CUA Newsletter 2 | October 2021

Page 35

October 2021

Meet the Vice Presidents for Research Dr Rick Officer, Vice President for Research and Innovation, GMIT Our summer meetings with the international panel drove home the importance of research as the defining transformative feature of the new TU. The panel recognised research as being crucial to effective education in the TU, to our relationships with enterprise, to our regional impact, and to our international reputation. This is extremely gratifying for the CUA research community. Together we’ve worked hard to improve our research performance, and its integration across all aspects of our mission. It is really exciting to now be poised ready to deliver on that ambition as a new TU. Rick represents GMIT on the CUA’s Research and Innovation Working Group. As Vice President for Research and Innovation Rick has responsibility for GMIT’s contract and postgraduate research provision, and its enterprise innovation hubs.He has extensive experience of competitively funded national and international research projects and programmes. Rick co-ordinated the development of CUA guidance on novel Master’s programmes designed in accordance with the TU designation criteria. He promulgated these designs through the CUA. Other CUA initiatives he has led include the: • CUA Research Collaboration Fund; • Joint supervision funding model; • Inter-institutional student transfer; • Joint conferences; • Postgraduate Researcher Training Programmes.



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