E-mobility to the rescue

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E-mobility to the rescue Creating an E-FORUM

About Us

We dare to do what others don’t

Welcome to Our Team A few years ago, Ivan Kristoff and his friends registered in Bulgaria a volunteer “Special Operations Services” – (S.O.S.) team. This non-profit organization initiated a series of tests with innovative technology and mobile computing in the air.

The main objective of the SOS urbanization is to enhance public safety through rescue and safety education, provide emergency response for SAR, introduce innovative concepts, and assist in accident assessment in inaccessible places. The primary function of the team is to minimize loss of life, injuries, and maximize rescue efficiency through innovation for work at heights.

S.O.S. team



About Our Idea

What can distinguish our rescue team will be in its unprecedented training and capability for aerial rescue

Gen. Boiko Borisov, Prime Minister of Bulgaria “What surprised me more, especially when I knew him (Ivan Kristoff) is that he is a very good diplomat… for sure we will make a similar unit and for sure we will make such a rescue team. And if we have an instructor like him, then it is certain that this team will be good.” On 31 May, 2008, Ivan Kristoff and his team of experts in IT communications, e-mobile computing and wireless telecommunications, conducted in real time the very first aerial video communication from a helicopter over Bulgaria. The project was commissioned under the patronage of the Mayor of Sofia, Gen. Boyko Borisov. The flight that took place over the City of Sofia and nearby the Vitosha mountain, was organized with the support of a government agency and volunteer Specialized Operations Services Team, located in Sofia.

S.O.S. team



About Our Idea

”This unit can be incorporated elements of Defense, Ministry of Interior, and others…”

Major General Zlatko Zlatev “The idea of ​Ivan Kristoff is extremely interesting, contemporary and relevant. We performed joint flights in all variants of descent from a helicopter in 2002 a joint crew of 24 airbase and man-spider Ivan Kristoff set two world records downhill and raise rope be frozen over 100 meters helicopter, the first of its kind. They are sanctioned Book of World Records "Guinness". I had the honor of practicing a new kind of descent from a helicopter "Cougar" which refracts imposed standards when working with a rope from the helicopter. These were the first steps to create a new methodology for building global standardization program for training of rescuers by helicopter. For future benefit of this program it is appropriate for it to be unified on the basis of international experience but apply to local destinations, heights and pitches to different types of helicopters…

S.O.S. team



Our Platform: ForBulgaria.com

Together We Are Stronger

Filming new web TV episodes In Bulgaria, we gave a few TV interviews for the creation of the S.O.S. team and filmed a few trailers for the upcoming new web TV Series for extreme training. In our new project #ForBulgaria, which the results of this project, if Supported by the Amerika for Bulgaria�� foundation can be presented at a subdomain Amerika.ForBulgaria.com. We chose the name of our #ForBulgara, because the syllable For ,is part of the world Foreigners and this is because foreigners in Bulgaria are welcome to join our team. Mansoor Alfeele, Emirati actor and film producer, who owns Starship.ae production company in Abu Dhabi will assist me in my filming in Dubaj and Bulgaria for the project. Here is some our latest TV exposure and media exposure: www.forbulgaria.com/press

S.O.S. team



Our Mission

Anywhere, Anytime at any conditions

IMPORTANT TEXT Write it here


Through our new initiatives, we will develop the next generation of leaders in multiple rope access disciplines, who exemplify excellence both in and outside the field of vertical operations. On of our focus will be on e-mobility, mobile computing, networking and intelligent systems for rope access and rescue, by organizing and participating in various project for vertical and aerial operations. That is why, we work collaboratively with various government and private organizations to make safer and more efficient air rescue a reality. Partners in our International Vertical Access Network. engage in information and education outreach, from collaborative partnerships with academia, industry and non-profit organizations in support of our mission.

S.O.S. team



Our Focus

We detect its potential to grow and change the vertical world of rescue

The future of high-rise emergency response We have a vision to constantly expand upon our knowledge base and explore the trends that could potentially affect the vertical world and rescue in the future. We are agile thanks to our long-term outlook and culture of embracing change. We bring experts together who have foresight and share views about what moves society. This is a vital part of our strategy to stay ahead. We believe in the forward-thinking attitude to improve on high-rise and aerial emergency response and develop new trends in the rescue, society and technology. That is why we want to show you face-to-face with leaders of change, such as engineers, pilots and renowned film directors. In our projects, along with others, we will show you what tomorrow may bring. We are pleased to have the opportunity to offer some insights and viewpoints of our upcoming project for filming rope access work at its extreme environment and new trends that can shape a safer future or rope rescue. It is our hope that this project will provide inspiration for our future discussions and contribution to innovation.

S.O.S. team

We can speed up the process and hopefully make it easier and cost effective for the way some rope access companies want to grow. As Ivan Krisroff says about this initiative:

"For the viewer, which is the general public we can introduce how an elite Rope Rescue team can be developed from Tabula rasa (as we say Ground Zero). It will cover the operations of rope access all over the globe, including: the high mountains and the depths of the Earth; three areas of operations Sea-Air-Land‌




We will test products and services at extreme speeds, heights and places reserved only for our partners

We invite you to be part of a project that can solve the problems for the biggest challenges in air rescue. The Rescue Lab is a state of the art rope access and rope rescue training facility. It is designed with high profile training experience in mind and for the purpose of developing new industry standard for vertical and aerial rescue training with elite instructors. Our goal is to teach the technique as well as the physics behind the technique so as to arm rope access technicians with a complete understanding of the reason behind the action. You will learn comprehensive knowledge of the full scope of techniques with an understanding of the strengths and boundaries of those techniques, with the decision making capabilities for quick evaluation in applying relevant techniques to real-life scenarios and with the foundation of knowing the “why” behind it all. We push the boundaries of what is accepted as the norm or the status quo, primarily in the vertical and aerial environment. Our avant-garde thinking is considered by some to be a hallmark of rope access at extreme heights, but make no mistake – we dare to think different and bold, because to fight effectively mother nature and hand made accidents – we go beyond the boundaries set by others. S.O.S. team


Our First Initiative

Presenting the concept for a Special Operations Service (S.O.S.) Team at the Military Medical Academy

Presenting the concept for e-mobility in the world of rescue In 2005, Ivan Kristoff and his friends registered the S.O.S. TEAM in Bulgaria. This is part of the Helping other nations project. From august 2007, the Highrise Emergency Aerial Response has become the Official Partner of the Bulgarian volunteer “Special Operations Services” – (S.O.S.) team. This non-profit organization initiated a series of test with innovative technology and mobile computing in the air. We want to create the ultimate rescuer. We want him to train with the most advanced technology and methodology. Our goals for the Rescuer of the Future center on two ideas: advancing human potential and promoting brave initiatives. We are starting with science and specialized training in extreme conditions— areas in which systemic barriers limit individual progress. We make long-term investments because important breakthroughs often take decades, or even centuries. In 1997, Ivan Kristoff tested his video broadcast equipment and communications during the First Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Appreciation Day over Lake Ontario in Canada and in 2012 over Dubai Helishow. “The Bulgarian who lives in Canada – Ivan Кristoff, aka the ‘Spiderman’, promote his new concept on altitude rescue operations of victims. It’s aimed at well-grounding of the establishment of an altitude rescue squad in Bulgaria, which should be trained to operate in specific situations – nature disasters, industrial accidents, fire outburst, or possible terrorist attacks. Brigadier Assoc. Professor Stoyan Tonev – Head of the Military-Medical Academy, hosted the meeting”: Bulgarian Army Newspaper Special thanks to our partners in this S.O.S project: Superhosting.bg, Eljoy Bikes, Dragomir Bikes and EVIC - Electric vehicles industrial cluster.

S.O.S. team

superhosting.forbulgaria.com | emic-bg.org | eljoybikes.com | velomania-bg.com


Нашата цел

Защо се създаде Спасителния спец. отряд

Специализиран отряд за спасяване ще представи ползите на е-мобилността и дронове е спасяването Сдружение “Специализиран отряд за спасяване”, известно като “Special Operations Services” – (S.O.S.) team, е обществена организация с не стопанска цел, която може да извършва екстремно спасяване в България. Спец отряда може да се осъществява обучения, тренировки и занимание по първа помощ, евакуация и оцеляване, първа до-лекарска помощ и въздушна евакуация на пострадали с е-мобилност.

Екстремно спасяване в България може да се осъществява от доброволческа организация с некомерсиална цел . В състава му влизат спасители със специални способности, които обучават доброволци. Това са технически подготвени и специално обучени лекари, пожарникари, алпинисти, парапланеристи, мотористи, пещерняци и др. хора с голям опит, които осъществяват тази хуманна дейност изпълнявайки безкористно една незастъпена от останалите български спасителни служби дейност.

S.O.S. team

Специализираният отряд е част от международна мрежа от организации, които работят и съвместно постигат резултати в сферата на вертикалните спасителни операции. Принос към спaсяването в България е, че успяхме да мотивираме аварийно-спасителни отряди и служби за побързо отреагиране при бедствия, аварии и катастрофи. Блaгодарение на “Спец. отряд за спасяване”, Министерството на извънредни ситуации закупи АТВта и предпазни облекла за оф-роуд. По инициатива на основателя на сдружението, Иван Кристоф, известен у нас като Човека Паяк, бе задействана процедурата за създаване/преорганизиране на на Отряд за Бързо реагиране към Военна Медицинска Болница. Съшо така, след представянето на идеята на Иван Кристоф да се създадат доброволчески спасителни отряди в България, бяха създадени подобни организации у нас. ivan.bg


Our Vision

We are trend setters

Няма значение колко е рисковано!

…допринася за развитието и усъвършенстването на стандарти в сферата на безопасността.

4 3


Ние се стремим към намиране на новаторски решения и побезопасни методики за вертикални и въздушни операции.


S.O.S. team

Нашият опит и ноу-хау на вертикални дейности в отдалечен достъп при екстремни условия…

Движещата сила на екипа на Иван Кристоф е не само да приключи бързо и ефективно нашите задачи, но също така и да помогнем на нашите професионални общности..



S.O.S. Team History

We are professional team


World Record 1997

We generated over $450,000 for charity in Toronto

2002 World Records Two new categories for “The Guinness Book of World Records” with the Air Force Tactical Unit In 1997, the Canadian aviator-rescuer Ivan Kristoff became the first man in the history of aviation to set a world record for the longest rappelling and ascending on a rope, supported by a flying helicopter, and still is to this day. He did it, in order to support the cause of his friends for the Emergency Services in Toronto.

2003 World’s First Our reputation is built over the years by completing the first exterior repair at 1725′ during winter extreme conditions and winds above 60km/h.. 12

World’s First 2004 The (H.E.A.R.T. is a nonprofit organization focused on extreme opps

2005 Switched call signs Our founder provided the very first special rope access services at high altitude for the world’s tallest building and free standing structure

From Highrise Emergency Aerial Response Team (H.E.A.R.T.) we switched Call Signs and.

World’s First 2007 FIRST AERIAL VIDEO SURVEILLANCE VIA 3G AND 4G A A project for aerial video monitoring was developed by Ivan Kristoff and experts in mobile computing and IT communications. Over a one year period they have worked together


… established a new volunteer organization, which we called “Special Operations Service” (S.O.S.) Team

Meet Our T.E.A.M.

Our new concept Two Emergency Air Men will be followed by Embedded Extreme Journalist

IVAN KRISTOFF Sea-Air-Land adventurer

LT. NIKO KAVALDJIEV Military pilot

NIKOLETA NIKOLOVA Scuba diver and rally pilot

“Living on the edge is what I do for a leaving – the higher you are, the longer you will live when you fall down”

“Everyone shapes his own destiny”

“Dead is unique experience for Ivan Kristoff”

S.O.S. team



Our Experience in the world of Extreme

We are a volunteer rescue team

Our Outdoor Activities Aviation sports Extreme sports Underwater sports

Caving and exploring

The team will join forces with some of the best professional, military and police pilots, to develop and implement new kinds of air rescue into a specialized training program and create a new High-altitude Emergency Response Team. It’s main mission will be to respond to high-altitude SAR around the world.

S.O.S. team



Our Experience in the world of E-xtreme



LAW ENFORCEMENT FLYING TO THE RESCUE Drones are flying to the rescue in the emergency response sector, helping police record and analyze crime scenes, and assisting search and rescue teams in identifying victims lost in the wilderness. Not only can a drone collect precise, detailed footage and data from the air, it can also help crews cut down on expenses, keep workers safe, and ultimately speed up efforts in a sector where every second counts S.O.S. team



Предимствата на е-коли в тренирането и спасяването

We are bonded ion the air

По-голяма безопасност при катастрофи На 25 август, миналия петък, точно когато тръгваме на зелен светофар със семейството ни и спортната ми кола, бяхме блъснати и завъртани на 210 градуса, от удар в предната лява страна на колата. Докато бях с малкия си син Иван на задната седалка и седалка а приятелката ми караше, бяхме ударени с голяма скорост странично и се завъртяхме като въртележка по хоризонтала на кръстопътното платно пред Мол София Център от колата на младеж, който преминава на червено и предполагаме, че е участвал в гонка, защото след сблъсъка, компаньонката му веднага се прекачи на втора кола и набързо потеглиха…

Jane Smith

Best Designer 2014

Имахме огромен късмет, че се бяхме забавили с няколко секунди, тъй като приятелката ми има навик да се оглежда, иначе ако ударът щеше да бъде точно където е резервоара…

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

S.O.S. team



Two Great Projects

We are professional team

#ForBulgaria project


Flight above the Rila Seven Lakes

Extreme in the air and under water

Aerial and remote access photographer, Ivan Kristoff, has placed the Bulgarian flag and insignia on top of the urban world and in the air during his helicopter and hot air balloon aerial rope access operations

"Живеем в един екстремен свят, в който някой си решил нещо и ти променя живота. Когато отидете на място, най-важното нещо е да останете живи, да се върнете“ Иван Кристоф, "България сутрин", Bulgaria ON AIR TV

S.O.S. team



Our Partners

Our Dubai Helishow History

Join the team

Proposal for partnership We invite to join us in a an exciting project where you can participate and have unique experience with us. The project is very bold, challenging, and has a lot of novelty not only for air safety and rescue, but also for marketing and selling opportunities. Whoever gets involved, will be at the forefront of his competition, and whoever is not involved - will wish to be involved with us.. S.O.S. team



Mission Control and Innovation Center

We are building a Creative Center for our filmic crew and rescue team

Project Description At the heart of Bulgaria, with adjacent Landing Zones for helicopters and just 2km away from the local airport, the Air Traffic Control Tower will have a 360 degree panoramic view of the Verila, Rila, Pirin, Stara Planina and Vitosha mountains. It will afford views of up to 100 kilometers from its top. The Tower will be shaped in the form of the Space Deck, known as the “World’s Highest Public Observation Deck” in 2003, the year in which Ivan Kristoff completed the first rope access work above it, at the height of 470 m. The project in Bulgaria was requested by Ivan Kristoff and will be designed by one of the top architects of the major Bulgarian builders. Visitors can enjoy breathtaking vistas from a glass-enclosed balcony. On a clear day they might be able to glimpse sites 75 miles away.

Project Details

S.O.S. team

Year of completion



Ivan Kristoff


Chavdar Georgiev



“The E-xtreme TV” Series

The E-xtreme team

Project Description The Extreme team is a show about extreme sports set against the backdrop of Svoge. It follows the lives of athletes as they deal with the issues of the day and the challenges of training in extreme environment, being out on their own in places where not everybody dares to go. The story began back in 1993, when Ivan Kristoff, an expert in extreme rope access and rescue, stationed in Toronto, began playing with the idea of training rope access techs to perform aerial vertical rescue. He created “The Extreme Team” for his company and ten years later they were tested and passed Test of time on the exterior of the Antenna Mast of the CN Tower- ON TOP OF THE URBAN WORLD IN 2003.

Project Details

S.O.S. team


Ludmil Parvanov


Ivan Kristoff


Hristo Hristov and Ivan Kristoff




Photo: World's First Rope Access and Central External Human and Load Hauling under ENSTROM 480B single engine helicopter

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