas should mean for all.



When the word “discipline” is used in the context of martial arts training, a non-practitioner usually thinks of strict classes and well behaved students. Our students learn that while we expect exceptionally good behaviour from them in class, we expect the same behaviour out of class as well. This is the result of the studentsʼ true character and the development of black belt. The process of how students react to these challenges is part of their mental growth. Physical discipline is really just “mind over matter.” When working out and trying to achieve all your objectives, sometimes you have to “convince” your body to keep going. Maybe you are telling your body not to feel the stitch in your side or the ache in your leg. This is physical discipline: having your body be disciplined to listen to your mind. The same holds true for your body not succumbing to nervousness or stress. A disciplined body will be able to control its physical reaction to a stressful or nerve-racking situation. A mentally disciplined person will be able to communicate to the body in order to control the stress, and the physically disciplined body will listen. In this way, true discipline of character requires both mental and physical discipline.

Discipline, however, extends to more than good behaviour. It is an internal attribute’ that is crucial for a successful and happy life. Discipline shapes students’ attitudes, how they view life and the people around them. I.T.F. Taekwon-Do students learn how to use discipline as a powerful tool, so that they can enjoy a high quality of life and achieve all their goals. True character discipline is accomplished through the development of both mental and physical control. I.T.F. Taekwon-Do is an activity that teaches students how to relax, focus, and be at peace with oneʼs inner self. Harmony, self-control and patience are examples of “states of being” that can be achieved by someone who has exercised a strong mental discipline. How many times have you been faced with situations that, in retrospect, you know you could have handled better? More importantly, how often have you known that if you had been more patient, the outcome would have been better for everyone involved. The problem is that your responses were most likely triggered by anger or stress. I.T.F. Taekwon-Do develops “mental muscles” through natural breathing patterns that are exercised during training. This helps reduce anger and stressful tensions and gives you more self control. Mental discipline is also developed through classroom challenges. With every new technique there is a lesson to be learned. Sometimes students will find a particular technique very easy to learn while other techniques will be more difficult to grasp. It is important for students to focus on the positive. Negative words such as CAN’T are forbidden.

Finally, I.T.F. Taekwon-Do fosters discipline because all students must conform to the rules and regulations of the school. This is an important component of studentsʼ training. Obedience in class provides an environment where all students can learn and be productive. Our experienced students are role models to newer students and therefore have a stronger responsibility to utilize their discipline skills in and out of class. To our children members: show ultimate respect for your parents at all times. You should complete your household chores without being reminded. Do extra tasks to help your parents at home. The most important way you can show that you are a true I.T.F. Taekwon-Do kid is to feel great and confident about your self. Never hesitate to say NO when other kids want you to do something that you know is wrong. Adult members can utilize their black belt discipline while driving in traffic or dealing with challenges that arise at work or home. These are but a few of the ways that martial arts discipline can impact your daily lives to help you live a happier, healthier and longer life!

Article By Paul Cain IV


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Picture courtesy U.C.T.K.D.

Are you stuck in a place where you are not achieving what you want? Would you like to work with a group which is forward thinking and versatile with its approach on how to run your schools? If so, read on. We are looking for U.K. schools to join our movement and become part of a well respected group in the U.K. Picture courtesy U.K.-L.T.S.I. We are also interested in red or Black Belts that want to rejoin the I.T.F. and are interested in opening their first school and working on our NEW Instructors scholarship program.

Why Join us:

You must be willing to work as a team and be ready to learn one of the best syllabi in the U.K. today. You will gain full support from us, both on-line and off. You will be required to take part in monthly on-line meetings to discuss the development of your schools. If this is of interest to you, please e-mail our Head Office to discuss a meeting to see if we can work together. We need like minded coaches that want to make a stand against all the petty politics within the U.K. NO other group will offer the freedom we do. Ex members are always welcome to make an application to rejoin our movement.

WWW.UK-LTSI.COM TEL:01727 827624

The issue of bullying is a serious matter among kids. You need to understand that most of their attitudes and overall personality gets developed during their formative years. Regardless if it was your kid who is being bullied or it was your kid who is the bully, both kids need help when this event happens to them. But when it is your child that is the bullying perpetrator then you have a serious issue to deal with. Here are some tips you can use: 1. Recognize the issue. One of the reasons why bullying exists is because there are no adults who deal with the situation. The first thing you should do is recognize the fact that your kid is becoming a bully. That he needs to be corrected and in the process you also need to identify what specific actions make him appear to be a bully to others. Before you can make your child stop this act, you should first be able to understand him and the things he does are wrong. 2. Sit down and talk about it. Soon as the problem is finally out in the open then you can finally go ahead and talk about it. One big mistake that adults do is that they think kids would not be able to understand and that it would be difficult to talk to them about serious matters--but this is is not true. Instead of corporal punishment, the best way to instil discipline is to discuss the wrong things done by the kids and help them recognize what's wrong from what's right. It is through talking that you can really mentor your kids and let them realize who they should be. 3. Questions can be less intimidating. However, there are just times when kids might not respond well to a straight talk. They may also feel that something is wrong and would automatically close up instead of discuss things with you. The better way to go about this is to start asking questions so that you can get the information you need without putting too much pressure on your kid. This can also help them naturally tell you what you need to know about them. 4. Use punishment in the form of taking out what he likes from him. You don't have to resort to hitting your child just so you can stop and control their bullying behaviour. A more effective means you can take is to remove the things they enjoy from them every time they would be a bully to others. It might be as simple as grounding them for a few days or not allowing them to join a sport they really want to do. This can be more effective if you also relate that with what they do with the kids, how the kids they bully must feel every time they do mean things to them. There are many reasons why some kids turn out to be bullies, but most experts agree that it often stems from a dysfunction in the family. You might not know these things and when a kid becomes a bully, you should not just focus on the kid alone but also consider the kind of environment to which they are growing up in.

By: Barry Kareful

I am not sure which would impact me the most, first hearing that my child was a child bully, or hearing that my child was a bully victim! Both situations are ones that most parents dread having to ever hear about their child. Similar, yet different. Involving the same social problem, yet impacting the child in different ways. To put things another way, the child has assumed the role in their social ranking as either the prey or the predator. As a parent, it is our responsibility to take action should we find out that our child has been accused of tormenting and intimidating other children. Ideally it would be helpful if we could have some insight into the fact that there may be a behaviour problem, before we have to find out from someone else, such as the dreaded phone call from the school, police, or hearing it through the neighbourhood "grapevine". What we need are some helpful child bully guidelines to help identify this potential behaviour problem. How you react to this unpleasant news that your child is a bully will set the tone for all future dealings between you and your child over this problem. Outrage and threats will in most situations only make things worse and sever the much needed lines of open and honest communication between you and your child. Instead, take a deep breath, clear your mind and carefully plan your next move. Use your mind, rather than your heart, to move forward. Consider the following "action steps" if you are unsure of what to do if your child is bullying others. Action Steps For Parents Upon learning that your child is bullying, remain calm and focus on getting as many facts, not opinions, as possible about the incident before discussing it with your child. If school related, then talk to the teacher or other school staff involved to find out what exactly happened. Discuss in very clear terms the kind of behaviour you expect to see from your child and that bullying of any kind, verbal or physical, is inappropriate and unacceptable.

Action Step #9: Look in the Mirror Provide your child with the opportunity to explain why they felt the need to bully another child. This can easily lead into a discussion of other non-aggressive ways that your child could have dealt with the situation, or more appropriate ways of expressing their feelings.

It is important for the child bully to learn to show empathy towards their victim. Discuss how the targeted child must have felt when being attacked and how they would have felt being the victim. Impress on your child that no one deserves to be bullied, no matter what the circumstances.

Clearly a wrong has been committed against another child. Talk about ways that your child could make amends for what they did. Encourage a face to face verbal apology along with an assurance to the victim that this will not happen again. Some parents mistakenly believe that buying a "gift" for the victim on behalf of their child will solve the problem. Big mistake, as the child bully is showing no personal responsibility for their inappropriate behaviour as they see mom or dad buying them out of trouble.

Part of your action plan must include very clear rules and consequences should the bullying behaviour continue. Rules may include after school and weekend curfews, where and who the child is allowed to hang out with, and any other actions that will allow you to monitor their behaviour. Consequences must be reasonable and meaningful to the child. For example a consequence of no TV for a week if caught bullying, means little to a child that has access to online chat, games, X-Box, or Playstation during their "grounded time". Avoid at all times any consequences that involve physical force such as spankings, as these may actually reinforce the aggressive behaviour, that the use of physical force is an acceptable way to solve a problem.

Many of us forget that we are behaviour models for our children from a very young age. Do we exhibit any types of inappropriate behaviour in front of our children that may have contributed to their development into a child bully? If we use verbal abuse and/or physical violence in our home to solve problems, what messages are we sending to our child. "Do as I say, not as I do" is a poor message for any child. As parents we need to be consistently role modelling the types of good behaviour we want to see in our children, especially for the child bully. Finally, I would encourage you to keep things in perspective regarding child bullying. Research as well as common sense supports the fact that most children, at some time in their life, do bully other children occasionally due to stress. Reasons may include: 1. Sibling rivalry (we have this lots at my house!) :) 2. Stress from school work. 3. Upset about problems in the home. 4. Death of a family member. 5. Break up of the family unit. 6. Relationship problems outside the family. 7. Simple boredom (yep, see this one at my house too!) :) 8. Frustrated over an on-going problem in their life. 9. Just having a "bad" day and need to vent on someone. Bullying due to these kinds of incidents, is still wrong, and needs to be addressed by the parent. The good news is that with some discussion about the inappropriate behaviour and reasonable consequences, the child will usually see the error of their ways and be willing to made amends to the offended party. This type of child is not the one that we need to worry about as parents. Unfortunately, there are children out there, who for many different reasons seem to be involved in repeated incidents of bullying, both in the home and outside, at school, the playground, etc. These children may exhibit some of the following characteristics: 1. Exhibit aggressive behaviour most of the time. 2. Display a lack of self-control. 3. Enjoy any situation involving violence. 4. Have a low opinion of themselves. 5. Like to "stir things up". 6. Refuse to take ownership of their inappropriate behaviour. 7. Unlikely to feel sorry for the victim. 8. May be victims of bullying themselves. 9. Find it difficult to socialize normally with other children.


Don't think that you can change the bullying behaviours of your child over night or in a week. Such behaviours are learned over extended periods of time, depending upon the age of the child, and will take perhaps months or years to completely disappear. For now, set some short term goals that the child can realistically meet. Depending on the situation, perhaps a day or a week at a time without any reports of bullying behaviour. Don't forget to praise your child not only for meeting the goals, but also for making an effort when things don't go well.

As you embark on a course of action to support your child in dealing with their inappropriate behaviour problem, remember to let others know what you are doing such as the child's school and teacher, neighbours, and even other people that your child may have contact with such as a sports coach. You cannot be with your child 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, so these people can act as your eyes and ears in the community. Keeping watch on your child and offering their support should the child be tempted to engage in bullying behaviour when you are not around.

These are the children who are most "at risk" and need the support of the parents and society in general to help them deal with their over aggressive behaviour towards other children now, and perhaps other adults later in life.

WWW.ORIGINAL-ITF.CO.UK News, views, photo galleries, forums and much, much more. Check in and meet like minded practitioners on-line today.

Images courtesy of www.itf-information.com & www.taekwondo2009.com

Spirit Taekwon-Do Academies held its twice yearly Black Belt grading in November 2009. The air was laden with excitement and anticipation as 12 Spirit Taekwon-Do Academies Students stepped out onto the the training area on Saturday November 21st 2009 as the Black Belt grading was about to take place. There were eight 1st Kup candidates and four Black Belt degrees taking the grading. All students had trained hard to reach the point of no return. The event was overseen by Mr. Paul Cain, 4th Degree International grading examiner. The promotions test started off with a theory exam one hour long - all our Black Belt degree candidates take this part of the grading in smart dress. Once the theory paper had been wrapped up, the students changed in to their doboks and then on to the practical. First up was the traditional tuls, followed closely with some line work drills. The standard was high as expected as, of course, no student wants to fail their degree grading. The examiners did remind the Spirit Taekwon-Do students that this was a Black Belt grading and only 100% effort would do - this worked and kept them on their toes. After the line work and Tuls, we moved on to set sparring and free sparring. The grading finished with board breaking or power test, depending on your age. A special congratulations to everyone who took part in the grading, and well done to all who fought with their body, mind and spirit proving that they could go the extra mile, as they put 110% into everything they did. We are pleased to congratulate all twelve students from Spirit Taekwon-Do Academy who were all successful in passing their gradings.

The successful candidates were: Tom Pearce, Cheryl Cooke, Simon Melvin, Ryan Latham, Mary Walker, Helen Melvin, Robbie Walker, Richard Tamarra, Aiden OʼKelly, Jack Tynan and Alendra Dakpogan. Article by Paul Cain IV

Spirit Taekwon-Do Academies 0800 071 6673 www.SpiritTKD.com

Many of us have been practicing this great art for years (myself 24 years), but there is a hidden truth we will not admit to - this is just how effective our art is in real self defence. In this article, I will bring to the table what I see are the key points to self defence that, in my opinion, many do not understand. I am no ‘hard nut’, but I have had many real altercations - three were fights that lasted three minutes and longer, which is a long time in real situation terms! I have lost some battles, won some battles and, thankfully, it has been stopped before it went too far on one occasion. I am not like those we see on the U.F.C. - I am in awe of these guys, as they have real courage (not for me, I am afraid). In my time, I have have found myself in some real harsh scrapes resulting in losing teeth and getting scars on my body which I now look at and think ‘why did I not just walk away’. The answer - I could not walk away at the time. Pride and ego, thinking ‘I can take this buffoon’. Many regularly compete in semi contact tournaments and the false concept often grows inside us, especially when successful - we feel we can beat anyone up, but there are points that need to be addressed especially if you have never had a real fight. Firstly, you are doing a semi contact art which has rules. Secondly, the judges and the referee will protect you if things get heated in the ring.

arc hand strike on one of the guys’ throat, forcing him back but the other swung a piece of wood. I moved inside and head butted him and he went down. I jumped in the car and drove off, as I knew I would get a beating if they both came at me at once! Funny thing, they apologised a week later in a local pub, blaming it on the booze. I was relieved, as I was DJ’ing at the time so you can imagine what I thought when I turned up at the gig only to see them and about five mates! Of course it does! You get the tools to defend yourself in your classes such as confidence, control and all the attacking tools. Let’s face it, T.K.D. is a white collar defence system (or that’s what many say about it), but in real self defence, you will only be successful if you change your mindset i.e. understand that a thumb in the eye will assist your goal and remember that golden rule (to a degree)

In a real situation, there is much to consider. I am sorry if you don’t want to hear the truth, but I have learnt the hard way. It’s not nice having your face smashed in to a degree where you look like the elephant man and you cannot talk for a number of weeks. I had this when I was 14 and I had been training only 2 years. I thought I was As T.K.D. is an art that is practiced to build a more peaceful world, it hard, but I learnt a valuable lesson from an older lad who was a real is always advisable to talk your way out of a fight. I follow these simple seasoned street fighter who used everything in his path to bash me up. rules which have helped over the years. I have learnt now that T.K.D. looks good, but only parts of it work in 1. Know your surrounding - look for an escape route (if there is a real situations. chance, his mates will jump in).

2. Firstly, the golden rule of real self defence - there are no rules. OK! So, now you’re thinking Think about this and you may understand what I am saying here. Ÿ A person that attacks you on the street will not apologize if you hit the deck from one of their shots. Unlike in the club or a tournament situation, if you go down, they won’t stop. Ÿ They will be versed in using eye guages, ear grabs, groin strikes and leg grabs to ground and pound you. Ÿ They will use their surroundings, so don’t think your face will not be smashed into a wall or a hard object. Ÿ Nowadays, weapons are often used - planks of wood, knifes and knuckle dusters, to name a few. There are other issues to think about here. We have all had that fear factor we get in the ring - you know, the tight stomach, sweaty palms, feeling sick and general nerves. Well, in real self defence, it’s worse mainly because you get the adrenalin dump where you get all the above in a matter of seconds, not minutes. Your legs feel like they are stuck to the ground and your strikes feel like they are being done in slow motion and are useless. In a sparring match, you hit the opponent - they may back off, but in a real self defence situation, they keep coming at you with one goal which is to beat you up and hurt you. They are attacking with anything and everything, unlike a sparring match. I heard recently of a Master getting beaten up. He was walking his dog when two thugs called him names and after confronting them, they attacked him. We do two verses one in our syllabus (like most), but let’s face it - two guys attacking at the same time with the same goal is a recipe for disaster. If you think otherwise, you need a reality check. I had an altercation with two drunks once I thankfully used an

Put your fence up in an argument (fence is a term of hands being put up, so your attacker cannot advance forward).

3. 4.


Never let them in too close - keep your space clear. If they are shouting, you have two choices - 1) try and stay calm, as negative action could force the situation or 2) shout over them, saying ‘calm down’ or something as appropriate. If they attack, use only hard tools that you know - elbow, knees, head and look for that one shot that can finish the fight. Also, know what is available to use around you like planks of wood, bins and walls. (Another tip is to study the bodies vital points which could aid you in finishing the attack quickly - this can be found in the encyclopaedia).

6. 7. 8.

Don’t kick high - low front and turning kicks into the thighs or groin may connect and could be the finish you need. Don’t forget basics attacks, as these can be very effective. If you want to get prepared, go do a course on real self defence (there are many out there, we did one under Mr. A. Davis a few years ago and it helped us loads) - the reality is they are tough and not for those shy about using foul language. After all, you will hear the most disgusting language used normally before a fight which, again, creates the adrenalin dump we go through before a confrontation.

Regardless of grade and experience, we all go through the same stress levels prior to a fight. The secret is changing our mind set and making sure we understand when all hell breaks loose, we must fight like we would not in the ring. One other point if you do face a situation like this - NEVER go too far, know when to stop. A wise man once said to me the best form of self defence is walking away - this is fine, but sometimes you have no choice but to fight. Knowing what works is your No.1 key to Real Self Defence.

Article by Chris Snow, 5th Degree I.T.F.


On 28th November 2009, the South East area U.K.-L.T.S.I. schools gathered at the Golden Lion Function hall to dance the night away and see who had been nominated for awards. 140 students attended this event, which was organised by Head Office and myself. I was, once again, resident DJ banging out some fantastic tunes of past and present. The event consisted of a disco, buffet and a firework display which did not go to plan after torrential rain hit us - never the less, we managed to set some fireworks off. The event started at 7.30pm, but many members started to arrive at 7pm. The buffet was laid out and, this year, it was massive. The disco was underway as students started to arrive. In one corner, the video which was made by Mr. Snow was playing on a large screen this consisted of highlights of all events held by us during 2009. This video can be found on www.original-Itf.co.uk or www.uk-ltsi.com. The following report covers the event.

It was 10am and both Tracey and Pat (my mother in law) were in the kitchen cooking the huge Buffet. I was upstairs doing the usual system check on the DJ gear. Many ask why I do the DJ’ing at our awards night - well, put simply, as I see this one event as the students event of the year, when I am in attendance I see myself as working for the U.K.-L.T.S.I. Never the less, these events are always enjoyable to watch unfold and deliver a lot of pride afterwards to Tracey and myself. The day seemed to run really fast - before I knew it, I was running the cooked food to the hall and getting it ready. At 6pm, I loaded the car - I was a bit worried, as one of the CD’s on the mixing station was not functioning properly but, as with all gigs, you just do what you can. Thankfully, no one noticed during the night, but as a DJ, you know the stress it gives you as the things don’t cue correctly. At 7pm, hoards of students started to arrive and seating rapidly disappeared. I looked outside in

the garden and saw it raining really hard, which was a worry as we had organised a fireworks night and the kids had turned out in force to see this. At 9pm, despite the rain, we decided to try and fire off the fireworks. At this point, we had 140 in the hall who all converged under the shelter waiting to see the fireworks display. John, Stuart and Iain were sorting these and, boy, did they have loads of problems as the wind and the rain was battering them. After about 20 minutes, we decided that there was no way we could continue with the display, so we cancelled it and all moved back into the hall. I was soaked through! We managed to get a dozen fireworks done, but there were many left over. At 9.30pm, we moved on to the award ceremony. The awards given out were for best coach, best competitor, students of the year, best Black Belts, most loyal and a triers award. The crowd gathered in anticipation of which nominated member would win what award for the Black Belt sections.

Mr. Smith Best coach 2009

The first award of the night went to 4th Degree Instructor Mr. Smith, the longest serving student of mine, who runs a very successful school based in Hemel Hempstead. This award has been won two years in a row by him, proving that his members and, obviously, he give full support to the U.K.-L.T.S.I. ventures during the year, winning with a 60 point lead. Next up came one of the youngest members of the U.K.-L.T.S.I. Miss Jade Doran, 1st Degree, who had taken the competitor of the year award by storm, winning 12 gold medals in ours and open I.T.F. events. Jade, who has only just passed her Black Belt in October 2009, has now got to start at the bottom of her game, as she will meet formidable opponents - we are confident she will raise her game.

Miss Doran Best competitor 2009

Daniel Doran Joint competitor 2009

Mr. Smith Jnr. Joint competitor 2009

In this section, three other students drew with each other - these were Daniel Doran (brother of Jade), Andrew Smith, also from Hemel Hempstead and Stephen Townshend who is a member of St. Albans. We then moved onto another section which is for those Black Belt members that give total commitment to the U.K.-L.T.S.I. and their schools and had met the following requirements: Ÿ Assisted in class Ÿ Attended all courses and events Ÿ Helped promote their school Ÿ Assisted in the admin of their school Ÿ Attended tournaments and helped us First up came Mr. Elliott Moulster, 2nd Degree, who has been a real asset to the St. Albans school.

Mr. Townshend Joint competitor 2009

Next up came my daughter Lauren Snow, 1st Degree, who has demonstrated she lives by the ‘do’ in every part of her life. Another student to take this award was Andrew Smith, 2nd Degree, from the Hemel school. As Andrew regularly attends St. Albans, I have monitored his conduct which is exemplary alongside the fact he has given support to Mr. Smith at his classes and events organised by the U.K.-L.T.S.I., we awarded him for his efforts. The next award to be given out was the usual school awards for student of the year - here we award two members, one from our junior section (5 to 10’s only) and one from 11’s to adults.

Mr. Moulster Best Black Belt 2009

Mr. Smith Jnr. Best Black Belt 2009

From the Excel group (St. Albans & London Colney), I chose Mr. Mark Doran to win the senior award. Mark, 2nd Degree, is an outstanding practitioner who follows the ‘do’ in every aspect of his T.K.D. career. He is the only student to continue training twice a week, never missing any classes and putting himself out to make all events, where possible. I personally find him a pleasure to teach as he only want to learn and, like me, has no interest in the grubby politics some use to bash others with.

Miss Snow Best Black Belt 2009 Next up was my junior member Jordan Smith, who has outstanding potential and follows the ‘do’, inside and outside of the do-jang. In 2009, he has attended lots of events and really focused on being the best in his group. From Hemel Hempstead, Daniel Doran has really come from nowhere, winning medal after medal and also demonstrating complete understanding of the ‘do’. Not to be outdone, his big sis really made her mark this year, what with winning best competitor and student of the year. Like all those mentioned before, she has also demonstrated the ‘do’ side of the art. As Tae Kwon Do is a art form which should be the way of life for those practicing it nowadays, the U.K.-L.T.S.I. are firm believers in all members living by the tenets in all aspects of their life, as we follow traditional values. After all, there are many groups nowadays forgetting what the true learning of the art should be - this is due to money and ego, resulting in bad ethics being delivered to their members.

Jordan Smith Junior Student of the year 2009

Mr. Doran Senior Student of the year 2009

We finished the award ceremony by drawing the raffle, where some of the attendees won great prizes. I returned back to the stage and commenced the rest of the night playing tunes from the 80’s. After the floor was full with everyone bopping, I brought the music up to date, banging out some tunes from the charts.

Nikolas Ktorides Best Newcomer 2009

The floor was packed out, the kids and parents were tucking into the food - some mums and dads were getting funky on the floor, which clearly was making the kids very embarrassed (we do dance you know!). It was good to see the mood was so fantastic on the night. Normally, this event is finished by 10.30pm, but this year the hall was busy right up to 11.45pm when I played a mix of floor fillers. It helped loads, as everyone (or rather the adults!) were more than tipsy.

Myself and Mr. Smith spoke (before he had a few beers!) about how 2009 had rolled out and, to be honest, we both see that 2009 has been our worst year ever. Another award which is now given out is For me in particular, due to the unfair the triers award. This was given to Robert situation I was put in by the I.T.F. body I Mitchell, 6th Kup. Robert, who has tried was so devoted to, only to be wronged and an injustice being served. Never the less, his best all year round, deserved this we have moved on. Numbers have dropped award without doubt, as he has had to devote more time than others to meet the over the year - one coach left to do mixed standards we insist on by practicing four martial arts, another had to close the doors of his club due to the recession hitting him days a week. hard. We have all seen numbers fall from The next award is for loyalty - the most the recession, but we managed to survive. loyal award is given to those that show complete loyalty to the school and the art, We have some massive plans for 2010, such as opening up in areas we were in not forgetting the U.K.-L.T.S.I. Sam, before. We are also starting our new kick who is a great ambassador walked this boxing division, which we are setting up at section, as many find him as someone they can talk to, who is always willing to the moment. We will also be part of the U.K.T.U., a group which will house all help others and promote his school. T.K.D. groups and help coaches network The last award was given to the best most of all, it will be a body not plagued newcomer. Nikolas is a new student that with corruption. Personally, I am busy gives his all at classes, takes making sure the magazine grows and hits constructive criticism and works from the spot I want it to. However, there are comments made by those teaching him. those that oppose it, but we will push on.

Robert Mitchell Triers award 2009

Sam Lee Most loyal student 2009

Miss Doran Senior Student of the year 2009

Daniel Doran Junior Student of the year 2009

By: Dave Toub

Before jumping right in, let me clarify the title: Working the punching bag can provide the best tradeoff between cardio and strength training This was not meant to imply that working the bag would make you stronger than doing squats with 500 lbs or that it would give you better endurance than running 5 miles a day. Punching bags provide a very effective way to achieve both goals in a very short amount of time.

To begin, try standing in one place and throwing one jab a second for a full minute. A jab should be quick and make a popping sound upon bag impact. This should not be a strong punch like the cross; the jab is only meant to stun your opponent and set up future punches. After a full minute of jabs, rest and try it for two minutes, and then try dancing around the bag for a minute while jabbing approximately once every second for a minute. You’ll notice that you start to sweat pretty quickly and simple normally overlooked actions such as minuscule jabs can be quite taxing and give you quite the workout. Try a 1 minute session standing still for warming up, followed by a 2 minute session with circling the bag. Rest a minute and repeat.

Throw two jabs, a cross and circle the bag. The cross should be a very strong punch where you use your whole body weight to strike the bag, pivoting off your opposite foot. So if you’re a righty, your left foot should pivot. Try two sessions of 3 minutes each, just landing strong solid punches while still remembering to circle the bag. We are after strength so try to really push through all of your punches.

Picture courtesy 2009 I.T.F.-N.K. world championships

To completely exhaust you, try a final 3 minute session that combines cardio and strength methodologies. Throw three, or four jabs followed by a cross, hook, uppercut combination. Really explode on the bag while still being safe; contact the bag aiming for the flat part of your your middle finger and pointer (not your knuckles). Yes, you will get a great workout either way, but it’s always better not to break your hand. If you can last a full three minutes, you’re in great shape.

So the whole workout is less than 15 minutes and you expend much more energy than you would running. I’m not going to give you numbers here since there is a bit of range depending on the source, but google calorie burn activity chart and compare boxing to the other activities. You’ll notice that its towards the highest calorie burn activities, considerably more intensive than running.

! RS E D

A RE K UR HIN O T U T .F. .uk E O ! L T Y I.T f.co Y E it SA HA TH aln UR W WOUT rigi YO NO AB @o VE K in A m H ad As I sit here, I ask myself what has gone wrong in Tae Kwon Do, but after speaking to friends who are also 5th and 6th Degree coaches in Shotakhan Karate, I realise that what I am seeing and have experienced in past years is a wider problem than I thought. Many of us from the 70’s and 80’s remember the days when to train under a coach, you would have to earn your place at the club. My initiation was simple - as a 6th Kup, after my local club closed down, I had to spar week after week with the 17 Black Belts every class. After about six weeks, the coach said “You are a resilient lad, you can now stay”. It was an honour to be part of it, but what we are seeing nowadays is a bad culture of students (including Black Belts) and Instructors coming through the ranks claiming “I paid for your service, so I owe you nothing”! The end result? More and more of these types of students are using local clubs and then, when they have what they want, they simply go join another group and do the same again. In my opinion, this is why loyalty has died a slow death. Our organisation gives a lot to its members but twice now we have had the same response from coaches leaving of , or . I would not mind but they pay a bare minimum for courses etc. compared to most in the U.K., but the funds went to our group. Oh yes, they also pay £4 or £6 for examinations per colour belt to Certified Examiners (not a lot at all). Where has this attitude come from? As a Black Belt, I was at 5 (sometimes 7) events per year - I was there to assist my association, to represent my club, but I would never make claim that the organisation gave me nothing. Personally, it insults me to hear that so and so has gone and made this statement - it’s high time all organisations return back to the old days and wean out this attitude. I am seeing the art is being lost by these types of people making such claims - whatever happened to traditional values? The art is losing its backbone by allowing this culture to keep growing. You pay for services, yes, but as a member of any group or club, you are a team player that should respect the fact you are allowed to be part of them. In hind site, that makes you an ambassador of your group.

How many times have you heard this? You are in a class and your latest crop of yellow belts are there - they have their sparring gear ready to spar as per your club or organisation rules, yet one or two of the new yellow belts say they do not want to spar. What do you do? Say “Oh, ok, that’s fine”? Or do you stand firm in your rules and say “That’s not a choice, I am afraid, as it’s part of the parcel sparring is an important part of Tae Kwon Do, as it builds fitness, control and confidence, amongst other things”. Seems to me coaches all over the globe are taking option one more often these days, for fear the members may leave their club. It seems if you say NO to students, they simply leave and find a club they can do as they wish in. Sparring is part of the art we learn - admittedly, it is more for the younger ones and those of us young at heart (even if we get the odd whipping when we spar, but we have a go!). So what is the reason this is now happening more frequently? Some claim it is because I.T.F. sparring is just too hard - well, yes it is, but by my experience, this is normally at tournament level. Club sparring must be done under the guidance of a qualified coach who can spot the hard hitters of the club and penalize the offenders by banning them from sparring for a set time. As students progress up the ladder, it is common that they tend to hit harder. Take two Black Belts and normally they will spar at a much higher, intensive level then, say, two yellow belts. As a seasoned competitor, I would say the most dangerous fighters I see are those just starting out - they are un-coordinated, clumsy and you cannot read them like the others seniors at your club (or come to think of it, spar them safely). New sparring partners also try and knock you out, so you have this to worry about too. Often, you warn them to calm down and hit them with a good side kick in the end - they accuse you of abusing your skill, or they just leave. All students should be told that sparring at club level is safe and there to aid their skill and learning process. They should also be told it will teach them about respect for others. I often highlight to my members that no one likes sparring but we all have to do at some point as, like a gun with no bullets, it has no worth. So, the next time your student says they don’t want to spar, ask them if they understand they are doing a martial art.

I personally am not a member of I.T.F.-C for my own reasons really but, that being said, I have had the privilege to attend a number of seminars under him and his late father over the years. General Choi was a man on a mission and when he attended events, you were in awe of the man as he really controlled the I.T.F. and the seminar with an iron fist. He was very active and knew what he wanted - even on the last seminar he ever held, he seemed to want to run it the way he used to.

Picture courtesy www.masterharrystaekwondo.com

Things have changed since his passing in 2002 though, what with all the I.T.F.’s claiming to be the ‘TRUE’ one and saying they will not recognise each others grades - this is not good. I am amazed with I.T.F.-C for the fact that G.M. Choi is allowing all seminars (or so it seems) to be run by his junior Masters (I personally love G.M. Choi’s seminars better). If you have not attended his events, he is very humble, insistent on power and sticking to I.T.F. rules of his group - however, he will not allow for videoing, which is strange as all the rest do. I personally think this practice is wrong, as training under the founders son is special and not being able to film is restricting his promotion of his I.T.F. I would have thought it would be better that the I.T.F.-C president takes on the job like his father and follows his footsteps by globe trotting. After all, the man is the only blood line from General Choi, which will mean many will attend seminars he is conducting. For me and many other independents, taking guidance from the foot soldiers has NO appeal, I am afraid. There are other implications too - it also looks a bit strange when the same Masters are on the I.T.F.-C web site at all seminars, which leaves you thinking “Why is G.M. Choi not conducting this event”? I suppose that’s his choice though, but if he isn’t careful, his membership and independent supporters will go elsewhere. Come on I.T.F.-C, it’s time that G.M. Choi done more I.I.C.’s - if not for his personal financial gain, for the I.T.F. he represents.

Picture courtesy www.masterharrystaekwondo.com

1918 -2002 ‘His legacy continues through all of our efforts’

Top Three Reasons To Avoid Weight Gain Drugs By: Greg Gallon

So you, like literally millions of others, have decided that it is time to gain some extra weight. If you are like us and the rest of those millions you'd probably prefer a nice thick chest and a nice thick set of arms, shoulders, traps, lats and thighs as opposed to a big belly, love handles, man boobs and a double chin. Are we right? Of course we are. Nobody wants to be fat. Everybody however, would like to be leaner and more muscular. Our concern is that you may be deceived into thinking that the only way you are going to be able to accomplish this goal is with the use of weight gain drugs and weight gain supplements.

We promise that if you have the determination to stick with a simple muscle building diet, training and rest program you will not have any problems making huge gains in a short time without weight gain pills or muscle building steroids. According to the best in the natural muscle building business it is completely possible especially for beginners and amateurs to gain 15 - 25 lbs of muscle in as little as 16 weeks. That is no bull. We know from first hand experience and first hand testimonies of others that have hit these kinds of numbers. The three reasons you should avoid weight gain drugs and even many of the "alternative" weight gain supplements are:

With the right number of calories per day (approx. 16 x your body weight), the right amount of carbs (3 - 4 grams a day per pound of body weight), the right amount of protein (1 gram per day per pound of body weight), plenty of essential fats and oils and a good number of fruits and veggies every day and your body will have all the nutrients it needs to be a muscle growing and developing machine. Mix this diet with 3 35 - 40 minute training sessions per week, with at least one day off in between workouts and your muscle HAVE to grow. Use High weight (80% of your max). Use low reps (3 sets of 4 - 6 reps). Use exercises that work multiple muscle groups (eg. squats, dead lifts, chin ups, push ups / bench press, dips, rows, clean and jerks and clean and presses). Finally, use super sets to keep your heart rate up forcing more blood into the muscles.

Lastly, since weight gain drugs come with possible side effects you will waste a lot of time researching and testing them rather than just Fact is weight gain drugs and even many of the best muscle building working towards and supplements are bad for your health. We hate the use of fear attaining your goals mongering used to control people or shape there decisions we naturally. This process promise you this is not that. You deserve to be able to make an costs a lot of money. informed decision regarding the drugs and supplements you are We've been there. If it is taking or are planning on taking. possible to gain 15 - 25 Many of the ingredients used in muscle building pharmaceuticals lbs of muscle naturally in and supplements alike have been banned in other countries where just 16 weeks, then what's more thorough testing has been done. Many others knowingly cause the point of weight gain negative side effects to be able to bring you the results they claim drugs? Do you know how they bring. The damage that can result includes just about everything amazing an extra 15 - 25 right up to irreversible organ damage and even death. Be very careful lbs of muscle would look what you choose to ingest. on your frame? It would look awesome and you would feel With proven natural gains like those listed above what is the point of absolutely great about it. risking your health? Muscle gaining drugs are just simply not necessary.

Stay away from harmful drugs. Eat right, train hard and get plenty of rest. It's all you need to make awesome gains.


Dan-Gun KNIFE HAND GUARDING BLOCK Kaunde Sonkal Deabi Makgi


Welcome to our pattern helper section - every issue, we will publish the next pattern giving top tips to help you learn and understand it better. Dan-Gun: is named after the holy Dan-Gun, the legendary founder of Korea 233BC

Low Section Outerforearm block Najunde Bakat Palmok Makgi

Chookio Bakat Palmok Makgi Outer forearm rising block

Come to attention

Come to ready stance

Left ‘L’ stance knife hand mid section block

Right walking stance front high section punch

Right walking stance, high section obverse punch

Left walking stance low section outer forearm block

Left walking stance front high section punch

Right ‘L’ stance knife hand mid section block

Left walking stance, high section obverse punch

Right walking stance, high section obverse punch

Left ‘L’ stance twin forearm block

Right walking stance front high section punch

Left walking stance, high section outer forearm block

Left walking stance, low section outer forearm block

Left walking stance front high section punch

Right ‘L’ stance twin forearm block.

Left walking stance, high section outer forearm block

Right walking stance, high section outer forearm block

Right walking stance, high section outer forearm block

Left ‘L’ stance knife hand side strike

There are many mistakes made by 9th Kups at exams - these are the most common.

Right ‘L’ stance knife hand side strike

1. Blocks started wrong 2. Reaction hand not used 3. Stances short or wide 4. Back foot not turned correctly 5. Punches too low 6. Twin forearm block formed wrong Left walking stance high section front punch

Right walking stance front high section punch




Pull left foot back into ready stance

Our new readers pictures section is devoted to you, our readers. Each issue, we are looking for quality I.T.F. practitioner pictures with great scenic backgrounds or action shots, like the four in this issue. If your pictures are what we are looking for, they will appear on our new gallery at www.original-itf.co.uk and in the next issue. To get your pictures published, please ensure you follow these rules. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Make your shot appealing Demonstrate something with a wow factor Make sure you wear your I.T.F. Suit Use proper techniques Submit photos 1 MB and high resolution Submit on time before next issue deadline Send to admin@original-itf.co.uk

Photos submitted by: U.K.-L.T.S.I., the I.U.T.F., U.C.T.K.D. and I.T.F. under the guidance of Mr. Chang Ung


Kenpo, Wing Chun, Tang Soo Do, Krav Maga, Jiu Jitsu, or Thai Boxing? I say none of them. As a matter of fact, no martial art that has existed since the beginning of time can claim the title of the "greatest martial art." The reality is that it's not the style that makes the martial artist, but rather the martial artist that makes the style. Please also understand that when I say "great martial artist," I don't necessarily mean great fighter. I am looking at the qualities that make one a master of the art, not street fighting. Regardless of the style you've chosen to practice, it all begins with the student. Success in the martial arts requires you to start with some basic "raw materials." Natural talent and athletic ability helps. A great martial artist has to be physically fit. This doesn't mean that they all may have started that way, but coordination, the ability to follow instruction and building a good physical foundation is crucial. A great martial artist learns the history and philosophy of his chosen style. The origin of the art gives the practitioner great insight into the workings of the style. Wing Chun, for example, was taught to a woman, who then carried on the lineage. The art is very well suited for close quarter fighting and with less emphasis on brute force. This is important to know if you intend to master the art in that every move makes sense in light of the art's history. A great martial artist has to be ready to invest a lot of time and effort in learning and practicing his chosen art. Becoming proficient in anything takes practice. Sometimes, the repetitive practice it takes to become "great" can be "boring" and not very exciting. As a martial arts instructor, I get many students who can barely throw a side kick, but will tell me that they are bored and constantly want to learn something new. The student that has the potential to be a great martial artist will practice that kick so many times until he has mastered it. That's the difference between greatness and mediocrity. Unfortunately, in the age of instant gratification, dedication like this is getting harder and harder to find. A great martial artist understands the reasons behind the movements in his forms or katas and how they apply in real life. The kata or form is a fight against imaginary opponents attacking you from different directions and angles. Some forms are performed empty handed while others use weapons. The application of a form is known as "bunkai" and the longer a martial artist delves into the form, more and more applications are revealed. I watch too many students perform kata or forms or tuls with no heart or imagination. Some students will even complain and say, "I don't know why we have to do forms any way, and they're boring!" Humility also makes a great martial artist. Arrogance in your abilities and the attitude that your style is the best out there is the biggest obstacle to achieving greatness. A closed-mind will limit your ability to grow and expand your martial arts education. It will also give you a false sense of security. A great martial artist doesn't act on impulse, but has the ability to assess a situation and act wisely. Fighting or reacting angrily doesn't always solve things. A great martial artist knows when to walk away or soften his approach to life and martial arts with grace and dignity. Realize that there are individuals out there that could make any style work. Regardless of whether you've chosen mixed martial arts or a traditional karate style, it is up to you to make it great.

Congress voted unanimously in favor of seeking membership in GAISF for the organization, giving the Board of Directors a mandate to actively pursue this matter.

The organizing committee for the 2010 World Cup in Las Vegas (U.S.A.) presented a progress report to the Congress, as did the organizers of the We must convince GAISF that they should 2011 World Championships to be held in recognize the ITF. (At a subsequent Board Wellington (New Zealand). Work is well Meeting, a committee was formed for this underway for both of these events. purpose. Master Tadeusz Loboda, Conti- Information about competition schedules, packages available, and services offered nental Representative for Europe, chairs will be posted in January on the official this committee; the other members are Master Willem Jacob Bos and Master Juan World Cup 2010 Website: www.itfwclasvegas2010.org. Ferrando.)

The World Championships in Argentina were a great success, with more than 750 competitors from 46 countries. The level of performance was very high. The official results will soon be posted on the World Championships Website:


For more information about the World Championships 2011 in New Zealand, please visit the website: www.itfnewzealand2011.com.

The locations for future international I.T.F. competitions were discussed by Congress and decided as follows: 2013 18th Senior & 12th Junior World Championships 2014 VIth World Cup Kingston (Jamaica) 2015 19th Senior & 13th Junior World Championships

Benidorm (Spain) Venice (Italy)

Congress did not make a decision about the location of the Vth World Cup. Brazil has applied to host the competition, but the arrangements are not yet firm. It was decided to postpone the final decision until the next Congress Meeting. The next Congress meeting will be held October 15th 2010 in conjunction with the IVth World Cup competition in Las Vegas (U.S.A.).

The President reported to Congress about what has been achieved since the last Congress meeting. Highlights included: Ÿ The ITF now has 83 country members, and many others have expressed interest in joining. Our objective for the next few years is to have one hundred countries. Ÿ The ITF has been officially recognized by the government of Vietnam. The ITF sent Mr. Marius Steckiewiez, 6th dan, to Vietnam to work full-time teaching and to help them to upgrade their techniques. In October equivalency exams were held and 75 candidates passed, notably 4 for 7th dan and 26 for 6th dan. Mr. Steckiewiez will be continuing his work in Vietnam in 2010, and our experience in Vietnam will serve as a model for development in other countries. Ÿ We are currently working on official rules of protocol for the ITF. The initial consultation has been completed. The second draft document will be sent out soon to Black Belts 8th dan and higher for their comments and suggestions. Eventually, the rules of protocol will be presented to the Board of Directors for approval. Ÿ In the last six years 48 International Instructors Courses have been offered in countries around the globe, for a total of more than 6,000 participants. Ÿ The Code of Ethics for instructors elaborated by the ITF Ethics and Discipline Committee, approved by the ITF Board of Directors. Ÿ The document ‘’Inspire the world’’ out line by the ITF Development Committee providing the vision for the development of the ITF. Ÿ We have continued to introduce new services. The program for teaching the Do is complete and we will be moving on to implementation. The working group led by Grandmaster Pablo Trajtenberg has prepared a new children’s program and presented it to the Board of Directors.

Over the past two years, the I.T.F. team has continued to make steady progress on the Strategic Objectives identified when the team was elected at the 2007 Congress Meeting. (To view the list of Strategic Objectives, go to http://tkd-itf.org/pub_web/ver_eng/bd-sc.html#obe). Source of information: Office of the President Quebec (Canada), December 10th, 2009

For two days, we were going to experience something special and unlike anything that would come around again. A once in a lifetime opportunity to train with the most experienced Taekwon-Do martial artist in the world First Grand Master Rhee Ki Ha. It all started within a vast gymnasium at the Curtin Stadium, Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Western Australia at 8.45am on Wednesday, the 2nd of December 2009. Close to around 130 people from different backgrounds and Taekwon-Do training clubs from as far as Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Wagga, Singapore and the UK, assembled in the immense space to endure something unique. Everyone from white to 8th degree black belt waited eagerly with excitement for him. We waited and waited. Finally the time came and with looks of much admiration and inspiration, the legendary First Grand Master Rhee Ki Ha and his son, Master Andrew Rhee appeared, walking briskly into the gym, looking very agile and lively for his age. Everyone applauded. They have travelled 15,000 KM from Glasgow to Perth, Western Australia to teach us to be better Martial Artists. As soon as FGM Rhee made his introductory speech, we all went straight into warming up with Master Andrew Rhee 7th Degree. Subsequently, we performed the simple 4 directional punch, block and kick sequences, the Chon-ji pattern and had various drills with our partners. FGM Rhee stopped us at certain times to explain the reasons for why we do the blocks, strikes and kicks that we do. He explained the concepts of obverse and reverse, outward and inward movements including the various correct stances with intense focus and concentration. Following the 2 hour lunch break, we all were back into the intensive training session, focusing on the I.T.F. patterns and its techniques.

Every single movement was being constantly monitored by FGM Rhee. Every time we wouldn’t do a certain movement with correct technique or effort he made us do it again and again until we did it right! Day two of the seminar brought many Taekwondo members excitement but also aching muscles from the first day of the training course. Everyone however were eager to get started and with another Master Andrew Rhee warm up, we were executing the basic movements like punching and blocking, focusing on Choong-moo pattern till perfection and getting involved in drills which comprise of doing two to three kicks in the air at the same time and also the ever so fun 360 degree kick. FGM Rhee also informed us about the body positioning whenever you are in an L, walking or fixed stance (quarter, half, full) and also the importance of balance and pivoting! He also explained the practical aspects of Step sparring which is vital in practical and effective self defence. This exceptional training seminar ended with the presentation of certificates and many thanks and photos towards the end of the day. FGM Rhee was very humorous and witty at times which made the seminar very interesting and lifting. He is also a perfectionist and has dedicated his whole life to Taekwon-Do and wants to share his commitment, passion and immense knowledge to others worldwide. We have benefited immensely from this seminar and has inspired us all to improve our techniques and become better Martial Artists like GM Rhee.

r u Yo April 03rd USA OPEN T.K.D. Sunday, March 07, 2010 at 08:00AM CHAMPIONSHIP SOUTH EAST U.K.-L.T.S.I. / I.T.F. OPENS in North Carolina by Master Vega Closing date: Sunday, February 21, 2010 Friday, April 09, 2010 at 09:00AM at 08:00AM. www.ltsi-tournaments.co.uk www.itftkd.org —----------------------------------------------------—----------------------------------------------------Monday, March 08, 2010 at 09:00AM ITF UMPIRES COURSE BY April 10th MASTER ALBERTO KATZ International Gen.Choi’s Cup ITF, Grand Master Trân Triêu Quân —--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------in Toronto by GM Park Organizer: ITFNZ (Counties Manukau ReFriday, January 22, 2010 at 09:00AM www.itftkd.org gion) Contact: Master Paul McPhail INTERNATIONAL INSTRUCTORS —--------------------------------------------------pmcphail@itnz.org.nz www.itfnz.org.nz COURSE IN POLAND April 12th Grand Masters/ Lublin, POLAND ITF, Grand Master Trân —----------------------------------------------------Senior Masters Monday, March 08, 2010 at 09:00AM Triêu Quân Organizer: ITF, Polish TKD AsCONDUCTORS LICENSE SEMINAR INTERNATIONAL INSTRUCTORS sociation info@pztkd.lublin.pl in Beijing, China COURSE IN MALAYSIA www.tkd-itf.org ITF, Grand Master Trân Triêu Quân Host: www.itftkd.org —----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Independent Martial Arts Academy —---------------------------------------------------Malaysia Organizer: Master Ridzwan Abu 52nd INTERNATIONAL INSTRUCTORS 3rd International Hassan: dwen-itf@hotmail.co.uk COURSE (IIC) I.T.F. Mediterranean Open 2010 Organizer: Mr Muhammad Naim: American Taekwon-Do Federation 30th January 2010 to 31st January 2010 mohdnaim_itf@yahoo.com Settimo S.Pietro (Ca) - Sardegna - Italy International) Master Fred Akard: —------------------------------------------------------------Friday, February 12, 2010 at 09:00AM AkardTKD@comcast.net deadline 11th INTA International Open tkdsardegna@tiscali.it March 01, 2010 Contact: Arlene Dublin, Ireland.dave. elson@inta.ie www.tkdsardegna.bogsport.com Gimple (303) 994-8445 Contact: www.inta.ie _____________________________________ Master Fred Akard —-----------------------------------------------------4th Open Brabant AkardTKD@comcast.ne International Instructors Course in 2010 Championships Malaysia February 7th 2010, Heeze, Netherlands Penang, Malaysia, dwen-itf@hotmail.co.uk, —--------------------------------------------------willyvandemortel@onsbrabantnet.nl Friday, May 07, 2010 at 09:00AM mohdnaim_itf@yahoo.com —------------------------------------------------------ —-----------------------------------------------------SEMINAR & INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT Seminar in Montreal, Quebec (Chang Ung) I.T.F. EUROPEANS Master's Class Technical Seminar I.T.F. February 20th 2010, conducted by 10th - 14th March Italy Barletta Sanctioned event, GM Choi Jung Hwa The S.Master Phap Lu and organized by Master anto.nobilo@zg.t-com.hr seminar will end with an I.T.F. black belt Alain Dumaine www.itfitalia.it/euro2010 exam conducted by President Choi, Jung www.itftkd.org —-----------------------------------------------------Hwa on May 7, 2009 followed by an —----------------------------------------------------Sunday, March 21, 2010 at 09:00AM International Tournament the next day. CZECH OPEN 2010 I.T.F. ARAGON III CHAMPIONSHIPS Grand Master Choi will be the guest of ITF, Professor CHANG Ung Organised by Contact: Manuel Serrano Sanz Nº3. Ppral honour for the International Tournament. Czech Taekwon-Do ITF Federation Izq. 50009. Zaragoza. España E-mail: Contact itfcroatia@gmail.com Application Deadline 12:00 AM, MONDAY itfaragon@hotmail.com February 01, 2010 Tournament Director: christianoriolani@hotmail.com Visit site for —----------------------------------------------------Sona Weigertova +420 774 804 901 the invitation and more information U.K.T.A. Scottish Open Championships Umpire Chairman: Rostislav Kanka +420 www.itfaragon.com Saturday 17th April 2010 602 409 399 czechopen@taekwondo.cz —-----------------------------------------------------Bellahouston Leisure Centre, Glasgow www.taekwondo.cz I.T.F. 2010 CARIBBEAN www.ukta.com —----------------------------------------------------CHAMPIONSHIPS —----------------------------------------------------Saturday, March 06, 2010 at 09:00AM Spring of 2010 St. Michaels, Barbados. 5th AZIAN ITF CHANG UNG INTERNATIONAL INSTRUCTORS Hosted by Master Augustus Mitchell, I.T.F CHAMPIONSHIPS COURSE IN NEW ZEALAND Executive Board Member. For more 24th -28th April 2010 ITF, Grand Master Trân Triêu Quân information visit: Asian Taekwon-do ITF Federation Organizer: ITFNZ (Counties Manukau www.ectataekwondo.com or E-mail:tkdkorea@co.chesin.com Region) Master Paul McPhail, Master www.itftkd.org or www.ptc-itf.com Affiliated to International Taekwon-do Mahesh Bhana, Mr Kane Raukura, Mrs Federation E-mail: riyongson@itfhq.org Natasha Iotua. www.itfnz.org.nz www.kaz-itf.com Thursday, January 07, 2010 at 09:00AM INTERNATIONAL INSTRUCTORS COURSE IN POLAND Heeze, Netherlands ITF, Grand Master Trân Triêu Quân Organizer: Master Villy van de Mortel willyvandemortel@onsbrabantnet.nl www.tkd-itf.org

r u Yo I.T.U.K. / I.T.F. DERBY OPENS 11/04/2010

This tournament which will be run in conjunction with the U.K.T.U. The event will offer five professionally matted rings. Further details can be found www.masterharrystaekwondo.com —----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

U.K.T.A. Welsh Open Championships Sunday 16th May 2010 UWIC, Cymcoed Road, Cardiff, CF23 6XD www.ukta.com

—---------------------------------------------June 12th INTERCONTINENTAL CUP in Ottawa, Canada by S. Master Phap Lu

U.K.T.A. English Open Championships – Saturday 25th September 2010 K2 Crawley, Pease Pottage Hill, Crawley, RH11 9BQ www.ukta.com —---------------------------------------------------

The U.K.T.U. are proud to announce they will be running their first ever U.K. Open on 10th October 2010 Details: www.ltsi-tournaments.co.uk —----------------------------------------------------U.K.T.A. U.K. Open Championships Sunday 7th November UWIC, Cymcoed Road, Cardiff, CF23 6XD WWW.UKTA.COM



—------------------------------------------------Grand Master Choi’s I.T.F. announces next World Championships. It is with a great pleasure to announce that the 2010 (IX Junior and XV Senior) World Championships in Taekwon-Do I.T.F. will be held in Chungcheongbuk-Do (Cheongju), Republic of Korea between July 4 - 8th 2010. Details on their web: www.itf-administration.comrsday October 14, 2010 at 09:00AM

—---------------------------------------------U.K.T.A. London Open Championships – Sunday 18th July 2010 Guildford Spectrum, Parkway, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 1UP

(Not all events have dates supplied)

—---------------------------------------------------4th I.T.F. WORLD CUP IN LAS VEGAS ITF sanctioned event, Grand Master Trân Triêu Quân Contact: info@itfwclasvegas2010.org or portelance.m@itfwclasvegas2010.org www.itfwclasvegas2010.org —-----------------------------------------------------------

U.K.T.U. 1ST ANNUAL I.T.F. TRAINING DAY 2010 Train for 7 hours with Masters / World Champions and many high ranking I.T.F. coaches - date T.B.A. www.the-uktu.com


—---------------------------------------------INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT August 2010 Buenos Aires, Argentina For more information visit: www.ptc-itf.com

GENERAL CHOI HONG HI MEMORIAL CUP INTERNATIONAL April 2010 Toronto, Canada. Hosted by Grandmaster Park Jong Soo, one of Gen. Choi’s most beloved students, in the city of Gen. Choi’s adopted homeland. Grandmaster Park is the 4th person promoted to 9th degree by Gen. Choi. This International memorial tournament will be held in conjunction with the 55th year birthday of Taekwon-Do. For more information visit: www.itftkd.org /www.jongpark.com

—–––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I.T.F. TOURNAMENT & SEMINAR

May 2010 Elizabeth City, North Carolina, U.S.A. Hosted by Master Orlando Vega, Chairman of the U.S. Taekwon-Do Council For more information visit: www.osckmaitf.com www.ptc-itf.com —---------------------------------------------------

INTERCONTINENTAL CUP TOURNAMENT & MASTERS SEMINAR June 2010 Ottawa, Canada Friday 6-8pm. Masters training followed by special dinner for the Masters. Saturday Competition followed by special banquet for all. Sunday morning colour belt seminar, afternoon 1st 6th Dan Black Belt seminar. Hosted by Master Phap Lu, Secretary General of the I.T.F. For more information visit:

www.lustaekwondo.com or www.itftkd.org —----------------------------------------------


Friday, September 03, 2010 at 09:00AM INTERNATIONAL INSTRUCTORS COURSE ITF, Grand Master Trân Triêu Quân Organizer: ITF, Hungarian ITF Taekwon-do Federation Contact: Miss Edina Enzsel +36-70-2222 477 IICHungary@gmail.com www.taekwon-do.hu

(Not all events have dates supplied) —-----------------------------------------------------------

Add your event to our site and we will add it to this page automatically. Don’t be left out in the cold...

SOUTH AMERICAN I.T.F. CHAMPIONSHIPS 2010 Columbia For more information visit: www.ptc-itf.com —---------------------------------------------------

Club & Web Directory Did you know if you join our site, you can list your association FREE in our magazine and on our website

South East Region ––––––––-––--–-—––--—-–-–-—--—-—–—–-–-–-–-––-—-—-––––—–––––––––––––––

ST. ALBANS I.T.F. / U.K.-L.T.S.I. Tel: 01727 827624 ltsi1@btinternet.com www.uk-ltsi.com —–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LONDON COLNEY I.T.F. / U.K.-L.T.S.I. Tel: 01727 827624 ltsi1@btinternet.com www.uk-ltsi.com —–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– HEMEL HEMPSTEAD I.T.F / U.K.-L.T.S.I. Tel: 07878 987824 www.uk-ltsi.com

_________________________ Midlands Region –—––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LINCOLN I.T.F. / U.K.-L.T.S.I.

Tel: 07712 871608 www.uk-ltsi.com —–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– GRANTHAM I.T.F. / U.K.-L.T.S.I.

I.T.F. Website Directories *www.itftkd.org *www.tkd-Itf.org *www.Itf-administration.com *www.ictf.info *www.unified-itf.com

UK I.T.F. Associations *www.the-uktu.com (launches 01/01/09) *www.uk-ltsi.com *www.uctkd.co.uk *www.masterharrystaekwondo.com *www.ukta.com *www.masterhutchinson.co.uk *www.ukgt-online.com *www.taekwondo-uktd.co.uk *www.SpiritTKD.com *www.learn-tkd.com

Get your club news and events listed in this magazine now help us help the I.T.F. families membership get back together and leave the negative ones to their own devices. Change can only happen if we all agree to disagree and move on.

The name says it all

Tel: 07712 871608 www.uk-ltsi.com __________________________________ CROXTON KERRIAL I.T.F. / U.K.-L.T.S.I.

Tel: 07712 871608 www.uk-ltsi.com —–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEWARK / COLLINGHAM I.T.F.

Tel: 01522 694766 —–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DERBY I.T.F. / I.T.U.K.

Tel: 0115 946 1131 www.masterharrystaekwondo.com __________________________________ KENT I.T.F.

Tel: 0800 410 1840 www.uctkd.com —––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


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