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Quilt news Kwiltnuus The newsletter for quilters in and around the Jacaranda city Die nuusbrief vir kwilters in en om die Jakarandastad



No 71

Chairperson/Voorsitter Ina Meyer 012 654 8214 082 771 6957 inakeyter@ctweb.co.za

Library/Biblioteek Kobie Coetzee 012 8090859 082 553 4108 kobiec@iafrica.com

Vice Chairperson/Onder Voorsitter Almari Potgieter 012 654 8844 083 309 0113 almger@polka.co.za

Archivist/Argivaris Lorraine Gorden 012 7110145 0825655051 lorraine@gordon.co.za

Secretary/Sekretaris Marthie J van Vuuren 012 335 3695 083 625 3078 jansenmm@sabs.co.za

Home Group Liaison/ Social Convener Danèl Muller 0123483766 0824167690 danel.muller@mweb.co.za

Treasurer/Tesourier Denise Louw 012 809 0373 084 941 3846 dlouw@telkomsa.net

Membership/Lidmaatskap Dal Botha 0847001727 dalbotha@netscape.net

Publicity Convener/ Publisiteit Claire Wallace 012 662 5648 082 562 5983 clairewallace1602@gmail.com

Courses/Kursusse Almari Potgieter 012 654 8844 083 309 0113 almger@polka.co.za

Vendors/Verskaffers Petro van Rooyen 083 234 4327 petroquilt@yahoo.com

Newsletter/Nuusbrief DelmariĂŠ du Plessis 012 658 0136 082 466 5301 jacaranda.newsletter@gmail.com

Charity/Liefdadigheid Bets Arcus 083 999 0333 betsarcus@mweb.co.za

Banking details/ Bank besonderhede

SAQG Representative/ Verteenwoordiger Corrianne van Velze 012 346 2700 (W) 082 923 1749 vanvelze@iafrica.com

ABSA SINOVILLE BRANCH Acc no / Rek no 907 578 4725 Postal Address/Posadres P O Box 846 GROENKLOOF, 0027 2

Colorific Quilters (Quilting Friends) - #4 in the Circle of Friends Series

There is a miracle called friendship, that dwells in the heart You do not know how it happens or when it gets its start But you know the special lift it always brings You realize that friendship is God's most precious gift! You can gain more friends by being yourself than by putting up a front! 3

Here‟s to 2012!! I wish you all love, joy and happiness. Together we will view quilts, show off our quilts, make quilts, take workshops, hear speakers, increase our fabric stashes, socialize and do all things quilting! As your new chairlady, I am excited that I will be sharing my passion of quilting with you this year. Op 11 Februarie 2012 hou ons die 41e vriendskapsvergadering. Ons tema vir hierdie vergadering is vriendskap en ek wil elkeen uitdaag om „n vriendin saam te bring. Ons plattelandse lede van Mokopane (Potgietersrus) gaan ook vir ons hulle kwilts kom wys. Our theme for the Friendship meeting on the 11th February will be friendship. I would like to challenge each member to bring a friend to this meeting. Maybe we can push our membership to 300!! Let‟s make this a year of making new friends within the Guild and also in our groups. The Country members from Mokopane will be showing their work at the meeting. Our speaker at this meeting will be Dr. Jopie de Beer and she will talk about the “Art of Friendship”. Ons het gelukkig „n saal gekry waar ons die vergadering van 11 Februarie kan hou. Hierdie vergadering sal plaasvind by die N.G. Kerk Wierdapark, Piet Hugostraat, Wierdapark. „n Kaart verskyn elders in die nuusbrief. We were lucky to find a suitable venue for our February meeting. It will take place at the Dutch Reformed Church in Piet Hugo Street in Wierdapark. There is a map showing the directions elsewhere in the newsletter. During the next few weeks we will seriously start looking for a suitable permanent venue. If you have any ideas – please contact me or any of the committee members with the details. Ons hoop hierdie gaan „n baie lekker lappiesjaar wees. Onthou --- In Maart het ons die Nasionale Kwiltdag, Almari het vir ons lekker kursusse gereël, die rondreisende uitstalling sal gedurende Julie hier wees en ons het „n kompetisie! Voorwaar „n besige jaar! We hope this will be an enjoyable year. Remember --- In March we will celebrate National Quilt Day, Almari has lined up some very interesting courses, we will be hosting the SAQG travelling exhibition and we have a guild competition. We really encourage you to participate. Until the 11th February and remember: “The thread of our lives would be dark, Heaven knows! If it were not with friendship and love intertwined.” (Thomas Moore)

~Ina~ 4

The new SAQG website has been launched: http://www.quiltsouthafrica.co.za It really is colourful and choca-block full of news and interesting information. Please go onto the internet visit this website (www.quiltsouthafrica.co.za) Congratulations to Patricia A’Bear who is a member of our Guild. Her quilt was chosen as quilt of the quarter and appears on the Home page of the SAQG website. Patricia, we are proud of you! Remember that we are invited to submit a photograph of a quilt every 3 months, which will be considered for the home page. Letâ€&#x;s showcase the beautiful work that is done here in the Jacaranda city!

National quilt festival 2013

The core categories for National Festivals have been revised and refined. We will publish the report as a separate document. This will enable you to start planning and designing your quilts for the NQF in Bloemfontein in 2013.

National Quilt day 2012

The committee is anxious to collect details of Heritage quilts all over the country this coming March and guilds are asked to put up a poster wherever they are celebrating National Quilt Day, asking for members of the public to bring heritage quilts to the regional group so that details may be collected and passed on to Marline Turner, who will follow this up.


The SAQG committee has approved money for grants for outreach programmes at their meeting in July 2012. Elmine van der Walt, who coordinates this committee, will compile guidelines for applications and will send them to the regional groups. As soon as I have these, I will distribute them to our members. Any member who is involved in outreach programs, may apply for a grant from SAQG. The executive committee will decide on the recipients, once applications have been received. I wish all our members a happy and wonderful 2012, with lots of time to play with fabrics and time to complete all the projects that you have embarked on!

~Corrianne van Velze ~ SAQG representative




Theme: Friendship

Venue: NG Kerk Wierdapark, Piet Hugostraat 279, 0157 Centurion

9:00 Doors Open 10:00 Demonstration – an easy gift for a friend 11:00 Demonstration (repeat) 11:00 Lunch 12:00 Meeting

From N1 take John Voster Offroad – Turn right in John Voster – turn left in Hendrik Verwoerd – crossing Old Johannesburg – turn right in Willem Botha – turn right in Piet Hugo – NG Wierdapark on your right From Hans Strydom – Straight to Old Johannesburg – turn left in old Johannesburg – turn right in Ruimte(1st Robot) – turn left in Piet Hugo – NG Wierdapark on your left From Ben Schoeman(Jhb) – take Jean Ave offroad – turn left – crossing Old Jonannesburg (now Saxby) – turn left in Piet Hugo – NG Wierdapark on your left

 Welcome – Ina  Speaker: Dr Jopie de Beer - The Art of Friendship Courses  Block of the month Viewer‟s choice - LOSLAPPIES FROM MOKOPANE (POTGIETERSRUS)  Birthday prize Show and Tell

GPS Coordinates: +25º 51’22”S, 28º 9’3”E

Theme: Friendship 9:00 Doors Open 10:00 Demonstration 11:00 Demonstration (repeat) 11:00 Lunch 12:00 Meeting Welcome – Ina Speaker: Joppie de Beer Courses Potholders Viewer’s choice - LOSLAPPIES IN

MOKOPANE (POTGIETERSRUS) Birthday prize Show and Tell



JACARANDA FRIENDSHIP MEETINGS: Dates for Jacaranda Friendship Meetings 2012 11 February 9 June 13 October

A BIG WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS: We hope that your association with us will be very happy!

Ro Vernon Merle Sadler(Rags to Riched) Clara Waagmeester Glenda Kirkiridis(Amafu) Karen Esterhuizen Denice Taylor

You are in our Thoughts It was with much sadness that we heard about the passing of Tina du Plooy's mother during December and also Perry Richardson – the brother of Shirley of Quilting Supplies. Tina and Shirley - you have been in our thoughts and prayers. Words cannot come close to offering you the strength and comfort you need at the moment. But please take strength from knowing that so many people are thinking of you. . Please also keep Vivienne Holtzhausen in your thoughts and prayers. Andrè, her

husband was hospitalized and diagnosed with cancer. Love from all of us at Jacaranda Guild









It is that time of the year again – your subs are due.

From time to time we would like to send notices to our members and of course our newsletter.

Members Seniors over the age of 65 Junior Members

BUT there are still incorrect e-mail addresses.

R120 R90 R5

To make things easier and more flowing at the meeting, please put your money in an envelope with your name on it and hand in at the meeting. We will do the receipts and have them ready when the meeting is over. If you do an internet transfer – PLEASE remember to put your name in the reference block so that we know from whom the payment is. Dal Botha jacaranda.newsletter@gmail.com

Please help us to rectify this. The easiest would be to just send Dal Botha, an e-mail at jacaranda.newsletter@gmail.com with your name and we will then have your correct mail address. We would really appreciate this. Thanks in advance!!!!!

Unfortunately, due to financial reasons, we are unable to print the newsletter in colour. However, there is the option of receiving the newsletter by email. You will then see what a stunning edition this one is. Please just send Delmarie, our newsletter editor an e- mail at jakaranda.newsletter@gmail.com and ask that your name be added to her list and she will ensure that you receive your newsletter by email.

There is an added bonus: you will receive it a few days before the hard copies are sent out! 9

A NEW QUILT FROM OLD FAVOURITES Entry Fee: Members R30 and non members R60  Please include proof of payment with your entry form.  Description of quilt and inspiration for the design. Please attach a statement of not more than 50 words. Rules:  Theme: SQUARES and RECTANGLES  Any technique or combinations of techniques may be used  All entries must consist of three layers and must be quilted, ties or a combination of the two.  Size: No side shorter than 1 meter and not longer than 2 meters.  No replicas or kits allowed.  No group quilts allowed (more than one person.).  Entry forms and proof of payment can be e-mail to Ina Meyerinakeyter@ctweb.co.za 

Deadlines: Entry form – 31 July 2012

Hand in of quilt: 31 August 2012 (you will be advised of the drop off point at a later stage).

A 10cm wide finished sleeve must be sewn firmly to the top back of the quilt.

On the back of the quilt sew a label to the right-hand bottom corner with the following information: Quilt Title, Quilt Maker, Address, Tel. nr. and E-mail Address.

Arrangements must be made by the quilter to collect the quilt/s at the end of the October Friendship Meeting.

COMPETITION ENTRY FORM Quilter’s Name: _________________________________________________________ Membership Nr.: ________________________________________________________ Name of Quilt: __________________________________________________________ Postal Address: __________________________________________________________ Contact No: Cell ____________________________Home_________________________ E-mail address: _________________________________________________________


Jacaranda Home Groups: AFFODIL KWILTERS - WARMBAD Rita Cloete - 071 609 6099 wenru@telkomsa.net DIE RAFELS - MONTANA PARK Bets Arcus – 083 999 0333 betsarcus@mweb.co.za DIE WERKSMANDJIE - KILNERPARK Hannetjie Koekemoer – 076 543 5697 Annemie Bester – 082 253 6085 ahbester@polka.co.za FRANGIPANI’S - CENTURION Almari Potgieter - 083 309 0113 almger@polka.co.za HARTIES QUILTING Marinda Williamson-082 773 2571 CREATIVE HANDS - ELDORAIGNE Ina Meyer - 082 771 6957 inakeyter@ctweb.co.za KWETTERKWILTERS - LYNNWOOD Susara van Wyk - 083 608 3663 susara@mindex.co.za LOSLAPPIES - WIERDA PARK Gerda Grobler – 083 353 3988 groblerrj@telkomsa.net LYTTEL QUILTERS - LYTTELTON Ina Meyer - 082 771 6957 inakeyter@ctweb.co.za MARIQUILTERS - CENTURION Jean Carey - 012 6674041 MILLENNIUM BEES - WATERKLOOF Marlene Smit - 073 170 7903 marlenesmit46@gmail.com P’S AND Q’S - LYNNWOOD RIDGE Pam Simson – 082 043 4159 isimson@global.co.za PIECEMAKERS- FAERIE GLEN Annatjie Snyman – 083 399 9267 SILVER LAKE DOLLAS Magda Swanepoel – 073 252 8635 swanema@telkomsa.net UKUTHULA QUILTERS GARSFONTEIN Shirley Townson - 082 753 8967 shirley.townson@tiscali.co.za WAPAD QUILTERS - PRETORIA Ethelwyn Remmers – 072 247 7352 ethelwynr@gmail.com

Dates for : The Centurion Meetings - 2012: The Centurion Meetings are held at the Catholic Church in Cradock Street, Lyttelton. GPS: -25.823934, 28.201734 All welcome!! An entrance fee of R10 is charged. Please bring your own mug for tea/coffee.

      


24 March 28 April 26 May 28 July 25 August 22 September 24 November

LOSLAPPIES IN MOKOPANE (POTGIETERSRUS): PASSIE IN DIE BOSVELD! Die Loslappies in Mokopane is „n aktiewe kwiltersgroep wat van krag tot krag gaan. Van „n klein begin „n dekade gelede het hierdie groep gegroei tot sowat 25 lede vandag. Die Loslappies kom maandeliks bymekaar waartydens onder meer demonstrasies van tegnieke gebeur, hulp verleen word met kwilte waaraan lede tans werk en raad onderling uitgeruil word. „n Eerste plaaslike uitstalling het in 2008 plaasgevind en was so suksesvol dat dit nou elke tweede jaar op die kalender is. Die volgende Loslappie-uitstalling gebeur in Julie vanjaar. Twee kenmerke van hierdie groep is die verskeidenheid van tegnieke en variasie in individuele kwiltvervaardiging. Lede is passievol en verrassende kreatiwiteit skemer telkens soos „n vars briesie deur. Daar word ook jaarliks aan „n gemeenskapsprojek gewerk. Lede word ook aangemoedig om tuisgroepies te organiseer wat weekliks bymekaar kom om saam te werk. Tans bestaan daar drie tuisgroepies. Een van die groep se hoogtepunte was toe „n lid besluit het om „n eie kwiltwinkel in Mokopane te begin en Quilters Bits and Pieces is vandag dié bymekaarkomplek van Loslappies op amper „n daaglikse basis! Hierdie groep het twee jaar gelede geaffilieer met die Jakarande Gilde en meteens het die groter kwilttoneel in Suid-Afrika vir ons oopgegaan. Daar sal altyd Loslappie-lede teenwoordig wees tydens die vriendskapsbyeenkomste wat dan tersaaklike inligting terugvoer aan die groter groep. Die Nasionale Feeste word ook telkens met groot entoesiasme ondersteun. Die Loslappies word gelei deur Johanna de Bruyn en sy kan by 083 654 9235 gekontak word. Saamgestel deur Elize Duncan 082 903 1461


DIE KWETTERKWILTERS HOU BOSBERAAD VROEG IN DIE NUWE JAAR The Kwetterkwilters went away for a weekend in January to plan the year ahead, work on our Round Robin quilts and just relax. It was a super weekend, which was really enjoyed by all. Unquestionably, the highlight of our weekend was our visit to Rita Cloete’s shop, Quilt @ Home, in Bela-Bela. If you ever find yourself in the vicinity, contact Rita and visit her shop and workroom. You will come away all inspired and ready to do more! Die derde naweek in Januarie 2012 het die kwetterkwilters ‘n lekker naweek weg van die stad se geruis gereël. Ons het naby Modimole (Nylstroom) by die Emmerentia Geldenhuys kampterrein in ‘n baie ruim huis gebly. Wat die huis so besonder gemaak het is ‘n reuse tafel waarby daar seker tien kwilters tegelyk kan werk. Die doel van die naweek was om die jaar vorentoe te beplan, te werk aan ons groepsprojekte, saam te kuier, te rus en gestimuleer terug te gaan huis toe. Wat ‘n heerlike naweek was dit nie! Ongelukkig kon die hele groep nie die naweek bywoon nie, maar die wat daar was het regtig lekker saamgekuier. Allerlei voorstelle betreffende die groep is bespreek, sodat ons 2012 met groot entoesiasme kan aanpak. Die hoogtepunt van ons naweek was beslis ons kuier by Rita Cloete se kleurvolle winkel en werkswinkel op Bela-Bela!! Rita se winkel, Quilt@Home, is lig en propvol wonderlike lappies en allerlei ander interessante goed. Haar werkswinkel is ‘n belewenis! Sy is spontaan, entoesiasties en baie hardwerkend. Na afloop van ons besoek was ons elkeen skoon uitasem! Ons het tot die slotsom gekom dat Rita se dae baie langer as ons s’n is. Dis dié dat sy soveel projekte kan aanpak en voltooi! Die naweek was so lekker dat ons beslis van plan is om dit tenmiste weer ‘n keer hierdie jaar te herhaal. Dalk word dit dan ‘n UFO naweek. Ons was dit almal eens dat daar nog te veel UFO’s in ons kaste lê. Voordat ‘n paar van hierdie projekte nie afgehandel is nie, kan ons nie regtig met nuwe goed begin nie.

~ Corrianne van Velze ~


Jacaranda - Advertising/Charity 2012 A great opportunity came to Jacaranda at the end of 2011 to be partner to a great charity drive and also receive advertising/publicity in this process. Monsanto, the biggest seed company in South Africa has a product called Dekalb they are celebrating their centenary and part of the celebrations a big marketing/advertising campaign combined with a drive collecting blankets and quilts for charity is launched. DEKALB se verbintenis tot innovasie in die landbou het in 1912 sy ontstaan gehad met die stigting van die DEKALB County Soil Improvement Association. Sedertdien, is die DEKALB-handelsmerk die voorste verskaffer van mieliesaad aan die Amerikaanse boer en sinoniem met die geskiedenis van die landbou – ‟n geskiedenis ryk aan tradisie wat grootliks bygedra het om DEKALB die sterk handelsmerk te maak wat dit vandag is. Daarom is 2012 en die viering van DEKALB se 100-jarige bestaansjaar „n hoogtepunt. Monsanto‟s conection with DEKALB started in 1998 when DEKALB joined the Monsanto-family. This was also the year when Roundup Ready presented Corn. Now nearly 24years later, Monsanto and DEKALB is the future of inovation in agriculture. DEKALB, Monsanto en die boerderygemeenskap is onlosmaaklik deel van mekaar en deel daarom ‟n reputasie van toegewydheid om die beste saad, steun en diens te lewer. Nog „n rede waarom die boerderygemeenskap regoor die wêreld reeds die afgelope 100 jaar op DEKALB vertrou. In light of the centenary of DEKALB in America during 2012, Monsanto South Africa decided to partisipate in this important event. That is the reason for the centenery celebrations taking place in South Africa as well. This celebrations will also be combined with a advertising campaign. The objective of this campaign is to strenghten the Monsanto DEKALB-message: “ You can rely on DEKALB. DEKALB offers you so much more!”

Die tema van die 2012-veldtog As deel van die 2012 DEKALB-reklameveldtog is besluit om die beeld van „n laslappiekombers te gebruik juis vanweë die emosionele konnotasies hieraan verbonde – die herinneringe van deel wees van „n familie wat emosies en „n geskiedenis deel; „n laslappiekombers wat van die een generasie aan die volgende bemaak word. Hierdie idee sal verder uitgerol word deur „n sosiale verantwoordelikheidsprojek waartydens komberse ingesamel sal word wat na afloop van die veldtog aan minderbevoorregtes geskenk sal word. Die sake-, landbou- en boerderygemeenskap sal grootliks by die projek betrek word. With al the above in mind, get your sewing machines and help by starting with charity quilts to enable us to partisipate in this wonderfull event. These quilts must be finished by the middle of April and we can all be envolved with the big launch event at the end of May. The plan is to cover a airstrip with all the blankets/quilts received and take air photographs of this amazing project to be publisehed in various magazines. Wat ‟n wonderlike vooruitsig vir ons Jakaranda kwilters om te kan deelwees van so groot gebeurtenis.

~Almari Potgieter~


Tambani is a quilting and embroidering initiative to set a group of disadvantaged rural African women on a path of self-actualization and economic empowerment. The embroidered folk tales, which are sold as applique blocks and used by quilters, knitters and crafters all over the world, is a practical way of preserving the Venda oral tradition. www.tambani.co.za Ina le Roux lives in Johannesburg. And devote herself fulltime to the Tambani project. Ina wrote on her blog - http://tambani.blogspot.com/ First we kindly ask your attention for two ongoing projects in our embroidery towns in Venda. The Creche Rainbow in Muswodi and the needs of 65 orphans in Folovhodwe. Tambani always has a basket for donations for these projects at each gathering or show we attend. Please ask Ina and Clara.

Some of the orphaned children in Folovhodwe "We are so aware of the fact that there are endless needs in our country and I am therefore quite embarrassed to ask again after last year's generous donations to Jane Mabulaheni's creche in Venda. There are about 65 orphans in Folovhodwe that are in desperate need of old clothes. About six women are taking care of them and provide meals using the Government's grant that is available, but clothing seems to be a major problem. We would really appreciate your help. The children vary from 6 year old's to children in their late teens. We thank you very much! “

~Ina le Roux~ Ek self is ook altyd baie bly vir ou naaimasjiene, selfs nie-elektriese handmasjiene, want ek gee weekliks naaldwerklesse aan werklose en minder bevoorregte vroue, sodat hulle hul gesin kan ‘klee’ en met ekstra naaldwerk ’n bietjie inkomste kan maak. ~ Clara Waagmeester~ Jacaranda Quilt Guild decided to help and support Tambani.......

Clara Waagmeester will have a basket at the next meeting for all donations. Shoes would also be most welcome. 15

2012 has arrived and there is a lot of wonderful things planned for you. The courses we organized hopefully will have something install for everybody. Die jaar het afgeskop en dit gaan vol nuwe uitdagings wees. Die kursusse wat ons vir die jaar beplan gaan beslis vir elkeen „n leervolle en opwindende ervaring wees.

Neeske Pacey is doing the first course for 2012. In the previous newsletter the list of materials needed was already published. Neeske will also have a variety of fabric pieces and wool available to buy. There will not be a formal kit but she will have it in packets for approximately R5-00 each. She will also try to have machine needles, threads and blades available to buy. Doortjie kom weereens by ons draai met haar Sandsterre in „n bakpoeierblik, Elaine Barnard kom nou bietjie vroeër kuier in Julie en bied haar feesklas “Watersoluble Fabrics” vir ons aan en Susan Sittig kom September vir ons wys hoe om die mooiste “brand” kwilts te maak. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE COURSES FOR 2012 Neeske Peacy – Confetti (10 March 2012)

The following is needed for the confetti quilts:    

At least 5 different shades of fabric pieces in browns, greens, whites and creams. Fabric pieces in shades of yellow, red, blue. Scrap pieces of wool and threads Metalic threads.

NOTE: Please be sure the fabric is not white on the wrong side – both sides must be more or less the same colour.


Doortjie Gersbach – Sandsterre in ‘n Bakpoeierblik (19 May 2012)

For the Stars quilt you will need a selection of sand-coloured fabric (study the photos). Start building your sand-couloured stash. Teacher

Course date

Course fees/ Members

Course fees/ non members

Deposit – upon registration

Final Payment date

Confetti (NP)

Neeske Peacy

10 March 2012




24 February 2012

Sandsterre (DG)

Doortjie Gersbach

19 May 2012




30 March 2012

Watersoluble Fabrics (EB)

Elaine Barnard

21 July 2012

R 200-00



6 July 2012


Susan Sittig

15 September 2012

R 200-00



31 August 2012


Sodra ek die registrasie vorm en bewys van betaling ontvang het, is jou naam op die lys. Al die nodige inligting rondom die klas sal ten minste twee weke voor die klas vir jou gestuur word. Please be sure that all your details are on the registration form, an e-mail address or fax number is very important to ensure you of all the necessary information for the upcoming course. By die afgelope Jakaranda komitee vergadering is daar besluit om die reiskostes van die besoekende “teachers” te subsideer en daarom sal julle merk dat die klasgelde bietjie verskil. Ongelukkig kan net Jakaranda lede voordeel hieruit put en bly die fooi steeds dieselfde vir die nie-lede. As you might have noticed, the course fees have changed a bit. The Jacaranda committee decided to subsidize the visiting teachers travelling costs. Only Jacaranda members will benefit from this decision. Enige navrae of inligting, kontak my gerus. Groete/Regards

~Almari Potgieter~ E-mail: Cell Phone Number: Fax Number:

almger@polka.co.za 083 309 0113 0866890863


Teachers forum


Nuus vanuit die teachers forum:

Name of course:

Op die afgelope komitee vergadering is daar besluit om „n spesiale akkreditasie dag vir al ons kwilt “teachers” te reël. Verdere inligting rondom dié dag sal aan al die “teachers” deurgegee word.

……………………………………………………........ Date of course: ………………………………….... Your name:

This is an appeal to all the teachers, if your name and details is not on the list please contact me to enable us to put you on the map and ensure your invitation to our accreditation-day.

……………………………………………………........ Membership number: ………………………….…. Contact numbers:

Hiermee ook „n versoek aan al die “teachers” om solank „n profiel van jouself saam te stel wat ons in die nuusbrief ens. wil plaas. This profile should be an A4 page with a recent photograph of you.

Home: ……………………………………………..... Cell: ……………………………………………........ E-mail address:

If there is any uncertainty about the above please contact me.


Groete ~Almari~

Deposit paid: R………………………………….. Full payment: R ………………………………… Date of payment: ………………………………... Banking details: Jacaranda Quilters Guild ABSA (Sinoville) 907 578 4725

PLEASE WRITE YOUR NAME AND THE CODE OF THE COURSE AS REFFERENCE ON THE DEPOSIT SLIP. Fax or e-mail this form together with proof of payment to: Almari Potgieter Fax nr: 0866890863 E-mail: almger@polka.co.za


Jacaranda Quilter Teachers list Name Susara van Wyk Marietha van der Merwe Petro van Rooyen


Tel No.


Type of classes


083 608 3663


Beginner and advanced

Lynnwood, able to travel

012 361 1905


Anywhere, able to travel

083 234 4327


Rita Cloete

Bela Bela

Juno Els


Corrianne van Anywhere, Velze able to travel Bets Arcus


Alet Davey


Neeske Pacey


Zouna Boonzaier

Bernina Moreletta

071 609 6099 012 804 8475 082 6558145 012 346 2700 082 923 1749 012 548 6865 083 999 0333


Various techniques, esp kids


Outreach classes werkskeppings projekte


Techniques using free cutting & piecing methods


Beginners and advanced

davey@broadbandmw.com 012 653 6022


Beginners and advanced


Beginners and advanced

082 773 2571


Beginners, advanced techniques and Creative techniques

082 965 5525


Beginners, sampler


Beginners, strip piercing, different techniques, hand applique

082 217 0262 012 997 1135 083 554 9429

Mirinda Williamson

Hartbeespoortd am

Elizabeth de Jager

Bernina Moreletta park Eldoraigne Hartebeespoort Dam

Ina Meyer

014 736 3568

Srilanka appliquĂŠ and Mola appliquĂŠ with a difference Machine quilting and Trapunto

012 654 8214 082 7716957

Hannetjie Koekemoer

Moot - gebied

084 441 4892

Various levels

Ans Keyter


072 917 7709

Applique, bags, Japanese folding

Almari Potgieter


Carin Scheepers


082 443 5636


Debbie du Toit


082 775 9983


012 654 8844 083 309 0113



Beginner and advanced Hand Embroidery Stitches, Sampler Quilt at Stitch Witch Pta and Crochet Painting with Thread and embroidery

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THE QUILT PATCH For a safe shopping experience


Quilting Supplies CC


Address 42 Nellmapius Drive IRENE Trading Hours:


Mon – Fri 9:00 – 14:30 Thursday (ext hours) 9:00 – 16:00 Saturdays 9:00 – 11.30 Tel: 012 667 2223 Cell: 082 851 2887





The purpose of the day is to continue the tradition of quilting through education and service. Quilt shops, fabric stores and local guilds host a variety of events and classes throughout the month to expand the knowledge of existing quilters and draw a new generation into the craft. Hazelmay Duncan wrote: National Quilt Day was established by the National Quilting Association in USA. The Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society previously had a “Quilter‟s Day Out”, which the NQA took over in 1991 and changed the name. The third Saturday in March has been designated as National Quilt Day and the concept has been extended to include Quilters all over the world, providing an opportunity for them to „celebrate their passion for quilting‟. I first read about it in the QNM magazine in 1991 and have encouraged the GHQG and SAQG to participate ever since. Ideas for personal/individual activities have been repeated in the QNM a few times, some of these being:  Share ideas with a friend  Go to a quilt show (if someone else is celebrating the day putting one on)  Learn a new technique  Start a new project  Finish a quilt  Give a quilt as a gift  Introduce a child to quilting  I see the day as an opportunity for wider, bigger, better things. It is an ideal opportunity for the „promotion of the art of quilting‟ which is one of the aims of the Guild. This will lead to public education which is one of our responsibilities as members of the Guild and the wider family of quilters.  I did not have any Guild records to refer to, but from memory I recall that in the past we have celebrated in many different ways:  Exhibitions at various venues, the Waterfront, Bertram House Museum, various small halls (organized by individual groups)  Presentations of quilts made by members, to the children at SOS Children‟s Village  A group outing to the movies to see “How to make an American Quilt”. I think it was a fundraiser for the Guild  The Quilt Race was held last year, at Canal Walk Shopping Mall  Displays are put up in many public libraries, sometimes with demonstrations taking place on the Saturday  Radio interviews on various stations. I would like to see much more happening in future because there are still far too many folk who do not know about or understand the magic of a quilt. Please pick up the challenge and run with it. Get your group inspired and involved and enjoy the chance to work together on a new project.

Please send your National Quilt Day picture to: Delmarie @ jacaranda.newsletter@gmail.com


Under the guidance of the committee of “KWILTS INNIE BOS” (based in the Western Cape), the objective is to inspire the youth of South Africa to express their creativity and colourful ways through quilting. The theme for the 2012 Challenge is Nature’s Wonder and it promises to yield another golden harvest of inspiring and creative entries from the youth right across South Africa For full 2012 CHALLENGE details, click here to download the brochure or write to daisyquilt@mweb.co.za or marijke@polka.co.za

SUBMISSION RULES AND GUIDELINES: http://iqcafrica.ning.com/page/quilt-challenge 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


12. 13. 14.


The challenge is open to all quilters permanently residing on the African continent. Each side of the finished quilt should be between 50 and 100 cm. The quilt must be hand or machine quilted and bound. The quilt must have three layers: top, backing and batting. Only high quality fabrics should be used for the main construction. Embellishments and other surface design treatments are permitted. The quilt must have a 4" wide sleeve on the back for hanging. A cloth label with your name and telephone number MUST be sewn to the back of the quilt. The quilt MUST depict the theme "Dreams". Entries must be the entrant's own original design. Any source of inspiration MUST be declared. Entrants must submit TWO photos of their entry by email for pre-selection. One flat full shot (including borders) and a close up of the detail. Each photo should be between 1 and 5 MB in size. Each entry must include the title of the quilt, a description of it, the techniques used, as well as a declaration that the design is your own original work. Any source of inspiration must be declared. Entries must be emailed to challenge@iqcafrica.com Entries close on 1 May 2012. The South African Quilters Guild appointed panel of judges will then invite successful entrants to send their quilts for final selection. Successful entries will be displayed as a special collection at IQCAfrica 2012 and entrants will each receive a Certificate of Exhibition. Quilts will be returned to the entrants after the event.

This is NOT a competition and no prizes will be awarded. The purpose of this challenge is to showcase the best of Africa's quilting talent.


Looking for a good home!

  

Elna CE 10 Embroidery Machine Machine has 91 designs included Includes “Origins” Digitising software with Manual, 2 different hoops, and approximately 30 different threads.

Machine bought before I became busy with quilting. Rarely used and well looked after. Would be a good machine to learn about machine embroidery on. R15 000 onco Contact Claire Wallace 082 562 5983 clairewallace1602@gmail.com

Claire Wallace Long Arm Quilting Service 

All over free hand patterns, Stitch in the ditch and meander.

Quiltec Fabrics

Binding and basting services also available

West Rand JHB Phone: Grace 011- 679 4386 E-mail: gracenobili@icon.co.za www.quiltecfabrics.co.za

Make an appointment to discuss how best to complete your work!

NEW SHOP HOURS 2011 Thursday 9am - 1pm Friday 9am - 1pm Other times by appointment only

Claire Wallace 082 562 5983 clairewallace1602@gmail.com


Book review String Quilt Revival - A Fresh Approach for 13 Classic Designs by

I have been a quilter for the past 20 years. I was living in England when a friend asked me to join her at a quilting class.

~Virginia Baker, Barbara Sanders, Nancy Zieman~

"Rediscover the art of string quilting

At the time, I could hardly sew on a button but I went, the quilt bug bit and I have never looked back. My family and I have lived around the world and there have been two groups I could always rely on - my church and my quilt group. It has been very interesting to meet quilters around the world - sharing ideas and learning from each other. Since I started quilting, I have been exposed to and tried, many other forms of art and crafts which have greatly enriched my life.

String quilts have been around for centuries, but in "String Quilt Revival," this time-tested art form is given a new life! Learn how to sew a variety of string quilt blocks by following clear step-by-step instructions, and discover a new type of foundation: no-show mesh stabilizer, which minimizes distortion of the blocks and doesn’t need to be removed. It's a no-fuss approach to quilting that's sure to become a favorite.

I am married to a patient quilt-husband and we have a son and a daughter who are travelling the world.

~Dal Botha~

Features: This technique, perfect for beginners and skilled quilters alike, produces beautiful results without the worry of precision piecing. Thirteen unique and beginner-friendly string quilting projects (no precision-piecing!) from pot holders and pillow shams to queen-size quilts, each featuring a different string block in a fresh and fun color way. Clear, in-depth techniques, from color and pattern selection to two methods of quilt binding, ensure a stunning finished project." ~Kobie~



Freddie du Toit het al 35 jaar ondervinding in die herstel en versiening Van naaldwerk en omkapmasjiene Oop tussen 9:00 en 16:00 Plot 247, Kameeldrif-Oos. Depo in Waferley Maandag tot Vrydag Sel: 072 985 0562 072 186 9482


Simply Stitches “The Shop on Wheels” Quilting & Patchwork Classes Large variety of imported quilting fabric arriving regularly Wide range of South African 100% cotton Hand dyed fabric from Amafu Sun dyed cotton from Langa Lapu

Contact Jeanette 011 902 6997 - 083 964 4335 E-mail: simstitc@mweb.co.za


“Eton Mess” ~Almari~      

4 koppies aarbeie 4 eetlepels strooisuiker 2 eetlepels bessie sap 2 koppies room (2 ekstra eetlepels strooisuiker) 1 tot 2 pakkies skuimpies (verkieslik wit) Flake

Sny aarbeie in kwarte, bestrooi dit behoorlik met strooisuiker, bedek en plaas in die yskas. Klits die room styf met so 1 of 2 eetlepels strooisuiker by. Net voor jy opdien: Breek die skuimpies in stukke en meng dit saam met die geklitste room en aarbeie. Skep in glasies of poedingbakkies. Versier met „n halwe aarbei en strooi flake bo-oor. Vinger lek is nie die woord nie.


Instructions: Step one Enlarge the pattern pieces 1 and 2 to the desired size and tape together Piece 1 and Piece 2. This creates your main pattern piece. Cut around the main pattern piece and the base pattern piece. You now have 2 pattern pieces ready to go. Step two Choose the fabric for the outside of the bag, pin on the pattern and cut. Repeat for the inner fabric/lining and interfacing (interfacing is not necessary if you don’t want to use it). You need to cut 2 pieces of outer fabric and two pieces of lining from the main pattern piece. You need 1 piece of each fabric for the base. If you want a very firm base you can either put in interfacing or cardboard. Step three Take the 2 main pattern pieces of outer fabric and place them together right sides facing. Mark with chalk or pencil on the fabric at the point of the join in the paper pattern. This is the point you will sew to on the side seams, sew from the bottom up to the marked point on each side. Repeat for the lining. Step four Take your base pieces, you may want to contrast the base by swapping around the lining and outer fabric. Pin the base to main body and sew around, repeat for lining. You should now have two pieces that look like bags without the handles joined. Step five Slip the outer fabric bag into the lining with the right sides facing, sew the outer fabric and the lining together along the sides of the handles, leave the tops of the handles unsewn. Turn the bag right-side out through the top of one handle. Step six Right sides together, sew the tops of the handle together for the lining only on each handle. Press the bag and the tops of handle of the outer fabric ready to finish. Hand stitch to close.



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