Ivormatie magazine (Sept 2021-EN)

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RENEWABLE ENERGY Ivormatie magazine - September 2021



This edition of Ivormatie has been given the title

It’s important to realise that hydrogen is not an energy

‘Renewable Energy’. It contains examples of recent

source; it provides a possibility to store energy. When

projects Iv-Groep has been working on, all of which

there is too much (solar or wind) energy, it should be

are characterised by the energy transition. Something

reserved for moments when there is too little.

very positive, of course. We must stop burning hydrocarbons to prevent the temperature on earth

This understanding is slowly sinking in. There are more

from rising further.

and more initiatives unfolding in the field of hydrogen. I was surprised to read in the newspaper last week that

But still, I have to get something off my chest.

the minister had suggested that Tata Steel could make

Despite all the developments, I have the feeling that

steel with hydrogen, which could provide a solution to

policymakers (let’s say ‘politicians’) do not sufficiently

environmental pollution (CO₂ emissions). Tata Steel is

understand what it’s about.

an excellent example of a continuous process. The idea, therefore, is that we will use hydrogen as an energy

We already began years ago with solar and wind

source instead of as an energy buffer. It remains difficult

energy. However, the chain is not yet complete. Sun

to make a distinction between the two.

and wind provide electrical energy, but we are unable (or hardly able) to store this energy. As a result, we

Rob van de Waal

remain entirely dependent on conventional power

CEO Iv-Groep

plants in the absence of wind or sun. It already happens that too much solar energy is generated on a sunny day, and because we cannot store this energy, it is lost. Then, when the sun disappears a few hours later, we are again dependent on these same power plants. So, we have to start storing energy; buffering. This can be achieved in different ways. Currently, the most heard solution is hydrogen energy storage. It’s slowly beginning to dawn on politicians that all previous initiatives will not work without this step.


Volume 35, Number 1, September 2021 Editorial Staff Iv-Groep, Corporate Development & Marketing Ivormatie A publication of Iv-Groep b.v. Editorial Office Iv-Groep b.v. P.O. Box 1155 3350 CD Papendrecht The Netherlands marketing@iv-groep.nl www.iv-groep.com Sign out Would you prefer to receive Ivormatie digitally? Or do you want to unsubscribe? Let us know via marketing@iv-groep.nl. Copyright © 2021 Iv-Groep. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part requires written permission.


6 A significantly lower industrial CO2 footprint with CCS solutions 10 Sustainability sets the standard for new milk factory 16 Stepping stones towards large-scale offshore hydrogen production 24 GeoDuct, joining forces with nature 28 Energy from water 32 Energy-neutral premises for the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management 36 De Altis: a circular and energy-neutral sports complex 42 Work for the future



A significantly lower industrial CO2 footprint with CCS solutions Is Carbon Capture and Storage the best way to

CCS solutions are therefore an ideal option for

reduce industrial CO2 emissions in the short term?

reducing CO2 emissions quickly and cost effectively,

Escher certainly considers this a realistic solution.

and to continue working in parallel on the

“Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) solutions

development of green energy production and

can be seen as a transition within the energy

sustainable solutions such as electrification.”

transition. The impact could be enormous, as these solutions focus primarily on the largest CO2

The CCS principle in a nutshell

emitters,” says Maarten Brandenburg, Commercial

The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has never

Manager at Escher. “If you want to reduce CO2

been as high as it is now. In 2020, with 54.1 Mt

emissions drastically and cost-efficiently in the

of CO2 (eq) emissions, Dutch industry accounted

short term, then this is the low-hanging fruit.

for approximately 32.5% of the total emissions of

And it’s because these solutions are so accessible

the Netherlands (166.4 Mt of CO2 (eq)), making it

that they are an ideal tool to facilitate the energy

the largest polluter. This data is according to an


initial estimate by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and the RIVM/Emission Register for greenhouse gas

Electrification unachievable in the short term

emissions in 2020 and is in accordance with the

The desire is to electrify many processes in the

IPCC guidelines. This data is published annually on

future. A transition in which industry will run on

the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register website.

sustainable electrical technologies instead of gas-

In particular, the steel, cement, waste processing,

fired technologies. Maarten: “This, however, will not

refining and petrochemicals industries and gas-fired

be achievable in the short term. Partly because the

power plants produce large quantities of CO2.

amount of green energy available both now and in the near future is not nearly enough to meet the

As part of the European Green Deal, the European

industry’s total energy needs. But also, because not

Commission proposed in September 2020 to

all processes can be electrified. Even if processes

increase the target for reducing greenhouse

can be electrified, huge investments are required

gas emissions by 2030, including emissions and

because entire factories must be overhauled to

removals, to at least 55% compared to 1990 (220.5

achieve electrification.

Mt of CO2).


The European Commission has proposed this target in the 2030

the water and other pollutants must first be removed. Removal

Climate Target Plan. If we want to achieve this ambitious goal, we

of these elements can be performed via several methods. The

must implement measures in the short term capable of delivering

most suitable technique is dependent on the application and the

a significant reduction in CO2. But what exactly are CCS solutions?

wishes and requirements of the client. For example, the CO2 can be

And what makes them so accessible for industry?

treated using glycol or molecular sieves. When the treated CO2 is clean, it can be compressed for transport or underground storage.

CCS solutions can be realised from design to completion in approximately two years. Shortly summarised, CCS solutions entail capturing flue gases released during industrial processes in a capture system, whereby

Once the CO2 is safely and hermetically sealed underground, the CO2 can be stored there for eternity.

Our CCS solution is fit for purpose and can be customised if desired.

the CO2 is separated from other gases. The captured CO2 is dried in a subsequent process to prepare the remaining clean and dry CO2

Maarten: “The CO2 drying process can be standardised. Since CO2

for underground storage in either depleted oil and gas fields or old

is not an explosive gas, there are a lot less stringent requirements

salt caverns. This technology significantly reduces a factory’s CO2

for the drying process. At Escher, we have developed a

emissions while the necessary adjustments to the site, downtime

standard solution, which is fit for purpose and based on proven

of systems, and costs remain manageable. Carbon Capture


and Storage is a temporary but easily accessible solution for at least the next 50 to 60 years and can be realised from design to

We critically studied the process and the set requirements during

completion in approximately two years, without large-scale factory

development and did not introduce unnecessary redundancy

modifications. CSS is therefore much cheaper than other options

in our standard, enabling us to realise a well-functioning cost-

to reduce industrial CO2 emissions by double digits.

efficient system. Of course, we can customise the CCS solution if desired. Our goal is to work seamlessly with our clients to significantly reduce CO2 emissions in the short term, with

Drying CO2 is necessary to prevent the release of acids which

accessible, effective and affordable applications.”

causes corrosion in the pipes. The CO2 drying process is almost identical to that of natural gas drying. The design, manufacturing and delivery of such installations is something that Escher, as a supplier of process solutions, has been providing since 1925. The basic principle of the CO2 drying process is the supply of CO2 from the capture system to the drying system under a certain pressure. At this stage of the process, the CO2 is still saturated with water and sometimes contains other elements. Before the CO2 can be injected into a depleted oil and gas field or old salt cavern,


The CO2 drying process


CO2 CO2 transport

CO2 storage

Salt Caverns (Domal and Bedded)

Aquifers and Depleted Fields



Sustainability sets the standard for new milk factory To realise the expansion of the production capacity, a

From the beginning of the master plan design to the

completely new factory for drying goat’s milk will be

delivery of the factory, Iv-Industrie, on behalf of Emmi,

built opposite Emmi’s existing factory in Etten-Leur.

will be responsible for the engineering, procurement,

Iv-Industrie was awarded the entire EPCM contract for

and construction management. Iv-Industrie has also

this new milk factory. Food safety and sustainability

drawn up the technical documents required for the

are of paramount importance in this project.

permits. From the master plan design to the final design, the development demanded close coordination with

From goat’s milk to powder

the client and the supplier of the process installations,

Swiss parent company Emmi focuses on supplying

selected and involved early on in the project. Iv-Industrie

leading brands and niche markets in the dairy sector.

is responsible for the multidisciplinary coordination

Emmi sought expansion outside Switzerland and

and the design of the building, the building-related

acquired goat’s cheese producer Bettinehoeve in the

installations, and the utilities.

Netherlands several years ago. “Goat’s milk is more of a seasonal product than cow’s milk,” explains Martin van Putten, Project Manager at Emmi Javelin. “Especially

Synergy in energy recovery and the optimisation of installations.

in the spring and summer, there is a surplus of milk. For this reason, it was decided to convert the surplus

A location with synergy

milk during these periods into goat’s milk powder.

“The location opposite the existing factory was not the

This proved so successful that goat’s milk powder is

first intended site for this factory,” says Ruud Verheul,

now produced all year round. Emmi saw a growth

Senior Project Manager at Iv-Industrie. “But when the

opportunity within the market. Demand in Asia, where

opportunity arose to acquire the plot across the street, it

there is a high level of cow’s milk allergy, is particularly

was immediately seized to utilise the synergy between

high. The goat’s milk powder is subsequently processed

the two locations.” The synergy can be observed in the

elsewhere into infant nutrition. Why do we produce this

operational benefits, possibilities for energy recovery

in the Netherlands? Partly because the original base of

and the optimisation of utility installations, including

Bettinehoeve is here but also because we have a lot of

compressed air and wastewater disposal.

goats here. It’s also important to produce and process the product locally.”


Structuring a layout

Prepared for the future

One of the challenges in the project is integrating the buildings

Sustainability is one of the most crucial principles for a factory that

with the process installation. It must form an integral design in

uses a relatively large amount of energy. “There are two reasons

which the arrangement of the process equipment and the routing

we attach high importance to sustainability,” explains Martin. “The

for people, materials, product and residual streams are optimally

first is that Emmi aspires to be fully energy neutral by 2050, and

provided. The hygienic zoning of the factory is a crucial variable in

this factory will still be operational then. The other is that Emmi

this regard. Thus, the layout design is structured using block flow

has sustainability goals: every new factory must be more efficient

diagrams, using a method related to Value Stream Mapping (VSM).

than the standard that is set. Of course, we too have to comply

The essence lies in devising a well-thought-out layout, which is

with the regulations.” An integral heat pump system provides the

where the exceptional collaboration came to the forefront. Where

heating and cooling. The heat pump pulls residual heat from the

Iv-Industrie approached the project from an interdisciplinary

process, the building and the wastewater and provides the entire

technical design perspective, Emmi approached it from the user’s

process and the hot and cold-water utilities with water of 90 and 5

point of view. “We examined how to proceed through the factory,

degrees Celsius, respectively. Gas is used only to support the high

with both products and people in mind,” says Martin. “The layout

temperatures required by the spray dryer. Heating the spray dryer

must be as efficient as possible, meaning that the factory should

electrically was also considered, but this idea has been set aside

be staffed with as few people as possible. The combination of

for the time being. Martin continues: “We use green gas to heat to

Iv-Industrie developing the layout worked well; it was easy to

this high temperature. Using electricity could be possible but is

attain the appropriate expertise within Iv’s divisions, as the most

not yet economically interesting. The factory has been prepared

competent people from the group could take part in discussing

for the future and will support the use of electricity later.” Electricity

the various issues and optimising the design. The fact that Iv has

consumption has also been minimised by using frequency-

done this more often also helps. Since this is not standard in-house

controlled motors in the highest energy efficiency class, LED

knowledge for Emmi, a separate project team has been set up for

lighting, and night-time lighting.

the construction.” CAPEX and procurement A hygienic factory

At the beginning of the master plan, Iv-Industrie developed

Iv-Industrie applied Emmi’s hygiene standards as a basis to

the CAPEX budget. The budget will be adjusted to the available

facilitate arriving at an integral design. In consultation with the

information for each phase, starting with estimates, key figures,

client, the risk, level of finish, costs and practical usage were

and percentages. During the project, the scope will become more

evaluated for various elements. Iv-Industrie’s extensive knowledge

concrete and the budget more accurately determined.

of hygiene guidelines for all relevant disciplines has proved a valuable asset in this process. Through active participation in platforms such as EHEDG, HDN and SFF, Iv-Industrie is involved in and aware of the latest developments in hygienic design and can apply this awareness and knowledge in practical situations.






Iv-Industrie played a leading role in determining the

Optimal project

procurement strategy for all non-process-related

The strength of this project lies in the excellent

activities, including guiding the selection process,

collaboration between skilled and experienced

drafting technical quotation requests, questions

professionals seeking synergy and the best solutions.

and answers, technical quotation evaluation and

The collaboration in the project has been fantastic

meetings to discuss quotations. Emmi’s team was

from the beginning. “The collaboration was pleasant,”

responsible for the commercial contracts.

says Martin. “Iv did what they promised, and the team were pleasant to work with. They were positive

Every new factory must be more efficient than the standard that is set.

and contributed input. Just professional and proactive, that’s great. We don’t often do these kinds of large projects, so it’s great when a party thinks

An accident-free workplace

along the same lines and provides practical input. It

During the construction and installation, the

also makes a difference that Iv has already delivered

functional supervision will be provided by Emmi’s

a similar project at Vreugdenhil.” Despite the project

lead engineers, and the qualifications will be

execution taking place during the corona pandemic,

conducted under the supervision of the Emmi

the project is running on schedule.

project team. During this phase, Iv-Industrie will assume the role of engineering back office, design

The construction of the factory will begin in June

coordinator and construction management. Safety

2021 and is scheduled to be completed by the

is crucial in this phase and has been addressed right

summer of 2022. “Emmi is a very professional client

from the beginning of the project in the master plan

that understands what is needed to design such a

developed by Iv-Industrie.

factory,” says Ruud. “This also enables us to do our job effectively. The tender for this project suits us very

The goal is to ensure an accident-free, safe

well; this project is completely within our comfort

workplace for all employees of all parties present on


site from the first day onwards. An independent third party contracted directly by Emmi will carry out site security and access control.



Stepping stones towards large-scale offshore hydrogen production Offshore wind carries vast potential and is pivotal

energy system while decreasing social costs and

in reaching the Paris Climate Agreement. The

ecological impact of offshore energy generation.

growth of offshore wind in Europe has been

Besides ‘regular’ consumers, heavy industry and the

significant over the last years, and further high-

transport sector (notably aviation) are expected to

capacity growth is anticipated for future decades.

drive the demand for green, affordable electricity and

The current installed capacity in the North Sea is

hydrogen as they too transition from fossil fuels to

17 GW, and projections for future offshore wind

renewable sources. It has been recognised that a suite

capacities vary between 34 - 100 GW for 2030

of flexible energy system solutions and services across

and up to 250 GW by 2050. Offshore wind forms

the offshore wind value chain is needed to facilitate

a critical pillar for the Netherlands to reach the

the implementation of offshore wind at lowest social

climate change mitigation targets set in the Paris


Climate Agreement. There are tangible plans for 11.5 GW in 2030, and towards 2050 this could grow towards 60 GW of installed capacity or even higher. The North Sea area is therefore a true

The North Sea area is therefore a true powerhouse for both the Netherlands as other North Sea countries.

powerhouse for both the Netherlands as other North Sea countries.

Strongly related to offshore wind is the foreseen development of hydrogen as a key energy carrier in

Implementing offshore wind at lowest social

energy system storage, transport and usage.

costs The ’Green Powerhouse North Sea‘ ambitions as

Significant challenges

set in the Paris Climate Agreement include the

The integration of large-scale offshore wind into the

expansion of electricity grid interconnections,

energy system bears some significant limitations.

conversion to hydrogen, smart grids, demand

The initial challenge is that the current energy

response, storage options, and artificial islands to

infrastructure is insufficient to cope with the high

expand the role of offshore wind energy in the

influx of electricity from offshore wind farms after


2030. A further challenge is the fluctuating supply and changing

The world’s first offshore green hydrogen plant

demand patterns, which creates a mismatch between supply and

Iv-Offshore & Energy is one of the partners of the PosHYdon pilot


project. This project aims to integrate three energy systems in the North Sea: offshore wind, offshore gas, and offshore hydrogen, by

Conversion of wind power into hydrogen by means of electrolysis is a way to mitigate the risk of grid overload.

producing hydrogen from seawater on Neptune Energy’s Q13-A platform in the Dutch North Sea. The objective of this 1 MW pilot is to gain experience in integrating working energy systems at sea and the production of hydrogen in an offshore environment.

As the development of offshore wind accelerates in the Netherlands, the share of intermittent renewable energy in the

The use of the existing offshore pipeline infrastructure for other

electricity grid is significantly increasing, which presents enormous

gasses will be available after 2030. PosHYdon will be the first in

challenges for the stability of the power grid and the balance of

the market to explore the use of these offshore assets for other

supply and demand. Furthermore, the capacity of the onshore

purposes. The subsea pipelines extend towards the North Sea

grid may cause a bottleneck by 2030 and prevent the further

borders of the UK, Germany and Denmark and can transport up to

acceleration of offshore wind deployment.

12 GW of wind power to shore in the form of hydrogen.

With wind parks being developed further offshore, the transmission of generated power via cables requires expensive

PosHYdon will be the world’s first pilot for offshore hydrogen

high voltage direct current (HVDC) connections to shore. The

production and transmission on a working platform. The project

greater the distance, the higher the costs. At a certain point, a

is seen as a stepping-stone towards large scale, far offshore

trade-off must be made between transmitting energy in the form

hydrogen production, which will be necessary after 2030.

of electrons or molecules. Iv-Offshore & Energy will define the requirements for the Conversion of wind power into hydrogen by means of electrolysis

electrolyser system to fit the offshore application.

is a way to mitigate the risk of grid overload by bringing wind

A series of adaptations are required to accommodate the

power into the energy system in the form of molecules instead

electrolysis system at the Q13-A platform.

of electrons. This creates balanced options for the electricity grid

Iv-Offshore & Energy will provide the engineering for the necessary

by enabling peak shaving and promotes further growth of wind

platform modifications and the system integration to facilitate

power capacity far beyond that of the onshore power grid.

offshore hydrogen production.

Since hydrogen can be injected and transported via the existing

Because the costs (energy losses) of cable transport increase over

offshore natural gas grid infrastructure, new pipelines are not

greater offshore distances, the option to convert electricity to

immediately required to transmit the offshore produced energy to

hydrogen offshore is considered an attractive solution. Higher

shore. Thus, providing opportunities to use existing platforms as

power output, offshore hydrogen production and transmission

entry points for offshore hydrogen.




over greater offshore distances could be cheaper than cable connections and onshore and offshore conversion.

Iv-Offshore & Energy believes hydrogen will play an essential role in the energy transition. 500 MW offshore green hydrogen production platform Much larger green hydrogen production systems will be necessary to integrate the upcoming large-scale offshore wind energy in the system. Iv-Offshore & Energy has contributed to many oil and gas projects worldwide and has been actively involved in the early stages of various offshore wind projects. Iv-Offshore & Energy believes hydrogen will play an essential role in the energy transition, both onshore and offshore and strives to be involved in the first front-end developments in hydrogen production. Iv-Offshore & Energy not only contributes to multiple studies, pilot and demonstration projects in this field but has also developed a concept of a full-scale offshore green hydrogen platform with a capacity of 500 MW. This platform will produce enough hydrogen in one day to power more than 300,000 hydrogen cars for more than 100 kilometres! Iv-Offshore & Energy is responsible for the complete design of the offshore hydrogen platform, from the

process design and the Balance of Plant (BOP) to the design of the jacket and the auxiliary systems.


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GeoDuct, joining forces with nature Infrastructure projects typically bear a sizeable ecological

reinforced with steel. When steel-reinforced concrete reaches the

footprint and often lead to significant environmental impact

end of its lifespan or is removed, it no longer retains the value of

due to the extraction, processing, and transport processes. At

primary raw materials and can only be recycled.

the same time, large segments of existing Dutch infrastructure must be replaced and/or renovated (Replace & Renovate

Lower CO₂ emissions

programme). The Directorate-General for Public Works and

The use of materials largely determines the CO₂ emissions of a

Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat) has set its objective

viaduct. The production of materials such as concrete and steel

to become fully circular from 2030 and has appealed to the

generates high levels of CO₂ emissions. When geotextile and soil

market via the SBIR Programme (Strategic Business Innovation

are used, these emissions are significantly reduced or not even

Research) to develop innovative circular viaducts that can be

applicable, respectively. Based on indicative calculations, the

reused repeatedly. Iv-Infra took on this task and developed

development (production materials + construction site activities)

the so-called GeoDuct with various partners, including Dura

of the GeoDuct emits 50% less CO₂ than a conventional viaduct

Vermeer, Geotec Solutions, Heusker, Wagemaker, Ploegam and

made of concrete and steel.

Zwarts & Jansma Architects. The GeoDuct

The raw materials of the GeoDuct are highly reusable.

The GeoDuct is a viaduct built entirely from area-specific, local soils confined within geotextiles. The natural curve of the

Constructive feasibility

arch distributes the forces and eliminates the need for a pile

Currently, the constructive feasibility has been established

foundation. The soils are not bound or mixed, and the geotextile

mathematically, and we now aim to demonstrate the GeoDuct

can be recycled, biobased or designed to be fully removable. Thus,

in a suitable test environment. The design needs to be further

resulting in a lower environmental impact in terms of circularity

developed to build the prototype on the desired scale. Following

and CO₂ emissions.

this, the prototype will be constructed and extensively tested. If the innovation achieves the prototype level TRL6, the participants

A circular concept

will consider the GeoDuct concept sufficiently proven to be

The lower environmental impact with regard to circularity stems

included in innovative tender projects. The remaining detail

from the use of primary and secondary materials. The GeoDuct

engineering will subsequently take place within the first

uses 95% less primary materials compared to a traditional viaduct

commercial project.

made of concrete and steel. And because the GeoDuct is 100% removable, the raw materials are highly reusable, unlike concrete




Impression GeoDuct (source: Zwarts & Jansma Architecten)




Energy from water When we think of green energy, we often think of

board has become a gas supplier, which places high

solar energy or wind energy. But energy can also

demands on the operational management at the

be generated from water. Iv-Water is currently

wastewater treatment plant. There are many other

working on a series of projects that focus on

aspects related to safety which must be considered.”

generating energy from water.

In Sleeuwijk, approximately two million cubic metres of natural gas is now produced per year. This

Sludge fermentation

is undoubtedly an exciting project in light of the

Obtaining energy from water is no new concept for

objective for the Netherlands to be natural gas-free

water boards. When wastewater is treated, sludge is

by 2050. Iv-Water provided the integral design of the

collected and is often fermented, whereby biogas

Energy Factory and supported the water board with

is produced. This biogas can be used in a combined

the land permit application. In addition, Iv-Water

heat and power installation (CHP). A gas engine

took care of the start-up and coordinated the entire

powers a generator to generate electricity. The heat

installation’s technical process.

released in this process is reused to optimise the sludge fermentation process and to heat adjacent

The Dutch water boards produce approximately 125

buildings at the treatment plant.

million cubic metres of biogas. This is approximately 17% of the biogas production in the Netherlands;

Energy can also be generated from water.

currently, only a small portion of this biogas is upgraded to green gas for external consumption.

“This works differently at the Sleeuwijk Energy

Thermal energy

Factory,” Paul Kloet, Deputy Director of Iv-Water

Sludge fermentation is not the only way to produce

explains. “At Sleeuwijk, the sludge is collected from

energy from water. Aquathermal heat is another

the nine surrounding wastewater treatment plants.

variant. After all, water is a crucial carrier of heat

Because of the size of this operation, a large amount

and is suitable as both a transport medium and an

of green gas is produced with the help of sludge

energy source. Aquathermal technology can heat

fermentation. Given the scale of the treatment plant,

and cool buildings using heat and cold recovered

it was an attractive option to upgrade the quality

from surface water, wastewater, or drinking water.

of the gas to that of natural gas to make it suitable

If necessary, heat extracted from the water can

for consumption by third parties. In fact, the water

be stored in subsurface reservoirs and upgraded


with a heat pump when necessary. This type of centralised heat

“Iv-Water is currently involved in a Vattenfall project via Inenergie.”

generation requires a heating network to transport the water to

Paul continues, “This project concerns the coupling of low-quality

the adjacent buildings. A ’Green Deal’ was concluded in 2019 to

and high-quality heat sources, using a robust heat network with

encourage initiatives to use these types of heat sources.

high availability. This project aims to bring heat and cold from multiple sources to a single distribution station. It concerns a

“Iv-Water is involved in several projects related to heating

combination of heat, and cold storage (ATES) supplemented

networks,” says Paul. “The water temperature of, for example,

with district heating. We are currently working on the design

effluent (treated wastewater) has a constant temperature of 10-15

and determining the space required for the installation and it’s

degrees Celsius, by using an electric heat pump, this heat can

requirements. Vattenfall attaches great importance to safety.”

be extracted. This heat can be used to heat another medium to around 45 degrees Celsius, making it ideal for heating buildings and processes.”

We examine every option integrally; customisation will always be a part of it.

Aquathermal heat is used at the Sleeuwijk Energy Factory as an

Creating a source

alternative heat source for the fermentation process. The energy

It sounds straightforward, extracting energy from water, but is

here is not gained from waste but from the heat of the supplied

it? Paul explains: “With sludge fermentation, a certain scale has

wastewater. Thanks to this initiative by our Project Manager

to be achieved to make it lucrative. There are many stakeholders

Ronny Faasen, we avoided construction hindrance in the context

involved to ensure the achievement of a sound business model.

of unexpected restrictions resulting from the nitrogen problem

Besides this, these types of projects often have a major impact on

(Programma Aanpak Stikstof or PAS). Through this alternative,

the surrounding environment. It’s not just about fermenting the

using a portion of the biogas to provide heating was no longer

sludge and the associated control measures to prevent the risk

necessary, meaning that approximately 10-15% more green gas

of explosion. Collecting sludge from different treatment plants

can be produced and supplied. In this specific project, a heat

creates more transport movements and impacts the surroundings.”

pump with an output temperature of roughly 70 degrees Celsius was chosen.

“With thermal energy, it’s even more complex to organise. Creating

There is a drawback to this method of heating because wastewater

a source close to the end-users is, in many cases, a significant

is not continuously supplied to the installation. By introducing a

challenge. Direct proximity to a sufficient capacity of wastewater,

small buffer, the hydraulic fluctuations in the day/night pattern

effluent or surface water is essential for this. Moreover, most

can be appropriated, continuously supplying the sludge digestion

existing homes are built for being heated by high-temperature

process with the required heat.


Other high-quality heat sources can also be applied, but then the source is usually residual heat from an industrial process or geothermal energy.


These new low-grade heat sources are therefore much more

“Energy from water provides a good contribution to the energy

suitable for new builds. The use of Aquathermal heat, therefore,

transition. But replacing fossil fuels will have to be covered by

requires intensive exploration for the feasibility.”

multiple sources. Which source will always depend on the best solution for the location and situation in question. We examine

Energy neutral The energy transition is an essential theme for the water boards.

every option integrally; customisation will always be a part of it.”

Most water boards aim to operate energy-neutral in the long term, and some aspire to achieve this by 2030. “For the future, there is no single solution in terms of energy source choices,” Paul continues.




Energy-neutral premises for the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management The Directorate-General for Public Works and Water

needed, among other things, the structural data of the

Management (Rijkswaterstaat) aspires to reach

properties. And if possible, also information about the

complete energy-neutrality by 2030 and equip

load data which was originally applied. Obtaining this

all owned premises with solar panels, charging

information proved more difficult than expected, as the

stations and smart support systems. But what are the

majority of this data was not available digitally and town

possibilities for each property? What is the maximum

halls were either inaccessible, or access was limited

number of solar panels that can be installed on the

due to corona,” says Saskia Frijns, Project Leader and

roof? What are the installation technicalities for each

Registered Structural Engineer at CAE. “We have driven

property? And where should the charging stations be

all over the country visiting town halls and other owned


premises. We mapped out routes for three days a week and visited three to four locations per day.”

Throughout the country Iv-Infra, Iv-Bouw and CAE (the construction branch of Iv-Bouw) provided insight into the possibilities for each

We visited three to four locations per day.

property and how to achieve realisation as effectively and efficiently as possible. “It was quite a challenge,” says

A specific format

Harry Nienhuis, Project Manager at Iv-Infra. “Everything

To assess all properties as efficiently as possible, a

had to be completed before the summer, so time was

specific assessment format was set up at the beginning

of great urgency in this project, and along the way, we

of the project, enabling each property to be evaluated

were unexpectedly faced with limitations due to the

in the same way. Iv-Infra and Iv-Bouw carried out the on-

corona lockdown. In the end, the 81 properties we were

site inventories. Iv-Infra inventoried the parking spaces

initially investigating turned out to be 118.”

and, together with Iv-Bouw, formulated an inventory of the roofs and electrical building installations. “With

One of the challenges in this project was carrying out

regard to the roofs, the condition and structure type

the archival research. “To assess whether the roofs

were examined and determined, but also the surface

are structurally suitable for applying solar panels, we

area and available space for solar panels. We measured


this for all roofs and further determined the positioning and

“What was nice is that we gradually identified a common

energy yield of the solar panels with the software program

thread in the different types of properties (buildings with a

HelioScoop. We had never worked with this program before,

concrete structure, steel structure or with wooden joisting).

so we first put a lot of effort into customising the program.

It became apparent that similar buildings typically produced

CAE then calculated and assessed the structure of the roofs.

the same outcome. For example, buildings with a concrete

We also ascertained which electrotechnical installations are

structure could almost always withstand the extra load from

present in the properties and the capacity these installations

the solar panels. This made it easier later in the project to

can tolerate. Based on this data, we provided a definite

assess the properties with a concrete structure. We were

indication for each property for the maximum number of

able to examine many different structures and bundle the

solar panels that could be installed,” says Sjaak Verheijen,

observed common thread as a learning point, enabling us

Senior Designer at Iv-Bouw.

to utilise this knowledge further to provide insight into the possibilities for various buildings.”

Sometimes, a gain can still be made by positioning the solar panels slightly differently.

CAE and Iv-Bouw investigated the possibilities for a number of buildings whereby the structural calculations revealed that the limit value was not met in terms of strength.

How many solar panels on each roof?

Sometimes, a gain can still be made by positioning the solar

The wish of the Directorate-General for Public Works and

panels slightly differently. In particular, no archival data was

Water Management was to place as many solar panels as

available for the older, smaller buildings. The structure was

possible on each roof. CAE made structural calculations

examined on-site for these buildings, and the possibilities

for each building to determine how many solar panels the

calculated with structural assumptions in weights (on the

roofs could withstand. The applicable renovation standards

safe side, of course). These calculations were also based on

were hereby applied. The load-bearing capacity, which was

the data obtained from assessments of similar buildings for

calculated in the original situation, was compared with the

which structural archival data was available. An advantage

load associated with the new situation. “In our calculations,

of older buildings is; the older the building, the more safety

we have assumed a standard type of solar panel for the

was built into the original structural calculation.

area and weight. These limit values were formulated by the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management. By applying the safety factors associated with

Finding the most efficient place for charging stations.

renovation, we were often able to create scope for placing the solar panels on the roof without having to include extra

Where should we install charging stations?

facilities in the existing structure,” says Saskia.

Another aspiration of the client is to electrify the fleet fully. With this, all buildings must be provided with sufficient charging stations. The Directorate-General for Public Works


and Water Management indicated the desired number

cabling routes. The inventory showed that a number

of charging stations/fast-charging stations for each

of premises do not have private parking spaces, and

location. Iv-Infra and Iv-Bouw have ascertained for

the surrounding area around the building is used for

each premises the number of existing private parking

parking. In these cases, it was investigated whether and

spaces, the location of the existing charging stations,

where it could be possible to realise parking facilities

the cable and pipeline routing and the location

and charging stations.

of the transformers and mains facilities. Following this, advice was given for the optimal positioning of

One step closer

charging stations and the routing of energy supplies.

In December 2020, Iv satisfactorily submitted the last

For the buildings with existing charging stations, it was

inventory report to the client. The Directorate-General

recommended to cluster the new charging stations

for Public Works and Water Management is currently

at that location as this promotes optimal efficiency in

tendering the work to contractors, bringing it a step

terms of cabling. It was recommended for premises

closer to achieving its ambition to be energy neutral by

that do not yet have charging stations to realise these


close to the building to prevent unnecessary long




De Altis: a circular and energyneutral sports complex De Altis. The new, multifunctional sports complex

We won the tender because of the appearance, the

in Rijswijk named after the place in ancient Greece

proposed parking solution, and the expected energy

where the prizes for the best athletes of old

consumption of our plan. Iv-Bouw as EPC partner

Olympus were made. In Rijswijk, it is ‘the’ place

assumed the risk-bearing responsibility for designing

where residents can play sports and exercise both

all electrical and building installations, purchasing

indoors and outdoors, and meet each other. The

the systems, and the installation and delivery thereof.

sports complex is constructed to be fully circular,

Iv-Bouw devised all technical installation designs and

whereby recycled materials have been utilised.

purchased the installations from various parties. As

The complex is also fully energy neutral. 100%

EPC partner, we were also ultimately responsible for

renewable energy is used, and 0% fossil fuels. But

the implementation.”

what does this involve, technically? Using the space smartly Responsible for design, procurement, and

De Altis is a multifunctional sports complex with


an appearance unique to Rijswijk. The complex

Iv-Bouw as EPC partner was involved from start

has a total floor area of 6,150 m2. It consists of two

to finish in the realisation of this sports complex.

large sports halls that can be used for volleyball,

Jaco Mooijaart, Head of Department of Electrical

basketball, badminton, and physical education,

Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, explains:

among other sports and activities. In addition, there

“The municipality of Rijswijk issued a request that

is a weights room for strength training, a large budo

roughly stated: we have a budget of 13.5 million

hall, and two sizeable catering facilities linked to

euros, and for this, we would like at least two

the stands. A parking garage with an area of 2,400

connected sports halls with a clear height of seven

m2 has been realised beneath part of the complex.

and nine metres, a weights room, dance/budo hall

A smart solution whereby extra space has been

and two catering establishments. Together with

created at the front of the terrain for outdoor sports

project developer OLCO and AGS Architects, Iv-Bouw

such as running and boot camp activities and room

presented a plan for an energy-neutral building.

for future residential construction.


Applications for a self-sufficient building

consumption for cooling with an ATES installation is

The roof of De Altis contains no fewer than 1,100

85% lower than with air heat pumps. This is because an

solar panels, covering almost the entire (high) roof. In

ATES installation only requires energy for pumping, and

addition, the shaded roof areas were given a green

the compressor for the heat pump does not have to be

roof – with moss and sedum plants. An advantage of

running to produce cooling. A beneficial solution for the

this is that green roofs provide a buffering function and

number of operational hours and thus the lifespan of the

cool the building with the rainwater retained by the

heat pumps.”

moss and plants. The application of many solar panels is just one of the sustainable measures used in this new sports complex.

An ATES installation contributes to optimal self-sufficient energy generation. A Heat and Cold Storage (ATES - Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage) installation was applied for the heating and cooling of the building. Heat is also recovered in the building from the return ventilation air. Therefore, the cooling of the rooms and the ventilation air is achieved without using the heat pumps but instead with cold water from the subsurface. The ATES installation satisfies the building’s requirements for optimum heating and cooling, whereby a maximum temperature of 23 degrees will be achieved inside the sports halls during the summer months. Jaco: “An all-electric energy supply with as much as possible self-generated energy is the most future-proof solution. We, therefore, advised the application of an ATES installation instead of a heat pump. The ATES installation was installed in the ground to a depth of approximately 225 metres. The effect on energy consumption in the spring and summer, when cooling instead of heating is required, is that the electricity


How the Heat and Cold Storage system works The energy for heating rooms is generated by heat pumps that exchange energy with groundwater. The heat pumps upgrade the heating energy extracted from the subsurface to an operating temperature of 45 degrees Celsius. By extracting heating energy from the subsurface, the groundwater cools. This cold groundwater is then used during the summer months for cooling rooms. Therefore, cooling for the rooms and the ventilation air is freely available without having to use heat pumps. Exchanging energy using groundwater takes place at a reasonably constant groundwater temperature. The heat pumps are designed to work optimally at this temperature, and the efficiency of these pumps (SCOP) is high. Conversely, heat pumps that exchange energy using outside air typically have a much lower SCOP value.

The building can be optimally heated and cooled with the ATES installation. A comfortable indoor temperature The sports halls are heated and cooled through climate panels. This is similar to a radiator on the ceiling and consists of a steel plate over which pipes run. In this case, the steel plate is perforated and becomes hot or cold depending on the season. An advantage of radiant panels is that they can maintain a room’s temperature during the nighttime hours, thus eliminating the need for fans, which again saves energy. Another advantage is that they react considerably faster than underfloor heating to varying loads (such as the number of people occupying the room). When a greater number of people occupy a hall, it naturally becomes warmer, and the radiant panels cool the room to the desired temperature.


The same applies the other way around. This is how the

example, when the location is used for physical education

radiant panels ensure a comfortable climate for sports and

purposes during the daytime, the lighting is set to 300 lux,


for regular sports 500 lux and 750 lux for top-end sports.

The building is equipped with a control system that regulates all climate equipment and ensures that the

Leakproofness results in lower energy consumption.

energy sources are used optimally. As a result, only the rooms in use are climatised. The control system is easy to

An extremely leakproof building

operate for the building management, and all controls can

Jaco: “A fun fact that doesn’t have much to do with the

be organised as desired. The installation is also equipped

technical installation work of Iv-Bouw, but which does

with an energy module. By way of an energy consumption

influence the energy consumption of the building, is that

trend analysis, omissions in technical installations, such as

the building is extremely leakproof. This means that hardly

incorrect setpoints or incorrect operational times, can be

any air escapes through, for example, cracks and seams


in the building’s exterior envelope. The legal requirement for leakproofness is a qv10 value of 0.4. Our team aimed


for a value of 0.3 for De Altis. But because of the fine

The building’s air conditioning units are equipped with

architectural detailing and the attention given to this

high-efficiency energy recovery. To limit the transportation

during the implementation, it appeared after a test that

of ventilation air, the quantity per occupied area is

De Altis boasts a leakproofness of 0.15, which is extremely

regulated according to the CO2 content. By aligning the

leakproof. As a result, almost no outside air enters through

ventilation quantities to the required volume of air, the

the building’s exterior envelope, which results in lower

energy consumption of the fans in the air conditioning

energy consumption.”

units is limited. In addition, the air conditioning units are situated close to the demand areas, which means the

Rightly proud

ductwork is relatively short and limited.

The new sports complex was completed in April 2021. De Altis was officially opened in May 2021. Alderman of sport Björn Lugthart is proud of the result and rightly refers to it

All fixtures in the sports complex have been realised with

as an asset to Rijswijk.

LED lighting. To limit energy consumption as much as possible, the lighting in each room is activated through presence detection. All lighting is switched off at fixed times via a sweep switch. The lighting is fully dimmable and automatically dims according to the type of use. For


Sustainable lighting




Work for the future In the coming years, the transition from fossil

sea-fastening design, but also the lift studies. We are

fuels to sustainable energy sources will require

increasingly focusing our attention on designing

the realisation of many new provisions and

offshore wind tooling that can be used for installing

countless adjustments to existing infrastructure

wind turbines at sea - yet another component of the

and facilities. The energy transition is therefore

energy transition.

leading the way to a significant development in Iv-Consult’s work. After all, there is still much to be done in the market, and the transition demands

It is the work that is needed now that will secure the future.

innovations. It is the work that is needed now that will secure the future.

Innovation in offshore wind Our ambition in the energy transition, wind energy

Removal of old platforms

and greater water depths was the reason to conduct

“Many of the projects in which Iv-Consult is involved

extensive research into the possibilities of a floating

are related to the energy transition,” explains

wind turbine anchored to the seabed with tendons

Maarten van de Waal, Director of Iv-Consult. “We are

(cables). This eventually led to an innovative method

involved in a very broad sense. We devise solutions

for a wind turbine suitable for greater water depths

for removing various old oil and gas structures,

that can be towed to its destination by tugboats and

including performing feasibility studies, structural

complete the installation itself. This specific system

testing, structural integrity analyses, and lift studies.

proved to be so innovative that it has been patented.

Besides this, we are also involved in the realisation of new, sustainable energy generation.”

Adaptation of the electricity network There is also still much work to be done on land

Offshore wind

to actually realise the energy transition. “On land,

Iv-Consult helps its sister company Iv-Offshore

for example, the electricity network has to be

& Energy to develop the designs for transformer

adapted,” Maarten explains. “In the past, electricity

platforms, providing support in structural steel

came from power plants and was then defused and


distributed throughout the country. Now there are

In addition, we also design auxiliary structures

new locations where electricity is generated, which

for the installation of offshore wind fields, which,

demands a different electricity network layout for

among other things, include the grillage and the

the distribution. This requires new or modified


electrical routing throughout the country. We perform

we need to join in with this development. We must

the calculations and drafting for the new pylons,

continue to gather knowledge to deliver smarter

both the classic framework structures and the newer

solutions continuously. And in doing so, we must

wintrack pylons. Working towards the energy transition

also include the knowledge and experiences of our

reaches much further for us than offshore wind alone.”

customers; they can indicate whether a solution does or doesn’t work in practice. This is just one of

A new type of high-voltage pylon was developed a

the reasons why we value our relationship with our

few years ago: the Wintrack. This innovative pylon is

customers. An excellent example of this type of

characterised by its sleek design, narrow magnetic

collaboration is with HMC, for which we already carry

field, and low maintenance. Based on the lessons

out a lot of complex decommissioning work.”

learned from the first two generations of pylons, further development has taken place for a third generation with a new, more stringent set of design requirements. At the beginning of 2020, the realisation of the Wintrack

The energy transition encourages innovation and development in the market.

III generation for the North-West 380 kV, Vierverlaten – Eemshaven route (Project NW380) and Southwest-

“The greatest challenge is that nobody knows what the

West 380 kV, Borssele – Rilland route (Project ZWW380),

future holds. Due to the rise of solar and wind energy,

was started. Iv-Consult was brought in to conduct

the current electricity network will be overhauled, and

the reviews and provide a second opinion for the

full attention will be given to constructing new wind

pylon foundation designs for these projects. Part of

farms at sea. In addition to this, developments in other

the client’s requirements was the full-scale testing of

alternative energy sources such as nuclear energy or

the integral design for the constructive feasibility of

biomass are also in full swing. Much work is being

the foundations and pylons and the strength of the

focused on the development of hydrogen or other

outrigger connections and clips (component testing).

energy carriers. We’re not exactly sure what this will

The deformation behaviour of the pylons was also

bring, but one thing is certain; we must all join in with

tested and verified. In addition to strength, the dynamic

these innovations.”

behaviour and management and maintenance aspects were also included in the reviews. Challenges in an innovative market “The energy transition encourages innovation and development in the market”, Maarten continues. “To continue to play a leading role in this transition,




Working on the future “What is ‘the’ energy project of the future?” Maarten considers for a moment: “In the future, energy will be generated by multiple sources: sun, wind, nuclear energy, oil and gas. All of these have pros and cons. A varied supply will be needed to contend with the peaks and dips in demand for supply. Developments are taking place on a global scale, so it’s also interesting to examine the progress abroad. The energy transition is now building momentum, particularly in the United States. The US is a few years behind Europe in offshore wind development, but a growing demand

can be observed there too. We in Europe, with our accumulated knowledge, can benefit from this.”



Engineers with Passion for Technology Iv-Groep is a globally operating multidisciplinary engineering company. Since 1949, Iv has been devising technical solutions for projects of any size and complexity within the following sectors: Industry, Infrastructure & Traffic, Buidings & Installations, Handling, Maritime, Offshore & Energy and Water. No challenge is too complicated for us. We are a team of specialists with a genuine passion for our specialisms: with our knowledge of technology, we can achieve the most for our customer.

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