Editors corner T.K.D. news round up History of T.K.D. - documentary style Martial Arts - the zone Master & Respect 10 Nutritional tips Isometric Exercise and Martial Arts Snow halts U.K. Economy Make your own breaker stand Is the Internet killing our clubs? Spectator behaviour NEW readers memories Becoming a great Martial Artist 타 Masters on change & much,much more
The on-line magazine
for all I.T.F. Families
Index of the magazine
Our Editors Chris
Page 1 Editors Corner Attention all I.T.F. association and
Page 2 I.T.F. News round up
club owners! Original I.T.F. invites
Pages 3, 4 &5 (World Exclusive) T.K.D. History
you to forward all articles and news.
- documentary style
Regardless of your affiliation, we
Page 6 Martial Arts in the zone
WILL publish them. We need I.T.F.
Page 7 Respect of the Masters
news, so let us help you get noticed.
Page 8 U.K.-L.T.S.I. Advertisement
being used to attack our magazine, but
Page 9 & 10 Nutrition Tips
2010 starts with possibly the worst news
Page 10 Master Vella Seminar (Advert)
ever - the Haiti earthquake struck and the
By Post or on CD
Page 11 Isometric Exercises
news broke that one of the I.T.F.’s
14 Collyer Road,
Page 12 Snow Halts U.K.
Grandmaster's is missing there. This is very
London Colney,
Page 13 New U.K. Union arrives
sad, but our prayers are with G.M. Trans
St. Albans,
Pages 14 &15 Make your own breaker stand
family at this stressful time.
Page 16 The Internet - is it killing our clubs?
Original I.T.F. welcomes two new Editors to
AL2 1PD.
Page 17 Behaviour of our spectators
the fold. Paul and Tracey are now working
Please note, we are unable to return
Page 18 Inside the I.T.F.’s
very hard for the magazine. The time has
any CD’s.
Page 19 Readers Memories
come to put the magazine on the map and
By E-Mail
Pages 20 & 21 Learning Do-San
deliver quality information like no other -
Page 22 Master on changes
well, this month, we have.
Pages 23 Readers Pictures
We also have a number of I.T.F. Seniors
To discuss advertisements, please
Pages 24 & 25 Global I.T.F.’s calendar
helping us by sending articles, so read on
call Chris on 01727 827624
Pages 26 Become a great Martial Artist
and enjoy.
Send all articles to:
Pages 27 How’s your knowledge
The Rights of Original-ITF
Pages 28 South East Opens 2010 (Advert)
Editor, Mr. Chris Snow and his editorial team. The magazine has no financial backing from any other parties, so all hours spent on it are at the editors
2009 was a tough year for us due to politics
As usual, we need your news and stories, so help us to help you. We do reserve the right
Pages 29 & 30 Historical Hapkido Course
to not print articles if they are proven to be
Pages 31 Club Directory and Links
false or political. Until April 14th (issue
Original I.T.F. is a FREE on-line magazine independently run by Excel-Publications Senior
2010 is here!
seven), stay safe and enjoy your training.
Original-ITF Team
own expense. All contributions sent to the magazine for publication cannot be checked, but we will try and verify that the news is from a valid I.T.F. source. This magazine may not be reproduced, reprinted or sold and remains the property of Original-I.T.F. Where pictures from I.T.F. sites are used to enhance news items, they remain the sole property of the site named by the articles. All content within this magazine cannot be copied, but the magazine can be placed on all public I.T.F. Tae Kwon Do web sites by embedding it directly from http://issuu.com/itforiginal
We extend our thanks to the following contributors: The I.T.F. Families & International Websites from Excel Webs picture database, I.T.F. Afghanistan, Serif International media, Stuart Smith, Jade Doran, Lauren Snow, Master Vitale, GM Kim Bok Man. Chris Snow, Paul Cain, Master Vitale, Roy Palmer, Shawn Lebrun, Master Vella, J.Richard Kirkam, Black Dragon T.K.D., Lloyd Irvine, Tracey Leonard and John Gordon All articles / reports that have been submitted by third parties are the creation of the Authors. The editors cannot be held accountable for the opinions expressed within them, as the articles are featured as received.
A place to announce all types of news concerning I.T.F. World economy affecting social U.K.-L.T.S.I. & S.T.A. Activities, including Martial Arts. Two groups based in the U.K. recently joined the I.T.F. under Mr. Chang Ung. The U.K.-L.T.S.I. and S.T.A., who were with the I.T.F.-C group from 2004, decided to rejoin what many claim is the Authentic I.T.F. Growing concern for I.T.F. Vienna President. It has now been over three weeks since the Haiti earthquake. News broke shortly after that one of the I.T.F.'s serving presidents from the I.T.F. Vienna group was on business in the country at the time of the incident and, to date, there has been NO news on his safe return posted on the site.
Many Instructors in Tae Kwon Do are reporting membership decreasing by up to 40%. As most know, January and February are normally the activities pick up season but, due to the credit crunch, new members are scarce - those that do attend first time lessons are not willing to part with their money as in previous months, so bigger and better offers are having to be offered. Some Martial Arts organisations are reporting that classes are being shut down (especially part time classes) as venues are still charging high costs, despite the downturn. According to I.T.F. Taekwondo Instructor Course financial specialists across the U.K., hosted by I.T.F. Korea Association some local sports and activities clubs are was held in Daejon City, Korea. also having to be shut due to the ongoing problems in the economy. Many full time Sabum Seminar & I.T.F. Taekwondo coaches are saying they will just try and Instructor Course hosted by I.T.F. Korea do what they can to survive this hard Association was held at Donggu Youth period. Natural Training Centre in Daejon City, Korea with about 50 people from as far North Korea Lifts Restrictions on U.S. Tourists as Seoul, Inchon, Daegu and even Jeju North Korea has eased travel restrictions Island on 19-20 December 2009. on U.S. tourists, hoping to boost its The President of IETF Korea Association and Chairman of Finance & coffers and also improve the Marketing Committee, Mr. Wan Ryung cash-strapped country's image. Yoo, invited First Grand Master Rhee Ki U.S. citizens had previously only been Ha, Master Andrew Rhee 7th Degree, allowed access during the spectacular Instructor Park Chong Hyon (6th Dan) mass games, held last year in August and Instructor Hwang Su Il (6th Dan) for through October. Now, travellers from the this Seminar. Master Park and Master United States will be allowed to visit Hwang came from Japan. Info on this North Korea on official guided tours any can be found on http://www.itftkd.org time of the year. Magazine web site. The web site has been fully upgraded. The site releases weekly top articles NOT published in the magazine every Wednesday. Visit us at www.original-Itf.co.uk
But one tour company was not expecting an immediate flood of U.S. Tourists. "I can't see how there's going to be a massive increase in Americans, but we see it as a positive move regardless," said Nicholas Bonner, the founder of Koryo Tours, a Beijing-based outfit specializing in North Korean tours since 1992. Pyongyang's overture to the United States coincided with a request to discuss resuming tours with South Korea. Click link to read more. http://www.taekwondotimes.com/index.ph p?PAGE_ID=759
E. U. and U.K. laws document causes a stir! A live document uncovered on the BNNMA web site has sent many groups scrambling to keep it covered up through fear that their existing members may use the laws to their own advantage. The document exposes a law that means NO group in the U.K. or the E.U. can force groups to sign all members to one group, as it breaks the restrictive practice laws, according to the Sports Administrative. We asked a B.T.C. member group leader about our findings. This member said that if it breaks the group rules, it cannot count. We then asked a solicitor who informed us, in their opinion ‘If this law is in place as the document states, the restrictive practice law stands and overrides all groups rules, as it will be the law of the land’. You can view this document on our web site www.original-Itf.co.uk.
NEW I.T.F. passports rolled out across the globe.
The I.T.F.-N.K. group has launched an I.T.F. passport book. The book, which is identical to a passport, costs 25 Euros. Members that have these in place will gain a whacking discount from all I.T.F. official events and also will be able to list all events they attend either nationally or internationally. According to a U.K. I.T.F. official, if a member attends an I.T.F. seminar a bar code will be issued which will be stuck into the book as proof of attendance, cutting out any forgery attempts. The spokesman stated that the payment is a one off charge and, due to the vote going against it at congress to get all I.T.F. members on the scheme, a decision was taken that only 1st Kups and above will need these in place prior to promoting up. This looks like a similar scheme to that the I.T.F. C group use, only much better value as it is a one off payment.
The History of Tae Kwon Do – Documentary Style
Author: Master Vitale
GM Kim Bok Man (in the grey suit) speaking to the N.K officials in Lousiville, Kentucky at a demo stop on the 5 city U.S.A. Goodwill tour.
Filming for the first time ever in the T.K.D. Palace thanks to T.K.D. A rare photo of the special meeting room in the T.K.D. Palace
In this way, we can ensure that those who helped make possible what so many around the world do, can be credited. I for one think that is very important, because without them, we may not even be reading this story in this issue of Original-I.T.F. Magazine.
How does one document the often confusing and, at times, the very controversial history of Tae Kwon Do? Well how about making a feature length documentary film about it? In the 21st century, the way that many people come to get information is through the electronic media, often in the form of a documentary. This is exactly what LUV Films is doing, with not one film, but two. In fact the first film called TONG-IL is now in post production phase after 6 years of extensive work. What that means is that the hours and hours of original footage filmed, archival footage obtained and dozens of interviews conducted on camera is in the process of being edited to complete the movie that will be submitted to film festivals all around the world, for you, the audience, to see. Interested viewers can eventually go to http://www.LUVfilms.com to register for e-mail alerts. In addition, towards the end of February 2010, a brand new website http://www.TONG-ILmovie.com will be on line, complete with movie trailers and great production photos, with more information on these projects. A synopsis of the movie written by the film maker Luan Van Le is as follows: “
What I have tried to bring to these projects is my experience in the fighting arts that began in the early 1970s and Taekwon-Do in 1974. At that time, most called what we did Korean Karate, as back in “those days” that was what was popular and what we resembled. Tae Kwon Do has come a long way from its formative years. I was fortunate to have had a ring side seat for much of it. I became an international Instructor in 1987 and have travelled to more than 40 countries in the pursuit of Taekwon-Do. During this time I have attended events of both the International Taekwon-Do Federation (I.T.F.) and the World Taekwon-Do Federation (W.T.F.). ”. Some have come to know me via the articles I have written on Tae Kwon Do, often about the history of this wonderful martial art and sport. For the last 4 years I have worked hard to help this very worthwhile project. It is important to me that the history of Tae Kwon Do, often called the world’s most popular martial art and Olympic sport is told correctly.
Possibly what is more important in what I bring to these projects is my academic background in research. Having an earned Master of Arts degree, as well as 2 years in a doctoral program in pursuit of a PhD, where the classes I took were in advanced research methods, has helped me gain the analytical skills necessary to conduct the intensive research that sorting through the clouded history of Tae Kwon Do requires.
It was back in 1989 when Gen. Choi told me; now that we have had a U.S. team come to North Korea, we must now get a North Korean team to visit the U.S.A. It took some 18 years to realize this, as the relations between these two countries have often been difficult. I was proud to be part of the team effort that helped Grandmaster Jung and Gen. Choi realize this long held dream. I only wished that Gen. Choi would have lived to see it.
Additionally, the 24 years I spent with the New York State Troopers as a police supervisor combines well with my academic background. The majority of my career was spent on the streets of New York City conducting long term traditional organized crime (MAFIA), white collar crime and wanted person investigations in the Bureau of Criminal Investigation. When I was not on the streets, I oversaw the background investigations for any judges the Governor appointed, executive staff the Governor or Attorney General hired or any person who applied for any position with the State Police that resided in New York City. The classroom training I received “on the job”, including F.B.I. interview and interrogation school, combined well with the experience gained during my career. I hope that these skills will add to these projects in a meaningful way as the history of Tae Kwon Do has been clouded, shaded and distorted over the years by many people and for many reasons. Careful gathering and analyzing of information is needed to tell the story accurately. These projects will do this and finally what “really happened” will be know by all who watched these documentaries. I was fortunate to be the second American Taekwon-Do leader to go to North Korea when Gen. Choi asked me to lead the 15 person USA Team there in 1989 for the 13th World Festival of Youth and Students. It was reported that some 30,000 visitors from some 180 countries attended this gathering, the first time ever that the D.P.R. Korea opened its doors to the world on such a scale. One of my mentors, Grandmaster Charles E. Sereff was the first, when he accompanied General Choi Hong Hi there in 1980 when the I.T.F. introduced original Taekwon-Do to that part of Korea. The Taekwon-Do world knows the impact that monumental event had on the development and spread of original Taekwon-Do. Grandmaster Jung, born in a unified Korea before the division separated Korea into two halves, often states that he is not North Korean or South Korean, just Korean. Likewise he says that he is not I.T.F. or W.T.F., he is Tae Kwon Do. It is the desire of many Koreans to have their beloved homeland reunited. He has worked hard since 1992 to make it possible for a team from North Korea to tour the United States.
Please do not forget to go to http://www.LUVfilms.com to register for e-mail alerts. At press time, this website was scheduled to be updated, so please check back again if it is still off line. This process will be used solely for keeping you informed on the status of these projects and when they will premier in your area. The website http://www.TONGILmovie.com will be up and running by the end of February 2010. There, you can read director Luan Van Le’s complete project statement and much more. Feel free to e-mail me anytime at: TKD.research@yahoo.com. Comments, questions, information and feedback are most appreciated. Maybe you have something to contribute, so please don’t hesitate to contact me and visit these web sites for more up to date information. I would appreciate any relevant information that can be verified that would help make the history become clearer and more inclusive.
B.T.C. COURSE 2010
B.T.C. COURSE HELD IN DERBY, U.K. Members from the I.T.U.K. and U.K.-L.T.S.I. attended the British Tae Kwon Do Council Instructors course, held in Derby on 24th January 2010. The U.K.-L.T.S.I., who are affiliated to the I.T.U.K. (picture above), sent six members to qualify and pass all of the set requirements to teach children and adults in the U.K. 30 students / Instructors attended the course, which also included Criminal Records Bureau (C.R.B.) checks. All candidates were taken through a slide show by one of the I.T.U.K. senior Instructors - after this, Master Harry took to the floor to speak about the children’s practice laws. Once the course was finished, all got changed into doboks to take part in what was to be a small Instructors course to discuss different ways of teaching. The U.K.-L.T.S.I. who run a day course on Do-Jang management and teaching practice took part in the course to see if anything could assist them in future courses. After the course, all coaches and assistants got dressed and headed home.
Martial Arts and The Zone Author: Roy Palmer
On the occasions you delivered the perfect strike; blocked without the need to think or performed a near flawless kata, did it feel difficult? Or did you get the sense it happened by itself? The 'zone' is a place where athletes describe this sort of experience. Studies suggest it is a state of effortless merging of action and awareness. So what stops us from getting there? Factors such as stress or attempts to try harder can interfere. Often our efforts to train harder result in unnecessary muscular responses that prevent us reaching the effortless state of the zone. How you perform a technique and how much effort you use depends on how you have done it before. The process of repeating a technique many times lays down the pattern at a subconscious level until it can be executed with minimal thought. But can you be sure that what you have learnt is the most efficient? Try these two experiments.
Experiment 1 1. Fold your arms and look to see which hand is tucked. 2. Now reverse the pattern, fold them the opposite way. 3. Notice the difference and your reaction to it. The pattern in step 1 is your habitual 'folding the arms' programme that is activated without conscious thought and will feel familiar and comfortable. The pattern in step 2 requires some thought to achieve and will probably feel wrong, as this is different from your usual preference. This shows how strong the force of habit can be. Not only does it select the pattern of the movement in step 1 but also determines what feels right and wrong in relation to position and movement. There is nothing wrong with the pattern in step 2, but is it a move you would choose to do automatically? Probably not, because you will only perform movements that feel right. However, when you do what feels right you engage habitual movement patterns; those performed often enough to establish the habit.
Experiment 2 1. Sit on a chair and get ready to stand up. 2. Before you move, observe what preparations you want to make. Do you hold your breath? Do you push forward with the lower back and raise the chest? Do the muscles in your neck stiffen and pull back the head? Do you feel the need to push with your hands on your legs? Spend a little time to study this before attempting the next step. 3. Now try to stand up from the chair without doing what you have just noted (it may be necessary to ask someone to observe your actions to give you feedback). How far can you execute the move before one, or all of these patterns appear? To successfully execute the last step can be difficult because the usual preparations you make are a part of your habitual 'getting out of a chair' program and are ready to go before you even begin to move. You would not attempt to start the move until the familiar conditions such as the sensation of muscle tension associated with the act are present. From a mechanical point of view, the common actions mentioned in the second step actually reduce the efficiency of the movement. If your preparation and subsequent actions for this exercise are unnecessary, why do you do them? Do the techniques of your martial art contain inefficient movements? Do they feel right because they are good or purely because they are a comfortable habit?
It is my belief that our natural state is to be in the zone. Diligent practice of the martial arts can help us to experience this shift of consciousness. The zone is an altered state where things can happen with little or no perceived effort. In these moments our response appears to precede conscious thought and is executed near to perfection; right timing, right effort and entirely appropriate to the situation. I am sure we have all experienced moments like this. For example, in one competition I scored ippon with a jodan mawashi geri to the side of my opponents exposed face. Afterwards my opponent congratulated me on my technique commenting he didn't see it coming, to which I could honestly reply, "Neither did I". I was only aware of the execution of the technique once my leg has started its recoil. Where had it come from? At some level my senses had registered the target, selected the most appropriate technique, fired it off, made the lightest of contact and started the recovery before I had become aware of it! This was probably my 'finest hour'. But how can we be capable of such remarkable feats one moment and be totally incompetent the next - I lost the next round and was appallingly slow. Whilst the patterns (techniques) residing at a subconscious level can be called upon with incredible speed and effectiveness, I believe this can only happen if we are in a balanced state. Another word for this is poise, this is not to be confused with posture. Poise is a state of totally appropriate activity, both at a muscular and 'mental' level. When we are in this state there is 'optimum integration of the postural reflexes, consciousness and appropriate use of learnt patterns'. That is, we can get out of the way and let the processes just happen. Nerves, tension and stress will interfere with this process if we allow ourselves to react negatively to these situations such as stiffening the neck, an action that will impede the balance reflexes. Likewise, over-confidence has a similar affect of preventing the unity of self and action as, in my view, it will reduce our level of alertness and state of readiness. The ego really should be left at the door of the dojo! So perhaps to heighten our chances of getting into the zone we need to focus on 'being in the moment'. Only by being consciously aware of the moment or 'the here and now' can we ensure inappropriate muscular activity is not present in our actions. This takes time and involves going back to some very basic movements (pre-martial art techniques) such as everyday simple activities and zazen to experience a stillness and awareness that will help in more demanding activities. Roy Palmer is a teacher of The Alexander Technique and has studied performance enhancement in sport for the last 10 years. In 2001 he published a book called 'The Performance Paradox: Challenging the conventional methods of sports training and exercise' and is currently working on a new project about The Zone. More information about his unique approach to training can be found at www.fitness-programs-for-life.com
RESPECT OF THE MASTERS When the founder of Tae Kwon Do passed away in 2002, the I.T.F. communities witnessed three I.T.F.’s emerge out of the original one. Still today, all three claim to be authentic and continue to make claims each is the original one - court cases for the rights of who is the ‘TRUE’ I.T.F. and who has rights to what have lead to more confusion amongst the members. Another thing now on the increase is the ever increasing loss of respect towards the Masters of the art and its seniors.
Masters are getting younger now, as more and more of the younger generation are staying in the art and attaining senior grades at the bare minimum age - this is not a problem, providing future generations continue keeping traditional values alive. After all we are learning a Martial Art which, according to the Oxford Dictionary means ‘Martial Arts are the traditional skills of fighting or defending yourself, such as judo and karate, which originated in Asian countries’. It seems more and more of the new generation will say “I am easy, call me by my first name”, but the negative side of adopting this practice is, in the long term, things will get worse. Let’s be fair, there are only a few allowing this practice but, still, these coaches are allowing for the art and its values to be lost.
Do you remember when you took up the art years ago? I do - it was back in January 1986. Our group did not have a Master - in fact, in those days, Masters were few and far beyond. A 4th Degree was seen as special as, again, there was not many of these. My first encounter of a Master was Master He Il Cho. To the hoards in attendance at that seminar, he was god his skill was second to none, but his ability to share and discuss was something we were in awe of. However, the time we all had with him was very short, as getting close to anyone in those days was near to impossible. My next Master I encountered was in 1991, so you can tell it was rare to see Masters as, in those days, they were elusive and seemed to serve different roles than they do now. We have seen many promotions and many are more than worthy of their grades - some may not have the real traits of a Master but, never the less, all students should respect this rank. It seems the Masters role has changed dramatically - the conception of what a Master is has changed now. In years gone by, the respect for these individuals holding this rank was that close to seen when one met royalty. Nowadays, students seem to be on first name terms with Masters and the understanding of etiquette seems to be on a downward slide. Traditional methods of coaching seem to be sacrificed as many Masters are still actively teaching at domestic classes. Many also feel now that Masters are in fear that if they do enforce traditional rules, their students will go elsewhere.
I have faced many criticism over the years for the way our group, the U.K.-L.T.S.I., dresses and our attitude when on official function - people feel we are too formal. We endeavour to instil (and I use that word freely) as our attitude is if you want to be in our group as a full member, you MUST follow the rules, dress by our code and act accordingly, as we see all our members are ambassadors for our organisation and the I.T.F. I have always said to my members “Please call me Chris when I meet you in public, but when you are at class or at tournaments etc., I am Mr .Snow”. However, many use this term even if I see them in public (including the parents!), but I personally will call them Mr., Mrs. or Sir etc. Masters should be humble. They should not use their power or position to take what they want, I agree, but they are the the ones sat on the pedestal which many of us go to for guidance and look at for inspiration. I also understand the concept of ‘respect has to be earned, not given’ but the first flaw in this statement is the Master will have done 30+ years in the art and has attained a grade many may never reach, so you should use the term of ‘Master’ even if you do not like the person he / she is. Respect is a two way street, I agree - the only point I make is, as Masters, you are in a position where your conduct has to be exemplary and you must make it natural in your own groups that all students understand seniors must have their titles used at all times. As students, we MUST respect the system of rank (the ‘pecking order’) - the fact is these individuals have given their lives to the art, so using the term of Mr. or Master should always be used, regardless. Editors Article: Chris Snow, 5th Degree I.T.F.
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Picture courtesy U.C.T.K.D.
Are you stuck in a place where you are not achieving what you want? Would you like to work with a group which is forward thinking and versatile with its approach on how to run your schools? If so, read on. We are looking for U.K. schools to join our movement and become part of a well respected group in the U.K. We are also interested in red or Black Belts that want to rejoin the I.T.F. and are interested in opening their first school and working on our NEW Instructors scholarship program.
Picture courtesy U.K.-L.T.S.I.
Why join us:
You must be willing to work as a team and be ready to learn one of the best syllabi in the U.K. today. You will gain full support from us, both on-line and off. You will be required to take part in monthly on-line meetings to discuss the development of your schools. If this is of interest to you, please e-mail our Head Office to discuss a meeting to see if we can work together. We need like minded coaches that want to make a stand against all the petty politics within the U.K. NO other group will offer the freedom we do. Ex members are always welcome to make an application to rejoin our movement.
WWW.UK-LTSI.COM TEL:01727 827624
You can virtually eat all the veggies you want and not worry too much about the calories. Also, veggies offer plenty of bulk and fiber, which can be helpful when processing a highprotein diet. 7. Eat fruit
Author: Shawn LeBrun No matter what your genetics are like, you still have to eat properly if you're going to reach the muscle building goals you set for yourself. Hard training is just the stimulus, in order for it pay off, you need to eat correctly.
Many bodybuilders are scared to eat fruit because of the sugar content. But fruit is an excellent source of fiber, carbs, antioxidants and other important nutrients. It's true, too much fruit can add to the sugar and calorie totals for the day, but you're fine by taking in 2 to 3 servings a day.
Here are 10 simple, easy-to-follow tips you can use in your daily eating that will help you build muscle and get the rock-hard physique you've always wanted. 1. Get enough protein Since protein is the main nutrient responsible for muscle growth, you want to take in at least 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight. So if you weigh 200 pounds, you need at least 200 grams of protein each day. Heavy, intense weight training usually requires an increase in protein consumption, so you may want to shoot for 1.5 grams per pound of body weight. 2. Get enough carbs Your body uses carbs for energy when training. If you don't eat enough carbs, your body will break down muscle tissue for fuel. This will stop your muscle building goals dead in their tracks. Taking in enough carbs during the day will help fuel your workouts and leave your muscle tissue alone. 3. Consume healthy fat Foods containing unsaturated fats, especially monounsaturated fats, are beneficial when trying to build muscle mass. Fish oils, olive oil, flax seed, borage, and CLA help in creating hormones that are used in the muscle building process. 4. Drink at least a gallon of water Water is essential for overall health and well being. Our bodies are made up mostly of water. Keeping it well hydrated helps everything from protein synthesis to digestion. It also helps with vitamin and mineral absorption. If you want your body to operate at its peak, you need to drink at least a gallon of water each day. 5. Get enough fiber
8. Use only proven supplements Most supplements simply do not work. So instead of trying to find the magic pill, stick with what's proven to work. Use protein, creatine, glutamine, essential fatty acids and multivitamins. If you work hard in the gym and eat right, supplements will help you. If you skip on the first 2, supplements are a waste of money. 9. Eat eggs and fish Fish is an excellent source of both protein and healthy fats for someone looking to build muscle. Fish like salmon and sardines are high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for muscle growth and recovery. Eggs are inexpensive, easy to cook, and can be used in many different ways to increase protein consumption. If you're on a low fat diet, stick with just the egg whites, but if you're trying to bulk up, use the yolks as well. 10. Eat 5 to 6 meals each day
Fiber is needed for your body to operate ideally. It helps in the digestion process. Try and get your fiber from complex carbs, fruits and vegetables.
Eating often throughout the day helps to provide your body with a steady stream of nutrients it needs to build muscle.
30 grams of fiber each day is the minimum amount you want to consume.
Also, eating smaller meals will help speed up your metabolism, so that your body uses the food as energy, not storing it as body fat.
6. Eat more vegetables Try to get at least 5 to 6 servings of veggies each day. Not only are veggies important for their nutrients like vitamins, but they offer a lot of food at a very low calorie total.
These 10 powerful nutrition tips are both easy to follow and very effective. The more of them you use each day, the more likely you are to build muscle mass. About the author: Learn more about eating and training to build muscle and get the body you've always wanted. Check out fitness trainer and natural bodybuilder Shawn Lebrun's proven muscle building programs: Shawn Lebrun's Muscle Building Programs
M Ma asstteerr TT.V Veelllla a TTa aeek kw wo on n--D Do oA Acca ad deem myy
Black Belt Seminar & Black Belt Grading Master T Vella 7th Degree st SSa attu urrd da ayy 1 1sstt M Ma ayy A Allb ba an nyy R Rd d SScch ho oo oll C Ca arrd diiffff C CF F2 24 43 3R RR R
Seminar 1.00-3.00 Grading 3.30 · Patterns: ITF Patterns & Techniques, Sine Wave, Stances · Self Defence : Release from grabs ,Practical Self Defence · Destruction: Correct form & technique
O Op peen n TTo oA AL LL LA Asssso occiia attiio on nss!! This 2 hour seminar is open to ALL Taekwon-Do Black/Red Belts and will cover the following aspects of ITF TKD : ITF Patterns, Sine Wave, Destruction & Set Sparring.
SSeem miin na arr C Co osstt;; £ £2 20 0
by J. Richard Kirkham
Lack of Muscular Bulk Development. Yes I know I listed it as an advantage, but some people want the bulk. Those of you interested in developing muscular strength without the normal increase in the size of muscular fibers as found with isokinetic and isotonic
For many part and full time Instructors, January is one of the main pick up times for new students taking part in Martial arts and fitness classes. However, January 2010 was to be remembered by many as the worst month in 15 years in the U.K., as bad weather coming from Russia was to disrupt the country and leave some counties with up to two foot of snow. Southern areas of England suffered with up to 15 cm of snow, resulting in many businesses facing huge losses, as most consumers stayed at home in the warm. Those that dared to venture out and travel found their cars sliding into other road users and buildings, resulting in high insurance claims. The big freeze hit Britain, as temperatures plummeted to minus 15 degrees for nearly three weeks. (force resistant range of motion exercises such as weight lifting) isometrics, possibly do to the lack of motion, is a solution. Increased High Blood Pressure during Isometrics That was the first thing I told you. So check with your doctor before engaging in any physical activity. Muscular Strength Improves at The Angle of Contraction Let's use the pressing hands example again. You're only improving muscular strength with your hands together. In order to improve muscular strength throughout your entire range of motion you will need to execute the isometric exercises at three different ranges of motion for the exercise.
Again just a part of the whole. You'll need to add some speed drills to your repertoire. Those who join my newsletter receive a free speed drills book.
Make sure you practice your techniques moving throughout your range of motion as well as your isometrics.
Obviously the disadvantages of isometric exercises are compensated for in my book and video. The advantages of the little used training method are definitely utilized. I firmly believe isometrics is an important part of anyone's training system with it's advantages for both strength and stability training.
Tae Kwon Do Instructors teaching in schools up and down the U.K. found their schools closed, resulting in loss of earnings - many also claimed if the grip did not loosen soon, they may face their schools closing. Those that did open their doors found that up to 80% of all students stayed away, due to roads being too icy or the snow being too deep to travel in. Instructors and Black Belts visiting the TKDSOURCE.COM reported in the forums their halls were extremely cold and were running with bare minimum of students. One full timer said ‘I travelled 30 miles to teach today and only one student bothered to attend - we have cancelled all classes until the weather improves’. Some full timers and community club owners said this is why every coach in our business should charge a flat rate for Tae Kwon Do on standing order per month - this way, if we turn up, we still are able to function, as NO refunds are given. Many parts of the UK thawed out as of the 15th January, but in some places like Wales and Northern parts of the U.K. were still experiencing bad weather in their local areas. Weather specialist have warned we may face more this February, as the ozone continues to diminish.
WWW.ORIGINAL-ITF.CO.UK News, views, photo galleries, forums and much, much more. Check in and meet like minded practitioners on-line today.
New U.K. Union ready and waiting for you! As you will recall, we announced in 2009 that a new Tae Kwon Do Union was being formed - the response from our readers shortly after was immense, to say the least. The U.K.T.U. was formed to assist smaller and large groups that were, or rather are, interested in working with like-minded practitioners from around the U.K. On the 1st January 2010, the group launched their site which can be found at www.uktu.co.uk or www.the-uktu.com
Shortly after, hundreds of e-mails were sent to the U.K.T.U. admin asking for information on how to join and what cost were involved. The U.K.T.U. reported they were not expecting the mad rush, so their constitution was not ready for general release. We can now confirm they have released some information to us which should clarify some costs and services that they are offering in coming months of
the 2010.
To join the U.K.T.U., it will cost clubs and groups looking for insurance and membership just £7 per member. This includes a U.K.T.U. licence and a membership and discount card. They also offer membership only, which cost £2 per person. The membership includes discounts to all events organised by the U.K.T.U. Clubs looking to affiliate to the B.T.C. can via one of the U.K.T.U. B.T.C. member groups. The group can provide indemnity, accident cover for Instructors and C.R.B. disclosures at a very competitive price. They also offer many other services and have future plans underway to make sure they become No. 1 in the U.K.
So far, the U.K.T.U. has four founding groups inside it the I.T.U.K., U.K.-L.T.S.I., U.C.T. and S.T.A. More information can be found on the U.K.T.U. web site, along with links to each groups personal site. A spokesperson for the U.K.T.U. said “The U.K.T.U. is a union for all groups. We can provide insurance and many other services but, more importantly, we will unite all Tae Kwon Do’ists under one umbrella and offer fairness and equal say. We are open to everyone”. We are not set up like the normal structures you often find in older groups, where one Master or Senior grade has all the say. Primarily we will run it on a business structure, but with the main aim of sponsoring the elite from all the groups inside it for International events. If our directors are travelling with the students, we will look after them and not ignore the fact they have incurred extra costs working for us, promoting our services. We are planning to hold examinations for independents, meaning that those who have not graded for many years will still be able to under our senior panel, which currently has an 8th Degree registered Examiner on it. The main enquiries we have faced so far is whether all I.T.F.’s will work together inside the U.K.T.U. - this is a positive thing, not an negative. The way we hope to bring all inside the U.K.T.U. together is that if you want to join I.T.F.-V, we would direct you to one of the member groups inside the U.K.T.U. We will set up a seeding table, meaning the elite will have to fight in the four events planned to be sponsored by us. Networking between smaller and bigger clubs or groups in the U.K.T.U. is immense, to say the least. All members keep their current identity with no pressures.
Looking at the big picture of the U.K.T.U., they mean Business! For anyone serious about freedom, this group looks set to deliver the bench mark of future U.K. Tae Kwon Do standards and operating procedures.
MAKE YOUR OWN BREAKER STAND... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
1 Sheet of 12mm thick Plywood 120cm x 60cm 1 Sheet of 6mm thick Plywood 120cm x 60cm 32ft of 3"x2" planed timber 4ft of 2"x1" rough sawn timber 2 x 1 metre lengths of M10 threaded rod 4 x 120mm long M10 Coach Bolts 12 x M10 Wing Nuts 12 x M10 Repair Washers1 Box of 2" long wood screws 1 Box of 1" long wood screws Wood Glue is also needed.
Step 1 Cut 2 pieces 30cm x 60cm, 2 pieces 28.8cm x 30cm, 2 pieces 28.8cm x 28.8cm, and 2 pieces 4cm x 30cm from the 12mm Plywood. Step 2 Cut 4 legs from the 3x2" timber (I made mine 120cm (4ft) long and they worked out great for me)
Step 3 Take the 2 30x60cm and the 4x30cm pieces, and glue together as shown below, and hold in place with the clamps. Once the glue is set secure with screws. Step 4 Take the 28.8x30cm pieces and carefully cut an arc in one end on the 28.8cm edge of both pieces.
Wood Saw Hacksaw Hammer Wide Wood Chisel Power Drill 10mm Drill Bit 2 x G Clamps Philips Screwdriver Sandpaper & Electric Sander
Step 5 Cut 4 pieces of the 2x1" timber to length so that they are 24mm shorter than the distance from the straight edge to the centre of the arc cut previously and attach to the top and bottom edges of the pieces from step 4, 12mm from the straight edge, with screws and glue.
Step 6 Next attach the pieces assembled in step 5 to those made in step 3 so that the steped parts are facing inwards. Step 7 Now fit the 28.8x28.8cm pieces to the front and back to complete the box as below picture 5
Step 8 Cut 1 piece 15cm x 30cm, 2 pieces 30cm x 5cm, and 2 pieces 30cm x 2.5cm from the 6mm thick plywood. Step 9 Draw a pencil line along the bottom of the box 5 cm from each long edge. Step10 Glue one of the 2.5 cm pieces from step 8 to the inside of each line, so you have a 15 cm gap between them. Then glue the 5 cm pieces on top of this to create a slot for your board support. Step 11 Secure the above pieces with screw, being careful that no points stick out through the surface on the other side, and slide the 15x30cm piece into the slot created in step 10.
MAKE YOUR OWN BREAKER STAND... You should now have a fairly sturdy box and 4 legs. At this stage the box can be tested on the floor by placing a board on it while it is facing upwards, and breaking with a downward kick etc... Step 12 Sand all the edges to remove any sharp corners or splinters, round the corners of the board support and "jaws"
The board support installed in the bottom should be a "loose" fit, and may require sanding and a little white grease to free it up. It is also long enough to hold 8-9 boards depending on thickness and weight!!! Making the Base Step 1 - Cut 2 pieces 120cm long from the 3x2" timber. Step 2 Lay the Box you made on its side and place 2 of the legs on top of it one on top of the other, and measure carefully the total width of the box and legs. Step 3 - Cut 4 pieces of the 3x2" timber to the length of the measurement in step 2 PLUS the width of your timber. Step 4 - Mark a line the exact width of your timber away from each and of the pieces you cut in step 1, and carefully cut with the saw half way through the timber on the lines. Step 5 - Repeat step 4 for the shorter lengths you made in step 3. Step 6 - Using the hammer and chisel carefully remove the end pieces from each length of timber in steps 4 and 5 to leave a step in each end. Step 7 - Measure 40cm from each end of the longer pieces and make a mark. Lay one end of a short piece centrally on this mark and draw 2 lines to mark the width of this piece. Repeat until all four have been marked out. Step 8 - Repeat the processes from step 4 and 6 to remove a recess for each of the pieces marked. Step 9 - Join all the pieces together with screws to create a frame as shown left.
Nearly there now!!! You should have a box, 4 legs and a base ready to put together. This is the hardest part to get right!!! Assembling the Board Holder Step 1 - First lay the base frame on the floor preferably flat and level!!! Take 2 legs and stand them inside, one at each end so that they meet at the top in the middle. Mark a line across the leg where it meets the base. Step 2 - Cut the bottom of the leg off parallel to the line you drew in step one, cutting from the corner so that you end up with an angled end. repeat for the other 3 legs. Step 3 - Place all the legs in position and drill a hole through the base and leg. Secure using the Coach Bolts and wing nuts as shown. (I numbered each one so they always go in the same place and will always fit)
Step 4 - Mark a point on the box exactly in the centre between the arc cutout and the rear edge. Step 5- An assistant is recommended for this part. Line up the mark made in step 4 with the point where the 2 leg meet and hold in position. Step 6 - Drill a hole through each leg and the box, 3cm from the top. Repeat this for each leg making sure that the box is kept parallel with the base at all times. Step 7- Cut one of the M10 threaded rods in half and one through each set of holes all the way through the legs and box. Secure in place with repair washer and wing nut on each end. Step 8- Repeat step 6 & 7 further down the leg approx. 3cm from the bottom of the box.
You now should have a fully assembled and ready for use Breaking Board Holder. Add a strap to hold boards and sand down any rough edges.
Is the Internet the modern day Martial Art club killer?
I am a web designer and Martial Arts coach part time. Since 1998, I have become more and more involved in web design, even going as far as taking a degree in professional web design (which I recently passed with a distinction). Since 1999, I have built good and bad sites for my clubs. I’m sorry to say, the early ones were badly designed and coded, like some you see nowadays built by unqualified designers - then again, I was not a qualified web designer, only an average guy making sites and hoping they worked well in the browser I was using. Now I work in CS 3 and Joomla 1.5 content management sites and I try to get all browsers to see my sites the way I want them, which is the standard for all designers nowadays. Web sites are a great tool for business, but for Martial Arts clubs I am increasingly doubting that they are any good! Why would you say this, I guess you are thinking, especially as I build sites for a living. Well, most MA sites are constructed with loads of content, which I truly believe is often leading to too much information. Coaches are placing too much information on them, resulting in less students attending the classes. This is a growing trend, as Instructors place too much information on their sites such as
executing kicks and patterns, resulting in many new students thinking they don’t need an Instructor as they can learn at home. Also, we should address the growing trend of students not wanting to learn one art nowadays but preferring to do MMA so, if we are producing teaching tools, they have no reason to attend a class. If you are to make these training aids, put them in restricted areas for members only. How can you make your web site work then, I hear you say. One thing to remember is your web site is like a leaflet - it needs enough to get the potential student interested, but don’t put too much info on it which could work against you.
This was an illegal practice and should never have been done. The Internet has been used for much good since it exploded into the public domain, but it has also damaged many people. Another increasing problem is contact details coaches are adding all their information and unscrupulous groups contact them, making false claims resulting in clubs leaving the said group as they have been offered better deals. These are often hollow offers in the end. A useful tip is only put a certain amount of info into the contacts page. All e-mails should go via your main groups Head Office, so you can source what is being said and eradicate this ever growing problem. Personally, I will not discuss anything with anyone in forums now, unless they use www.original-Itf.co.uk where we have moderators with good ethics who will not accept people attacking each other. If you want the best way to advertise, use Facebook. Build a page and link it to your web site - search Snows TKD to see an example (this is our Facebook page).
Many new students or their parents don’t want to see violence or flash stuff, as it may make them think they will never get to that level in a million years, or that is an aggressive art so they may run for the hills! Your video should contain everyday training sessions (beginners, intermediate and seniors) and focus on all aspects of the art. Also, don’t make the mistake of using your best students On a final note, there are sites which use too many remember, you need to demonstrate your club is for colours on their pages, scrolling text etc. and have all levels, not just the elite. NO clue of schemes or design or load times. Many It could also include a child talking about his reason sites do not put screen readers on their site, which is for starting martial arts, an adult saying why they an illegal practice. Other information like Head Office participate or some clips of the classes in action. address gets missed - if you are unlucky, you can Another reason why I think the Internet is killing M.A. face a £5000 fine for leaving this information out. You are forums. These cause many problems, as there should not put images of children or their names on sites, especially contact details. Never copy sites or are many ‘keyboard warriors’ on them. There are also those that twist articles you put on forums, as I content unless you have the rights to or if the author found out in December 2009 where a person cut and has left a copy left notice, meaning you can use the content. pasted parts of topics to make me look bad.
In the term 22nd – 24th January 2010, there was held 49th International Instructor Course in Warsaw (Poland). The course took place at a very difficult time for the I.T.F. It begun on the 9th day of tragic missing of our President, GM Tran Trieu Quan, during the earthquake in Haiti. Everyday, thoughts off all participants were with GM Tran Trieu Quan hoping for his safety and returning home.
Master Bos showing pic-shape kick
123 persons arrived to Warsaw to learn Taekwon-Do. There were representatives of 10 countries: Czech, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Russia, Scotland, Sweden, and Poland. The high standard of teaching was provided by GM Hector Marano IXth Degree, GM Pablo Trajtenberg, IXth Degree and Master Willem Jacob Bos, VIIIth Degree. Master Orello Ellis VIIIth Degree (Englad), Master Thomas Denis VIIth Degree (England), Master Mark Hutton VIIth Degree (Scotland), Master George Dosoo VIIth Degree (Scotland), Master Kenneth Wheatley VIIth Degree (Ireland), Master Tadeusz Loboda VIIth Degree (Poland), Master Jerzy Jedut VIIth Degree (Poland) and Master Zbigniew Bujak VIIth Degree (Poland) honoured the IIC with their presence. Only adults attended the IIC, 52 of them had IVth Degree and up, what made really high level of this IIC. After the IIC the grading for higher degrees took place. 6 persons got promotion. 2 persons got VIIth Degree, Master Swavek Dydiszko from Sweden and Master Janusz Gutkowski from Poland. Mr. Peter Logozar from Sweden got promotion for VIth Degree, Mr. Yuri Yershov from Latvia and Mr. Jakub Jegliński from Poland got Vth Degree, Mr. Armands Shaltenis got IVth Degree.
Performing Yong-Gae tul.
GM Marano
We wish to express our congratulations. All participants enjoyed IIC in Warsaw. All unanimous say that they learned a lot, and remembered many details. IIC in Poland should be organize more often in Poland. Master Tadeusz Loboda President of Poland Taekwon-do Federation Excellent, well done, back again, I learnt a lot, among others, were some comments from the participants in the IIC.
GM Trajtenberg correcting high side block
Sports are a social phenomenon and from time immemorial, the spectators are as important a part of the game as the players themselves. Sports have news value. It's a discussion point, it’s entertainment, it’s something to think about for the average working person, it helps them to unwind and it certainly creates patriotic feelings. Sport marketers know that extensive promotion can increase TV audience sizes and attendance at sports venues and the business aspect of sports takes over.
Here's an interesting example of fickle fan behavior. Grappler Bas Rutten is Dutch. His initial training is in the martial arts of Karate and Tae Kwon Do and later in Thai boxing. He became Dutch Champion, won just about everything, and had a huge adoring fan following. He however lost one match after a long spell of wins, and to his shocked surprise, fans turned their backs on him. After this incident, Bas decided never to play in Holland again.
Understand the Behavior of Spectators and Fans By loyd Irvin
Spectator behavior can unnerve players. Fans can be a blessing and fans can be a hindrance, too. Some fans get emotionally involvedtheir interest becomes intense and leads to crazy behavior. But, by and large every player secretly enjoys having fans, and fans add to a player's confidence levels. Fans make a sports professional feel valued. Teams always perform better on home turf, when are egged on by adoring fans. Let's take a look at spectator behavior and its implications. Ÿ Fans get caught up in the competitive aspects of the game and the excitement of for their chosen player. Ÿ For some, it is an escape from the daily humdrum of life and work/family pressures. Ÿ The need to identify with a winner creates the intense interest in a few key performers. Ÿ Spectators get into a state of exuberance when they go a sports event Ÿ They mean to fun and enjoy themselves. When they scream out their favorite player's name, for them it is all part of having fun and enjoying the moment. There is rarely any other ulterior motive involved. Ÿ When fans scream and shout out their favorite names, they are not consciously putting down any other player. Ÿ Spectators sometimes seem to taunt or heckle a player for mistakes and slip-ups. You have to learn to take it in stride. They just want to see a good game. Ÿ The sense of association that they create for themselves around lead performers is linked to their own identity and self-image. Ÿ They have a sense of heightened expectation from their favorite players. Fans expect more from the players they support and root for. Ÿ You have to go out there and do your best. If fans approve and enjoy your approach to Game, they will let you know of their appreciation by cheering you. Ÿ Fans choose their heroes for various reasons. Their choice revolves around perceptions and sometimes fantasies. For example, a fan might think
It is easy for you to get disheartened when fans keep yelling out an opponent's name more often than yours. Fans are an important and integral part of sports events, but they have a peripheral role in the overall scheme of things. What they think, say, or yell out should have no bearing on your performance and should be treated as amusing background noise. The point to remember is that their behavior is entirely personal and is based on the need to identify with someone who they perceive to be special. It's their personal choice; it's an individual thing. The game and your contribution to it are more important than concerning yourself with fan behavior. Given here is the case of three high-profile players. Each of them reacts quite differently to fans. Wrestling Champion A. J. Styles (Alan Jones) is always willing to sign autographs and take pictures with fans. Let's take a look at his views on fans: Athletics distance-running legend Haile Gebrselassie won a decisive victory at the Boston Indoor Games in early 2004 in the 3000-meter track event. The event attracted a sell out crowd of 4000 spectators. Though the crowd was delighted, Gebrselassie felt that he disappointed the crowd because he did not break the world record on that day. On the other hand, boxing legend Lennox Lewis remained aloof for much of his celebrated career, and this did not go down well with fans in America. He did not spend time prompting himself and his reclusive behavior is reported to have hurt his popularity. Tickets for matches were never sold out unless another well-known player was involved in the match. All these players have different approaches to fans. Styles feels fans are important and that they car when they come to his matches. Gebrselassie is concerned with pleasing spectators, while Lewis just wants to be left alone. The 2500 fans of NASCAR legend racer Dale Earnhardt Jr. were taken on a cruise, and every so often such events are planned for his fans. So, it's each to his or her ways. It's really up to you; whether you choose to take into account the views of fans and spectators. Pay attention to your fan following, or stay away from it all. The key issue is to play your game in line with your goals and objectives. Fans matter, but only in a superficial way. Your decisions and you’re career track are your own choice. About the author:
Fans can be fickle as well and shift their focus when new players enter the scene and make their mark in a sport.
A RE K UR HIN O T U T .F. .uk E O ! L T Y I.T f.co Y E it SA HA TH aln UR W WOUT rigi YO NO AB @o VE K in A m H ad
I am getting increasingly concerned about the I.T.F. I follow. I have I was shocked to learn about the Haiti travesty. As news was been watching and reading this magazine since day one and I beamed around the world on TV, we all witnessed some wonder why the senior editor has remained neutral and fair, horrifying images of just how nasty nature can be. despite him being accused by some in the same camp I am with On 16th January, the I.T.F. Vienna that he was indeed out to discredit I.T.F. This resulted in him and his group leaving them in October. I, for one, was looking forward group released a notice on their web to seeing him hit back and publish truths about those that have site asking members to give generously tried to discredit him, only to be disappointed.
to any of the charities raising money for the people of Haiti. This was a very Months later and the magazine has been wimpy in my opinion (no offence to Chris), no real juicy controversy. I like the magazine, nice gesture, but little did they they but you have got to start getting real and ask what needs to be know, two days later they would be asked. E-mails are not being printed here as they may offend or forced to post an article which be slanderous, but sorry you run a ‘Inside the I.T.F.'s section’, so confirmed that their own President please print the stuff sent in and stop holding back. Grand Master Tran was in the Well, I thought it was time to ask the questions many seem too Montana hotel heading to his room 10 damn scared to ask (will you print it ? I sure hope so). minutes before the earthquake struck Anyone with ears and eyes will have seen and heard things Haiti. Immediately, we saw social networks like happening in this I.T.F. - if you are concerned about things and Facebook set groups up trying desperately to keep hope alive you try and take things further (as we all have the right to do as - on the same day the news broke, the I.T.F. - NK group paying members into the said organisation), it seems to be the case no one is able to make contact with its president to talk first released a very heart warming letter asking its members to hand about concerns in the group. Even if we are Masters, we can put differences aside and pray for the safe return of Grand not even get access to him as it seems when we do make contact Master Tran. This move proved that the two main I.T.F. by e-mail or telephone call, it is diverted elsewhere or no one even groups still stand as one regardless, as both respect that the bothers to answer. politics will not divide in a crisis such as the one we have Now we see it has a service which arrived about six months back witnessed recently. that seems to have no Head who can be held accountable for unfair actions against others, as no one signs their communications. Many junior Instructors are talking and are unhappy with this situation as it continues to unfold.
Many like me have supported the I.T.F. and have done so through the years since the Generals passing, only to see our I.T.F. going off the rails, as no one seems to want to put their name to anything. Therefore, naturally, I will return the favour and do the same for this e-mail.
Thousands have lost their life to this tragedy and, no matter who you are, I am sure it has affected you in one way or another. Our Tae Kwon Do brother has found himself in simply the wrong place at the wrong time, but destiny has taken charge and now all of us stand united hoping and praying for the safe return of Grand Master Tran. We must pray for the family and loved ones of Grand Master Tran and all those that have lost their loved ones, as the pain we feel is nothing like they are experiencing. Our thoughts are with the families at this very testing time. : Tracey Leonard
Readers memories section Each issue, we are looking for your memories - whether funny, serious or just wacky, send them in and see if we can print them for you. We hope this section will be a huge hit! Here's one from Chris, our senior editor.
Road Rage In 1997, I was running a school in Hemel Hempstead. I was 23 years old and holding a 2nd Degree in Tae Kwon Do, so I was young and a freshman compared to our seniors. It was a summer evening around 5.45pm and I was on the way to the kids class which started at 6pm. I was very late, so I decided to take a shortcut down a lane. Like always, I was wearing my dobok, a black tracksuit top and my belt was hanging down (this is important to remember, yeah). I entered the lane and noticed loads of cars queuing - the lane had areas that you pulled in to, so when you pulled in, other cars could still get past (a real pain, especially when you are in a rush). A Vauxhall car driver let me pull into the lane and into the lay by, so they could drive past. I let them by and thought “Great, now it’s my turn”. I pulled out and start driving down the lane about 150 yards as I had the right of way, when this BMW that had pushed a few other cars off the road and jumped the queue pulls into the lane not letting me by, flashing his lights and bibbing his horn. I looked in the mirror and saw loads of other cars behind me - many cars are also pulling behind him now, so you can imagine this was a stressful time and I could not reverse. Two cars refusing to move - the huge guy is shaking his fist behind the wheel, looking like a strawberry from rage, spitting obscenities at his screen. He jumps out the car and I’m thinking “DAMN, this is going to get ugly” ! I jump out the car and walk towards him, intending to try and calm him down. The guys face almost went white with fear - he jumps back in his car and locks the door (I did not even twig at this point why!). He winds his window up leaving about 3 inches open, swearing out of the gap, saying he had right of way and I should move. I said “I ain’t moving, so we have a problem”. He called me a stupid person (or something like that!) and winds his window up, reversing his car out of the way so I can get through. I turn to walk back to the car and get an audience clapping at me (still unaware why). One guy said “Well done, Bruce Lee”. I suddenly realised I was in full uniform and it was this fact that made the gorilla suddenly change his mind to launch an attack. I must admit the guy was huge, so if he had had a go, I think it would have been me being bounced around like a ball! Then again, it was a hot day - maybe my ‘Bruce Lee moves’ would have put him down on that occasion :-)
1918 -2002 ‘His legacy continues through all of our efforts’
Welcome to our pattern helper section - every issue, we will publish the next pattern giving top tips to help you learn and understand it better. DO-SAN: The pseudonym (penname) of the patriot Ahn Chang Ho (1876 to 1938) who devoted his entire life to furthering the education of Korea and its independent movement.
Left walking stance High section outer forearm side block
Left walking stance Mid section Reverse Punch
Right Walking Stance Mid section Reverse Punch
Right walking stance - High section outer forearm side block
Left Walking Stance - High Section Back Fist Strike
Right Walking Stance - High Section Back Fist Strike
Left Walking Stance - High Section Outer Forearm Side Block
Left Walking Stance, Mid Section Wedging Block
Right Walking Stance Mid Section Reverse Punch
Right Walking Stance - High Section Outer Forearm Side Block
Left Walking Stance Mid Section Reverse Punch
Right Front Snap Kick -
Right Walking Stance Mid Section Obverse Punch
Right Walking Stance Mid Section Reverse Punch
Right Walking Stance, Mid Section Wedging Block
Come to attention
Right Walking Stance Mid Section Fingertip Thrust
Come to parallel ready.
Right L Stance - Mid Section Knife Hand Block
Left Front Snap Kick -
Left Walking Stance, Mid Section Obverse Punch
There are many mistakes made by 7th Kups at exams - these are the most common. 1. High Side Block too high 2.Wedging block too wide 3. Rising blocks, forearm not over head 4. Back foot not turned correctly 5. Knife Hand strike too low
Left Walking Stance, Mid Section Reverse Punch
Left Walking Stance - Outer Forearm Rising Block
Sitting Stance - Left Knifehand Side Strike
Right Walking Stance Outer Forearm Rising Block
Sitting Stance - Right Knifehand Side Strike
Come to parallel ready -
Masters on Change By John Gordon Here are some quotations regarding styles from three of the most influential martial artists in history:
“The art does not make the man. The man makes the art.” – Gichin Funakoshi “You limit a style by labeling it.” – Bruce Lee “The style serves the student. The student doesn’t serve the style.” – Joe Lewis Despite my roots in tae kwon do, my responsibility is to my students, not tae kwon do, kickboxing, Joe Lewis Fighting Systems, or any other source of information. My job is to create the best black belts possible in a school that authentically represents what I believe in. In large part, that responsibility is expressed through my curriculum. When Does a System Freeze? The history of the arts, however, is the tendency to freeze a curriculum and then resist any change or suggestion of change. I love Shotokan and know that the reason I did so well in forms division was my adaptation of the core elements of Shotokan, which is deeper balance and more powerful and crisp blocks and punches than my root system of tae kwon do.
We have the great system of Shotokan because of the work of Gichin Funakoshi. In fact, the genesis of Shotokan is in the massive change Funakoshi’s made to Okinawan karate. He radically changed the recipe book, yet for the most part the book has not changed since. It’s also entertaining to me to see modern Jeet Kune Do teachers argue over what is real JKD. If anyone didn’t want his system to freeze, it was Bruce Lee. He was way ahead of his time in his approach to creating a practical martial art that was not confined or restricted by history. Joe Lewis is someone who has continually updated his material. Recently we trained one-on-one for the first time in over a decade. He had me fire some of the excellent Joe Lewis Fighting Systems' combinations on the bag in my garage. He stopped me and started to show me how to throw a straight right hand. My mouth kind of dropped, my eyes got wide, and I shook my head in disbelief. He said, “What?” I said, “That is the exact opposite of what you taught me in the 80s!” He said, “What? I’m not supposed to evolve?” It was the perfect response. Here was a 60-year-old black belt who was in his fourth decade as a worldwide recognized pioneer and superstar, but in his mind, he is in his fourth decade of evolution. While I’m on the subject of Joe Lewis, let me also mention this. Joe is a very traditional martial artist. I am, too. We don’t express our traditions by holding on to techniques or rituals. We express them by making sure our students: execute with proper form, can defend themselves and develop the tenacity to never quit. John Graden Widely recognized as the man who revolutionized the martial arts industry, John Graden launched organizations such as NAPMA (National Association of Professional Martial Artists), ACMA (American Council on Martial Arts), and MATA (Martial Arts Teachers Association). You can visit his sites by accessing http://MartialArtsTeachers.com http://MartialArtsSchoolOwners.com
Our new readers pictures section is devoted to you, our readers. Each issue, we are looking for quality I.T.F. practitioner pictures with great scenic backgrounds or action shots, like the four in this issue. If your pictures are what we are looking for, they will appear on our new gallery at www.original-itf.co.uk and in the next issue. To get your pictures published, please ensure you follow these rules. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Make your shot appealing Demonstrate something with a wow factor Make sure you wear your I.T.F. suit Use proper techniques Submit photos 1 MB and high resolution Submit on time before next issue deadline Send to admin@original-itf.co.uk
Photos submitted by: All Afghanistan National Taekwon-do Association I.T.F. and St .Albans & Hemel Hempstead I.T.F.
r u Yo Seminar in Montreal, Quebec February 20th 2010, conducted by S.Master Phap Lu and organized by Master Alain Dumaine
www.itftkd.org —----------------------------------------------------CZECH OPEN 2010 ITF, Professor CHANG Ung Organised by Czech Taekwon-Do ITF Federation Application Deadline 12:00 AM, MONDAY February 01, 2010 Tournament Director: Sona Weigertova +420 774 804 901 Umpire Chairman: Rostislav Kanka +420 602 409 399 czechopen@taekwondo.cz www.taekwondo.cz —----------------------------------------------------Saturday, March 06, 2010 at 09:00AM INTERNATIONAL INSTRUCTORS COURSE IN NEW ZEALAND ITF, Grand Master Trân Triêu Quân Organizer: ITFNZ (Counties Manukau Region) Master Paul McPhail, Master Mahesh Bhana, Mr Kane Raukura, Mrs Natasha Iotua. www.itfnz.org.nz
Friday, May 07, 2010 at 09:00AM (Chang Ung) I.T.F. EUROPEANS SEMINAR & 10th - 14th March Italy Barletta INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT anto.nobilo@zg.t-com.hr Master's Class Technical Seminar I.T.F. www.itfitalia.it/euro2010 —------------------------------------------------------ Sanctioned event, GM Choi Jung Hwa The seminar will end with an I.T.F. black belt Sunday, March 21, 2010 at 09:00AM exam conducted by President Choi, Jung I.T.F. ARAGON III CHAMPIONSHIPS Hwa on May 7, 2009 followed by an Contact: Manuel Serrano Sanz Nº3. Ppral International Tournament the next day. Izq. 50009. Zaragoza. España E-mail: Grand Master Choi will be the guest of itfaragon@hotmail.com christianoriolani@hotmail.com Visit site for honour for the International Tournament. Contact itfcroatia@gmail.com the invitation and more information —----------------------------------------------------www.itfaragon.com —------------------------------------------------------ U.K.T.A. Scottish Open Championships Saturday 17th April 2010 I.T.F. 2010 CARIBBEAN Bellahouston Leisure Centre, Glasgow CHAMPIONSHIPS www.ukta.com Spring of 2010 St. Michaels, Barbados. —----------------------------------------------------Hosted by Master Augustus Mitchell, I.T.F 5th AZIAN ITF CHANG UNG Executive Board Member. For more CHAMPIONSHIPS information visit: 24th -28th April 2010 www.ectataekwondo.com or Asian Taekwon-do ITF Federation www.itftkd.org or www.ptc-itf.com E-mail:tkdkorea@co.chesin.com —----------------------------------------------------Affiliated to International Taekwon-do April 03rd USA OPEN T.K.D. Federation E-mail: riyongson@itfhq.org CHAMPIONSHIP www.kaz-itf.com in North Carolina by Master Vega Friday, April 09, 2010 at 09:00AM I.T.U.K. / I.T.F. DERBY OPENS www.itftkd.org 11/04/2010 —-----------------------------------------------------
Sunday, March 07, 2010 at 08:00AM SOUTH EAST U.K.-L.T.S.I. / I.T.F. OPENS Closing date: Sunday, February 21, 2010 at 08:00AM. www.ltsi-tournaments.co.uk April 10th —----------------------------------------------------International Gen.Choi’s Cup Monday, March 08, 2010 at 09:00AM in Toronto by GM Park ITF UMPIRES COURSE BY MASTER ALBERTO KATZ www.itftkd.org ITF, Grand Master Trân Triêu Quân —--------------------------------------------------Organizer: ITFNZ (Counties Manukau ReApril 12th Grand Masters/ gion) Contact: Master Paul McPhail Senior Masters pmcphail@itnz.org.nz www.itfnz.org.nz CONDUCTORS LICENSE SEMINAR —----------------------------------------------------in Beijing, China Monday, March 08, 2010 at 09:00AM www.itftkd.org INTERNATIONAL INSTRUCTORS —---------------------------------------------------COURSE IN MALAYSIA 52nd INTERNATIONAL INSTRUCTORS ITF, Grand Master Trân Triêu Quân Host: COURSE (IIC) Independent Martial Arts Academy American Taekwon-Do Federation Malaysia Organizer: Master Ridzwan Abu International) Master Fred Akard: Hassan: dwen-itf@hotmail.co.uk AkardTKD@comcast.net deadline Organizer: Mr Muhammad Naim: March 01, 2010 Contact: Arlene mohdnaim_itf@yahoo.com —-------------------------------------------------------------
11th INTA International Open Dublin, Ireland.dave. elson@inta.ie www.inta.ie —-----------------------------------------------------International Instructors Course in Malaysia Penang, Malaysia, dwen-itf@hotmail.co.uk, mohdnaim_itf@yahoo.com —-----------------------------------------------------
This tournament which will be run in conjunction with the U.K.T.U. The event will offer five professionally matted rings. Further details can be found www.masterharrystaekwondo.com —----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
U.K.T.A. Welsh Open Championships Sunday 16th May 2010 UWIC, Cymcoed Road, Cardiff, CF23 6XD www.ukta.com
—---------------------------------------------June 12th INTERCONTINENTAL CUP in Ottawa, Canada by S. Master Phap Lu www.itftkd.org
Gimple (303) 994-8445 Contact: Master Fred Akard AkardTKD@comcast.ne
It is with a great pleasure to announce that the 2010 (IX Junior and XV Senior) World Championships in Taekwon-Do I.T.F. will be held in Chungcheongbuk-Do (Cheongju), Republic of Korea between July 4 - 8th 2010. Details on their web: www.itf-administration.com
Grand Master Choi’s I.T.F. announces next World Championships.
r u Yo —---------------------------------------------U.K.T.A. London Open Championships – Sunday 18th July 2010 Guildford Spectrum, Parkway, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 1UP www.ukta.com
U.K.T.U. 1ST ANNUAL I.T.F. TRAINING DAY 2010 Train for 7 hours with Masters / World Champions and many high ranking I.T.F. coaches - date T.B.A. www.the-uktu.com
—---------------------------------------------INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT August 2010 Buenos Aires, Argentina For more information visit: www.ptc-itf.com —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Friday, September 03, 2010 at 09:00AM INTERNATIONAL INSTRUCTORS COURSE ITF, Grand Master Trân Triêu Quân Organizer: ITF, Hungarian ITF Taekwon-do Federation Contact: Miss Edina Enzsel +36-70-2222 477 IICHungary@gmail.com www.taekwon-do.hu —----------------------------------------------------U.K.T.A. English Open Championships – Saturday 25th September 2010 K2 Crawley, Pease Pottage Hill, Crawley, RH11 9BQ www.ukta.com —---------------------------------------------------
The U.K.T.U. are proud to announce they will be running their first ever U.K. Open on 10th October 2010 Details: www.ltsi-tournaments.co.uk —----------------------------------------------------U.K.T.A. U.K. Open Championships Sunday 7th November UWIC, Cymcoed Road, Cardiff, CF23 6XD WWW.UKTA.COM
(Not all events have dates supplied)
—---------------------------------------------------4th I.T.F. WORLD CUP IN LAS VEGAS ITF sanctioned event, Grand Master Trân Triêu Quân Contact: info@itfwclasvegas2010.org or portelance.m@itfwclasvegas2010.org www.itfwclasvegas2010.org
INTERCONTINENTAL CUP TOURNAMENT & MASTERS SEMINAR June 2010 Ottawa, Canada Friday 6-8pm. Masters training followed by special dinner for the Masters. Saturday Competition followed by special banquet for all. Sunday morning colour belt seminar, afternoon 1st 6th Dan Black Belt seminar. Hosted by Master Phap Lu, Secretary General of the I.T.F. For more information visit:
www.lustaekwondo.com or www.itftkd.org —----------------------------------------------
(Not all events have dates supplied) —-----------------------------------------------------------
GENERAL CHOI HONG HI MEMORIAL CUP INTERNATIONAL April 2010 Toronto, Canada. Hosted by Grandmaster Park Jong Soo, one of Gen. Choi’s most beloved students, in the city of Gen. Choi’s adopted homeland. Grandmaster Park is the 4th person promoted to 9th degree by Gen. Choi. This International memorial tournament will be held in conjunction with the 55th year birthday of Taekwon-Do. For more information visit: www.itftkd.org /www.jongpark.com
—–––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I.T.F. TOURNAMENT & SEMINAR
May 2010 Elizabeth City, North Carolina, U.S.A. Hosted by Master Orlando Vega, Chairman of the U.S. Taekwon-Do Council For more information visit: www.osckmaitf.com www.ptc-itf.com
Add your event to our site and we will add it to this page automatically. Don’t be left out in the cold...
SOUTH AMERICAN I.T.F. CHAMPIONSHIPS 2010 Columbia For more information visit: www.ptc-itf.com —--------------------------------------------------TOURNAMENT June 25 to July 01, 2011 2011 European Championships ITF Sanctioned event, GM Choi Jung Hwa Neptune Stadium Cork, Ireland Date to be confirmed, more information to be posted as received Contact Mrs. Patricia Dalton iutf@hotmail.com www.itf-administration.com —--------------------------------------------------TOURNAMENT August 01, 2012 ITF World Championship 2012 ITF Sanctioned event, GM Choi Jung Hwa Canada Date to be confirmed, more information to be posted as received Contact secgen@itf-administration.com www.itf-administration.com —---------------------------------------------------TOURNAMENT August 01, 2014 ITF World Championship 2014 ITF Sanctioned event, GM Choi Jung Hwa Rome, Italy Date to be confirmed, more information to be posted as received Contact secgen@itf-administration.com www.itf-administration.com
Become A Great Martial Artist... If you want to be a great martial artist, you must always work towards one primary objective: “Strive to be a better martial arts person and practitioner tomorrow than you are today.” As a Taekwon-Do student, you learn that you attain your black belt not only by progressing through the ranking system while developing good physical skills, but also by developing good character. A martial artist must have both attributes to be great. When you focus on being a better person and practitioner tomorrow than you are today, you remind yourself that there is always room for improvement. Like any other goal you set for yourself, you must have a plan of action to help you achieve your goals. It is then up to you to live by your plan and make any necessary adjustments to allow you to stick to it. We have created a sample “Plan of Action”for you to follow in your quest to be a great martial artist. Write each of these points down on a piece of paper and tape it to your bathroom mirror (or other location where you will see it every morning). This will give you an opportunity to review your plan each day, helping you to remain focused on being the best martial artist you can be.
Take Action 1. Attend Class Regularly The most challenging aspect of being a great Tae-Kwon Do student is to attend all of your classes. If life presents you with an obstacle, such as sickness or a weeks holiday, promise yourself that you will attend the first class the following week.
2. Become A Good Samaritan Life can keep us so busy that it is easy to forget about people in need. Make a commitment to help another person or organisation once a week. Maybe volunteer your time help someone in the class. Be a good listener to someone with a problem; help a fellow worker or student with a project; do a chore around the house without being asked. Even the smallest gesture goes a long way in demonstrating good character.
3. Practice At Home Class attendance will provide you with the information needed for your next rank. Home practice will help you solidify the techniques in your mind and better prepare you for the next class. Never let two days pass without doing martial arts either in class or at home.
4. Spread the Knowledge The Taekwon-Do is as popular as it is today because it is founded on the principles of learning and teaching. Teachers taught students, who became teachers, who spread the knowledge to even more students, and so on. Learning Taekwon-Do is one of the greatest gifts you can receive because it offers so many life changing benefits. As a martial artist, it is up to you to continue the tradition of spreading the knowledge by becoming an ITF Taekwon-Do advocate. Tell everyone what Taekwon-Do has done for you and can do for them. Becoming a great martial artist requires hard work and genuine caring for other people. Start today by taking action and you will experience even rewards of being a great martial artist and great person.
By Paul Cain IV
Reverse Turning Downward Front Rising Back Piercing Turning Flying Side Rising Side Piercing Checking
1 2 4 6 8 13
Vertical Reverse Hooking Twisting Crescent Front Snap Hooking
Grand Master Seong Ho Youn The instruc- tors course will be taught By Grandmaster Seong Ho Youn, techni- cal director and leader of the instructors course in Seoul, Korea.
All styles, of Hapkido as well as all Taekwondo instructors are welcome to attend this historic event. Included in this course will be: Standardized curriculum Traditional Hapkido weapons Emergency bone and joint alignment Basic Korean deep tissue massage Sports massage
Instructor Training Course Advanced Escorting techniques as taught at the Korean Police College
Join us March 26th, 27th, & 28th 2010, for the first annual INSTRUCTORS COURSE Contact Master Mike Byrd US Representative Tel: 912-660-9494 email: mikebyrd09@comcast.net
Demo Team Special Techniques Rank evaluations upon request Learn the standard order of techniques as taught in Korea. Come and learn an exciting addition to your programs or expand your existing knowledge!
THE FEDERATION OF KOREA HAPKIDO To whom it may concern, I would like to invite you to the first annual Instructors course for the Federation of Korea Hapkido held in the United States. This is a great opportunity to increase your knowledge of traditional Hapkido as taught through the Federation of Korea Hapkido. The instructors course will be taught by the technical director of the federation and is identical to the one taught in Korea. All are invited to join us for this historical first annual event. Taekwondo instructors are welcome as well. Add this exciting curriculum to your existing programs. Instructors consider sending an up and coming Black Belts . The Federation of Korea Hapkido is the governing body of Hapkido in Korea. It includes more than 50 K and is the leader in traditional Hapkido. The curriculum is the same as that taught to elite police and military forces around the world. This is the first time a fully sanctioned Instructors course will be held in the United States in beautiful historic Savannah Georgia. You will want to Be able to say you were there. Please see the enclosed flyer for a more detailed list of all that will be covered at the event
Sincerely Master Mike Byrd 7th Dan U S Representative
205 Johnny Mercer Blvd Savannah, GA 31410\ USA
(912) 898-0406 (912) 898-0406 mikebyrd09@comcast.net http://www.k-hapkido.org
Club & Web Directory Did you know if you join our site, you can list your association FREE in our magazine and on our website
South East Region ––––––––-––--–-—––--—-–-–-—--—-—–—–-–-–-–-––-—-—-––––—–––––––––––––––
ST. ALBANS I.T.F. / U.K.-L.T.S.I. Tel: 01727 827624 ltsi1@btinternet.com www.uk-ltsi.com —–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LONDON COLNEY I.T.F. / U.K.-L.T.S.I. Tel: 01727 827624 ltsi1@btinternet.com www.uk-ltsi.com —–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– HEMEL HEMPSTEAD I.T.F. / U.K.-L.T.S.I. Tel: 07878 987824 www.uk-ltsi.com —–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SLOUGH / READING Tel: 01189 070876 www.spirittkd.com
Midlands Region –—––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LINCOLN I.T.F. / U.K.-L.T.S.I.
Tel: 07712 871608
I.T.F. Website Directories *www.itftkd.org *www.tkd-Itf.org *www.Itf-administration.com *www.ictf.info *www.unified-itf.com
UK I.T.F. Associations *www.the-uktu.com *www.uk-ltsi.com *www.uctkd.co.uk *www.masterharrystaekwondo.com *www.ukta.com *www.masterhutchinson.co.uk *www.ukgt-online.com *www.taekwondo-uktd.co.uk *www.SpiritTKD.com *www.learn-tkd.com
Get your club news and events listed in this magazine now help us help the I.T.F. families membership get back together and leave the negative ones to their own devices. Change can only happen if we all agree to disagree and move on.
The name says it all
www.uk-ltsi.com —–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– GRANTHAM I.T.F. / U.K.-L.T.S.I.
Tel: 07712 871608 www.uk-ltsi.com __________________________________ CROXTON KERRIAL I.T.F. / U.K.-L.T.S.I.
Tel: 07712 871608 www.uk-ltsi.com —–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEWARK / COLLINGHAM I.T.F.
Tel: 01522 694766 —–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DERBY I.T.F. / I.T.U.K.
Tel: 0115 946 1131 www.masterharrystaekwondo.com __________________________________ KENT I.T.F.
Tel: 0800 410 1840 www.uctkd.com —––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
British Heart Foundation