Achieve New Heights in Expo 2020 Dubai with the Bulgarian Flight of Love and...

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Connect and Collaborate Catalyse collaboration, stimulate innovation and create tangible opportunities for all.

New mobile communication solutions and training for SAR operations

For the Next Gen edutainment with World’s Firsts in the air

Innovation Forum with LIVE streaming from the air…

Contents The idea to connect in the air with a hot air ballooning experience…………………. 4 The synergy with the Expo 2020 Dubai concept....................................................... 5 Bulgarian National TV: World Records with the Flight of Innovation for Bulgaria and Expo 2020 Dubai…………………………………….....................…...6 BNT, "The day begins" presents the idea of ​the World’s First Women’s Forum on HEMS that can take place at Expo 2020 Dubai…………………8 Location scouting for filming a near Expo 2020 DubaI experience…………………...9 Bulgarian National TV announces the initiative for New Series of World Records for Bulgaria and Dubai………………………………………………….10 The previous World Records shown in Canadian televisions……………..…….……11

❤ The Flight of Love in 2022 ………………............................................................14

❤ The Flight of Love Introduction by the Military TV, Ministry of Defence………16 ❤ The Flight of Love in 2021 ………………............................................................20 An Experimental Flight for novelty in LIVE TV Broadcast ON AIR………….……….22 Introductions by the “Bulgarian Army” Newspaper, Ministry of Defense…………………....24

Full page articles by the “Trud:” Newspaper for Expo 2020 Dubai………...……….30 Full page articles by the “24 Hours:” Newspaper for Expo 2020 Dubai………………….. ..41 Full page article by the “Bulgaria Today:” Newspaper for Expo 2020……….……………...43 Full page article by the “Telegraph:” Newspaper for Expo 2020 Dubai……………………..44

Bulgarian National Radio interview for Expo 2020 Dubai- to be continued…..........45. BTV Radio interview for Expo 2020 Dubai ………………………………………………...

Forward by “The Day Begins” Show, Bulgarian National Television

18.02.2022 | 60 seconds TV announcements Bulgaria National TV Host Eva Kikerezova: "And now something very interesting from our friend Ivan Кristoff, Spider Man, who shares his idea to develop better and more effective rescue procedures in Bulgaria in an innovative way, not only by improving the image of our country, but by using new methodologies for training, and will also show a new

strategy in security measures, which in turn will show a positive vision for a new course in economic and demographic policy of Bulgaria. He has decided to hold the World's First Female Innovation Forum for Rescue, which will bring together ladies in various professions to give their know-how and experts in the field to share their experience and make a global forum in the field of Sea-Air-Land rescue operations. You know he's strong there. Bulgaria National TV Host Hristina Hristova: "Yes, he has different campaigns. We are keeping our fingers crossed for this initiative. Thank you Eva.

Forward by “The Day Begins” Show, Bulgarian National Television

01.10.2022 | 45 seconds TV announcements Bulgaria National TV Host Eva Kikerezova: “And now, there is one very interesting theme that we are after. Ivan Kristoff, aka Spiderman, is the initiator of the #UnitedForBulgaria project. A team of compatriots from Bulgaria and abroad are uniting

under the common cause, in which they aim to represent Bulgaria at the highest level during Expo 2020 Dubai, the world's largest exposition. For now, he is planning a helicopter flight, and the photos from the preparation will be shown at the Dubai Air Show, which begins this Sunday. We wish him success! And these shots we see on Canadian television are

from his previous records. Bulgaria National TV Host Hristina Hristova: "Success! I hope he will do it! Let's show them after that, to see how spectacular it can be!

Forward by “The Day Begins” Show, Bulgarian National Television 01.10.2022 | 30 seconds TV announcements Bulgaria National TV Host Eva Kikerezova:

“An interesting announcement: Spiderman, Ivan Kristoff intends to set a new series of Guinness World Records, which start in Bulgaria and Dubai. He is preparing a special flight from plane to Dubai for an innovative business forum in support of volunteer

rescue, and intends to set world records in the air, flying in conditions of vertical velocity and powerful turbulence. that, to see how spectacular it can be!

Bulgaria National TV Host Eva Kikerezova: “… and these shots we see on Canadian

television are from his previous records… .

Bulgaria National TV Host Eva Kikerezova: “… and these shots we see on Canadian television are from his previous records… .


‫تحقيق مرتفعات جديدة مع رحلة‬

‫أجرى إيفان كريستوف ‪ ،‬المعروف باسم سبايدرمان ‪ ،‬رحلة تجريبية في ساوث‬ ‫بارك في صوفيا‪ .‬انتفض الخبير البلغاري في عمليات اإلنقاذ في الظروف القاسية‬ ‫في الهواء بمنطاد يمكن استخدامه لمركز قيادة متحرك على علو شاهق‪.‬‬ ‫يمكن تنسيق جهود اإلنقاذ من البالون باستخدام أحدث معدات االتصاالت السلكية‬ ‫اللوحي المخصص‪ .‬يمكن للجيش البلغاري أيضًا ‪Lenovo‬والالسلكية وجهاز‬ ‫استخدام االبتكار ألداء المهام في حاالت الطوارئ‪.‬‬ ‫سجل إيفان كريستوف العديد من األرقام القياسية األولى في العالم‪ .‬اآلن ترتبط‬ ‫نواياه باالبتكار والتكنولوجيا العالية ‪ ،‬والتي يمكن استخدامها في عمليات اإلنقاذ‬ ‫الجوي المحفوفة بالمخاطر‪.‬‬ ‫"يمكن أن يتم ذلك بمساعدة طيراننا العسكري‪ .‬أقترح عمل منتدى على علو شاهق‬ ‫وعلى مسافة كبيرة‪ .‬من هنا إلى دبي ‪ 3800‬كم‪ .‬حاليا يوجد أكبر معرض في‬ ‫العالم ‪ -‬إكسبو ‪ ، 2020‬التي تشارك فيها بلغاريا بجناح على أي حال‪ .‬من خالل‬ ‫رحلة واحدة على متن طائرة سبارتان ‪ ،‬يمكننا إظهار ابتكاراتنا ‪ ،‬ألن هذا ما يثير‬ ‫اهتمام مواطني اإلمارات العربية المتحدة "‪ ،‬يوضح رائد األعمال‪.‬‬ ‫سيتألف السجل ليس فقط من إجراء اتصال عالي الجودة في الوقت الفعلي على‬ ‫الرغم من بُعده ‪ ،‬ولكن أيضًا في عرض عملية إنقاذ عند أقصى اضطراب في حالة‬ ‫السرعة الرأسية‪ .‬لهذا الغرض ‪ ،‬سيتم استخدام أفضل المعدات المتخصصة‬ ‫ومعدات األكسجين المتنقلة‪.‬‬

Achieve New Heigths with the

Flight of ❤

Introduction Има хора с неспокоен и вечно търсещ. Приключенци, които се впускат в опасностите, със смелост, но и умно, добре подготвени и екипирани. Такъв е и нашия сънародник, известен по целия свят, като Човека паяк, или Иван Кристоф. Иван има поредица от рекорди, но сега идеите му са по-различни, те са свързани с иновациите и високите технологии, които мога да бъдат използвани в рискови спасителни операции по въздух. И тук идва неговата идея, това да се случи с участието на военната ни авиация. „:Ако направим най-високия в света форум, още от София, на път за там, ние можем във въздуха да направим истински форум, в който темите и всичко да се качи в Облака, Тогава ние ще постигнем два рекорда и World’s Firsts с найдългия форум и най-високия форум, на най-голяма височина. Премерил съм го, 3,500 км са до там, и още на самото пристигане съм го осигурил, всички, било Българската армия или ВВС, ще получим сертификата за световен рекорд.“, казва Иван Кристоф. Иван иска да направи подарък за военно въздушните сили, защото Иван

работи с нашите авиатори отдавна. „И наистина искам да направя един страхотен подарък за ВВС, който да бъде вписан в Рекордите за Гинес, защото ние имаме няколко варианта, в които да влезем в Гинес. Тъй като в Дубай, сега в момента е Експо 2020 Дубай, найголямото изложение в света, където България участва с павилион, но

хубавото, е, че там, в Дубай, „Гинес“ имат офис, така, че с един полет, дай Боже със Спартан, да не се притеснявате, аз ще го финансирам ако трябва, и хора от Военновъздушните сили на България и от Българската армия, я която и аз съм служил като срочно служещ, защото ние всички сме служили в казармата под символиката на България… Да отидем до там, можем да покажем страхотни иновации, защото тях това ги вълнува. Спасителя на

бъдещето ми е идеята, и Българската армия не само, че ще постигне рекорди, но ще покаже Българския дух“, казва Иван Кристоф. Другата част от рекорда ще бъде спасяване при максимална тирбуленция в състояние на вертикална скорост. За целта ще се използват най-добрата специализирана техника и мобилна кислородна апаратура. За това обаче на Иван Кристофф е нужна държавна подкрепа в лицето на две министерства – на икономиката и на МО, които да откликнат на смелите идеи на един наш сънародник, прославил ни по света. Автор: Десислава Рангелова, Военен телевизионен канал, ВТК

„With Mr. Ivan Kristoff, we are happy to introduce an idea of a new type of rescue through innovation. With our experience, we can present a new world of rope access in midair that will provide aviation security solutions that have not been presented and attempted ever. With the A.I.R. project, we'll not only open a new page in aviation and rescue history, but we will contribute to new methodologies in security training and crisis management in air, SAR operations and develop new niches in the global aviation and rescue industry“

“Stanimir Leshev. Director, General Directorate General Civil Aviation Administration

Filmed by: Borislav Vasilev, Military Television Channel Hot air balloon pilot: Eftim Stefanov Aerial photography: Ivan Kristoff

❤ The Flight of Love 2021 On February 14, 2021, St. Valentine’s Day, with friends, Ivan Korchev, one of the top instructors for rope access work in UK, and his girlfriend Elena Harizanova, a special event expert in UK, we went flying with a helicopter around the Borovets Country and

Ski Resort, to capture in 360˚ panoramic view, the beautiful scenery around the highest peak of the Balkan peninsula. It was a special ride for the young lovely couple, who not only enjoyed the high perspective from the sky, but also supported the development of a new initiative to develop a revolutionary Sea-Air-Land rescue capability for volunteer rescue organizations in Bulgaria. With the Flight of Love, on that day was On February 14, 2022, St. Valentine’s Day, with friends, Eva Kikerezova, TV host from the Bulgarian National Television, an her 5 year’s old daughter we went for the hot air balloon flight at the heart of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. I invited her family and friends from the Military TV Channel, part of the Information Center of the Bulgarian Ministry of Defense, to experience the part of the mobile computing system that I was going to use for the Flight of Love with the very first folding computer - the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold turbulence.

Join the making of a new world in Embedded Extreme Journalism and change the way you see the world of adventure and volunteering in new initiatives

Connecting minds, Creating the future. This is the ambition of the Dubai World Expo, which focuses on mobility, opportunity and sustainability. As an expert in smart and sustainable mobility solutions anywhere, anytime, at any height, we contribute to enhance the novelty in extreme embedded Journalism with the future in mind. and to bringing the new technology to new possibilities for everyone. That is why we would like to showcase in real time and LIVE broadcast with the newest mobile technology a new project for innovation in aviation. That is why we would like to showcase in real time and LIVE broadcast with the newest mobile technology a new project for innovation in aviation. We are proud to have a long history with the world leading communication and mobile computing companies and partner with the pioneers of new markets. With the Flight of Love, we will rase the voice of volunteer and professional rescuer all across the world with new message for unity and sharing know how for Grand Search and Rescue to Space Rescue.

Spiderman is planning a joint Flight of Innovation with the Bulgarian Air Forces

By Svetlozar Stoyanov, "Bulgarian Army" Newspaper, Issue 7 (Feb 18, 2022), p.2., Information Center, Ministry of Defense, Bulgaria Ivan Kristoff, better known as SpideMan, flew with a heartshaped balloon for Love Day on February 14. The experimental flight took place at the South Park in Sofia and aimed not only to be an attraction for the citizens of Sofia, but also to present the possibility of using an air mobile communications center at high altitude, which could assist in Search and rescue operations, emergency situations and the implementation of tasks assigned to the Bulgarian Army.

Ivan Kristoff has set many World's Firsts and world records, but now his ideas are different. They are related to innovation and high technology that can be used in risky air rescue operations. "This can be done with the help of our military aviation. I propose to make a forum at the highest altitude and from the farthest distance, from here to Dubai are 3800 km. Currently, there is the largest exhibition in the world - Expo 2020, in which Bulgaria participates with a pavilion, unfortunately already quite compromised, but with one flight, God forbid with a "Spartan" (Bulgarian Air Forces) plane, instead of being ashamed, let's show our innovations, because that's what excites the citizens of the UAE ", explains the native fan of extreme sports and projects.

The other part of the record will be the rescue at maximum turbulence in the vertical velocity. For this purpose, the best specialized equipment and mobile computing technology will be used.

Ivan Кristoff brings pure gold to Dubai Slavyana Manolova, TRUD Newspaper | Translated by Google:

After many verbal exercises in the media, it became clear that our presentation at Expo 2020 Dubai is, to put it mildly, more than modest. Not to mention nothing. And this could have changed and we will not be remembered only with the replicas of the Panagyurishte golden treasure blocked at the customs, the traditional muscals with pink essence and the shop with Bulgarian cheeses. But there is still time - the Expo lasts until March 31 and the tireless enthusiast Ivan Christoph, known around the world and in our country as Spider-Man, has ideas on how to draw attention to the presentation of our country in a unique way. And by the end of the exhibition he and like-minded people will have built in Bulgaria the new House of the Savior of the Future. It is the next generation of saviors he calls "living gold.“ With a modern vision, avant-garde solutions and a vision for the future, Ivan Christoph sets out to show a new kind of rescue on land, water and air to the royal family of Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Ras al-Khaimah. That is why he is doing his best and has provided with partners resources and investments of millions of levs to

write a new page in the presentation of Bulgaria at Expo 2020 Dubai. When we say "everything by itself", it is literally - Ivan has even donated personal belongings to a charity auction, such as a limited series of Swiss watches, to finance the creation of a documentary about Bulgaria and Expo 2020 Dubai. Why is he doing it? On January 29, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, visited the German pavilion and posted his photos on Twitter. He stressed the importance of Germany's

participation in the world exhibition. And this was widely covered in the media in the United Arab Emirates. The Sheikh highlighted the opportunities that the mega event offers for sharing ideas and innovations that contribute to building a better future for humanity. The UAE is keen to support innovative ideas that seek to improve people's happiness and quality of life, the ruler of Dubai said. It is no coincidence that the theme of the world's largest exhibition currently taking place in the world's metropolis is "Innovation". “

Such a visit is a dream of every participant in the expo and a huge advertisement

for the country whose pavilion the sheikh stopped at. My idea is to make His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum do the same for Bulgaria. But this can only happen by showing in an attractive and unforgettable way innovations or actions to contribute to a better future, security and progress in "Mobility" - the theme of the area named after the Bulgarian pavilion. That is why we are working hard on the #unitedforbulgaria initiative ", says Ivan Kristoff.

Spiderman opens a new page in the presentation of Bulgaria And because others remembered to represent our country with replicas of the Panagyurishte Golden Treasure, he decided to bring to Dubai live gold - a team of golden Bulgarian girls, but not rhythmic gymnasts, and pilots, doctors, paramedics, meteorologists - rescue team of human life in the so-called "Golden Medical Hour", on which depends the survival of a victim in the mountains or in a traffic accident.

"One of the projects that NASA has worked on with helicopters is the M.A.R.S. (Mid Air Recovery System) with which to intercept capsules returning from space missions by air in case their parachute system fails - explains Christoph. - There was such a case with a Russian mission, in which their crew died ridiculously. That is why even before the start of Expo 2020 Dubai we are working step by step, at our own pace, towards a better future for safety and rescue.

Our main focus is the development of an air rescue system (M.A.R.S.) and we are

happy to announce our new approach. In a vertical and airy world dominated by men and testosterone, we look to the strength, wisdom, knowledge and creativity that brave and smart women can bring and solve problems. At the World's Fair in Dubai, our enthusiast spoke with the UAE Space Agency team to meet with the first female astronaut from the Emirate, Nura al-Matrushi, a mechanical engineer who was selected in April 2021 and is currently studying under a NASA program. . He also spoke with the Protocol of several royal families

in the UAE to invite their most prominent women to support the #UnitedForBulgaria initiative.

Innovation Ivan has prepared a "Flight of Innovation" with Bulgarian women to make an innovative "golden" flight over Dubai with the participation of the UAE security services. During it an online conference for for the development of aviation medicine in Bulgaria will be presented. It will be attended by some of the most qualified women on the topic of air rescue, both from the UAE and from Bulgaria and other countries. That is why the platform and the team of female pilots of aero-medical aircraft, scientists, instructors in extreme sports, scuba divers, parachutists, TIC specialists from the ground team and rescue aircraft have already been created. For this purpose, an innovative hybrid navigation system and the world's first foldable computer are provided to show our country super mobility and what no one has done before - this is the theme of the world exhibition ...



Experience the making of a new world at Expo 2020 Dubai with a Mobile Mission Control Center in the air, with a showcase of human enhancement and achievement

World's First Female Forum and Flight of Innovation We are organizing a new forum for the New Generation of female rescuers, where government officials, industry leaders, experts and volunteers share ideas, explore technologies and join forces to shape growth. Through strong global partnerships with leading institutions, we aim to increase our capacity to address the challenges in Sea-Extreme-Air-Land rescue at any depths and heights and create new opportunities for emergency responders to benefit from a battle-proven learning experience and mindset for the safer future.

WOMEN FOR SAFETY AND RESCUE INITIATIVES The M.A.R.S. project combines a series of initiative with the abbreviation that is a symbol for the modern quest for the evolution of technology. It can bring us closer to achieving the new goal and challenge for mankind - MARS. But before reaching out the stars and other planets, we are humble and work step by step, at our pace towards making a better future for safety and rescue. Our main focus is the development of a Mid Air Rescue System (M.A.R.S.) and we are happy to announce our new approach towards achieving success. In the vertical and aerial world, dominated by the male and testosterone , we look towards the power, wisdom, knowledge and creativity that brave and smart women can bring on the table and solve problems and overcome challenges. We embrace this opportunity, support in any way possible and will share with you our experience with the female side of the safety and rescue world.

We opened a new chapter in the presentation of Bulgaria

SPIDER MAN CAPTURES DUBAI WITH NATIVE BEAUTIES FROM THE SEVEN RILA LAKES TO THE SEVEN ARAB LAKESEMIRATES With epic shots of our natural landmarks, Ivan Кristoff, famous as SpiderMan, captivates Dubai and the world. For this purpose, the extreme Bulgarian shoots exclusively beautiful shots from 7 planes, 7 helicopters and 7hot air balloons, with which he presents the premiere of his project Bulgaria - Canada - United Arab Emirates at the world exhibition "Dubai Expo 2020".

The spider man will fly with a balloon – tricolor With the pilots from "Adrenaline" he will shoot from above Varna and the coast The hot air balloon, with a dome colored like the Bulgarian national tricolor and with messages in Cyrillic and Old Bulgarian, is planned to be created by the altitude rescue expert Ivan Kristof. The project is part of the #UnitedForBulgaria - United for Bulgaria cause. Spider-Man plans to fly the balloon to advertise our country under the motto "Innovation on the move". The air rescue equipment of the pilot team will also be designed by him. "The idea is to present Bulgarian culture, to open new opportunities for domestic business and to attract foreign investment," Christoph told Trud. He and his team are already conducting aerial tests with the world's first folding computer, the Lenovo ThinkPad F1 Fold. Different perspectives are to be filmed in interesting places. Among them are Varna and the coast. This flight Christophe will perform together with the pilots Rosen and Yassen Kasabovi from the club "Adrenaline" and with associates of the cause "United for Bulgaria". The shots and live reflections of the navigation with the advanced equipment, together with the ones already made during previous flights in different places in our country, will be included in the documentary "Bulgaria in Space - Flights with Innovations". It will also show the chronology of Bulgarian successes - from the achievements of our astronauts to the training of rescuers of the future, which deals with Spider-Man. He plans to make the premiere of the ribbon, combined with a flight with the Bulgarian balloon at the world's largest exhibition Dubai Expo 2020. As a gesture to the hosts, the symbolism of the balloon will be complemented by a black basket.

From the Flight of Love, to the Flight of Innovation This event will raise awareness on the different challenges and opportunities that exist in the world of rescue, while placing, volunteer and professional rescuers on the focus of educating the young generation to become more involved with advanced technology for Smarter Rescue.

Our Mission Through a series of events, on the ground and in the air, we can present new initiatives and innovations that can accelerate socio-economic growth in the EMS and in the development of new methodology for training the Rescuer of the Future with avant-garde vertical and aerial rescue trends . The event will place special emphasis on the Innovation in Aviation Initiative

The Next Steps We will follow the project around the world, by filming and documenting the whole process of Proposal to the Expo 2020 Dubai, and write a book, make a documentary film with all supporting events, nd Forums, to make a documentary film and TV Series.

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